- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.48 s
File size
159.50 kB
Media files
Number of links
289 internal / 5 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Individuelle Softwarelösungen München | IDV AG
The length of the page title is perfect. (441 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Wir entwickeln seit 30 Jahren Individual-Software in München. In Quality | In Time | In Budget. Lassen Sie sich jetzt beraten!
The length of the meta description is perfect. (764 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
The specified alternate links have no errors.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

descriptionWir entwickeln seit 30 Jahren Individual-Software in München. In Quality | In Time | In Budget. Lassen Sie sich jetzt beraten!
twitter:titleIndividuelle Softwarelösungen München
twitter:descriptionWir entwickeln seit 30 Jahren Individual-Software in München. In Quality | In Time | In Budget. Lassen Sie sich jetzt beraten!
og:titleIndividuelle Softwarelösungen München
og:descriptionWir entwickeln seit 30 Jahren Individual-Software in München. In Quality | In Time | In Budget. Lassen Sie sich jetzt beraten!
og:site_nameIDV AG

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Page quality

(Critically important)
This page contains 1009 words. That's ok.
19.5% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
Words from the H1 heading are used in the page content.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
5 paragraphs were found on this page.
The text content is perfect.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 11.19 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
A viewport "width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
This page only loads 3 JavaScript files. That's good!
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
Some tags are too long. With 77 characters this one is longer than 70 characters:
"applikationen auf klassischer web- und client/server- sowie cloud-architektur"
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
53 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
...oftware-entwickler-02-1600x816-crop.webpNo alt attribute provided
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.../home/2e7c1bed3c-1683728769/ico-code.svgNo alt attribute provided
...1683728769/ico-aplication-management.svgNo alt attribute provided
...65-1683728769/ico-project-management.svgNo alt attribute provided
.../home/2e7c1bed3c-1683728769/ico-code.svgNo alt attribute provided
...2c25ec313-1683728769/ico-nearshoring.svgNo alt attribute provided
...8223901-1683728769/ico-software-test.svgNo alt attribute provided
...a/site/34bce1e7b5-1683728768/lv1871.webpNo alt attribute provided
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Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Softwareentwicklung aus München
The H1 heading is perfect.
Some headings occur twice on the page.
The structure of headings is missing one or more levels. Do not skip heading levels.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Softwareentwicklung aus München
H2 Wir entwickeln seit über 30 Jahren Individual-Software
H2 Wir sind Software-Spezialisten für
H2 Sie brauchen Unterstützung bei einem Projekt?
H2 IDV AG Duplicate text
H2 Referenzen
H2 IDV AG Duplicate text
H2 News & Aktuelles
H2 IDV AG Duplicate text
H2 Jobs & Karriere
H2 IDV AG Duplicate text
H2 Unsere Kunden
H2 IDV AG Duplicate text
H2 Sprechen Sie mit uns!
