- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.41 s
File size
93.40 kB
Media files
Number of links
135 internal / 13 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Silbertresor - Münzen und Barren aus Gold, Silber, Platin und Palladium zu Tagesaktuellen Preisen kaufen - schnelle Lieferung!
The page title should be shorter than 580 pixels. It is 1139 pixels long. Optimize title
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Jetzt Gold & Silber bei einfach und sicher online bestellen oder direkt in Augsburg Gersthofen kaufen!
The length of the meta description is perfect. (752 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
No canonical link is specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Language defined in meta tags: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The character encoding is not specified in the HTTP header.
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype XHTML 1.0 Transitional is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

generator(c) by xt:Commerce v3.0.4 SP2.1 ,
authorStefan Faller
publisherStefan Faller
reply-to[email protected]
descriptionJetzt Gold & Silber bei einfach und sicher online bestellen oder direkt in Augsburg Gersthofen kaufen!
keywordsSilbermünzen, Anlagemünzen, Edelmetalle, Gold, Silber, Platin, Palladium, Münzen, Augsburg
Content-Typetext/html; charset=UTF-8

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Page quality

(Critically important)
Some words from the page title are not used within the pages content
This page contains 1229 words. That's ok.
31.9% of the text are stop words.
5 paragraphs were found on this page.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 14.44 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No viewpoint tag is provided.
No Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The amount of tags is very high (62). We recommend using a maximum of 25 tags for this page.
The following tag is repeated too often: nur 42,99 eur
Some tags are too long. With 71 characters this one is longer than 70 characters:
"mehr als 15 jahre erfahrung und über 250.000 ausgelieferte bestellungen"
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
92 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
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/media/content/kollektionen_icon.pngNo alt attribute provided
/media/content/heimerle_icon.pngNo alt attribute provided
/media/content/Weihnachten_icon.pngNo alt attribute provided
/media/content/Silbermunzen_icon.pngNo alt attribute provided
/media/content/Silberbanknoten_icon.pngNo alt attribute provided
/media/content/Silberbarren_icon.pngNo alt attribute provided
/media/content/Goldmunzen_icon.pngNo alt attribute provided
/media/content/Goldbarren_icon.pngNo alt attribute provided
/media/content/Palladium_icon.pngNo alt attribute provided
/media/content/Platin_icon.pngNo alt attribute provided
/media/content/Kupfer_icon.pngNo alt attribute provided
/media/content/Lander_icon.pngNo alt attribute provided
/media/content/Medaillen%20Orden_icon.pngNo alt attribute provided
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/templates/silbertresor/img/icon_arrow.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/templates/silbertresor/img/icon_arrow.jpgNo alt attribute provided
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/templates/silbertresor/img/icon_arrow.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/templates/silbertresor/img/icon_arrow.jpgNo alt attribute provided
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/templates/silbertresor/img/icon_arrow.jpgNo alt attribute provided
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/templates/silbertresor/img/icon_arrow.jpgNo alt attribute provided
