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342 Intern / 19 Extern

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Meta-Angaben im HTML

(Extrem wichtig)
Furniture, Lamps & Accessories up to 70% off | Beliani.at
Die Länge des Titels ist optimal. (510 Pixel von maximal 580 Pixel Länge)
Es gibt keine Wortwiederholungen im Titel.
(Extrem wichtig)
Furniture and accessories for home and garden ✓ 100,000 products in stock ✓ Always free delivery ✓ 365-day returns ✓ 10 million happy customers. Discover now!
Die Meta-Description ist zu lang. (1010 Pixel von maximal 1000 Pixel) Jetzt optimieren
(Extrem wichtig)
Es gibt keine Probleme beim Zugriff auf die Webseite.
Canonical Link
Die Seite hat einen korrekten Canonical Link.
(Wenig wichtig)
Im Text erkannte Sprache: en
In den Meta Daten angegebene Sprache:
Serverstandort: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Die Sprache ist nicht im HTML Markup angegeben.
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Seite nutzt keine Alternate Links.
Weitere Metatags
(Wenig wichtig)
Es gibt keinen rel next Meta Tag auf der Seite.
Es gibt keinen rel prev Meta Tag auf der Seite.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Domain ist keine Subdomain.
Die Länge der Domain ist gut.
Die Domain enthält keine Umlaute.
Seiten URL
(Wenig wichtig)
In der URL wurden keine Parameter entdeckt.
In der URL wurde keine Session ID entdeckt.
Die URL hat nicht zu viele Unterverzeichnisse.
(Wenig wichtig)
HTTP-Header Content-Type: utf-8utf-8
Meta http-equiv Content-Type: utf-8
Die angegebenen Zeichenkodierungen unterscheiden sich.
(Nice to have)
Die Doctype Angabe HTML 5 ist korrekt angegeben.
Die Doctype Angabe befindet sich an erster Stelle im HTML-Code.
(Nice to have)
Das Favoriten Icon (Favicon) ist korrekt verlinkt.

Meta Tags

viewportinitial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no, width=device-width
keywordsBed, Sofa, Garden Furniture, Mattress, Table, Table, Whirlpool, Sofa Bed, Garden Table, Waterbed, Divan Bed, Rattan Lounge
descriptionFurniture and accessories for home and garden ✓ 100,000 products in stock ✓ Always free delivery ✓ 365-day returns ✓ 10 million happy customers. Discover now!
og:titleFurniture, Lamps & Accessories up to 70% off | Beliani.at
Content-Typetext/html; charset=UTF-8

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(Extrem wichtig)
Einige Wörter aus dem Seitentitel werden nicht im Text bzw. Inhalt der Seite verwendet
Der Inhalt ist mit 1719 Wörtern in Ordnung.
Der Text besteht zu 17% aus Füllwörtern.
Im Text befindet sich eine Aufzählung, dies deutet auf eine gute Textstruktur hin.
Es wurden 9 Fließtextblöcke auf der Seite gefunden.
Es wurden keine Platzhalter Texte bzw. Bilder gefunden.
Es befinden sich keine Duplikate auf der Seite.
Die durchschnittliche Satzlänge ist mit 16.29 Wörtern gut.
(Extrem wichtig)
Die Seite hat kein Frameset.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Größe des HTML-Dokuments ist mit 626.3 kB sehr groß.
Der angegebene Viewport (initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no, width=device-width) ist korrekt.
Mindestens ein Apple-Touch Icon ist definiert.
Bold- und Strongtags
(Wenig wichtig)
Es befinden sich leere Tags auf der Seite.
Einige Tags werden wiederholt. z.B.: 4,58
Bilder Optimierung
(Wenig wichtig)
Bei 15 Bildern fehlt das Alt-Attribut. Der Inhalt von Alt-Attributen wird von Suchmaschinen auch als Text gewertet und ist wichtig für die Bildersuche.
Soziale Vernetzung
(Nice to have)
Es befinden sich wenige Social-Sharing Möglichkeiten auf der Seite. Mit Plugins zum Teilen kann die Reichweite der Seite in sozialen Netzwerken erhöht werden.
Zusätzliches Markup
(Nice to have)
Es wurde kein zusätzliches Markup gefunden.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Seite verwendet HTTPS um Daten sicher zu übertragen.
Alle eingebundenen Dateien werden ebenfalls über HTTPS ausgeliefert.


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...4550_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=203 Soy Wax Scented Candles Bergamot / Wind of Sea / Sage Sea Salt SHEER JOY3 Soy Wax Scented Candles Bergamot / Wind of Sea / Sage Sea Salt SHEER JOY
...4654_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=18Soy Wax Candle and Reed Diffuser Scented Set Chocolate DARK ELEGANCESoy Wax Candle and Reed Diffuser Scented Set Chocolate DARK ELEGANCE
...4561_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=203 Soy Wax Scented Candles Lavender / Rosemary Lavender / Geranium Lavender SHEER JOY3 Soy Wax Scented Candles Lavender / Rosemary Lavender / Geranium Lavender SHEER JOY
...4420_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=113 Soy Wax Scented Candles Golden Apple Pie / Jasmine / Winter Sunshine METALLIC GLAMOUR3 Soy Wax Scented Candles Golden Apple Pie / Jasmine / Winter Sunshine METALLIC GLAMOUR
...4583_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=193 Soy Wax Scented Candles Ocean / White Tea / Summer Meadow SHEER JOY3 Soy Wax Scented Candles Ocean / White Tea / Summer Meadow SHEER JOY
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...74329_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=83 Soy Wax Scented Candles Rose / Persimmon / Lemon Balm FRUITY BLOOM3 Soy Wax Scented Candles Rose / Persimmon / Lemon Balm FRUITY BLOOM
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...4703_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=153 Soy Wax Scented Candles Leather / Wind of Sea / Amber SIMPLICITY3 Soy Wax Scented Candles Leather / Wind of Sea / Amber SIMPLICITY
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...3051_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=113 Seater Leather Sofa White HELSINKI3 Seater Leather Sofa White HELSINKI
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...0517_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=17Velvet Sofa Set Grey GAULAVelvet Sofa Set Grey GAULA
...59726_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=66 Seater U-Shaped Modular Velvet Sofa Blue EVJA6 Seater U-Shaped Modular Velvet Sofa Blue EVJA
...59845_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=8Left Hand 5 Seater Modular Velvet Corner Sofa with Ottoman Blue EVJALeft Hand 5 Seater Modular Velvet Corner Sofa with Ottoman Blue EVJA
...6032_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=11Right Hand Fabric Corner Sofa Bed with Storage Taupe KARILARight Hand Fabric Corner Sofa Bed with Storage Taupe KARILA
...3573_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=11Left Hand Fabric Corner Sofa Light Grey MALOYLeft Hand Fabric Corner Sofa Light Grey MALOY
...96024_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=63 Seater Fabric Sofa Green NURMO3 Seater Fabric Sofa Green NURMO
...96806_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=8Right Hand Jumbo Cord Corner Sofa Bed Graphite Grey ABACKARight Hand Jumbo Cord Corner Sofa Bed Graphite Grey ABACKA
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...7440_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=36Pendant Lamp Copper SEGREPendant Lamp Copper SEGRE
...1595_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=40Table Lamp Silver ONYXTable Lamp Silver ONYX
...3614_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=26Metal Pendant Lamp Black FRASERMetal Pendant Lamp Black FRASER
...0645_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=30Metal Pendant Lamp Pink CARESMetal Pendant Lamp Pink CARES
...4940_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=28Wooden Table Lamp White CARRIONWooden Table Lamp White CARRION
...5305_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=223 Light Pendant Lamp Clear Glass LADON3 Light Pendant Lamp Clear Glass LADON
...5423_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=40Pendant Lamp Glass Copper SESSERAPendant Lamp Glass Copper SESSERA
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...5751_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=26Ceiling Lamp White MARITSACeiling Lamp White MARITSA
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...39783_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=8Cotton Area Rug 80 x 150 cm Beige BULCUKCotton Area Rug 80 x 150 cm Beige BULCUK
...7151_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=14Wool Area Rug Off-White EMIRLER Various SizesWool Area Rug Off-White EMIRLER Various Sizes
...7504_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=23Jute Area Rug Beige DEMIRCI Various SizesJute Area Rug Beige DEMIRCI Various Sizes
...7656_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=29Shaggy Area Rug Beige and Grey PENDIK Various SizesShaggy Area Rug Beige and Grey PENDIK Various Sizes
...9398_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=10Cotton Area Rug Beige and Grey NEVSEHIR Various SizesCotton Area Rug Beige and Grey NEVSEHIR Various Sizes
...8807_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=21Round Viscose Area Rug ⌀ 140 cm Light Grey GESI IIRound Viscose Area Rug ⌀ 140 cm Light Grey GESI II
...6333_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=20Velvet Armchair with Footstool Grey SANDSETVelvet Armchair with Footstool Grey SANDSET
...7851_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=22Wool Area Rug White and Grey GOKSUN Various SizesWool Area Rug White and Grey GOKSUN Various Sizes
...3948_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=16Ceramic Table Lamp Copper ROSANNACeramic Table Lamp Copper ROSANNA
...646_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=389Fabric Armchair Grey ALTAFabric Armchair Grey ALTA
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...7458_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=34Jute Area Rug Beige AFRIN Various SizesJute Area Rug Beige AFRIN Various Sizes
...7185_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=14Wool Area Rug Off-White EMIRLER Various SizesWool Area Rug Off-White EMIRLER Various Sizes
...3591_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=10Jute Area Rug Beige DADAY Various SizesJute Area Rug Beige DADAY Various Sizes
...1030_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=33Cotton Area Rug 120 x 180 cm Beige AHIRLICotton Area Rug 120 x 180 cm Beige AHIRLI
...8803_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=34Jute Area Rug Beige AKBEZ Various SizesJute Area Rug Beige AKBEZ Various Sizes
...5886_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=11Folding Rattan 3 Panel Room Divider 106 x 180 cm Natural COSENZAFolding Rattan 3 Panel Room Divider 106 x 180 cm Natural COSENZA
...4752_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=36Acacia Wood Garden Bench 120 cm with Taupe Cushion VIVARAAcacia Wood Garden Bench 120 cm with Taupe Cushion VIVARA
...0998_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=23Jute Area Rug Beige DORTYOL Various SizesJute Area Rug Beige DORTYOL Various Sizes
...0995_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=23Jute Area Rug Beige ZERDALI Various SizesJute Area Rug Beige ZERDALI Various Sizes
...4859_x_376_type_whitesh_image.jpg?ver=27Cotton Area Rug Beige TUNCELI Various SizesCotton Area Rug Beige TUNCELI Various Sizes
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H1 Überschrift
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Einige Überschriftentexte kommen doppelt auf der Seite vor.
Es befinden sich 64 Überschriften auf der Seite. Die Anzahl der Überschriften sollte in einem besseren Verhältnis zum Text stehen.
Einige Überschriften haben keinen Inhalt.


Überschriften HierarchieInhalt
H1 Do you have questions?
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H2 3 Soy Wax Scented Candles Bergamot / Wind of Sea / Sage Sea Salt SHEER JOY
H2 Soy Wax Candle and Reed Diffuser Scented Set Chocolate DARK ELEGANCE
H2 3 Soy Wax Scented Candles Lavender / Rosemary Lavender / Geranium Lavender SHEER JOY
H2 3 Soy Wax Scented Candles Golden Apple Pie / Jasmine / Winter Sunshine METALLIC GLAMOUR
H2 3 Soy Wax Scented Candles Ocean / White Tea / Summer Meadow SHEER JOY
H2 3 Soy Wax Scented Candles Golden Apple / Chocolate / Amber SHEER JOY
H2 3 Soy Wax Scented Candles Rose / Persimmon / Lemon Balm FRUITY BLOOM
H2 Soy Wax Candle and Reed Diffuser Scented Set Vanilla DARK ELEGANCE
H2 2 Soy Wax Scented Candles Golden Apple / Leather ABSOLUTE ALCHEMY
H2 3 Soy Wax Scented Candles Leather / Wind of Sea / Amber SIMPLICITY
H2 3 Seater Leather Sofa White HELSINKI
H2 Velvet Fabric Sofa Bed Red SENJA
H2 Velvet Sofa Set Teal Blue GAULA
H2 Velvet Sofa Set Grey GAULA
H2 6 Seater U-Shaped Modular Velvet Sofa Blue EVJA
H2 Left Hand 5 Seater Modular Velvet Corner Sofa with Ottoman Blue EVJA
H2 Right Hand Fabric Corner Sofa Bed with Storage Taupe KARILA
H2 Left Hand Fabric Corner Sofa Light Grey MALOY
H2 3 Seater Fabric Sofa Green NURMO
H2 Right Hand Jumbo Cord Corner Sofa Bed Graphite Grey ABACKA
H2 Pendant Lamp Copper SEGRE
H2 Table Lamp Silver ONYX
H2 Metal Pendant Lamp Black FRASER
H2 Metal Pendant Lamp Pink CARES
H2 Wooden Table Lamp White CARRION
H2 3 Light Pendant Lamp Clear Glass LADON
H2 Pendant Lamp Glass Copper SESSERA
H2 Ceiling Lamp Black RENA
H2 Ceiling Lamp White MARITSA
H2 Metal LED Pendant Lamp Gold TANO
H2 Cotton Area Rug 80 x 150 cm Beige BULCUK
H2 Wool Area Rug Off-White EMIRLER Various Sizes
H2 Jute Area Rug Beige DEMIRCI Various Sizes
H2 Shaggy Area Rug Beige and Grey PENDIK Various Sizes
H2 Cotton Area Rug Beige and Grey NEVSEHIR Various Sizes
H2 Round Viscose Area Rug ⌀ 140 cm Light Grey GESI II
H2 Velvet Armchair with Footstool Grey SANDSET
H2 Wool Area Rug White and Grey GOKSUN Various Sizes
H2 Ceramic Table Lamp Copper ROSANNA
H2 Fabric Armchair Grey ALTA
H2 Jute Area Rug Beige AFRIN Various Sizes
H2 Wool Area Rug Off-White EMIRLER Various Sizes Text-Duplikat
H2 Jute Area Rug Beige DADAY Various Sizes
H2 Cotton Area Rug 120 x 180 cm Beige AHIRLI
H2 Jute Area Rug Beige AKBEZ Various Sizes
H2 Folding Rattan 3 Panel Room Divider 106 x 180 cm Natural COSENZA
H2 Acacia Wood Garden Bench 120 cm with Taupe Cushion VIVARA
H2 Jute Area Rug Beige DORTYOL Various Sizes
H2 Jute Area Rug Beige ZERDALI Various Sizes
H2 Cotton Area Rug Beige TUNCELI Various Sizes
H2 Leere Überschrift
H2 Free Delivery & Return
H2 100,000 Products in Stock
H2 365-Day Returns
H2 10 Million Happy Customers
H3 Please visit our local shop
H3 Ratings
H3 Contact
H3 Language
H4 Choose your language
Einige der Linktexte wiederholen sich.
17 Links haben keinen Linktext oder nur Inhalt in Alt- und Titelattributen.
Die Anzahl an internen Links ist ok.
Keiner der Linktexte ist zu lang.
