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deVOL are renowned designers and makers, specialising in handmade English kitchen furniture, a beautifully considered mix of classic and contemporary design.
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.../themes/dk23/imgs/deVOL-logo-2310102.svgdeVOL Kitchens logo. Reads: deVOL. Leicestershire, London, Bath, New York logo
... Kitchen-07 Thumb 01_1.jpg?itok=a2vEDJD9Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...1 - PinkBlueRoom -02_0.jpg?itok=Fr2Uph2QKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...humbs 2021 - Bath 01_0.jpg?itok=3CQYCvShKein ALT-Attribut angegeben 2021 - Margate 03_1.jpg?itok=8UIotynGKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...mbs 2021 - Pantry 01_0.jpg?itok=o4L4I9q-Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...Thumbs 2021 - Cotes 04.jpg?itok=Jsd8GADtKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...ugh-House-61-Webshop_0.jpg?itok=hKBEMX-gKein ALT-Attribut angegeben 2021 - Green Room_0.jpg?itok=hfjXixL1Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
... 2021 - Cotes Mill 2_0.jpg?itok=HJq0umcdKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...021 - Bond Street 02_0.jpg?itok=q4QCZvBvKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...s Thumbs 2021 - Bath_0.jpg?itok=a7_w6BICKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...umbs 2021 - Bert-May_0.jpg?itok=6TO7uwnSKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...cker-Jan 10 2025-443_1.jpg?itok=aT1wyFY1Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
... Pendant Light-14629_3.jpg?itok=XfPnLd46Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...ap_Ionian__4019-4000px.jpg?itok=_1efQ8IiKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...OL St Johns-DSC_7132_4.jpg?itok=_NNqCy_aKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...c Catch - Thumb03 copy.jpg?itok=3cAVfnRZKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...le-11371-Thumbnail-1_0.jpg?itok=9hd96NY-Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...-Small-111-Thumbnail_1.jpg?itok=GUaei8g9Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
... Pendant light-14520_1.jpg?itok=Hl2fJKL3Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...Curtain Rail 02 edit_1.jpg?itok=9CxaRrr5Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...ullery Shelf Bracket_1.jpg?itok=gzE5JRSjKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...HelenStool-Petite-69_2.jpg?itok=G5fVlAO3Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...neyard Table - Loft 01.jpg?itok=FyYtGO9rKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...m Vanity Cabinet-87_12.jpg?itok=CvvXG-7bKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...y Cabinet-153-4000px_5.jpg?itok=JduUTnfOKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...Plater-White-053crop_1.jpg?itok=PL7jzSY6Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...lenVictorian-32 crop_1.jpg?itok=JbLuzVW0Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...a-Grande-Scullery-63_3.jpg?itok=NhYQXF9jKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
.../PaintSample-Pots-40_1.jpg?itok=arYEkw--Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...-UK-GTLL-0919-4000px_0.jpg?itok=jjHW4o-fKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...Detail - Portrait 01_5.jpg?itok=uxd5VFSHKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
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/sites/all/themes/dk23/imgs/bck.svgKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...024_international_trade_white-SHADOW.pngKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
..._logo_2024_international_trade_white.svgKein ALT-Attribut angegeben 2021 - Utility 01_0.jpg?itok=pKGFlkjTSimple modular ‘Shaker’ cabinetry, painted in ‘Pantry Blue’ - a dark Prussian blue - with a white Carrara marble worktop and brass bibcock taps, classic turn catches and hinges. The styling is rustic, with a small galvanised steel pan, twine, gardening tools and a stack of logs in an open cupboard. 2021 - Utility 02_0.jpg?itok=wnm9FkcuSimple modular ‘Shaker’ cabinetry, painted in ‘Pantry Blue’ - a dark Prussian blue - with a white Carrara marble worktop and brass bibcock taps, classic turn catches and hinges. The styling is rustic, with a small galvanised steel pan, twine, gardening tools and a stack of logs in an open cupboard.
... 2021 - Victorian 01_2.jpg?itok=MSmaqKatA grand L-shaped kitchen with bespoke Georgian-style cabinetry, painted in a dark Prussian blue and decorated with traditional brass fittings. The room has a very high ceiling and tall painted shutters on either side of a beautiful original window. The walls are a soft moss green with a band of mottled white metro tiles. A large antique crystal chandelier hangs above a rustic herringbone brick floor.
... 2021 - Victorian 02_0.jpg?itok=zZi5wQ-2A grand L-shaped kitchen with bespoke Georgian-style cabinetry, painted in a dark Prussian blue and decorated with traditional brass fittings. The room has a very high ceiling and tall painted shutters on either side of a beautiful original window. The walls are a soft moss green with a band of mottled white metro tiles. A large antique crystal chandelier hangs above a rustic herringbone brick floor.
