Ebrosia.de - SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.11 s
File size
354.40 kB
Media files
Number of links
242 internal / 9 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
ebrosia-Wein-Shop - günstig Wein online kaufen
The length of the page title is perfect. (432 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Weine, Schaumweine, Spirituosen und Delikatessen günstig bei ebrosia kaufen ✓ Große Auswahl ✓ Versandkostenfrei ab 120 € - Rotwein, Weißwein, Weinpakete besonders günstig kaufen - Jetzt bestellen!
The meta description is too long: 1272 pixels from max. 1000 pixels. Optimize description
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

descriptionWeine, Schaumweine, Spirituosen und Delikatessen günstig bei ebrosia kaufen ✓ Große Auswahl ✓ Versandkostenfrei ab 120 € - Rotwein, Weißwein, Weinpakete besonders günstig kaufen - Jetzt bestellen!
twitter:titleebrosia-Wein-Shop - günstig Wein online kaufen
twitter:descriptionWeine, Schaumweine, Spirituosen und Delikatessen günstig bei ebrosia kaufen ✓ Große Auswahl ✓ Versandkostenfrei ab 120 € - Rotwein, Weißwein, Weinpakete besonders günstig kaufen - Jetzt bestellen!
og:titleebrosia-Wein-Shop - günstig Wein online kaufen
og:descriptionWeine, Schaumweine, Spirituosen und Delikatessen günstig bei ebrosia kaufen ✓ Große Auswahl ✓ Versandkostenfrei ab 120 € - Rotwein, Weißwein, Weinpakete besonders günstig kaufen - Jetzt bestellen!

Test up to 1.000 webpages of ebrosia.de with our free plan!

Try For Free
No trial. It's just free!

Page quality

(Critically important)
Words from the H1 heading are not used in the page content.
This page contains 1332 words. That's ok.
27.9% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
10 paragraphs were found on this page.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 14.55 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
A viewport "width=device-width,initial-scale=1" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 27 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
6 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
..._startseite_d.webp?v=1727678607&width=64No alt attribute provided
...70_startseite.webp?v=1727848224&width=64No alt attribute provided
..._startseite_d.webp?v=1727848294&width=64No alt attribute provided
...iger-Portrait.webp?v=1723020084&width=64No alt attribute provided
...n-collections.webp?v=1726135195&width=64Rotwein <em>entdecken</em>
...n-collections.webp?v=1726135411&width=64Weißwein <em>entdecken</em>
...e-collections.webp?v=1726665995&width=64Probierpakete <em>entdecken</em>
...ecret-de-Galet.png?v=1729039096&width=64Castan Cotes-du-Rhône Secret des Galets
...yrail-Bordeaux.png?v=1726155917&width=64Château Le Peyrail Bordeaux AOC
...re-Buon-Rosato.png?v=1728712500&width=64Torrevento Oltre Buon Rosato
...mitivo-ESEMPIO.png?v=1728685762&width=64Primitivo ESEMPIO Collezione per gli Amici IGP
...iserva-INSIEME.png?v=1728705691&width=64Montepulciano d'Abruzzo Riserva INSIEME DOP
...a-2fdf13a1e638.png?v=1729039692&width=64Vorteilspaket Beaujolais Primeur 6 Fl.
...ng-TEVERA-2020.png?v=1728680070&width=64Lergenmüller TEVERA Riesling
...re-Buon-Bianco.png?v=1728712442&width=64Torrevento Oltre Buon Bianco
...db3885ce10/1.1.81/assets/bevh-siegel.pngNo alt attribute provided
...db3885ce10/1.1.81/assets/oeko-siegel.pngNo alt attribute provided