Alle internen Links haben keine dynamischen Parameter.
Es befinden sich 19 externe Links auf der Seite.
/content/shipping/Free Delivery & Returns
/content/returns/365-Day Returns
/beliani-reviews/Show more
/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection[email protected]
/content/faq-english/Frequently asked questions
/garden-furniture/Garden & Balcony
A-TITLE Garden & Balcony
/home-accessories/Home Accessories
A-TITLE Home Accessories
/living-room-furniture/Living Room
A-TITLE Living Room
A-TITLE Bedroom
/dining-room-furniture/Dining Room
A-TITLE Dining Room
A-TITLE Bathroom
/office-furniture/Home Office
A-TITLE Home Office
A-TITLE Hallway
A-TITLE Textiles
/children-room/Kids Room
A-TITLE Kids Room
A-TITLE Lighting
/content/terms-and-conditions/Terms & Conditions
/content/privacy-policyPrivacy Policy
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/cdn-cgi/l/email-protectionTextduplikat [email protected]
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/content/lieferservices-at/Kein Text
/content/lp25-02-07/Kein Text
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/content/lp25-01-30/Kein Text
/content/lp25-01-29/Kein Text
/content/lieferservices-at/Kein Text
/outdoor-furniture/Subdomain Outdoor Furniture
IMG-ALT Outdoor Furniture
https://www.beliani.at/sofas/Subdomain Sofas
https://www.beliani.at/beds/Subdomain Beds
https://www.beliani.at/chairs/Subdomain Chairs
IMG-ALT Chairs
https://www.beliani.at/armchairs/Subdomain Armchairs
IMG-ALT Armchairs
https://www.beliani.at/tables/Subdomain Tables
IMG-ALT Tables
https://www.beliani.at/storage/Subdomain Storage
IMG-ALT Storage
https://www.beliani.at/stools/Subdomain Pouffes & Stools
IMG-ALT Pouffes & Stools
/accessories-decor/Subdomain Accessories
IMG-ALT Accessories
https://www.beliani.at/rugs/Subdomain Textduplikat Rugs
https://www.beliani.at/lighting/Subdomain Textduplikat Lighting
IMG-ALT Lighting
/bathtubs-hot-tubs/Subdomain Bath & Hot Tubs
IMG-ALT Bath & Hot Tubs
/accessories-decor/scented-can...Kein Text
/3-soy-wax-scented-candles-ber...IMG-ALT 3 Soy Wax Scented Candles Bergamot / Wind of Sea / Sage Sea Salt SHEER JOY
/3-soy-wax-scented-candles-ber...Textduplikat 3 Soy Wax Scented Candles Bergamot / Wind of Sea / Sage Sea Salt SHEER JOY
/soy-wax-candle-and-reed-diffu...IMG-ALT Soy Wax Candle and Reed Diffuser Scented Set Chocolate DARK ELEGANCE
/soy-wax-candle-and-reed-diffu...Textduplikat Soy Wax Candle and Reed Diffuser Scented Set Chocolate DARK ELEGANCE
/soy-wax-candle-and-reed-diffu...Textduplikat 19.99
/3-soy-wax-scented-candles-lav...IMG-ALT 3 Soy Wax Scented Candles Lavender / Rosemary Lavender / Geranium Lavender SHEER JOY
/3-soy-wax-scented-candles-lav...Textduplikat 3 Soy Wax Scented Candles Lavender / Rosemary Lavender / Geranium Lavender SHEER JOY
/3-soy-wax-scented-candles-lav...Textduplikat (6)
/3-soy-wax-scented-candles-gol...IMG-ALT 3 Soy Wax Scented Candles Golden Apple Pie / Jasmine / Winter Sunshine METALLIC GLAMOUR
/3-soy-wax-scented-candles-gol...Textduplikat 3 Soy Wax Scented Candles Golden Apple Pie / Jasmine / Winter Sunshine METALLIC GLAMOUR
/3-soy-wax-scented-candles-gol...Textduplikat 29.99
/3-soy-wax-scented-candles-oce...IMG-ALT 3 Soy Wax Scented Candles Ocean / White Tea / Summer Meadow SHEER JOY
/3-soy-wax-scented-candles-oce...Textduplikat 3 Soy Wax Scented Candles Ocean / White Tea / Summer Meadow SHEER JOY
/3-soy-wax-scented-candles-oce...Textduplikat 19.99
/3-soy-wax-scented-candles-gol...IMG-ALT 3 Soy Wax Scented Candles Golden Apple / Chocolate / Amber SHEER JOY
/3-soy-wax-scented-candles-gol...Textduplikat 3 Soy Wax Scented Candles Golden Apple / Chocolate / Amber SHEER JOY
/3-soy-wax-scented-candles-gol...Textduplikat 29.99
/3-soy-wax-scented-candles-ros...IMG-ALT 3 Soy Wax Scented Candles Rose / Persimmon / Lemon Balm FRUITY BLOOM