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/templates/silbertresor/img/icon_arrow.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/templates/silbertresor/img/icon_arrow.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/templates/silbertresor/img/icon_arrow.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/templates/silbertresor/img/icon_arrow.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/templates/silbertresor/img/icon_arrow.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/templates/silbertresor/img/icon_arrow.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/templates/silbertresor/img/icon_arrow.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/templates/silbertresor/img/icon_arrow.jpgNo alt attribute provided
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/templates/silbertresor/img/pixel_trans.gifNo alt attribute provided - 10 EURO In der Luft 2019 - 5er Satz Stempelglanz
/templates/silbertresor/img/pixel_trans.gifNo alt attribute provided
/templates/silbertresor/img/icon_more.gifNo alt attribute provided
...s/product_images/info_images/16141_0.jpgChina - 10 Yuan Panda 2025 - 30g Silber Gilded
.../silbertresor/img/neujahr2024NLklein.jpgNo alt attribute provided
... the dark side gold und silberbarren.jpgThe Royal Mint: Star Wars Dark Side Barren
...onopoly ausgaben aus gold und silber.jpgMonopoly Münzen aus Gold und Silber
... mint nerthus 2 oz silber gussbarren.jpgGermania Mint: Goddess Serie Nerthus Silber Gussbarren coin show special mit privy panda.jpgPerthMint: Koala Sonderausgabe Privy Panda
...log/sovereign2025 in gold und silber.jpgSovereign 2025 in Gold und Silber
...heitenkatalog/weihnachtsausgaben2024.jpgWeihnachtsmünzen aus Gold & Silber
...log/china panda gold und silber 2025.jpgChina Panda 2025 in Gold und Silber
...eben utahraptor silber und goldmünze.jpgPrähistorisches Leben: Der Utahraptor in Gold & Silber
...talog/kanada maple leaf 2025 in gold.jpgKanada: Maple Leaf 2025 in Gold und Silber
... lost tigers 2025 in gold und silber.jpgKambodscha: Lost Tigers 2025 in Silber und Gold
/media/content/vertrauen_buttonsneu.jpgNo alt attribute provided
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/media/content/hakenneu.jpgNo alt attribute provided
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...tes/silbertresor/img/icon_more_light.gifNo alt attribute provided
...ts/X56249B2BD511EDDCB6E2DC2373411D0C.gifKundenbewertungen von Silbertresor
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/templates/silbertresor/img/icon_arrow.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/templates/silbertresor/img/icon_arrow.jpgNo alt attribute provided
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Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Willkommen im Silbertresor
The H1 heading contains the words Willkommen im! Use important keywords instead.
The heading structure is perfect.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Willkommen im Silbertresor
H2 Ihr Edelmetallhandelshaus für Münzen und Barren aus Gold, Silber, Platin und Palladium
H3 Krügerrand | Maple Leaf | Wiener Philharmoniker | Libertad | Lunar Serie | China Panda American Eagle | Britannia | Känguru | Elefant | Kookaburra | Koala | Tudor Beasts
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
4 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
There are 13 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
/shop_content.php?coID=7IMG-ALT Silbertresor Startseite
/index.phpSubdomain Katalog
/account.phpSubdomain Ihr Konto
/shopping_cart.phpSubdomain Warenkorb
/checkout_shipping.phpSubdomain Kasse
/shop_content.php?coID=123Silber TOP-DEAL
/shop_content.php?coID=57Wieder da!
/index.php?cat=c27_Weihnachten...Subdomain Weihnachten
/index.php?cat=c30_Silberm--nz...Subdomain Silbermünzen
/index.php?cat=c174_Silberbank...Subdomain Silberbanknoten
/index.php?cat=c49_Silberbarre...Subdomain Silberbarren
/index.php?cat=c40_Goldm--nzen...Subdomain Goldmünzen
/index.php?cat=c51_Goldbarren....Subdomain Goldbarren
/index.php?cat=c28_Palladium.htmlSubdomain Palladium
/index.php?cat=c58_Platin.htmlSubdomain Platin
/index.php?cat=c77_Kupfer.htmlSubdomain Kupfer
