| Anchor | Skip to main content | | | U.S. General Services Administration IMG-ALT GSA Logo |
/buy-through-us?topnav=buy-thr... | | Explore buy through us |
/buy-through-us/government-pro... | | Government property for sale or lease Toggle submenu |
/buy-through-us/government-pro... | | Personal property (tangible goods) |
/real-estate/real-estate-servi... | | Real property (real estate and buildings) for public use |
/real-estate/real-estate-servi... | | Real property sales |
/buy-through-us/products-and-s... | | Vehicle sales |
/buy-through-us/products-and-s... | | Products and services Toggle submenu |
/buy-through-us/products-and-s... | | Facilities and construction |
/buy-through-us/products-and-s... | | Human capital |
/buy-through-us/products-and-s... | | Industrial products and services |
/technology/it-contract-vehicl... | | Information technology |
/buy-through-us/products-and-s... | | Office management |
/buy-through-us/products-and-s... | | Professional services |
/buy-through-us/products-and-s... | | Security and protection |
/buy-through-us/products-and-s... | | Transportation and logistics services |
/travel/travel-and-lodging-ser... | | Travel and lodging |
/buy-through-us/purchasing-pro... | | Purchasing programs Toggle submenu | | External Subdomain | SmartPay (charge card services) |
/buy-through-us/purchasing-pro... | | Assisted acquisition |
/buy-through-us/purchasing-pro... | | Commercial platforms |
/governmentwide-initiatives/em... | | Emergency acquisition basic ordering agreements |
/buy-through-us/purchasing-pro... | | Federal strategic sourcing initiative |
/buy-through-us/products-and-s... | | Fleet management |
/buy-through-us/products-and-s... | | HCaTS and HCaTS SB |
/buy-through-us/products-and-s... | | OASIS and OASIS SB |
/buy-through-us/purchasing-pro... | | Requisition programs |
/buy-through-us/purchasing-pro... | | State and local programs |
/technology/it-contract-vehicl... | | Technology programs |
/buy-through-us/purchasing-pro... | | 8(a) set asides on GSA contracts |
/buy-through-us/shared-service... | | Shared services Toggle submenu | | External Subdomain | Charge cards and payments (SmartPay) |
/buy-through-us/government-pro... | | Disposal of excess property |
/buy-through-us/products-and-s... | Text duplicate | Fleet management |
/buy-through-us/shared-service... | | Interagency invoicing (G-Invoicing) |
/buy-through-us/purchasing-pro... | | Payroll services | | External Subdomain | Quality service management offices |
/technology/build-websites-and... | | Website and digital services |
/buy-through-us/purchasing-pro... | | Multiple Award Schedule A-TITLE Governmentwide contracts for products and services at volume discount pricing. | | External Subdomain | Auctions A-TITLE Federal assets available via auction to the general public. |
/sell-to-government?topnav=sel... | | Explore sell to government |
/sell-to-government/step-1-lea... | | Step 1: Learn about government contracting Toggle submenu |
/sell-to-government/step-1-lea... | | Ways you can sell to government |
/sell-to-government/step-1-lea... | | How to access contract opportunities |
/sell-to-government/step-1-lea... | | Conduct market research |
/sell-to-government/step-2-com... | | Step 2: Compete for a contract Toggle submenu |
/sell-to-government/step-2-com... | | Register your business |
/sell-to-government/step-2-com... | | Certify as a small business |
/sell-to-government/step-2-com... | | Become a schedule holder |
/sell-to-government/step-2-com... | | Market your business |
/sell-to-government/step-2-com... | | Research active solicitations |
/sell-to-government/step-2-com... | | Respond to a solicitation |
/sell-to-government/step-2-com... | | What to expect during the award process |
/sell-to-government/step-3-man... | | Step 3: Manage your contract Toggle submenu |
/sell-to-government/step-3-man... | | Comply with contractual requirements |
/sell-to-government/step-3-man... | | Handle contract modifications |
/sell-to-government/step-3-man... | | Monitor past performance evaluations | | External | Contract opportunities on A-TITLE Search current federal contract opportunities and procurement notices. |
/small-business/forecast-of-co... | | Forecast of contracting opportunities A-TITLE Anticipated contracts offered by GSA. | | External Subdomain | Vendor support center A-TITLE Research the federal market, report sales, and upload contract information. |
