Übersicht der SEO Analyse
Externe Faktoren
SEO Score
7,78 s
299,10 kB
Anzahl Links
429 Intern / 15 Extern

To-do Liste mit SEO Optimierungen

Meta-Angaben im HTML

(Extrem wichtig)
Home — business.govt.nz
Die Länge des Titels ist optimal. (238 Pixel von maximal 580 Pixel Länge)
Es gibt keine Wortwiederholungen im Titel.
(Extrem wichtig)
We package government information into handy tools and advice to help small businesses like yours get on and get ahead
Die Meta-Description hat eine optimale Länge. (753 Pixel von maximal 1000 Pixel Länge)
(Extrem wichtig)
Es gibt keine Probleme beim Zugriff auf die Webseite.
Canonical Link
Der angegebene Canonical Link verweist auf eine andere URL.
(Wenig wichtig)
Im Text erkannte Sprache: en
Im HTML angegebene Sprache: en-us
Serverstandort: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Die Sprache wird im HTML Code wie folgt angegeben: en-us
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Wenig wichtig)
Die angegebenen Alternate Links sind fehlerfrei.
Weitere Metatags
(Wenig wichtig)
Es gibt keinen rel next Meta Tag auf der Seite.
Es gibt keinen rel prev Meta Tag auf der Seite.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Webseite befindet sich auf einer Subdomain. Für eine erfolgreiche Suchmaschinenoptimierung solltest Du eine eigene Domain verwenden.
Die Domain enthält keine Umlaute.
Seiten URL
(Wenig wichtig)
In der URL wurden keine Parameter entdeckt.
In der URL wurde keine Session ID entdeckt.
Die URL hat nicht zu viele Unterverzeichnisse.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Angaben zur Zeichensatzkodierung (UTF-8) sind fehlerfrei.
(Nice to have)
Die Doctype Angabe HTML 5 ist korrekt angegeben.
Die Doctype Angabe befindet sich an erster Stelle im HTML-Code.
(Nice to have)
Das Favoriten Icon (Favicon) ist korrekt verlinkt.

Meta Tags

generatorSilverstripe CMS 5.2
descriptionWe package government information into handy tools and advice to help small businesses like yours get on and get ahead
twitter:descriptionWe package government information into handy tools and advice to help small businesses like yours get on and get ahead via @business_govtNZ
og:descriptionWe package government information into handy tools and advice to help small businesses like yours get on and get ahead
Content-Typetext/html; charset=UTF-8

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(Extrem wichtig)
Es befinden sich 8 Text-Duplikate auf der Seite:
  • Duplikat 1: Access free, self-paced training and tools and gain skills to launch y...
  • Duplikat 2: When to register and deregister for GST, how to pay it and when, plus ...
  • Duplikat 3: Highs, lows and speed bumps — here are 20 milestones small businesses ...
  • Duplikat 4: Knowing about your market and rivals is crucial, whether you’re starti...
Der Inhalt ist mit 2757 Wörtern in Ordnung.
Der Text besteht zu 31.4% aus Füllwörtern.
Wörter aus der H1 Überschrift werden im Text der Seite verwendet.
Im Text befindet sich eine Aufzählung, dies deutet auf eine gute Textstruktur hin.
Es wurden 16 Fließtextblöcke auf der Seite gefunden.
Der Text auf der Seite ist optimal.
Es wurden keine Platzhalter Texte bzw. Bilder gefunden.
Die durchschnittliche Satzlänge ist mit 20.63 Wörtern gut.
(Extrem wichtig)
Die Seite hat kein Frameset.
(Wenig wichtig)
Der angegebene Viewport (width=device-width,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=10.0,initial-scale=1.0) ist korrekt.
Mindestens ein Apple-Touch Icon ist definiert.
Bold- und Strongtags
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Nutzung von Strong- und Bold-Tags ist optimal. Wir empfehlen für diese Webseite die Verwendung von bis zu 55 Tags.
Bilder Optimierung
(Wenig wichtig)
Bei 1 Bildern fehlt das Alt-Attribut. Der Inhalt von Alt-Attributen wird von Suchmaschinen auch als Text gewertet und ist wichtig für die Bildersuche.
Soziale Vernetzung
(Nice to have)
Die Seite ist optimal auf Soziale Netzwerke ausgerichtet.
