This site can not be crawled by the Seobility bot. The robots.txt file restricts access for our bot. No URLs can be crawled that deny access to the user agent Seobility or *.
Problem URL:
# We allow everything from the root # and then set noindex on our backends for paths that we want to Disallow # to prevent this list from being too complex and long User-agent: Applebot Disallow: /admin User-agent: baiduspider Disallow: /admin User-agent: Bingbot Disallow: /admin User-agent: Discordbot Disallow: /admin User-agent: facebookexternalhit Disallow: /admin User-agent: Googlebot Disallow: /admin User-agent: Googlebot-Image Disallow: /admin User-agent: Google-InspectionTool Disallow: /admin User-agent: ia_archiver Disallow: /admin User-agent: LinkedInBot Disallow: /admin User-agent: msnbot Disallow: /admin User-agent: Naverbot Disallow: /admin User-agent: Pinterestbot Disallow: /admin User-agent: Screaming Frog SEO Spider Disallow: /admin User-agent: seznambot Disallow: /admin User-agent: Slurp Disallow: /admin User-agent: teoma Disallow: /admin User-agent: TelegramBot Disallow: /admin User-agent: Twitterbot Disallow: /admin User-agent: Yandex Disallow: /admin User-agent: Yeti Disallow: /admin User-agent: SnapchatAdsBot Disallow: /admin User-agent: SemrushBot Disallow: /admin User-agent: Pinterestbot Disallow: / User-agent: * Disallow: / Sitemap: Sitemap: Sitemap: Sitemap: