Exportkreditgarantien.de - SEO Checker

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Factores externos
Puntuación SEO
Tiempo de carga
1,26 s
Tamaño HTML
367,70 kB
Cantidad de enlaces
250 internos / 19 externos

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(Extremadamente importante)
Export Credit Guarantees of the Federal Government
La longitud del título es óptima (476 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Cover economic and political risks with export credit guarantees ► Foreign trade promotion with Hermes Cover (Hermes guarantees)
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (823 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
No se identifica ningún error en los enlaces alternate/hreflang.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
El nombre del dominio es demasiado extenso.
El dominio no es un subdominio.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


descriptionCover economic and political risks with export credit guarantees ► Foreign trade promotion with Hermes Cover (Hermes guarantees)
twitter:titleExport Credit Guarantees of the Federal Government
twitter:descriptionCover economic and political risks with export credit guarantees ► Foreign trade promotion with Hermes Cover (Hermes guarantees)
og:titleExport Credit Guarantees of the Federal Government
og:site_nameExport Credit Guarantees of the Federal Government
og:descriptionCover economic and political risks with export credit guarantees ► Foreign trade promotion with Hermes Cover (Hermes guarantees)

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
En esta página hay faltas de ortografía:
  • commitee => committee
Hay 4 textos duplicados en esta página:
  • Texto duplicado 1: With the forfaiting guarantee, exporters can sell (forfait) credit rec...
  • Texto duplicado 2: An Airbus Guarantee is a guarantee on first demand covering the risk o...
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 3478 palabras.
Un 30.5% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 53 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 21.91 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width).
Al menos un icono de Apple-Touch ha sido especificado.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
Algunas etiquetas de negritas son demasiado largas (más de 70 caracteres). Con 80 caracteres:
"protecting exporters and banks from the risk of commercial and political payment".
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 36 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de Schema.org) adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Your Partner for Export Cover
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Hay 53 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Your Partner for Export Cover
H2 The climate strategy for foreign trade promotion
H2 Product finder
H2 I am looking for products for...
H2 Exporters
H2 I am looking for cover for receivables arising from ...
H2 ... one transaction with a single buyer.
H2 ... several transactions with a single buyer.
H2 ... several transactions with various buyers.
H2 I see risks for the phase prior to shipment.
H2 I would like to sell my Hermes-covered receivables.
H2 I have to provide contract bonds.
H2 I am looking for additional insurance options for my export transactions.
H2 I am looking for insurance for constructional works contracts.
H2 I see confiscation risks abroad for equipment and machinery, etc.
H2 I am looking for support in connection with a project finance scheme.
H2 I am looking for insurance of means of transport/transport equipment.
H2 Banks
H2 I intend to grant a loan to a foreign buyer to finance German exports for...
H2 ... an exporter’s single transaction.
H2 ... several transactions of one exporter.
H2 ... several transactions of different exporters.
H2 I want to relieve my exporter’s bond facility.
H2 I want to have leeway for the confirmation of letters of credit.
H2 I wish to improve my refinancing facilities.
H2 I would like to hedge the legal risks involved in the purchase of Hermes-covered receivables.
H2 Special solutions
H2 Means of transport
H2 Project finance
H2 Importers
H2 What challenges do you face?
H2 I would like to ease the pressure on my credit facility.
H2 My customer needs finance for the products I supply.
H2 I want to protect myself from economic and political risks.
H2 We are a small company – are Export Credit Guarantees a viable option us at all?
H2 I export products that reduce carbon emissions in the buyer’s country. Am I eligible for better conditions?
H2 I would like to know whether my export business is eligible for cover under an Export Credit Guarantee.
H2 My customer is having payment difficulties. What should I do now?
H2 I would like to import goods from Germany, can I apply for Hermes Cover for this?
H2 News
H2 In Focus
H2 Premium calculator
H2 Is my export transaction eligible for cover?
H2 Protection with Hermes Cover
H2 Solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises
H3 For German companies from the service industry
H3 Focus Africa
H3 Shopping Line Cover
H3 Hermes Cover click&cover EXPORT
H3 What are Export Credit Guarantees?
H3 Let us advise you personally on the suitable products.
H4 Customer Service
H5 Secure Risks
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 19 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
/en/service/tools/tools-overvi...New here?
