- SEO Check

Übersicht der SEO Analyse
Externe Faktoren
SEO Score
0,25 s
1.276,60 kB
Anzahl Links
391 Intern / 28 Extern

To-do Liste mit SEO Optimierungen

Meta-Angaben im HTML

(Extrem wichtig)
Die Domain steht im Seitentitel.
Es gibt keine Wortwiederholungen im Titel.
(Extrem wichtig)
Get the latest news from Belfast and throughout Northern Ireland from Belfast to Derry/Londonderry from award-winning journalists.
Die Meta-Description hat eine optimale Länge. (809 Pixel von maximal 1000 Pixel Länge)
(Extrem wichtig)
Es gibt keine Probleme beim Zugriff auf die Webseite.
Canonical Link
Es ist kein Canonical Link angegeben.
(Wenig wichtig)
Im Text erkannte Sprache: en
Im HTML angegebene Sprache: en
Serverstandort: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Die Sprache wird im HTML Code wie folgt angegeben: en
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Seite nutzt keine Alternate Links.
Weitere Metatags
(Wenig wichtig)
Es gibt keinen rel next Meta Tag auf der Seite.
Es gibt keinen rel prev Meta Tag auf der Seite.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Domain ist sehr lang.
Die Domain ist keine Subdomain.
Die Domain enthält keine Umlaute.
Seiten URL
(Wenig wichtig)
In der URL wurden keine Parameter entdeckt.
In der URL wurde keine Session ID entdeckt.
Die URL hat nicht zu viele Unterverzeichnisse.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Angaben zur Zeichensatzkodierung (UTF-8) sind fehlerfrei.
(Nice to have)
Die Doctype Angabe HTML 5 ist korrekt angegeben.
Die Doctype Angabe befindet sich an erster Stelle im HTML-Code.
(Nice to have)
Das Favoriten Icon (Favicon) ist korrekt verlinkt.

Meta Tags

descriptionGet the latest news from Belfast and throughout Northern Ireland from Belfast to Derry/Londonderry from award-winning journalists.
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1.0, minimal-ui

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(Extrem wichtig)
Es wurden nur 1 Fließtextblöcke auf der Seite gefunden.
Der Inhalt ist mit 2110 Wörtern in Ordnung.
Der Text besteht zu 23.1% aus Füllwörtern.
Im Text befindet sich eine Aufzählung, dies deutet auf eine gute Textstruktur hin.
Es wurden keine Platzhalter Texte bzw. Bilder gefunden.
Es befinden sich keine Duplikate auf der Seite.
Die durchschnittliche Satzlänge ist mit 18 Wörtern gut.
(Extrem wichtig)
Die Seite hat kein Frameset.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Größe des HTML-Dokuments ist mit 1276.6 kB sehr groß.
Der angegebene Viewport (width=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1.0, minimal-ui) ist korrekt.
Mindestens ein Apple-Touch Icon ist definiert.
Bold- und Strongtags
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Nutzung von Strong- und Bold-Tags ist optimal. Wir empfehlen für diese Webseite die Verwendung von bis zu 42 Tags.
Bilder Optimierung
(Wenig wichtig)
Bei 96 Bildern fehlt das Alt-Attribut. Der Inhalt von Alt-Attributen wird von Suchmaschinen auch als Text gewertet und ist wichtig für die Bildersuche.
Soziale Vernetzung
(Nice to have)
Es befinden sich wenige Social-Sharing Möglichkeiten auf der Seite. Mit Plugins zum Teilen kann die Reichweite der Seite in sozialen Netzwerken erhöht werden.
Zusätzliches Markup
(Nice to have)
Es wurde kein zusätzliches Markup gefunden.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Seite verwendet HTTPS um Daten sicher zu übertragen.
Alle eingebundenen Dateien werden ebenfalls über HTTPS ausgeliefert.


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H1 Überschrift
(Extrem wichtig)
Es ist keine H1-Überschrift definiert.
Einige Überschriftentexte kommen doppelt auf der Seite vor.
Die Überschriftenstruktur ist fehlerhaft. Es sollte keine Hierarchie (H1-H6) ausgelassen werden.
Es befinden sich 123 Überschriften auf der Seite. Die Anzahl der Überschriften sollte in einem besseren Verhältnis zum Text stehen.


Überschriften HierarchieInhalt
H2 LATEST | Businesswoman who died at Belfast nightclub remembered as ‘most talented girl’
H2 Dean McCullough on ‘feud’ with Ant and Dec on I’m A Celeb: ‘I got a proper telling off’
H2 Three is the magic number in latest Big Two face-off as stakes ramped up for BetMcLean Cup battle
H2 Video: Brawl captured outside Ollie's nightclub
H2 Bomber Marian Price refuses questions about IRA murder of Jean McConville
H2 Meet the woman who helped put famous Belfast bar back on the map: 'Oh, by the way, I got fired!'
H2 Watch: Belfast Charity launch annual appeal and 'Christmas Jumper Day'
H3 Latest NewsMore
H3 NI Headlines More
H3 Most Read
H3 SportIrish LeagueUlster RugbyGAAGolfMotorcyclingBelfast GiantsMore Sport
H3 The BelTel
H3 Popular VideosMore
H3 BusinessMore
H3 Opinion & AnalysisMore
H3 Subscriber ExclusivesMore
H3 PodcastsMore
H3 Local News Select your area Belfast East Belfast News East Belfast Sport North Belfast News North Belfast Sport South Belfast News South Belfast Sport West Belfast News West Belfast Sport Antrim Ne...
H3 UKMore
H3 Republic of IrelandMore
H3 WorldMore
H3 EntertainmentMore
H3 Life More
H3 Videos of the dayMore
H4 latest | Bishops ‘disappointed’ with pro-Palestine protest held during NI church service
H4 Review: New cafe at NI marina could be the one to succeed in spot where others have come and gone
H4 LIVE | Mary Lou McDonald rebuffed as Sinn Féin leader contacts parties over Irish government formation
H4 Meet the woman who helped put famous Belfast bar back on the map: 'Oh, by the way, I got fired!' Text-Duplikat
H4 Family-run NI hotel opens £600k spa garden: ‘It’s about high-end, bespoke, memorable experiences’
H4 Mark Allen is fascinating in front of the mic... but he's turning viewers off at the table
H4 DUP MP Sammy Wilson apologises for code of conduct breach connected to overseas trip
H4 Northern Ireland star Gavin Whyte is finally ready to make a decision on the Irish League or League of Ireland
H4 ‘People have stopped attending church out of a sense of duty... and that’s no bad thing’
H4 ‘He was the life of the camp’: I’m a Celeb contestants reflect on Dean McCullough’s impact
H4 NI teacher who was ‘infatuated’ with pupil he sexually assaulted avoids jail
H4 REVEALED | Out-of-control UVF gang’s reign of violence and mayhem that ended in slaying of Ian Ogle
H4 Work continuing on removal of Boyne Bridge as new images show demolition
H4 Belfast mum of toddler with rare condition asks Stormont to speed up ‘life-changing’ surgery: ‘He's completely traumatised’
H4 Latest | Belfast nightclub releases statement as funeral details announced following tragic death of young woman
H4 Co Down man gets life sentence after admitting murder of his partner’s cousin
H4 ‘Shopping addict’ carer who went on £4k spree with bed-bound woman’s money barred from profession
H4 Man accused of having thousands of pounds of cocaine claimed it was Polyfilla, court told
H4 How Shane MacGowan felt about Fairytale of New York: ‘He wasn’t fussed on Christmas...’
