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(Extremadamente importante)
Genomics England PanelApp
La longitud del título es óptima (265 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
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Meta descripción
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No se encuentra la meta descripción.
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No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
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Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma no ha sido declarado en el código HTML.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
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No se ha encontrado ningún enlace alternativo (alternate) en esta página.
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Esta página está alojada en un subdominio. Para que la optimización de tu web en los buscadores tenga éxito, deberías utilizar tu propio dominio.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
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No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
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La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
El contenido de esta página es demasiado extenso (26862 palabras). Tal vez podrías dividirlo en varias páginas según el tema.
En esta página hay faltas de ortografía:
  • publicaly => publicly
Hay 26 textos duplicados en esta página:
  • Texto duplicado 1: Read our new publication in the American Journal of Human Genetics hig...
  • Texto duplicado 2: We are pleased to announce the launch of the NHS Genomic Medicine Serv...
  • Texto duplicado 3: The main Genomics England PanelApp knowledgebase here will be dedicate...
  • Texto duplicado 4: For more information on the evaluation and approval process of the con...
  • Texto duplicado 5: • Suggest additional panels to be added that would be useful for resea...
  • Texto duplicado 6: This is interim information and has not yet received final approval fr...
  • Texto duplicado 7: The panel contains green reviews corresponding to BRIDGE consortium Ti...
  • Texto duplicado 8: Louise Daugherty, NIHR BioResource - Rare Diseases, Cambridge Universi...
  • Texto duplicado 9: Thank you to Karyn Megy, WGS Clinical Feedback Lead for the NIHR BioRe...
  • Texto duplicado 10: These panels have been reviewed and revised internally according to ex...
  • Texto duplicado 11: Reviews from experts for the following gene panels have been internall...
  • Texto duplicado 12: ClinGen Gene Validity Curations. Reference: Strande NT et al. Evaluati...
Un 13.7% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 501 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 23.7 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
No se ha especificado ningún icono de Apple Touch.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1).
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
Algunas etiquetas se repiten, como por ejemplo: new publication in the american journal of human genetics.
Algunas etiquetas de negritas son demasiado largas (más de 70 caracteres). Con 134 caracteres:
"scaling national and international improvement in virtual gene panel curation using a collaborative ap...".
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
La descripción del atributo ALT se utiliza correctamente en todas las imágenes rastreadas.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
/media/images/NHS_10mm_-_RGB_Blue.jpgNHS logo
/media/images/PanelAppTrafficLights.pngFigure 1
/media/images/PanelAppTwitterLogo3.jpgpanelapp twitter logo
/media/images/Zornitza.pngZornitza Stark
/media/images/GMS_process.pngGene panel review process
/media/images/PanelApp_usage_June2019.pngPanel Types
/media/images/Panel_Types.pngPanel Types
.../Figure_1_-_The_PanelApp_Review_Tool.pngFigure 1 review tool
...ges/Figure_2_-_map_of_PanelApp_users.pngFigure 2 map of PanelApp users
...ages/Figure_3_-PanelAppTrafficLights.pngFigure 3 traffic lights
/media/images/Figure_2.pngFigure 2
/media/images/PanelApp_Stats_Sept2018.pngPanelApp Update September 2018
/media/images/July_2018_PanelApp_update.PNGPanelApp Update July 2018
/media/images/Oct2017PanelAppSummary.pngPanelApp October updates
...ages/Panel_App_Stats_October_30_2017.pngPanelApp update
/media/images/SeptUpdates.pngPanelApp September updates
/media/images/PanelUpdate_29Aug2017_RF.pngPanelApp update
/media/images/PanelUpdate_31July2017_RF.pngPanelApp update
/media/images/PanelUpdate_26June2017_RF.pngPanelApp update
/media/images/PanelUpdate_6June2017.pngPanelApp update
/media/images/PanelUpdate_2ndMay2017.pngPanelApp update
/media/images/PanelUpdate_25April2017.pngPanelApp update
/media/images/PanelUpdate_18thApril2017.pngPanelApp update
/media/images/PanelUpdate_10April2017.pngPanelApp update
/media/images/PanelUpdate_3rdApril2017.pngPanelApp update
.../images/PanelAppUpdate_21stMarch2017.pngPanelApp update
/media/images/13March2017.pngPanelApp update
/media/images/PanelUpdate_6thMarch2017.pngPanelApp update
/media/images/PanelAppUpdate_23Feb2017.pngPanelApp update
/media/images/PanelAppUpdate17Feb2017.pngPanelApp update
/media/images/PanelAppUpdate_6thFeb2017.pngPanelApp update
...ages/PanelUpdate_27thJan2017_ForNews.pngPanelApp update
...ages/PanelUpdate_10thJan2017_ForNews.pngPanelApp update
/media/images/PanelAppUpdate5thDec2016.pngPanelApp update
/media/images/WhyBeAPanelAppReviewer.pngWhy be a reviewer?
/media/files/Review_gene.pngPanelApp sign in
/media/files/Add_gene_Tool.pngPanelApp sign in

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Genomics England PanelApp
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 324 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.
Algunos encabezados H están vacíos.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Genomics England PanelApp
H1 Encabezado vacío
H1 Disclaimer
H1 PanelApp News
H1 09.04.2019 Genomics England PanelApp software is now open source!
H1 PanelApp Upgrade Release v2.3.0
H1 06.11.2017 We launch a new and improved release of PanelApp!
H1 Navigate and Explore PanelApp
H1 PanelApp Reviewers
H1 PanelApp Gene Panel Guidelines
H1 How to rate the genes
H1 Genomics England Gene Panel Principles for Rare Diseases in the 100,000 Genomes Project
H1 PanelApp API
H1 PanelApp Frequently Asked Questions
H1 Contact PanelApp
H1 Citing PanelApp
H1 Terms of Use
H1 Acknowledgements
H1 PanelApp Glossary
H1 Retired panels
H2 PanelApp and the NHS Genomic Medicine Service (GMS) Panels Resource
H2 29th July 2021: New PanelApp publication
H2 May 2021: NHS GMS Panels Resource Now Available!
H2 What is PanelApp?
H2 PanelApp Accreditation
H2 Types of PanelApp Gene Panels
H2 How Gene Panels were Defined and Created for the 100,000 Genomes Project
H2 Defining panels for the NHS Genomic Medicine Service
H2 Entities on a Gene Panel
H2 Understanding Gene Ratings on a Version 1+ Gene Panel
H2 How Do I Add Genes, Genomic Entities and Reviews to a Gene Panel?
H2 Uses and Users of PanelApp
H2 7th August 2024: Updates to GMS panels
H2 1st May 2024: Updates to GMS panels
H2 20th December 2023: Updates to small non-WGS panels
H2 14th September 2023: Addition of single gene tests and small non-WGS panels
H2 22nd March 2023: Update of GMS panels
H2 30th November 2022: New GMS panel versions signed-off
H2 29th July 2021: New PanelApp publication Texto duplicado
H2 May 2021: NHS GMS Panels Resource Now Available! Texto duplicado
H2 5th May 2021: PanelApp has been successfully upgraded to v3.2.0
H2 22nd February 2021: An updated Genomic Imprinting gene panel is available in PanelApp
H2 21st August 2020: PanelApp reaches 5 years old!