A-TITLE New here?
A-TITLE Contact
A-TITLE Search
https://apg-online.agaportal.de/Nueva ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Login
/en/service/customer-portals/a...Nueva ventana Nofollow Service
https://my.agaportal.de/Nueva ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Login
/enA-TITLE Home
/en/products/for-exporters/sin...Supplier Credit Cover
/en/products/for-exporters/sin...Hermes Cover click&cover EXPORT
/en/products/for-exporters/sin...Export Credit Cover for Service Providers
/en/products/for-exporters/sin...Manufacturing Risk Cover
/en/products/for-exporters/sin...Contract Bond Cover
/en/products/for-exporters/sin...Leasing Cover
/en/products/for-exporters/rev...Wholeturnover Policy (APG)
/en/products/for-exporters/rev...Wholeturnover Policy light (APG-light)
/en/products/for-exporters/rev...Revolving Supplier Credit Cover
/en/products/for-exporters/sup...Product overview
/en/products/for-exporters/sup...Forfaiting Guarantee
/en/products/banks/singe-trans...Buyer Credit Cover
/en/products/banks/singe-trans...Hermes Cover click&cover BANK
/en/products/banks/singe-trans...Texto duplicado Leasing Cover
/en/products/banks/singe-trans...Credit Confirmation Risk Cover
/en/products/banks/Revolving-w...Shopping Line Cover
/en/products/banks/Revolving-w...Framework Credit Cover
/en/products/banks/Revolving-w...Revolving Buyer Credit Cover
/en/products/banks/supplementa...Texto duplicado Product overview
/en/products/banks/supplementa...Texto duplicado Forfaiting Guarantee
/en/products/banks/Revolving-w...Texto duplicado Shopping Line Cover
/en/products/importers/importe...Your way to buy 'Made in Germany' (EN)
/en/products/importers/foreign...Su acceso a "Made in Germany" (ES)
/en/products/importers/foreign...Votre accès au "Made in Germany" (FR)
/en/products/importers/foreign...Seu acesso ao "Made in Germany" (PT)
/en/products/importers/foreign..."Alman Malı" na erişiminizbuy (TR)
/de/produkte/fuer-importeure/f...Your way to buy 'Made in Germany'
https://www.ufk-garantien.de/enNueva ventana Externo Subdominio Untied Loan Guarantees
https://www.investitionsgarant...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Investment Guarantees
/en/country-information.htmlCountry information Protection for your export markets.
A-TITLE Country information
/en/service/tools/tools-overvi...Preliminary check (DE) Check your project now!
A-TITLE Preliminary check (DE)
/en/online-inquiry.htmlOnline inquiry We check your project free of charge and without obligation.
A-TITLE Online inquiry
/en/solutions/introduction-to-...Application This is how it's done - quick and easy.
A-TITLE Application
/en/solutions/introduction-to-...Solutions for SMEs
/en/solutions/introduction-to-...How to get Hermes Cover
/en/sustainability/trust/proje...Experience reports
/en/solutions/covering-risks/e...With Export Credit Guarantees against risks
/en/solutions/covering-risks/f...Financing options
/en/solutions/covering-risks/f...Financing of foreign customers
/en/solutions/covering-risks/f...Inclusion of foreign content
/en/solutions/costs/premium.htmlPremiums and fees
/en/solutions/costs/cost-calcu...Cost calculation
/en/country-information.htmlCountry information
/en/solutions/costs/country-ri...Country risk categories
/en/solutions/indemnification/...Important in the event of a loss
/en/country-information.htmlTexto duplicado Country information Protection for your export markets.
A-TITLE Country information
/en/service/tools/tools-overvi...Cost calculator Calculate the expected fees.
A-TITLE Cost calculator
/en/service/tools/tools-overvi...Premium calculator All-in premium indication incl. a repayment plan.
A-TITLE Premium calculator
/en/solutions/indemnification/...Filling a claim
A-TITLE Filling a claim
/en/sustainability/sustainabil...Assessment of ESHR issues
/en/sustainability/climate-str...Climate strategy
/en/sustainability/climate-str...Climate strategy for ECG
/en/sustainability/climate-str...Sector Guidelines
/en/sustainability/climate-str...Greenhouse Gas Footprint
/en/sustainability/trust/preve...Prevention of bribery
/_Resources/Persistent/8/9/b/3...OECD Common Approaches
/en/sustainability/trust/a-pro...Category A projects
/en/sustainability/trust/suppo...Supported projects
/en/sustainability/trust/proje...Background information on selected transactions
/en/sustainability/sustainabil...Responsibility Learn more.
