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0,48 s
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88,60 kB
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227 internos / 5 externos

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(Extremadamente importante)
Home - bff Women against violence
La longitud del título es óptima (319 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
No hay ninunga meta descripción.
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
No se especifica ningún enlace canónico.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Alemania
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
No se identifica ningún error en los enlaces alternate/hreflang.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
El dominio no es un subdominio.
La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
Algunas palabras del encabezado H1 no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
Solo se han encontrado 2 párrafos en esta página.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1490 palabras.
Un 40.8% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 16.11 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
Esta página carga 9 archivos JavaScript. Esto puede afectar negativamente a la velocidad de carga.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0).
Al menos un icono de Apple-Touch ha sido especificado.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 30 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 2 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...ssets/images/bff_frauen-gegen-gewalt.svgCarece de atributo ALT
...t Nein OnlineBanner 2a engl-ba9d986e.jpgNo means no! This is our history in the making.
...s/images/3/hilfetelefon-wbm-2050de1b.svgThe Violence against Women Support Hotline : 08000 116 016
...n-Sexueller-Missbrauch-logo-928f459c.jpgHelpline Sexual Abuse:: 0800 22 55 530 Free of charge and anonymous
...mages/d/BMFSFJ-english-logo-e2cc642d.pngCarece de atributo ALT

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Empowering women and standing firm against violence
Más de un encabezado H1.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Empowering women and standing firm against violence
H1 No means no!
H2 superheroine against violence - a bff campaign
H2 Counselling and emergency aide
H2 Specialist counselling and politicaly and policy advocacy
H2 Campaigns and projects
H2 Information centre
H2 No means no! Texto duplicado
H5 More bff-services
H5 Other services
H5 Hilfe in der Nähe
H5 Sponsored by
Página base:
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 5 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
A-TITLE Startseite
A-TITLE bff Kadınlara karşı şiddet
A-TITLE bff العنف ضد النساء Quick exit
A-TITLE Quick exit
/en/Sin texto
/en/Skip navigation
/en/information-centre.htmlInformation centre
A-TITLE Information centre
/Texto ancla Submenü anzeigen
A-TITLE Show submenu
/en/what-is-domestic-violence....Domestic violence
A-TITLE Domestic violence
/Texto ancla Texto duplicado Submenü anzeigen
A-TITLE Show submenu
/en/what-is-domestic-violence....What is it?
A-TITLE What is it?
/en/myths-facts-figures-801.htmlMyths / facts / figures
A-TITLE Myths / facts / figures
/en/forms-of-domestic-violence...Forms of domestic violence
A-TITLE Forms of domestic violence
/en/phases-and-dynamics-of-dom...Phases and dynamics of domestic violence
A-TITLE Phases and dynamics of domestic violence
/en/effects-of-domestic-violen...Effects of domestic violence
A-TITLE Effects of domestic violence
/en/what-can-you-do-how-can-yo...What can you do? / How can you help?
A-TITLE What can you do? / How can you help?
A-TITLE Prevention
/en/legal-measures.htmlLegal measures
A-TITLE Legal measures
/en/children-co-experiencing-d...Children co-experiencing domestic violence
A-TITLE Children co-experiencing domestic violence
/Texto ancla Texto duplicado Submenü anzeigen
A-TITLE Show submenu
/en/consequences-for-children-...Consequences for children co-experiencing violence
A-TITLE Consequences for children co-experiencing violence
/en/what-can-you-do-how-can-yo...Texto duplicado What can you do? / How can you help?
A-TITLE What can you do? / How can you help?
/en/further-information.htmlFurther information
A-TITLE Further information
/en/further-information-practi...Texto duplicado Further information
A-TITLE Further information
/en/information-centre/killing...Killing of Women/Femicide
A-TITLE Killing of Women/Femicide
/Texto ancla Texto duplicado Submenü anzeigen
A-TITLE Show submenu
/en/information-centre/killing...Risk factors and the situation in Germany
A-TITLE Risk factors and the situation in Germany
/en/information-centre/killing...What can you do? How can you help?
A-TITLE What can you do? How can you help?
/en/information-centre/killing...Public discourse on killings
A-TITLE Public discourse on killings
/en/information-centre/killing...Recognising high-risk cases of intimate partner violence and taking effective action
A-TITLE Recognising high-risk cases of intimate partner violence and taking effective action
/en/information-centre/killing...Further Information
A-TITLE Further Information
/en/what-is-it.htmlSexualised violence
A-TITLE Sexualised violence
/Texto ancla Texto duplicado Submenü anzeigen
A-TITLE Show submenu
/en/what-is-it.htmlTexto duplicado What is it?
A-TITLE What is it?
A-TITLE Figures
/en/organised-crime-and-wars.htmlOrganised crime and wars
A-TITLE Organised crime and wars
/en/the-perpetrators.htmlThe perpetrators
A-TITLE The perpetrators
/en/what-is-it-507.htmlRape and sexual coercion
A-TITLE Rape and sexual coercion
/Texto ancla Texto duplicado Submenü anzeigen
A-TITLE Show submenu
/en/what-is-it-507.htmlTexto duplicado What is it?
A-TITLE What is it?
/en/how-does-a-woman-experienc...How does a woman experience the crime?
A-TITLE How does a woman experience the crime?
/en/myths-facts-figures567.htmlTexto duplicado Myths / facts / figures
A-TITLE Myths / facts / figures
A-TITLE Consequences
/en/reactions-of-the-social-en...Reactions of the social environment
A-TITLE Reactions of the social environment
/en/medical-examination.htmlMedical examination
A-TITLE Medical examination
/en/legal-steps.htmlLegal steps
A-TITLE Legal steps
/en/sexual-harassment-at-work-...Sexual harassment at work
A-TITLE Sexual harassment at work
/Texto ancla Texto duplicado Submenü anzeigen
A-TITLE Show submenu
/en/sexual-harassment-at-work-...Texto duplicado What is it?
A-TITLE What is it?
/en/myths-facts-figures.htmlTexto duplicado Myths / facts / figures
A-TITLE Myths / facts / figures
/en/consequences.htmlTexto duplicado Consequences
A-TITLE Consequences
/en/what-can-you-do-how-can-yo...Texto duplicado What can you do? How can you help?
A-TITLE What can you do? How can you help?
/en/what-is-it-778.htmlPhysical violence
A-TITLE Physical violence
/Texto ancla Texto duplicado Submenü anzeigen
A-TITLE Show submenu
/en/what-is-it-778.htmlTexto duplicado What is it?
A-TITLE What is it?
/en/facts-figures-779.htmlFacts & Figures
A-TITLE Facts & Figures
/en/signs-characteristics796.htmlSigns / characteristics
A-TITLE Signs / characteristics
/en/consequences-781.htmlTexto duplicado Consequences
A-TITLE Consequences
/en/what-can-you-do-how-can-yo...Texto duplicado What can you do? / How can you help?
A-TITLE What can you do? / How can you help?
/en/what-is-it836.htmlPsychological violence
A-TITLE Psychological violence
/Texto ancla Texto duplicado Submenü anzeigen
A-TITLE Show submenu
/en/what-is-it836.htmlTexto duplicado What is it?
A-TITLE What is it?
/en/myths-facts-figures678.htmlTexto duplicado Myths / facts / figures
A-TITLE Myths / facts / figures
/en/signs-characteristics.htmlTexto duplicado Signs / characteristics
A-TITLE Signs / characteristics
/en/consequences458.htmlTexto duplicado Consequences
A-TITLE Consequences
/en/what-can-you-do-how-can-yo...Texto duplicado What can you do? / How can you help?
A-TITLE What can you do? / How can you help?
/en/what-is-it-784.htmlStructural violence
A-TITLE Structural violence
/Texto ancla Texto duplicado Submenü anzeigen
A-TITLE Show submenu
/en/what-is-it-784.htmlTexto duplicado What is it?
A-TITLE What is it?
/en/signs-characteristics-785....Texto duplicado Signs / characteristics
A-TITLE Signs / characteristics
/en/what-can-you-do-how-can-yo...Texto duplicado What can you do? / How can you help?
A-TITLE What can you do? / How can you help?
A-TITLE Stalking
/Texto ancla Texto duplicado Submenü anzeigen
A-TITLE Show submenu
/en/what-is-it-772.htmlTexto duplicado What is it?
A-TITLE What is it?
/en/consequences-773.htmlTexto duplicado Consequences
A-TITLE Consequences
/en/what-can-you-do.htmlWhat can you do?
A-TITLE What can you do?
/en/legal-possibilities.htmlLegal possibilities
A-TITLE Legal possibilities
/en/what-are-date-rape-drugs.htmlDate rape drugs
A-TITLE Date rape drugs
/Texto ancla Texto duplicado Submenü anzeigen
A-TITLE Show submenu
/en/what-are-date-rape-drugs.htmlWhat are date rape drugs?
A-TITLE What are date rape drugs?
/en/myths-facts-figures-790.htmlTexto duplicado Myths / facts / figures
A-TITLE Myths / facts / figures
/en/indications-of-ingestion.htmlIndications of ingestion
A-TITLE Indications of ingestion
/en/what-can-you-do-how-can-yo...Texto duplicado What can you do? How can you help?
A-TITLE What can you do? How can you help?
/en/what-is-it-569.htmlDigital violence
A-TITLE Digital violence
/Texto ancla Texto duplicado Submenü anzeigen
A-TITLE Show submenu
/en/what-is-it-569.htmlTexto duplicado What is it?
A-TITLE Digitale Gewalt: Was ist das?
A-TITLE Digitale Gewalt: Anzeichen/Merkmale
/en/consequences-571.htmlTexto duplicado Consequences
A-TITLE Digitale Gewalt: Folgen
/en/what-can-you-do-how-can-yo...Texto duplicado What can you do? How can you help?
A-TITLE Digitale Gewalt: Was tun?/Wie helfen?
/en/prevention.htmlTexto duplicado Prevention
A-TITLE Digitale Gewalt: Prävention
/en/what-is-it123.htmlViolence against women and girls with disabilities
A-TITLE Violence against women and girls with disabilities
/Texto ancla Texto duplicado Submenü anzeigen
A-TITLE Show submenu
/en/what-is-it123.htmlTexto duplicado What is it?
A-TITLE What is it?
/en/facts-figures.htmlTexto duplicado Facts & Figures
A-TITLE Facts & Figures
/en/strains-and-risk-factors.htmlStrains and risk factors
A-TITLE Strains and risk factors
A-TITLE Perpetrators
/en/consequences123.htmlTexto duplicado Consequences
A-TITLE Consequences
/en/what-can-you-dohow-can-you...Texto duplicado What can you do? / How can you help?
A-TITLE What can you do? / How can you help?
/en/additional-information.htmlAdditional information
A-TITLE Zugang für alle!
A-TITLE Trauma
/Texto ancla Texto duplicado Submenü anzeigen
A-TITLE Show submenu
/en/what-is-it-795.htmlTexto duplicado What is it?
A-TITLE What is it?
/en/myths-facts-figures-796.htmlTexto duplicado Myths / facts / figures
A-TITLE Myths / facts / figures
/en/signs-characteristics-797....Texto duplicado Signs / characteristics
A-TITLE Signs / characteristics
/en/consequences-798.htmlTexto duplicado Consequences
A-TITLE Consequences
/en/what-can-you-do-how-can-yo...Texto duplicado What can you do? / How can you help?
A-TITLE What can you do? / How can you help?
/en/faq-frequently-asked-quest...FAQ Frequently Asked Questions at the Intersection of Flight and Protection Against Violence
A-TITLE FAQ Frequently Asked Questions at the Intersection of Flight and Protection Against Violence
/Texto ancla Texto duplicado Submenü anzeigen
A-TITLE Show submenu
A-TITLE Glossary
/en/regulations-relating-to-as...Regulations relating to asylum and residence matters
A-TITLE Regulations relating to asylum and residence matters
/Texto ancla Texto duplicado Submenü anzeigen
A-TITLE Show submenu
/en/what-rights-and-obligation...What rights and obligations do exist during the asylum procedure?
A-TITLE What rights and obligations do exist during the asylum procedure?
/en/what-are-procedures-accord...What are procedures according to the Dublin III Regulation?
A-TITLE What are procedures according to the Dublin III Regulation?
/en/what-are-the-differences-b...What are the differences between temporary suspension of deportation, individual residence titles, and protection status?
A-TITLE What are the differences between temporary suspension of deportation, individual residence titles, and protection status?
/en/what-is-particular-about-t...What is particular about the situation of women (affected by violence) from so-called safe countries of origin?
A-TITLE What is particular about the situation of women (affected by violence) from so-called safe countries of origin?
/en/what-does-it-mean-if-an-as...What does it mean if an asylum application is rejected as “manifestly unfounded”?
A-TITLE What does it mean if an asylum application is rejected as “manifestly unfounded”?
/en/what-is-the-difference-bet...What is the difference between the obligation to take up residence, residence restriction, and residence obligation?
A-TITLE What is the difference between the obligation to take up residence, residence restriction, and residence obligation?
/en/what-is-the-relationship-b...What is the relationship between Foreigners Office and the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, and what are their particular responsibilities?
A-TITLE What is the relationship between Foreigners Office and the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, and what are their particular responsibilities?
/en/gender-specific-violence-a...Gender-specific violence as a reason for asylum and its role during the asylum procedure
A-TITLE Gender-specific violence as a reason for asylum and its role during the asylum procedure
/Texto ancla Texto duplicado Submenü anzeigen
A-TITLE Show submenu
/en/in-what-way-can-gender-spe...In what way can gender-specific violence be asserted as a reason for granting asylum or as a factor that necessitates the prohibition of deportation/the clas...
A-TITLE In what way can gender-specific violence be asserted as a reason for granting asylum or as a factor that necessitates the prohibition of deportation/the clas...
/en/do-directives-for-the-prot...Do directives for the protection against violence have any impact on the asylum procedure? If yes, which one?
A-TITLE Do directives for the protection against violence have any impact on the asylum procedure? If yes, which one?
/en/what-happens-in-the-case-o...What happens in the case of a divorce if the residential status depends on (marriage) partners?
A-TITLE What happens in the case of a divorce if the residential status depends on (marriage) partners?
/en/marriage-and-family-law.htmlMarriage and family law
A-TITLE Marriage and family law
/Texto ancla Texto duplicado Submenü anzeigen
A-TITLE Show submenu
/en/what-is-the-situation-duri...What is the situation during the asylum procedure regarding matters of family law (right to determine the place of residence, right of care and custody, visi...
A-TITLE What is the situation during the asylum procedure regarding matters of family law (right to determine the place of residence, right of care and custody, visi...
/en/will-a-marriage-that-has-b...Will a marriage that has been concluded in another country be recognised in Germany?
A-TITLE Will a marriage that has been concluded in another country be recognised in Germany?
/en/what-is-the-situation-of-m...What is the situation of married underage refugees in Germany?
A-TITLE What is the situation of married underage refugees in Germany?
/en/what-happens-in-the-case-o...What happens in the case of a divorce if the residential status depends on the (marriage) partner?
A-TITLE What happens in the case of a divorce if the residential status depends on the (marriage) partner?
/en/medical-support-and-social...Medical support and social benefits
A-TITLE Medical support and social benefits
/Texto ancla Texto duplicado Submenü anzeigen
A-TITLE Show submenu
/en/medical-support-for-refuge...Medical support for refugees
A-TITLE Medical support for refugees
/en/medical-support-for-person...Medical support for persons without regular residence status
A-TITLE Medical support for persons without regular residence status
/en/psychotherapeutic-services...Psychotherapeutic services
A-TITLE Psychotherapeutic services
/en/social-rights-of-refugees....Social rights of refugees
A-TITLE Social rights of refugees
/en/funding-of-counselling-and...Funding of counselling and protection for refugee women
A-TITLE Funding of counselling and protection for refugee women
/Texto ancla Texto duplicado Submenü anzeigen
A-TITLE Show submenu
/en/who-will-cover-the-costs-f...Who will cover the costs for legal counselling and legal aid and in which cases?
A-TITLE Who will cover the costs for legal counselling and legal aid and in which cases?
/en/is-it-possible-for-female-...Is it possible for female refugees to receive a counselling voucher during the asylum procedure or once the asylum application has been rejected?
A-TITLE Is it possible for female refugees to receive a counselling voucher during the asylum procedure or once the asylum application has been rejected?
/en/how-is-the-stay-of-female-...How is the stay of female refugees in women’s shelters funded?
A-TITLE How is the stay of female refugees in women’s shelters funded?
/en/which-possibilities-for-fu...Which possibilities for funding interpreters do exist?
A-TITLE Which possibilities for funding interpreters do exist?
/en/protective-measures-for-re...Protective measures for refugee women living in shelters
A-TITLE Protective measures for refugee women living in shelters
/Texto ancla Texto duplicado Submenü anzeigen
A-TITLE Show submenu
/en/which-difficulties-may-ari...Which difficulties may arise for women affected by violence when disregarding the residence obligation?
A-TITLE Which difficulties may arise for women affected by violence when disregarding the residence obligation?
/en/is-it-possible-for-female-...Is it possible for female refugees, in case they suffer violence, to take up their own residence earlier or to suspend the residence allocation?