/real-estate?topnav=real-estate | | Explore real estate |
/real-estate/design-and-constr... | | Design and construction Toggle submenu |
/real-estate/design-and-constr... | | 3D-4D building information modeling |
/real-estate/design-and-constr... | | Art in architecture | Fine arts |
/real-estate/design-and-constr... | | Computer-aided design standards |
/real-estate/design-and-constr... | | Commissioning |
/real-estate/design-and-constr... | | Design excellence |
/real-estate/design-and-constr... | | Engineering |
/real-estate/design-and-constr... | | Project management information system |
/real-estate/design-and-constr... | | Spatial data management |
/real-estate/facilities-manage... | | Facilities management Toggle submenu |
/real-estate/facilities-manage... | | Facilities operations |
/real-estate/facilities-manage... | | Security |
/real-estate/real-estate-servi... | | Tenant services |
/real-estate/facilities-manage... | | Utility services |
/real-estate/facilities-manage... | | Water quality management A-TITLE Water quality management |
/real-estate/historic-preserva... | | Historic preservation Toggle submenu |
/real-estate/historic-preserva... | | Explore historic buildings |
/real-estate/historic-preserva... | | Heritage tourism |
/real-estate/historic-preserva... | | Historic preservation policy, tools and resources |
/real-estate/historic-preserva... | | Historic building stewardship |
/real-estate/historic-preserva... | | Videos, pictures, posters and more |
/real-estate/gsa-nepa-implemen... | | NEPA implementation |
/real-estate/gsa-properties?to... | | Our properties Toggle submenu |
/real-estate/gsa-properties/co... | | Courthouse program |
/real-estate/gsa-properties/la... | | Land ports of entry |
/real-estate/gsa-properties/ca... | | Prospectus library |
/real-estate/gsa-properties/re... | | Regional buildings |
/real-estate/gsa-properties/re... | | Renting property |
/real-estate/gsa-properties/vi... | | Visiting public buildings |
/real-estate/real-estate-servi... | | Real estate services Toggle submenu |
/real-estate/real-estate-servi... | | Leasing |
/real-estate/real-estate-servi... | | Real property disposal |
/real-estate/real-estate-servi... | | Reimbursable services (RWA) |
/real-estate/real-estate-servi... | | Rental policy and procedures |
/real-estate/real-estate-servi... | | Site selection and relocation |
/real-estate/real-estate-servi... | | For businesses seeking opportunities |
/real-estate/real-estate-servi... | | For federal customers |
/real-estate/real-estate-servi... | | For workers in federal buildings |
/real-estate/workplace-optimiz... | | Workplace Toggle submenu |
/real-estate/workplace-optimiz... | | Offerings |
/real-estate/workplace-optimiz... | | Contact |
/real-estate/historic-preserva... | | Historic preservation tools and resources A-TITLE Procedures for maintaining and repairing historic buildings. |
/real-estate/real-estate-servi... | Text duplicate | Real property disposal A-TITLE Dispose or acquire excess federal real property including buildings or land. |
/policy-regulations?topnav=pol... | | Explore policy and regulations |
/policy-regulations/policy?top... | | Policy Toggle submenu |
/policy-regulations/policy/acq... | | Acquisition management policy |
/policy-regulations/policy/avi... | | Aviation management policy |
/policy-regulations/policy/inf... | | Information technology policy |
/policy-regulations/policy/rea... | | Real property management policy |
/policy-regulations/policy/emp... | | Relocation management policy |
/policy-regulations/policy/tra... | | Travel management policy |
/policy-regulations/policy/veh... | | Vehicle management policy |
/policy-regulations/regulation... | | Regulations Toggle submenu | | External | Federal acquisition regulations |
/policy-regulations/regulation... | | Federal management regulations |
/policy-regulations/regulation... | | Federal travel regulations | | External | GSA acquisition manual |
/policy-regulations/regulation... | | Managing the federal rulemaking process |
/forms?topnav=policy-regulations | | Forms A-TITLE Search for a government form. |
/travel/plan-a-trip/per-diem-r... | | Per diem FAQs A-TITLE Frequently asked questions about per diem rates and related topics. |
/small-business?topnav=small-b... | | Explore small business |
/small-business/register-your-... | | Register your business Toggle submenu |
