- SEO Check

Übersicht der SEO Analyse
Externe Faktoren
SEO Score
0,61 s
192,30 kB
Anzahl Links
157 Intern / 5 Extern

To-do Liste mit SEO Optimierungen

Meta-Angaben im HTML

(Extrem wichtig)
Action For Children | Children's charity | For safe and happy childhoods
Der Titel sollte kürzer als 580 Pixel sein. Er ist insgesamt 638 Pixel lang. Jetzt optimieren
Im Titel werden Worte wiederholt.
(Extrem wichtig)
We protect and support children and young people, providing practical and emotional care and support. We campaign to bring lasting improvements to their lives
Die Meta-Description hat eine optimale Länge. (988 Pixel von maximal 1000 Pixel Länge)
(Extrem wichtig)
Es gibt keine Probleme beim Zugriff auf die Webseite.
Canonical Link
Es ist kein Canonical Link angegeben.
(Wenig wichtig)
Im Text erkannte Sprache: en
Im HTML angegebene Sprache: en-us
Serverstandort: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Die Sprache wird im HTML Code wie folgt angegeben: en-us
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Seite nutzt keine Alternate Links.
Weitere Metatags
(Wenig wichtig)
Es gibt keinen rel next Meta Tag auf der Seite.
Es gibt keinen rel prev Meta Tag auf der Seite.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Domain ist sehr lang.
Die Domain ist keine Subdomain.
Die Domain enthält keine Umlaute.
Seiten URL
(Wenig wichtig)
In der URL wurden keine Parameter entdeckt.
In der URL wurde keine Session ID entdeckt.
Die URL hat nicht zu viele Unterverzeichnisse.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Angaben zur Zeichensatzkodierung (UTF-8) sind fehlerfrei.
(Nice to have)
Die Doctype Angabe HTML 5 ist korrekt angegeben.
Die Doctype Angabe befindet sich an erster Stelle im HTML-Code.
(Nice to have)
Das Favoriten Icon (Favicon) ist korrekt verlinkt.

Meta Tags

descriptionWe protect and support children and young people, providing practical and emotional care and support. We campaign to bring lasting improvements to their lives
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
twitter:descriptionWe protect and support children and young people, and campaign to bring lasting improvements to their lives
og:descriptionWe protect and support children and young people, and campaign to bring lasting improvements to their lives
og:site_nameAction for Children

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(Extrem wichtig)
Wörter aus der H1 Überschrift werden nicht im Text der Seite verwendet.
Der Inhalt ist mit 1047 Wörtern in Ordnung.
Der Text besteht zu 34.2% aus Füllwörtern.
Worte aus dem Titel werden im Text wiederholt.
Im Text befindet sich eine Aufzählung, dies deutet auf eine gute Textstruktur hin.
Es wurden 11 Fließtextblöcke auf der Seite gefunden.
Es wurden keine Platzhalter Texte bzw. Bilder gefunden.
Es befinden sich keine Duplikate auf der Seite.
Die durchschnittliche Satzlänge ist mit 15.55 Wörtern gut.
(Extrem wichtig)
Die Seite hat kein Frameset.
(Wenig wichtig)
Der angegebene Viewport (width=device-width, initial-scale=1) ist korrekt.
Mindestens ein Apple-Touch Icon ist definiert.
Bold- und Strongtags
(Wenig wichtig)
Einige Tags werden wiederholt. z.B.: find a local service
Bilder Optimierung
(Wenig wichtig)
Bei 1 Bildern fehlt das Alt-Attribut. Der Inhalt von Alt-Attributen wird von Suchmaschinen auch als Text gewertet und ist wichtig für die Bildersuche.
Soziale Vernetzung
(Nice to have)
Es befinden sich wenige Social-Sharing Möglichkeiten auf der Seite. Mit Plugins zum Teilen kann die Reichweite der Seite in sozialen Netzwerken erhöht werden.
Zusätzliches Markup
(Nice to have)
Es wurde kein zusätzliches Markup gefunden.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Seite verwendet HTTPS um Daten sicher zu übertragen.
Alle eingebundenen Dateien werden ebenfalls über HTTPS ausgeliefert.