/3-soy-wax-scented-candles-ros...Textduplikat 3 Soy Wax Scented Candles Rose / Persimmon / Lemon Balm FRUITY BLOOM
/3-soy-wax-scented-candles-ros...Textduplikat 19.99
/soy-wax-candle-and-reed-diffu...IMG-ALT Soy Wax Candle and Reed Diffuser Scented Set Vanilla DARK ELEGANCE
/soy-wax-candle-and-reed-diffu...Textduplikat Soy Wax Candle and Reed Diffuser Scented Set Vanilla DARK ELEGANCE
/soy-wax-candle-and-reed-diffu...Textduplikat 19.99
/soy-wax-candle-and-reed-diffu...Textduplikat (5)
/2-soy-wax-scented-candles-gol...IMG-ALT 2 Soy Wax Scented Candles Golden Apple / Leather ABSOLUTE ALCHEMY
/2-soy-wax-scented-candles-gol...Textduplikat 2 Soy Wax Scented Candles Golden Apple / Leather ABSOLUTE ALCHEMY
/2-soy-wax-scented-candles-gol...Textduplikat 29.99
/2-soy-wax-scented-candles-gol...Kein Text
/3-soy-wax-scented-candles-lea...IMG-ALT 3 Soy Wax Scented Candles Leather / Wind of Sea / Amber SIMPLICITY
/3-soy-wax-scented-candles-lea...Textduplikat 3 Soy Wax Scented Candles Leather / Wind of Sea / Amber SIMPLICITY
/3-soy-wax-scented-candles-lea...Textduplikat 29.99
/3-soy-wax-scented-candles-lea...Kein Text
https://www.beliani.at/sofas/Neues Fenster Kein Text
/3-seater-leather-sofa-white-h...IMG-ALT 3 Seater Leather Sofa White HELSINKI
/3-seater-leather-sofa-white-h...Textduplikat 3 Seater Leather Sofa White HELSINKI
/3-seater-leather-sofa-white-h...Neues Fenster Textduplikat A-TITLE 3 Seater Leather Sofa White HELSINKI
/3-seater-leather-sofa-cream-h...Neues Fenster A-TITLE 3 Seater Leather Sofa Cream HELSINKI
/3-seater-leather-sofa-brown-h...Neues Fenster A-TITLE 3 Seater Leather Sofa Brown HELSINKI
/3-seater-leather-sofa-black-h...Neues Fenster A-TITLE 3 Seater Leather Sofa Black HELSINKI
/velvet-fabric-sofa-bed-red-se...IMG-ALT Velvet Fabric Sofa Bed Red SENJA
/velvet-fabric-sofa-bed-red-se...Textduplikat Velvet Fabric Sofa Bed Red SENJA
/velvet-fabric-sofa-bed-beige-...Neues Fenster A-TITLE Velvet Fabric Sofa Bed Beige SENJA
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/velvet-fabric-sofa-bed-light-...Neues Fenster A-TITLE Velvet Fabric Sofa Bed Light Blue SENJA
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/velvet-fabric-sofa-bed-olive-...Neues Fenster A-TITLE Velvet Fabric Sofa Bed Olive Green SENJA
/sofa-bed-senja-emerald-green....Neues Fenster A-TITLE Velvet Fabric Sofa Bed Green SENJA
/velvet-sofa-set-teal-blue-gau...IMG-ALT Velvet Sofa Set Teal Blue GAULA
/velvet-sofa-set-teal-blue-gau...Textduplikat Velvet Sofa Set Teal Blue GAULA
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/velvet-sofa-set-grey-gaula.htmlTextduplikat (11)
/6-seater-u-shaped-modular-vel...IMG-ALT 6 Seater U-Shaped Modular Velvet Sofa Blue EVJA
/6-seater-u-shaped-modular-vel...Textduplikat 6 Seater U-Shaped Modular Velvet Sofa Blue EVJA
/6-seater-u-shaped-modular-vel...Neues Fenster A-TITLE 6 Seater U-Shaped Modular Velvet Sofa Pink EVJA
/6-seater-u-shaped-modular-vel...Neues Fenster Textduplikat A-TITLE 6 Seater U-Shaped Modular Velvet Sofa Blue EVJA
/6-seater-u-shaped-modular-vel...Kein Text
/left-hand-5-seater-modular-ve...IMG-ALT Left Hand 5 Seater Modular Velvet Corner Sofa with Ottoman Blue EVJA
/left-hand-5-seater-modular-ve...Textduplikat Left Hand 5 Seater Modular Velvet Corner Sofa with Ottoman Blue EVJA
/left-hand-5-seater-modular-ve...Neues Fenster A-TITLE Left Hand 5 Seater Modular Velvet Corner Sofa with Ottoman Pink EVJA
/left-hand-5-seater-modular-ve...Neues Fenster Textduplikat A-TITLE Left Hand 5 Seater Modular Velvet Corner Sofa with Ottoman Blue EVJA
/left-hand-5-seater-modular-ve...Kein Text
/right-hand-fabric-corner-sofa...IMG-ALT Right Hand Fabric Corner Sofa Bed with Storage Taupe KARILA
/right-hand-fabric-corner-sofa...Textduplikat Right Hand Fabric Corner Sofa Bed with Storage Taupe KARILA
/right-hand-fabric-corner-sofa...Neues Fenster A-TITLE Right Hand Fabric Corner Sofa Bed with Storage Beige KARILA
