| Anchor | Projects | | Anchor | News | | Anchor | Awards | | Anchor | Team | | Anchor | Contact | | | No Text |
/en/projeler/zmzm | | No Text |
/en/projeler/zmzm | | 17-09 ZMZM |
/en/projeler/suluca-ergin-evi | | 21-03 Suluca Ergin House |
/en/projeler/troya-muzesi | | 11-07 Museum of Troy |
/en/projeler/keci-evi | | 17-04 Goat House |
/en/projeler/kapadokya-bolge-m... | | 15-08 Museum of Cappadocia |
/en/projeler/tc-merkez-bankasi | | 05-02 Central Bank, Bursa Branch |
/en/projeler/olivelo | | 19-06 Olivelo |
/en/projeler/gazi-evi | | 17-07 Çanakkale Veterans House |
/en/projeler/manisa-panorama-m... | | 20-07 Liberation Museum of Manisa |
/en/projeler/konya-kuetuephane | | 20-09 Konya Library |
/en/projeler/05-assos-isola-ev... | | 23-05 Assos Isola Evleri |
/en/projeler/sur-ii | | 21-06 Sur II Archaeopark |
/en/projeler/karapinar-ges-scada | | 21-01 Karapınar GES SCADA |
/en/projeler/izmir-ana-transfe... | | 20-02 Izmir Main Transfer Hub |
/en/projeler/kuzguncuk | | 20-08 Kuzguncuk / Yalın Architecture's Office |
/en/projeler/sarachane | | 20-06 Saraçhane Park & Archaeological Museum |
/en/projeler/erenkoy-psychiatr... | | 19-07 Erenkoy Psychiatric Hospital |
/en/projeler/riyad-cami | | 13-08 Riyad Mosque |
/en/projeler/gulsuyu-cemevi | | 15-03 Gülsuyu Djemevi |
/en/projeler/11-doliche-mithra... | | 22-11 Doliche Mithras Tapınağı Ziyaretçi Merkezi |
/en/projeler/11-gevale-kalesi | | 23-11 Gevale Kalesi |
/en/projeler/10-nurdagi-deprem... | | 23-10 Nurdağı Deprem Anma Araştırma Merkezi |
/en/projeler/09-antakya-konut | | 23-09 Antakya Houses with Courtyards |
/en/projeler/depo-no4 | | 21-02 Depo No4 |
/en/projeler/luleburgaz-kore-s... | | 19-01 Korean War Memorial Area & Visitor Center |
/en/projeler/beylikduzu-vadi | | 16-04 Beylikdüzü Valley of Life |
/en/projeler/izka | | 13-14 IZKA |
/en/projeler/kfas | | 18-02 KFAS |
/en/projeler/imes-cami | | 12-07 İmes Mosque |
/en/projeler/gokceada-belediye | | 17-03 Gökçeada |
/en/projeler/suleymaniye-sergi | | 15-10 Süleymaniye Museum |
/en/projeler/bornova-belediye | | 15-06 Bornova Municipality |
/en/projeler/eskisehir-kent-me... | | 14-02 Eskişehir Town Square |
/en/projeler/meb-aksaray | | 13-17 Meb Aksaray |
/en/projeler/bursa-ergin-evler | | 13-03 Ergin Houses District Bazaar |
/en/projeler/canakkale-belediy... | | 12-06 Çanakkale Municipality Building |
/en/projeler/ford-muhendislik | | 12-02 Ford Engineering |
/en/projeler/kayalikta-cami | | 10-04 Mosque on the Reef |
/haberler | Anchor | DUYURU // 2025 Maket Atölyesi Başvuruları |
/haberler | Anchor | Evvel Zaman Odaları Masa Sergisi Kapanış Oturumu 'İnşa Etmek' 28 Haziran’da The Circle'da! |
/haberler | Anchor | DUYURU // 2024 Maket Atölyesi Başvuruları |
/haberler | Anchor | 24-05-30 Evvel Zaman Odaları Masa Sergisi The Circle'da Ziyarete Açıldı! |
/haberler | Anchor | Meydan Evleri Projesi Sona Yaklaşıyor.. |
/haberler | Anchor | 23-12-09 Depo No4 Açıldı ! |
/haberler | Anchor | 23-12-04 Konya Meydan Evleri Şantiyesi Devam Ediyor |
/haberler | Anchor | 23-11-06 Gevale Kalesi Projesi Başladı |
/haberler | Anchor | 23-11-04 Suluca Evi Archdaily'de |
/haberler/page:2 | Anchor | 23-10-30 Çanakkale Suluca Evi Tamamlandı |
/haberler/page:2 | Anchor | 23-10-10 Konya Kütüphane İnşaatı Başlıyor |