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Weindeals für Sparfüchse
The H1 heading is perfect.
Some headings occur twice on the page.
There are 45 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.
Some headings do not have any content.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Weindeals für Sparfüchse
H2 Weindeals für Sparfüchse Duplicate text
H2 Empty heading
H2 Empty heading
H2 Rüdiger Kleinke
H2 Wir versenden Genuss
H2 Superhelden der aktuellen Werbung
H2 Champagnerlounge
H2 Roséweinzimmer
H2 Weinschatzkammer
H2 Süßweinplatz
H2 Barriquestraße
H2 Immergünstig
H2 Wein, Schaumwein und Delikatessen bei ebrosia.de
H2 Es ist ein wenig leer hier
H3 Castan Cotes-du-Rhône Secret des Galets 66% Rabatt
H3 Château Le Peyrail Bordeaux AOC 72% Rabatt
H3 Torrevento Oltre Buon Rosato 63% Rabatt
H3 Primitivo ESEMPIO Collezione per gli Amici IGP 30% Rabatt
H3 Montepulciano d'Abruzzo Riserva INSIEME DOP 46% Rabatt
H3 Vorteilspaket Beaujolais Primeur 6 Fl. 11% Rabatt
H3 Lergenmüller TEVERA Riesling 60% Rabatt
H3 Torrevento Oltre Buon Bianco 45% Rabatt
H3 Schnelle Lieferung bis an die Haustür
H3 Gratis-Versand ab 120 €
H3 SSL-Verschlüsselung beim Bestellvorgang
H3 Zahlungsmethoden
H3 Empty heading
H3 Newsletter
H3 Empty heading
H3 Empty heading
H4 Rotwein entdecken
H4 Weißwein entdecken
H4 Probierpakete entdecken
H4 Rechtliches
H4 Service
H4 Wissen
H5 Bis 66% sparen
H5 11% Vorbesteller-Rabatt
H5 Bis zu 12% sparen
H5 Herzlich willkommen im neuen ebrosia-Shop!
H5 Alles ist neu und leicht!
H5 Optionen wählen
H6 Wein kaufen zum kleinen Preis im Weinshop - einfach, sicher, online
H6 Welche Rebsorten kann ich bei ebrosia.de finden?
H6 Sekt, Champagner und andere Schaumweine
H6 Lust auf etwas Neues: bei aktuellen Trends dabei
H6 Probierpakete: Wein günstig im Kennenlernpaket kaufen
H6 Bewertungen und Meinungen unserer Kunden
H6 Kundenservice
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
There are 9 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
https://www.ebrosia.de/Anchor Zum Inhalt springen
/collections/weine-aus-caberne...Cabernet Sauvignon
/collections/weine-aus-spatbur...Spätburgunder/Pinot Noir
/collections/weine-aus-weissbu...Weißburgunder/Pinot Bianco
/collections/weine-aus-graubur...Grauburgunder/Pinot Grigio
/collections/sauvignon-blancSauvignon Blanc
/collections/saurearme-weineSäurearme Weine
/collections/vegane-weineVegane Weine
/collections/alkoholfreiesAlkoholfreie Weine
/collections/letzte-flaschenLetzte Flaschen
/collections/probierpaketeGünstige Pakete
/collections/aktuelle-werbungAktuelle Werbung
/collections/immergunstigImmergünstige Weine
/collections/alkoholfreies/WeinText duplicate Alkoholfreie Weine
/collections/alkoholfreies/SektAlkoholfreie Sekte
/collections/alkoholfreies/Spi...Alkoholfreie Spirituosen & Bar-Mix
/collections/alkoholfreies/GeigerJörg Geiger
/collections/alkoholfreies/van...van Nahmen
/collections/spirituosen/Wermu...Sonstige Spirituosen
/collections/ol-essig-balsamicoÖl, Essig & Balsamico
/collections/konserven-und-ein...Konserven & Eingelegtes
/collections/nudeln-und-reisNudeln & Reis
/collections/sossen-und-marinadenSaucen & Marinaden
/collections/ketchup-maionese-...Ketchup, Maio, Senf
/collections/schokolade-und-su...Schokolade & Süßes
/collections/knabbereien-und-n...Knabbereien & Nüsse
/collections/geback-und-kekseGebäck & Kekse
https://www.ebrosia.de/searchKonfitüre & Honig
/customer_authentication/redir...Subdomain Konto
A-TITLE Anmelden
https://www.facebook.com/ebrosiaNew window External Subdomain A-TITLE Facebook
https://www.instagram.com/ebro...New window External Subdomain A-TITLE Instagram