/right-hand-fabric-corner-sofa...Neues Fenster Textduplikat A-TITLE Right Hand Fabric Corner Sofa Bed with Storage Taupe KARILA
/right-hand-fabric-corner-sofa...Neues Fenster A-TITLE Right Hand Fabric Corner Sofa Bed with Storage Grey KARILA
/right-hand-fabric-corner-sofa...Neues Fenster A-TITLE Right Hand Fabric Corner Sofa Bed with Storage Dark Grey KARILA
/right-hand-fabric-corner-sofa...Textduplikat (4)
/left-hand-fabric-corner-sofa-...IMG-ALT Left Hand Fabric Corner Sofa Light Grey MALOY
/left-hand-fabric-corner-sofa-...Textduplikat Left Hand Fabric Corner Sofa Light Grey MALOY
/left-hand-fabric-corner-sofa-...Neues Fenster A-TITLE Left Hand Fabric Corner Sofa Off-White MALOY
/left-hand-fabric-corner-sofa-...Neues Fenster A-TITLE Left Hand Fabric Corner Sofa Red MALOY
/left-hand-fabric-corner-sofa-...Neues Fenster Textduplikat A-TITLE Left Hand Fabric Corner Sofa Light Grey MALOY
/left-hand-fabric-corner-sofa-...Textduplikat (2)
/3-seater-fabric-sofa-green-nu...IMG-ALT 3 Seater Fabric Sofa Green NURMO
/3-seater-fabric-sofa-green-nu...Textduplikat 3 Seater Fabric Sofa Green NURMO
/3-seater-fabric-sofa-beige-nu...Neues Fenster A-TITLE 3 Seater Fabric Sofa Beige NURMO
/3-seater-fabric-sofa-taupe-nu...Neues Fenster A-TITLE 3 Seater Fabric Sofa Taupe NURMO
/3-seater-fabric-sofa-golden-b...Neues Fenster A-TITLE 3 Seater Fabric Sofa Golden Brown NURMO
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/3-seater-fabric-sofa-green-nu...Textduplikat (4)
/right-hand-jumbo-cord-corner-...IMG-ALT Right Hand Jumbo Cord Corner Sofa Bed Graphite Grey ABACKA
/right-hand-jumbo-cord-corner-...Textduplikat Right Hand Jumbo Cord Corner Sofa Bed Graphite Grey ABACKA
/right-hand-jumbo-cord-corner-...Neues Fenster A-TITLE Right Hand Jumbo Cord Corner Sofa Bed Off-White ABACKA
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/right-hand-jumbo-cord-corner-...Neues Fenster Textduplikat A-TITLE Right Hand Jumbo Cord Corner Sofa Bed Graphite Grey ABACKA
/right-hand-jumbo-cord-corner-...Textduplikat (3)
https://www.beliani.at/lighting/Neues Fenster Kein Text
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/pendant-lamp-black-segre.htmlNeues Fenster A-TITLE Pendant Lamp Black SEGRE
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/table-lamp-lighting-desk-lamp...Textduplikat Table Lamp Silver ONYX
/table-lamp-lighting-desk-lamp...Neues Fenster A-TITLE Table Lamp Brown ONYX
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/pendant-light-metal-black-fra...IMG-ALT Metal Pendant Lamp Black FRASER
/pendant-light-metal-black-fra...Textduplikat Metal Pendant Lamp Black FRASER
/pendant-light-metal-black-fra...Textduplikat 29.99
/metal-pendant-lamp-gold-frase...Neues Fenster A-TITLE Metal Pendant Lamp Gold FRASER
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/pendant-light-metal-pink-care...IMG-ALT Metal Pendant Lamp Pink CARES
/pendant-light-metal-pink-care...Textduplikat Metal Pendant Lamp Pink CARES
/pendant-light-metal-pink-care...Neues Fenster Textduplikat A-TITLE Metal Pendant Lamp Pink CARES
/pendant-light-metal-grey-care...Neues Fenster A-TITLE Metal Pendant Lamp Grey CARES
/pendant-light-metal-pink-care...Textduplikat (11)
/table-lamp-wood-white-carrion...IMG-ALT Wooden Table Lamp White CARRION
/table-lamp-wood-white-carrion...Textduplikat Wooden Table Lamp White CARRION
/table-lamp-wood-white-carrion...Neues Fenster Textduplikat A-TITLE Wooden Table Lamp White CARRION
/table-lamp-wood-black-carrion...Neues Fenster A-TITLE Wooden Table Lamp Black CARRION
/3-light-pendant-lamp-clear-gl...IMG-ALT 3 Light Pendant Lamp Clear Glass LADON
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/pendant-lamp-glass-copper-ses...IMG-ALT Pendant Lamp Glass Copper SESSERA
/pendant-lamp-glass-copper-ses...Textduplikat Pendant Lamp Glass Copper SESSERA
