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0,25 s
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219 Intern / 24 Extern

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(Extrem wichtig)
The Business Times - Get the Latest Business & Financial News
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Es gibt keine Wortwiederholungen im Titel.
(Extrem wichtig)
The Business Times - Find latest business & financial news including analysis and opinion on top business stories, stock markets in Singapore, Asia-Pacific & global market news and more at The Business Times.
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Im HTML angegebene Sprache: en
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Die Domain ist keine Subdomain.
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Seiten URL
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HTTP-Header Content-Type: utf8
Meta Charset Attribut: utf-8
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Das Favoriten Icon (Favicon) ist korrekt verlinkt.

Meta Tags

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descriptionThe Business Times - Find latest business & financial news including analysis and opinion on top business stories, stock markets in Singapore, Asia-Pacific & global market news and more at The Business Times.
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twitter:descriptionFind latest business & financial news including analysis and opinion on top business stories, stock markets in Singapore, Asia-Pacific & global market news and more at The Business Times.
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Wörter aus der H1 Überschrift werden nicht im Text der Seite verwendet.
Es befinden sich 9 Text-Duplikate auf der Seite:
  • Duplikat 1: Sound healing is a growing trend in wellness tourism. A former corpora...
  • Duplikat 2: The low-profile businessman reveals his ambitious plans for two herita...
  • Duplikat 3: In pursuit of polar bear sightings, one writer retraces part of a fabl...
  • Duplikat 4: This unspoiled prefecture in Japan lacks the sophistication of bigger ...
Der Inhalt ist mit 1163 Wörtern in Ordnung.
Der Text besteht zu 19.9% aus Füllwörtern.
Im Text befindet sich eine Aufzählung, dies deutet auf eine gute Textstruktur hin.
Es wurden 11 Fließtextblöcke auf der Seite gefunden.
Es wurden keine Platzhalter Texte bzw. Bilder gefunden.
Die durchschnittliche Satzlänge ist mit 15.47 Wörtern gut.
(Extrem wichtig)
Die Seite hat kein Frameset.
(Wenig wichtig)
Es ist kein Apple-Touch Icon angegeben.
Die Größe des HTML-Dokuments ist mit 3520.2 kB sehr groß.
Der angegebene Viewport (width=device-width, initial-scale=1) ist korrekt.
Bold- und Strongtags
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Die Nutzung von Strong- und Bold-Tags ist optimal. Wir empfehlen für diese Webseite die Verwendung von bis zu 23 Tags.
Bilder Optimierung
(Wenig wichtig)
Bei 11 Bildern fehlt das Alt-Attribut. Der Inhalt von Alt-Attributen wird von Suchmaschinen auch als Text gewertet und ist wichtig für die Bildersuche.
Soziale Vernetzung
(Nice to have)
Es befinden sich wenige Social-Sharing Möglichkeiten auf der Seite. Mit Plugins zum Teilen kann die Reichweite der Seite in sozialen Netzwerken erhöht werden.
Zusätzliches Markup
(Nice to have)
Es wurde kein zusätzliches Markup gefunden.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Seite verwendet HTTPS um Daten sicher zu übertragen.
Alle eingebundenen Dateien werden ebenfalls über HTTPS ausgeliefert.


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...050f042f96f3a19e725c?q=20&w=3&h=2&f=webpIndonesia to launch SWF with over US$900b in assets
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...df8d15fdc3cc7936d416?q=20&w=3&h=2&f=webpLatest six-month T-bill cut-off yield dips to 2.9%
...bc3911faf596f9bfe4ff?q=20&w=3&h=2&f=webpDecoupling BTO ownership: Pros & Cons
...949fc314c8fb79cd0404?q=20&w=3&h=2&f=webpThaiBev, iFast, First Reit, Thomson Medical
...20dd57704b9abf3f308c?q=20&w=3&h=2&f=webp Gen Zs, millennials could fall behind: DBS 
...3cfa022561221a9161c5?q=20&w=3&h=2&f=webpOne payment system to rule them all
...f771a522dc38035289e9?q=20&w=3&h=2&f=webpParagon Reit: From IPO to privatisation
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...c687d6cbe6e3fc75e458?q=20&w=3&h=2&f=webpDeepSeek’s models, which focus on “inference” or when an AI model produces conclusions, optimise computational efficiency rather than relying solely on raw processing power.