/index.php?cat=c1_L--nder.htmlSubdomain Länder
/index.php?cat=c180_Medaillen-...Subdomain Medaillen Orden
/index.php?cat=c142_Motive.htmlSubdomain Motive
/index.php?cat=c16_Spezialgebi...Subdomain Spezialgebiet
/index.php?cat=c22_M--nzzubeh-...Subdomain Münzzubehör
/index.php?cat=c29_B--cher---D...Subdomain Bücher & DVD
/index.php?cat=c13_Produkt--be...Subdomain Produktübersicht
/advanced_search.phpSubdomain Erweiterte Suche »
/shop_content.php?coID=333Subdomain Text duplicate Goldbarren
/shop_content.php?coID=313Subdomain Herr der Ringe Münzen
/shop_content.php?coID=309&Som...Subdomain Somalia Leopard Münzen
/shop_content.php?coID=301&Krü...Subdomain Krügerrand
/shop_content.php?coID=302&Map...Subdomain Maple Leaf
/shop_content.php?coID=303&Wie...Subdomain Wiener Philharmoniker
/shop_content.php?coID=304&Chi...Subdomain China Panda
/shop_content.php?coID=305&Lib...Subdomain Libertad Siegesgöttin
/shop_content.php?coID=306&Koo...Subdomain Kookaburra
/shop_content.php?coID=311&Kiw...Subdomain Kiwi Münzen
/shop_content.php?coID=312&Sta...Subdomain Star Wars Münzen
/shop_content.php?coID=307&KoalaSubdomain Koala Münzen
/shop_content.php?coID=308&Som...Subdomain Somalia Elefant Münzen
/shop_content.php?coID=45Subdomain Münzkollektionen
/shop_content.php?coID=16Subdomain Ankaufspreise
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/shop_content.php?coID=18Subdomain Bekannt von Messen
/shop_content.php?coID=12Subdomain Edelmetallkurse
/shop_content.php?coID=20Subdomain Ladengeschäft
/shop_content.php?coID=34Subdomain Vermögen schützen
/shop_content.php?coID=50Subdomain Neu im Onlineshop
/shop_content.php?coID=51Subdomain Warum Edelmetalle?
/shop_content.php?coID=52Subdomain Erweiterte Suche
/shop_content.php?coID=53Subdomain TOP Investment
/shop_content.php?coID=57Subdomain Wieder im Onlineshop
/shop_content.php?coID=61Subdomain Stellenangebote
/shop_content.php?coID=67Subdomain Heimerle + Meule
/shop_content.php?coID=8Subdomain Sitemap
/shop_content.php?coID=13Subdomain Wie bestell ich?
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/shop_content.php?coID=3Subdomain Unsere AGB's
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/shop_content.php?coID=7Subdomain Kontakt
/shop_content.php?coID=15Subdomain Widerrufsbelehrung
/shop_content.php?coID=88Subdomain Widerrufsformular
/shop_content.php?coID=77No Text
/product_info.php?info=p6846_D...Subdomain IMG-ALT Deutschland - 10 EURO In der Luft 2019 - 5er Satz Stempelglanz
/product_info.php?info=p6846_D...Subdomain Text duplicate Deutschland - 10 EURO In der Luft 2019 - 5er Satz Stempelglanz
/shop_content.php?coID=50Subdomain No Text
/product_info.php?info=p16141_...Subdomain IMG-ALT China - 10 Yuan Panda 2025 - 30g Silber Gilded
/product_info.php?info=p16141_...Subdomain Text duplicate China - 10 Yuan Panda 2025 - 30g Silber Gilded
/shop_content.php?coID=77Subdomain No Text
/shop_content.php?stichwort=kr...Subdomain Text duplicate Krügerrand
/shop_content.php?stichwort=ma...Subdomain Text duplicate Maple Leaf
/shop_content.php?stichwort=ph...Subdomain Text duplicate Wiener Philharmoniker
/shop_content.php?stichwort=li...Subdomain Libertad
/shop_content.php?stichwort=au...Subdomain Lunar Serie
/shop_content.php?stichwort=pa...Subdomain Text duplicate China Panda
/shop_content.php?stichwort=us...Subdomain American Eagle
/shop_content.php?stichwort=br...Subdomain Britannia
/shop_content.php?stichwort=au...Subdomain Känguru
/shop_content.php?stichwort=so...Subdomain Elefant
/shop_content.php?stichwort=ko...Subdomain Text duplicate Kookaburra
/shop_content.php?stichwort=ko...Subdomain Koala
/shop_content.php?stichwort=tu...Subdomain Tudor Beasts
/shop_content.php?coID=50Text duplicate Neuheiten
/shop_content.php?coID=57Text duplicate Wieder da!
/shop_content.php?coID=66&neuh...IMG-ALT The Royal Mint: Star Wars Dark Side Barren
/shop_content.php?coID=66&neuh...IMG-ALT Monopoly Münzen aus Gold und Silber