/pendant-lamp-glass-copper-ses...Neues Fenster Textduplikat A-TITLE Pendant Lamp Glass Copper SESSERA
/pendant-light-glass-silver-se...Neues Fenster A-TITLE Glass Pendant Lamp Silver SESSERA
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/ceiling-lamp-white-maritsa.htmlNeues Fenster Textduplikat A-TITLE Ceiling Lamp White MARITSA
/ceiling-lamp-gold-with-black-...Neues Fenster A-TITLE Ceiling Lamp Gold with Black MARITSA
/metal-pendant-led-lamp-gold-t...IMG-ALT Metal LED Pendant Lamp Gold TANO
/metal-pendant-led-lamp-gold-t...Textduplikat Metal LED Pendant Lamp Gold TANO
/metal-pendant-led-lamp-gold-t...Textduplikat (4)
/reading-corner/Neues Fenster Kein Text
/cotton-area-rug-80-x-150-cm-b...IMG-ALT Cotton Area Rug 80 x 150 cm Beige BULCUK
/cotton-area-rug-80-x-150-cm-b...Textduplikat Cotton Area Rug 80 x 150 cm Beige BULCUK
/cotton-area-rug-80-x-150-cm-b...Textduplikat 49.99
/cotton-area-rug-80-x-150-cm-b...80 x 150 cm
A-TITLE Cotton Area Rug 80 x 150 cm Beige BULCUK
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/wool-area-rug-80-x-150-cm-off...IMG-ALT Wool Area Rug Off-White EMIRLER Various Sizes
/wool-area-rug-80-x-150-cm-off...Textduplikat Wool Area Rug Off-White EMIRLER Various Sizes
/wool-area-rug-80-x-150-cm-off...From 59.99
/wool-area-rug-80-x-150-cm-off...Textduplikat 80 x 150 cm
A-TITLE Wool Area Rug 80 x 150 cm Off-White EMIRLER
/wool-area-rug-80-x-150-cm-off...Textduplikat (1)
/jute-area-rug-100-x-150-cm-be...IMG-ALT Jute Area Rug Beige DEMIRCI Various Sizes
/jute-area-rug-100-x-150-cm-be...Textduplikat Jute Area Rug Beige DEMIRCI Various Sizes
/jute-area-rug-100-x-150-cm-be...From 69.99
/jute-area-rug-100-x-150-cm-be...100 x 150 cm
A-TITLE Oval Jute Area Rug 100 x 150 cm Beige DEMIRCI
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/shaggy-area-rug-80-x-150-cm-b...Textduplikat Shaggy Area Rug Beige and Grey PENDIK Various Sizes
/shaggy-area-rug-80-x-150-cm-b...From 49.99
/shaggy-area-rug-80-x-150-cm-b...Textduplikat 80 x 150 cm
A-TITLE Shaggy Area Rug 80 x 150 cm Beige and Grey PENDIK
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/cotton-area-rug-80-x-150-cm-b...Textduplikat Cotton Area Rug Beige and Grey NEVSEHIR Various Sizes
/cotton-area-rug-80-x-150-cm-b...From 39.99
/cotton-area-rug-80-x-150-cm-b...Textduplikat 80 x 150 cm
A-TITLE Cotton Area Rug 80 x 150 cm Beige and Grey NEVSEHIR
/cotton-area-rug-80-x-150-cm-b...Textduplikat (1)
/round-viscose-area-rug-o-140-...IMG-ALT Round Viscose Area Rug ⌀ 140 cm Light Grey GESI II
/round-viscose-area-rug-o-140-...Textduplikat Round Viscose Area Rug ⌀ 140 cm Light Grey GESI II
/velvet-armchair-with-footstoo...IMG-ALT Velvet Armchair with Footstool Grey SANDSET
/velvet-armchair-with-footstoo...Textduplikat Velvet Armchair with Footstool Grey SANDSET
/velvet-armchair-with-footstoo...Neues Fenster A-TITLE Velvet Armchair with Footstool Blue SANDSET
/armchair-with-footstool-leaf-...Neues Fenster A-TITLE Armchair with Footstool Leaf Pattern White and Green SANDSET
/velvet-armchair-with-footstoo...Neues Fenster A-TITLE Velvet Armchair with Footstool Green SANDSET
/velvet-armchair-with-footstoo...Neues Fenster Textduplikat A-TITLE Velvet Armchair with Footstool Grey SANDSET
/armchair-with-footstool-flora...Neues Fenster A-TITLE Armchair with Footstool Floral Pattern Black SANDSET
/wool-area-rug-140-x-200-cm-wh...IMG-ALT Wool Area Rug White and Grey GOKSUN Various Sizes
/wool-area-rug-140-x-200-cm-wh...Textduplikat Wool Area Rug White and Grey GOKSUN Various Sizes
/wool-area-rug-140-x-200-cm-wh...Textduplikat From 69.99
/wool-area-rug-80-x-150-cm-whi...Textduplikat 80 x 150 cm
A-TITLE Wool Area Rug 80 x 150 cm White and Grey GOKSUN
/wool-area-rug-140-x-200-cm-wh...Textduplikat (2)
/ceramic-table-lamp-copper-ros...IMG-ALT Ceramic Table Lamp Copper ROSANNA
/ceramic-table-lamp-copper-ros...Textduplikat Ceramic Table Lamp Copper ROSANNA
/ceramic-table-lamp-copper-ros...Textduplikat 49.99
