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Marine Digital - ML-based platform for maritime logistics
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Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Automated systems for shipowners and shipping companies: FOS (Fuel Optimization System), Vessel Performance Monitoring, Fleet insight, Route planner, Catering, Port Call and other solutions for maritime logistics
La meta descripción es demasiado larga: 1000 píxelesOptimizar la descripción.
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Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
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URL de la página
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viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0
descriptionAutomated systems for shipowners and shipping companies: FOS (Fuel Optimization System), Vessel Performance Monitoring, Fleet insight, Route planner, Catering, Port Call and other solutions for maritime logistics
keywordsFuel Optimization System, vessel performance, fleet management, vessels data analysis, PAYS, Route planner, storm, geo, weather prediction, systems for shipping companies, Catering, Port Call, solutions for maritime logistics, Fleet insight
og:titleMarine Digital - ML-based platform for maritime logistics
og:descriptionAutomated systems for shipowners and shipping companies: FOS (Fuel Optimization System), Vessel Performance Monitoring, PAYS and Route planner, Catering, Port Call and other solutions for maritime logistics
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El contenido de esta página es demasiado extenso (6179 palabras). Tal vez podrías dividirlo en varias páginas según el tema.
Hay 2 textos duplicados en esta página:
  • Texto duplicado: Fuel consumption optimization systems not only provide the amount of f...
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es elevada: 37.83 palabras.
Un 37.9% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 141 párrafos en esta página.
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Con 749.9 kB, el documento HTML es demasiado grande.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0).
Al menos un icono de Apple-Touch ha sido especificado.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
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Algunas etiquetas de negritas son demasiado largas (más de 70 caracteres). Con 85 caracteres:
"imo compliance and cii optimization through seemp" on email and download it for free!".
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 1 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
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El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

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URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...9-4735-a433-373266333466/-/empty/___.jpgCarece de atributo ALT

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Marine Digital
El encabezado H1 es demasiado corto (14 caracteres). Debería tener al menos 20 caracteres.
Los encabezados H están perfectamente ordenados.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Marine Digital
H2 We have huge experience in the automation of logistics processes and operations management in shipping. We will be happy to answer your questions about our solutions, leave your contact
H2 Marine Digital solutions for decarbonisation in shipping and maritime logistics
H2 FREE Marine Digital noon report
H2 Real time monitoring of vessel performance
H2 Weather routing and voyage optimization for managing ETA
H2 Reduction in fuel consumption and GHG emissions
H2 Predictive maintenance of equipment onboard
H2 Voyage Budget Planner
H2 Fuel Optimization System (FOS)
H2 Port Call
H2 Catering
H2 Warehouse Management
H2 Queue Management
H2 Weight Module
H2 Trade Finance Module
H2 DIGIdock - OCR for documents
H3 Nowadays the impact of maritime operations on the global environment, economy, and society is huge. Only by combining heritage domain expertise with edge technologies, it is possible to handle a se...