A-TITLE Responsibility
/en/sustainability/sustainabil...Assessment of ESHR issues To the questionnaires and information
A-TITLE Assessment of ESHR issues
/en/sustainability/climate-str...Climate strategy for ECG Promotion of climate-friendly exports
A-TITLE Climate strategy for ECG
/en/knowledge/about-us/promoti...Promotion of foreign trade
/en/knowledge/about-us/reports...Interim and Annual Reports
https://www.linkedin.com/compa...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio LinkedIn profile
https://www.youtube.com/channe...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio YouTube channel
/en/knowledge/international-co...International agreements
/en/knowledge/international-co...Financing experts abroad
/en/knowledge/international-co...Useful links
/en/downloads.htmlInfo material
/en/knowledge/knowledge-transf...Interministerial Commitee
/en/knowledge/knowledge-transf...Background knowledge
/en/knowledge/news/press-mater...Press material
/en/knowledge/news/newsletter....Newsletter Always informed at once.
A-TITLE Newsletter
/en/downloads.htmlInfo material Read more.
A-TITLE Info material
/en/events.htmlMedia center Recordings of past events.
A-TITLE Media center
/en/tools-overview.htmlTexto duplicado Service
https://apg-online.agaportal.de/Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio APG Online Login
https://my.agaportal.de/Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio myAGA Login
/en/service/meet-us/experts.htmlOur experts visit you
/en/service/digital-services/i...Our interfaces
/en/service/digital-services/s...System connection for banks
/en/your-contacts.htmlContact us Find your local contact partner.
A-TITLE Contact us
/en/contact.htmlMeet our local consultants
A-TITLE Meet our local consultants
/en/knowledge/international-co...Texto duplicado Financing experts abroad
A-TITLE Financing experts abroad
/en/downloads.htmlDownload forms
A-TITLE Download forms
/en/products/for-exporters/sin...Texto duplicado Supplier Credit Cover
/en/products/for-exporters/sin...Texto duplicado Hermes Cover click&cover EXPORT
/en/products/for-exporters/sin...Texto duplicado Export Credit Cover for Service Providers
/en/products/for-exporters/sin...Texto duplicado Manufacturing Risk Cover
/en/products/for-exporters/sin...Texto duplicado Contract Bond Cover
/en/products/for-exporters/sin...Texto duplicado Leasing Cover
/en/products/for-exporters/rev...Texto duplicado Wholeturnover Policy (APG)
/en/products/for-exporters/rev...Texto duplicado Wholeturnover Policy light (APG-light)
/en/products/for-exporters/rev...Texto duplicado Revolving Supplier Credit Cover
/en/products/for-exporters/sup...Texto duplicado Product overview
/en/products/for-exporters/sup...Texto duplicado Forfaiting Guarantee
/en/products/banks/singe-trans...Texto duplicado Buyer Credit Cover
/en/products/banks/singe-trans...Texto duplicado Hermes Cover click&cover BANK
/en/products/banks/singe-trans...Texto duplicado Leasing Cover
/en/products/banks/singe-trans...Texto duplicado Credit Confirmation Risk Cover
/en/products/banks/Revolving-w...Texto duplicado Shopping Line Cover
/en/products/banks/Revolving-w...Texto duplicado Framework Credit Cover
/en/products/banks/Revolving-w...Texto duplicado Revolving Buyer Credit Cover
/en/products/banks/supplementa...Texto duplicado Product overview
/en/products/banks/supplementa...Texto duplicado Forfaiting Guarantee
/en/products/banks/Revolving-w...Texto duplicado Shopping Line Cover
/en/products/importers/importe...Texto duplicado Your way to buy 'Made in Germany' (EN)
/en/products/importers/foreign...Texto duplicado Su acceso a "Made in Germany" (ES)
/en/products/importers/foreign...Texto duplicado Votre accès au "Made in Germany" (FR)
/en/products/importers/foreign...Texto duplicado Seu acesso ao "Made in Germany" (PT)
/en/products/importers/foreign...Texto duplicado "Alman Malı" na erişiminizbuy (TR)
/de/produkte/fuer-importeure/f...Texto duplicado Your way to buy 'Made in Germany'
https://www.ufk-garantien.de/enExterno Subdominio Texto duplicado Untied Loan Guarantees
https://www.investitionsgarant...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Investment Guarantees