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...9d59ba236ded5371efae?q=20&w=3&h=2&f=webpMarket updates for Friday.
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...48620615b4e193c0ae21?q=20&w=3&h=2&f=webpSiam Motors Group's scion Pranai Phornprapha, CEO of Kaleido Lifestyle, is boldly innovating Thai food and beverages.
...d7fab62db7df73908692?q=20&w=3&h=2&f=webpBryan Lee wants to create a new, East-meets-West wellness hospitality concept in Labrador Park. He wears a brown cashmere wool shirt, dark brown merino wool blazer, brown merino wool trousers, all from Loro Piana.
...b31945b19b9fb5e897d3?q=20&w=3&h=2&f=webpXenia Tan and Shawn Thia prove that opposites really do attract.
...1f6a06417a57227428c4?q=20&w=3&h=2&f=webpAn iceberg in the Northwest Passage.
...ed74b0aed2bc70461156?q=20&w=3&h=2&f=webpA distant view of Tottori Sand Dunes.
...914166063baf2eb1a484?q=20&w=3&h=2&f=webpSound healing is quickly becoming one of the world’s biggest wellness trends – the market was valued at US$1.12b in 2023, and is forecast to more than double by 2032.
...48620615b4e193c0ae21?q=20&w=3&h=2&f=webpSiam Motors Group's scion Pranai Phornprapha, CEO of Kaleido Lifestyle, is boldly innovating Thai food and beverages.
...d7fab62db7df73908692?q=20&w=3&h=2&f=webpBryan Lee wants to create a new, East-meets-West wellness hospitality concept in Labrador Park. He wears a brown cashmere wool shirt, dark brown merino wool blazer, brown merino wool trousers, all from Loro Piana.
...b31945b19b9fb5e897d3?q=20&w=3&h=2&f=webpXenia Tan and Shawn Thia prove that opposites really do attract.
...1f6a06417a57227428c4?q=20&w=3&h=2&f=webpAn iceberg in the Northwest Passage.
...ed74b0aed2bc70461156?q=20&w=3&h=2&f=webpA distant view of Tottori Sand Dunes.
...914166063baf2eb1a484?q=20&w=3&h=2&f=webpSound healing is quickly becoming one of the world’s biggest wellness trends – the market was valued at US$1.12b in 2023, and is forecast to more than double by 2032.
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H1 Überschrift
(Extrem wichtig)
Singles’ inferno: Social mixer scene heats up in Singapore as dating apps get cold shoulder
Die H1-Überschrift ist perfekt.
Einige Überschriftentexte kommen doppelt auf der Seite vor.
Es befinden sich 82 Überschriften auf der Seite. Die Anzahl der Überschriften sollte in einem besseren Verhältnis zum Text stehen.