https://www.youtube.com/ebrosiaNew window External Subdomain A-TITLE YouTube
https://www.ebrosia.de/No Text
/collections/rotweinText duplicate Rotwein
/collections/weissweinText duplicate Weißwein
/collections/roseweinText duplicate Roséwein
/collections/frankreich-weineText duplicate Frankreich
/collections/italienische-weineText duplicate Italien
/collections/deutsche-weineText duplicate Deutschland
/collections/portugiesische-weineText duplicate Portugal
/collections/spanische-weineText duplicate Spanien
/collections/sudafrikanische-w...Text duplicate Südafrika
/collections/ungarische-weineText duplicate Ungarn
/collections/osterreichische-w...Text duplicate Österreich
/collections/wein-aus-bordeauxText duplicate Bordeaux
/collections/weine-aus-apulienText duplicate Apulien
/collections/weine-aus-der-rhe...Text duplicate Rheingau
/collections/weine-aus-der-moselText duplicate Mosel
/collections/weine-aus-der-pfalzText duplicate Pfalz
/collections/weine-aus-luganaText duplicate Lugana
/collections/weine-aus-uberseeText duplicate Übersee
/collections/weine-aus-caberne...Text duplicate Cabernet Sauvignon
/collections/weine-aus-spatbur...Text duplicate Spätburgunder/Pinot Noir
/collections/weine-aus-grenacheText duplicate Grenache
/collections/weine-aus-merlotText duplicate Merlot
/collections/weine-aus-primitivoText duplicate Primitivo
/collections/weine-aus-rieslingText duplicate Riesling
/collections/weine-aus-silvanerText duplicate Silvaner
/collections/weine-aus-syrah-s...Text duplicate Syrah/Shiraz
/collections/weine-aus-chardonnayText duplicate Chardonnay
/collections/weine-aus-sangioveseText duplicate Sangiovese
/collections/weine-aus-tempran...Text duplicate Tempranillo
/collections/weine-aus-weissbu...Text duplicate Weißburgunder/Pinot Bianco
/collections/weine-aus-graubur...Text duplicate Grauburgunder/Pinot Grigio
/collections/sauvignon-blancText duplicate Sauvignon Blanc
/collections/schatzkammerText duplicate Schatzkammer
/collections/barrique-weineText duplicate Barrique-Weine
/collections/saurearme-weineText duplicate Säurearme Weine
/collections/dessertweineText duplicate Dessertweine
/collections/bio-weineText duplicate Bio-Weine
/collections/vegane-weineText duplicate Vegane Weine
/collections/alkoholfreiesText duplicate Alkoholfreie Weine
/collections/portugiesische-we...Text duplicate Portwein
/collections/spanische-weine/S...Text duplicate Sherry
/collections/portugiesische-we...Text duplicate Madeira
A-TITLE Schaumwein
/collections/franzosische-scha...Text duplicate Frankreich
/collections/champagnerText duplicate Champagner
/collections/cremantText duplicate Crémant
/collections/italienische-scha...Text duplicate Italien
/collections/proseccoText duplicate Prosecco
/collections/italienische-scha...Text duplicate Fragolino
/collections/italienische-scha...Text duplicate Franciacorta
/collections/sekt/DeutschlandText duplicate Sekt
/collections/cava/CavaText duplicate Cava
/collections/alkoholfreies/SektText duplicate Alkoholfrei
https://www.ebrosia.de/pages/sale% SALE %
/collections/letzte-flaschenText duplicate Letzte Flaschen
/collections/1-1-angeboteText duplicate Gratisflaschen
/collections/probierpaketeText duplicate Günstige Pakete
/collections/aktuelle-werbungText duplicate Aktuelle Werbung
/collections/immergunstigText duplicate Immergünstige Weine
/collections/alkoholfreiesText duplicate Alkoholfrei
A-TITLE Alkoholfrei
/collections/alkoholfreies/WeinText duplicate Alkoholfreie Weine
/collections/alkoholfreies/SektText duplicate Alkoholfreie Sekte
/collections/alkoholfreies/Spi...Text duplicate Alkoholfreie Spirituosen & Bar-Mix