/small-business/register-your-... | | Explore business models |
/small-business/register-your-... | | Research the federal market |
/small-business/forecast-of-co... | Text duplicate | Forecast of contracting opportunities |
/small-business/small-business... | | Small business resources Toggle submenu |
/small-business/small-business... | | Events and contacts |
/small-business/small-business... | | Training |
/small-business/small-business... | | Videos |
/small-business/forecast-of-co... | | Forecast tool A-TITLE Information on planned federal contracting opportunities. | | External Subdomain Anchor | Socio economic categories A-TITLE Check your eligibility for small-business set-asides. |
/small-business/small-business... | | Training resources A-TITLE Suggested training for doing business with us. |
/travel?topnav=travel | | Explore travel |
/travel/plan-a-trip?topnav=travel | | Plan a trip Toggle submenu |
/travel/plan-book/per-diem-rat... | | Per diem rates |
/travel/plan-a-trip/transporta... | | Transportation (airfare rates, POV rates, etc.) |
/travel/plan-a-trip/lodging?to... | | Lodging | | External Subdomain | State tax exemption |
/travel/plan-a-trip/travel-cha... | | Travel charge card |
/travel/plan-a-trip/conference... | | Conferences and meetings |
/travel/travel-and-lodging-ser... | | Travel and lodging services Toggle submenu |
/travel/travel-and-lodging-ser... | | E-gov travel service (ETS) |
/travel/travel-and-lodging-ser... | | Travel category schedule |
/policy-regulations/regulation... | | Federal travel regulation |
/policy-regulations/policy/tra... | | Travel policy |
/travel?topnav=travel | | Per diem rates look-up A-TITLE Allowances for lodging, meal and incidental costs while on official government travel. |
/travel/plan-a-trip/transporta... | | Mileage reimbursement rates A-TITLE Reimbursement rates for the use of your own vehicle while on official government travel. |
/technology?topnav=technology | | Explore technology |
/technology/it-contract-vehicl... | Text duplicate | Products and services Toggle submenu |
/technology/it-contract-vehicl... | | Cloud computing services |
/technology/it-contract-vehicl... | | Cybersecurity products and services |
/technology/it-contract-vehicl... | | Data center services |
/technology/it-contract-vehicl... | | Hardware products and services |
/technology/it-contract-vehicl... | | Professional IT services |
/technology/it-contract-vehicl... | | Software products and services |
/technology/it-contract-vehicl... | | Telecommunications and network services |
/technology/it-contract-vehicl... | Text duplicate | Purchasing programs Toggle submenu |
/technology/it-contract-vehicl... | | Governmentwide acquisition contracts |
/technology/it-contract-vehicl... | | MAS information technology |
/technology/it-contract-vehicl... | | Software purchase agreements |
/technology/it-contract-vehicl... | Text duplicate | Telecommunications and network services |
/technology/it-contract-vehicl... | | USAccess |
/technology/government-it-init... | | Government initiatives Toggle submenu | | External Subdomain | 18F |
/technology/government-it-init... | | Artificial Intelligence |
/technology/government-it-init... | | Cybersecurity |
/technology/government-it-init... | | Digital strategy |
/technology/government-it-init... | | Emerging citizen technology |
/technology/government-it-init... | | FedRAMP |
/technology/government-it-init... | | Federal identity, credentials, and access management |
/technology/it-contract-vehicl... | | Mobile government |
/technology/government-it-init... | | Technology modernization fund |
/about-us/events-and-training/... | Text duplicate | Training |
/policy-regulations/policy/inf... | | IT policy | | External Subdomain | A-TITLE Government sponsored challenges and prize competitions. | | External | A-TITLE Access U.S. government data. |
/technology/it-contract-vehicl... | | Multiple award schedule IT category A-TITLE Information technology products, services and solutions. |
/about-us?topnav=about-us | | Explore about us |
/reference/reports/budget-and-... | | Annual reports |
/about-us/mission-and-backgrou... | | Background and history Toggle submenu |
/about-us/mission-and-backgrou... | | Overview |
/about-us/mission-and-backgrou... | | Mission and strategic goals |
/about-us/mission-and-backgrou... | | Role in presidential transitions |
/about-us/find-apply-for-and-l... | | Careers Toggle submenu |