...mbs 2021 - Heirloom 01.jpg?itok=qwjohLGlAn authentic Victorian-style kitchen, painted in ‘Refectory Red’ - a dark maroon - with pastel salmon colour brick walls and worn original floorboards. A grand wall-mounted plate rack with two tiers is stocked with glossy white dishes. The cabinet below has two wide and shallow drawers with Georgian-style pull handles above open storage, hidden behind a red and white pinstriped curtain. The run is finished with an understated slate worktop.
...Thumbs 2021 - Cotes 03.jpg?itok=7rh4YYRZAn authentic Victorian-style kitchen, painted in ‘Refectory Red’ - a dark maroon - with pastel salmon colour brick walls and worn original floorboards. A grand wall-mounted plate rack with two tiers is stocked with glossy white dishes. The cabinet below has two wide and shallow drawers with Georgian-style pull handles above open storage, hidden behind a red and white pinstriped curtain. The run is finished with an understated slate worktop.
...umbs 2021 - Seb Cox 01.jpg?itok=4Nf6CkdBA light contemporary kitchen with creamy textured walls, rough-sawn beech slatted cupboard doors, an aged brass tap and a span of wooden pegs for hanging mugs, pans and utensils above a mottled white marble worktop. The styling is simple, Scandinavian and slightly rustic, with small potted ferns and woven rope trivets.
...umbs 2021 - Seb Cox 02.jpg?itok=tUnSuGqqA light contemporary kitchen with creamy textured walls, rough-sawn beech slatted cupboard doors, an aged brass tap and a span of wooden pegs for hanging mugs, pans and utensils above a mottled white marble worktop. The styling is simple, Scandinavian and slightly rustic, with small potted ferns and woven rope trivets.
...21 - Haberdashers 01_0.jpg?itok=rSWUzyTQA dark room with charcoal-coloured walls and ceiling and a riven black stone floor, contrasting with the amber-coloured mid-century-style oak kitchen furniture. In the foreground, there are two industrial-style metal framed stools and a prep table with turned oak legs, an open curved end, glazed drawers full of rustic pottery and a mottled copper worktop. Behind is a tall bank of glazed cupboards full of antique chemists' jars and tins, each with a handwritten label.
...21 - Haberdashers 02_0.jpg?itok=JIGIUL9CA dark room with charcoal-coloured walls and ceiling and a riven black stone floor, contrasting with the amber-coloured mid-century-style oak kitchen furniture. In the foreground, there are two industrial-style metal framed stools and a prep table with turned oak legs, an open curved end, glazed drawers full of rustic pottery and a mottled copper worktop. Behind is a tall bank of glazed cupboards full of antique chemists' jars and tins, each with a handwritten label.
...ilk Task Light-13138_2.jpg?itok=bOGBH51ZA translucent milk glass shade is suspended from a peach-coloured brick wall by a straight brass arm which curves downwards at a right angle at the end. Warm light glows through the glass shade, illuminating a moody corner space.
...e-sided-DVM-CV2-H-08_0.jpg?itok=7jXlgyo9A translucent milk glass shade is suspended from a peach-coloured brick wall by a straight brass arm which curves downwards at a right angle at the end. Warm light glows through the glass shade, illuminating a moody corner space.
...RiversideApt-Barnes-19.jpg?itok=_S0XuXFcFitted to a glossy-tiled backsplash above a gas range cooker, an Aged Brass Pot Filler Tap is filling up an antique copper pot. Light catches the warm-toned brass creating a soft glow.
...n Tap - Portrait 16_10.jpg?itok=RQ_TC1l0Fitted to a glossy-tiled backsplash above a gas range cooker, an Aged Brass Pot Filler Tap is filling up an antique copper pot. Light catches the warm-toned brass creating a soft glow.
...ic/Fittings Thumb 02_1.jpg?itok=kpnTx0d0A close-up detailed shot of a large deVOL ‘Pull Handle’, fitted to the door of a maroon-coloured pantry cupboard. The golden ‘Heirloom Brass’ finish reflects the warm tones of the cupboard to create a subtle glow.
...-11371-Thumbnail-2_0_0.jpg?itok=52_ovHtTA close-up detailed shot of a large deVOL ‘Pull Handle’, fitted to the door of a maroon-coloured pantry cupboard. The golden ‘Heirloom Brass’ finish reflects the warm tones of the cupboard to create a subtle glow.
