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https://jobs.universityofcalif... | Extern Subdomain | Jobs |
/directory-search/index.php | | People A-TITLE Search the UCOP directory | | Extern Subdomain Anchor | Register now |
https://www.universityofcalifo... | Extern Subdomain | Visit the website |
https://ai.universityofcalifor... | Extern Subdomain Textduplikat | Visit the website |
/academic-affairs/index.html | Subdomain | Academic Affairs |
/academic-affairs/index.html | Subdomain Textduplikat | Academic Affairs |
/faculty-affairs-academic-prog... | Subdomain | Faculty Affairs and Academic Programs |
/graduate-undergraduate-equity... | Subdomain | Graduate, Undergraduate and Equity Affairs |
/institutional-research-academ... | Subdomain | Institutional Research & Academic Planning |
/research-innovation/index.html | Subdomain | Research and Innovation |
/academic-personnel-programs/i... | Subdomain | Systemwide Academic Personnel |
/ethics-compliance-audit-servi... | Subdomain | Ethics, Compliance & Audit Services |
/external-relations-communicat... | | External Relations & Communications |
/external-relations-communicat... | Textduplikat | External Relations & Communications |
/communications/index.html | Subdomain | Communications |
/federal-governmental-relation... | Subdomain | Federal Governmental Relations |
/institutional-advancement/ind... | | Institutional Advancement |
/legislative-analysis/index.html | | Legislative Analysis |
/state-governmental-relations/... | | State Governmental Relations |
/civil-rights/index.html | Subdomain | Systemwide Office of Civil Rights |
/civil-rights/index.html | Subdomain Textduplikat | Systemwide Office of Civil Rights |
/anti-discrimination//index.html | Subdomain | Systemwide Anti-Discrimination Office |
/title-ix//index.html | Subdomain | Systemwide Title IX Office |
/finance-office/index.html | Subdomain | UC Finance |
/finance-office/index.html | Subdomain Textduplikat | UC Finance |
/operating-budget/index.html | Subdomain | Budget Analysis and Planning |
/capital-programs-energy-susta... | Subdomain Textduplikat | Budget Analysis and Planning |
/finance/index.html | Subdomain | Financial Management |
/uc-controller/index.html | Subdomain | UC Controller |
/procurement-services/index.html | Subdomain | Systemwide Procurement |
/risk-services/index.html | Subdomain | Risk Services |
/investment-office/index.html | Subdomain | UC Investments |
/uc-legal/index.html | Subdomain | UC Legal |
/laboratory-management//index.... | Subdomain | UC National Laboratories |
/uc-operations/index.html | Subdomain | UC Operations |
/uc-operations/index.html | Subdomain Textduplikat | UC Operations |
/equity-diversity-inclusion/in... | Subdomain | Equity, Diversity and Inclusion |
/human-resources/index.html | Subdomain | Systemwide Human Resources |
/information-technology-servic... | Subdomain | Information Technology Services |
/operational-services/index.html | | Operational Services | | | Strategy and Program Management Office |
/uc-health/index.html | Subdomain | University of California Health |
/strategic-framework/index.html | Subdomain | UCOP Strategic Framework |
/uc-operations/systemwide-comm... | Subdomain | Systemwide Community Safety |
/coronavirus//index.html | Subdomain | Coronavirus updates for UCOP employees |
/flexwork/index.html | Subdomain | UCOP FlexWork Program |
/ombuds/index.html | Subdomain | Office of the Ombuds |
/uc-whistleblower/index.html | | UC Whistleblower |
/institutional-research-academ... | Subdomain | Student data |
/academic-personnel-programs/i... | Subdomain | Academic Personnel and Compensation | | Extern Subdomain | Personnel Policies for Staff Members | | Extern Subdomain | Policy search |
/electronic-accessibility/inde... | Subdomain | Electronic Accessibility |
/president/index.html | Subdomain | President Michael V. Drake, M.D. |
/locations-maps/index.html | | Maps and directions to UCOP locations |
/navigating-ucop/resources/ind... | Subdomain | Navigating UCOP | | Extern Subdomain | Link newsletter |
/ombuds/index.html | Subdomain Textduplikat | Office of the Ombuds |
/local-human-resources/index.html | Subdomain | UCOP Human Resources |
/staff-assembly/index.html | Subdomain | UCOP Staff Assembly |
https://ucpath.universityofcal... | Extern Subdomain | UCPath |
https://ucnet.universityofcali... | Extern Subdomain | UCnet |
(Nice to have)