/about-us/find-apply-for-and-l... | | Get an internship |
/about-us/find-apply-for-and-l... | | Launch your career |
/about-us/find-apply-for-and-l... | | Elevate your professional career |
/about-us/find-apply-for-and-l... | | Discover special hiring paths |
/about-us/events-and-training/... | | Events and training |
/about-us/newsroom?topnav=abou... | | Newsroom Toggle submenu |
/blog?topnav=about-us | | Agency blog |
/about-us/newsroom/congression... | | Congressional testimony |
/about-us/newsroom/listen-to-t... | | GSA does that podcast |
/about-us/newsroom/news-releas... | | News releases |
/about-us/newsroom/speeches-by... | | Speeches | | External Subdomain Text duplicate | Videos |
/about-us/organization?topnav=... | | Organization Toggle submenu |
/about-us/organization/leaders... | | Leadership directory |
/staff-directory?topnav=about-us | | Staff directory |
/about-us/organization/office-... | | Office of the Administrator |
/about-us/organization/federal... | | Federal Acquisition Service |
/about-us/organization/public-... | | Public Buildings Service |
/about-us/organization?topnav=... | | Staff offices | | External Subdomain | Board of Contract Appeals |
/about-us/organization/gsa-off... | | Office of Inspector General |
/about-us/gsa-regions?topnav=a... | | Regions Toggle submenu |
/about-us/gsa-regions/region-1... | | Region 1 | New England |
/about-us/gsa-regions/region-2... | | Region 2 | Northeast and Caribbean |
/about-us/gsa-regions/region-3... | | Region 3 | Mid-Atlantic |
/about-us/gsa-regions/region-4... | | Region 4 | Southeast Sunbelt |
/about-us/gsa-regions/region-5... | | Region 5 | Great Lakes |
/about-us/gsa-regions/region-6... | | Region 6 | Heartland |
/about-us/gsa-regions/region-7... | | Region 7 | Greater Southwest |
/about-us/gsa-regions/region-8... | | Region 8 | Rocky Mountain |
/about-us/gsa-regions/region-9... | | Region 9 | Pacific Rim |
/about-us/gsa-regions/region-1... | | Region 10 | Northwest/Arctic |
/about-us/gsa-regions/region-1... | | Region 11 | National Capital Region |
/about-us/contact-us?topnav=ab... | | Contact us |
/blog?topnav=about-us | | Blog A-TITLE Read the latest GSA news, updates and analysis. |
/about-us/find-apply-for-and-l... | | Careers A-TITLE Learn what we have to offer. |
/buy-through-us?topnav=buy-thr... | Text duplicate | Explore buy through us |
/buy-through-us/government-pro... | | Government property for sale or lease |
/buy-through-us/government-pro... | Text duplicate | Personal property (tangible goods) |
/real-estate/real-estate-servi... | Text duplicate | Real property (real estate and buildings) for public use |
/real-estate/real-estate-servi... | Text duplicate | Real property sales |
/buy-through-us/products-and-s... | Text duplicate | Vehicle sales |
/buy-through-us/products-and-s... | | Products and services |
/buy-through-us/products-and-s... | Text duplicate | Facilities and construction |
/buy-through-us/products-and-s... | Text duplicate | Human capital |
/buy-through-us/products-and-s... | Text duplicate | Industrial products and services |
/technology/it-contract-vehicl... | Text duplicate | Information technology |
/buy-through-us/products-and-s... | Text duplicate | Office management |
/buy-through-us/products-and-s... | Text duplicate | Professional services |
/buy-through-us/products-and-s... | Text duplicate | Security and protection |
/buy-through-us/products-and-s... | Text duplicate | Transportation and logistics services |
/travel/travel-and-lodging-ser... | Text duplicate | Travel and lodging |
/buy-through-us/purchasing-pro... | | Purchasing programs | | External Subdomain Text duplicate | SmartPay (charge card services) |
/buy-through-us/purchasing-pro... | Text duplicate | Assisted acquisition |
/buy-through-us/purchasing-pro... | Text duplicate | Commercial platforms |
/governmentwide-initiatives/em... | Text duplicate | Emergency acquisition basic ordering agreements |
/buy-through-us/purchasing-pro... | Text duplicate | Federal strategic sourcing initiative |
/buy-through-us/products-and-s... | Text duplicate | Fleet management |
/buy-through-us/products-and-s... | Text duplicate | HCaTS and HCaTS SB |
/buy-through-us/products-and-s... | Text duplicate | OASIS and OASIS SB |
/buy-through-us/purchasing-pro... | Text duplicate | Requisition programs |
/buy-through-us/purchasing-pro... | Text duplicate | State and local programs |