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
22 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 9 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla Digital ancla Contacts ancla Sin texto
/voyage_budget_plannerVoyage Planner
/noon_reportDigital Noon Report
/voyage_optimization_for_manag...Voyage Optimization
/vessel_performance_monitoring...Vessel Performance
/predictive_maintenance_of_equ...Maintenance prediction
/fueloptimizationsystemFuel Optimization
/consultingIT Consulting
/esg_consultingESG Consulting
/platformTexto duplicado Platform
/digital_shippingTexto duplicado Media ancla Texto duplicado Contacts ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Sin texto duplicado DE texto duplicado CII duplicado SEEMP duplicado EEOI texto texto duplicado ESG texto
/noon_reportNueva ventana FREE Marine Digital noon report
/noon_reportNueva ventana More information
/noon_reportNueva ventana Sin texto
/noon_reportNueva ventana IMG-ALT Fuel Optimization System
/vessel_performance_monitoring...Nueva ventana Real time monitoring of vessel performance
/vessel_performance_monitoring...Nueva ventana Texto duplicado More information
/vessel_performance_monitoring...Nueva ventana Sin texto
/voyage_optimization_for_manag...Nueva ventana Weather routing and voyage optimization for managing ETA
/voyage_optimization_for_manag...Nueva ventana Texto duplicado More information
/voyage_optimization_for_manag...Nueva ventana Sin texto
/voyage_optimization_for_manag...Nueva ventana Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Weather routing and voyage optimization for managing ETA
/vessel_performance_monitoring...Nueva ventana Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Real time monitoring of vessel performance
/fuel_consumption_emissions_re...Nueva ventana Reduction in fuel consumption and GHG emissions
/fuel_consumption_emissions_re...Nueva ventana Texto duplicado More information
/fuel_consumption_emissions_re...Nueva ventana Sin texto
/predictive_maintenance_of_equ...Nueva ventana Predictive maintenance of equipment onboard
/predictive_maintenance_of_equ...Nueva ventana Texto duplicado More information
/predictive_maintenance_of_equ...Nueva ventana Sin texto
/predictive_maintenance_of_equ...Nueva ventana Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Predictive maintenance of equipment onboard
/fuel_consumption_emissions_re...Nueva ventana Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Reduction in fuel consumption and GHG emissions
/voyage_budget_plannerNueva ventana Voyage Budget Planner
/voyage_budget_plannerNueva ventana Texto duplicado More information
/voyage_budget_plannerNueva ventana Sin texto
/voyage_budget_plannerNueva ventana Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Voyage Budget Planner
/fueloptimizationsystemNueva ventana Fuel Optimization System (FOS)
/fueloptimizationsystemNueva ventana Texto duplicado More information
/fueloptimizationsystemNueva ventana Sin texto
/fueloptimizationsystemNueva ventana Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Fuel Optimization System
/article_startup_map_2023Nueva ventana Flagship Founders' have added Marine Digital at The Global Maritime Tech Startup Map 2023 Flagship Founders Updated The Global Maritime Tech Startup Map 2023...
/article_asthmaNueva ventana How Ocean Fleet is Connected to Childhood Asthma TLE speaks exclusively to Ivan Ladan, founder of Marine Digital, about the ever increasing blind spot of fre...
/article_global_marine_vessel_...Nueva ventana Global Marine Vessel Energy Efficiency Market Insights 2023 Marine Digital in the list of Key Players in Marine Vessel Energy Efficiency Market. The Report p...
/article_lifeboatsNueva ventana What lifeboats can we see today Every ship must have means of mobilization to ensure that the maximum possible number of passengers and crew on board gets ev...
/article_fueleu_maritime_initi...Nueva ventana FuelEU Maritime initiative to decarbonise the maritime sector The European Parliament and members of the EU Council managed to agree on "FuelEU Maritime," a ...
/article_cii-faqNueva ventana Frequently Asked Questions about Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII FAQ) New initiatives from IMO are already here starting from January 2023. A new wave of red...
/article_2022_maritime_reportNueva ventana Marine Digital report: Results of the year 2022 Marine Digital is not only founders, a team, or a website, it is also the community of the people around us. ...
/article_bridge_between_german...Nueva ventana Measure twice and cut once or how the sea level prevented the construction of the bridge During the construction of the bridge between Germany and Switzerlan...
/article_pier71Nueva ventana Marine Digital has reached the finals of the competition The Smart Port Challenge Marine Digital has reached the finals of the annual innovation competition ...
/article_german_climate_techNueva ventana German Climate Tech Landscape Marine Digital was listed in the German Climate Tech Map, the fastest growing vertical in Europe, which aims to reduce global g...
/article_affinity_vNueva ventana Navigation in the Suez Canal was suspended due to a tanker that ran aground The passage of ships in the Suez Canal was temporarily suspended. The Affinity V ...