A-TITLE Is it possible for female refugees, in case they suffer violence, to take up their own residence earlier or to suspend the residence allocation?
/en/how-do-reallocation-reques...How do reallocation requests work? Is it possible to speed up the reallocation procedure if the applicant is in danger? Is it possible to influence the decis...
A-TITLE How do reallocation requests work? Is it possible to speed up the reallocation procedure if the applicant is in danger? Is it possible to influence the decis...
/en/is-it-possible-to-prohibit...Is it possible to prohibit perpetrators from returning to shared accommodations and own apartments despite residence obligation and restriction?
A-TITLE Is it possible to prohibit perpetrators from returning to shared accommodations and own apartments despite residence obligation and restriction?
/en/do-directives-for-the-prot...Do directives for the protection against violence have any impact on the asylum procedure? If so, which one?
A-TITLE Do directives for the protection against violence have any impact on the asylum procedure? If so, which one?
/en/which-concepts-for-the-pro...Which concepts for the protection against gender-based violence do already exist in refugee shelters?
A-TITLE Which concepts for the protection against gender-based violence do already exist in refugee shelters?
/en/is-it-possible-to-file-com...Is it possible to file complaints in accommodations?
A-TITLE Is it possible to file complaints in accommodations?
/en/admission-of-female-refuge...Admission of female refugees to women’s shelters
A-TITLE Admission of female refugees to women’s shelters
/Texto ancla Texto duplicado Submenü anzeigen
A-TITLE Show submenu
/en/in-how-far-do-residence-re...In how far do residence restriction or obligation have an impact on the admission to a women’s shelter or on moving to another shelter?
A-TITLE In how far do residence restriction or obligation have an impact on the admission to a women’s shelter or on moving to another shelter?
/en/which-difficulties-may-ari...Texto duplicado Which difficulties may arise for women affected by violence when disregarding the residence obligation?
A-TITLE Which difficulties may arise for women affected by violence when disregarding the residence obligation?
/en/how-do-reallocation-reques...Texto duplicado How do reallocation requests work? Is it possible to speed up the reallocation procedure if the applicant is in danger? Is it possible to influence the decis...
A-TITLE How do reallocation requests work? Is it possible to speed up the reallocation procedure if the applicant is in danger? Is it possible to influence the decis...
/en/is-it-possible-for-female-...Is it possible for female refugees to apply for name change as a protective measure?
A-TITLE Is it possible for female refugees to apply for name change as a protective measure?
/en/what-is-the-impact-of-the-...What is the impact of the new penal code for sexual offences on residential regulations?
A-TITLE What is the impact of the new penal code for sexual offences on residential regulations?
/en/church-asylum.htmlChurch asylum
A-TITLE Church asylum
/Texto ancla Texto duplicado Submenü anzeigen
A-TITLE Show submenu
/en/what-is-church-asylum.htmlWhat is church asylum?
A-TITLE What is church asylum?
/en/how-does-church-asylum-wor...How does church asylum work?
A-TITLE How does church asylum work?
/en/church-asylum/changes-sinc...Changes since August 2018
A-TITLE Changes since August 2018
/en/links-and-references.htmlLinks and references
A-TITLE Links and references
/en/under-what-conditions-does...Under what conditions does having a child in Germany impact the residence permit of refugee parents?
A-TITLE Under what conditions does having a child in Germany impact the residence permit of refugee parents?