Zusätzliches Markup
(Nice to have)
Es wurde kein zusätzliches Markup gefunden.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Seite verwendet HTTPS um Daten sicher zu übertragen.
Alle eingebundenen Dateien werden ebenfalls über HTTPS ausgeliefert.


/assets/Uploads/icons/business-plan.svgGet geared up for a successful launch
/assets/Uploads/icons/business-plan.svgQuick-focus planning for growing businesses
...ets/Uploads/icons/compliance-matters.svgUse our Compliance Matters tool to find out
...loads/icons/employee-cost-calculator.svgUse the Employee Cost Calculator to estimate costs
/assets/Uploads/icons/business-plan.svgKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...ads/icons/employee-agreement-builder.svgTailored to your business and everyone you employ
...ets/Uploads/icons/compliance-matters.svgUse our Compliance Matters tool to find out
/assets/Uploads/icons/tick-green.svgEveryday actions to keep your business strong


H1 Überschrift
(Extrem wichtig)
Helping businesses succeed
Die H1-Überschrift ist perfekt.
Einige Überschriftentexte kommen doppelt auf der Seite vor.
Es befinden sich 88 Überschriften auf der Seite. Die Anzahl der Überschriften sollte in einem besseren Verhältnis zum Text stehen.


Überschriften HierarchieInhalt
H1 Helping businesses succeed
H2 Main Menu
H2 business.govt.nz
H2 Business.govt.nz
H2 Healthy business checklist
H2 Fog cannon subsidy for retailers
H2 Footer
H2 business.govt.nz Text-Duplikat
H2 Business.govt.nz Text-Duplikat
H3 Getting started
H3 How to grow
H3 Tax and accounting
H3 Hiring and managing people
H3 Do business online
H3 Doing business for good
H3 Risks and operations
H3 Business performance
H3 Wellbeing support
H3 Check out some of our tools and advice
H3 Check out some of our tools and advice Text-Duplikat
H3 Join Us
H3 Follow Us
H3 Contact Us
H3 Share this page
H4 Taking the first steps
H4 Choosing the right business structure
H4 Sole trader guide
H4 Business planning tools and tips
H4 Building a brand
H4 Funding your business
H4 Advice and governance
H4 Advice for contractors
H4 Boosting sales
H4 Intellectual property protection
H4 Growth and innovation
H4 Getting government grants
H4 Importing
H4 Exporting
H4 Planning to exit
H4 Regional Business Partner Network
H4 Business finance basics
H4 Basic tax types
H4 Tax when you have employees
H4 Reducing your tax
H4 Tax time tips
H4 Closing down
H4 Deciding to hire
H4 Hiring people
H4 Handling holidays and leave
H4 Managing people day to day
H4 Getting the best from people
H4 Ending employment
H4 Health and safety
H4 Planning for the unexpected (BCP)
H4 IT risk and avoiding scams
H4 Dealing with customer complaints
H4 Equipment, premises and assets
H4 Manufacturing
H4 Management and leadership
H4 Strategic finance
H4 Operations strategy
H4 Directors and governance
H4 Business strategy
H4 Marketing strategy
H4 Managing your own wellbeing
H4 Wellbeing in your business
H4 Explore tools and resources
H4 Tax tips: Find out what expenses you can claim
H4 Personal income tax changes
H4 Get the right digital tools for your business
H4 Sole trader toolkit
H4 Guide to starting a business
H4 Digital Boost
H4 What to claim if you work from home
H4 Goods and Services Tax (GST) dos and don’ts
H4 Basic tips for reducing your tax bill
H4 Common business milestones
H4 Business finance
H4 Research your market
H4 Keeping people healthy and safe
H4 Digital Boost Text-Duplikat
H4 What to claim if you work from home Text-Duplikat
H4 Goods and Services Tax (GST) dos and don’ts Text-Duplikat
H4 Basic tips for reducing your tax bill Text-Duplikat
H4 Common business milestones Text-Duplikat
H4 Business finance Text-Duplikat
H4 Research your market Text-Duplikat
H4 Keeping people healthy and safe Text-Duplikat
Baselink: https://www.business.govt.nz/
Es befinden sich zu viele interne Links (428) auf der Seite.
Einige der Linktexte der internen Links sind zu lang.
Einige der Linktexte wiederholen sich.
Alle internen Links haben keine dynamischen Parameter.