/article_maritime_supply_chainsNueva ventana Maritime Supply Chains: What Is The Impact on Climate Change Emissions generated by shipping include sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and carbon di...
/article_eeoi_biggest_shipping...Nueva ventana The World’s Biggest Shipping Hubs Data from the Hong Kong Marine Department shows that ports in Asia, especially in China, are increasingly dominating the in...
/article_energy_efficiency_onl...Nueva ventana Marine Digital ship energy efficiency online monitoring CEO of Marine Digital, Ivan Ladan shows new solution with focus on voyage and emission efficiency ana...
/article_focus_on_esgNueva ventana How a Focus on ESG Transparency Will Impact Business The current patchwork of ESG disclosure frameworks and a lack of accurate ESG data form an environment w...
/article_25reasons_for_cargo_d...Nueva ventana Operational issues and bottlenecks of maritime supply chains: 25 reasons why your cargo is delayed due to shipping? Current maritime supply chains are not we...
/article_marine_management_sof...Nueva ventana Marine Management Software Market Overview The global marine management software market size is predicted to register a significant CAGR of ~10.6% during the...
/article_aisNueva ventana Automatic Identification System (AIS). What is AIS Data? The automatic identification system transmits the position of the vessel so that other vessels in th...
/article_esg_global_allianceNueva ventana Marine Digital listed as the ESG Global Alliance included Marine Digital in the list of ESG Global Alliance. The Alliance is composed of 500+ c...
/article_msc_tessaNueva ventana Largest container ship in the world has been floated out China’s Hudong Zhonghua Shipyard is squeezing more slots onto its megamax designs to break new size ...
/article_top_energy_efficiency...Nueva ventana Marine Digital in the list of Top Energy Efficiency Startups (Logistics category) Curious about new technological advancements in the energy sector? Explore ...
/article_startup_mapNueva ventana Flagship Founders’ have added Marine Digital at the first European Maritime Startup Map Europe Flagship Founders’ made the first European Maritime Startup Ma...
/article_shipping_industryNueva ventana The Shipping Industry: The greatest source of global carbon emissions? There are various emissions from the ship which are responsible for ozone depletion gr...
/article_esg_in_maritime_logis...Nueva ventana ESG In Maritime Logistics: What Will 2022 Bring? The new "Amazon Effect", agreements and rules from regulators, and a growing interest in supply chains effic...
/article_supply_chains-transpa...Nueva ventana Maritime supply chains transparency for business sustainability Marine digital has developed the trusted data solution for all companies using ocean shipping...
/article_strengthening_sireNueva ventana Strengthening The OCIMF Ship Inspection Report Program (SIRE.02) The OCIMF Ship Inspection Report Program (SIRE) has made a significant contribution to impro...
/article_spreadsheets_for_esg_...Nueva ventana Spreadsheets For ESG Analytics Are Still The Main Tool For Most Public Companies ESG data accounting at most companies is at a level where financial accounti...
/article_bs_groupNueva ventana BS Group Virtual Conference: Voyage Efficiency for CII Compliance At the "Voyage Efficiency for CII Compliance" event (27-28th of April) Ivan have shown an i...
/article_measuring_supply_chai...Nueva ventana Five Reasons To Start Measuring Supply Chains Emissions in 2022 The most complicated aspect of calculating value chain emissions is the data collection proce...
/article_new_regulationsNueva ventana New Regulations Supply Chain Due Diligence Act will enter into force in 2023 New regulations force companies and investors to act. According to GSCA the in-s...
/article__2023_supply_chain_tr...Nueva ventana Top 12 Supply Chain Trends: What You Should Know About Logistics in 2023 Supply chain management trends in 2023 will be influenced by numerous factors, from ...
/article_softwareNueva ventana Marine Digital on maritime software landscape There are currently scores of 550 apps available from a different software vendors in various categories such a...
/article_ghg_protocolNueva ventana What Are Scope 1, 2, 3 Of The GHG Protocol? The GHG Protocol serves as a standard for measuring and reporting organizational level direct and indirect greenh...