H2 27th July 2020: PanelApp has been successfully upgraded to v3.1.2
H2 June 2020 statistics
H2 May 2020 statistics
H2 The Genomics England Covid-19 version 1.0 research gene panel
H2 PanelApp Journal Review
H2 Can you review our curated COVID-19 research gene panel in PanelApp?
H2 April 2020 statistics
H2 Star Reviewer: Dr Helen Brittain
H2 Viral susceptibility panel
H2 March 2020 statistics
H2 February 2020 statistics
H2 Rare Disease Day 2020
H2 January 2020 statistics
H2 5th Feb 2020: PanelApp has been successfully upgraded to v3.1.1.
H2 27th Jan 2020: PanelApp has been successfully upgraded to v3.1.0.
H2 21st Jan 2020 Panel Swap!
H2 December 2019 statistics
H2 17th Dec 2019 Australian Genomics launches local instance of PanelApp
H2 16th December 2019: Spectrum news article
H2 November statistics
H2 1st November 2019: PanelApp publication out!
H2 October statistics
H2 Star Reviewer: A/Prof. Zornitza Stark
H2 September statistics
H2 23.09.2019 New PanelApp Handbook
H2 A Fetal anomalies Virtual Gene Panel for the Genomic Medicine Service.
H2 August statistics:
H2 21st August 2019: Today is PanelApp's 4th Birthday!
H2 20th August 2019: PanelApp has successfully been upgraded to v3.0.0 and is now on Amazon Web Services Native Cloud.
H2 July statistics
H2 31th July 2019: ACGS conference 2019 summary
H2 29th July 2019: PanelApp upgrade to v2.4.2
H2 1st July 2019: PanelApp Web Requests
H2 20th June 2019: New release of PanelApp!
H2 10th-11th June: ACGS conference 2019
H2 29th May - 31st May: Curating the Clinical Genome 2019
H2 Collaborating with the Curation Community at the 12th International Biocuration Conference, April 7-10th 2019.
H2 This comprises of:
H2 New Features:
H2 Browsing PanelApp as a Public User
H2 Desired reviewer experience
H2 What can Reviewers do on PanelApp?
H2 What are we asking of reviewers?
H2 Instructions for registering to be a reviewer
H2 How to make a review
H2 How to view your evaluations
H2 Reviewing STRs and CNVs.
H2 Considerations when reviewing
H2 Sources of information
H2 PanelApp contributors
H2 Level 4 title, Level 3 title, Level 2 title
H2 Panel Type
H2 Relevant disorders
H2 Eligibility statement
H2 Entity
H2 Gene Symbol
H2 Gene Name
H2 Gel Status
H2 Mode of Inheritance
H2 Phenotypes
H2 ClinVar Variants
H2 Penetrance
H2 Publications
H2 Mode of Pathogenicity
H2 SO Terms and descriptions
H2 This gene appears in other panels
H2 Rating Summary
H2 Gene History/Genomic Entity History
H2 Current diagnostic
H2 Tags
H3 Find out more about PanelApp
H3 I am a Clinician or other Healthcare Professional...
H3 I am a Researcher...
H3 I am a Bioinformatician
H3 Follow @PanelAppTeam #PanelApp on Twitter panelapp twitter logo
H3 Figure 1: Review tool
H3 Figure 2: map of PanelApp users in the last month
H3 Figure 3: traffic light system for evidence level of gene-disease
H3 01.04.2019 PanelApp is heading to the 12th International Biocuration Conference Next Week
H3 29.03.2019 PanelApp update of user statistics
H3 27.03.2019 PanelApp is at the Genomics of Rare Disease conference
H3 29.01.2019 PanelApp is upgraded from to v2.3.4
H3 11.01.2019 A Reviewer's Guide To PanelApp
H3 12.12.2018 Thank you! We have completed all the Version 1+ gene panels required to cover all the rare diseases in the 100,000 Genomes Project! #100KThankYous
H3 12.12.2018 The Genetic epilepsy syndromes panel is now version 1
H3 11.12.2018 The Limb disorders gene panel is now version 1.
H3 10.12.2018 The Pancreatitis gene panel is now version 1
H3 30.11.2018 The gene panel for Polycystic liver disease is now Version 1!
H3 20.11.2018 Short QT syndromes for rare diseases is now Version 1.
H3 8.11.2018 Non-syndromic familial congenital anorectal malformations for rare disease is now Version 1.
H3 11.10.2018 New PanelApp Handbook
H3 02.10.2018 . We have been busy updating panels in PanelApp last month. Here's a summary of panel updates for September 2018:
H3 Copy Number Variants
H3 Panel Types
H3 Super panels
H3 Activity
H3 5.09.2018 PanelApp will be upgraded from v2.20 to v2.30 from 10am - 12pm (BST) this Friday, September 7th. Panelapp will not be accessible during this time.
H3 3.09.2018 Neonatal cholestasis for rare disease is now Version 1.
H3 12.07.2018 Primary immunodeficiency disorders for rare disease is now Version 1
H3 09.04.2018 Biocuration 2018
H3 27.03.2018 Our Scientific Curator Olivia Niblock presented a poster at the Genomics of Rare Disease conference
H3 27.03.2018 Familial Meniere Disease panel for rare disease is now Version 1
H3 23.03.2018 New diagnostic-grade gene panel available
H3 12.03.2018 ID Gene Panel Update Phase III
H3 07.03.2018 Panelapp was upgraded to v2.1.2.
H3 05.03.2018 The Adult solid tumours gene panel for rare disease is now Version 1
H3 28.02.2018 PanelApp now on Twitter
H3 02.02.2018 Amelogenesis Imperfecta panel promoted to version 1
H3 20.01.2018 View and filter updates to PanelApp on the Activity page
H3 23.01.2018 Congratulations to our new Curator Eleanor Williams who has been awarded this year's Biocuration Society Career Award!
H3 18.01.2018 PanelApp presented at the Pan Arab Human Genetics Conference 2018
H3 05.01.2018 Intellectual disability gene panel update Phase II
H3 03.01.2018 EDS Society news post regarding PanelApp
H3 PanelApp holiday closure Friday 22nd December 2017 to 2nd January 2018
H3 15.12.2017 Primary Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis promoted
H3 29.11.2017 Major update to the Intellectual disability gene panel
H3 17.11.2017 New gene panels
H3 What's new?
H3 A simpler URL
H3 Both Genome build GRCh38 and GRCh37 are supported
H3 Improved page loading and greatly improved response times
H3 Improvements to the registration process
H3 02.11.2017 A summary of updates to Version 1 panels in October
H3 30.10.2017: PanelApp Update: 167 diagnostic-grade (Version 1+) panels
H3 20.10.2017 A summary of updates to panels in September
H3 19.09.2017: Diagnostic-grade Pain syndromes gene panel released
H3 29.08.2017: PanelApp Update: 165 diagnostic-grade (Version 1+) panels
H3 31.07.2017: PanelApp Update
H3 27.07.2017: Hirschsprung's disease in the 100,000 Genomes Project.
H3 26.07.2017: 19 gene panels launched for reporting pertinent findings in cancer germline genomes
H3 20.07.2017: Two skin panels promoted to Version 1
H3 04.07.2017: Latest update of Rare Disease Eligibility Criteria V1.7.2
H3 28.06.2017: PanelApp Presentation
H3 26.06.2017: PanelApp Update:
H3 15.06.2017: Expert review needed for skin disorder gene panels:
H3 06.06.2017: Version 1+ gene panels are ready for patient interpretation!
H3 31.05.17: Promotion of 6 gene panels to version 1 - now available for genome interpretation
H3 23.05.17: The latest panel requiring external review is Inherited non-medullary thyroid cancer. Please contact us if you think that you could help with this.
H3 23.05.17: Diagnostic-grade panel for Radial dysplasia
H3 15.05.17: Learn more about PanelApp in this blog by James Hadfield
H3 Panels requiring external expert review (8th May 2017):
H3 14.05.17: A unified GI tract panel
H3 10.05.17: 153 Version 1+ panels!
H3 08.05.17: 151 Version 1+ panels!
H3 150 Version 1+ panels!
H3 02.05.17 PanelApp update
H3 Our 6th Gene Panel Curation Day
H3 25.04.17 PanelApp update
H3 18.04.17 PanelApp update
H3 12.04.17 PanelApp webservices (API) are available to query using the examples available on the PanelApp How To tab.
H3 10.04.17 PanelApp update
H3 06.04.17 Rebecca is presenting the poster "PanelApp: A Key Resource for the Rare Disease Community" at the 'Genomics of Rare Disease' conference, Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton today (Poster 14) #...
H3 03.04.17 PanelApp update
H3 29.03.17 "The Impact of Community Curation on Rare Disease Diagnosis" was presented at the 10th International Biocuration Conference, Stanford University by Ellen McDonagh
H3 21.03.17 PanelApp update
H3 13.03.17 PanelApp update
H3 06.03.17 PanelApp update
H3 23.02.17 PanelApp update
H3 22.02.17 Our 5th Gene Panel Curation Day
H3 17.02.17 PanelApp Update
H3 08.02.17 BRIDGE consortium Tier 1 genes from NIHR BioResource - Rare Diseases Study (NIHRBR-RD) added to PanelApp
H3 07.02.17 BRIDGE consortium Tier 1 genes from NIHR BioResource - Rare Diseases Study (NIHRBR-RD) added to PanelApp
H3 06.02.17 We now have 500 registered reviewers!
H3 27.01.17 PanelApp Update
H3 24.01.17 The Ehlers-Danlos syndromes panel was created.
H3 23.01.17 Three new disorders have been added to the rare disease list for the 100,000 Genome Project
H3 17.01.17 Our first version 2 panel is realised
H3 10.01.17 PanelApp Update
H3 03.01.17 Happy New Year to our PanelApp users!
H3 19.12.16 The 4th PanelApp Gene Panel Curation Day
H3 05.12.16 PanelApp update
H3 18.11.16 We now have 100 version 1 gene panels! The green genes from these panels are being used to help prioritise variants within patient genomes recruited for the 100,000 Genomes Project.
H3 14.11.16 Our curation team is expanding!
H3 26.10.16 We now have 95 version 1 gene panels! The green genes from these panels are being used to help prioritise variants within patient genomes recruited for the 100,000 Genomes Project.
H3 06.10.16 We now have 90 version 1 gene panels, of which the green genes are being used to analyse genomes of participants recruited in the 100,000 Genomes Project
H3 27.09.16 PanelApp was presented both in the UK and in California today
H3 26.09.16 PanelApp was presented in a talk at Stanford University, California, by Ellen McDonagh, in a presentation about the 100,000 Genomes Project.
H3 22.09.16 An overview of the 100,000 Genomes Project was presented by Ellen McDonagh at Genentech, South San Francisco, California, with a focus on the role of the Bioinformatics team and how gene p...
H3 20.09.16 Ellen McDonagh presented the role of PanelApp as part of a panel discussion about crowdsourcing resources in genomics at the Festival of Genomics, San Diego, California.
H3 16.09.16 PanelApp and an overview of the 100,000 Genomes project was presented by Ellen McDonagh to the Illumina Curation Team, Santa Clara, California.
H3 13.09.16 We now have 87 Version 1 panels!
H3 23.08.16 Updates to Version 1+ panels
H3 22.08.16 Happy Birthday PanelApp!
H3 15.08.16 We have 83 Version 1 panels, covering 102 disorders.
H3 11.08.16 An update about PanelApp will be presented at the UKGTN meeting today, by Ellen McDonagh.
H3 10.08.16 We now have an Activity page, displaying changes made to panels and when reviews are made.
H3 20.07.16 New features have been added to PanelApp, and improvements to usability have been made!
H3 22.06.16 PanelApp is presented at the Curating The Clinical Genome conference 2016 by Ellen McDonagh.
H3 06.06.16 We now have 60 Version 1 gene panels!
H3 02.06.16 The UKGTN contacted diagnostic lab heads endorsing PanelApp, requesting that labs submitting new NGS gene panel tests confirm the status of genes on PanelApp when relevant diseases are ava...
H3 23.05.16 PanelApp was presented at the Pint of Science Festival to an audience in the Crown Pub in Clerkenwell, London, by Ellen McDonagh.
H3 05.05.16 PanelApp was presented by Dr Katherine Smith at The European School of Genetic Medicine and European Society of Human Genetics Course in Next Generation Sequencing, Bertinoro di Romagna (I...
H3 26.04.16 PanelApp Update
H3 18.04.16 Additional webservices are available, allowing you to search PanelApp by gene:
H3 15.04.16 PanelApp is now one of the databases included on the BioSharing site.
H3 12.04.16 A talk on PanelApp was given at the 9th International Biocuration Conference in Geneva by Ellen McDonagh.
H3 08.04.16 PanelApp website is now available within the N3 network, and so issues accessing it within the NHS should now be resolved.
H3 05.04.16 The BRCA1 gene within the intellectual disability panel was demoted from green to red.
H3 30.03.16 Update on changes to gene panels
H3 24.03.16 Update on changes to gene panels
H3 14.03.16 Please be aware that PanelApp was experiencing technical issues and may have been unavailable to users.
H3 29.02.16 Rare Disease Day
H3 23.02.16 PanelApp was included in a presentation by Dr Emma Baple at the NHS Genomics Medicine Centre (GMC) National Event.
H3 19.02.16 Gene panel news
H3 18.02.16: We now have 300 registered reviewers!
H3 11.02.16 Update on changes to gene panels
H3 10.02.16 Vimeo videos are now available that provide an introduction to PanelApp, and instructions for reviewing gene panels on PanelApp.
H3 19.01.16: PanelApp webservices are now available to query using the following examples...
H3 11.01.16: Initial gene panels for new nominated rare diseases.
H3 08.01.16: Changes to some eligibility statements, and new gene panels added.
H3 18.12.15: PanelApp is presented to Dame Una O’Brien, Permanent Secretary at the Department of Health.
H3 15.12.15: A new look for PanelApp is launched to make viewing and reviewing gene panels easier.
H3 10.12.15: A gene panel for undiagnosed neurocutaneous disorders has been added to PanelApp.
H3 07.12.15: We now have 250 reviewers registered!
H3 19.11.15: Gene panels for the following new rare disorders have been added to PanelApp:
H3 03.11.15: Gene panels for the following new rare disorders have been added to PanelApp:
H3 02.11.15: Gene panels are now available to review for the following new rare disorders:
H3 26.10.15: Read a blog by the PHG Foundation PanelApp – the catalyst to drive improved gene panel testing?
H3 24.10.15: OpenHelix Video Tip of the Week: PanelApp, from the 100,000 Genomes Project
H3 23.10.15: Presentation at the Italian Society of Human Genetics National Congress, Rimini (Ellen McDonagh).
H3 23.10.15: Presentation at the Cardiovascular GeCIP Domain Meeting, London (Augusto Rendon)
H3 22.10.15: We now have 200 experts registered!
H3 21.10.15: Presentation at the GMC/GeCIP Event, London (Ellen McDonagh).
H3 16.10.15: Listen to this week's RARECast (Global Genes) podcast featuring an interview about PanelApp.
H3 15.10.15: PanelApp software version has been updated, making downloads much faster!
H3 01.10.15: PanelApp update
H3 30.09.15: We now have over 100 reviewers registered!
H3 24.09.15: Thank you to all reviews that have been made so far!
H3 23.09.15: PanelApp videos are now available on Vimeo; introductory video to PanelApp, and a video to help Expert Reviewers.
H3 11.09.15: PanelApp videos released
H3 09.09.15: Read an article by the PHG Foundation regarding PanelApp
H3 08.09.15: The PanelApp Handbook PDF is now available from the homepage.
H3 02.09.15: PanelApp Update
H3 25.08.15: PanelApp presentation at the NHS GMC National Event.
H3 21.08.15: PanelApp is piloted. Version 0 of the gene panels are released for public view and for expert review.
H3 09.04.15: The first line of code for PanelApp is created.
H3 Public users can:
H3 Public users cannot:
H3 Reviewers can:
H3 Browsing Panels in PanelApp (a Panel-Centric View)
H3 Browsing Genes in PanelApp (a Gene-Centric View)
H3 Browsing STRs and CNVs in PanelApp from the 'Genes and Entities list.
H3 Downloading Gene Panels
H3 For more detailed guidance about navigating PanelApp please download our
H3 Log in
H3 Read information about PanelApp
H3 Find gene panels
H3 Read the eligibility statement for the rare disease
H3 Review the genes in the gene panel
H3 Provide a rating
H3 Provide mode of inheritance
H3 Provide mode of pathogenicity
H3 Provide additional information to support your review
H3 Add genes to the Panel
H3 The 4 sources used in the initial establishment of gene lists are:
H3 Other databases used as resources used for some phenotype, gene or mode of inheritance information and to aid the curation process:
H3 Other sources of gene lists
H3 CNV and STR information
H3 Link outs from PanelApp
H3 Other source types:
H4 Read our new publication PanelApp crowdsources expert knowledge to establish consensus diagnostic gene panels
H4 In her Keynote talk at the Biocuration 2019 conference, our Head of Curation & Pharmacogenomics Dr Ellen McDonagh announced that the PanelApp software code is now open source and available in GitHub.
H4 Why gene panels?
H4 Why are you asking experts to review the gene panels?
H4 Can experts not in the UK or not directly involved in the 100,000 Genomes Project be a reviewer?
H4 As an expert reviewer, how do I rate the genes?
H4 Review Scenerios
H4 What will the gene panels and information I provide be used for?
H4 Who will be able to access the gene panels?
H4 Will the gene panels change?
H4 What is recorded when I make my evaluation?
H4 Am I able to change my reviewer evaluations?
H4 Who will be assessing the evaluations?
H4 How will reviews be assessed/conflicting reviews resolved?
H4 Can I send the link to others so that they can review/download panels?
H4 When I register as a reviewer, where are my details kept and who has access?
H4 Where can I keep up to date with major changes or news regarding PanelApp?
H4 Can I submit my own gene panels?
Hay demasiados enlaces internos (599) en esta página.
El texto ancla es una URL.
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
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EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
/panels/entities/Genes and Entities
/accounts/login/?next=/Log in
/accounts/registration/Register Subdominio NHS National Genomic Test Directory Subdominio 100,000 Genomes Project
https://nhsgms-panelapp.genomi...Externo Subdominio NHS GMS Panels Resource Subdominio UKAS ISO 15189 accreditation
https://nhsgms-panelapp.genomi...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado NHS GMS Panels Resource
/media/files/PanelApp_Handbook...PanelApp Handbook V35 Subdominio PanelApp Australia Subdominio Scaling national and international improvement in virtual gene panel curation using a collaborative approach to discordance resolution, AJHG, 2021
https://nhsgms-panelapp.genomi...Externo Subdominio NHS Genomic Medicine Service (GMS) Panels Resource Subdominio Texto duplicado NHS National Genomic Test Directory Subdominio updating the NHS National Genomic Test Directory webpage.
https://nhsgms-panelapp.genomi...Externo Subdominio Click here to go to the NHS GMS Panels Resource Subdominio Genomics England Subdominio PanelApp crowdsources expert knowledge to establish consensus diagnostic gene panels
/media/files/PanelApp_Handbook...Texto duplicado PanelApp Handbook V35
/media/files/PanelApp_Reviewer...PanelApp Reviewer's Guide PanelApp Videos
/accounts/registration/Subdominio to be a reviewer
/api/docs/Subdominio The new PanelApp API is available here Subdominio for a demo download our recorded webinar here Twitter Subdominio Please refer to the Schedule for further details Subdominio National Genomic Test Directory
/panels/402/Subdominio R59 Early onset or syndromic epilepsy Subdominio ClinGen Dosage Sensitivity Map
/media/files/PanelApp_Handbook...Texto duplicado PanelApp Handbook V35
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/accounts/login/Subdominio register
/media/files/PanelApp_Handbook...Texto duplicado PanelApp Handbook V35 Subdominio Texto ancla no relevante
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/cdn-cgi/l/email-protectionTexto duplicado [email protected]
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/panels/478/R21, R412
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/panels/486/Texto duplicado R27
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/panels/1225/Subdominio R440
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/panels/1223/Nueva ventana Subdominio R430
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/panels/1224/Nueva ventana Subdominio R439
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/panels/1220/Nueva ventana Subdominio Texto duplicado R441 ClinGen
/media/files/PanelApp_Handbook...PanelApp Handbook Subdominio previous investigations at Genomics England Subdominio Texto duplicado PanelApp Australia Subdominio Texto duplicado Scaling national and international improvement in virtual gene panel curation using a collaborative approach to discordance resolution, AJHG, 2021
https://nhsgms-panelapp.genomi...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado NHS Genomic Medicine Service (GMS) Panels Resource Subdominio Texto duplicado NHS National Genomic Test Directory Subdominio Texto duplicado updating the NHS National Genomic Test Directory webpage.