Es befinden sich 15 externe Links auf der Seite.
https://www.business.govt.nz/Skip to main content
/getting-startedGetting started
/getting-started/taking-the-fi...Taking the first steps
https://www.business.govt.nz/Textduplikat Back
/getting-started/taking-the-fi...Questions to ask yourself before you start
/getting-started/taking-the-fi...10-step guide to starting a business
/getting-started/taking-the-fi...How to research your market and competitors
/getting-started/taking-the-fi...Buying a business or franchise
/getting-started/taking-the-fi...Registering with government agencies
/getting-started/business-plan...Neues Fenster Create a business plan Get geared up for a successful launch
IMG-ALT Get geared up for a successful launch
/getting-started/choosing-the-...Choosing the right business structure
https://www.business.govt.nz/Textduplikat Back
/getting-started/choosing-the-...Business structure overview
/getting-started/choosing-the-...Starting a company
/getting-started/choosing-the-...Starting a partnership
/getting-started/choosing-the-...Other business structures
/getting-started/sole-trader-g...Sole trader guide
https://www.business.govt.nz/Textduplikat Back
/getting-started/sole-trader-g...Becoming a sole trader
/getting-started/sole-trader-g...Sole trader checklist
/getting-started/sole-trader-g...Tax 101 for sole traders
/getting-started/sole-trader-g...Funding and other government help
/getting-started/business-plan...Business planning tools and tips
https://www.business.govt.nz/Textduplikat Back
/getting-started/business-plan...Introduction to business planning
/getting-started/business-plan...Business planning e-learning
/getting-started/business-plan...How to write a business plan
/getting-started/business-plan...When business planning is right for you
/getting-started/business-plan...Getting business planning advice
/getting-started/business-plan...Keeping track of key metrics
/getting-started/business-plan...How to be environmentally sustainable
/getting-started/business-plan...What is sustainable business
/getting-started/business-plan...Business milestones and how we can help
/tax-and-accounting/basic-tax-...Income and provisional tax in a nutshell
/getting-started/building-a-brandBuilding a brand
https://www.business.govt.nz/Textduplikat Back
/getting-started/building-a-br...Creating your brand
/getting-started/building-a-br...Choosing a business name
/getting-started/building-a-br...Developing your unique selling point
/getting-started/building-a-br...Getting an online presence
/getting-started/building-a-br...Strengthening your online presence
/how-to-grow/intellectual-prop...Simple steps to protect your IP Use our checklist
/getting-started/funding-your-...Funding your business
https://www.business.govt.nz/Textduplikat Back
/getting-started/funding-your-...How much money do you need to start a business?
/getting-started/funding-your-...Choosing the right types of funding
/getting-started/funding-your-...Borrowing money
/getting-started/funding-your-...Getting investors on board
/getting-started/advice-and-go...Advice and governance
https://www.business.govt.nz/Textduplikat Back
/getting-started/advice-and-go...Types of advice you’ll need
/getting-started/advice-and-go...How business advisors can help
/getting-started/advice-and-go...Getting financial advice
/getting-started/advice-and-go...Boards and directors
/getting-started/advice-and-go...Questions your board will ask
/getting-started/advice-for-co...Advice for contractors
https://www.business.govt.nz/Textduplikat Back
/getting-started/advice-for-co...What to consider before you starting contracting
/getting-started/advice-for-co...Managing your finances
/getting-started/advice-for-co...Insurance cover for contractors
/getting-started/advice-for-co...What to watch out for in contracts
/getting-started/advice-for-co...Finding contracting work
/getting-started/advice-for-co...What you need to know if you have multiple jobs
/getting-started/choosing-the-...Business structures Advice on choosing the best one for you
/how-to-growHow to grow
/how-to-growTextduplikat Back
/how-to-grow/boosting-salesBoosting sales
https://www.business.govt.nz/Textduplikat Back
/how-to-grow/boosting-sales/ma...Marketing and sales
/how-to-grow/boosting-sales/ex...Exhibiting at trade shows
/how-to-grow/boosting-sales/ti...Tips for tendering
/tax-and-accounting/business-f...Operating at a loss? Get tips on what you can do
/how-to-grow/intellectual-prop...Intellectual property protection
https://www.business.govt.nz/Textduplikat Back
/how-to-grow/intellectual-prop...What is intellectual property
/how-to-grow/intellectual-prop...Types of intellectual property
/how-to-grow/intellectual-prop...Why intellectual property is important
/how-to-grow/intellectual-prop...Simple steps to protect your intellectual property
/how-to-grow/intellectual-prop...When to consider intellectual property
/how-to-grow/intellectual-prop...Preparing for intellectual property advice
/how-to-grow/intellectual-prop...Defending your intellectual property
/how-to-grow/intellectual-prop...Protecting your intellectual property overseas
https://www.business.govt.nz/newsInsights and articles on the latest business topics
/how-to-grow/growth-and-innova...Growth and innovation
https://www.business.govt.nz/Textduplikat Back
/how-to-grow/growth-and-innova...Test if you are ready to grow
/how-to-grow/growth-and-innova...Fostering innovation
/how-to-grow/growth-and-innova...Teaming up with other businesses
/assets/uploads/Documents/quic...Neues Fenster 10 step business plan template Quick-focus planning for growing businesses
IMG-ALT Quick-focus planning for growing businesses
/how-to-grow/getting-governmen...Getting government grants
https://www.business.govt.nz/Textduplikat Back
/how-to-grow/getting-governmen...What can I get help with?