/article_esgNueva ventana ESG Reporting: What You Need To Know The growing importance of ESG reports is supported by the fact that the investors and other stakeholders are calling on ...
/article_energy_efficiency_in_...Nueva ventana Ship fuel spikes to historic $1,000/ton mark as war fallout worsens The fuel prices have doubled, but what should shipping company do with that? Our suggesti...
/article_eeoiNueva ventana What is EEOI - Energy Efficiency Operational Indicators? Using EEOI as a practical assessment method for evaluating ship energy efficiency and CO2 emissions ...
/article_roroNueva ventana Top 10 Biggest RoRo Ships In The World RoRo ships are maritime vessels that are utilized mainly for transporting wheeled cargo. These vessels are of differen...
/article_switch_bill_of_ladingNueva ventana What is a Switch Bill of Lading? Much can change in the process of sending goods from one place to another. Corrections or changes to the original bill of la...
/article_what_are_oem_and_odmNueva ventana What Are OEM and ODM In Maritime? The main advantage of OEM is that the projector retains total creative control over the development. Whereas ODM products a...
/article_is_it_real_for_can_a_...Nueva ventana Is It Real For A Ukrainian Sailor To Go Home Now? — Maritime Lawyer Answers There are many questions from sailors and requests for advice on how to get home ...
/article_top_12_largest_tanker...Nueva ventana Top 12 Largest Tanker Ships (also LNG, LPG) in the World At present tanker ships are used to carry a wide range of products such as Hydrocarbon products like...
/article_top_15_canalsNueva ventana TOP 15 navigable canals important for shipping and maritime logistics Navigable canals connect seas, lakes, and rivers and are vital because they offer short...
/article_fragmentationNueva ventana Fragmented maritime impact The maritime market was not really able to find the balance in data sharing and communication standards, so every major has its ow...
/article_nssavannahNueva ventana N.S. Savannah is a nuclear-powered cruise ship The N.S.Savannah, the world's first nuclear-powered merchant ship. At first glance, it looked like an ordinary...
/article_fobNueva ventana What does FOB Mean in Shipping Terms? FOB is the most common agreement between an international buyer and seller when shipping cargo via sea
/article_crypto_cruise_ship_sa...Nueva ventana How bitcoin fans built a utopia free from prejudice and taxes: the story of the failure of the world’s first crypto cruise ship Satoshi The founders wanted t...
/article_2021_maritime_reportNueva ventana Marine Digital report: Results of 2021 year 2021, despite the continuation of the Covid restrictions, was very productive for Marine Digital when you look at...
/article_lack_motivation_to_re...Nueva ventana Shipowners Lack The Motivation To Reduce Emissions...Here’s Why It’s interesting to know that nowadays the structure of the vessel market and its operations ...
/article_imo_infographicNueva ventana IMO Infographic: 10 years of action on GHG emissions from shipping The year 2021 marks a decade since IMO adopted the first set of mandatory energy efficienc...
/article_eexiandciiNueva ventana EEXI And CII: Dual Regulations Reducing Ship's Carbon Impact By 2030, the IMO aims to reduce vessels’ carbon emissions per transport work by at least 40% and...
/article_we_build_a_technology...Nueva ventana How We Build A Technology For Marines With 2,300+ Active Contacts My name is Ivan, I’m a founder of Marine Digital. We work in a niche of big vessel performa...
/article_incoterms2020Nueva ventana Incoterms 2020. Point of Delivery and Transfer of Risk The Incoterms rules are the world’s essential terms of trade for the sale of goods. The Incoterms rule...
/article_ciiNueva ventana CII – Carbon Intensity Indicator Regulators and other stakeholders in the maritime industry are intensifying their efforts to cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissi...
/article_noon_reportNueva ventana Digital Noon Report - the first step to working with vessel data Noon report solutions: Marine Difital noon report, Konsberg, StormGeo,Nautilus Labs, Veson N...