/en/solutions/introduction-to-...Texto duplicado Solutions for SMEs
/en/solutions/introduction-to-...Texto duplicado How to get Hermes Cover
/en/solutions/introduction-to-...Texto duplicado Application
/en/sustainability/trust/proje...Texto duplicado Experience reports
/en/solutions/covering-risks/e...Texto duplicado With Export Credit Guarantees against risks
/en/solutions/covering-risks/f...Texto duplicado Financing options
/en/solutions/covering-risks/f...Texto duplicado Financing of foreign customers
/en/solutions/covering-risks/f...Texto duplicado Inclusion of foreign content
/en/solutions/costs/premium.htmlTexto duplicado Premiums and fees
/en/solutions/costs/cost-calcu...Texto duplicado Cost calculation
/en/country-information.htmlTexto duplicado Country information
/en/solutions/costs/country-ri...Texto duplicado Country risk categories
/en/solutions/indemnification/...Texto duplicado Important in the event of a loss
/en/sustainability/sustainabil...Texto duplicado Responsibility
/en/sustainability/sustainabil...Texto duplicado Assessment of ESHR issues
/en/sustainability/climate-str...Texto duplicado Climate strategy
/en/sustainability/climate-str...Texto duplicado Climate strategy for ECG
/en/sustainability/climate-str...Texto duplicado Sector Guidelines
/en/sustainability/climate-str...Texto duplicado Greenhouse Gas Footprint
/en/sustainability/trust/preve...Texto duplicado Prevention of bribery
/_Resources/Persistent/8/9/b/3...Texto duplicado OECD Common Approaches
/en/sustainability/trust/a-pro...Texto duplicado Category A projects
/en/sustainability/trust/suppo...Texto duplicado Supported projects
/en/sustainability/trust/proje...Texto duplicado Background information on selected transactions
/en/knowledge/about-us/promoti...Texto duplicado Promotion of foreign trade
/en/knowledge/about-us/reports...Texto duplicado Interim and Annual Reports
/en/knowledge/about-us/history...Texto duplicado History
/en/knowledge/about-us/career....Texto duplicado Career
https://www.linkedin.com/compa...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado LinkedIn profile
https://www.youtube.com/channe...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado YouTube channel
/en/knowledge/international-co...Texto duplicado International agreements
/en/knowledge/international-co...Texto duplicado Cooperations
/en/knowledge/international-co...Texto duplicado Financing experts abroad
/en/knowledge/international-co...Texto duplicado Useful links
/en/downloads.htmlTexto duplicado Info material
/en/knowledge/knowledge-transf...Texto duplicado Interministerial Commitee
/en/knowledge/knowledge-transf...Texto duplicado Background knowledge
/en/news.htmlTexto duplicado News
/en/knowledge/news/newsletter....Texto duplicado Newsletter
/en/knowledge/news/press-mater...Texto duplicado Press material
https://apg-online.agaportal.de/Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado APG Online Login
https://my.agaportal.de/Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado myAGA Login
/en/service/customer-portals/a...Texto duplicado APG-Online-Service
/en/events.htmlTexto duplicado Events
/en/service/meet-us/experts.htmlTexto duplicado Our experts visit you
/en/service/digital-services/i...Texto duplicado Our interfaces
/en/service/digital-services/s...Texto duplicado System connection for banks
/en/service/digital-services/a...Texto duplicado Accessibility
/en/service/tools/tools-overvi...Texto duplicado New here?
A-TITLE New here?
/en/contact.htmlTexto duplicado Contact
A-TITLE Contact
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/en/search.htmlTexto duplicado Search
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https://apg-online.agaportal.de/Nueva ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Login
/en/service/customer-portals/a...Nueva ventana Nofollow Texto duplicado Service
https://my.agaportal.de/Nueva ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Login
/en/sustainability/climate-str...Texto duplicado Climate strategy
A-TITLE Climate strategy
/en/products/for-exporters/sin...Supplier Credit Cover With a Supplier Credit Guarantee, you can insure trade receivables arising from a single export transaction with short or long repaymen...