https://nhsgms-panelapp.genomi...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Click here to go to the NHS GMS Panels Resource
https://nhsgms-panelapp.genomi...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado NHS GMS Panels Resource
/panels/227/Subdominio Genomic Imprinting Subdominio Catalogue of Parent of Origin Effects Subdominio Geneimprint
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.go...Externo Subdominio PMID:30794780
/Subdominio PanelApp’s crowdsourcing
/accounts/registration/Subdominio Texto duplicado register Subdominio PanelApp paper Subdominio Texto duplicado PanelApp Australia
/panels/111/Subdominio COVID-19 Research gene panel Subdominio Texto duplicado PanelApp Australia
/accounts/registration/Subdominio Texto duplicado register
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/panels/111/Subdominio panel
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/panels/Subdominio Genomics England PanelApp Subdominio Victorian Clinical Genetics Services
https://panelapp.agha.umccr.or...Externo Subdominio PanelApp Australia website open source Subdominio Read more on the Genomics England website here. Subdominio Spectrum article regarding useful resources for genes and variants for autism research
/panels/657/Subdominio research gene panel for autism
/accounts/login/Subdominio Texto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
/panels/657/Subdominio Texto duplicado research gene panel for autism
/media/files/PanelApp_Reviewer...Texto duplicado PanelApp Reviewer's Guide Subdominio Texto duplicado PanelApp crowdsources expert knowledge to establish consensus diagnostic gene panels
/?_escaped_fragment_=ReviewersSubdominio tool Subdominio Zornitza Stark Subdominio Texto duplicado Victorian Clinical Genetics Services
https://www.australiangenomics...Externo Subdominio Australian Genomics Subdominio Texto duplicado Genomics England Subdominio Texto duplicado Victorian Clinical Genetics Services
https://www.australiangenomics...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Australian Genomics
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/panels/285/Subdominio Intellectual disability
/panels/112/Subdominio Mitochondrial disorders
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/panels/478/Subdominio Fetal anomalies
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here Subdominio ACGS
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/panels/540/Subdominio Adult onset movement disorder
/panels/85/Subdominio Hereditary neuropathy
/panels/486/Subdominio Paediatric disorders
/panels/258/Subdominio Arthrogryposis
/panels/412/Subdominio Gene therapy clinical trials
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/Subdominio Texto duplicado PanelApp Subdominio 12th International Biocuration Conference #biocuration2019 ClinGen Resource Subdominio Texto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
/Subdominio PanelApp’s Texto duplicado ClinGen Subdominio Orphanet Subdominio Biocuration 2019 conference available in GitHub
/Subdominio Texto duplicado PanelApp GitHub
/cdn-cgi/l/email-protectionTexto duplicado [email protected] Texto duplicado Twitter
/media/files/ Subdominio all the rare diseases Subdominio OMIM
/panels/402/Subdominio Genetic epilepsy syndromes panel
/panels/384/Subdominio Limb disorders gene panel
/panels/386/Subdominio Pancreatitis gene panel
/panels/209/Subdominio Polycystic liver disease
/panels/224/Subdominio Short QT syndromes
/panels/253/Subdominio Non-syndromic familial congenital anorectal malformations
/media/files/PanelAppHandbook_...Texto duplicado PanelApp Handbook
/api/docs/Subdominio The new API Subdominio Texto duplicado ClinGen Dosage Sensitivity Map Subdominio Texto duplicado ClinGen Dosage Sensitivity Map
/panels/entities/Subdominio Genes and Entities page
/panels/162/Subdominio Primary Microcephaly - Microcephalic Dwarfism Spectrum gene panel
/panels/entities/ISCA-37390-LossSubdominio - see this example
/panels/34/Subdominio Anophthalmia or microphthalmia
/panels/245/Subdominio Adult solid tumours pertinent cancer susceptibility
/panels/416/Subdominio Cholestasis Victorian Clinical Genetics Services
/panels/activity/?panel=285Subdominio An example is given here for the intellectual disability panel
/panels/activity/Subdominio Activity page
/panels/385/Subdominio Texto duplicado Neonatal cholestasis
/media/files/STR_quickguide_8t...Subdominio This guide provides an overview to STRs and the changes to PanelApp
/panels/398/Subdominio Primary immunodeficiency disorders
https://coursesandconferences....Externo Subdominio Genomics of Rare Disease conference
/panels/394/Subdominio Familial Meniere Disease panel
/panels/277/Subdominio Idiopathic ventricular fibrillation gene panel
/panels/76/Subdominio Long QT syndrome
/panels/13/Subdominio Brugada syndrome
/panels/214/Subdominio Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia
/panels/134/Subdominio Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy
/panels/285/Subdominio Intellectual disability gene panel
/panels/391/Subdominio The Adult solid tumours gene panel Texto duplicado @PanelAppTeam
/panels/269/Subdominio Amelogenesis Imperfecta
/panels/activity/Texto duplicado Activity page Subdominio Texto ancla Read more about her career and her valuable work that has led to this award Pan Arab Human Genetics Conference 2018
/panels/285Subdominio ID gene panel Subdominio Read this blog post
/panels/53/Subdominio EDS gene panel
/cdn-cgi/l/email-protectionTexto duplicado [email protected]
/panels/83/Subdominio The PMG panel was promoted to Version 1
/panels/285/Subdominio ID panel
/panels/384/Subdominio Limb disorders
/panels/386/Subdominio Pancreatitis
/panels/385/Subdominio Cholestasis
/panels/genes/Subdominio genes
/panels/Subdominio Texto duplicado panel
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Mendelian disorders of pain perception
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Ehlers-Danlos syndromes
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Intellectual disability Subdominio Hirschsprung's Disease Conference
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Adult solid tumours
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Bladder cancer
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Brain cancer
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Breast cancer
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Childhood solid tumours
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Colorectal cancer
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...DNA Repair Genes
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Endometrial cancer
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Haematological malignancies
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Head and neck cancer
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Lung cancer
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Neuroendocrine cancer
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Ovarian cancer
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Prostate cancer
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Renal cancer
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Testicular cancer
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Upper gastrointestinal cancer
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/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Familial hidradenitis suppurativa Subdominio Link to PDF of Rare Disease Eligibility Criteria V1.7.2 Subdominio Link to all Rare disease documents Subdominio Curating the Clinical Genome
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Familial cicatricial/scarring alopecia
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Familial disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis/DSAP
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Undiagnosed neurocutaneous disorders
/cdn-cgi/l/email-protectionTexto duplicado [email protected]
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Early onset familial premature ovarian insufficiency
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Neonatal diabetes diagnosed <6 months
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Thoracic dystrophies
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Inherited non-medullary thyroid cancer
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Radial dysplasia blog
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Amelogenesis Imperfecta
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Disseminated non-tuberculous mycobacterial infection
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Ductal plate malformation (DPM)
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Early onset familial premature ovarian insufficiency
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/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Familial disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis
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/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Familial hidradenitis suppurativa
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Familial rhabdomyosarcoma
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Fetal structural CNS abnormalities
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Gastrointestinal epithelial barrier disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Holoprosencephaly
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Hydrocephalus
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/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Inherited complement deficiency
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Inherited non-medullary thyroid cancer
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Isomerism and laterality disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Monogenic viral susceptibility
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Non-syndromic familial congenital anorectal malformations
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Primary Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Pulmonary arterial hypertension
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Radial dysplasia
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/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Single autosomal recessive mutation in rare disease
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Thoracic dystrophies
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Undiagnosed neurocutaneous disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Unprovoked Thrombosis before 40 years of age
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Vici Syndrome and other autophagy disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...GI track tumour syndromes
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Hereditary Erythrocytosis
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...monogenic nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Severe hypertriglyceridaemia