Überschriften HierarchieInhalt
H1 Singles’ inferno: Social mixer scene heats up in Singapore as dating apps get cold shoulder
H3 Budget 2025 may run generous deficit of up to S$6.6 billion, after FY2024 surplus: economists
H3 Singapore business parks hit by highest vacancy in 14 years: Savills
H3 SGX falls 5.8% as initial MAS review group proposals dampen earlier optimism; Citi downgrades stock to ‘sell’
H3 Several Parkway Parade mall tenants leave or downsize amid rising rents
H3 Daily Debrief: What Happened Today (Feb 14)
H3 ‘I’m still around’: Soon to turn 100, Dr Mahathir continues to shape Malaysia’s politics
H3 Modi and Trump agree to trade talks to lower tensions
H3 Singapore’s 2024 GDP grows by 4.4%, better than advance estimates of 4%
H3 Market Focus Daily: Friday, February 14, 2025
H3 China lifestyle brands are landing in Singapore
H3 Singapore voter rolls updated; inspection open from Feb 15-28
H3 Mahathir at 100
H3 Startup slashes over 1,000 jobs
H3 Indonesia to launch SWF with over US$900b in assets
H3 Osim taken to task over misleading discounts
H3 Latest six-month T-bill cut-off yield dips to 2.9%
H3 Decoupling BTO ownership: Pros & Cons
H3 ThaiBev, iFast, First Reit, Thomson Medical
H3 Gen Zs, millennials could fall behind: DBS
H3 One payment system to rule them all
H3 Paragon Reit: From IPO to privatisation
H3 Nvidia cuts stake in Arm Holdings, discloses position in China’s WeRide
H3 Grand Centrex’s Nasdaq listing fuels ambitions of becoming video game developer
H3 US: Wall St subdued at open as markets await tariff details
H3 KKR raises more than US$850 million for real estate credit fund
H3 US retail sales post largest drop in nearly two years in January
H3 Singapore’s 2024 GDP grows by 4.4%, better than advance estimates of 4% Text-Duplikat
H3 Initial MAS review group incentives could pull in regional biotech, fintech players: observers
H3 Bordeaux wine harvest drops to lowest level since 1991
H3 Nvidia cuts stake in Arm Holdings, discloses position in China’s WeRide Text-Duplikat
H3 Grand Centrex’s Nasdaq listing fuels ambitions of becoming video game developer Text-Duplikat
H3 US: Wall St subdued at open as markets await tariff details Text-Duplikat
H3 Initial MAS review group incentives could pull in regional biotech, fintech players: observers Text-Duplikat
H3 Bordeaux wine harvest drops to lowest level since 1991 Text-Duplikat
H3 SIA Engineering Q3 net profit up 42% at S$38.2 million
H3 No winners in a trade war: US cannot continue to grow if its trading partners shrink
H3 The wind beneath China’s wings: New productive forces
H3 Sorry, T-bills. It’s time to look elsewhere for yields
H3 Malaysia GDP growth meets target, expands 5.1% in 2024
H3 China’s record mergers in 57 trillion yuan small banking sector raise future risks
H3 DeepSeek gives China’s chipmakers leg-up in race for cheaper AI
H3 SME sustainable financing loan book up more than 40% to exceed S$9 billion in 2024: OCBC
H3 Market Focus Daily: Friday, February 14, 2025 Text-Duplikat
H3 Market Focus Daily: Thursday, February 13, 2025
H3 Market Focus Daily: Wednesday, February 12, 2025
H3 Market Focus Daily: Tuesday, February 11, 2025
H3 Lens on Singapore: Budget 2025 - Expert insights and predictions
H3 Breakfast Brief
H3 Daily Debrief
H3 Asean Business
H3 Property Insights
H3 Chinese lifestyle brands make their mark in Singapore
H3 Of global ambitions, product differentiation and ‘honest pricing’: China’s lifestyle brands aim to conquer the world
H3 Red roses reign, but alternatives are blooming
H3 Saved by the bell
H3 Pranai Phornprapha: Finding ‘soul’ in Thai cuisine
H3 Bryan Lee: Putting faith in Eastern wellness principles
H3 Xenia Tan & Shawn Thia: A yin-yang romance
H3 North by Northwest: Journey to the Arctic
H3 Tottori: Crabs, sand and nature’s bounty
H3 Saved by the bell Text-Duplikat
H3 Pranai Phornprapha: Finding ‘soul’ in Thai cuisine Text-Duplikat
H3 Bryan Lee: Putting faith in Eastern wellness principles Text-Duplikat
H3 Xenia Tan & Shawn Thia: A yin-yang romance Text-Duplikat
H3 North by Northwest: Journey to the Arctic Text-Duplikat
H3 Tottori: Crabs, sand and nature’s bounty Text-Duplikat
H3 Saved by the bell Text-Duplikat
H4 Rob Curran
H4 Tan Kong Yam
H4 Jude Chan
Einige der Linktexte der internen Links sind zu lang.
Die internen Links haben teilweise dynamische Parameter. Alle internen URLs, welche nicht als nofollow markiert sind, sollten keine dynamischen Parameter aufweisen.