/collections/alkoholfreies/GeigerText duplicate Jörg Geiger
/collections/alkoholfreies/SaftText duplicate Säfte
/collections/alkoholfreies/van...Text duplicate van Nahmen
A-TITLE Hochprozentiges
/collections/spirituosen/GinText duplicate Gin
/collections/spirituosen/RumText duplicate Rum
/collections/spirituosen/LikörText duplicate Likör
/collections/spirituosen/GrappaText duplicate Grappa
/collections/spirituosen/BrandText duplicate Brände
/collections/spirituosen/CognacText duplicate Cognac
/collections/spirituosen/WhiskyText duplicate Whisky
/collections/spirituosen/WodkaText duplicate Wodka
/collections/spirituosen/Wermu...Text duplicate Sonstige Spirituosen
A-TITLE Delikatessen
/collections/zubereiten-und-ve...Zubereiten & Verfeinern
/collections/ol-essig-balsamicoText duplicate Öl, Essig & Balsamico
/collections/konserven-und-ein...Text duplicate Konserven & Eingelegtes
/collections/nudeln-und-reisText duplicate Nudeln & Reis
/collections/sossen-und-marinadenText duplicate Saucen & Marinaden
/collections/ketchup-maionese-...Text duplicate Ketchup, Maio, Senf
/collections/fertiggerichteText duplicate Fertiggerichte
/collections/kaffeeText duplicate Gewürze
/collections/naschen-und-schle...Naschen & Schlemmen
/collections/schokolade-und-su...Text duplicate Schokolade & Süßes
/collections/knabbereien-und-n...Text duplicate Knabbereien & Nüsse
/collections/geback-und-kekseText duplicate Gebäck & Kekse
https://www.ebrosia.de/searchText duplicate Konfitüre & Honig
/collections/kaffee-1Text duplicate Kaffee
https://www.ebrosia.de/searchText duplicate Gourmetpakete
/customer_authentication/redir...Subdomain Anmelden
A-TITLE Anmelden
A-TITLE Warenkorb
/collections/aktuelle-werbungKlicken + sparen
/products/vorteilspaket-6-flas...Klicken + abheben
/collections/gluhweineJetzt Genießen
/collections/rotweinRotwein entdecken
IMG-ALT Rotwein <em>entdecken</em>
/collections/weissweinWeißwein entdecken
IMG-ALT Weißwein <em>entdecken</em>
/collections/probierpaketeProbierpakete entdecken
IMG-ALT Probierpakete <em>entdecken</em>
/products/castan-cotes-du-rhon...IMG-ALT Castan Cotes-du-Rhône Secret des Galets
A-TITLE Gehe zu Castan Cotes-du-Rhône Secret des Galets
/products/castan-cotes-du-rhon...Text duplicate Castan Cotes-du-Rhône Secret des Galets
A-TITLE Gehe zu Castan Cotes-du-Rhône Secret des Galets
/products/chateau-le-peyrail-b...IMG-ALT Château Le Peyrail Bordeaux AOC
A-TITLE Gehe zu Château Le Peyrail Bordeaux AOC
/products/chateau-le-peyrail-b...Text duplicate Château Le Peyrail Bordeaux AOC
A-TITLE Gehe zu Château Le Peyrail Bordeaux AOC
/products/torrevento-oltre-buo...IMG-ALT Torrevento Oltre Buon Rosato
A-TITLE Gehe zu Torrevento Oltre Buon Rosato
/products/torrevento-oltre-buo...Text duplicate Torrevento Oltre Buon Rosato
A-TITLE Gehe zu Torrevento Oltre Buon Rosato
/products/primitivo-esempio-co...IMG-ALT Primitivo ESEMPIO Collezione per gli Amici IGP
A-TITLE Gehe zu Primitivo ESEMPIO Collezione per gli Amici IGP
/products/primitivo-esempio-co...Text duplicate Primitivo ESEMPIO Collezione per gli Amici IGP
A-TITLE Gehe zu Primitivo ESEMPIO Collezione per gli Amici IGP
/products/montepulciano-dabruz...IMG-ALT Montepulciano d'Abruzzo Riserva INSIEME DOP
A-TITLE Gehe zu Montepulciano d'Abruzzo Riserva INSIEME DOP
/products/montepulciano-dabruz...Text duplicate Montepulciano d'Abruzzo Riserva INSIEME DOP
A-TITLE Gehe zu Montepulciano d'Abruzzo Riserva INSIEME DOP
/products/vorteilspaket-6-flas...IMG-ALT Vorteilspaket Beaujolais Primeur 6 Fl.
A-TITLE Gehe zu Vorteilspaket Beaujolais Primeur 6 Fl.
/products/vorteilspaket-6-flas...Text duplicate Vorteilspaket Beaujolais Primeur 6 Fl.