H4 Loyalist Winston ‘Winkie’ Irvine and co-accused plead guilty to firearm offences
H4 Search and rescue charity blocked from joining PSNI teams that hunt for missing people
H4 NI company lands multi-million pound US contract to provide ‘innovative robotic systems’
H4 Latest | Belfast nightclub releases statement as funeral details announced following tragic death of young woman Text-Duplikat
H4 Family-run NI hotel opens £600k spa garden: ‘It’s about high-end, bespoke, memorable experiences’ Text-Duplikat
H4 Bullet holes left in caravan and van after shooting incident at Co Down seaside village
H4 NI teacher who was ‘infatuated’ with pupil he sexually assaulted avoids jail Text-Duplikat
H4 Meet the woman who helped put famous Belfast bar back on the map: 'Oh, by the way, I got fired!' Text-Duplikat
H4 David Healy has told his Linfield players to ‘be better’ ahead of Big Two Cup clash with Glentoran
H4 Declan Devine: Glentoran have no margin for error against Linfield despite past derby joy
H4 Glentoran new man Ciaran Coll: I’m here to win trophies
H4 Mark Allen is fascinating in front of the mic... but he's turning viewers off at the table Text-Duplikat
H4 ‘Conor McGregor is the pipe dream – he has the cars, the yachts’: What do fans see in disgraced fighter?
H4 ‘An ideal Saturday is walking my dogs up Cave Hill, watching football or rugby, lunch in a local cafe and playing a gig in the evening’
H4 The digital age of social media is creating an anti-social atmosphere and traditional chat is being deleted
H4 There’s nothing wrong with a book for Christmas and here’s proof
H4 Diarmuid Gavin: Prepare your garden for midwinter chills
H4 Christmas gifts that make a house feel like home
H4 Watch: Snow arrives in Northern Ireland as temperatures fall below 0
H4 Man ‘stabbed’ on Westminster Bridge actually suffered cardiac arrest – police
H4 Man fighting for his life after stabbing on Westminster Bridge
H4 Watch: Belfast Charity launch annual appeal and 'Christmas Jumper Day' Text-Duplikat
H4 Meet the woman who helped put famous Belfast bar back on the map: 'Oh, by the way, I got fired!' Text-Duplikat
H4 NI care home operator acquires troubled Parkdean in north Belfast as part of £7m investment
H4 Gerry Hutch’s popularity comes from the Pablo Escobar playbook rather than protest
H4 Conor McGregor case exposes how little has changed for sex assault victims
H4 exclusive | Caught on camera: NI guru who told clients to inflate income for credit
H4 Introducing SpellTel and Conundrum: Your Daily Brain-Boosting Word Puzzles!
H4 Restaurant review: I am utterly convinced this Belfast chef is the chip master of Northern Ireland
H4 Exclusive | Inga Maria Hauser: New inquest granted over 1988 murder of German backpacker
H4 Several senior members removed as row within Orange Order lodge deepens
H4 I don’t know of an athlete offended by Ulster Banner... it is our emblem and it’s not time for a change
H4 Top NI steakhouse removes stout linked to shamed Conor McGregor
H4 Trauma and tears in ‘Bandit Country’ as ex-BBC man recounts tragedies of Troubles in south Armagh
H4 Stagnation once again – no Sinn Fein in Irish government as coalition continues
H4 Ian Ogle: The murder that rocked the UVF in east Belfast
H4 ‘Notorious’ Conor McGregor’s career and legacy in freefall – what next?