/technology/it-contract-vehicl... | Text duplicate | Technology programs |
/buy-through-us/purchasing-pro... | Text duplicate | 8(a) set asides on GSA contracts |
/buy-through-us/shared-service... | | Shared services | | External Subdomain Text duplicate | Charge cards and payments (SmartPay) |
/buy-through-us/government-pro... | Text duplicate | Disposal of excess property |
/buy-through-us/products-and-s... | Text duplicate | Fleet management |
/buy-through-us/shared-service... | Text duplicate | Interagency invoicing (G-Invoicing) |
/buy-through-us/purchasing-pro... | Text duplicate | Payroll services | | External Subdomain Text duplicate | Quality service management offices |
/technology/build-websites-and... | Text duplicate | Website and digital services |
/sell-to-government?topnav=sel... | Text duplicate | Explore sell to government |
/sell-to-government/step-1-lea... | | Step 1: Learn about government contracting |
/sell-to-government/step-1-lea... | Text duplicate | Ways you can sell to government |
/sell-to-government/step-1-lea... | Text duplicate | How to access contract opportunities |
/sell-to-government/step-1-lea... | Text duplicate | Conduct market research |
/sell-to-government/step-2-com... | | Step 2: Compete for a contract |
/sell-to-government/step-2-com... | Text duplicate | Register your business |
/sell-to-government/step-2-com... | Text duplicate | Certify as a small business |
/sell-to-government/step-2-com... | Text duplicate | Become a schedule holder |
/sell-to-government/step-2-com... | Text duplicate | Market your business |
/sell-to-government/step-2-com... | Text duplicate | Research active solicitations |
/sell-to-government/step-2-com... | Text duplicate | Respond to a solicitation |
/sell-to-government/step-2-com... | Text duplicate | What to expect during the award process |
/sell-to-government/step-3-man... | | Step 3: Manage your contract |
/sell-to-government/step-3-man... | Text duplicate | Comply with contractual requirements |
/sell-to-government/step-3-man... | Text duplicate | Handle contract modifications |
/sell-to-government/step-3-man... | Text duplicate | Monitor past performance evaluations |
/real-estate?topnav=real-estate | Text duplicate | Explore real estate |
/real-estate/design-and-constr... | | Design and construction |
/real-estate/design-and-constr... | Text duplicate | 3D-4D building information modeling |
/real-estate/design-and-constr... | Text duplicate | Art in architecture | Fine arts |
/real-estate/design-and-constr... | Text duplicate | Computer-aided design standards |
/real-estate/design-and-constr... | Text duplicate | Commissioning |
/real-estate/design-and-constr... | Text duplicate | Design excellence |
/real-estate/design-and-constr... | Text duplicate | Engineering |
/real-estate/design-and-constr... | Text duplicate | Project management information system |
/real-estate/design-and-constr... | Text duplicate | Spatial data management |
/real-estate/facilities-manage... | | Facilities management |
/real-estate/facilities-manage... | Text duplicate | Facilities operations |
/real-estate/facilities-manage... | Text duplicate | Security |
/real-estate/real-estate-servi... | Text duplicate | Tenant services |
/real-estate/facilities-manage... | Text duplicate | Utility services |
/real-estate/facilities-manage... | Text duplicate | Water quality management |
/real-estate/historic-preserva... | | Historic preservation |
/real-estate/historic-preserva... | Text duplicate | Explore historic buildings |
/real-estate/historic-preserva... | Text duplicate | Heritage tourism |
/real-estate/historic-preserva... | Text duplicate | Historic preservation policy, tools and resources |
/real-estate/historic-preserva... | Text duplicate | Historic building stewardship |
/real-estate/historic-preserva... | Text duplicate | Videos, pictures, posters and more |
/real-estate/gsa-nepa-implemen... | Text duplicate | NEPA implementation |
/real-estate/gsa-properties?to... | | Our properties |
/real-estate/gsa-properties/co... | Text duplicate | Courthouse program |
/real-estate/gsa-properties/la... | Text duplicate | Land ports of entry |
/real-estate/gsa-properties/ca... | Text duplicate | Prospectus library |
/real-estate/gsa-properties/re... | Text duplicate | Regional buildings |
/real-estate/gsa-properties/re... | Text duplicate | Renting property |
/real-estate/gsa-properties/vi... | Text duplicate | Visiting public buildings |