/table-lamp-beige-rosanna.htmlNeues Fenster A-TITLE Table Lamp Beige ROSANNA
/ceramic-table-lamp-copper-ros...Neues Fenster Textduplikat A-TITLE Ceramic Table Lamp Copper ROSANNA
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/fabric-armchair-grey-alta.htmlTextduplikat Fabric Armchair Grey ALTA
/fabric-wingback-chair-off-whi...Neues Fenster A-TITLE Velvet Fabric Wingback Chair Off-White ALTA
/fabric-wingback-chair-beige-a...Neues Fenster A-TITLE Fabric Wingback Chair Beige ALTA
/fabric-wingback-chair-yellow-...Neues Fenster A-TITLE Fabric Wingback Chair Yellow ALTA
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/eco-living/Neues Fenster Kein Text
/jute-area-rug-140-x-200-cm-be...IMG-ALT Jute Area Rug Beige AFRIN Various Sizes
/jute-area-rug-140-x-200-cm-be...Textduplikat Jute Area Rug Beige AFRIN Various Sizes
/jute-area-rug-140-x-200-cm-be...From 19.99
/jute-runner-rug-50-x-80-cm-be...50 x 80 cm
A-TITLE Jute Runner Rug 50 x 80 cm Beige AFRIN
/wool-area-rug-160-x-230-cm-of...Textduplikat IMG-ALT Wool Area Rug Off-White EMIRLER Various Sizes
/wool-area-rug-160-x-230-cm-of...Textduplikat Wool Area Rug Off-White EMIRLER Various Sizes
/wool-area-rug-160-x-230-cm-of...Textduplikat From 59.99
/wool-area-rug-80-x-150-cm-off...Textduplikat 80 x 150 cm
A-TITLE Wool Area Rug 80 x 150 cm Off-White EMIRLER
/wool-area-rug-160-x-230-cm-of...Textduplikat (1)
/jute-area-rug-80-x-150-cm-bei...IMG-ALT Jute Area Rug Beige DADAY Various Sizes
/jute-area-rug-80-x-150-cm-bei...Textduplikat Jute Area Rug Beige DADAY Various Sizes
/jute-area-rug-80-x-150-cm-bei...Textduplikat From 49.99
/jute-area-rug-80-x-150-cm-bei...Textduplikat 80 x 150 cm
A-TITLE Jute Area Rug 80 x 150 cm Beige DADAY
/jute-area-rug-80-x-150-cm-bei...Textduplikat (4)
/cotton-area-rug-120-x-180-cm-...IMG-ALT Cotton Area Rug 120 x 180 cm Beige AHIRLI
/cotton-area-rug-120-x-180-cm-...Textduplikat Cotton Area Rug 120 x 180 cm Beige AHIRLI
/cotton-area-rug-120-x-180-cm-...Textduplikat 69.99
/cotton-area-rug-120-x-180-cm-...Textduplikat (5)
/jute-area-rug-140-x-200-cm-be...IMG-ALT Jute Area Rug Beige AKBEZ Various Sizes
/jute-area-rug-140-x-200-cm-be...Textduplikat Jute Area Rug Beige AKBEZ Various Sizes
/jute-area-rug-140-x-200-cm-be...Textduplikat From 19.99
/jute-runner-rug-50-x-80-cm-be...Textduplikat 50 x 80 cm
A-TITLE Jute Runner Rug 50 x 80 cm Beige AKBEZ
/folding-rattan-3-panel-room-d...IMG-ALT Folding Rattan 3 Panel Room Divider 106 x 180 cm Natural COSENZA
/folding-rattan-3-panel-room-d...Textduplikat Folding Rattan 3 Panel Room Divider 106 x 180 cm Natural COSENZA
/folding-rattan-3-panel-room-d...Kein Text
/acacia-wood-garden-bench-120-...IMG-ALT Acacia Wood Garden Bench 120 cm with Taupe Cushion VIVARA
/acacia-wood-garden-bench-120-...Textduplikat Acacia Wood Garden Bench 120 cm with Taupe Cushion VIVARA
/runner-rug-50-x-80-cm-beige-d...IMG-ALT Jute Area Rug Beige DORTYOL Various Sizes
/runner-rug-50-x-80-cm-beige-d...Textduplikat Jute Area Rug Beige DORTYOL Various Sizes
/runner-rug-50-x-80-cm-beige-d...Textduplikat From 19.99
/runner-rug-50-x-80-cm-beige-d...Textduplikat 50 x 80 cm
A-TITLE Jute Runner Rug 50 x 80 cm Beige DORTYOL
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/jute-runner-rug-50-x-80-cm-be...Textduplikat Jute Area Rug Beige ZERDALI Various Sizes
/jute-runner-rug-50-x-80-cm-be...Textduplikat From 19.99
/jute-runner-rug-50-x-80-cm-be...Textduplikat 50 x 80 cm
A-TITLE Jute Runner Rug 50 x 80 cm Beige ZERDALI
/rectangular-area-rug-in-beige...IMG-ALT Cotton Area Rug Beige TUNCELI Various Sizes
/rectangular-area-rug-in-beige...Textduplikat Cotton Area Rug Beige TUNCELI Various Sizes
/rectangular-area-rug-in-beige...From 29.99
/rectangular-area-rug-in-beige...Textduplikat 80 x 150 cm
A-TITLE Cotton Area Rug 80 x 150 cm Beige TUNCELI
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