H4 Joe Lynskey: The monk who joined the IRA and was murdered by it over trying to kill his love rival
H4 Review: New cafe at NI marina could be the one to succeed in spot where others have come and gone Text-Duplikat
H4 LATEST | Businesswoman who died at Belfast nightclub remembered as ‘most talented girl’ Text-Duplikat
H4 latest | Bishops ‘disappointed’ with pro-Palestine protest held during NI church service Text-Duplikat
H4 Belfast Grand Central Station to screen Christmas classic in new charity appeal
H4 Latest | Belfast nightclub releases statement as funeral details announced following tragic death of young woman Text-Duplikat
H4 Man accused of having thousands of pounds of cocaine claimed it was Polyfilla, court told Text-Duplikat
H4 Muckamore inquiry unlawfully failed to call former health ministers to give evidence, court told
H4 Man fined after making ‘stupid comments’ that ‘put PSNI officer in fear’
H4 NI company lands multi-million pound US contract to provide ‘innovative robotic systems’ Text-Duplikat
H4 Ministers unveil 2029 cladding deadline amid pleas to prevent ‘another Grenfell’
H4 Man charged with tragedy chanting at Liverpool-Manchester City match
H4 US ambassador praises charity founded by Gordon Brown
H4 Fianna Fail and Fine Gael eye independent TDs as option to secure Dail majority
H4 LIVE | Mary Lou McDonald rebuffed as Sinn Féin leader contacts parties over Irish government formation Text-Duplikat
H4 How Shane MacGowan felt about Fairytale of New York: ‘He wasn’t fussed on Christmas...’ Text-Duplikat
H4 Trump demands immediate release of October 7 hostages
H4 French government faces no-confidence vote over Barnier’s austerity budget
H4 Hezbollah fires at Israeli-held border zone in first strike since ceasefire
H4 ‘He was the life of the camp’: I’m a Celeb contestants reflect on Dean McCullough’s impact Text-Duplikat
H4 Dean McCullough on ‘feud’ with Ant and Dec on I’m A Celeb: ‘I got a proper telling off’ Text-Duplikat
H4 Belfast actor Ciaran Hinds to star in upcoming Australian drama based on Booker Prize novel
H4 ‘I spotted this lovely, ghostly shape flitting across one of my hedges...': How a Strangford farm became a sanctuary for barn owls
H4 Alan Nolan: ‘Making a living as a full-time kids’ author? It’s almost possible. I have a side hustle doing illustration’
H4 Time to quit: Seven bad money habits that are keeping you poor
H4 Family home in one of Belfast’s most sought-after areas on the market for £675k
H4 News Catch Up: Monday 2nd December
H4 Man ‘stabbed’ on Westminster Bridge actually suffered cardiac arrest – police Text-Duplikat
H4 Man fighting for his life after stabbing on Westminster Bridge Text-Duplikat
H4 Watch: Coleen and Dean face tonight's Bushtucker trial - Absolute Carnage on I’m A Celebrity ... Get Me Out Of Here!
H6 Ministers unveil 2029 cladding deadline amid pleas to prevent ‘another Grenfell’ Text-Duplikat
H6 Rodney McAree: New-era Dungannon Swifts can emulate 2018 heroes and win major silverware
H6 Tanya Oxtoby's eyes on bigger picture for NI as she targets brave and bold display in Norway
H6 David Healy has told his Linfield players to ‘be better’ ahead of Big Two Cup clash with Glentoran Text-Duplikat
H6 Declan Devine: Glentoran have no margin for error against Linfield despite past derby joy Text-Duplikat
H6 Fintech firm to create 21 jobs in Northern Ireland
H6 Family-run NI hotel opens £600k spa garden: ‘It’s about high-end, bespoke, memorable experiences’ Text-Duplikat
H6 NI company lands multi-million pound US contract to provide ‘innovative robotic systems’ Text-Duplikat
H6 A sad farewell to two giants of broadcasting, Ken Reid and Big T
H6 Exclusive | Private ‘CIA for hire’ that has received Stormont money is targeting former Palace Barracks MI5 officer
H6 It’s time for BBC NI to tell licence fee payers its listener and viewing figures
H6 Review: New cafe at NI marina could be the one to succeed in spot where others have come and gone Text-Duplikat
H6 Christmas gifts: Five top tech buys that won’t break the bank
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/news/northern-ireland/busines...Northern Ireland LATEST | Businesswoman who died at Belfast nightclub remembered as ‘most talented girl’ Tributes have continued to pour in for "gorgeous and...