A-TITLE Supplier Credit Cover
/en/products/for-exporters/sin...Hermes Cover click&cover EXPORT With the digital form of the Supplier Credit Guarantee, you can insure small-ticket transactions having a volume of up to EUR...
A-TITLE Hermes Cover click&cover EXPORT
/en/products/for-exporters/sin...Export credit cover for service providers With an Export Cover for Service Providers, you can cover services rendered abroad that are not linked to the suppl...
A-TITLE Export Credit Cover for Service Providers
/en/products/for-exporters/sin...Leasing Cover With a Leasing Guarantee, the lessor can protect himself against the loss of amounts owing from a foreign lessee under a cross-border lease. Sh...
A-TITLE Leasing Cover
/en/products/for-exporters/rev...Revolving Supplier Credit Cover With a Revolving Supplier Credit Guarantee, you, as exporter, can obtain cover for accounts receivable with credit periods of...
A-TITLE Revolving Supplier Credit Cover
/en/products/for-exporters/rev...Wholeturnover Policy (APG) A Wholeturnover Policy (APG) enables you to insure accounts receivable with credit periods of up to 12 months arising from supply ...
A-TITLE Wholeturnover Policy (APG)
/en/products/for-exporters/rev...Wholeturnover Policy Light (APG-light) With a Wholeturnover Policy Light (APG-light) you, as a small or medium-sized exporter, can insure accounts receivable...
A-TITLE Wholeturnover Policy light (APG-light)
/en/products/for-exporters/sin...Manufacturing Risk Cover Manufacturing risk cover enables German exporters to insure production costs incurred in connection with an export contract. Show pr...
A-TITLE Manufacturing Risk Cover
/en/products/for-exporters/sup...Forfaiting Guarantee With the forfaiting guarantee, exporters can sell (forfait) credit receivables in full to a bank and thus achieve immediate liquidity. S...
A-TITLE Forfaiting Guarantee
/en/products/for-exporters/sin...Contract Bond Cover With a Contract Bond Guarantee, exporters can protect themselves against losses due to politically occasioned or unfair calling of a bond...
A-TITLE Contract Bond Cover
/en/products/for-exporters/sup...Counter-Guarantee for exporters A Counter Guarantee enables a German exporter to insure the claim for compensation which the guarantor who has issued a contr...
A-TITLE Counter-Guarantee
/en/products/for-exporters/sup...Constructional Works Cover With a Constructional Works Guarantee, you can insure the typical risks arising in connection with the performance of construction...
A-TITLE Constructional Works Cover
/en/products/for-exporters/sup...Confiscation Risk Cover Absicherung typischer Risiken bei Auslandsgeschäften, bei denen bei Grenzüberschreitung der Ware noch nicht feststeht, ob diese überh...
A-TITLE Confiscation Risk Cover
/en/products/for-exporters/sup...Project financing Cover for major projects Show product
A-TITLE Project financing
/en/products/for-exporters/sup...Ship Financing Zur Sicherung von Schiffsfinanzierungen werden Lieferantenkreditdeckungen und/oder Finanzkreditdeckungen eingesetzt. Eine Kombination mit weit...
A-TITLE Ship financing
/en/products/banks/supplementa...Airbus Guarantee An Airbus Guarantee is a guarantee on first demand covering the risk of bad debt losses . Normally, the contractual set-up of the covered ex...
A-TITLE Airbus Guarantee
/en/products/banks/singe-trans...Buyer Credit Cover With a Buyer Credit Guarantee, the bank insures the claim for repayment of the loan amount paid to the German exporter as agreed in the lo...
A-TITLE Buyer Credit Cover
/en/products/banks/singe-trans...Hermes Cover click&cover BANK Hermes Cover click&cover BANK German banks can quickly and easily insure buyer credits for straightforward export transactions ...
A-TITLE Hermes Cover click&cover BANK
/en/products/banks/singe-trans...Leasing Cover With a Leasing Guarantee, the lessor can insure the receivables arising from a cross-border leasing transaction which are payable by the lessee...
A-TITLE Leasing Cover
/en/products/banks/Revolving-w...Revolving Buyer Credit Cover Cover for banks for accounts receivable with credit periods of up to 12 months (in exceptional cases up to 24 months) arising fr...
