Ledonline.no - SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
1.58 s
File size
810.30 kB
Media files
Number of links
684 internal / 4 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
LEDonline - Ledlys Best på Pris, 100% fornøydgaranti
The length of the page title is perfect. (483 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
LEDonline - Ledlys Best på Pris, 100% fornøydgaranti, størst utvalg i kvalitets produkter ifra SG, Unilamp, ELKO, xComfort osv. Downlights og Designlamper og utstyr til super priser. rask levering ifra Norsk lager.
The meta description is too long: 1304 pixels from max. 1000 pixels. Optimize description
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
No canonical link is specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language defined in HTML: nb
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: nb
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

titleLEDonline - Ledlys Best på Pris, 100% fornøydgaranti
descriptionLEDonline - Ledlys Best på Pris, 100% fornøydgaranti, størst utvalg i kvalitets produkter ifra SG, Unilamp, ELKO, xComfort osv. Downlights og Designlamper og utstyr til super priser. rask levering ifra Norsk lager.
keywordsLEDonline Ledlys downlight led lamper led lampet led led lampet utelamper led ledlys spotter sg spotter led lys Best på Pris 100% fornøydgaranti downlights LED downlight ledstrip downlights stue downlights kjøkken led til kjøkken ledlys billig billig ledlys billige downlights sg downlight unilamp downlight ELKO dimmer led dimmer billige led dimmere best i test led black november black friday
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no
og:titleLEDonline.no Norsk LEDlys Nettbutikk
og:descriptionLEDonline har et stort utvalg i ledlys og downlight, lamper og elektromateriell til superlave priser

Test up to 1.000 webpages of ledonline.no with our free plan!

