- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.21 s
File size
246.00 kB
Media files
Number of links
277 internal / 15 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
The title contains the word Homepage! More content should be covered in the title.
The page title is too short. (100 pixels of 580 max pixel length) Optimize title
The page title is only one word.
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
The meta description is too short. (61 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length) Optimize description
The meta description contains only one word.
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: en
Language defined in HTML: en-gb
Language defined in HTTP-Equiv meta tag: en
Server location: United States of America
There are different language information within the page markup.
The following language is defined by HTML: en
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

robotsindex, follow
GeneratorDrupal 10 (
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, viewport-fit=cover
twitter:image:altPerson smiling with coloured paint on their face
og:site_nameArts Council England
og:image:altPerson smiling with coloured paint on their face

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Page quality

(Critically important)
There are 2 text duplicates on this page:
  • Duplicate: We are the national development agency for creativity and culture. We ...
This page contains 2006 words. That's ok.
27% of the text are stop words.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
22 paragraphs were found on this page.
The text content is perfect.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
The average number of words per sentence of 20.17 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, viewport-fit=cover" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 40 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
1 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
...custom/rutherford/images/logo.svg?sr9om3Arts Council England
data:[...] Base64A crowd of people petting a dog puppet
data:[...] Base64The nine Tech Champions standing together against a white background. Above them is the Digital Culture Network logo.
data:[...] Base64Vindolanda Trust Museum. Photo © Sonya Galloway.
data:[...] Base64A crowd of people petting a dog puppet
data:[...] Base64The nine Tech Champions standing together against a white background. Above them is the Digital Culture Network logo.
data:[...] Base64Vindolanda Trust Museum. Photo © Sonya Galloway.
data:[...] Base64Circular sculpture lit up
data:[...] Base64Person smiling with coloured paint on their face
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute providedElexi Walker in Queen of Chapeltown © Anthony Robling
data:[...] Base64A saxophone player performs on stage
data:[...] Base64A child watches a parade as part of The Hatchling - Trigger.
data:[...] Base64Digging Devices Our Common Tools by Katie Surridge Photo Pete Millson. Photo: © Pete Millson 2021.
data:[...] Base64Rebecca Banatvala as Aramis in The Dukes production of The Three Musketeers
data:[...] Base64Brightly coloured and exotic plantsMarc Quinn, Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre, London. Photo © Marc Quinn.
data:[...] Base64anglo saxon cloisonne panel
data:[...] Base64Punchdrunk Enrichment
data:[...] Base64Five young people sat around reading.
data:[...] Base64An exhibition. A sign reads 'the Ruskin Collection', and two people browse the items on display.
data:[...] Base64Studio Wayne McGregor & students from Weston College perform a dance response to Luke Jerram’s In Memoriam
data:[...] Base64A dancer on his knees looks at the floor, while another dancer moves around him, a flowing red cloth blowing in the air within his grasp. Council funding logo