/haberler/page:2 | Anchor | 23-01-19 “GLOBAL AWARD FOR SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE 2022” Award Ceremony is Online |
/haberler/page:2 | Anchor | 22-12-02 Zonguldak Caves Visitor Center at DAC |
/haberler/page:2 | Anchor | 22-10-25 GLOBAL AWARD FOR SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE 2022 Interviews Are Online |
/haberler/page:2 | Anchor | 22-10-14 Yalın Mimarlık is among the winners of the “GLOBAL AWARD FOR SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE 2022” |
/haberler/page:2 | Anchor | 22-10-08 15th Turkish SMD Architecture Awards Building Award: Zonguldak Caves Visitor Center |
/haberler/page:2 | Anchor | 22-08-29 |
/haberler/page:2 | Anchor | 22-05-16 "Projects with Story" series begins with Zonguldak Caves Visitor Center |
/haberler/page:2 | Anchor | 22-04-15 18th National Architecture Awards Building Branch Award: Zonguldak Caves Visitor Center |
/haberler/page:3 | Anchor | 22-04-04 Çanakkale Veterans House at DIVISARE |
/haberler/page:3 | Anchor | 21-10-5 Çanakkale Veterans House Opened! |
/haberler/page:3 | Anchor | 21-09-20 Museum of Troy won the European Museum Academy(EMA) Special Award! |
/haberler/page:3 | Anchor | 21-09-20 Museum of Troy Published in Betonart Magazine |
/haberler/page:3 | Anchor | 21-08-31 Zonguldak Caves Visitor Center at Archdaily |
/haberler/page:3 | Anchor | 21-07-10 Zonguldak Caves Visitor Center Opened |
/haberler/page:3 | Anchor | 21-05-06 Museum of Troy won the European Museum of the Year Award(EMYA) Special Award! |
/haberler/page:3 | Anchor | 21-03-25 Karapinar Solar Energy Station SCADA Center Architectural Project Competition 2nd Prize |
/haberler/page:3 | Anchor | 20-09-21 17th National Architecture Awards Building Branch Award: Museum of Troy |
/haberler/page:3 | Anchor | 20-09-04 "İzmir Ana Transfer Merkezi" Architectural Project Competition 2nd prize! |
/haberler/page:4 | Anchor | 23-12-4 Konya Meydan Evleri Şantiyesi Devam Ediyor |
/haberler/page:4 | Anchor | 20-07-01 Evin Halleri Atölye Dizisi Başlıyor! |
/haberler/page:4 | Anchor | 20-03-11 Erenköy mention prize |
/haberler/page:4 | Anchor | 20-03-03 oliVelo first prize |
/haberler/page:4 | Anchor | 19-08-01 Troya Museum at Time |
/haberler/page:4 | Anchor | 19-07-02 İzto 70. Architect Presentations |
/haberler/page:4 | Anchor | 19-07-01 Goat House at Dezeen |
/haberler/page:4 | Anchor | 19-06-02 Yalın Architecture New Web Site Launched! |
/haberler/page:4 | Anchor | 19-06-01 Goat House published on Archdaily! |
/haberler/page:4 | Anchor | 19-05-03 Ömer Selçuk Baz Guest of the 'Masada' |
/haberler/page:5 | Anchor | 19-05-02 Ömer Selçuk Baz Guest of Bodrum Architecture Library |
/haberler/page:5 | Anchor | 19-05-01 One Architect, One Presentation / Denizli |
/haberler/page:5 | Anchor | 19-04-02 14. International Young Architects Meeting / Antalya |
/haberler/page:5 | Anchor | 19-04-01 Archcareer Architecture and Design Summit |
/haberler/page:5 | Anchor | 19-03-02 5th International Stone Congress |
/haberler/page:5 | Anchor | 19-03-01 Turgut Cansever International Architecture Award was given to Ömer Selçuk Baz |
/haberler/page:5 | Anchor | 19-02-03 Museum of Troy Published in XXI Magazine |