...oyful_son.2e16d0ba.fill-700x400-c100.jpgMother kissing joyful son
...oyful_son.2e16d0ba.fill-700x400-c100.jpgMother kissing joyful son
...oyful_son.2e16d0ba.fill-700x400-c100.jpgMother kissing joyful son
...oyful_son.2e16d0ba.fill-700x400-c100.jpgMother kissing joyful son
...g_toddler.f71777bd.fill-610x600-c100.jpgFather kissing toddler
...Children_.2e16d0ba.fill-700x400-c100.jpgStarry Night 2023
...ction_for.70ea9bb9.fill-700x400-c100.jpgHannah in a yellow Action for Children running vest at the Great North Run
...ndraising.2e16d0ba.fill-700x400-c100.jpgRunning through woodlands
...th_smilin.2e16d0ba.fill-700x400-c100.jpgHappy grandmother with smiling daughter on lap reading iPad
..._1200x800.2e16d0ba.fill-610x600-c100.jpgChildren in care AFC_96 1200x800
...ide_with_.2e16d0ba.fill-700x400-c100.jpgCharlie sitting outside with water fountain behind
..._words_fa.2e16d0ba.fill-700x400-c100.jpgChildren drawing the words family club on a big piece of paper on the floor
...e_of_bed_.2e16d0ba.fill-700x400-c100.jpgYoung boy sat on edge of bed in an empty room looking at the camera
...n_empty_f.2e16d0ba.fill-700x400-c100.jpgYoung girl looking in empty fridge with sister
...y_w_woman.2e16d0ba.fill-700x400-c100.pngAction for Children social worker talking to boy
..._on_lapto.2e16d0ba.fill-700x400-c100.jpgYoung mother working on laptop with son in her lap
...ofa_in_li.2e16d0ba.fill-700x400-c100.jpgTeen boy sitting on sofa in living room using a mobile phone
...go_official.max-150x100.format-webp.webpArcadis logo official
...go_official.max-150x100.format-webp.webpDell logo official
...go_official.max-150x100.format-webp.webpEllas Kitchen Logo official
..._only_Black.max-150x100.format-webp.webpJohn Lewis Partnership logo high res
...n_Bebe_Logo.max-150x100.format-webp.webpJojo Maman Bebe Logo
...ogo_ZA7eriU.max-150x100.format-webp.webpNationwide logo
...go_official.max-150x100.format-webp.webpStarling Bank Logo official
...logo_offici.max-150x100.format-webp.webpTurner and Townsend logo official
...ds/iceland-secret-santa.fcc7884dba0b.svgIceland Foods Charitable Foundation is the lead partner of the secret santa campaign.
...ages/a-star-with-border.049089696b90.svgKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...images/invest-in-people.1479556c4ad7.pngInvestors in people
...s/fundraising-regulator.c2ba10154395.svgRegistered with the Fundraising Regulator


H1 Überschrift
(Extrem wichtig)
Help give children in care A Place to Call Home
Zu viele H1 Überschriften
Einige Überschriftentexte kommen doppelt auf der Seite vor.
Es befinden sich 28 Überschriften auf der Seite. Die Anzahl der Überschriften sollte in einem besseren Verhältnis zum Text stehen.