/how-to-grow/getting-governmen...Grants and help for your new business
/how-to-grow/getting-governmen...Grants and help for your established business
/how-to-grow/getting-governmen...Free government support and services
/getting-started/advice-and-go...Advice and governance Get support from people who can drive your business forward
https://www.business.govt.nz/Textduplikat Back
/how-to-grow/importing/manufac...Manufacturing overseas
/how-to-grow/importing/10-tips...10 tips before you import
/how-to-grow/importing/importe...Importers and the Customs Service
/how-to-grow/importing/biosecu...Biosecurity for importers
/how-to-grow/intellectual-prop...How to protect your IP overseas
https://www.business.govt.nz/Textduplikat Back
/how-to-grow/exporting/what-yo...What you need to know about exporting
/how-to-grow/exporting/create-...Create a good export plan
/how-to-grow/exporting/differe...Understand different ways to ship and distribute
/how-to-grow/exporting/governm...Government agencies can help when you export
/how-to-grow/intellectual-prop...Textduplikat How to protect your IP overseas
/how-to-grow/planning-to-exitPlanning to exit
https://www.business.govt.nz/Textduplikat Back
/how-to-grow/planning-to-exit/...What to do when selling your business
/how-to-grow/planning-to-exit/...Stepping back from your business
/tax-and-accounting/business-f...Textduplikat Operating at a loss? Get tips on what you can do
/how-to-grow/regional-business...Regional Business Partner Network
https://www.business.govt.nz/Textduplikat Back
/how-to-grow/regional-business...New Zealand business support
/how-to-grow/regional-business...Service providers
/how-to-grow/regional-business...Find your local Regional Business Partner
/how-to-grow/getting-governmen...NZTE Capability development voucher Co-funding to grow your skills.
/tax-and-accountingTax and accounting
/tax-and-accountingTextduplikat Back
/tax-and-accounting/business-f...Business finance basics
https://www.business.govt.nz/Textduplikat Back
/tax-and-accounting/business-f...Introduction to business finance
/tax-and-accounting/business-f...Finance tips to help your business
/tax-and-accounting/business-f...Getting paid on time
/tax-and-accounting/business-f...Cash flow forecasting
/tax-and-accounting/business-f...Depreciation: how to spread the cost of your assets
/tax-and-accounting/business-f...What to do if your business is operating at a loss
/tax-and-accounting/basic-tax-...Basic tax types
https://www.business.govt.nz/Textduplikat Back
/tax-and-accounting/basic-tax-...Introduction to taxes and levies
/tax-and-accounting/basic-tax-...Income tax and provisional tax
/tax-and-accounting/basic-tax-...ACC levies
/tax-and-accounting/tax-when-y...Tax when you have employees
https://www.business.govt.nz/Textduplikat Back
/tax-and-accounting/tax-when-y...Payroll deductions
/tax-and-accounting/tax-when-y...Employer superannuation contribution tax (ESCT)
/tax-and-accounting/tax-when-y...Fringe benefit tax (FBT)
/tax-and-accounting/tax-when-y...Employee allowances
/compliance-mattersNeues Fenster Which laws apply to you? Use our Compliance Matters tool to find out
IMG-ALT Use our Compliance Matters tool to find out
/tax-and-accounting/reducing-y...Reducing your tax
https://www.business.govt.nz/Textduplikat Back
/tax-and-accounting/reducing-y...How to reduce your tax bill
/tax-and-accounting/reducing-y...Claiming expenses
/tax-and-accounting/reducing-y...Research & development tax incentive
/tax-and-accounting/tax-time-tipsTax time tips
https://www.business.govt.nz/Textduplikat Back
/tax-and-accounting/tax-time-t...How to make tax time easier
/tax-and-accounting/tax-time-t...Keeping tax records
/tax-and-accounting/tax-time-t...Systems that can help at tax time
/tax-and-accounting/tax-time-t...How to fix tax mistakes
https://www.business.govt.nz/newsTextduplikat Insights and articles on the latest business topics
/tax-and-accounting/closing-downClosing down
https://www.business.govt.nz/Textduplikat Back
/tax-and-accounting/closing-do...Warning signs of trouble ahead
/tax-and-accounting/closing-do...Is closing your business the right choice?