...c/Rise and Fall 6845_5.jpg?itok=hbzMVt9vA straight on shot captures the stunning Creamware Rise & Fall Light, hanging over an antique, chicly dressed table. There is a vintage oil painting hanging in the background of still life food, complimenting the overall dark mood of the scene. The white tablecloth contrasts with the glossy creamware light, which shows off its lovely colour and smooth finish.
...euse-PendantLight-63_0.jpg?itok=X7Sj4WU4A straight on shot captures the stunning Creamware Rise & Fall Light, hanging over an antique, chicly dressed table. There is a vintage oil painting hanging in the background of still life food, complimenting the overall dark mood of the scene. The white tablecloth contrasts with the glossy creamware light, which shows off its lovely colour and smooth finish.
...Curtain Rail 02 edit_3.jpg?itok=2VZYA825Soft muslin fabric is gently draped from small brass clips on an ‘Aged Brass Cafe Curtain Rail’ in front of a half-glazed partition wall painted in a dusty pink hue. In the foreground is an antique table, a glimpse of a ‘deVOL Cafe Chair’, and a single brass candle stick, creating a cosy seating area.
...lf Brackets-Brass-73_0.jpg?itok=eBZCIIs9Soft muslin fabric is gently draped from small brass clips on an ‘Aged Brass Cafe Curtain Rail’ in front of a half-glazed partition wall painted in a dusty pink hue. In the foreground is an antique table, a glimpse of a ‘deVOL Cafe Chair’, and a single brass candle stick, creating a cosy seating area.
...lic/Furniture-Thumb-01.jpg?itok=wYYM9H6LA round wooden ‘Vineyard Table’ and two ‘Café Chairs’ create a cosy spot in the corner of a moody, atmospheric kitchen.
...s Horse 16792-2500px_2.jpg?itok=e1aX5u6pA round wooden ‘Vineyard Table’ and two ‘Café Chairs’ create a cosy spot in the corner of a moody, atmospheric kitchen.
...m Vanity Cabinet-87_14.jpg?itok=p3CUTwn-An oblique view towards a dusty-pink Victorian-inspired washstand in a greyish-brown painted room. The shot is atmospheric and moody, with two lit candles casting a subtle glow and light from an adjacent window illuminating the brass accents.
...y Cabinet-153-4000px_4.jpg?itok=V-xANdWyAn oblique view towards a dusty-pink Victorian-inspired washstand in a greyish-brown painted room. The shot is atmospheric and moody, with two lit candles casting a subtle glow and light from an adjacent window illuminating the brass accents.
...ion-White-193-4000px_1.jpg?itok=vSsx2Q2EIn a beautifully atmospheric shot of deVOL’s ‘Heirloom Platters’ in ‘Antique White’, light streams through a window in the background, highlighting the subtle details of the block-print work on the handmade platters.
...ic/Teapot-1332-Lores_0.jpg?itok=Ekbk8lYKIn a beautifully atmospheric shot of deVOL’s ‘Heirloom Platters’ in ‘Antique White’, light streams through a window in the background, highlighting the subtle details of the block-print work on the handmade platters.
...ath-TheGreenRoom-605_4.jpg?itok=t-ShpFS7Smooth, glossy ‘Cream Subway Tiles’ are the focus of this image, showcasing their subtle range of tones. Fitted above an ‘Heirloom’ open base cupboard in an impressive ‘Wilkes Green’ scullery, these tiles feel perfectly authentic and at home.
... Tiles - Portrait 13_0.jpg?itok=plTrbXqbSmooth, glossy ‘Cream Subway Tiles’ are the focus of this image, showcasing their subtle range of tones. Fitted above an ‘Heirloom’ open base cupboard in an impressive ‘Wilkes Green’ scullery, these tiles feel perfectly authentic and at home.