Überschriften HierarchieInhalt
H1 Help give children in care A Place to Call Home
H1 Over 4.3 million children in the UK live in poverty
H1 Celebrating Remember a Charity Week
H1 Could you help raise money by doing something amazing?
H2 Our mission
H2 Our impact
H2 Take Action for Children
H2 Featured news and stories
H2 We're here to help
H2 Get involved
H2 Thank you to our partners
H2 Safe and happy childhood
H2 Make a difference, help us change lives
H2 Follow us
H3 Writing a will is easier than you think
H3 Writing a will is easier than you think Text-Duplikat
H3 Writing a will is easier than you think Text-Duplikat
H3 Writing a will is easier than you think Text-Duplikat
H3 Leave a gift in your will
H3 Partner with us
H3 Join a challenge event
H3 Fundraise with us
H3 Sign up to our newsletter
H3 Introducing our new campaign: A Place to Call Home
H3 Remember a Charity: sharing Charlie's story
H3 Nationwide pay a visit to our Newcastle Family Club
H3 Four things you need to know about the UK care system
H3 How poverty affects children’s mental health
Einige der Linktexte der internen Links sind zu lang.
Einige der Linktexte wiederholen sich.
Die Anzahl an internen Links ist ok.
Alle internen Links haben keine dynamischen Parameter.
Es befinden sich 5 externe Links auf der Seite.
/Anchor Skip to main content
/Kein Text
/our-work-and-impact/Our work and impact
/our-work-and-impact/Textduplikat Our work and impact
/our-work-and-impact/children-...Children and families
/our-work-and-impact/children-...Textduplikat Children and families
/our-work-and-impact/policy-wo...Criminally exploited children
/our-work-and-impact/children-...Child poverty
/our-work-and-impact/children-...Early years
/our-work-and-impact/children-...Neglect and abuse
/our-work-and-impact/children-...Families with disabled children
/our-work-and-impact/children-...Fostering and residential care
/our-work-and-impact/children-...Good mental health
/our-work-and-impact/children-...Young carers
/our-work-and-impact/children-...Young people
/our-work-and-impact/children-...Parenting support
/our-work-and-impact/policy-wo...Policy and research
/our-work-and-impact/our-work-...Impact around the UK
/our-work-and-impact/where-you...Where your money goes
/our-work-and-impact/real-life...Real-life stories
/our-work-and-impact/youth-voice/Youth Voice
/blog/News and blog
/how-we-can-help/How we can help
/how-we-can-help/Textduplikat How we can help
/fostering/Textduplikat Fostering
/fostering/why-choose-us/Why choose us?
/fostering/local-fostering-ser...Find your local fostering service
/fostering/process-timescales/The process and timescales
/fostering/fostering-faqs/Fostering FAQs
/fostering/transfer-to-us/Transfer to us
/how-we-can-help/get-parenting...Get parenting support
/how-we-can-help/our-local-ser...Our local services
/how-we-can-help/our-nurseries/Our nurseries
/how-we-can-help/if-you-were-p...If you were previously in our care
/how-we-can-help/worried-about...Worried about a child?
/support-us/Support us
/support-us/Textduplikat Support us
/support-us/make-a-donation/Make a donation
/support-us/make-a-donation/Textduplikat Make a donation
/support-us/make-a-donation/do...Regular/single donation
/support-us/make-a-donation/pa...Pay in fundraising
/support-us/make-a-donation/le...Leave a gift in your will
/support-us/make-a-donation/do...Donate through your salary
/support-us/fundraise-with-us/Raise money
/support-us/campaign-with-us/Campaign with us
/support-us/partner-with-us/Partner with us
/support-us/volunteer-with-us/Volunteer with us
/support-us/help-shape-our-work/Help shape our work
/about-us/About us
/about-us/Textduplikat About us
/about-us/our-people/Our people
/about-us/our-people/Textduplikat Our people
/about-us/our-people/leadershi...Meet our team
/about-us/our-people/trustees/Meet our trustees
/about-us/our-people/our-annua...Stephenson Awards
/about-us/our-mission-and-values/Our vision, mission and values
/about-us/annual-reports/Annual reports
/about-us/charity-and-company-...Charity and company registrations
/about-us/equality-and-diversity/Equality and diversity
/about-us/safeguarding-children/Safeguarding children
/Kein Text
/our-work-and-impact/Textduplikat Our work and impact
/our-work-and-impact/children-...Textduplikat Children and families
/our-work-and-impact/policy-wo...Textduplikat Criminally exploited children
/our-work-and-impact/children-...Textduplikat Child poverty
/our-work-and-impact/children-...Textduplikat Early years
/our-work-and-impact/children-...Textduplikat Neglect and abuse
/our-work-and-impact/children-...Textduplikat Families with disabled children
/our-work-and-impact/children-...Textduplikat Fostering and residential care
/our-work-and-impact/children-...Textduplikat Good mental health
/our-work-and-impact/children-...Textduplikat Young carers
/our-work-and-impact/children-...Textduplikat Young people
/our-work-and-impact/children-...Textduplikat Parenting support
/our-work-and-impact/policy-wo...Textduplikat Policy and research
/our-work-and-impact/our-work-...Textduplikat Impact around the UK
/our-work-and-impact/where-you...Textduplikat Where your money goes
/our-work-and-impact/real-life...Textduplikat Real-life stories
/our-work-and-impact/youth-voice/Textduplikat Youth Voice
/blog/Textduplikat News and blog