/tax-and-accounting/closing-do...Closing your business
/tax-and-accounting/closing-do...Insolvency and involuntary closure
/tax-and-accounting/business-f...Textduplikat Operating at a loss? Get tips on what you can do
/tax-and-accounting/business-f...Understand your financial position Use the Cash Flow Forecaster tool
/hiring-and-managingHiring and managing people
/hiring-and-managingTextduplikat Back
/hiring-and-managing/deciding-...Deciding to hire
https://www.business.govt.nz/Textduplikat Back
/hiring-and-managing/deciding-...When you should hire staff
/hiring-and-managing/deciding-...Hiring the right staff types
/hiring-and-managing/deciding-...See how much an employee will cost
/hiring-and-managing/deciding-...How to become an employer
/hiring-and-managing/deciding-...Alternatives to hiring an employee
/hiring-and-managing/hiring-pe...Hiring people
https://www.business.govt.nz/Textduplikat Back
/hiring-and-managing/hiring-pe...Overview of the hiring process
/hiring-and-managing/hiring-pe...Advertising positions and interviewing applicants
/hiring-and-managing/hiring-pe...Recruitment options for your business
/hiring-and-managing/hiring-pe...Minimum wage and fair pay
/hiring-and-managing/hiring-pe...What to do when making a job offer
/hiring-and-managing/hiring-pe...How to create an employment agreement
/hiring-and-managing/hiring-pe...What you need to know about trial and probation periods
/hiring-and-managing/hiring-pe...How to hire fixed term/casual employees
/hiring-and-managing/hiring-pe...How to hire overseas workers
/hiring-and-managing/hiring-pe...Employing your spouse or partner
/hiring-and-managing/hiring-pe...To-do list before your employee starts
/employeecostcalculator/Neues Fenster Subdomain Thinking of hiring? Use the Employee Cost Calculator to estimate costs
IMG-ALT Use the Employee Cost Calculator to estimate costs
/hiring-and-managing/handling-...Handling holidays and leave
https://www.business.govt.nz/Textduplikat Back
/hiring-and-managing/handling-...Introduction to holidays and leave
/hiring-and-managing/handling-...Paying your employees for leave
/hiring-and-managing/handling-...Managing annual leave for your team
/hiring-and-managing/handling-...Public holidays
/hiring-and-managing/handling-...Sick leave
/hiring-and-managing/handling-...Helping staff with bereavement leave
/hiring-and-managing/handling-...Helping staff with domestic violence leave
/hiring-and-managing/handling-...Parental leave
/hiring-and-managing/handling-...How to manage unpaid leave
/hiring-and-managing/managing-...Managing people day to day
https://www.business.govt.nz/Textduplikat Back
/hiring-and-managing/managing-...How to set up a new employee
/hiring-and-managing/managing-...Your employee's first day/week
/hiring-and-managing/managing-...What do I need to do when record keeping
/hiring-and-managing/managing-...Things to know when paying your employees
/hiring-and-managing/managing-...Handling taxes with bonuses and benefits
/hiring-and-managing/managing-...Advice on flexible working arrangements
/hiring-and-managing/managing-...What you need to know about policies and procedures
/hiring-and-managing/managing-...Steps to take when managing misconduct
/hiring-and-managing/managing-...Best practice for an age-diverse workplace
/hiring-and-managing/managing-...Accommodation for workers
/risks-and-operations/health-a...Guide to keeping people healthy and safe at work
/hiring-and-managing/getting-t...Getting the best from people
https://www.business.govt.nz/Textduplikat Back
/hiring-and-managing/getting-t...Performance appraisals
/hiring-and-managing/getting-t...Training and development options for your team
/hiring-and-managing/getting-t...Assess skills in your business
/hiring-and-managing/getting-t...Government help with training
/hiring-and-managing/getting-t...Steps to take when handling poor performance
/hiring-and-managing/getting-t...How you can resolve employment issues
/hiring-and-managing/getting-t...What to do when restructuring your business
/hiring-and-managing/getting-t...Tips on keeping track of employee performance
/hiring-and-managing/ending-em...Ending employment
https://www.business.govt.nz/Textduplikat Back
/hiring-and-managing/ending-em...What to do when an employee resigns
/hiring-and-managing/ending-em...Employee retirement
/hiring-and-managing/ending-em...What to do when making someone redundant
/hiring-and-managing/ending-em...Dismissal or termination
/hiring-and-managing/ending-em...Your checklist for when an employee leaves
/getting-started/choosing-the-...Textduplikat Business structures Advice on choosing the best one for you
https://eab.business.govt.nz/e...Extern Subdomain Build employment agreements Tailored to your business and everyone you employ
IMG-ALT Tailored to your business and everyone you employ
/do-business-onlineDo business online
/do-business-onlineTextduplikat Back
https://www.tools.business.gov...Extern Subdomain Get tailored e-commerce advice