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
There is no H1 heading specified.
Some headings occur twice on the page.
The structure of headings is missing one or more levels. Do not skip heading levels.
There are 30 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H2 About us
H2 Make the case for art and culture
H2 Digital Culture Network
H2 Our application portal
H2 About us Duplicate text
H2 Make the case for art and culture Duplicate text
H2 Digital Culture Network Duplicate text
H2 Our application portal Duplicate text
H2 Welcome to Arts Council England
H2 What we do
H2 How to apply
H2 Our latest news & blogs
H2 Contact us
H2 Connect with us:
H2 Watch, read, listen:
H3 Welcome to Arts Council England Duplicate text
H3 Let's Create
H3 New to the Arts Council?
H3 Supporting individual creative and cultural practitioners
H3 How can I apply?
H3 Apply for funding
H3 Our application portal Duplicate text
H3 Access support
H3 New management organisation to be established for the Arts Council Collection
H3 Summary of items currently under temporary export deferral
H3 Cultural boost for Brent: £550,000 to improve arts opportunities for young people
H3 Reading Well: supporting health and wellbeing through reading
H3 Making Museum Accreditation work for you
H3 Get in touch
H3 Media enquiries
Some internal link anchor texts are too long.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
The number of internal links is ok.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are 15 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text Skip page header and navigation IMG-ALT Arts Council England
/lets-createLet's Create
/lets-create/strategy-2020-2030Strategy 2020-2030
/lets-create/delivery-plan-202...Delivery Plan 2021-2024
/lets-create/delivery-plan-202...Delivery Plan 2024-2027
/lets-create/strategy-2020-203...Investment Principles Resource Hub
/our-organisationOur organisation
/our-organisation/annual-reportsAnnual reports
/our-organisation/area-councilsArea Councils
/our-organisation/data-protectionData Protection
/our-organisation/expenditure-...Expenditure data
/our-organisation/freedom-info...Freedom of Information
/our-organisation/national-cou...National Council
/our-organisation/our-historyOur history
/our-organisation/our-leadersh...Our structure
/performance-and-audit-committeePerformance and Audit Committee
/jobs-and-careersJobs and careers
/supplying-arts-councilSupplying the Arts Council
/contactContact us
/contact/press-contactsPress contacts
/contact/raising-concern-0Raising a concern What we do
/make-case-creativity-and-cultureLet everyone know why publicly funded art and culture is important
IMG-ALT A crowd of people petting a dog puppet
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Developing creativity and culture
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Children and young people
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Communities and Engagement
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Creative Ageing Peer Learning Programme
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Developing a digital culture
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Leadership and governance
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Supporting individual creative and cultural practitioners
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Transforming Governance
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Creative health
/how-we-invest-public-moneyHow we invest public money
/2023-26-Investment-ProgrammeSubdomain 2023-26 Investment Programme
/how-we-invest-public-money/ou...Arts Council Development Funds
/how-we-invest-public-money/us...Useful information
/supporting-arts-museums-and-l...Supporting arts, museums and libraries
/your-areaIn your area
/your-area/culture-and-place-d...Culture and Place Data Explorer
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Develop your digital skills and make the most of technology available to your organisation.
IMG-ALT The nine Tech Champions standing together against a white background. Above them is the Digital Culture Network logo.
/partnership-agreement-guidancePartnership agreement guidance
/lets-create/strategy-2020-203...Resource Hub
/research-and-dataResearch and data
/research-and-data/touring-res...Arts Council England: Touring Research 2024
/research-and-data/research-un...Research to understand the levels of public investment in museums
/research-and-data/social-impa...Social Impact Framework
/NationalPortfolio23National Portfolio Organisations
/creative-people-and-places-0Creative People and Places
/creative-people-and-places-0/...Creative People and Places 2025-28: FAQs
/creative-people-and-places-0/...Creative People and Places 2026-29: Register of Interest
/creative-people-and-places-0/...Creative People and Places National Portfolio Programme 2025-28
/creative-people-and-places-0/...National Portfolio Creative People and Places Extension year funding 2025-26
/creative-people-and-places-0/...National Portfolio Creative People and Places funding 2026-29
/MusicHubsMusic Hubs Subdomain Get funding
/our-application-portal-grantiumAccess Grantium to register for our funding programmes and start your application.
IMG-ALT Vindolanda Trust Museum. Photo © Sonya Galloway.
/our-open-fundsOur open funds
/ProjectGrantsNational Lottery Project Grants
/ProjectGrants/national-lotter...National Lottery Project Grants: Guidance Library
/ProjectGrants/national-lotter...National Lottery Project Grants: How to apply
/dycpDeveloping your Creative Practice
/NPO2027NPO 2027 onwards: Timeline and Eligibility information
/our-application-portal-grantiumOur application portal
/creative-mattersDiscussion and debate
/eventsText duplicate Events
/lets-createText duplicate Let's Create
/lets-create/strategy-2020-2030Text duplicate Strategy 2020-2030