/shop_content.php?coID=66&neuh...IMG-ALT Germania Mint: Goddess Serie Nerthus Silber Gussbarren
/shop_content.php?coID=66&neuh...IMG-ALT PerthMint: Koala Sonderausgabe Privy Panda
/shop_content.php?coID=66&neuh...IMG-ALT Sovereign 2025 in Gold und Silber
/shop_content.php?coID=66&neuh...IMG-ALT Weihnachtsmünzen aus Gold & Silber
/shop_content.php?coID=66&neuh...IMG-ALT China Panda 2025 in Gold und Silber
/shop_content.php?coID=66&neuh...IMG-ALT Prähistorisches Leben: Der Utahraptor in Gold & Silber
/shop_content.php?coID=66&neuh...IMG-ALT Kanada: Maple Leaf 2025 in Gold und Silber
/shop_content.php?coID=66&neuh...IMG-ALT Kambodscha: Lost Tigers 2025 in Silber und Gold
/product_info.php?info=p15342_...Wurde soeben gekauft!
/shop_content.php?coID=51Subdomain Warum Gold & Silber? Lesen Sie unseren Leitartikel Hier klicken!
/media/content/webbroschuere20...New window Subdomain Unsere Infobroschüre Jetzt PDF herunterladen
/shop_content.php?coID=20Subdomain Unser Ladengeschäft
/shop_content.php?coID=59Subdomain Videothek Hier gibt es alle Münz-Videos
/shop_content.php?coID=34Subdomain Investment Die besten Investment Artikel
/shop_content.php?coID=67Subdomain Heimerle + Meule Alle Gold und Silber Anlageprodukte
/shop_content.php?coID=52&stic...Text duplicate Krügerrand
/shop_content.php?coID=52&stic...Text duplicate Wiener Philharmoniker
/shop_content.php?coID=52&stic...Australisches Känguru / Nugget
/shop_content.php?coID=52&stic...Text duplicate Maple Leaf
/shop_content.php?coID=52&stic...Text duplicate China Panda
/shop_content.php?coID=52&stic...Mexiko Libertad
/index.php?cat=c51_Goldbarren....Text duplicate Goldbarren
/index.php?cat=c30_Silbermuenz...Silber Anlage
/shop_content.php?coID=51Jetzt lesen!
/shop_content.php?coID=52&stic...Subdomain Investment Die beliebtesten Artikel der letzten Wochen
/shop_content.php?coID=52&stic...Subdomain Sammlerwert Die beliebtesten Artikel der letzten Wochen
/shop_content.php?coID=52&stic...Subdomain Numismatik Die beliebtesten Artikel der letzten Wochen
/shop_content.php?coID=16Text duplicate Ankaufspreise window External Subdomain Tägliche Berichte über Münzneuheiten
https://www.modernemü window External Subdomain Unsere Datenbank über Moderne Numismatik
https://www.edelmetallankauf-f...New window External Subdomain Wir kaufen Gold, Silber, Platin und Palladium window External Subdomain IMG-ALT Newsletter window External Subdomain IMG-ALT EMXpress window External Subdomain IMG-ALT Facebook window External Subdomain IMG-ALT Instagram window External IMG-ALT Twitter window External Subdomain IMG-ALT YouTube
/shop_content.php?coID=12Zu den Charts
/shopping_cart.phpSubdomain No Text
/password_double_opt.phpSubdomain Passwort vergessen? window External Subdomain IMG-ALT Kundenbewertungen von Silbertresor
A-TITLE Kundenbewertungen von Silbertresor einsehen window External Subdomain Silbertresor ist ein von Trusted Shops geprüfter Onlinehändler mit Gütesiegel und Käuferschutz. Mehr...
A-TITLE Mehr Informationen zu Silbertresor Subdomain No Text
/product_info.php?info=p389_So...Subdomain Somaliland - Lunar Jahr des Tigers 2010 - 1 Oz Silber
/product_info.php?info=p7372_A...Subdomain Australien - 1 AUD PerthMint Känguru 2020 - 1 Oz Silber
/product_info.php?info=p3008_K...Subdomain Kanada - 5 CAD Maple Leaf (Diverse) - 1 Oz Silber
/product_info.php?info=p7651_S...Subdomain Südafrika - Krügerrand 2020 - 1 Oz Silber
/product_info.php?info=p8707_S...Subdomain Südafrika - Krügerrand 2021 - 1 Oz Silber
/product_info.php?info=p1525_K...Subdomain Kanada - 5 CAD Maple Leaf 2013 - 1 Oz Silber
/product_info.php?info=p2714_C...Subdomain China - 10 Yuan Panda 2015 - 1 Oz Silber
/product_info.php?info=p2764_K...Subdomain Kanada - 5 CAD Maple Leaf 2015 - 1 Oz Silber
/product_info.php?info=p8650_A...Subdomain Australien - 1 AUD PerthMint Känguru 2021 - 1 Oz Silber
/product_info.php?info=p14529_...Subdomain Südafrika - Krügerrand 2024 - 1 Oz Silber window External Subdomain xt:Commerce Shopsoftware