/do-business-online/planning-b...Planning to do business online
/do-business-online/improving-...Improving your online business
/do-business-online/building-y...Building your website or online store
/do-business-online/advertisin...Advertising to online customers
/do-business-online/strengthen...Strengthening relationships with customers
/do-business-online/handling-o...Orders and deliveries
/do-business-online/digital-boostDigital Boost
https://www.tools.business.gov...Extern Subdomain Get tailored advice on doing business online Use the Revive & Thrive tool
/doing-business-for-goodDoing business for good
/doing-business-for-goodTextduplikat Back
/doing-business-for-good/doing...Doing business for good - an overview
/doing-business-for-good/makin...Making a difference with your purpose-led business
/doing-business-for-good/devel...Developing your business and impact models
/doing-business-for-good/build...Building the foundation for your purpose-led business
/doing-business-for-good/measu...Measuring the impact of your purpose-led business
/doing-business-for-good/getti...Getting investment for your purpose-led business
/risks-and-operationsRisks and operations
/risks-and-operationsTextduplikat Back
/risks-and-operations/health-a...Health and safety
https://www.business.govt.nz/Textduplikat Back
/risks-and-operations/health-a...Health and safety basics
/risks-and-operations/health-a...How to assess health and safety risks
/risks-and-operations/health-a...What is 'reasonably practicable'
/risks-and-operations/health-a...Plans, tools and learning from incidents
/risks-and-operations/health-a...Worker engagement and participation
/risks-and-operations/health-a...Great toolbox talks
/risks-and-operations/health-a...How to approach workers about a health and safety issue
/risks-and-operations/health-a...Protect your retail shop with a fog cannon
/risks-and-operations/health-a...Preparing for health and safety advice
/risks-and-operations/health-a...What to expect from WorkSafe visits
https://www.business.govt.nz/newsTextduplikat Insights and articles on the latest business topics
/risks-and-operations/planning...Planning for the unexpected (BCP)
https://www.business.govt.nz/Textduplikat Back
/risks-and-operations/planning...Emergency planning for businesses
/risks-and-operations/planning...Continuity and contingency planning
/risks-and-operations/planning...In an emergency
/risks-and-operations/it-risk-...IT risk and avoiding scams
https://www.business.govt.nz/Textduplikat Back
/risks-and-operations/it-risk-...Storing and backing up data
/risks-and-operations/it-risk-...Protecting business data
/risks-and-operations/it-risk-...Protecting customer and employee information
/risks-and-operations/it-risk-...Avoiding scams and fraud
/risks-and-operations/it-risk-...What to do if you've been hacked
/risks-and-operations/dealing-...Dealing with customer complaints
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/risks-and-operations/dealing-...When customers complain
/risks-and-operations/dealing-...Understanding consumer laws
/risks-and-operations/dealing-...Reducing risk of complaints
/risks-and-operations/dealing-...Fair returns and complaints policies
/risks-and-operations/dealing-...What you need to tell customers
/risks-and-operations/dealing-...Training staff to handle complaints
/risks-and-operations/equipmen...Equipment, premises and assets
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/risks-and-operations/equipmen...Choosing where to work
/risks-and-operations/equipmen...Leasing or buying premises
/risks-and-operations/equipmen...Common business assets checklists
/risks-and-operations/equipmen...Introduction to managing assets
/risks-and-operations/equipmen...Resource Management Act for business
/risks-and-operations/equipmen...CO2 support
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/risks-and-operations/manufact...Exploring manufacturing options
/risks-and-operations/manufact...Importing and exporting laws
/risks-and-operations/reduce-y...Reduce your risk as a supplier
/risks-and-operations/extreme-...Extreme weather: Information for businesses
/risks-and-operations/tradiesTips for tradies
/compliance-mattersNeues Fenster Textduplikat Which laws apply to you? Use our Compliance Matters tool to find out
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/business-performance/manageme...Management and leadership
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/business-performance/manageme...Assess your management and leadership skills
/business-performance/manageme...Improve your management and leadership: Overview
/business-performance/manageme...How to communicate and give feedback
/business-performance/manageme...How to be a good leader
/business-performance/manageme...Leadership styles and when to use them
/business-performance/manageme...How to motivate your staff
/business-performance/manageme...Managing people's performance