/Texto ancla Texto duplicado Submenü anzeigen
A-TITLE Show submenu
/en/the-father-is-a-german-cit...The father is a German citizen
A-TITLE The father is a German citizen
/en/the-father-has-been-lawful...The father has been lawfully residing in Germany for eight years and holds a settlement permit
A-TITLE The father has been lawfully residing in Germany for eight years and holds a settlement permit
/en/the-father-holds-a-tempora...The father holds a temporary residence permit
A-TITLE The father holds a temporary residence permit
/en/the-father-is-a-recognised...The father is a recognised refugee or entitled to subsidiary protection
A-TITLE The father is a recognised refugee or entitled to subsidiary protection
/en/the-father-is-a-citizen-of...The father is a citizen of an EU member state
A-TITLE The father is a citizen of an EU member state
/en/the-father-s-asylum-proced...The father’s asylum procedure is still pending
A-TITLE The father’s asylum procedure is still pending
/en/the-father-is-granted-susp...The father is granted suspension of deportation after his asylum application has been rejected
A-TITLE The father is granted suspension of deportation after his asylum application has been rejected
/en/the-father-refuses-to-ackn...The father refuses to acknowledge paternity
A-TITLE The father refuses to acknowledge paternity
/en/the-father-is-unknown.htmlThe father is unknown
A-TITLE The father is unknown
A-TITLE Siblings
/en/faq-frequently-asked-quest...(New) ways to a regular residence status
A-TITLE (New) ways to a regular residence status
/en/faq-frequently-asked-quest...The Istanbul Convention and its significance for the protection of refugee women
A-TITLE The Istanbul Convention and its significance for the protection of refugee women
/en/help-counselling.htmlHelp & Counselling
A-TITLE Help & Counselling
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/en/support-for-women-and-chil...Support for women and children from Ukraine
A-TITLE Support for women and children from Ukraine
/en/rape-crisis-centres.htmlRape crisis centres
A-TITLE Rape crisis centres
/en/womens-counselling-centres...Women’s counselling centres
A-TITLE Women’s counselling centres
/en/local-support-services.htmlLocal support services
A-TITLE Local support services
/en/campaigns-projects.htmlCampaigns & Projects
A-TITLE Campaigns & Projects
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A-TITLE Projects
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/en/bff-make-it-work.htmlbff: "make it work!"
A-TITLE bff: "make it work!"
/en/bff-active-against-digital...bff: active against digital violence
A-TITLE bff: active against digital violence
/en/access-for-all.htmlAccess For All!
A-TITLE Access For All!
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/en/counselling-and-support-fo...Counselling and support
A-TITLE Counselling and support
/en/the-steps-of-the-project.htmlThe steps of the project
A-TITLE The steps of the project
A-TITLE Campaigns
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/en/stairs-video.html“Stairs” video
A-TITLE “Stairs” video
/en/id-10th-anniversary-of-the...10th anniversary of the German Act on Protection against Violence
A-TITLE 10th anniversary of the German Act on Protection against Violence
/en/sex-offence-cases-women-in...Sex offence cases. Women in the justice gap
A-TITLE Sex offence cases. Women in the justice gap
/en/empowering-ourselves-viole...Empowering Ourselves. Violence Against Women must be Brought to Light
A-TITLE Empowering Ourselves. Violence Against Women must be Brought to Light
/en/the-campaign-the-right-sta...The campaign: “The right standpoint against violence“
A-TITLE Kampagne: Der richtige Standpunkt
/en/the-dialogue-campaign.htmlThe Dialogue campaign
A-TITLE Kampagne: Dialog
/en/international-collaboratio...International Collaboration
A-TITLE International Collaboration
/en/the-federal-association.htmlAbout us
A-TITLE About us
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/en/the-federal-association.htmlThe Federal Association
A-TITLE The Federal Association
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/en/objectives-and-tasks.htmlObjectives and tasks
A-TITLE Objectives and tasks
/en/executive-board-and-associ...Executive Board and Association Council
A-TITLE Executive Board and Association Council
/en/articles-of-association.htmlArticles of Association
A-TITLE Articles of Association
/en/membership-in-the-bff.htmlMembership in the bff
A-TITLE Membership in the bff
A-TITLE Contact
/en/local-support-services.htmlHelp nearby
A-TITLE Help nearby
A-TITLE Search
/en/the-federal-association.htmlMore about us
/en/help-counselling.htmlCounselling and emergency aide Find help immediately: for anyone concerned and people in a position of trust
/en/the-federal-association.htmlSpecialist counselling and politicaly and policy advocacy Standing up for better conditions
/en/support-for-women-and-chil...Support for Women and children from Ukraine in Germany
/en/campaigns-projects.htmlCampaigns and projects For more rights
/en/information-centre.htmlInformation centre Bringing violence against women to light
/en/campaigns-projects.htmlNo means no! This is our history in the making.
IMG-ALT No means no! This is our history in the making.
/en/Texto duplicado Skip navigation facebook
A-TITLE facebook instagram
A-TITLE instagram ventana Externo IMG-ALT The Violence against Women Support Hotline : 08000 116 016
https://www.hilfeportal-missbr...Nueva ventana Externo IMG-ALT Helpline Sexual Abuse:: 0800 22 55 530 Free of charge and anonymous
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Home - bff Women against violence

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Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
bff Women60%Check
Domestic Violence52%Check
Digital violence52%Check
Gender-specific violence52%Check
refugee women51%Check

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