/lets-create/delivery-plan-202...Text duplicate Delivery Plan 2021-2024
/lets-create/delivery-plan-202...Text duplicate Delivery Plan 2024-2027
/lets-create/strategy-2020-203...Text duplicate Investment Principles Resource Hub
/our-organisationText duplicate Our organisation
/our-organisation/annual-reportsText duplicate Annual reports
/our-organisation/area-councilsText duplicate Area Councils
/our-organisation/data-protectionText duplicate Data Protection
/our-organisation/expenditure-...Text duplicate Expenditure data
/our-organisation/freedom-info...Text duplicate Freedom of Information
/our-organisation/national-cou...Text duplicate National Council
/our-organisation/our-historyText duplicate Our history
/our-organisation/our-leadersh...Text duplicate Our structure
/performance-and-audit-committeeText duplicate Performance and Audit Committee
/jobs-and-careersText duplicate Jobs and careers
/supplying-arts-councilText duplicate Supplying the Arts Council
/contactText duplicate Contact us
/contact/press-contactsText duplicate Press contacts
/contact/raising-concern-0Text duplicate Raising a concern Text duplicate What we do
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Developing creativity and culture
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Children and young people
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Communities and Engagement
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Creative Ageing Peer Learning Programme
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Developing a digital culture
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Diversity
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Environment
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Illuminate
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Leadership and governance
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Supporting individual creative and cultural practitioners
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Transforming Governance
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Creative health
/how-we-invest-public-moneyText duplicate How we invest public money
/2023-26-Investment-ProgrammeSubdomain Text duplicate 2023-26 Investment Programme
/how-we-invest-public-money/ou...Text duplicate Arts Council Development Funds
/how-we-invest-public-money/us...Text duplicate Useful information
/supporting-arts-museums-and-l...Text duplicate Supporting arts, museums and libraries
/your-areaText duplicate In your area
/your-area/culture-and-place-d...Text duplicate Culture and Place Data Explorer
/partnership-agreement-guidanceText duplicate Partnership agreement guidance
/lets-create/strategy-2020-203...Text duplicate Resource Hub
/research-and-dataText duplicate Research and data
/research-and-data/touring-res...Text duplicate Arts Council England: Touring Research 2024
/research-and-data/research-un...Text duplicate Research to understand the levels of public investment in museums
/research-and-data/social-impa...Text duplicate Social Impact Framework
/NationalPortfolio23Text duplicate National Portfolio Organisations
/creative-people-and-places-0Text duplicate Creative People and Places
/creative-people-and-places-0/...Text duplicate Creative People and Places 2025-28: FAQs
/creative-people-and-places-0/...Text duplicate Creative People and Places 2026-29: Register of Interest
/creative-people-and-places-0/...Text duplicate Creative People and Places National Portfolio Programme 2025-28
/creative-people-and-places-0/...Text duplicate National Portfolio Creative People and Places Extension year funding 2025-26
/creative-people-and-places-0/...Text duplicate National Portfolio Creative People and Places funding 2026-29
/MusicHubsText duplicate Music Hubs Subdomain Text duplicate Get funding
/our-open-fundsText duplicate Our open funds
/ProjectGrantsText duplicate National Lottery Project Grants
/ProjectGrants/national-lotter...Text duplicate National Lottery Project Grants: Guidance Library
/ProjectGrants/national-lotter...Text duplicate National Lottery Project Grants: How to apply
/dycpText duplicate Developing your Creative Practice
/NPO2027Text duplicate NPO 2027 onwards: Timeline and Eligibility information
/our-application-portal-grantiumText duplicate Our application portal
/creative-mattersText duplicate Discussion and debate
/eventsText duplicate Events
/lets-createText duplicate Let's Create
/lets-create/strategy-2020-2030Text duplicate Strategy 2020-2030
/lets-create/delivery-plan-202...Text duplicate Delivery Plan 2021-2024
/lets-create/delivery-plan-202...Text duplicate Delivery Plan 2024-2027
/lets-create/strategy-2020-203...Text duplicate Investment Principles Resource Hub
/our-organisationText duplicate Our organisation
/our-organisation/annual-reportsText duplicate Annual reports
/our-organisation/area-councilsText duplicate Area Councils
/our-organisation/data-protectionText duplicate Data Protection
/our-organisation/expenditure-...Text duplicate Expenditure data
/our-organisation/freedom-info...Text duplicate Freedom of Information
/our-organisation/national-cou...Text duplicate National Council
/our-organisation/our-historyText duplicate Our history
/our-organisation/our-leadersh...Text duplicate Our structure
/performance-and-audit-committeeText duplicate Performance and Audit Committee
/jobs-and-careersText duplicate Jobs and careers
/supplying-arts-councilText duplicate Supplying the Arts Council
/contactText duplicate Contact us
/contact/press-contactsText duplicate Press contacts
/contact/raising-concern-0Text duplicate Raising a concern Text duplicate What we do
/make-case-creativity-and-cultureText duplicate Let everyone know why publicly funded art and culture is important
IMG-ALT A crowd of people petting a dog puppet