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Developmental Glaucoma
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Familial pulmonary fibrosis
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Epidermolysis bullosa
/?_escaped_fragment_=HowTothe PanelApp How To tab
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Skeletal Muscle Channelopathies
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Periodic fever syndromes
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Distal myopathies
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Congenital hypothyroidism or thyroid agenesis
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Cerebellar hypoplasia
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Congenital myaesthenia
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Congenital myopathy
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Congenital hypothyroidism or thyroid agenesis
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Congenital myaesthenia
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Congenital myopathy
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Corneal abnormalities
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Cytopaenias and congenital anaemias
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Distal myopathies
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Early onset familial premature ovarian insufficiency
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Ehlers Danlos Syndromes
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Epilepsy Plus
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Familial cicatricial alopecia
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Familial disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Familial haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytic disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Familial hydradenitis suppurative
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Familial pulmonary fibrosis
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Familial rhabdomyosarcoma
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Fetal structural CNS abnormalities
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Gastrointestinal epithelial barrier disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Glaucoma (developmental)
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Holoprosencephaly
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Hydrocephalus
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Inherited complement deficiency
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Inherited non-medullary thyroid cancer
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Isomerism and laterality disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado monogenic nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Neonatal or paediatric intensive care admission with a likely monogenic cause
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Neurotransmitter disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Non-syndromic familial congenital anorectal malformations
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...PHACE(S) syndrome
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Primary Microcephaly - Microcephalic Dwarfism Spectrum
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Resistance to thyroid hormone
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Rhombencephalosynapsis
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Severe hypertriglyceridaemia
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Single autosomal recessive mutation in rare disease
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Structural basal ganglia disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Syndromic congenital heart disease under 1 year old
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Thoracic dystrophies
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Undiagnosed metabolic disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Undiagnosed neurocutaneous disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Unexplained monogenic fetal disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Young adult onset cancer
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Tier 1 gene list from Inherited bleeding disorders project
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Tier 1 gene list from Specialist Pathology: Evaluating Exomes in Diagnostics project
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Ehlers-Danlos syndromes panel
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Disseminated non-tuberculous mycobacterial infection
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Idiopathic ventricular fibrillation
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Familial hidradenitis suppurativa
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Arthrogryposis gene panel
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Anaemias and red cell disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Classical Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Congenital hypothyroidism or thyroid agenesis
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Congenital myaesthenia
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Congenital myopathy
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Corneal abnormalities
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Distal myopathies
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Early onset familial premature ovarian insufficiency
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Epilepsy Plus
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Familial cicatricial alopecia
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Familial disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Familial haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytic disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Familial hydradenitis suppurative
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Familial pulmonary fibrosis
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Familial rhabdomyosarcoma
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Fetal structural CNS abnormalities
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Gastrointestinal epithelial barrier disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Glaucoma (developmental)
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Holoprosencephaly
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Hydrocephalus
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Inherited complement deficiency
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Inherited non-medullary thyroid cancer
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Isomerism and laterality disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado monogenic nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Neonatal or paediatric intensive care admission with a likely monogenic cause
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Neurotransmitter disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Non-syndromic familial congenital anorectal malformations
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Non-syndromic hypotrichosis
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Periodic fever syndromes
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado PHACE(S) syndrome
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Primary Microcephaly - Microcephalic Dwarfism Spectrum
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Radial dysplasia
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Resistance to thyroid hormone
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Rhombencephalosynapsis
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Severe hypertriglyceridaemia
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Single autosomal recessive mutation in rare disease
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Structural basal ganglia disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Syndromic congenital heart disease under 1 year old
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Thoracic dystrophies
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Undiagnosed metabolic disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Undiagnosed neurocutaneous disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Unexplained monogenic fetal disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Young adult onset cancer
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Intracerebral calcification disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Congenital disorders of glycosylation
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Sudden death in young people
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Cerebrovascular disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/motor neuron disease
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Inherited bleeding disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Severe multi-system atopic disease with high IgE
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Pityriasis rubra pilaris
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Parkinson Disease and Complex Parkinsonism
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Malformations of cortical development
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Neonatal and familial gastrointestinal neuromuscular disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Familial Neural Tube Defects
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Significant early-onset obesity +/- other endocrine features and short stature
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Early onset dystonia
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Infantile enterocolitis & monogenic inflammatory bowel disease
/panels/panel page
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Hereditary Ataxia panel Version 1.7
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Diabetes with additional phenotypes suggestive of a monogenic aetiology Version 1.1
/panels/56% have been reviewed and revised to Version 1
/panels/full gene panel list
/panels/gene panel list
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Aplastic anaemia with or without paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Autosomal dominant deafness
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Brain channelopathy
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Cerebellar hypoplasia
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Complex Parkinsonism, includes pallido-pyramidal syndromes
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Congenital anaemias
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Congenital muscular dystrophy
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Congenital myaesthenia
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Congenital myopathy