/news/northern-ireland/belfast...Subdomain IMG-ALT Regional News website of the Year 2024
/latest-newsTrivialer Linktext
/business/uk-world/ministers-u...Ministers unveil 2029 cladding deadline amid pleas to prevent ‘another Grenfell’ 00:10
/sport/football/irish-league/r...Rodney McAree: New-era Dungannon Swifts can emulate 2018 heroes and win major silverware 23:46
/sport/football/international/...Tanya Oxtoby's eyes on bigger picture for NI as she targets brave and bold display in Norway 23:46
/sport/football/irish-league/d...David Healy has told his Linfield players to ‘be better’ ahead of Big Two Cup clash with Glentoran 23:45
/sport/football/irish-league/d...Declan Devine: Glentoran have no margin for error against Linfield despite past derby joy 23:45
/news/northern-ireland/bishops...Northern Ireland latest | Bishops ‘disappointed’ with pro-Palestine protest held during NI church service
/sunday-life/restaurant-review...Restaurant Reviews Review: New cafe at NI marina could be the one to succeed in spot where others have come and gone
IMG-ALT Plus Artikel
/news/republic-of-ireland/mary...Republic of Ireland LIVE | Mary Lou McDonald rebuffed as Sinn Féin leader contacts parties over Irish government formation
/life/features/meet-the-woman-...Features Meet the woman who helped put famous Belfast bar back on the map: 'Oh, by the way, I got fired!'
IMG-ALT Plus Artikel
/business/food-drink-hospitali...Food Drink & Hospitality Family-run NI hotel opens £600k spa garden: ‘It’s about high-end, bespoke, memorable experiences’
/sport/columnists/mark-allen-i...Columnists Mark Allen is fascinating in front of the mic... but he's turning viewers off at the table
IMG-ALT Plus Artikel
/news/northern-irelandTextduplikat Trivialer Linktext
/news/politics/dup-mp-sammy-wi...Politics DUP MP Sammy Wilson apologises for code of conduct breach connected to overseas trip
/sport/football/irish-league/n...Irish League Northern Ireland star Gavin Whyte is finally ready to make a decision on the Irish League or League of Ireland
/opinion/comment/people-have-s...Comment ‘People have stopped attending church out of a sense of duty... and that’s no bad thing’
IMG-ALT Plus Artikel
/entertainment/film-tv/he-was-...Film & TV ‘He was the life of the camp’: I’m a Celeb contestants reflect on Dean McCullough’s impact
/news/courts/ni-teacher-who-wa...Courts NI teacher who was ‘infatuated’ with pupil he sexually assaulted avoids jail
/sunday-life/news/out-of-contr...News REVEALED | Out-of-control UVF gang’s reign of violence and mayhem that ended in slaying of Ian Ogle
IMG-ALT Plus Artikel
/news/northern-ireland/work-co...Northern Ireland Work continuing on removal of Boyne Bridge as new images show demolition
/news/health/belfast-mum-of-to...Health Belfast mum of toddler with rare condition asks Stormont to speed up ‘life-changing’ surgery: ‘He's completely traumatised’
IMG-ALT Plus Artikel
/news/northern-ireland/belfast...Northern Ireland Latest | Belfast nightclub releases statement as funeral details announced following tragic death of young woman
/news/courts/co-down-man-gets-...Courts Co Down man gets life sentence after admitting murder of his partner’s cousin
/news/northern-ireland/shoppin...Northern Ireland ‘Shopping addict’ carer who went on £4k spree with bed-bound woman’s money barred from profession
IMG-ALT Plus Artikel
/news/courts/man-accused-of-ha...Courts Man accused of having thousands of pounds of cocaine claimed it was Polyfilla, court told
/entertainment/music/how-shane...Music and Gigs How Shane MacGowan felt about Fairytale of New York: ‘He wasn’t fussed on Christmas...’