...blic/Antiques Thumb 01.jpg?itok=zUCOjvkqVintage Furniture & Antique Pieces
/sites/all/themes/dk23/imgs/footer_logo.svgdeVOL Kitchens logo
/sites/all/themes/dk23/imgs/flag-UK.pngUnited Kingdom flag


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(Extrem wichtig)
Simple Furniture, Beautifully Made
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Überschriften HierarchieInhalt
H1 Simple Furniture, Beautifully Made
H1 Our Kitchens
H1 The Real Shaker Kitchen
H1 The Classic English Kitchen
H1 The Heirloom Collection
H1 The Sebastian Cox Kitchen by deVOL
H1 The Haberdasher's Kitchen
H1 Shop
H1 New Arrivals
H1 Taps & Sinks
H1 Knobs & Handles
H1 Lighting & Electrical
H1 Hangers & Brackets
H1 Furniture
H1 Bathrooms
H1 Homeware
H1 Handmade Tiles
H1 Vintage Furniture & Antique Pieces
H1 Let's Keep In Touch
H2 About
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H2 Contact
H2 Contact Text-Duplikat
H2 Contact Text-Duplikat
H2 About Text-Duplikat
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H2 Our use of Cookies
H3 Kitchens
H3 The Real Shaker Kitchen Text-Duplikat
H3 Shaker Projects
H3 About the Range
H3 Catalogue & Price List
H3 Base Cabinets
H3 Worktops
H3 Taps & Sinks Text-Duplikat
H3 Wall Cupboards
H3 Countertop Cupboards
H3 Full Height Cabinets
H3 Freestanding Cupboards
H3 Prep Tables
H3 Canopies
H3 Shelving & Additions
H3 Knobs, Handles & Catches
H3 Paint Colours
H3 The Shaker Loft Kitchen
H3 The Pink & Blue Room, Bath
H3 The Classic English Kitchen Text-Duplikat
H3 Classic Projects
H3 About the Range Text-Duplikat
H3 The Bath Townhouse Kitchen
H3 The Margate Manor Kitchen
H3 The Heirloom Collection Text-Duplikat
H3 Heirloom Projects
H3 Heirloom Furniture
H3 The Butler's Pantry
H3 The Plate Rack
H3 The Dairy Table
H3 The Vegetable Box
H3 The Sink Cabinet
H3 The Butler's Pantry Text-Duplikat
H3 The Dairy Table Text-Duplikat
H3 Heirloom Accessories
H3 About the Collection
H3 Harborough House
H3 The Green Room, Bath
H3 The Sebastian Cox Kitchen
H3 Sebastian Cox Projects
H3 About the Range Text-Duplikat
H3 Catalogue & Price List Text-Duplikat
H3 Base Cabinets Text-Duplikat
H3 Worktops Text-Duplikat
H3 Taps & Sinks Text-Duplikat
H3 Wall Cupboards Text-Duplikat
H3 Countertop Cupboards Text-Duplikat
H3 Full Height Cupboards
H3 Freestanding Cupboards Text-Duplikat
H3 Prep Tables & Sideboards
H3 Canopies Text-Duplikat
H3 Knobs & Handles Text-Duplikat
H3 Coloured Tints
H3 Our Cotes Mill Showroom
H3 The Potting Shed in Manhattan
H3 The Haberdasher's Kitchen Text-Duplikat
H3 Haberdasher's Projects
H3 About the Range Text-Duplikat
H3 Catalogue & Price List Text-Duplikat
H3 Base Cabinets Text-Duplikat
H3 Worktops Text-Duplikat
H3 Taps & Sinks Text-Duplikat
H3 Wall Cupboards Text-Duplikat
H3 Countertop Cupboards Text-Duplikat
H3 Hanging Racks
H3 Full Height Cupboards Text-Duplikat
H3 Freestanding Pantries
H3 Prep Tables Text-Duplikat
H3 Counters & Islands
H3 Handles
H3 Oils & Paints
H3 The Black Kitchen, Bath
H3 The Bert & May Kitchen
H3 Our Kitchen Design Service
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H3 New Arrivals Text-Duplikat
H3 Ditsy Delft Wallpaper
H3 Antique Silver Hardware
H3 The Bentwood Café Stool
H3 Petite Helen's Stool
H3 The Frilly Amber Light
H3 The Weaver's Hand
H3 Mid-Century Pendant Lights
H3 All New Arrivals
H3 The Weaver's Hand Text-Duplikat
H3 The Chartreuse Bonnet Pendant
H3 Taps & Sinks Text-Duplikat
H3 Aged Brass Taps
H3 Antique Silver Taps
H3 Chrome & Nickel Taps
H3 deVOL Sinks
H3 All Taps & Sinks
H3 Antique Silver Ionian Tap
H3 Aged Brass Ionian Tap
H3 Knobs & Handles Text-Duplikat
H3 Handcrafted Brass Hardware
H3 Handcrafted Silver Hardware
H3 Standard Fittings
H3 Vent Covers
H3 All Knobs & Handles
H3 deVOL Classic Cupboard Catch
H3 The Country House Cup Handle
H3 Lighting & Electrical Text-Duplikat
H3 Pendant Lights
H3 Wall Lights