A-TITLE Revolving Buyer Credit Cover
/en/products/banks/Revolving-w...Shopping Line Cover With Shopping-Line-Cover several transactions of different exporters can be bundled into one or several credit tranches with uniform repa...
A-TITLE Shopping Line Cover
/en/products/banks/Revolving-w...Framework Credit Cover With a Framework Credit Guarantee, a bank can insure its accounts receivable arising from individual loans granted under a general loa...
A-TITLE Framework Credit Cover
/en/products/banks/supplementa...Counter-Guarantee for banks A Counter-Guarantee enables the German exporter to insure the claim for compensation which the guarantor who has issued a contrac...
A-TITLE Counter-Guarantee
/en/products/banks/singe-trans...Credit Confirmation Risk Cover With a Credit Confirmation Risk Guarantee, the bank insures itself against the risks involved in the confirmation of a letter ...
A-TITLE Credit Confirmation Risk Cover
/en/products/banks/supplementa...Covered Bond Guarantee A Covered Bond Guarantee gives banks financing export transactions more flexibility when refinancing the export credits they granted i...
A-TITLE Covered Bond Guarantee
/en/products/banks/supplementa...Securitisation Guarantee (VBG-E/VBG-R) The Securitisation Guarantee makes it easier for banks to externally refinance export credits extended under buyer cre...
A-TITLE Securitisation Guarantee
/en/products/banks/supplementa...Securitisation Guarantee for the KfW Refinancing Programme The Securitisation Guarantee of the Federal Government enables banks to take part in the refinanci...
A-TITLE Securitisation Guarantee for the KfW Refinancing Programme
/en/products/banks/supplementa...Texto duplicado Forfaiting Guarantee With the forfaiting guarantee, exporters can sell (forfait) credit receivables in full to a bank and thus achieve immediate liquidity. S...
A-TITLE Forfaiting Guarantee
/en/products/banks/supplementa...Ship Financing In order to cover ship financing schemes Supplier Credit Guarantees and/or Buyer Credit Guarantees are used. Besides, a combination with other...
A-TITLE Ship financing
/en/products/banks/supplementa...Texto duplicado Airbus Guarantee An Airbus Guarantee is a guarantee on first demand covering the risk of bad debt losses . Normally, the contractual set-up of the covered ex...
A-TITLE Airbus Guarantee
/en/products/banks/supplementa...Project financing Insuring railway financing schemes with Supplier Credit Guarantees and/or Buyer Credit Guarantees. Show product
A-TITLE Project financing
/en/products/importers/foreign...Su acceso a «Made in Germany» ¿Cómo podemos apoyarle a usted en sus negocios en Alemania? Show product
A-TITLE Su acceso a «Made in Germany» (ES)
/en/products/importers/foreign...Votre accès au « Made in Germany » Comment pouvons-nous vous soutenir dans vos affaires avec Allemagne ? Show product
A-TITLE Votre accès au « Made in Germany » (FR)
/en/products/importers/foreign...Seu acesso ao "Made in Germany" Como podemos apoiar o seu negócio com a Alemanha? Show product
A-TITLE Seu acesso ao "Made in Germany" (PT)
/en/products/importers/foreign..."Alman Malı" na erişiminizbuy Almanya ile işinizi nasıl destekleyebiliriz? Show product
A-TITLE "Alman Malı" na erişiminizbuy (TR)
/en/solutions/covering-risks/f...Implement your company’s growth plans with us.
A-TITLE Implement your company’s growth plans with us.
/en/solutions/covering-risks/f...Gain more business by offering your customers finance.
A-TITLE Gain more business by offering your customers finance.
/en/solutions/covering-risks/e...Protect your exports from the risk of payment defaults.
A-TITLE Protect your exports from the risk of payment defaults.
/en/solutions/introduction-to-...Generate growth for your company’s export business with us.
A-TITLE Generate growth for your company’s export business with us.
/en/sustainability/climate-str...Take advantage of the improved conditions for green exports.
A-TITLE Take advantage of the improved conditions for green exports.
/en/service/tools/tools-overvi...Nueva ventana Nofollow Find out if your business is suitable by answering five short questions.
A-TITLE Find out if your business is suitable by answering five short questions.