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to ""
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time of 0.41 seconds is longer than the recommended limit of 0.4 seconds. A high response time unnecessarily slows down search engine crawling and results in bad user experience as well.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (93 kB).

HTTP Response Header

dateThu, 26 Dec 2024 20:28:43 GMT
expiresThu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
cache-controlno-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0
set-cookie72 Characters

External factors

This website has excellent links from other websites.
This page has backlinks from 100 referring domains.
This page has 254,571 backlinks.
This page has backlinks from 71 different ip addresses.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.


User-agent: *
Disallow: address_book_process.php 
Disallow: account.php 
Disallow: account_edit.php 
Disallow: account_edit_process.php 
Disallow: account_history.php 
Disallow: account_history_info.php 
Disallow: address_book.php 
Disallow: checkout_process.php 
Disallow: advanced_search.php 
Disallow: advanced_search_result.php 
Disallow: checkout_address.php 
Disallow: checkout_confirmation.php 
Disallow: checkout_payment.php 
Disallow: checkout_success.php 
Disallow: contact_us.php 
Disallow: create_account.php
Disallow: create_account_guest.php  
Disallow: create_account_process.php 
Disallow: create_account_success.php 
Disallow: info_shopping_cart.php 
Disallow: login.php 
Disallow: logoff.php
Disallow: password_double_opt.php
Disallow: popup_image.php 
Disallow: popup_search_help.php 
Disallow: privacy.php 
Disallow: product_notifications.php 
Disallow: product_reviews.php 
Disallow: product_reviews_info.php 
Disallow: reviews.php 
Disallow: shipping.php 
Disallow: admin/
Disallow: export/
Disallow: download/ 
Disallow: includes/ 
Disallow: pub/ 
Disallow: media/

User-agent: Baiduspider
Disallow: /

User-agent: Baiduspider-image
Disallow: /

Search preview
Silbertresor - Münzen und Barren aus Gold, Silber, Platin und Palla...
Jetzt Gold & Silber bei einfach und sicher online bestellen oder direkt in Augsburg Gersthofen kaufen!

Most important keywords

Following keywords were found. You can check the keyword optimization of this page for each keyword.

Gold Silber84%Check
Gold und Silber79%Check
Silber Anlage67%Check
Münzen und Barren61%Check
Platin und Palladium61%Check

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