/article_top-15_seaportsNueva ventana TOP-15 significant seaports for global logistics In this review, we will consider not only the largest ports in Asia in terms of cargo turnover, so we presen...
/article_green_technologiesNueva ventana Green technologies in maritime and shipping video review by Marine Digital We present you with a video overview highlighting the key issues of maritime logis...
/article_new_onepagerNueva ventana Marine Digital solutions for shipowners and shipping companies In Marine Digital we work in the Field of Vessel performance optimization offering the edge ha...
/article_maritime_transport_te...Nueva ventana Maritime transport technology outlook for 2030 More ships will offer energy efficiency using renewable energy sources to reduce fuel consumption, environment...
/article_why_need_greener_shipsNueva ventana Why do huge Retail companies need greener ships Globally, the growth of shipping has a huge impact on the environment and public health. Each year, the shipp...
/article_main_reasons_for_the_...Nueva ventana Why your cargo has not yet arrived at the port or the main reasons for the delay of vessels Until the recent accident with the Evergreen ship, which closed t...
/article_maritime_challenges_2030Nueva ventana Maritime technology challenges 2030 Technology can help solve environmental problems for shipping and improve operational efficiency. The current rate of inn...
/article_top_7_navigation_prob...Nueva ventana TOP 7 maritime navigation problems that Marine Digital can help you with The role of maritime transport is more important than ever in maintaining the sustai...
/article_how_has_propulsion_ch...Nueva ventana How has vessel propulsion changed? Since the first ships appeared, people want to make them faster and more efficient. For this, the modes of transportation ...
/article_10biggest_lng_shippin...Nueva ventana TOP 10 biggest LNG shipping companies with LNG carriers Natural gas is the most environmentally friendly combustion option from fossil fuels, which means tha...
/article_10largest_container_l...Nueva ventana TOP 10 largest container lines with biggest container ships in Maritime logistics The slump in production and export orders globally led to moderate growth i...
/article_5benefits_of_digital_...Nueva ventana 5 Benefits Of Digital Twin In The Shipping Industry The technology underlying digital twins have evolved to encompass big objects such as machinery, building...
/article_top_15_cruiseNueva ventana TOP 15 best cruise lines with most recognisable cruise ships Cruises have evolved over the past century. And while 2020 was a volatile year for cruise lines,...
/article_10largest_bulk_companiesNueva ventana TOP 10 Largest shipping companies with bulk carriers Today the world dry cargo fleet accounts for 40% of all vessels in terms of tonnage and 39.4% in terms o...
/article_smartshipNueva ventana Smart Ship as one of the trends in maritime In the future, smart ships will include digital information, computer coding, and new technological infrastructur...
/article_ship_anchoring_methodsNueva ventana Ship Anchor and Ship Anchoring Methods There are many ways to anchor ships. Duration and location depend on a number of variables and external factors. For e...
/article_15biggest_shipping_co...Nueva ventana 15 Biggest Shipping Companies in the World At least 11 billion tons of goods are transported by sea every year, which means an average of about 1.5 tons per ...
/article_10largestoiltankercom...Nueva ventana 10 Largest Oil Tanker Companies in the World Despite the growing contribution of renewables to global energy consumption, the global market remains highly de...
/article_top_9_sensors_on_the_...Nueva ventana TOP 9 sensors on the ship for monitoring its performance 9 different sensors that can be found in one form or another on each vessel, and information from wh...
/article_data_analytics_in_mar...Nueva ventana Data analytics in maritime/shipping Big data is used to control sensors on a ship and to perform predictive analysis. Enhanced decision making through big da...
/article_digitalization_in_the...Nueva ventana Digitalization in the maritime / shipping industry Digitalization and new developments in artificial intelligence, blockchain, IoT and automation are becomin...