/en/solutions/indemnification/...Contact us so that the outstanding amount is settled quickly.
A-TITLE Contact us so that the outstanding amount is settled quickly.
/en/news/pressemitteilung-bmwk...Nueva ventana Nofollow June 12, 2024 Press release BMWK Germany signs agreement to strengthen Ukraine's economy On the occasion of the Ukraine Recovery Conference taking place in B...
A-TITLE Germany signs agreement to strengthen Ukraine's economy
/en/news/messages/trade-bank-o...Nueva ventana Nofollow June 10, 2024 Messages Memorandum of Cooperation We're thrilled to announce the signing of a cooperation agreement between the Trade Bank of Iraq (TBI) and E...
A-TITLE Memorandum of Cooperation
/en/news/messages/strategic-pr...Nueva ventana Nofollow January 22, 2024 Messages Strategic projects At the end of 2023, the Federal Government further developed the key points by concretising the strategy paper o...
A-TITLE Strategic projects
/en/news/pressemitteilung-bmwk...Nueva ventana Nofollow October 13, 2023 Press release BMWK Climate policy sector guidelines for export credit and investment guarantees" presented Read more
A-TITLE Climate policy sector guidelines for export credit and investment guarantees" presented
/en/export-of-services.htmlExports of services
A-TITLE Exports of services
/en/knowledge/knowledge-transf...Focus Africa
A-TITLE Focus Africa
/en/products/banks/Revolving-w...Texto duplicado Shopping Line Cover
A-TITLE Shopping Line Cover
/en/products/for-exporters/sin...click&cover EXPORT
A-TITLE click&cover EXPORT
/en/online-inquiry.htmlInquire now
A-TITLE Inquire now
/en/solutions/introduction-to-...We support SMEs
A-TITLE We support SMEs
/en/your-contacts/individualco...Send a message
A-TITLE Send a message
https://www.bmwk.de/Redaktion/...Nueva ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Texto ancla A-TITLE Footer Logo
/en/products/for-exporters/sup...Wholeturnover Policy
A-TITLE Wholeturnover Policy
/en/products/for-exporters/sin...Supplier credits
A-TITLE Supplier credits
/en/products/for-exporters/sin...Small tickets
A-TITLE Small tickets
/en/products/banks/singe-trans...Buyer credits
A-TITLE Buyer credits
/en/products/for-exporters/sin...Manufacturing risks
A-TITLE Manufacturing risks
/en/products/banks/Revolving-w...Shopping lines
A-TITLE Shopping lines
/en/spalte-2/imports-from-germ...Imports from Germany
A-TITLE Imports from Germany
/en/country-information.htmlTexto duplicado Country information
A-TITLE Country information
/en/solutions/costs/country-ri...Country risks
A-TITLE Country risks
/en/solutions/introduction-to-...SME solutions
A-TITLE SME solutions
/en/news.htmlTexto duplicado News
/en/your-contacts.htmlYour contacts
A-TITLE Your contacts
/en/solutions/introduction-to-...Texto duplicado How to get Hermes Cover
A-TITLE How to get Hermes Cover
/en/online-inquiry.htmlOn-line inquiry
A-TITLE On-line inquiry
/en/solutions/introduction-to-...Application process
A-TITLE Application process
/en/solutions/indemnification/...Texto duplicado Filling a claim
A-TITLE Filling a claim
/en/legal-notice-privacy-state...Legal notice / Privacy Statement
A-TITLE Legal notice / Privacy Statement
A-TITLE Imprint
/en/knowledge/news/newsletter....Texto duplicado Newsletter
A-TITLE Newsletter
https://www.linkedin.com/compa...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado LinkedIn profile
A-TITLE LinkedIn profile
https://www.youtube.com/channe...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado YouTube channel
A-TITLE YouTube channel

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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)

Export Credit Guarantees of the Federal Government
Cover economic and political risks with export credit guarantees ► Foreign trade promotion with Hermes Cover (Hermes guarantees)

Palabras clave más importantes

Se han encontrado las siguientes palabras clave. Comprueba si esta página está bien optimizada para cada palabra clave en concreto.

Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Export Credit83%Check
cover EXPORT81%Check
Export Credit Guarantees78%Check
Export Credit Cover77%Check
Credit Guarantees71%Check
Credit Cover70%Check
export finance69%Check

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