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Developing creativity and culture
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Children and young people
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Communities and Engagement
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Creative Ageing Peer Learning Programme
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Developing a digital culture
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Diversity
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Environment
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Illuminate
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Leadership and governance
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Supporting individual creative and cultural practitioners
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Transforming Governance
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Creative health
/how-we-invest-public-moneyText duplicate How we invest public money
/2023-26-Investment-ProgrammeSubdomain Text duplicate 2023-26 Investment Programme
/how-we-invest-public-money/ou...Text duplicate Arts Council Development Funds
/how-we-invest-public-money/us...Text duplicate Useful information
/supporting-arts-museums-and-l...Text duplicate Supporting arts, museums and libraries
/your-areaText duplicate In your area
/your-area/culture-and-place-d...Text duplicate Culture and Place Data Explorer
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Develop your digital skills and make the most of technology available to your organisation.
IMG-ALT The nine Tech Champions standing together against a white background. Above them is the Digital Culture Network logo.
/partnership-agreement-guidanceText duplicate Partnership agreement guidance
/lets-create/strategy-2020-203...Text duplicate Resource Hub
/research-and-dataText duplicate Research and data
/research-and-data/touring-res...Text duplicate Arts Council England: Touring Research 2024
/research-and-data/research-un...Text duplicate Research to understand the levels of public investment in museums
/research-and-data/social-impa...Text duplicate Social Impact Framework
/NationalPortfolio23Text duplicate National Portfolio Organisations
/creative-people-and-places-0Text duplicate Creative People and Places
/creative-people-and-places-0/...Text duplicate Creative People and Places 2025-28: FAQs
/creative-people-and-places-0/...Text duplicate Creative People and Places 2026-29: Register of Interest
/creative-people-and-places-0/...Text duplicate Creative People and Places National Portfolio Programme 2025-28
/creative-people-and-places-0/...Text duplicate National Portfolio Creative People and Places Extension year funding 2025-26
/creative-people-and-places-0/...Text duplicate National Portfolio Creative People and Places funding 2026-29
/MusicHubsText duplicate Music Hubs Subdomain Text duplicate Get funding
/our-application-portal-grantiumText duplicate Access Grantium to register for our funding programmes and start your application.
IMG-ALT Vindolanda Trust Museum. Photo © Sonya Galloway.
/our-open-fundsText duplicate Our open funds
/ProjectGrantsText duplicate National Lottery Project Grants
/ProjectGrants/national-lotter...Text duplicate National Lottery Project Grants: Guidance Library
/ProjectGrants/national-lotter...Text duplicate National Lottery Project Grants: How to apply
/dycpText duplicate Developing your Creative Practice
/NPO2027Text duplicate NPO 2027 onwards: Timeline and Eligibility information
/our-application-portal-grantiumText duplicate Our application portal
/creative-mattersText duplicate Discussion and debate
/eventsText duplicate Events
/lets-createText duplicate Let's Create
/lets-create/strategy-2020-2030Text duplicate Strategy 2020-2030
/lets-create/delivery-plan-202...Text duplicate Delivery Plan 2021-2024
/lets-create/delivery-plan-202...Text duplicate Delivery Plan 2024-2027
/lets-create/strategy-2020-203...Text duplicate Investment Principles Resource Hub
/our-organisationText duplicate Our organisation
/our-organisation/annual-reportsText duplicate Annual reports
/our-organisation/area-councilsText duplicate Area Councils
/our-organisation/data-protectionText duplicate Data Protection
/our-organisation/expenditure-...Text duplicate Expenditure data
/our-organisation/freedom-info...Text duplicate Freedom of Information
/our-organisation/national-cou...Text duplicate National Council
/our-organisation/our-historyText duplicate Our history
/our-organisation/our-leadersh...Text duplicate Our structure
/performance-and-audit-committeeText duplicate Performance and Audit Committee
/jobs-and-careersText duplicate Jobs and careers
/supplying-arts-councilText duplicate Supplying the Arts Council
/contactText duplicate Contact us
/contact/press-contactsText duplicate Press contacts
/contact/raising-concern-0Text duplicate Raising a concern Text duplicate What we do
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Developing creativity and culture
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Children and young people
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Communities and Engagement
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Creative Ageing Peer Learning Programme
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Developing a digital culture
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Diversity
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Environment
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Illuminate
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Leadership and governance
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Supporting individual creative and cultural practitioners
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Transforming Governance