/article_agile_productionNueva ventana Shipping Demands Agile Production and Support Shipping сompanies can reduce costs by using agile working methods, like collecting feedback from the client, w...
/article_21types_of_navigation...Nueva ventana 21 Types of Navigation Equipment onboard Ships in Maritime Thanks to modern facilities and automation, the vessel is equipped with several advanced navigatio...
/article_predictive_maintenanc...Nueva ventana Predictive Maintenance for Marine Vessels In the maritime industry planning and performing regular maintenance is better than using broken equipment at all. ...
/article_guidelines_cyber_secu...Nueva ventana Download for free the Guidelines on cyber security onboard ships Cyber security is important because of its potential effect on personnel, the ship, environm...
/article_decarbonizationNueva ventana Reducing greenhouse gas emissions: decarbonization and sustainable energy in maritime Commercial shipping is increasingly seeking to using renewable or alter...
/article_robotics_in_maritime_...Nueva ventana How robotics is changing the maritime industry and what kind of robots are being used in shipping? Modern robotics is spreading across almost all sectors, in...
/article_7_mistakesNueva ventana Best practices to avoid 7 of the common marine navigation mistakes that can lead to accidents We discussed various cases of navigation errors with our adviso...
/article_digital_twinNueva ventana Smart ship vs Digital Twin Very often, many people confuse terms such as Smart Ship and Digital Twin. When introducing modern technologies into their busines...
/article_imo_environment_commi...Nueva ventana IMO environment committee approves to cut ship emissions Draft new mandatory regulations to cut the carbon intensity of existing ships have been approved by ...
/article_maritime_transport2020Nueva ventana The Review of Maritime Transport 2020 Global maritime trade will plunge by 4.1% in 2020 due to the unprecedented disruption caused by COVID-19, UNCTAD estima...
/article_data_miningNueva ventana Data Mining on ships. What does it take to leverage Big Data in maritime logistics? Analyzing data from multiple sources will enable to improve the managemen...
/article_eu_shipping_industryNueva ventana Economic Value of the EU Shipping Industry, 2020 by Oxford Economics Launched earlier in February during the 2020 European Shipping Week 2020, ECSA has produ...
/cybersecurity_in_shipping_and...Nueva ventana Cybersecurity in shipping and port technologies: examples of cyber attacks in maritime Cybersecurity of AIS, ECDIS, VDR, EPIRB and other specific information...
/article_sensorsNueva ventana Sensors and IoT in the shipping industry Shipping is constantly becoming the main field of automation and digitalization. All over the world, vessels are bei...
/article_hull_conditionNueva ventana How much fuel do shipping companies lose if the hull is in bad condition? The application of a special coating and regular repair of the hull to combat clogg...
/article_transformational_tech...Nueva ventana Transformational technologies in shipping industry Today almost everyone perceives digitalisation as the use of new technologies. But it's not always the cas...
/article_technologies_in_shipb...Nueva ventana Technologies in the Shipping Industry: main technological trends in Shipbuilding 3D printing, Robotics, Virtual and Augmented Reality, VR/AR, Engines powered...
/article_piratesNueva ventana Evolution of piracy at sea: pirates in maritime 2020 There is a 24% increase in piracy due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, which has shut down many busines...
/article_maritime_communicationNueva ventana Marine Communication Today, ships generate, collect, and transmit an ever-increasing volume of data. To achieve efficient data transfer, wireless communicati...
/article_ai_and_mlNueva ventana Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in maritime logistics Machine Learning allows to apply intelligent algorithms and to evaluate data tha...
/article_pays_2Nueva ventana What does it mean “pay as you sail” for shipping companies? Navigation in maritime is essential. Delivery and updating of ENC (Electronic navigational chart)...
/article_optimizing_vessels_routeNueva ventana Optimizing your vessel's route for time and fuel consumption Choosing the best route that avoids storms, strong undercurrents, and simple downpours and high ...