/haberler/page:5 | Anchor | 19-02-02 Troya Museum Published in Yapı Magazine |
/haberler/page:5 | Anchor | 19-02-01 Troy Museum on Archdaily |
/haberler/page:5 | Anchor | 19-01-02 Troy Museum Published in Ytong Magazine |
/haberler/page:6 | Anchor | 19-01-01 Troy Museum at Dezeen |
/haberler/page:6 | Anchor | 18-11-01 Architects Association 1927 Troy/ Cappadocia |
/haberler/page:6 | Anchor | 18-04-01 Design Bilkent'18 |
/haberler/page:6 | Anchor | 17-10-01 Troy Museum construction begins |
/haberler/page:6 | Anchor | 17-05-01 Architecture for the Public |
/haberler/page:6 | Anchor | 17-04-01 Design Meetings 09: Kapadokya Müzesi |
/haberler/page:6 | Anchor | 17-02-01 Seven Nine Meetings |
/haberler/page:6 | Anchor | 16-04-01 Contact Series with Architects |
/haberler/page:6 | Anchor | 15-09-01 Bornova Municipality Building Architectural Project |
/haberler/page:6 | Anchor | 15-06-01 OBSESSIONS |
/haberler/page:7 | Anchor | 13-12-01 ARKIMEET 2013 Pecha Kucha Night / Ömer Selçuk Baz |
/haberler/page:7 | Anchor | 13-05-01 Ömer Selçuk Baz was the guest of Bilgi Architecture |
/haberler/page:7 | Anchor | 13-04-02 IM / DEBRIS |
/haberler/page:7 | Anchor | 13-04-01 Architecture student competitions were discussed at panel 'Den Önce' |
/haberler/page:7 | Anchor | 13-03-01 Troya Museum Competition Project Published on Dezeen |
/haberler/page:7 | Anchor | 12-12-01 Ömer Selçuk Baz: The Best Award to be given to the Architect is the Built Structure |
/haberler/page:7 | Anchor | 12-11-01 YAP Istanbul Modern's Finalists Announced! |
/haberler/page:7 | Anchor | 12-04-01 TCMB Bursa Branch Project at Archdaily |
/haberler/page:7 | Anchor | 12-01-01 The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey Branch official opening took place at 6 January 2012. |
/haberler/page:7 | Anchor | 10-05-01 6 One of the Contemporary Mosque Examples: 'Green Mosque' |
/en/oduller | Anchor | La Cité de l'Architecture & du Patrimoine/UNESCO - Global Award for Sustainable Architecture |
/en/oduller | Anchor | 15th Turkish SMD Architecture Awards - Building Award - Zonguldak Caves Visitor Center |
/en/oduller | Anchor | 18th National Architecture Award - Constructed Designs - Zonguldak Caves Visitor Center |
/en/oduller | Anchor | Karapınar Solar Power Plant Scada - Invited Architectural Design Competition |
/en/oduller | Anchor | EMYA The European Museum of the Year Award - Museum of Troy |
/en/oduller | Anchor | Izmir Main Transfer Hub Architectural Design Competition |
/en/oduller | Anchor | Erenköy Psychiatric Hospital Architectural Design Competition |
/en/oduller | Anchor | OLİVELO Ecological Common Life Space Architectural Idea Competition |
/en/oduller | Anchor | 17th National Architecture Award - Constructed Designs - Museum of Troy |
/en/oduller | Anchor | Turgut Cansever International Architecture Awards - Building Award - Museum of Troy |
/en/oduller | Anchor | Korean War Memorial and Visitor Center Architectural Design Competition |
/en/oduller | Anchor | Europen 40 Under 40 Award |
/en/oduller | Anchor | KFAS New Headquarters in Kuwait Architectural Design Competition |
/en/oduller | Anchor | Beylikdüzü Valley of Life International Urban Design Competition |