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Creative health
/how-we-invest-public-moneyText duplicate How we invest public money
/2023-26-Investment-ProgrammeSubdomain Text duplicate 2023-26 Investment Programme
/how-we-invest-public-money/ou...Text duplicate Arts Council Development Funds
/how-we-invest-public-money/us...Text duplicate Useful information
/supporting-arts-museums-and-l...Text duplicate Supporting arts, museums and libraries
/your-areaText duplicate In your area
/your-area/culture-and-place-d...Text duplicate Culture and Place Data Explorer
/partnership-agreement-guidanceText duplicate Partnership agreement guidance
/lets-create/strategy-2020-203...Text duplicate Resource Hub
/research-and-dataText duplicate Research and data
/research-and-data/touring-res...Text duplicate Arts Council England: Touring Research 2024
/research-and-data/research-un...Text duplicate Research to understand the levels of public investment in museums
/research-and-data/social-impa...Text duplicate Social Impact Framework
/NationalPortfolio23Text duplicate National Portfolio Organisations
/creative-people-and-places-0Text duplicate Creative People and Places
/creative-people-and-places-0/...Text duplicate Creative People and Places 2025-28: FAQs
/creative-people-and-places-0/...Text duplicate Creative People and Places 2026-29: Register of Interest
/creative-people-and-places-0/...Text duplicate Creative People and Places National Portfolio Programme 2025-28
/creative-people-and-places-0/...Text duplicate National Portfolio Creative People and Places Extension year funding 2025-26
/creative-people-and-places-0/...Text duplicate National Portfolio Creative People and Places funding 2026-29
/MusicHubsText duplicate Music Hubs Subdomain Text duplicate Get funding
/our-open-fundsText duplicate Our open funds
/ProjectGrantsText duplicate National Lottery Project Grants
/ProjectGrants/national-lotter...Text duplicate National Lottery Project Grants: Guidance Library
/ProjectGrants/national-lotter...Text duplicate National Lottery Project Grants: How to apply
/dycpText duplicate Developing your Creative Practice
/NPO2027Text duplicate NPO 2027 onwards: Timeline and Eligibility information
/our-application-portal-grantiumText duplicate Our application portal
/creative-mattersText duplicate Discussion and debate
/lets-createText duplicate Let's Create
/our-open-funds/new-arts-councilNew to the Arts Council?
/developing-creativity-and-cul...Text duplicate Supporting individual creative and cultural practitioners
/our-open-fundsApply for funding
/grantium-supportText duplicate Our application portal
/access-supportAccess support
/creative-matters/news/new-man...Photo by Marc Quinn, Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre, London. Photo © Marc Quinn. 7 New management organisation to be established for the Arts Coun...
IMG-ALT Brightly coloured and exotic plants
/creative-matters/news/summary...Several items are currently under a temporary export deferral Summary of items currently under temporary export deferral
IMG-ALT anglo saxon cloisonne panel
/creative-matters/news/cultura...Place Partnership of nine leading arts organisations have been awarded £550,000 to boost the arts and culture scene in Brent. Cultural boost for Brent: £550,...
IMG-ALT Punchdrunk Enrichment
/blog/reading-well-supporting-...Reading Well, led by The Reading Agency, provides millions of people with trusted, evidence-based books to help manage their mental and physical health. Read...
IMG-ALT Five young people sat around reading.
/blog/making-museum-accreditat...Emmie Kell, Director of Museums and Cultural Property at Arts Council England, looks ahead to review and redesign work for the Accreditation Scheme. Making M...
IMG-ALT An exhibition. A sign reads 'the Ruskin Collection', and two people browse the items on display.
/contactGet in touch
/contact/press-contactsMedia enquiries No Text Subdomain No Text Subdomain No Text Subdomain No Text Subdomain No Text No Text No Text
/contactText duplicate Contact us
/contact/press-contactsPress Office
/sign-our-email-updates-0E-newsletter sign up
/access-supportText duplicate Access support
/cookies-and-privacy-policyCookies and privacy
/our-website-terms-and-conditionsTerms & conditions
/accessibility-statementAccessibility statement
/modern-slavery-statementModern Slavery statement

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to ""
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time is excellent with 0.21 seconds.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (246 kB).

HTTP Response Header

dateThu, 06 Feb 2025 21:16:17 GMT
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External factors

This page is referenced by wikipedia.
This website has excellent links from other websites.
This page has backlinks from 11,612 referring domains.
This page has 4,577,036 backlinks.
This page has backlinks from 5,443 different ip addresses.


User-agent: *
# CSS, JS, Images
Allow: /core/*.css$
Allow: /core/*.css?
Allow: /core/*.js$
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# Files
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# Paths (clean URLs)
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# Paths (no clean URLs)
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# CTI-specific
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Disallow: /events?*
# Sitemap
Sitemap: [site:url]sitemap.xml

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Most important keywords

Following keywords were found. You can check the keyword optimization of this page for each keyword.

Arts Council60%Check
Arts Council Collection56%Check
Arts Council England55%Check
Council England52%Check
Arts and Culture50%Check
National Council49%Check

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