/business-performance/manageme...Performance issues: What to check
/business-performance/manageme...Shaping your work culture
/business-performance/strategi...Strategic finance
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/business-performance/strategi...Strategic finance overview
/business-performance/strategi...How to read financial statements
/business-performance/strategi...Use numbers to tell your business story
/business-performance/strategi...Financial models that can help you succeed
/business-performance/strategi...Metrics that can help your cash flow
/business-performance/strategi...What to know when exploring funding options
/business-performance/operatio...Operations strategy
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/business-performance/operatio...Operations strategy overview
/business-performance/operatio...Improving operational efficiency and innovation
/business-performance/operatio...Ensuring capacity matches demand
/business-performance/operatio...Managing inventory
/business-performance/operatio...Quality matters: understand and improve quality
/business-performance/operatio...Knowing your networks: supply and distribution
/business-performance/governanceDirectors and governance
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/business-performance/governan...Governance overview
/business-performance/governan...What governance is and why it’s important
/business-performance/governan...Laying the groundwork for good governance
/business-performance/governan...What it means to be a good director
/business-performance/governan...Governance: Key things to review if you do it yourself
/business-performance/governan...Structured governance — boards
/business-performance/business...Business strategy
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/business-performance/business...Business strategy at a glance
/business-performance/business...An introduction to business strategy
/business-performance/business...Looking outwards at your market
/business-performance/business...Looking inwards at your business
/business-performance/business...Creating your own space
/business-performance/business...Turning strategy into action
/business-performance/marketin...Marketing strategy
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/business-performance/marketin...Marketing strategy overview
/business-performance/marketin...How marketing sets you up for success
/business-performance/marketin...What your customers want and how they think
/business-performance/marketin...Build a brand your customers will love
/business-performance/marketin...Use insights to sell the right thing in the best place
/business-performance/marketin...How to set the right price
/business-performance/marketin...Find the best way to promote your business
/business-performance/marketin...Get to know your customers
/business-performance/new-zeal...New Zealand Business Performance Panel
/business-performance/healthy-...Healthy business checklist
/business-performance/healthy-...Healthy business checklist Everyday actions to keep your business strong
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/wellbeing-support/wellbeingMental health and wellbeing support
/wellbeing-support/managing-yo...Managing your own wellbeing
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/wellbeing-support/managing-yo...Resilience: Tips for small business owners
/wellbeing-support/managing-yo...Boss burnout: Spot warning signs in yourself
/wellbeing-support/managing-yo...Owner-operators: Tips to beat isolation
/wellbeing-support/managing-yo...Money and your mental health
/wellbeing-support/managing-yo...Working solo: Tips to stay mentally well
/wellbeing-support/managing-yo...Impostor syndrome: Feeling like a fraud
/wellbeing-support/wellbeing-i...Wellbeing in your business
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/wellbeing-support/wellbeing-i...Why workplace wellbeing is important
/wellbeing-support/wellbeing-i...Problem sharing and solving
/wellbeing-support/wellbeing-i...Preventing burnout
/wellbeing-support/wellbeing-i...Talking with your team about uncertain times
/wellbeing-support/wellbeing-i...Looking after your employees
/wellbeing-support/wellbeing-i...Creating your wellbeing workplace policy
/wellbeing-support/wellbeing-w...Wellbeing webinars
/wellbeing-support/brave-in-bu...Brave in business e-learning
/e-learning-coursesE-learning courses
/risks-and-operations/extreme-...Textduplikat Extreme weather: Information for businesses
/tools-and-resourcesTools and resources
/older-worker-employment-toolkitOlder workers toolkit
/sole-trader-toolkitSole trader toolkit
/starting-a-businessStarting a business
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/tax-and-accounting/reducing-y...Tax tips: Find out what expenses you can claim Whether you’re a sole trader, contracting, in a partnership or own a company, you can claim business expenses ...