H4 Cookies, externe Dienste & Datenschutz
H4 Datenschutz-Einstellungen
Some internal link anchor texts are too long.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
There are 1 links with a trivial anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are 5 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text Die IDV AG
/die-idv-ag/newsSubdomain News
/die-idv-ag/karriereSubdomain Karriere 7
A-TITLE Karriere
/die-idv-ag/experten-abendSubdomain Experten Abend
A-TITLE Experten Abend Kontakt
A-TITLE Kontakt IMG-ALT Logo
/softwareentwicklungSubdomain Softwareentwicklung
A-TITLE Softwareentwicklung
/application-managementSubdomain Application Management
A-TITLE Application Management
/requirements-engineeringSubdomain Requirements Engineering
A-TITLE Requirements Engineering
/projektmanagementSubdomain Projektmanagement
A-TITLE Projektmanagement Nearshoring
A-TITLE Nearshoring
/die-idv-ag/karriereSubdomain Text duplicate Karriere 7
A-TITLE Karriere Text duplicate Kontakt
A-TITLE Kontakt Text duplicate IMG-ALT Logo
A-TITLE IDV AG window External No Text Text duplicate Die IDV AG
/die-idv-ag/newsSubdomain Text duplicate News
/die-idv-ag/experten-abendSubdomain Text duplicate Experten Abend
A-TITLE Experten Abend
/die-idv-ag/referenzenSubdomain Referenzen
A-TITLE Referenzen
/die-idv-ag/karriereSubdomain Karriere
A-TITLE Karriere
/die-idv-ag/newsSubdomain Text duplicate News
/die-idv-ag/news/25-jahre-elsterSubdomain 25 Jahre ELSTER
/die-idv-ag/news/firmenlauf-zu...Subdomain Firmenlauf zum Weltkrebstag
A-TITLE Firmenlauf zum Weltkrebstag
/die-idv-ag/news/mobile-work-h...Subdomain Mobile Work, Homeoffice, Theresienhöhe
A-TITLE Mobile Work, Homeoffice, Theresienhöhe
/die-idv-ag/news/mitarbeiterev...Subdomain Mitarbeiterevent – aber im Homeoffice?
A-TITLE Mitarbeiterevent – aber im Homeoffice?
/die-idv-ag/news/mitarbeiterzu...Subdomain Mitarbeiter(-)zufriedenheit – was gefällt dem Team der IDV AG?
A-TITLE Mitarbeiter(-)zufriedenheit – was gefällt dem Team der IDV AG?
/die-idv-ag/news/guso2-kaskade...Subdomain Guso2 Kaskade Abschluss
A-TITLE Guso2 Kaskade Abschluss
/die-idv-ag/news/firmen-laufen...Subdomain Firmen laufen weiter – wir auch!
A-TITLE Firmen laufen weiter – wir auch!
/die-idv-ag/news/java17Subdomain Java17
A-TITLE Java17
/die-idv-ag/news/tisax-zertifi...Subdomain TISAX Zertifizierung
A-TITLE TISAX Zertifizierung
/die-idv-ag/news/ausflug-30-ja...Subdomain Ausflug 30 Jahre IDV AG Wörthsee
A-TITLE Ausflug 30 Jahre IDV AG Wörthsee
/die-idv-ag/news/nachtskifahrt...Subdomain Nachtskifahrt 2018
A-TITLE Nachtskifahrt 2018
/die-idv-ag/news/nachtskifahrt...Subdomain Nachtskifahrt 2019
A-TITLE Nachtskifahrt 2019
/die-idv-ag/news/rigaSubdomain Riga
/die-idv-ag/news/intelligente-...Subdomain Intelligente Mülltonnen
A-TITLE Intelligente Mülltonnen
/die-idv-ag/news/nachtskifahrt...Subdomain Nachtskifahrt 2020
A-TITLE Nachtskifahrt 2020
/die-idv-ag/news/12-monate-men...Subdomain 12 Monate Mentorenprogramm
A-TITLE 12 Monate Mentorenprogramm
/die-idv-ag/news/homeofficeSubdomain Homeoffice
A-TITLE Homeoffice
/die-idv-ag/news/new-work-now-...Subdomain New Work? Now Works!
A-TITLE New Work? Now Works!