/real-estate/real-estate-servi... | | Real estate services |
/real-estate/real-estate-servi... | Text duplicate | Leasing |
/real-estate/real-estate-servi... | Text duplicate | Real property disposal |
/real-estate/real-estate-servi... | Text duplicate | Reimbursable services (RWA) |
/real-estate/real-estate-servi... | Text duplicate | Rental policy and procedures |
/real-estate/real-estate-servi... | Text duplicate | Site selection and relocation |
/real-estate/real-estate-servi... | Text duplicate | For businesses seeking opportunities |
/real-estate/real-estate-servi... | Text duplicate | For federal customers |
/real-estate/real-estate-servi... | Text duplicate | For workers in federal buildings |
/real-estate/workplace-optimiz... | | Workplace |
/real-estate/workplace-optimiz... | Text duplicate | Offerings |
/real-estate/workplace-optimiz... | Text duplicate | Contact |
/policy-regulations?topnav=pol... | Text duplicate | Explore policy and regulations |
/policy-regulations/policy?top... | | Policy |
/policy-regulations/policy/acq... | Text duplicate | Acquisition management policy |
/policy-regulations/policy/avi... | Text duplicate | Aviation management policy |
/policy-regulations/policy/inf... | Text duplicate | Information technology policy |
/policy-regulations/policy/rea... | Text duplicate | Real property management policy |
/policy-regulations/policy/emp... | Text duplicate | Relocation management policy |
/policy-regulations/policy/tra... | Text duplicate | Travel management policy |
/policy-regulations/policy/veh... | Text duplicate | Vehicle management policy |
/policy-regulations/regulation... | | Regulations | | External Text duplicate | Federal acquisition regulations |
/policy-regulations/regulation... | Text duplicate | Federal management regulations |
/policy-regulations/regulation... | Text duplicate | Federal travel regulations | | External Text duplicate | GSA acquisition manual |
/policy-regulations/regulation... | Text duplicate | Managing the federal rulemaking process |
/small-business?topnav=small-b... | Text duplicate | Explore small business |
/small-business/register-your-... | Text duplicate | Register your business |
/small-business/register-your-... | Text duplicate | Explore business models |
/small-business/register-your-... | Text duplicate | Research the federal market |
/small-business/forecast-of-co... | Text duplicate | Forecast of contracting opportunities |
/small-business/small-business... | | Small business resources |
/small-business/small-business... | Text duplicate | Events and contacts |
/small-business/small-business... | Text duplicate | Training |
/small-business/small-business... | Text duplicate | Videos |
/travel?topnav=travel | Text duplicate | Explore travel |
/travel/plan-a-trip?topnav=travel | | Plan a trip |
/travel/plan-book/per-diem-rat... | Text duplicate | Per diem rates |
/travel/plan-a-trip/transporta... | Text duplicate | Transportation (airfare rates, POV rates, etc.) |
/travel/plan-a-trip/lodging?to... | Text duplicate | Lodging | | External Subdomain Text duplicate | State tax exemption |
/travel/plan-a-trip/travel-cha... | Text duplicate | Travel charge card |
/travel/plan-a-trip/conference... | Text duplicate | Conferences and meetings |
/travel/travel-and-lodging-ser... | | Travel and lodging services |
/travel/travel-and-lodging-ser... | Text duplicate | E-gov travel service (ETS) |
/travel/travel-and-lodging-ser... | Text duplicate | Travel category schedule |
/policy-regulations/regulation... | Text duplicate | Federal travel regulation |
/policy-regulations/policy/tra... | Text duplicate | Travel policy |
/technology?topnav=technology | Text duplicate | Explore technology |
/technology/it-contract-vehicl... | Text duplicate | Products and services |
/technology/it-contract-vehicl... | Text duplicate | Cloud computing services |
/technology/it-contract-vehicl... | Text duplicate | Cybersecurity products and services |
/technology/it-contract-vehicl... | Text duplicate | Data center services |
/technology/it-contract-vehicl... | Text duplicate | Hardware products and services |
/technology/it-contract-vehicl... | Text duplicate | Professional IT services |
/technology/it-contract-vehicl... | Text duplicate | Software products and services |
/technology/it-contract-vehicl... | Text duplicate | Telecommunications and network services |
/technology/it-contract-vehicl... | Text duplicate | Purchasing programs |
