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/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | Allergies and intolerances |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | Textduplikat | Allergies and intolerances |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | Anaphylaxis (allergic shock) |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | Chemical substances |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | House dust mite allergy |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | Insect venom allergies |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | Latex allergy |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | Drugs: allergies and intolerances |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | Food allergies |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | Textduplikat | Food allergies |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | Food allergy |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | Cross-reactions |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | Peanut allergy |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | Nut allergy |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | Milk allergy |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | Egg allergy |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | Wheat allergy |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | Food intolerances |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | Textduplikat | Food intolerances |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | Food intolerance |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | Lactose intolerance |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | Fructose malabsorption |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | Coeliac disease (gluten intolerance) |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | Histamine intolerance |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | Pollen allergy (hay fever) |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | Textduplikat | Pollen allergy (hay fever) |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | Textduplikat | Pollen allergy (hay fever) |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | Treatment of respiratory allergies |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | Mould allergy |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | Animal allergy |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | Textduplikat | Animal allergy |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | Animal hair allergy |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | Allergies in animals |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | Indoor plants |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | Good to know |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | Textduplikat | Good to know |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | What is an allergy? |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | A Simple Guide to Allergies |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | Allergic march |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | Allergy tests |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | Allergy prevention |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | Allergen-specific immunotherapy (desensitisation) |
/swiss-allergy-centre/allergie... | | Complementary medicine |
/swiss-allergy-centre/skin | | Skin |
/swiss-allergy-centre/skin | Textduplikat | Skin |
/swiss-allergy-centre/skin/ato... | | Atopic dermatitis (atopic eczema, neurodermatitis) |
/swiss-allergy-centre/skin/con... | | Contact dermatitis |
/swiss-allergy-centre/skin/urt... | | Urticaria (hives/nettle rash) |
/swiss-allergy-centre/skin/ang... | | Angioedema |
/swiss-allergy-centre/skin/chr... | | Chronic hand eczema |
/swiss-allergy-centre/skin/sun... | | Sun allergy |
/swiss-allergy-centre/skin/pru... | | Prurigo nodularis |
/swiss-allergy-centre/skin/pso... | | Psoriasis |
/swiss-allergy-centre/skin/vit... | | Vitiligo |
/swiss-allergy-centre/asthma | | Asthma |
/swiss-allergy-centre/offers | | Offers for those affected |
/swiss-allergy-centre/offers | Textduplikat | Offers for those affected |
/swiss-allergy-centre/offers/a... | | Advice and sharing of information |
/swiss-allergy-centre/offers/a... | Textduplikat | Advice and sharing of information |
/swiss-allergy-centre/offers/a... | | aha!infoline (advice hotline etc.) |
/swiss-allergy-centre/offers/a... | | Advice – on site and online (in German and French) |
/swiss-allergy-centre/offers/a... | | Specialist nutritional advice (in German, French and Italian) |
/swiss-allergy-centre/offers/a... | | Self-help groups (in German, French and Italian) |
/swiss-allergy-centre/offers/a... | | Find a physician |
/swiss-allergy-centre/offers/c... | | Courses and training |
/swiss-allergy-centre/offers/h... | | Holiday camps for children and adolescents (in German and French) |
/swiss-allergy-centre/offers/t... | | Tests (in German, French and Italian) |
/swiss-allergy-centre/offers/i... | | Infotheque |
/swiss-allergy-centre/offers/i... | Textduplikat | Infotheque |
/swiss-allergy-centre/offers/i... | | Links |
/swiss-allergy-centre/offers/a... | | aha!shop (in German, French and Italian) |
/swiss-allergy-centre/offers/c... | | Products with the Allergy Seal of Quality |
/swiss-allergy-centre/access-f... | | Offers for professionals |
/swiss-allergy-centre/access-f... | Textduplikat | Offers for professionals |
/swiss-allergy-centre/access-f... | | Medical professionals |
/swiss-allergy-centre/access-f... | Textduplikat | Medical professionals |
/swiss-allergy-centre/access-f... | | Allergy card |
/swiss-allergy-centre/access-f... | | Offers newsletter for healthcare professionals |
/swiss-allergy-centre/access-f... | | aha!infoline (advice hotline) |
/swiss-allergy-centre/aha-shop... | | aha!shop |
/swiss-allergy-centre/help | | Help us |
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/swiss-allergy-centre/help/don... | | Donating |
/swiss-allergy-centre/help/wil... | | Wills, bequests |
/swiss-allergy-centre/help/in-... | | In memoriam donations |
/swiss-allergy-centre/help/spe... | | Special occasion donations | | Textduplikat | About us |
/allergiezentrum-schweiz/home?... | Textduplikat | de |
/centre-allergie-suisse/home?l... | Textduplikat | fr |
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/swiss-allergy-centre/home?lan... | | en |
/swiss-allergy-centre/offers/t... | Neues Fenster | Kein Text |
/swiss-allergy-centre/home/1587 | | to page Allergies and intolerances |
/swiss-allergy-centre/home/ski... | | to page Skin |
/swiss-allergy-centre/offers/a... | Subdomain | Kein Text |
/swiss-allergy-centre/offers/a... | | aha!infoline Form A-TITLE aha!infoline form |
/swiss-allergy-centre/help/don... | | Help IMG-ALT Donations to the Foundation aha! Swiss Allergy Centre |
/swiss-allergy-centre/training... | Textduplikat | Courses and training IMG-ALT Interdisciplinary knowledge on clinical pictures, therapies and their practical implementation. |
/allergiezentrum-schweiz/aha-s... | Subdomain | Allergies – simple to explain | | Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain | Kein Text | | Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain | Kein Text | | Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain | Kein Text | | Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain | Kein Text |
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/swiss-allergy-centre/help/don... | Textduplikat | Donating | | Neues Fenster | Kein Text |
https://www.service-allergie.c... | Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Anchor | To the certified products A-TITLE Products with the Seal of Quality | | Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain | WeServe | | Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain | Kein Text | | Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain | Kein Text | | Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain | Kein Text | | Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain | Kein Text |
(Nice to have)