Einige der Linktexte wiederholen sich.
Die Anzahl an internen Links ist ok.
Es befinden sich 24 externe Links auf der Seite.
IMG-ALT close
/keywords/singapore-budget-202...Budget 2025
/?ref=logoIMG-ALT The Business Times
A-TITLE The Business Times
/newsletter/sign-up?ref=headerNewsletters Fenster Extern Subdomain Epaper Fenster Extern Subdomain Subscribe Fenster Extern Subdomain Subscribe from S$9.90/month
/?ref=logoTextduplikat IMG-ALT The Business Times
A-TITLE The Business Times
/keywords/singapore-budget-2025Singapore Budget 2025 Read our coverage
/?ref=home-menubarTop Stories
/breaking-news?ref=home-menubarTextduplikat Breaking
/opinion-featuresNeues Fenster Opinion & Features
A-TITLE Opinion & Features
/opinion-features/singles-infe...Neues Fenster Singles’ inferno: Social mixer scene heats up in Singapore as dating apps get cold shoulder
A-TITLE Singles’ inferno: Social mixer scene heats up in Singapore as dating apps get cold shoulder
/singaporeNeues Fenster Textduplikat Singapore
A-TITLE Singapore
/singapore/budget-2025-may-run...Neues Fenster Budget 2025 may run generous deficit of up to S$6.6 billion, after FY2024 surplus: economists
A-TITLE Budget 2025 may run generous deficit of up to S$6.6 billion, after FY2024 surplus: economists
/propertyNeues Fenster Textduplikat Property
A-TITLE Property
/property/singapore-business-p...Neues Fenster Singapore business parks hit by highest vacancy in 14 years: Savills
A-TITLE Singapore business parks hit by highest vacancy in 14 years: Savills
/companies-marketsNeues Fenster Companies & Markets
A-TITLE Companies & Markets
/companies-markets/sgx-falls-5...Neues Fenster SGX falls 5.8% as initial MAS review group proposals dampen earlier optimism; Citi downgrades stock to ‘sell’
A-TITLE SGX falls 5.8% as initial MAS review group proposals dampen earlier optimism; Citi downgrades stock to ‘sell’
/singaporeNeues Fenster Textduplikat Singapore
A-TITLE Singapore
/singapore/several-parkway-par...Neues Fenster Several Parkway Parade mall tenants leave or downsize amid rising rents
A-TITLE Several Parkway Parade mall tenants leave or downsize amid rising rents
/singaporeNeues Fenster Textduplikat Singapore
A-TITLE Singapore
/singapore/daily-debrief-what-...Neues Fenster Daily Debrief: What Happened Today (Feb 14)
A-TITLE Daily Debrief: What Happened Today (Feb 14)
/international/asean/im-still-...Neues Fenster IMG-ALT Malaysia's longest-serving prime minister Mahathir Mohamad's legacy is a complex tapestry of accomplishments and controversies.
/international/aseanNeues Fenster ASEAN Business
/international/asean/im-still-...Neues Fenster ‘I’m still around’: Soon to turn 100, Dr Mahathir continues to shape Malaysia’s politics
A-TITLE ‘I’m still around’: Soon to turn 100, Dr Mahathir continues to shape Malaysia’s politics
/international/global/modi-and...Neues Fenster IMG-ALT US President Donald Trump shakes hands with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, D.C., Feb 13, 2025.