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Page quality

(Critically important)
Some words from the page title are not used within the pages content
No paragraphs were detected.
This page contains 2162 words. That's ok.
4.8% of the text are stop words.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
The file size of the HTML document is very large (810.3 kB).
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 43 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
1 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
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...ia/wysiwyg/NYEPGREEN.jpg?rand=1716957701NYE PRODUKTER
...wyg/zipzoom-front-SG.jpg?rand=1707637085SG ZIP ZOOM
...ge-best-pa-pris-pris.jpg?rand=1716183119SG ECO 8-pack
...__60_cm_hvite_fj_r_og_ru-1968036762.jpegFeather taklampe Ø60 cm Hvite fjær og rund skjerm
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...926ad71a363be5005/5/9/5900530132675p.jpgCruiser LB2 21000Lumen 195W
...ral_roekfarget--180906133_plid_9872.jpegLisboa vegglampe enkel Sort lampe med messing detaljer
...mpe_ip44_sort_farge_168949265914900.jpegBergen tak/vegg utelampe IP44
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...005/e/l/elko-no-1410477-eko07356-f_1.pngELKO Bryter 1 Polet I RS Nordic Renhvit
...5/0/0/0000101402-nexansnorway1037316.jpgNexans Defrost Water Kit 25m
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..._med_9_armer_krom_lampe_m1764461267.jpegVarese takkrone med 9 armer
...1b2926ad71a363be5005/c/o/comet_6pack.pngNORLUM COMET HVIT 6,5W/827 TILT 6PK
...bel/1rett-i-isolasjon-versjon2-liten.pngNORLUM COMET HVIT 6,5W/827 TILT 6PKNORLUM COMET HVIT 6,5W/827 TILT 6PK
...k-3x6-5w-matt-sort_3224995_1_223043.jpegUnilamp Titan Kony Takskinne 3-Spot LED 2700K 3X6,5W Matt Sort
...lko_havplast_5serievender_bryter_1_1.jpgBryter 6+6-Vekselvender Innfelt ELKO Havplast Sort
...926ad71a363be5005/t/b/tbd0601718801e.jpg20cm Børstet LED lampe med batteri og bevegelse sensor
...e1b2926ad71a363be5005/7/2/7298420_1_.jpgIndustriarmatur 42W IP66 Indy66 LED
...63be5005/1/0/103329triton-led-370_1_.jpgTriton LED 370 ED 30500lm 185W
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...1a363be5005/v/a/varmhvit_ledstrooslj.jpgLED Strip 120LED/M AC230V Dimbar 2700K 18W/M 1120lm/M
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.../media/amasty/amlabel/1BLACKNovember.pngLED Strip 230V Dimbar 2700K, plug and play opptil 50meterLED Strip 230V Dimbar 2700K, plug and play opptil 50meter
...gyro_matte_white_dimtowarm-ledonline.jpgJunistar IsoSafe DimToWarm Matt hvit 7W LED 2000-2800K Ra95
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...bel/1rett-i-isolasjon-versjon2-liten.pngJunistar IsoSafe DimToWarm Matt hvit 7W LED 2000-2800K Ra95Junistar IsoSafe DimToWarm Matt hvit 7W LED 2000-2800K Ra95
...eco-8pack-dimtowarm-billiges-p_-nett.jpgSG Junistar Eco IsoSafe 8-pack Hvit 6W LED DimToWarm
.../media/amasty/amlabel/1BLACKNovember.pngSG Junistar Eco IsoSafe 8-pack Hvit 6W LED DimToWarmSG Junistar Eco IsoSafe 8-pack Hvit 6W LED DimToWarm
...bel/1rett-i-isolasjon-versjon2-liten.pngSG Junistar Eco IsoSafe 8-pack Hvit 6W LED DimToWarmSG Junistar Eco IsoSafe 8-pack Hvit 6W LED DimToWarm
.../sg-eco-8pack-2700k-billiges-p_-nett.jpgSG Junistar 2700K Eco IsoSafe 8 pack
.../media/amasty/amlabel/1BLACKNovember.pngSG Junistar 2700K Eco IsoSafe 8 packSG Junistar 2700K Eco IsoSafe 8 pack
...bel/1rett-i-isolasjon-versjon2-liten.pngSG Junistar 2700K Eco IsoSafe 8 packSG Junistar 2700K Eco IsoSafe 8 pack
...ee1b2926ad71a363be5005/s/g/sg-lux-7w.jpgSG Junistar Lux 7W LED 2700K Ra 98 Hvit 10års Garanti
.../media/amasty/amlabel/1BLACKNovember.pngSG Junistar Lux 7W LED 2700K Ra 98 Hvit 10års GarantiSG Junistar Lux 7W LED 2700K Ra 98 Hvit 10års Garanti
...s/g/sg_leddim_smart_bluetooth_dimmer.pngSG LEDDim smart 400VA
.../media/amasty/amlabel/1BLACKNovember.pngSG LEDDim smart 400VASG LEDDim smart 400VA
...a363be5005/s/g/sg_stikkontakt_sort_1.pngSG Stikkontakt innfelt Sort Dobbel m/j 1,5 boks
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...926ad71a363be5005/n/o/nordlux_roar_1.jpgRoar LED downlight 6W 550Lumen
.../media/amasty/amlabel/1BLACKNovember.pngRoar LED downlight 6W 550LumenRoar LED downlight 6W 550Lumen
...bel/1rett-i-isolasjon-versjon2-liten.pngRoar LED downlight 6W 550LumenRoar LED downlight 6W 550Lumen
...26ad71a363be5005/3/1/3105862_640x480.jpgUnilamp Kube LED 2x3W sort Matt
...trio_black-2zw9yifunwiajqdzoo3thc_1_.jpgSG TRIO 60W E27 SORT IP65 614520, SG AS
...6eee1b2926ad71a363be5005/s/w/swrhtdu.jpgNordlux Canto 2 maxi LED vegglampe GU10
...8_nordlux_canto_6w_led_vegglampe_1_1.jpgNordlux Canto 2 6W LED vegglamp
...-81df-4f93-9044-fc4a3cc5af1c_1800x_1.jpgFocus DUO Utelampe Sort
...2120008_circulus_matte_white_prodpic.pngSG Circulus Matt hvit 19W LED 2700K
...ena_vegglampe_opp_ned_-_svart_1_x700.jpgKonstsmide Modena vegglampe I opp/ned - Svart
.../c/econ_white-30rozr45f2nvdlfoeerj7k.jpgSG Armaturen Enøk 10W LED 2700K E27
...d71a363be5005/t/b/tbd0601718801b_1_1.jpg60cm sort LED lampe med batteri og bevegelse sensor
...te_outlet_web-30zv0xcgyiclb0yh6uabr4.jpgSG SPIKE GRAFITT 1100 LED med stikkkontakt
...6eee1b2926ad71a363be5005/t/p/tp90_00.jpgDownlightkabel TP90 2x1,5 MM2 500V-met
...s/g/sg_leddim_smart_bluetooth_dimmer.pngSG LEDDim smart 400VA
.../media/amasty/amlabel/1BLACKNovember.pngSG LEDDim smart 400VASG LEDDim smart 400VA
...a363be5005/s/g/sg_stikkontakt_sort_1.pngSG Stikkontakt innfelt Sort Dobbel m/j 1,5 boks
.../media/amasty/amlabel/1BLACKNovember.pngSG Stikkontakt innfelt Sort Dobbel m/j 1,5 boksSG Stikkontakt innfelt Sort Dobbel m/j 1,5 boks
...e1b2926ad71a363be5005/9/9/9917034a_l.jpgLED DIMMER, 5-100W LED, HVIT, 1-POL/TRAPP
.../media/amasty/amlabel/1BLACKNovember.pngLED DIMMER, 5-100W LED, HVIT, 1-POL/TRAPPLED DIMMER, 5-100W LED, HVIT, 1-POL/TRAPP
...05/s/g/sg_stikkontakt_innfelt_sort_1.pngSG STIKK kontakt IF Dobbel M/Jord SORT
...0000101582-70219877010112xearthwhite.jpgSG STIKK kontakt IF Dobbel M/Jord HVIT
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...5/g/l/glesbox-2x0k5evgeiln9scpe17ocg.jpgSG UNIBOX Downlight kasse 30mm
...6ad71a363be5005/1/0/10265018_640x480.jpgSG LEDDIM 400 2-POL - Ny Variant
...g/Screenshot_-_2024-10-15T104006.737.pngFull frihet med LED striper
...fan_blog/ctm_lyng_digitalt_wattmeter.pngNYHET !! Digitalt wattmeter fra CTM Lyng
...fan_blog/om_led_du_kansje_ikke_viste.jpgLitt om LED du kanskje ikke viste
...log/cache/370x300/magefan_blog/homey.jpgTermostat fra Varmecomfort med Homey støtte
...g/Screenshot_-_2024-03-12T090229.821.pngDigitalt Showroom med SG produkter
.../370x300/magefan_blog/color_kelvin_1.jpgKelvingrad i LEDlys