/die-idv-ag/news/nachtskifahrt...Subdomain Nachtskifahrt 2023
A-TITLE Nachtskifahrt 2023
/die-idv-ag/news/kinder-sagen-...Subdomain Kinder sagen "Danke"
A-TITLE Kinder sagen
/die-idv-ag/news/kartfahren-in...Subdomain Kartfahren in Ampfing
A-TITLE Kartfahren in Ampfing
/die-idv-ag/news/iso-zertifizi...Subdomain ISO Zertifizierung für die IDV AG
A-TITLE ISO Zertifizierung für die IDV AG
/die-idv-ag/news/idv-fahrt-2023Subdomain IDV Fahrt 2023
A-TITLE IDV Fahrt 2023
/die-idv-ag/news/5-vor-agileSubdomain 5 vor agile
A-TITLE 5 vor agile
/die-idv-ag/news/brustkrebslau...Subdomain Brustkrebslauf 2024
A-TITLE Brustkrebslauf 2024
/die-idv-ag/news/shevelopers-m...Subdomain Shevelopers Meet Up bei der IDV AG
A-TITLE Shevelopers Meet Up bei der IDV AG
/die-idv-ag/news/neuronale-net...Subdomain Neuronale Netze verstehen
A-TITLE Neuronale Netze verstehen
/die-idv-ag/news/dvia-audit-er...Subdomain DViA-Audit erfolgreich
A-TITLE DViA-Audit erfolgreich
/die-idv-ag/karriereSubdomain Text duplicate Karriere
/die-idv-ag/karriere/senior-ja...Subdomain Senior Java-Entwickler (m/w/d)
A-TITLE Senior Java-Entwickler (m/w/d)
/die-idv-ag/karriere/advanced-...Subdomain Advanced Java-Entwickler (m/w/d)
A-TITLE Advanced Java-Entwickler (m/w/d)
/die-idv-ag/karriere/software-...Subdomain Software Tester / Testautomatisierer (m/w/d)
A-TITLE Software Tester / Testautomatisierer (m/w/d)
/die-idv-ag/karriere/initiativ...Subdomain Initiativbewerbung
A-TITLE Initiativbewerbung
/die-idv-ag/karriere/fullstack...Subdomain Fullstack Entwickler Java / JavaScript (m/w/d)
A-TITLE Fullstack Entwickler Java / JavaScript (m/w/d)
/die-idv-ag/karriere/account-m...Subdomain Account Manager (m/w/d)
A-TITLE Account Manager (m/w/d)
/die-idv-ag/karriere/scala-ent...Subdomain Scala-Entwickler (m/w/d)
A-TITLE Scala-Entwickler (m/w/d)
/die-idv-ag/experten-abendSubdomain Text duplicate Experten Abend
/die-idv-ag/experten-abend/agi...Subdomain Agil, aber sicher.
A-TITLE Agil, aber sicher.
/die-idv-ag/experten-abend/spr...Subdomain Spricht noch jemand Java?
A-TITLE Spricht noch jemand Java?
/die-idv-ag/experten-abend/cyb...Subdomain Cybersecurity and (I)oT
A-TITLE Cybersecurity and (I)oT
/die-idv-ag/experten-abend/rei...Subdomain Reinforcement Learning
A-TITLE Reinforcement Learning
/die-idv-ag/experten-abend/fac...Subdomain Fachbereich und Entwicklung verbinden
A-TITLE Fachbereich und Entwicklung verbinden
/die-idv-ag/experten-abend/dat...Subdomain Datenschutz says „NO, you have to...“, Schutz-as-a-Service says „YES, we can!
A-TITLE Datenschutz says „NO, you have to...“, Schutz-as-a-Service says „YES, we can!
/die-idv-ag/experten-abend/sma...Subdomain Smart City
A-TITLE Smart City
/die-idv-ag/experten-abend/zer...Subdomain Zero Trust
A-TITLE Zero Trust
/die-idv-ag/experten-abend/ki-...Subdomain Künstliche Intelligenz und Data Science
A-TITLE Künstliche Intelligenz und Data Science
/die-idv-ag/experten-abend/5-v...Subdomain 5 vor Agile
A-TITLE 5 vor Agile
/die-idv-ag/experten-abend/bui...Subdomain Building Information Modeling und Computergestütztes Energiemanagement
A-TITLE Building Information Modeling und Computergestütztes Energiemanagement
/die-idv-ag/experten-abend/gen...Subdomain Generative KI
A-TITLE Generative KI
/softwareentwicklungSubdomain Text duplicate Softwareentwicklung
/application-managementSubdomain Text duplicate Application Management
/requirements-engineeringSubdomain Text duplicate Requirements Engineering
/projektmanagementSubdomain Text duplicate Projektmanagement Text duplicate Nearshoring Text duplicate Kontakt Mehr über uns
/requirements-engineeringSubdomain Text duplicate Requirements Engineering
A-TITLE Requirements Engineering
/application-managementSubdomain Text duplicate Application Management
A-TITLE Application Management
/projektmanagementSubdomain Text duplicate Projektmanagement
A-TITLE Projektmanagement NearShoring
A-TITLE Nearshoring
/kontakt/tag:form/Subdomain Anchor Wir rufen Sie gerne zurück!
