Some tags are too long. With 85 characters this one is longer than 70 characters: "our product portfolio reflects your corporate needs in times of technological change."
Baltasar Cevc Founder / Lawyer Baltasar Cevc is the founder of fingolex and a technology-enthusiastic lawyer. He brings many years of interdisciplinary profe...
Isabelle Creutzburg Research assistant Isabelle Creutzburg is a prospective legal assessor and research assistant at fingolex, specialising in the field of I...
Maria Petrat Fully qualified lawyer Maria Petrat is a fully qualified lawyer and is responsible for the new brand and product strategy, business development ...
AI The AI policy—a business shaping tool Artificial intelligence (AI) is gradually changing our private and working lives. Generative AI has been on everyone... IMG-ALT The AI policy—a business shaping tool
Methodology Modularisation in law—our approach at fingolex Industrialisation of the law with an accompanying at least partial standardisation in the handling... IMG-ALT Modularisation in law—our approach at fingolex
AI Legal innovation protection of AI systems Artificial intelligence (AI) and property rights to it are becoming increasingly important in business terms. Th... IMG-ALT Legal innovation protection of AI systems
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