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Corneal abnormalities
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Distal myopathies
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Early onset dystonia
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Early onset familial premature ovarian failure
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Familial and multiple pulmonary arteriovenous malformations
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Familial cerebral small vessel disease
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Familial cicatricial alopecia
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Familial Genetic Generalised Epilepsies
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Familial pulmonary fibrosis
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Familial rhabdomyosarcoma
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Fetal structural CNS abnormalities
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Gastrointestinal epithelial barrier disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Genetic Epilepsies with Febrile Seizures Plus
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Glaucoma, developmental
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Holoprosencephaly
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Infantile enterocolitis & monogenic inflammatory bowel disease
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Infantile nystagmus
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Inherited white matter disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Juvenile dermatomyositis
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Kleine-Levin syndrome
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Kyphoscoliotic Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Limb girdle muscular dystrophy
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Malformations of cortical development
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Moyamoya disease
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Neurotransmitter disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Non-syndromic hypotrichosis
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Paediatric motor neuronopathies
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Peeling skin syndrome
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Periodic fever syndromes
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Peroxisomal biogenesis disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Posterior segment abnormalities
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Primary Microcephaly - Microcephalic Dwarfism Spectrum
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Rare multisystem ciliopathy disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Rhabdomyolysis and metabolic muscle disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Rhombencephalosynapsis
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Severe multi-system atopic disease with high IgE
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Skeletal Muscle Channelopathies
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Structural basal ganglia disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Undiagnosed neurocutaneous disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Unexplained kidney failure in young people
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Unexplained skeletal dysplasia
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/motor neuron disease
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Early onset pancytopenia and red cell disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Non-Fanconi anaemia
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Extreme early-onset hypertension
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Inherited complement deficiency
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Familial Tumours Syndromes of the central & peripheral Nervous system
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Choanal atresia
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Genodermatoses with malignancies
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Arthrogryposis
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Renal tubular acidosis
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Early onset and familial Parkinson's Disease
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Coarse facial features including Coffin-Siris-like disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Palmoplantar keratoderma and erythrokeratodermas
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Other peroxisomal disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Thoracic dystrophies
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Ocular coloboma
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Significant early-onset obesity plus/minus other endocrine features and short stature
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Familial or syndromic hypoparathyroidism
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Bardet-Biedl Syndrome
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Dilated Cardiomyopathy and conduction defects
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Bilateral microtia
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Multiple endocrine tumours
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Brugada syndrome
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Stickler syndrome
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Epileptic encephalopathy
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Familial breast cancer
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Intellectual disability
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...All recognised syndromes and those with suggestive features, includes Mitochondrial disorders and Lactic acidosis
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) and other congenital overgrowth disorders, includes Atypical Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, Classical Beckwith-Wiedemann synd...
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...RASopathies, includes Noonan syndrome plus other features, Noonan syndrome, LEOPARD syndrome, Legius syndrome, Costello syndrome, Cardio-facio-cutaneous synd...
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Chondrodysplasia punctata
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Congenital hearing impairment, profound/severe
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Craniosynostosis syndromes phenotypes
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Erythropoietic protoporphyria, mild variant
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Familial Focal Epilepsies
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Familial haematuria
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Familial Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm Disease
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/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Left Ventricular Noncompaction Cardiomyopathy
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Long QT syndrome
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Mucopolysaccharideosis, Gaucher, Fabry
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Multiple bowel polyps
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Multiple Tumours
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Neuro-endocrine Tumours- PCC and PGL
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Paediatric congenital malformation-dysmorphism-tumour syndromes
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Parathyroid Cancer BioSharing Subdominio 9th International Biocuration Conference
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...intellectual disability panel
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS)
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS)
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Brugada syndrome
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Chondrodysplasia punctata
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Congenital hearing impairment (profound/severe)
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM)
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Dilated Cardiomyopathy and conduction defects
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Familial Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm Disease
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Intellectual disability
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Left Ventricular Noncompaction Cardiomyopathy
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Long QT syndrome
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Mucopolysaccharideosis, Gaucher, Fabry
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Multiple Tumours
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Multiple bowel polyps
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Parathyroid Cancer
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Posterior segment abnormalities
/cdn-cgi/l/email-protectionTexto duplicado [email protected] Subdominio in the press Subdominio comprehensive sequencing assay for inherited cardiac conditions (ICC)
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Brugada syndrome
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Dilated Cardiomyopathy
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Dilated Cardiomyopathy and conduction defects
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Familial hypercholesterolaemia
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Long QT syndrome
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Noon syndrome - RASopathies panel
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Brugada syndrome
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Dilated Cardiomyopathy
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Dilated Cardiomyopathy and conduction defects
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Familial Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm Disease
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Familial hypercholesterolaemia
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Long QT syndrome
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Agranulocytosis
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Bardet-Biedl Syndrome
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Bilateral microtia
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Craniosynostosis syndromes phenotypes
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Epileptic encephalopathy
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Erythropoietic protoporphyria, mild variant
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Familial Focal Epilepsies
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Familial breast cancer