H3 Lamps
H3 Switches & Sockets
H3 All Lighting & Electrical
H3 The Frilly Amber Light Text-Duplikat
H3 The Sepia Bell Pendant
H3 Hangers & Brackets Text-Duplikat
H3 Hanging Rails
H3 Curtain Rails
H3 The Pot Hanger
H3 Shelf Brackets
H3 All Hangers & Brackets
H3 Aged Brass Café Curtain Rails
H3 Scullery Shelf Brackets
H3 Furniture Text-Duplikat
H3 Stools, Chairs & Tables
H3 Laundry Airers
H3 Decorated Cupboards
H3 All Furniture
H3 Petite Helen's Stool Text-Duplikat
H3 The Vineyard Table
H3 Bathrooms Text-Duplikat
H3 The Victorian Washstand
H3 Bathroom Taps
H3 The Clothes Horse
H3 All Bathrooms
H3 The Victorian Washstand Text-Duplikat
H3 Basin Pillar Taps
H3 Homeware Text-Duplikat
H3 Tableware
H3 Scented Candles
H3 Jigsaw Puzzles
H3 All Homeware
H3 Grand Heirloom Platters
H3 deVOL Jigsaw Puzzles
H3 Handmade Tiles Text-Duplikat
H3 Wallpaper & Paint
H3 Ditsy Delft Wallpaper Text-Duplikat
H3 deVOL Furniture Paint
H3 Ditsy Delft Wallpaper Text-Duplikat
H3 deVOL Furniture Paint Text-Duplikat
H3 Collections
H3 For the Love of Kitchens
H3 The Heirloom Collection Text-Duplikat
H3 The Grand Tour Collection
H3 Porcelain Pendant Lights
H3 All Collections
H3 The Grand Tour Collection Text-Duplikat
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IMG-ALT deVOL Kitchens logo. Reads: deVOL. Leicestershire, London, Bath, New York
/kitchens/shaker-kitchenThe Real Shaker Kitchen
/kitchens/shaker-kitchenShaker Projects
/kitchens/shaker-kitchen/catal...Shaker Catalogue & Prices
/kitchens/classic-bespoke-kitchenThe Classic English Kitchen
/kitchens/classic-bespoke-kitchenClassic Projects
/kitchens/heirloom-collectionThe Heirloom Collection
/kitchens/heirloom-collectionHeirloom Furniture
/kitchens/heirloom-collectionHeirloom Accessories
/kitchens/sebastian-coxThe Sebastian Cox Kitchen
/kitchens/sebastian-coxSebastian Cox Projects
/kitchens/sebastian-cox/catalo...Sebastian Cox Catalogue
/kitchens/haberdashers-kitchenThe Haberdasher's Kitchen
/kitchens/haberdashers-kitchenHaberdasher's Projects
/kitchens/haberdashers-kitchen...Haberdasher's Catalogue
/design-serviceDesign Service
/brochure-bookBrochure & Book
/shop/new-arrivalsNew Arrivals
/shop/wallpaper-paintDitsy Delft Wallpaper
/shop/knobs-handles/handcrafte...Antique Silver Hardware
/shop/new-arrivalsSubdomain Anchor deVOL Stools
/shop/new-arrivals/weavers-handThe Weaver's Hand
/shop/taps-sinksTaps & Sinks
/shop/taps-sinks/aged-brass-tapsAged Brass Taps
/shop/taps-sinks/antique-silve...Antique Silver Taps
/shop/taps-sinks/chrome-nickel...Chrome & Nickel Taps
/shop/taps-sinks/devol-sinksdeVOL Sinks
/shop/knobs-handlesKnobs & Handles
/shop/knobs-handles/handcrafte...deVOL Brass Hardware
/shop/knobs-handles/handcrafte...deVOL Silver Hardware
/shop/knobs-handles/standard-f...Standard Fittings
/shop/knobs-handles/vent-coversVent Covers
/shop/lighting-electricalLighting & Electrical
/shop/lighting/pendant-lightsPendant Lights
/shop/lighting/wall-lightsWall Lights
/shop/switches-socketsSwitches & Sockets
/shop/hangers-bracketsHangers & Brackets
/shop/hangers-brackets/devol-a...Hanging Rails
/shop/hangers-brackets/devol-a...Curtain Rails
/shop/hangers-brackets/pot-hangerThe Pot Hanger
/shop/hangers-brackets/shelf-b...Shelf Brackets
/shop/furniture/stools-chairs-...Stools, Chairs & Tables
/shop/homeware/laundry-airersLaundry Airers
/shop/decorated-cupboardsDecorated Cupboards
/shop/bathrooms/victorian-wash...The Victorian Washstand
/shop/bathroomsBathroom Taps
/shop/bathrooms/clothes-horseThe Clothes Horse
/shop/homeware/scented-candlesScented Candles
/shop/homeware/tablewareHeirloom Platters
/shop/homeware/amber-glaze-teapotThe Amber Glaze Teapot
/shop/homeware/jigsaw-puzzlesdeVOL Jigsaw Puzzles
/shop/handmade-tilesHandmade Tiles
/shop/handmade-tiles/devol-eme...Emerald Green Tiles
/shop/handmade-tiles/devol-cra...Crackle Metro Tiles
/shop/handmade-tiles/cream-sub...Cream Subway Tiles
