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/Schickhard-Johann-Christian/ | Subdomain | Schickhard, Johann Christian A-TITLE Schickhard, Johann Christian |
/Schoenberg-Arnold/ | Subdomain | Schönberg, Arnold A-TITLE Schönberg, Arnold |
/Schroeter-Johann-Samuel/ | Subdomain | Schröter, Johann Samuel A-TITLE Schröter, Johann Samuel |
/Schubert-Franz/ | Subdomain Text duplicate | Schubert, Franz A-TITLE Schubert, Franz |
/Schulhoff-Erwin/ | Subdomain | Schulhoff, Erwin A-TITLE Schulhoff, Erwin |
/Schumann-Robert/ | Subdomain Text duplicate | Schumann, Robert A-TITLE Schumann, Robert |
/Senallie-Jean-Baptiste/ | Subdomain | Senallié, Jean-Baptiste A-TITLE Senallié, Jean-Baptiste |
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/Soler-Antonio/ | Subdomain | Soler, Antonio A-TITLE Soler, Antonio | | Subdomain | Spohr, Louis A-TITLE Spohr, Louis |
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/Steffan-Joseph-Anton/ | Subdomain | Steffan, Joseph Anton A-TITLE Steffan, Joseph Anton |
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/Veracini-Antonio/ | Subdomain | Veracini, Antonio A-TITLE Veracini, Antonio |
/Veracini-Francesco-Maria/ | Subdomain | Veracini, Francesco Maria A-TITLE Veracini, Francesco Maria |
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/Vivaldi-Antonio/ | Subdomain | Vivaldi, Antonio A-TITLE Vivaldi, Antonio |
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/Webern-Anton/ | Subdomain | Webern, Anton A-TITLE Webern, Anton |
/Wendling-Johann-Baptist/ | Subdomain | Wendling, Johann Baptist A-TITLE Wendling, Johann Baptist |
/Widor-Charles-Marie/ | Subdomain | Widor, Charles-Marie A-TITLE Widor, Charles-Marie |
/Wieck-Schumann-Clara/ | Subdomain | Wieck-Schumann, Clara A-TITLE Wieck-Schumann, Clara |
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/String-Duos-String-Trios/ | Subdomain | String Duos, String Trios A-TITLE String Duos, String Trios |
/Trio-sonatas/ | Subdomain | Trio sonatas A-TITLE Trio sonatas | | Subdomain | Piano Trios A-TITLE Piano Trios |
/String-Quartets/ | Subdomain | String Quartets A-TITLE String Quartets |
/Piano-Quartets/ | Subdomain | Piano Quartets A-TITLE Piano Quartets |
/String-Quintets/ | Subdomain | String Quintets A-TITLE String Quintets |
/Piano-Quintets/ | Subdomain | Piano Quintets A-TITLE Piano Quintets |
/String-Sextets/ | Subdomain | String Sextets A-TITLE String Sextets |
/Chamber-music-with-winds/ | Subdomain | Chamber music with winds A-TITLE Chamber music with winds |
/Chamber-music-with-miscellane... | Subdomain | Chamber music with miscellaneous instruments A-TITLE Chamber music with miscellaneous instruments | | Subdomain | Choir A-TITLE Choir |
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/Voice-and-miscellaneous-instr... | Subdomain | Voice and miscellaneous instruments A-TITLE Voice and miscellaneous instruments |
/Harp-with-other-Instruments/ | Subdomain | Harp with other Instruments A-TITLE Harp with other Instruments |
/Violin-and-Guitar/ | Subdomain | Violin and Guitar A-TITLE Violin and Guitar |
/Mandolin-and-Piano/ | Subdomain | Mandolin and Piano A-TITLE Mandolin and Piano | | Subdomain | Flute solo A-TITLE Flute solo |
/Flute-and-Piano/ | Subdomain | Flute and Piano A-TITLE Flute and Piano |
/Flute-Concertos/ | Subdomain | Flute Concertos A-TITLE Flute Concertos |
/Oboe-and-Piano/ | Subdomain | Oboe and Piano A-TITLE Oboe and Piano |
/Oboe-Concertos/ | Subdomain | Oboe Concertos A-TITLE Oboe Concertos |
/Clarinet-and-Piano/ | Subdomain | Clarinet and Piano A-TITLE Clarinet and Piano |
/Clarinet-Concertos/ | Subdomain | Clarinet Concertos A-TITLE Clarinet Concertos |
/Bassoon-and-Piano/ | Subdomain | Bassoon and Piano A-TITLE Bassoon and Piano |
/Bassoon-and-Violoncello/ | Subdomain | Bassoon and Violoncello A-TITLE Bassoon and Violoncello |
/Bassoon-Concertos/ | Subdomain | Bassoon Concertos A-TITLE Bassoon Concertos |
/Saxophone-and-Piano/ | Subdomain | Saxophone and Piano A-TITLE Saxophone and Piano |
/Saxophone-Concertos/ | Subdomain | Saxophone Concertos A-TITLE Saxophone Concertos |
/Horn-and-Piano/ | Subdomain | Horn and Piano A-TITLE Horn and Piano |
/Horn-Concertos/ | Subdomain | Horn Concertos A-TITLE Horn Concertos |
/Trumpet-and-Piano/ | Subdomain | Trumpet and Piano A-TITLE Trumpet and Piano |
/Trumpet-Concertos/ | Subdomain | Trumpet Concertos A-TITLE Trumpet Concertos |
/Trombone-and-Piano/ | Subdomain | Trombone and Piano A-TITLE Trombone and Piano |
/Trombone-Concertos/ | Subdomain | Trombone Concertos A-TITLE Trombone Concertos |
/Recorder-and-Basso-continuo/ | Subdomain | Recorder and Basso continuo A-TITLE Recorder and Basso continuo |
/Chamber-Orchestra/ | Subdomain | Chamber Orchestra A-TITLE Chamber Orchestra | | Subdomain | Concerto A-TITLE Concerto | | Subdomain | Orchestra A-TITLE Orchestra |
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(Nice to have)