/technology/it-contract-vehicl... | Text duplicate | Governmentwide acquisition contracts |
/technology/it-contract-vehicl... | Text duplicate | MAS information technology |
/technology/it-contract-vehicl... | Text duplicate | Software purchase agreements |
/technology/it-contract-vehicl... | Text duplicate | Telecommunications and network services |
/technology/it-contract-vehicl... | Text duplicate | USAccess |
/technology/government-it-init... | | Government initiatives | | External Subdomain Text duplicate | 18F |
/technology/government-it-init... | Text duplicate | Artificial Intelligence |
/technology/government-it-init... | Text duplicate | Cybersecurity |
/technology/government-it-init... | Text duplicate | Digital strategy |
/technology/government-it-init... | Text duplicate | Emerging citizen technology |
/technology/government-it-init... | Text duplicate | FedRAMP |
/technology/government-it-init... | Text duplicate | Federal identity, credentials, and access management |
/technology/it-contract-vehicl... | Text duplicate | Mobile government |
/technology/government-it-init... | Text duplicate | Technology modernization fund |
/about-us/events-and-training/... | Text duplicate | Training |
/policy-regulations/policy/inf... | Text duplicate | IT policy |
/about-us?topnav=about-us | Text duplicate | Explore about us |
/reference/reports/budget-and-... | Text duplicate | Annual reports |
/about-us/mission-and-backgrou... | | Background and history |
/about-us/mission-and-backgrou... | Text duplicate | Overview |
/about-us/mission-and-backgrou... | Text duplicate | Mission and strategic goals |
/about-us/mission-and-backgrou... | Text duplicate | Role in presidential transitions |
/about-us/find-apply-for-and-l... | Text duplicate | Careers |
/about-us/find-apply-for-and-l... | Text duplicate | Get an internship |
/about-us/find-apply-for-and-l... | Text duplicate | Launch your career |
/about-us/find-apply-for-and-l... | Text duplicate | Elevate your professional career |
/about-us/find-apply-for-and-l... | Text duplicate | Discover special hiring paths |
/about-us/events-and-training/... | Text duplicate | Events and training |
/about-us/newsroom?topnav=abou... | | Newsroom |
/blog?topnav=about-us | Text duplicate | Agency blog |
/about-us/newsroom/congression... | Text duplicate | Congressional testimony |
/about-us/newsroom/listen-to-t... | Text duplicate | GSA does that podcast |
/about-us/newsroom/news-releas... | Text duplicate | News releases |
/about-us/newsroom/speeches-by... | Text duplicate | Speeches | | External Subdomain Text duplicate | Videos |
/about-us/organization?topnav=... | | Organization |
/about-us/organization/leaders... | Text duplicate | Leadership directory |
/staff-directory?topnav=about-us | Text duplicate | Staff directory |
/about-us/organization/office-... | Text duplicate | Office of the Administrator |
/about-us/organization/federal... | Text duplicate | Federal Acquisition Service |
/about-us/organization/public-... | Text duplicate | Public Buildings Service |
/about-us/organization?topnav=... | Text duplicate | Staff offices | | External Subdomain Text duplicate | Board of Contract Appeals |
/about-us/organization/gsa-off... | Text duplicate | Office of Inspector General |
/about-us/gsa-regions?topnav=a... | | Regions |
/about-us/gsa-regions/region-1... | Text duplicate | Region 1 | New England |
/about-us/gsa-regions/region-2... | Text duplicate | Region 2 | Northeast and Caribbean |
/about-us/gsa-regions/region-3... | Text duplicate | Region 3 | Mid-Atlantic |
/about-us/gsa-regions/region-4... | Text duplicate | Region 4 | Southeast Sunbelt |
/about-us/gsa-regions/region-5... | Text duplicate | Region 5 | Great Lakes |
/about-us/gsa-regions/region-6... | Text duplicate | Region 6 | Heartland |
/about-us/gsa-regions/region-7... | Text duplicate | Region 7 | Greater Southwest |
/about-us/gsa-regions/region-8... | Text duplicate | Region 8 | Rocky Mountain |
/about-us/gsa-regions/region-9... | Text duplicate | Region 9 | Pacific Rim |
/about-us/gsa-regions/region-1... | Text duplicate | Region 10 | Northwest/Arctic |
/about-us/gsa-regions/region-1... | Text duplicate | Region 11 | National Capital Region |
/about-us/contact-us?topnav=ab... | Text duplicate | Contact us | | | REAL ESTATE |