/international/globalNeues Fenster Global Enterprise
A-TITLE Global
/international/global/modi-and...Neues Fenster Modi and Trump agree to trade talks to lower tensions
A-TITLE Modi and Trump agree to trade talks to lower tensions
/singaporeNeues Fenster Textduplikat Singapore
A-TITLE Singapore
/singapore/singapores-2024-gdp...Neues Fenster Singapore’s 2024 GDP grows by 4.4%, better than advance estimates of 4%
A-TITLE Singapore’s 2024 GDP grows by 4.4%, better than advance estimates of 4%
/podcastsNeues Fenster Podcasts
A-TITLE Podcasts
/podcasts/market-focus-daily-f...Neues Fenster Market Focus Daily: Friday, February 14, 2025
A-TITLE Market Focus Daily: Friday, February 14, 2025
/lifestyle/style-travel/china-...Neues Fenster Subdomain IMG-ALT China lifestyle brands are landing in Singapore
/lifestyle/style-travel/china-...Neues Fenster Subdomain Textduplikat China lifestyle brands are landing in Singapore
A-TITLE China lifestyle brands are landing in Singapore
/singapore/singapore-voter-rol...Neues Fenster Subdomain IMG-ALT Singapore voter rolls updated; inspection open from Feb 15-28
/singapore/singapore-voter-rol...Neues Fenster Subdomain Textduplikat Singapore voter rolls updated; inspection open from Feb 15-28
A-TITLE Singapore voter rolls updated; inspection open from Feb 15-28
/international/asean/mahathir-...Neues Fenster Subdomain IMG-ALT Mahathir at 100
/international/asean/mahathir-...Neues Fenster Subdomain Textduplikat Mahathir at 100
A-TITLE Mahathir at 100
/startups-tech/startups/fraud-...Neues Fenster Subdomain IMG-ALT Startup slashes over 1,000 jobs
/startups-tech/startups/fraud-...Neues Fenster Subdomain Textduplikat Startup slashes over 1,000 jobs
A-TITLE Startup slashes over 1,000 jobs
/international/asean/indonesia...Neues Fenster Subdomain IMG-ALT Indonesia to launch SWF with over US$900b in assets
/international/asean/indonesia...Neues Fenster Subdomain Textduplikat Indonesia to launch SWF with over US$900b in assets
A-TITLE Indonesia to launch SWF with over US$900b in assets
/companies-markets/osim-overha...Neues Fenster Subdomain IMG-ALT Osim taken to task over misleading discounts
/companies-markets/osim-overha...Neues Fenster Subdomain Textduplikat Osim taken to task over misleading discounts
A-TITLE Osim taken to task over misleading discounts
/companies-markets/latest-sing...Neues Fenster Subdomain IMG-ALT Latest six-month T-bill cut-off yield dips to 2.9%
/companies-markets/latest-sing...Neues Fenster Subdomain Textduplikat Latest six-month T-bill cut-off yield dips to 2.9%
A-TITLE Latest six-month T-bill cut-off yield dips to 2.9%
/opinion-features/couples-buyi...Neues Fenster Subdomain IMG-ALT Decoupling BTO ownership: Pros & Cons
/opinion-features/couples-buyi...Neues Fenster Subdomain Textduplikat Decoupling BTO ownership: Pros & Cons
A-TITLE Decoupling BTO ownership: Pros & Cons
/keywords/financial-resultsNeues Fenster Subdomain IMG-ALT ThaiBev, iFast, First Reit, Thomson Medical
/keywords/financial-resultsNeues Fenster Subdomain Textduplikat ThaiBev, iFast, First Reit, Thomson Medical
A-TITLE ThaiBev, iFast, First Reit, Thomson Medical
/companies-markets/retirees-sh...Neues Fenster Subdomain IMG-ALT Gen Zs, millennials could fall behind: DBS
/companies-markets/retirees-sh...Neues Fenster Subdomain Textduplikat Gen Zs, millennials could fall behind: DBS
A-TITLE Gen Zs, millennials could fall behind: DBS
/singapore/new-entity-be-set-r...Neues Fenster Subdomain IMG-ALT One payment system to rule them all
/singapore/new-entity-be-set-r...Neues Fenster Subdomain Textduplikat One payment system to rule them all
A-TITLE One payment system to rule them all
/companies-markets/reits-prope...Neues Fenster Subdomain IMG-ALT Paragon Reit: From IPO to privatisation