IMG-ALT Plus Artikel
/news/courts/loyalist-winston-...Courts Loyalist Winston ‘Winkie’ Irvine and co-accused plead guilty to firearm offences
/news/northern-ireland/search-...Northern Ireland Search and rescue charity blocked from joining PSNI teams that hunt for missing people
IMG-ALT Plus Artikel
/business/northern-ireland/ni-...Northern Ireland NI company lands multi-million pound US contract to provide ‘innovative robotic systems’
/entertainment/film-tv/dean-mc...Film & TV Dean McCullough on ‘feud’ with Ant and Dec on I’m A Celeb: ‘I got a proper telling off’
/news/northern-ireland/belfast...1 Latest | Belfast nightclub releases statement as funeral details announced following tragic death of young woman
/business/food-drink-hospitali...2 Family-run NI hotel opens £600k spa garden: ‘It’s about high-end, bespoke, memorable experiences’
/news/northern-ireland/bullet-...3 Bullet holes left in caravan and van after shooting incident at Co Down seaside village
/news/courts/ni-teacher-who-wa...4 NI teacher who was ‘infatuated’ with pupil he sexually assaulted avoids jail
/life/features/meet-the-woman-...5 Meet the woman who helped put famous Belfast bar back on the map: 'Oh, by the way, I got fired!'
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/sport/rugby/ulster-rugbyTextduplikat Ulster Rugby
/sport/ice-hockeyTextduplikat Belfast Giants
/sportMore Sport
/sport/football/irish-league/t...Irish League Three is the magic number in latest Big Two face-off as stakes ramped up for BetMcLean Cup battle
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/sport/football/irish-league/d...Irish League David Healy has told his Linfield players to ‘be better’ ahead of Big Two Cup clash with Glentoran
/sport/football/irish-league/d...Irish League Declan Devine: Glentoran have no margin for error against Linfield despite past derby joy
/sport/football/irish-league/g...Irish League Glentoran new man Ciaran Coll: I’m here to win trophies
/sport/columnists/mark-allen-i...Textduplikat Columnists Mark Allen is fascinating in front of the mic... but he's turning viewers off at the table
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/life/weekendIMG-ALT Belfast Telegraph Weekend
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/opinion/news-analysis/conor-m...‘Conor McGregor is the pipe dream – he has the cars, the yachts’: What do fans see in disgraced fighter?
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/life/features/an-ideal-saturd...‘An ideal Saturday is walking my dogs up Cave Hill, watching football or rugby, lunch in a local cafe and playing a gig in the evening’
/opinion/columnists/frank-mitc...The digital age of social media is creating an anti-social atmosphere and traditional chat is being deleted
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/life/books/theres-nothing-wro...There’s nothing wrong with a book for Christmas and here’s proof
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/life/house-home/diarmuid-gavi...Diarmuid Gavin: Prepare your garden for midwinter chills
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/video-newsTextduplikat Trivialer Linktext
/video-news/video-brawl-captur...Video: Brawl captured outside Ollie's nightclub
/video-news/watch-snow-arrives...Watch: Snow arrives in Northern Ireland as temperatures fall below 0
/video-news/man-stabbed-on-wes...Man ‘stabbed’ on Westminster Bridge actually suffered cardiac arrest – police
/video-news/man-fighting-for-h...Man fighting for his life after stabbing on Westminster Bridge
/video-news/watch-belfast-char...Watch: Belfast Charity launch annual appeal and 'Christmas Jumper Day'
/businessTextduplikat Trivialer Linktext
/life/features/meet-the-woman-...Meet the woman who helped put famous Belfast bar back on the map: 'Oh, by the way, I got fired!'