/buying-selling | | BUY THROUGH US | | | SELL TO GOVERNMENT | | | TECHNOLOGY | | New window External Subdomain | Department of Defense. | | New window External Subdomain | Department of State. |
/about-us/newsroom/news-releas... | | GSA announces new Commissioners, TTS Director, and General Counsel |
/about-us/newsroom/news-releas... | | Stephen Ehikian appointed Acting Administrator and Deputy Administrator of the General Services Administration |
/about-us/newsroom/news-releas... | | GSA secures landmark agreement with Microsoft to enhance federal IT acquisition |
/about-us/newsroom/news-releases | | All News |
/events/fy25-demil-basics | | FY25 DEMIL Basics |
/events/8a-stars-iii-gwac-dele... | | 8(a) STARS III GWAC Delegation of Procurement Authority training |
/events/fy25-ppms-basics-of-pe... | | FY25 PPMS Basics of Personal Property | | | All Upcoming Events | | | JOBS WITH GSA IMG-ALT Three people in business attire smiling and looking at a laptop together at a desk |
/real-estate/gsa-properties/in... | | INFLATION REDUCTION ACT IMG-ALT Silhouette of two workers and windmills against a green and yellow landscape and sky with abstract technology symbols overlaid | | | 75TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION IMG-ALT GSA star mark with text 75 years below it, and a birthday cake with lit candles to the right, and confetti | | | Home |
/resources?footer=gsa | | Resources for ... |
/resources/resources-for-ameri... | | Americans with Disabilities |
/resources/citizens-and-consum... | | Citizens and Consumers |
/resources/for-federal-employe... | | Federal Employees |
/reference/for-gsa-employees?f... | | GSA Employees |
/resources/native-american-aff... | | Native American affairs |
/buy-through-us/shared-service... | | Presidential & Congressional Commissions, Boards or Small Agencies |
/small-business?footer=gsa | | Small Business |
/governmentwide-initiatives?fo... | | Governmentwide Initiatives | | External Subdomain | Centers of Excellence |
/technology/government-it-init... | | Digital experience |
/governmentwide-initiatives/em... | | Emergency response |
/technology/government-it-init... | | Federal Cybersecurity |
/technology/government-it-init... | | ID, Credentials, and Access Management |
/reference/reports/information... | | Information Quality |
/governmentwide-initiatives/op... | | Open Data |
/technology/government-it-init... | | Technology Modernization Fund |
/about-us/contact-us?footer=gsa | Text duplicate | Contact us |
/about-us/organization?footer=gsa | Text duplicate | Organization |
/about-us/organization/leaders... | | Leadership Directory |
/staff-directory?footer=gsa | | Staff Directory |
/reference?footer=gsa | | References |
/reference/reports/budget-perf... | | Agency Financial Report |
/governmentwide-initiatives/pl... | | Plain Language |
/reference/reports/budget-perf... | | Budget and Performance |
/about-us/organization/federal... | | Catalogs |
/directives-library?footer=gsa | | Orders & Directives |
/forms?footer=gsa | Text duplicate | Forms |
/website-information?footer=gsa | | Website Information |
/website-information/accessibi... | | Accessibility statement |
/website-information/az-index?... | | A-Z Index |
/website-information/report-a-... | | Report a website issue A-TITLE Report a website issue |
/sitemap?footer=gsa | | Sitemap | | External Subdomain Text duplicate | | | External Subdomain | |
/tools-overview?footer=gsa | | Tools | | External Subdomain | eBuy |
https://www.gsaelibrary.gsa.go... | External Subdomain | eLibrary | | External | Contracting forecast tool | | External Subdomain | GSA Advantage | | External Subdomain | GSA Auctions | | New window External Subdomain | Facebook A-TITLE Facebook | | New window External | X A-TITLE X | | New window External Subdomain | LinkedIn A-TITLE LinkedIn | | New window External Subdomain | YouTube A-TITLE YouTube | | New window External Subdomain | instagram A-TITLE Instagram | | New window Text duplicate | Blog A-TITLE Blog | | External Subdomain | email A-TITLE Email |
/website-information/accessibi... | Text duplicate | Accessibility statement |
/website-information/website-p... | | Website Policies |
/reference/reports?footer=iden... | | Reports | | External Subdomain | Office of the Inspector General |
/reference/civil-rights-progra... | | No FEAR Act |
/reference/freedom-of-informat... | | FOIA Requests | | External Subdomain Text duplicate | Board of Contract Appeals | | External Subdomain | Visit | | Anchor | Top |
(Nice to have)