/article_bigdata_in_maritimeNueva ventana Big Data in Maritime: How a shipping company can effectively use data Key uses of big data in shipping and logistics: analytics for shipowners, data engineer...
/article_key_link_in_supply_chainNueva ventana The ship is a key link in supply chain and a technically complex assembly The key importance for the shipowner is optimal navigation, in terms of safety and ...
/article_green_shipNueva ventana Green Ship: Green technologies in Shipping Industry Cleaner trends in maritime and Greener Ships. Shipowners around the world face the choice of how to adapt...
/article_importance_of_cyberse...Nueva ventana The importance of cybersecurity in the maritime industry Cybersecurity in maritime affects the safety of the crew, vessel, cargo and even ports. Cybersecurit...
/article_situational_awarenessNueva ventana Software solutions for ship situational awareness Every possible human factor has to be controlled by the shipping companies, that's why there are a number o...
/article_vessel_performanceNueva ventana The relevance of Vessel Performance Monitoring for shipping companies How to control the performance of the ship units, accordingly, prevent accidents in mar...
/article_fuel_consumptionNueva ventana Fuel Optimization System (FOS) allows a shipping company to reduce fuel consumption Fuel consumption optimization systems not only provide the amount of fuel...
/article_co2Nueva ventana CO2 emissions from the marine industry: how can shipping companies be greener? What is the impact of the introduction of a system that reduces fuel consumpti...
/article_fromfuelconsumptionNueva ventana From fuel consumption sensors to a machine learning for Fuel Optimisation System in maritime industry Fuel consumption optimization systems not only provide ...
/article_digital_shipNueva ventana Digital ship: the main technological trend in the shipping Industry "Digital Ship" is one of the main topics in recent months is not a standalone solution, b...
/article_esrsNueva ventana EFRAG approved the European Sustainability Reporting Standards The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group published the final version of the European Su...
/article_top5factorsNueva ventana TOP 5 factors for lower fuel costs for Shipping companies Fuel consumption optimization systems not only provide the amount of fuel used during the trip but ...
/article_onepagerNueva ventana Marine Digital Fuel Optimisation System Onepager We are working on the fuel optimization system for shipping companies to save up to 12% of fuel per year for...
/article_cybersecurityNueva ventana Cybersecurity and Disaster Recovery Plan by Marine Digital One of the most important issues when connecting Marine Digital FOS on a vessel is the issue of th...
/article_the_climate_tech_star...Nueva ventana Marine Digital listed as The Climate Tech Startups to Watch This Month In this monthly series, the Startup Basecamp was doing feature of incredible climate t...
/article_paysNueva ventana New service for maritime navigation - PAYS (Pay as you sail) One of the parts of Marine Digital FOS is PAYS service. You will reduce expenses on maps thanks ...
/warehousemanagementsystemNueva ventana WMS
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/QueueManagementSystemNueva ventana Texto duplicado More information
/QueueManagementSystemNueva ventana Sin texto
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/WarehouseManagementSystemTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Warehouse Management ventana DIGIdock CRM
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/weight-moduleNueva ventana Texto duplicado More information
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/weight-moduleTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Weight Module ventana Trade Finance Module
/tradefinanceNueva ventana Texto duplicado More information
/tradefinanceNueva ventana Sin texto ventana DIGIdock - OCR for documents ventana Texto duplicado More information ventana Sin texto texto
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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Marine Digital - ML-based platform for maritime logistics
Automated systems for shipowners and shipping companies: FOS (Fuel Optimization System), Vessel Performance Monitoring, Fleet insight, Route planner, Catering, Port Call and other solutions for maritime logistics

Palabras clave más importantes

Se han encontrado las siguientes palabras clave. Comprueba si esta página está bien optimizada para cada palabra clave en concreto.

Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Marine Digital77%Check
Marine Digital solutions69%Check
Marine Digital FOS69%Check
maritime logistics66%Check
Digital Solutions66%Check
Digital Fuel66%Check
Digital Shipping66%Check

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