/shop/handmade-tilesLace Market Tiles
/shop/wallpaper-paintWallpaper & Paint
/shop/wallpaper-paint/ditsy-de...Grand Ditsy Delft
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/kitchens/shaker-kitchenTextduplikat The Real Shaker Kitchen
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/kitchens/shaker-kitchenAbout the Range
/kitchens/shaker-kitchen/catal...Catalogue & Price List
/kitchens/shaker-kitchen/catal...Base Cabinets
/kitchens/shaker-kitchen/catal...Textduplikat Taps & Sinks
/kitchens/shaker-kitchen/catal...Wall Cupboards
/kitchens/shaker-kitchen/catal...Countertop Cupboards
/kitchens/shaker-kitchen/catal...Full Height Cabinets
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/kitchens/shaker-kitchen/catal...Prep Tables
/kitchens/shaker-kitchen/catal...Shelving & Additions
/kitchens/shaker-kitchen/catal...Knobs, Handles & Catches
/kitchens/shaker-kitchen/catal...Paint Colours
/kitchens/shaker-kitchen/shake...The Shaker Loft Kitchen STEP INSIDE
/kitchens/shaker-kitchen/pink-...The Pink & Blue Room, Bath STEP INSIDE
/kitchens/classic-bespoke-kitchenTextduplikat The Classic English Kitchen
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/kitchens/classic-bespoke-kitchenTextduplikat About the Range
/kitchens/classic-bespoke-kitc...The Bath Townhouse Kitchen STEP INSIDE
/kitchens/classic-bespoke-kitc...The Margate Manor Kitchen STEP INSIDE
/kitchens/heirloom-collectionTextduplikat The Heirloom Collection
/kitchens/heirloom-collectionHeirloom Projects
/kitchens/heirloom-collectionTextduplikat Heirloom Furniture
/kitchens/heirloom-collection/...The Butler's Pantry
/kitchens/heirloom-collection/...The Plate Rack
/kitchens/heirloom-collection/...The Dairy Table
/kitchens/heirloom-collection/...The Vegetable Box
/kitchens/heirloom-collection/...The Sink Cabinet
/kitchens/heirloom-collection/...The Butler's Pantry TAKE A LOOK
/kitchens/heirloom-collection/...The Dairy Table TAKE A LOOK
/kitchens/heirloom-collectionTextduplikat Heirloom Accessories
/kitchens/heirloom-collectionAbout the Collection
/kitchens/heirloom-collection/...Harborough House STEP INSIDE
/kitchens/heirloom-collection/...The Green Room, Bath STEP INSIDE
/kitchens/sebastian-coxTextduplikat The Sebastian Cox Kitchen
/kitchens/sebastian-coxTextduplikat Sebastian Cox Projects
/kitchens/sebastian-coxTextduplikat About the Range
/kitchens/sebastian-cox/catalo...Textduplikat Catalogue & Price List
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/kitchens/sebastian-cox/sebast...Our Cotes Mill Showroom STEP INSIDE
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/kitchens/haberdashers-kitchenTextduplikat The Haberdasher's Kitchen
/kitchens/haberdashers-kitchenTextduplikat Haberdasher's Projects
/kitchens/haberdashers-kitchenTextduplikat About the Range
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/kitchens/haberdashers-kitchen...Textduplikat Wall Cupboards
/kitchens/haberdashers-kitchen...Textduplikat Countertop Cupboards
/kitchens/haberdashers-kitchen...Hanging Racks
/kitchens/haberdashers-kitchen...Textduplikat Full Height Cupboards
/kitchens/haberdashers-kitchen...Freestanding Pantries
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/kitchens/haberdashers-kitchen...Counters & Islands
/kitchens/haberdashers-kitchen...Oils & Paints
/kitchens/haberdashers-kitchen...The Black Kitchen, Bath STEP INSIDE
/kitchens/haberdashers-kitchen...The Bert & May Kitchen STEP INSIDE
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/shop/wallpaper-paintTextduplikat Ditsy Delft Wallpaper
/shop/knobs-handles/handcrafte...Textduplikat Antique Silver Hardware
/shop/furniture/bentwood-cafe-...The Bentwood Café Stool
/shop/furniture/helens-stoolPetite Helen's Stool
/shop/lighting/frilly-amber-lightThe Frilly Amber Light
/shop/new-arrivals/weavers-handTextduplikat The Weaver's Hand