IMG-ALT Plus Artikel
/business/northern-ireland/ni-...NI care home operator acquires troubled Parkdean in north Belfast as part of £7m investment
/business/northern-ireland/fin...Fintech firm to create 21 jobs in Northern Ireland
/business/food-drink-hospitali...Family-run NI hotel opens £600k spa garden: ‘It’s about high-end, bespoke, memorable experiences’
/business/northern-ireland/ni-...NI company lands multi-million pound US contract to provide ‘innovative robotic systems’
/opinionTextduplikat Trivialer Linktext
/opinion/news-analysis/gerry-h...Gerry Hutch’s popularity comes from the Pablo Escobar playbook rather than protest
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/opinion/columnists/allison-mo...Conor McGregor case exposes how little has changed for sex assault victims
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/opinion/comment/a-sad-farewel...A sad farewell to two giants of broadcasting, Ken Reid and Big T
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/opinion/columnists/sam-mcbrid...Exclusive | Private ‘CIA for hire’ that has received Stormont money is targeting former Palace Barracks MI5 officer
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/opinion/columnists/gail-walke...It’s time for BBC NI to tell licence fee payers its listener and viewing figures
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/business/technology/caught-on...Technology exclusive | Caught on camera: NI guru who told clients to inflate income for credit
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/subscriber-exclusives/introdu...Subscriber Exclusives Introducing SpellTel and Conundrum: Your Daily Brain-Boosting Word Puzzles!
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/life/food-drink/restaurant-re...Restaurant Reviews Restaurant review: I am utterly convinced this Belfast chef is the chip master of Northern Ireland
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/news/northern-ireland/inga-ma...Northern Ireland Exclusive | Inga Maria Hauser: New inquest granted over 1988 murder of German backpacker
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/news/northern-ireland/several...Northern Ireland Several senior members removed as row within Orange Order lodge deepens
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/sunday-lifeTextduplikat IMG-ALT Sunday Life
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/sunday-life/news/bomber-maria...News Bomber Marian Price refuses questions about IRA murder of Jean McConville
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/sunday-life/sport/i-dont-know...Sport I don’t know of an athlete offended by Ulster Banner... it is our emblem and it’s not time for a change
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/sunday-life/news/top-ni-steak...News Top NI steakhouse removes stout linked to shamed Conor McGregor
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/sunday-life/news/trauma-and-t...News Trauma and tears in ‘Bandit Country’ as ex-BBC man recounts tragedies of Troubles in south Armagh
/sunday-life/news/stagnation-o...News Stagnation once again – no Sinn Fein in Irish government as coalition continues
/podcastsTextduplikat Trivialer Linktext
/podcasts/the-beltel/ian-ogle-...Ian Ogle: The murder that rocked the UVF in east Belfast
/podcasts/the-beltel/notorious...‘Notorious’ Conor McGregor’s career and legacy in freefall – what next?
/podcasts/the-beltel/joe-lynsk...Joe Lynskey: The monk who joined the IRA and was murdered by it over trying to kill his love rival
/tag/east-belfast-newsEast Belfast News
/tag/east-belfast-sportEast Belfast Sport
/tag/north-belfast-newsNorth Belfast News
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/tag/south-belfast-newsSouth Belfast News
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/tag/west-belfast-sportWest Belfast Sport
/tag/antrim-newsAntrim News
/tag/antrim-sportAntrim Sport
/tag/armagh-newsArmagh News
/tag/armagh-sportArmagh Sport
/tag/down-newsDown News
/tag/down-sportDown Sport
/tag/derry-newsDerry News
/tag/derry-sportDerry Sport
/tag/fermanagh-newsFermanagh News
/tag/fermanagh-sportFermanagh Sport
/tag/tyrone-newsTyrone News
/tag/tyrone-sportTyrone Sport
/sunday-life/restaurant-review...Review: New cafe at NI marina could be the one to succeed in spot where others have come and gone
IMG-ALT Plus Artikel
/news/northern-ireland/busines...LATEST | Businesswoman who died at Belfast nightclub remembered as ‘most talented girl’
/news/northern-ireland/bishops...latest | Bishops ‘disappointed’ with pro-Palestine protest held during NI church service