/en/oduller | Anchor | Bornova Municipality Building and Surroundings Architectural Design Competition |
/en/oduller | Anchor | Gülsuyu Djemevi National Architectural Design Competition |
/en/oduller | Anchor | MEB Aksaray Education Campus National Architectural Design Competition |
/en/oduller | Anchor | İzmir Development Agency Headquarters National Architectural Design Competition |
/en/oduller | Anchor | Riyadh Mosque - Invited Architectural Design Competition |
/en/oduller | Anchor | Hatay Governorate Headquarter National Architectural Design Competition |
/en/oduller | Anchor | İMES Administration Building Architectural Design Competition |
/en/oduller | Anchor | 13th National Architecture Prize - Constructed Designs - Central Bank of Turkey Bursa Branch and Residences |
/en/oduller | Anchor | Arkitera Young Architect of the Year Award |
/en/oduller | Anchor | Erzurum Yakutiye Education Campus National Architectural Design Competition |
/en/oduller | Anchor | YAP İstanbul Modern / I M DEBRIS |
/en/oduller | Anchor | Tekirdağ Metropolitan Municipality Building, Square and Environmental Arrangement Architectural and Urban Design Project Competition |
/en/oduller | Anchor | İMES Mosque Architectural Design Competition |
/en/oduller | Anchor | Çanakkale Municipality Building National Architectural Design Competition |
/en/oduller | Anchor | KAGÜ Campus Invited Design Competition |
/en/oduller | Anchor | Museum of Troy National Architectural Design Competition |
/en/oduller | Anchor | Ytong "Roofs and Sustainability" National Architectural Design Competition |
/en/oduller | Anchor | Mosque Architecture Ideas Competition - Yeşil Mosque |
/en/oduller | Anchor | Edirne Selimiye Region Urban Design Competition |
/en/oduller | Anchor | Izmir Opera House Architectural Design Competition |
/en/oduller | Anchor | Gazipaşa Municipality Cebeli Hill Landmark Design Competition |
/en/oduller | Anchor | IMM Pedestrian Overpass in Fındıkzade Architectural Ideas Competition |
/en/oduller | Anchor | IMM Pedestrian Overpass in Göztepe Architectural Ideas Competition |
/en/oduller | Anchor | IMM Pedestrian Overpass in Topkapı Architectural Ideas Competition |
/en/oduller | Anchor | Fethiye Shopping Mall Architectural Design Competition |
/en/oduller | Anchor | Viktor Adler Multi-Layer Housing Project |
/en/oduller | Anchor | Başakşehir National Urban Design Competition |
/en/oduller | Anchor | Central Bank of Turkey Bursa Branch and Residences National Architectural Design Competition |
/en/ekip | Anchor | Yalın Mimarlık |
/en/ekip | Anchor | Omer Selcuk Baz, Architect, Founding Partner |
/en/ekip | Anchor | Okan Bal, City Planner, Founding Partner |
/en/ekip | Anchor | Atakan Koca, Architect |
/en/ekip | Anchor | Merve cakırgoz, Architect |
/en/ekip | Anchor | HALIL IBRAHIM ZEYTINCI, Architect |
/en/ekip | Anchor | Aylın Ince, Architect |
/en/ekip | Anchor | Kubra Ozseker, Architect |
/en/ekip | Anchor | Yunus Ozdemır, Architect |
/en/ekip | Anchor | Yunus Emre Gorguc, Architect |
/en/ekip | Anchor | Ece Toprak, Architect |
/en/ekip | Anchor | Gülden Yağma, Office Assistant |
/iletisim | | Map Route | | New window External | Vimeo | | New window External Subdomain | Instagram | | | tr | | | en |
(Nice to have)