/shop/new-arrivalsMid-Century Pendant Lights
/shop/new-arrivalsAll New Arrivals
/shop/new-arrivals/weavers-handThe Weaver's Hand SHOP NOW
/shop/lighting/chartreuse-bonn...The Chartreuse Bonnet Pendant SHOP NOW
/shop/taps-sinksTextduplikat Taps & Sinks
/shop/taps-sinks/aged-brass-tapsTextduplikat Aged Brass Taps
/shop/taps-sinks/antique-silve...Textduplikat Antique Silver Taps
/node/11419Textduplikat Chrome & Nickel Taps
/shop/taps-sinks/devol-sinksTextduplikat deVOL Sinks
/shop/taps-sinksAll Taps & Sinks
/shop/taps-sinks/antique-silve...Antique Silver Ionian Tap SHOP NOW
/shop/taps-sinks/devol-aged-br...Aged Brass Ionian Tap SHOP NOW
/shop/knobs-handlesTextduplikat Knobs & Handles
/shop/knobs-handles/handcrafte...Handcrafted Brass Hardware
/shop/knobs-handles/handcrafte...Handcrafted Silver Hardware
/shop/knobs-handles/standard-f...Textduplikat Standard Fittings
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/shop/knobs-handlesAll Knobs & Handles
/shop/knobs-handles/devol-clas...deVOL Classic Cupboard Catch SHOP NOW
/shop/knobs-handles/country-ho...The Country House Cup Handle SHOP NOW
/shop/lighting-electricalTextduplikat Lighting & Electrical
/shop/lighting/pendant-lightsTextduplikat Pendant Lights
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/shop/lighting-electricalAll Lighting & Electrical
/shop/lighting/frilly-amber-lightThe Frilly Amber Light SHOP NOW
/shop/lighting/sepia-bell-pend...The Sepia Bell Pendant SHOP NOW
/shop/hangers-bracketsTextduplikat Hangers & Brackets
/shop/hangers-brackets/devol-a...Textduplikat Hanging Rails
/shop/hangers-brackets/devol-a...Textduplikat Curtain Rails
/shop/hangers-brackets/pot-hangerTextduplikat The Pot Hanger
/shop/hangers-brackets/shelf-b...Textduplikat Shelf Brackets
/shop/hangers-bracketsAll Hangers & Brackets
/shop/hangers-brackets/devol-a...Aged Brass Café Curtain Rails SHOP NOW
/shop/hangers-brackets/large-s...Scullery Shelf Brackets SHOP NOW
/shop/furnitureTextduplikat Furniture
/shop/furniture/stools-chairs-...Textduplikat Stools, Chairs & Tables
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/shop/furnitureAll Furniture
/shop/furniture/helens-stoolSubdomain Anchor Petite Helen's Stool SHOP NOW
/shop/furniture/vineyard-tableThe Vineyard Table SHOP NOW
/shop/bathroomsTextduplikat Bathrooms
/shop/bathrooms/victorian-wash...Textduplikat The Victorian Washstand
/shop/bathroomsTextduplikat Bathroom Taps
/shop/bathrooms/clothes-horseTextduplikat The Clothes Horse
/shop/bathroomsAll Bathrooms
/node/11909The Victorian Washstand SHOP NOW
/shop/bathrooms/aged-brass-bas...Basin Pillar Taps SHOP NOW
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/shop/homeware/scented-candlesTextduplikat Scented Candles
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/shop/homewareAll Homeware
/shop/homeware/grand-heirloom-...Grand Heirloom Platters SHOP NOW
/shop/homeware/jigsaw-puzzlesdeVOL Jigsaw Puzzles SHOP NOW
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/shop/wallpaper-paintTextduplikat Wallpaper & Paint
/shop/wallpaper-paint/ditsy-de...Textduplikat Ditsy Delft Wallpaper
/shop/devol-furniture-paintTextduplikat deVOL Furniture Paint
/shop/wallpaper-paint/ditsy-de...Ditsy Delft Wallpaper SHOP NOW
/shop/devol-furniture-paintdeVOL Furniture Paint SHOP NOW
/shop/for-the-love-of-kitchensFor the Love of Kitchens
/shop/heirloomTextduplikat The Heirloom Collection
/shop/collections/grand-tour-c...The Grand Tour Collection
/shop/lighting/porcelain-penda...Porcelain Pendant Lights
/shop/collectionsAll Collections
/shop/collections/grand-tour-c...The Grand Tour Collection SHOP NOW
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/kitchens/shaker-kitchenIMG-ALT Simple modular ‘Shaker’ cabinetry, painted in ‘Pantry Blue’ - a dark Prussian blue - with a white Carrara marble worktop and brass bibcock taps, classic turn...