/die-idv-ag/referenzenSubdomain Alle Anzeigen
A-TITLE Alle Anzeigen
/die-idv-ag/referenzen/compute...Subdomain Computerassistierte Augenchirurgie Entwicklung von Softwarekomponenten eines Systems zur computerassistierten Augenchirurgie
A-TITLE Computerassistierte Augenchirurgie
/die-idv-ag/referenzen/applika...Subdomain Applikation zur Triebwerkswartung Neu– und Weiterentwicklung eines Web-Frontends und des zugehörigen Backends für eine Applikation zur Triebwerkswartung
A-TITLE Applikation zur Triebwerkswartung
/die-idv-ag/referenzen/busines...Subdomain Business Applikation im öffentlichen Bereich Neu- & Weiterentwicklung von Java-basierten Business-Applikationen mit hoch komplexer Serverarchitektur mit Vert...
A-TITLE Business Applikation im öffentlichen Bereich
/die-idv-ag/referenzen/webbasi...Subdomain Webbasierte Arztabrechnung Testautomatisierung einer webbasierten Anwendung zur Arztabrechnung mit den Krankenkassen
A-TITLE Webbasierte Arztabrechnung
/die-idv-ag/referenzen/lebensv...Subdomain Lebensversicherung: Microservice Architektur Fachliche und technische Weiterentwicklung einer Java Applikation für fondsbasierte Versicherungen
A-TITLE Lebensversicherung: Microservice Architektur
/die-idv-ag/referenzen/intrane...Subdomain Intranet - Workflow-Management Entwicklung eines Java-basierten Workflow-Managementsystems bestehend aus unterschiedlichen Modulen, inkl. einer Single-Sign-O...
A-TITLE Intranet - Workflow-Management
/die-idv-ag/referenzenSubdomain Text duplicate Alle Anzeigen
A-TITLE Alle Anzeigen
/die-idv-ag/news/nachtskifahrt...Subdomain Text duplicate Nachtskifahrt 2019
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:Nachtskif...Subdomain Anchor Nachtskifahrt
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:Teamevent/Subdomain Anchor Teamevent
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:TeamIDVAG/Subdomain Anchor TeamIDVAG
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:IDV bewegt/Subdomain Anchor IDV bewegt
/die-idv-ag/news/rigaSubdomain Text duplicate Riga
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:IDVFahrt/Subdomain Anchor IDVFahrt
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:TeamIDVAG/Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate TeamIDVAG
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:Teamevent/Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate Teamevent
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:IDV bewegt/Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate IDV bewegt
/die-idv-ag/news/nachtskifahrt...Subdomain Text duplicate Nachtskifahrt 2018
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:Nachtskif...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate Nachtskifahrt
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:Teamevent/Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate Teamevent
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:TeamIDVAG/Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate TeamIDVAG
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:IDV bewegt/Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate IDV bewegt
/die-idv-ag/news/dvia-audit-er...Subdomain Text duplicate DViA-Audit erfolgreich
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:unsere Pa...Subdomain Anchor unsere Partner
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:Zertifizi...Subdomain Anchor Zertifizierungen
/die-idv-ag/news/neuronale-net...Subdomain Text duplicate Neuronale Netze verstehen
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:unsere Pa...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate unsere Partner
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:Künstlich...Subdomain Anchor Künstliche Intelligenz
/die-idv-ag/news/shevelopers-m...Subdomain Text duplicate Shevelopers Meet Up bei der IDV AG
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:unsere Pa...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate unsere Partner
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:Künstlich...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate Künstliche Intelligenz
/die-idv-ag/news/brustkrebslau...Subdomain Text duplicate Brustkrebslauf 2024
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:IDV bewegt/Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate IDV bewegt
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:Teamevent/Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate Teamevent
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:TeamIDVAG/Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate TeamIDVAG
/die-idv-ag/news/5-vor-agileSubdomain Text duplicate 5 vor agile