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
The H1 heading is too short (12 characters). It should be at least 20 Characters long.
Some headings occur twice on the page.
There are 85 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 LEDonline.no
H2 LEDonline.no - Spesialisten på LEDlys, downlights og designbelysning Online
H2 Populære Kategorier
H2 Utvalgte BLACK NOVEMBER Tilbud
H2 Blogg Nyheter
H3 Feather taklampe Ø60 cm Hvite fjær og rund skjerm
H3 Cruiser LB2 21000Lumen 195W
H3 Lisboa vegglampe enkel Sort lampe med messing detaljer
H3 Bergen tak/vegg utelampe IP44
H3 X-TIGUA Flomlys ASym 236W 31388LM DALI
H3 ELKO Bryter 1 Polet I RS Nordic Renhvit
H3 Nexans Defrost Water Kit 25m
H3 ELKO Rehab servicepakke for dimmer
H3 Varese takkrone med 9 armer
H3 Unilamp Titan Kony Takskinne 3-Spot LED 2700K 3X6,5W Matt Sort
H3 Bryter 6+6-Vekselvender Innfelt ELKO Havplast Sort
H3 Smart LED 20cm Børstet LED lampe med batteri og bevegelse sensor
H3 Industriarmatur 42W IP66 Indy66 LED
H3 Triton LED 370 ED 30500lm 185W
H3 Downlights
H3 Taklamper
H3 Trappelys
H3 LED Dimmere
H3 El-bil Lader
H3 Byggbelysning
H3 Bordlamper
H3 LED Spotskinner
H3 LED striper
H3 LED Arbeidslys
H3 IndustriBelysning
H3 OUTLET Duplicate text
H3 230V Ledstripe dimbar 2700K
H3 LED Strip 230V Dimbar 2700K, plug and play opptil 50meter
H3 Junistar IsoSafe DimToWarm Matt hvit 7W LED 2000-2800K Ra95
H3 SG Junistar Eco IsoSafe 8-pack Hvit 6W LED DimToWarm
H3 SG Junistar 2700K Eco IsoSafe 8 pack
H3 SG Junistar Lux 7W LED 2700K Ra 98 Hvit 10års Garanti
H3 SG LEDDim smart 400VA
H3 SG Stikkontakt innfelt Sort Dobbel m/j 1,5 boks
H3 Roar LED downlight 6W 550Lumen
H3 Unilamp Kube LED 2x3W sort Matt
H3 SG TRIO 60W E27 SORT IP65 614520, SG AS
H3 Nordlux Canto 2 maxi LED vegglampe GU10
H3 Nordlux Canto 2 6W LED vegglamp
H3 Focus DUO Utelampe Sort
H3 SG Circulus Matt hvit 19W LED 2700K
H3 Konstsmide Modena vegglampe I opp/ned - Svart
H3 SG Armaturen Enøk 10W LED 2700K E27
H3 Smart LED 60cm sort LED lampe med batteri og bevegelse sensor
H3 SG SPIKE GRAFITT 1100 LED med stikkkontakt
H3 Downlightkabel TP90 2x1,5 MM2 500V-met
H3 SG LEDDim smart 400VA Duplicate text
H3 SG Stikkontakt innfelt Sort Dobbel m/j 1,5 boks Duplicate text
H3 LED DIMMER, 5-100W LED, HVIT, 1-POL/TRAPP Duplicate text
H3 SG STIKK kontakt IF Dobbel M/Jord SORT
H3 SG STIKK kontakt IF Dobbel M/Jord HVIT
H3 SG LEDDim Front Sort
H3 SG UNIBOX Downlight kasse 30mm
H3 SG LEDDIM 400 2-POL - Ny Variant
H3 Full frihet med LED striper
H3 NYHET !! Digitalt wattmeter fra CTM Lyng
H3 Litt om LED du kanskje ikke viste
H3 Termostat fra Varmecomfort med Homey støtte
H3 Digitalt Showroom med SG produkter
H3 Kelvingrad i LEDlys
There are too many internal links (684) on this page.
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
5 links don't have an anchor text.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
There are 4 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
https://www.ledonline.no/Anchor Skip to Content
/cdn-cgi/l/email-protectionKontakt Kundeservice
/customer/account/login/Subdomain Finn din Ordre
https://www.ledonline.no/Subdomain IMG-ALT LEDonline.no
A-TITLE LEDonline.no
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