/support-us/make-a-donation/le...Subdomain Find out more
/how-we-can-help/Textduplikat How we can help
/fostering/Textduplikat Fostering
/fostering/why-choose-us/Textduplikat Why choose us?
/fostering/local-fostering-ser...Textduplikat Find your local fostering service
/fostering/process-timescales/Textduplikat The process and timescales
/fostering/fostering-faqs/Textduplikat Fostering FAQs
/fostering/transfer-to-us/Textduplikat Transfer to us
/how-we-can-help/adoption/Textduplikat Adoption
/how-we-can-help/get-parenting...Textduplikat Get parenting support
/how-we-can-help/our-local-ser...Textduplikat Our local services
/how-we-can-help/our-nurseries/Textduplikat Our nurseries
/how-we-can-help/if-you-were-p...Textduplikat If you were previously in our care
/how-we-can-help/worried-about...Textduplikat Worried about a child?
/support-us/make-a-donation/le...Subdomain Textduplikat Find out more
/support-us/Textduplikat Support us
/support-us/make-a-donation/Textduplikat Make a donation
/support-us/make-a-donation/do...Textduplikat Regular/single donation
/support-us/make-a-donation/pa...Textduplikat Pay in fundraising
/support-us/make-a-donation/le...Textduplikat Leave a gift in your will
/support-us/make-a-donation/ph...Textduplikat Philanthropy
/support-us/make-a-donation/do...Textduplikat Donate through your salary
/support-us/fundraise-with-us/Textduplikat Raise money
/support-us/campaign-with-us/Textduplikat Campaign with us
/support-us/partner-with-us/Textduplikat Partner with us
/support-us/volunteer-with-us/Textduplikat Volunteer with us
/support-us/help-shape-our-work/Textduplikat Help shape our work
/support-us/make-a-donation/le...Subdomain Textduplikat Find out more
/about-us/Textduplikat About us
/about-us/our-people/Textduplikat Our people
/about-us/our-people/ambassadors/Textduplikat Ambassadors
/about-us/our-people/leadershi...Textduplikat Meet our team
/about-us/our-people/trustees/Textduplikat Meet our trustees
/about-us/our-people/our-annua...Textduplikat Stephenson Awards
/about-us/our-mission-and-values/Textduplikat Our vision, mission and values
/about-us/annual-reports/Textduplikat Annual reports
/about-us/our-history/Textduplikat History
/about-us/charity-and-company-...Textduplikat Charity and company registrations
/about-us/equality-and-diversity/Textduplikat Equality and diversity
/about-us/safeguarding-children/Textduplikat Safeguarding children
/support-us/make-a-donation/le...Subdomain Textduplikat Find out more
/donate/Textduplikat Donate
/support-us/campaign-with-us/c...Subdomain Join our campaign
/support-us/make-a-donation/do...Subdomain Donate now
/support-us/make-a-donation/le...Subdomain Learn more
/support-us/fundraise-with-us/...Subdomain Textduplikat Find out more
/our-work-and-impact/our-impact/Subdomain Textduplikat Find out more
/how-we-can-help/our-local-ser...Subdomain Find a local service
/our-work-and-impact/Subdomain Textduplikat Our work and impact
/support-us/make-a-donation/le...Leave a gift in your will A gift in your will could help transform a child's life. Find out how you can make a difference.
IMG-ALT Father kissing toddler
/support-us/partner-with-us/Partner with us Your business has the power to make a difference. Become a corporate partner or join an exclusive event
IMG-ALT Starry Night 2023
/support-us/fundraise-with-us/...Join a challenge event Sign up to run, walk, swim or take on another challenge
IMG-ALT Hannah in a yellow Action for Children running vest at the Great North Run
/support-us/fundraise-with-us/Fundraise with us From running a marathon to hosting a bake sale, join or set up an event to have fun and raise money for children
IMG-ALT Running through woodlands
/sign-up-to-our-newsletter/Sign up to our newsletter We’ll share highlights of what we do, including stories from children we support. Find out how to get involved in our work
IMG-ALT Happy grandmother with smiling daughter on lap reading iPad
/blog/introducing-our-new-camp...Introducing our new campaign: A Place to Call Home 09 September 2024
IMG-ALT Children in care AFC_96 1200x800
/blog/remember-a-charity-week-...Remember a Charity: sharing Charlie's story 11 September 2024
IMG-ALT Charlie sitting outside with water fountain behind
/blog/nationwide-visit-our-new...Nationwide pay a visit to our Newcastle Family Club 05 September 2024
IMG-ALT Children drawing the words family club on a big piece of paper on the floor
/blog/four-things-you-need-to-...Four things you need to know about the UK care system 21 August 2024
IMG-ALT Young boy sat on edge of bed in an empty room looking at the camera
/blog/how-poverty-affects-chil...How poverty affects children’s mental health 26 June 2024
IMG-ALT Young girl looking in empty fridge with sister
/how-we-can-help/our-local-ser...Subdomain Find a service
https://parents.actionforchild...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Visit Parent Talk (opens in a new tab)
/how-we-can-help/our-local-ser...Subdomain Visit Sidekick
/support-us/partner-with-us/co...Subdomain Find out more about corporate partnerships
/blog/Textduplikat News and blog
/media-centre/Media centre
/contact-us/Contact us
/privacy-policy/Privacy policy
/cookie-policy/Cookie policy
/terms-and-conditions/Terms and conditions
/donate/Textduplikat Donate now Kein Text Subdomain Kein Text Subdomain Kein Text Subdomain Kein Text