A-TITLE Gehe zu Vorteilspaket Beaujolais Primeur 6 Fl.
/products/lergenmuller-tevera-...IMG-ALT Lergenmüller TEVERA Riesling
A-TITLE Gehe zu Lergenmüller TEVERA Riesling
/products/lergenmuller-tevera-...Text duplicate Lergenmüller TEVERA Riesling
A-TITLE Gehe zu Lergenmüller TEVERA Riesling
/products/torrevento-oltre-buo...IMG-ALT Torrevento Oltre Buon Bianco
A-TITLE Gehe zu Torrevento Oltre Buon Bianco
/products/torrevento-oltre-buo...Text duplicate Torrevento Oltre Buon Bianco
A-TITLE Gehe zu Torrevento Oltre Buon Bianco
/collections/aktuelle-werbungGleich entdecken und % sparen %
/collections/champagnerJetzt entdecken
/collections/roseweinzimmerJetzt Entdecken
/collections/schatzkammerJetzt Endecken
/collections/susse-weineText duplicate Jetzt Entdecken
/collections/barrique-weineText duplicate Jetzt Endecken
/collections/immergunstigText duplicate Jetzt Entdecken
https://ehi-siegel.de/verbrauc...New window Nofollow External A-TITLE Weitere Informationen zu unserem BEVH Siegel
/pages/bio-zertifizierungA-TITLE Weitere Informationen zu unserem BIO-Zertifikat
https://www.ebrosia.de/IMG-ALT ebrosia
A-TITLE ebrosia
A-TITLE Datenschutz
A-TITLE Widerrufsrecht
A-TITLE Impressum
/policies/terms-of-serviceText duplicate AGB
/policies/privacy-policyText duplicate Datenschutz
A-TITLE Datenschutz
/policies/refund-policyText duplicate Widerrufsrecht
A-TITLE Widerrufsrecht
/policies/legal-noticeText duplicate Impressum
A-TITLE Impressum
https://account.ebrosia.de/External Subdomain Kundenkonto
A-TITLE Kundenkonto
/pages/rewardspagePLUS Treueprogramm
A-TITLE PLUS Treueprogramm
/a/subscriptions/loginSubdomain Abonnementverwaltung
A-TITLE Abonnementverwaltung
A-TITLE Kontakt
https://account.ebrosia.de/External Subdomain Text duplicate Kundenkonto
A-TITLE Kundenkonto
/pages/rewardspageText duplicate PLUS Treueprogramm
A-TITLE PLUS Treueprogramm
/a/subscriptions/loginSubdomain Text duplicate Abonnementverwaltung
A-TITLE Abonnementverwaltung
/pages/contactText duplicate Kontakt
A-TITLE Kontakt
A-TITLE Lieferung
/pages/uber-unsMehr Wein fürs Geld
A-TITLE Mehr Wein fürs Geld
A-TITLE Wein-Blog
https://www.ebrosia.de/pages/faqText duplicate FAQ
/pages/lieferkostenText duplicate Lieferung
A-TITLE Lieferung
/pages/uber-unsText duplicate Mehr Wein fürs Geld
A-TITLE Mehr Wein fürs Geld
https://www.ebrosia.de/blogs/newsText duplicate Wein-Blog
A-TITLE Wein-Blog
/pages/newsletter-anmeldungJetzt anmelden
A-TITLE Newsletter Anmeldung
https://www.facebook.com/ebrosiaNew window External Subdomain Text duplicate A-TITLE Facebook
https://www.instagram.com/ebro...New window External Subdomain Text duplicate A-TITLE Instagram
https://www.youtube.com/ebrosiaNew window External Subdomain Text duplicate A-TITLE YouTube
/collectionsEinkauf starten

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to "https://www.ebrosia.de/"
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time is excellent with 0.11 seconds.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (354 kB).

HTTP Response Header

dateFri, 18 Oct 2024 02:37:40 GMT
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External factors

This website has excellent links from other websites.
This page has backlinks from 205 referring domains.
This page has 5,784 backlinks.
This page has backlinks from 184 different ip addresses.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.


# we use Shopify as our ecommerce platform

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# Google adsbot ignores robots.txt unless specifically named!
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Wein fürs62%Check
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