/news/northern-ireland/belfast...Belfast Grand Central Station to screen Christmas classic in new charity appeal
/news/northern-ireland/belfast...Latest | Belfast nightclub releases statement as funeral details announced following tragic death of young woman
/news/courts/man-accused-of-ha...Man accused of having thousands of pounds of cocaine claimed it was Polyfilla, court told
/news/courts/muckamore-inquiry...Muckamore inquiry unlawfully failed to call former health ministers to give evidence, court told
/sunday-life/news/man-fined-af...Man fined after making ‘stupid comments’ that ‘put PSNI officer in fear’
/business/northern-ireland/ni-...Textduplikat NI company lands multi-million pound US contract to provide ‘innovative robotic systems’
/news/ukTextduplikat Trivialer Linktext
/business/uk-world/ministers-u...Ministers unveil 2029 cladding deadline amid pleas to prevent ‘another Grenfell’
/news/uk/man-charged-with-trag...Man charged with tragedy chanting at Liverpool-Manchester City match
/business/uk-world/us-ambassad...US ambassador praises charity founded by Gordon Brown
/news/republic-of-irelandTextduplikat Trivialer Linktext
/news/republic-of-ireland/fian...Republic of Ireland Fianna Fail and Fine Gael eye independent TDs as option to secure Dail majority
/news/republic-of-ireland/mary...Textduplikat Republic of Ireland LIVE | Mary Lou McDonald rebuffed as Sinn Féin leader contacts parties over Irish government formation
/entertainment/music/how-shane...Textduplikat Music and Gigs How Shane MacGowan felt about Fairytale of New York: ‘He wasn’t fussed on Christmas...’
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/news/world-newsTextduplikat Trivialer Linktext
/news/world-news/trump-demands...World Trump demands immediate release of October 7 hostages
/news/world-news/french-govern...World French government faces no-confidence vote over Barnier’s austerity budget
/news/world-news/hezbollah-fir...World Hezbollah fires at Israeli-held border zone in first strike since ceasefire
/entertainmentTextduplikat Trivialer Linktext
/entertainment/film-tv/he-was-...Textduplikat Film & TV ‘He was the life of the camp’: I’m a Celeb contestants reflect on Dean McCullough’s impact
/entertainment/film-tv/dean-mc...Textduplikat Film & TV Dean McCullough on ‘feud’ with Ant and Dec on I’m A Celeb: ‘I got a proper telling off’
/entertainment/film-tv/belfast...Film & TV Belfast actor Ciaran Hinds to star in upcoming Australian drama based on Booker Prize novel
/lifeTextduplikat Trivialer Linktext
/life/features/meet-the-woman-...Textduplikat Meet the woman who helped put famous Belfast bar back on the map: 'Oh, by the way, I got fired!'
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/sunday-life/features/i-spotte...‘I spotted this lovely, ghostly shape flitting across one of my hedges...': How a Strangford farm became a sanctuary for barn owls
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/sunday-life/restaurant-review...Textduplikat Review: New cafe at NI marina could be the one to succeed in spot where others have come and gone
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/life/features/christmas-gifts...Christmas gifts: Five top tech buys that won’t break the bank
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/life/features/alan-nolan-maki...Alan Nolan: ‘Making a living as a full-time kids’ author? It’s almost possible. I have a side hustle doing illustration’
/life/features/time-to-quit-se...Time to quit: Seven bad money habits that are keeping you poor
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/life/house-home/family-home-i...Family home in one of Belfast’s most sought-after areas on the market for £675k
/video-newsTextduplikat Trivialer Linktext
/video-news/watch-belfast-char...Textduplikat Watch: Belfast Charity launch annual appeal and 'Christmas Jumper Day'
/video-news/news-catch-up-mond...News Catch Up: Monday 2nd December
/video-news/man-stabbed-on-wes...Textduplikat Man ‘stabbed’ on Westminster Bridge actually suffered cardiac arrest – police
/video-news/man-fighting-for-h...Textduplikat Man fighting for his life after stabbing on Westminster Bridge
/video-news/watch-coleen-and-d...Watch: Coleen and Dean face tonight's Bushtucker trial - Absolute Carnage on I’m A Celebrity ... Get Me Out Of Here!
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/news/republic-of-irelandTextduplikat Republic of Ireland
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/events/business-awardsBusiness Awards
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