/kitchens/shaker-kitchenTextduplikat The Real Shaker Kitchen
/kitchens/classic-bespoke-kitchenIMG-ALT A grand L-shaped kitchen with bespoke Georgian-style cabinetry, painted in a dark Prussian blue and decorated with traditional brass fittings. The room has a...
/kitchens/classic-bespoke-kitchenTextduplikat The Classic English Kitchen
/kitchens/heirloom-collectionIMG-ALT An authentic Victorian-style kitchen, painted in ‘Refectory Red’ - a dark maroon - with pastel salmon colour brick walls and worn original floorboards. A gra...
/kitchens/heirloom-collectionTextduplikat The Heirloom Collection
/kitchens/sebastian-coxIMG-ALT A light contemporary kitchen with creamy textured walls, rough-sawn beech slatted cupboard doors, an aged brass tap and a span of wooden pegs for hanging mug...
/kitchens/sebastian-coxThe Sebastian Cox Kitchen by deVOL
/kitchens/haberdashers-kitchenIMG-ALT A dark room with charcoal-coloured walls and ceiling and a riven black stone floor, contrasting with the amber-coloured mid-century-style oak kitchen furnitu...
/kitchens/haberdashers-kitchenTextduplikat The Haberdasher's Kitchen
/kitchens/haberdashers-kitchen£30,000 - £50,000
/shopTextduplikat Shop
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/shop/new-arrivalsIMG-ALT A translucent milk glass shade is suspended from a peach-coloured brick wall by a straight brass arm which curves downwards at a right angle at the end. Warm...
/shop/new-arrivalsTextduplikat New Arrivals
/shop/new-arrivalsKein Text
/shop/taps-sinksIMG-ALT Fitted to a glossy-tiled backsplash above a gas range cooker, an Aged Brass Pot Filler Tap is filling up an antique copper pot. Light catches the warm-toned ...
/shop/taps-sinksTextduplikat Taps & Sinks
/shop/taps-sinksKein Text
/shop/knobs-handlesIMG-ALT A close-up detailed shot of a large deVOL ‘Pull Handle’, fitted to the door of a maroon-coloured pantry cupboard. The golden ‘Heirloom Brass’ finish reflects...
/shop/knobs-handlesTextduplikat Knobs & Handles
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/shop/lighting-electricalIMG-ALT A straight on shot captures the stunning Creamware Rise & Fall Light, hanging over an antique, chicly dressed table. There is a vintage oil painting hanging ...
/shop/lighting-electricalTextduplikat Lighting & Electrical
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/shop/hangers-bracketsIMG-ALT Soft muslin fabric is gently draped from small brass clips on an ‘Aged Brass Cafe Curtain Rail’ in front of a half-glazed partition wall painted in a dusty p...
/shop/hangers-bracketsTextduplikat Hangers & Brackets
/shop/hangers-bracketsKein Text
/shop/furnitureIMG-ALT A round wooden ‘Vineyard Table’ and two ‘Café Chairs’ create a cosy spot in the corner of a moody, atmospheric kitchen.
/shop/furnitureTextduplikat Furniture
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/shop/bathroomsIMG-ALT An oblique view towards a dusty-pink Victorian-inspired washstand in a greyish-brown painted room. The shot is atmospheric and moody, with two lit candles ca...
/shop/bathroomsTextduplikat Bathrooms
/shop/bathroomsKein Text
/shop/homewareIMG-ALT In a beautifully atmospheric shot of deVOL’s ‘Heirloom Platters’ in ‘Antique White’, light streams through a window in the background, highlighting the subtl...
/shop/homewareTextduplikat Homeware
/shop/homewareKein Text
/shop/handmade-tilesIMG-ALT Smooth, glossy ‘Cream Subway Tiles’ are the focus of this image, showcasing their subtle range of tones. Fitted above an ‘Heirloom’ open base cupboard in an ...
/shop/handmade-tilesTextduplikat Handmade Tiles
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/antiquesIMG-ALT Vintage Furniture & Antique Pieces
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/contact/cotes-mill-leicesters...Cotes Mill, Leicestershire
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/contact/george-street-bathTextduplikat George Street, Bath
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deVOL Kitchens - Simple Furniture, Beautifully Made - Kitchens &...
deVOL are renowned designers and makers, specialising in handmade English kitchen furniture, a beautifully considered mix of classic and contemporary design.

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