/companies-markets/reits-prope...Neues Fenster Subdomain Textduplikat Paragon Reit: From IPO to privatisation
A-TITLE Paragon Reit: From IPO to privatisation
/breaking-newsNeues Fenster BREAKING NEWS
/companies-markets/telcos-medi...Neues Fenster Telcos, Media & Tech
A-TITLE Telcos, Media & Tech
/companies-markets/telcos-medi...Neues Fenster Nvidia cuts stake in Arm Holdings, discloses position in China’s WeRide
A-TITLE Nvidia cuts stake in Arm Holdings, discloses position in China’s WeRide
/companies-marketsNeues Fenster Textduplikat Companies & Markets
A-TITLE Companies & Markets
/companies-markets/grand-centr...Neues Fenster Grand Centrex’s Nasdaq listing fuels ambitions of becoming video game developer
A-TITLE Grand Centrex’s Nasdaq listing fuels ambitions of becoming video game developer
/companies-markets/capital-mar...Neues Fenster Capital Markets & Currencies
A-TITLE Capital Markets & Currencies
/companies-markets/capital-mar...Neues Fenster US: Wall St subdued at open as markets await tariff details
A-TITLE US: Wall St subdued at open as markets await tariff details
/propertyNeues Fenster Textduplikat Property
A-TITLE Property
/property/kkr-raises-more-us85...Neues Fenster KKR raises more than US$850 million for real estate credit fund
A-TITLE KKR raises more than US$850 million for real estate credit fund
/internationalNeues Fenster Textduplikat International
A-TITLE International
/international/us-retail-sales...Neues Fenster US retail sales post largest drop in nearly two years in January
A-TITLE US retail sales post largest drop in nearly two years in January
/singaporeNeues Fenster Textduplikat Singapore
A-TITLE Singapore
/singapore/singapores-2024-gdp...Neues Fenster Textduplikat Singapore’s 2024 GDP grows by 4.4%, better than advance estimates of 4%
A-TITLE Singapore’s 2024 GDP grows by 4.4%, better than advance estimates of 4%
/companies-marketsNeues Fenster Textduplikat Companies & Markets
A-TITLE Companies & Markets
/companies-markets/initial-mas...Neues Fenster Initial MAS review group incentives could pull in regional biotech, fintech players: observers
A-TITLE Initial MAS review group incentives could pull in regional biotech, fintech players: observers
/companies-marketsNeues Fenster Textduplikat Companies & Markets
A-TITLE Companies & Markets
/companies-markets/bordeaux-wi...Neues Fenster Bordeaux wine harvest drops to lowest level since 1991
A-TITLE Bordeaux wine harvest drops to lowest level since 1991
/companies-marketsNeues Fenster COMPANIES & MARKETS
/companies-markets/telcos-medi...Neues Fenster Textduplikat Telcos, Media & Tech
A-TITLE Telcos, Media & Tech
/companies-markets/telcos-medi...Neues Fenster Textduplikat Nvidia cuts stake in Arm Holdings, discloses position in China’s WeRide
A-TITLE Nvidia cuts stake in Arm Holdings, discloses position in China’s WeRide
/companies-marketsNeues Fenster Textduplikat Companies & Markets
A-TITLE Companies & Markets
/companies-markets/grand-centr...Neues Fenster Textduplikat Grand Centrex’s Nasdaq listing fuels ambitions of becoming video game developer
A-TITLE Grand Centrex’s Nasdaq listing fuels ambitions of becoming video game developer
/companies-markets/capital-mar...Neues Fenster Textduplikat Capital Markets & Currencies
A-TITLE Capital Markets & Currencies
/companies-markets/capital-mar...Neues Fenster Textduplikat US: Wall St subdued at open as markets await tariff details
A-TITLE US: Wall St subdued at open as markets await tariff details
/companies-marketsNeues Fenster Textduplikat Companies & Markets
A-TITLE Companies & Markets
/companies-markets/initial-mas...Neues Fenster Textduplikat Initial MAS review group incentives could pull in regional biotech, fintech players: observers
A-TITLE Initial MAS review group incentives could pull in regional biotech, fintech players: observers