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:unsere Pa...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate unsere Partner
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:IDV Exper...Subdomain Anchor IDV Experten Abend
/die-idv-ag/news/idv-fahrt-2023Subdomain Text duplicate IDV Fahrt 2023
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:Teamevent/Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate Teamevent
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/die-idv-ag/news/tag:IDVFahrt/Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate IDVFahrt
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/die-idv-ag/news/tag:Zertifizi...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate Zertifizierungen
/die-idv-ag/news/kartfahren-in...Subdomain Text duplicate Kartfahren in Ampfing
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:IDV bewegt/Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate IDV bewegt
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:Teamevent/Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate Teamevent
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:TeamIDVAG/Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate TeamIDVAG
/die-idv-ag/news/kinder-sagen-...Subdomain Text duplicate Kinder sagen "Danke"
/die-idv-ag/news/nachtskifahrt...Subdomain Text duplicate Nachtskifahrt 2023
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:work@idv/Subdomain Anchor work@idv
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:Nachtskif...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate Nachtskifahrt
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:IDV bewegt/Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate IDV bewegt
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:Teamevent/Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate Teamevent
/die-idv-ag/news/new-work-now-...Subdomain Text duplicate New Work? Now Works!
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:work@idv/Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate work@idv
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:Homeoffice/Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate Homeoffice
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:unsere Pa...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate unsere Partner
/die-idv-ag/news/ausflug-30-ja...Subdomain Text duplicate Ausflug 30 Jahre IDV AG Wörthsee
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:TeamIDVAG/Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate TeamIDVAG
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:Teamevent/Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate Teamevent
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:IDV bewegt/Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate IDV bewegt
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:work@idv/Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate work@idv
/die-idv-ag/news/tisax-zertifi...Subdomain Text duplicate TISAX Zertifizierung
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:Zertifizi...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate Zertifizierungen
/die-idv-ag/news/java17Subdomain Text duplicate Java17
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:Java/Subdomain Anchor Java
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:Java-Entw...Subdomain Anchor Java-Entwicklung
/die-idv-ag/news/firmenlauf-zu...Subdomain Text duplicate Firmenlauf zum Weltkrebstag
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:Office/Subdomain Anchor Office
/die-idv-ag/news/25-jahre-elsterSubdomain Text duplicate 25 Jahre ELSTER
/die-idv-ag/news/mobile-work-h...Subdomain Text duplicate Mobile Work, Homeoffice, Theresienhöhe
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:Office/Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate Office
/die-idv-ag/news/firmen-laufen...Subdomain Text duplicate Firmen laufen weiter – wir auch!
/die-idv-ag/news/mitarbeiterev...Subdomain Text duplicate Mitarbeiterevent – aber im Homeoffice?
/die-idv-ag/news/tag:Office/Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate Office
/die-idv-ag/news/mitarbeiterzu...Subdomain Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit – was gefällt dem Team der IDV AG?
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Individuelle Softwarelösungen München | IDV AG
Wir entwickeln seit 30 Jahren Individual-Software in München. In Quality | In Time | In Budget. Lassen Sie sich jetzt beraten!

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Software Entwicklung67%Check
Softwareentwicklung München62%Check
Team IDV AG53%Check
30 Jahren51%Check

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