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Familial haematuria
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Hydroa vacciniforme
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Multiple endocrine tumours
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Stickler syndrome
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Lactic Acidosis
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Intracerebral calcification disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Multiple Tumours gene panel introduction to PanelApp instructions for reviewing gene panels on PanelApp Subdominio An introduction to PanelApp - YouTube Subdominio Instructions for Expert Reviewers - YouTube
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Multiple bowel polyps
/cdn-cgi/l/email-protectionTexto duplicado [email protected]
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Familial cerebral small vessel disease
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Autosomal dominant deafness
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Non-syndromic hypotrichosis
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Early onset familial premature ovarian failure
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Disorders of sex development
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Fetal structural CNS abnormalities
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Kyphoscoliotic Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Unexplained skeletal dysplasia
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Unexplained kidney failure in young people
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Paediatric congenital malformation-dysmorphism-tumour syndromes
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Familial Tumours Syndromes of the central & peripheral Nervous system
/cdn-cgi/l/email-protectionTexto duplicado [email protected]
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Joubert syndrome
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Rare multisystem ciliopathy disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Familial cicatricial alopecia
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Peeling skin syndrome
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Cockayne syndrome
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Primary Microcephaly - Microcephalic Dwarfism Spectrum
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Coarse facial features including Coffin-Siris-like disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Cerebellar hypoplasia
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Holoprosencephaly
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Rhombencephalosynapsis
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Malformations of cortical development
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Moyamoya disease
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Intracerebral calcification disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Inherited white matter disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...undiagnosed neurocutaneous disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Aplastic anaemia with or without paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Familial and multiple pulmonary arteriovenous malformations
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Intellectual disability
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Epileptic encephalopathy
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Generalised pustular psoriasis
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Meige’s disease
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Ectodermal dysplasia without a known gene mutation
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Epidermolysis bullosa
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Familial hypercholesterolaemia
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Familial pulmonary fibrosis
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Infantile nystagmus
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Inherited complement deficiency
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Palmoplantar keratoderma and erythrokeratodermas Subdominio PanelApp – the catalyst to drive improved gene panel testing? Subdominio PanelApp, from the 100,000 Genomes Project Subdominio National Congress, Rimini RARECast (Global Genes) podcast
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Early onset pancytopenia and red cell disorders
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Congenital anaemias
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Congenital neutropaenia
/crowdsourcing/PanelApp/EditPa...Texto duplicado Non-Fanconi anaemia
/static/upload/images/PanelApp...View the list of 120 gene panels that still require expert review to find the rare disease in your area of expertise introductory video to PanelApp Expert Reviewers Subdominio Texto duplicado introductory video to PanelApp Subdominio Texto duplicado Expert Reviewers Subdominio Read an article by the PHG Foundation regarding PanelApp
/panels/Texto duplicado PanelApp
/?_escaped_fragment_=ContentSubdominio Contact, News, Sources and Glossary Subdominio Texto duplicado OMIM Subdominio ClinVar
/?_escaped_fragment_=ReviewersSubdominio Reviewers
/Subdominio PanelApp home page
/accounts/login/Subdominio PanelApp login
/?_escaped_fragment_=ContentSubdominio Glossary Subdominio HGNC Subdominio Ensembl Subdominio Texto duplicado OMIM Subdominio Gene2Phenotype Subdominio Texto duplicado OMIM Subdominio Texto duplicado Ensembl Subdominio Texto duplicado Gene2Phenotype
/panels/20/str/PPP2R2B_CAG/Subdominio PPP2R2B_CAG
/panels/20/region/ISCA-37404-L...Subdominio ISCA-37404-Loss
/Subdominio home page Subdominio Texto duplicado HGNC Subdominio Texto duplicado OMIM Subdominio Texto duplicado Gene2Phenotype
/Subdominio Texto duplicado home page
/panels/20/region/ISCA-37404-L...Subdominio Texto duplicado ISCA-37404-Loss
/media/files/PanelApp_Handbook...Texto duplicado PanelApp Handbook V35
/accounts/registration/Subdominio To become a reviewer, register here
/media/files/PanelApp_Reviewer...Texto duplicado guide Subdominio Genomics England website Subdominio Texto duplicado Genomics England website
/?_escaped_fragment_=GuidelinesSubdominio Texto duplicado Guidelines tab
/accounts/registration/Subdominio PanelApp registration page
/cdn-cgi/l/email-protectionTexto duplicado contact us
/accounts/login/Subdominio Log in as a reviewer
/Subdominio homepage
/media/files/PanelApp_Handbook...Texto duplicado PanelApp Handbook V35
/?_escaped_fragment_=GuidelinesSubdominio Guidelines
/?_escaped_fragment_=ContentSubdominio Contact, Sources and Glossary Subdominio PMID:12730697
/cdn-cgi/l/email-protectionTexto duplicado contact us Subdominio Texto duplicado OMIM Subdominio HPO Subdominio PubMed
/media/files/PanelApp_Handbook...Texto duplicado PanelApp Handbook V35
/cdn-cgi/l/email-protectionTexto duplicado contact us Subdominio ClinGen Clinical Validity Classifications Evaluating the clinical validity of gene-disease associations: an evidence-based framework developed by the Clinical Genome Resource. Strande et al Subdominio Texto ancla The Development Disorder Genotype - Phenotype Database Subdominio PMID: 25529582
/api/docs/Subdominio See our full Swagger API documentation available here
/api/v1/panels/Subdominio A list of panels
/api/v1/panels/20Subdominio Example:Hereditary ataxia panel
/api/v1/panels/20/?version=1.0Subdominio Example: Version 1.0 of the Hereditary ataxia panel
/api/v1/regionsSubdominio A list of all Copy Number Variants
/api/v1/strs/Subdominio A list of all Short Tandem Repeats
/api/v1/activities/Subdominio Activities in PanelApp
/?_escaped_fragment_=PrinciplesSubdominio Texto duplicado Guidelines tab
/Subdominio Texto ancla Texto duplicado WebServices
/media/files/PanelApp_Handbook...Texto duplicado PanelApp Handbook V35
/cdn-cgi/l/email-protectionTexto duplicado contact
/cdn-cgi/l/email-protectionTexto duplicado contact
/?_escaped_fragment_=NewsSubdominio PanelApp news
/cdn-cgi/l/email-protectionTexto duplicado [email protected]
/cdn-cgi/l/email-protectionTexto duplicado [email protected] Subdominio Texto duplicado PubMed
/media/files/GEL_-_PanelApp_Te...Genomics England PanelApp Terms of Use, Dec 2019 Subdominio Radboud University Medical Center Subdominio Texto ancla Illumina TruGenome Subdominio Predisposition Screen Subdominio Emory Genetic Laboratory UK Genetic Testing Network Subdominio Texto duplicado Ensembl Subdominio Texto duplicado OMIM Subdominio Texto duplicado Gene2Phenotype Subdominio Texto ancla Texto duplicado The Development Disorder Genotype - Phenotype Database Subdominio Texto duplicado Orphanet Subdominio The NCBI Genetics Home Reference Subdominio Texto duplicado HGNC
https://search.clinicalgenome....Externo Subdominio ClinGen Gene Validity Curations Subdominio Texto duplicado Victorian Clinical Genetics Services
https://search.clinicalgenome....Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado ClinGen Gene Validity Curations Subdominio Gene database Subdominio Texto duplicado ClinGen Dosage Sensitivity Map Subdominio Texto duplicado ClinVar Subdominio Texto duplicado Gene2Phenotype Subdominio Texto ancla Texto duplicado The Development Disorder Genotype - Phenotype Database Subdominio Texto duplicado OMIM Subdominio Texto duplicado Ensembl Subdominio Texto duplicado PubMed Subdominio The eligibility statements are available here
/panels/150/Subdominio Rare multisystem ciliopathy disorders panel
/panels/251/Subdominio Deafness and congenital structural abnormalities panel
/panels/47/Subdominio Texto duplicado Dilated Cardiomyopathy and conduction defects
/panels/53/Subdominio Texto duplicado Ehlers-Danlos syndromes panel
/panels/53/Subdominio Texto duplicado Ehlers-Danlos syndromes panel
/panels/254/Subdominio GI Tract panel
/panels/254/Subdominio Texto duplicado GI Tract panel
/panels/65/Subdominio Lymphatic Disorders panel Subdominio National Genomic Test Directory for cancer Subdominio Texto duplicado Genomics England website
/media/files/PanelApp_Handbook...Texto duplicado PanelApp Handbook V35
/media/files/PanelApp_Handbook...Texto duplicado PanelApp Handbook V35 Subdominio HGNC-approved symbol Subdominio Ensembl release 90 Subdominio HGNC-approved name Subdominio Texto duplicado Ensembl release 90 Subdominio Texto duplicado OMIM Subdominio gene2phenotype Texto duplicado OMIM Subdominio Clinvar Subdominio PMID: 25911073 Subdominio Texto ancla Texto duplicado Ensembl
/media/files/PanelApp_Tags_Oct...Texto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante

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Genomics England PanelApp

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Genomics England77%Check
PanelApp Genomics73%Check
Genomics England PanelApp72%Check
Genomics England Rare68%Check
Genomics England clinical67%Check

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