(Extrem wichtig)
Die Seite leitet weiter auf ""
Es wird kein X-Powered HTTP-Header mitgesendet.
Der Webserver nutzt GZip zur komprimierten Übertragung der Webseite (HTML).
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Antwortzeit der HTML-Seite ist mit 0,61 Sekunden länger als die empfohlene Zeit von maximal 0,4 Sekunden. Eine hohe Antwortzeit verlängert unnötig das Crawling und sorgt für eine schlechte User Experience.
Die Dateigröße des HTML-Dokuments ist mit 192 kB in Ordnung.


dateWed, 11 Sep 2024 03:10:40 GMT
content-typetext/html; charset=utf-8
cache-controls-maxage=600, stale-while-revalidate=30, public
varyCookie, Accept-Encoding
via1.1 vegur

Externe Faktoren

(Nice to have)
Die Seite wird nicht als "nur für Erwachsene" eingestuft.
Die Seite wird von Wikipedia verlinkt.
Die Seite ist exzellent von anderen Webseiten verlinkt.
Die Seite hat Backlinks von 3.448 verweisenden Domains.
Die Seite hat insgesamt 58.157 Backlinks.
Die Seite hat Backlinks von 2.306 verschiedenen IP Adressen.

Action For Children | Children's charity | For safe and happy ...
We protect and support children and young people, providing practical and emotional care and support. We campaign to bring lasting improvements to their lives

Wichtigste Suchbegriffe

Folgende Keywords wurden erkannt. Überprüfe die Optimierung dieser Keywords für Deine Seite.

children young78%Check
support children76%Check
children young people70%Check
Child poverty70%Check
vulnerable children70%Check
or challenge64%Check

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