IMG-ALT Tax tips: Find out what expenses you can claim
/news/personal-income-tax-changesPersonal income tax changes If you employ people, make sure you are aware of the changes to income tax from 31 July 2024, and further changes coming in April...
IMG-ALT Personal income tax changes
/news/get-the-right-digital-toolsGet the right digital tools for your business Book a no-cost, no-obligation consultation to set yourself up with the right digital devices for your business....
IMG-ALT Get the right digital tools for your business
/sole-trader-toolkitSole trader toolkit As a sole trader, you’ll be looking after many parts of running a business by yourself. We have got tools and resources to get you set up...
IMG-ALT Sole trader toolkit
/getting-started/taking-the-fi...Guide to starting a business If you’re new to being in business or self-employed, read our tips about what’s involved, from testing your idea to registering ...
IMG-ALT Guide to starting a business
/business-performance/healthy-...Healthy business checklist, Healthy business checklist
/risks-and-operations/health-a...Fog cannon subsidy for retailers, Fog cannon subsidy
/do-business-online/digital-boostDigital Boost Access free, self-paced training and tools and gain skills to launch your business into the digital world. Learn more about Digital Boost
/tax-and-accounting/reducing-y...What to claim if you work from home See what to claim
IMG-ALT What to claim if you work from home
/tax-and-accounting/basic-tax-...Goods and Services Tax (GST) dos and don’ts When to register and deregister for GST, how to pay it and when, plus zero-rated goods and services. Find guidanc...
/tax-and-accounting/reducing-y...Basic tips for reducing your tax bill Tips for reducing tax
IMG-ALT Basic tips for reducing your tax bill
/getting-started/business-plan...Common business milestones Highs, lows and speed bumps — here are 20 milestones small businesses often face, plus tips and tools to help. Reach business mile...
/tax-and-accounting/business-f...Business finance It's all about money in and money out — pick up tips and check out our jargon-buster. Business finance basics
/getting-started/taking-the-fi...Research your market Knowing about your market and rivals is crucial, whether you’re starting, growing or well established. How to research your market
/risks-and-operations/health-a...Keeping people healthy and safe See health and safety visual guide
IMG-ALT Keeping people healthy and safe
/do-business-online/digital-boostTextduplikat Digital Boost Access free, self-paced training and tools and gain skills to launch your business into the digital world. Learn more about Digital Boost
/tax-and-accounting/reducing-y...Textduplikat What to claim if you work from home See what to claim
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/tax-and-accounting/basic-tax-...Textduplikat Goods and Services Tax (GST) dos and don’ts When to register and deregister for GST, how to pay it and when, plus zero-rated goods and services. Find guidanc...
/tax-and-accounting/reducing-y...Textduplikat Basic tips for reducing your tax bill Tips for reducing tax
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/getting-started/business-plan...Textduplikat Common business milestones Highs, lows and speed bumps — here are 20 milestones small businesses often face, plus tips and tools to help. Reach business mile...
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/getting-started/taking-the-fi...Textduplikat Research your market Knowing about your market and rivals is crucial, whether you’re starting, growing or well established. How to research your market
/risks-and-operations/health-a...Textduplikat Keeping people healthy and safe See health and safety visual guide
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