/companies-marketsNeues Fenster Textduplikat Companies & Markets
A-TITLE Companies & Markets
/companies-markets/bordeaux-wi...Neues Fenster Textduplikat Bordeaux wine harvest drops to lowest level since 1991
A-TITLE Bordeaux wine harvest drops to lowest level since 1991
/companies-marketsNeues Fenster Textduplikat Companies & Markets
A-TITLE Companies & Markets
/companies-markets/sia-enginee...Neues Fenster SIA Engineering Q3 net profit up 42% at S$38.2 million
A-TITLE SIA Engineering Q3 net profit up 42% at S$38.2 million
/opinion-featuresNeues Fenster OPINION & FEATURES
/opinion-featuresNeues Fenster Textduplikat Opinion & Features
A-TITLE Opinion & Features
/opinion-features/no-winners-t...Neues Fenster No winners in a trade war: US cannot continue to grow if its trading partners shrink
A-TITLE No winners in a trade war: US cannot continue to grow if its trading partners shrink
/authors/rob-curranNeues Fenster Rob Curran
/opinion-featuresNeues Fenster Textduplikat Opinion & Features
A-TITLE Opinion & Features
/opinion-features/wind-beneath...Neues Fenster The wind beneath China’s wings: New productive forces
A-TITLE The wind beneath China’s wings: New productive forces
/authors/tan-kong-yamNeues Fenster Tan Kong Yam
/opinion-featuresNeues Fenster Textduplikat Opinion & Features
A-TITLE Opinion & Features
/opinion-features/sorry-t-bill...Neues Fenster Sorry, T-bills. It’s time to look elsewhere for yields
A-TITLE Sorry, T-bills. It’s time to look elsewhere for yields
/authors/jude-chanNeues Fenster Jude Chan
/international/aseanNeues Fenster ASEAN BUSINESS
/international/malaysia-gdp-gr...Neues Fenster IMG-ALT Malaysia's economy expanded at a robust pace in 2024, but growth slowed in the fourth quarter amid increasing external uncertainties.
/international/malaysia-gdp-gr...Neues Fenster Malaysia GDP growth meets target, expands 5.1% in 2024
A-TITLE Malaysia GDP growth meets target, expands 5.1% in 2024
/international/globalNeues Fenster GLOBAL ENTERPRISE
/international/global/chinas-r...Neues Fenster IMG-ALT The small banks merger drive is part of reforms launched by Chinese authorities in 2022 to overhaul the rural banking sector and clean up struggling smaller ...
/international/global/chinas-r...Neues Fenster China’s record mergers in 57 trillion yuan small banking sector raise future risks
A-TITLE China’s record mergers in 57 trillion yuan small banking sector raise future risks
/startups-tech/startupsNeues Fenster STARTUPS
/international/deepseek-gives-...Neues Fenster IMG-ALT DeepSeek’s models, which focus on “inference” or when an AI model produces conclusions, optimise computational efficiency rather than relying solely on raw p...
/international/deepseek-gives-...Neues Fenster DeepSeek gives China’s chipmakers leg-up in race for cheaper AI
A-TITLE DeepSeek gives China’s chipmakers leg-up in race for cheaper AI
/singapore/smesNeues Fenster SGSME
/singapore/smes/sme-sustainabl...Neues Fenster IMG-ALT SME sustainable financing loan book up more than 40% to exceed S$9 billion in 2024: OCBC
/singapore/smes/sme-sustainabl...Neues Fenster Textduplikat SME sustainable financing loan book up more than 40% to exceed S$9 billion in 2024: OCBC
A-TITLE SME sustainable financing loan book up more than 40% to exceed S$9 billion in 2024: OCBC
/podcastsNeues Fenster PODCASTS
/podcasts/market-focus-daily-f...Neues Fenster IMG-ALT Market updates for Friday.
/podcasts/market-focus-daily-f...Neues Fenster Textduplikat Market Focus Daily: Friday, February 14, 2025
A-TITLE Market Focus Daily: Friday, February 14, 2025
/podcasts/market-focus-daily-t...Neues Fenster Market Focus Daily: Thursday, February 13, 2025
A-TITLE Market Focus Daily: Thursday, February 13, 2025
/podcasts/market-focus-daily-w...Neues Fenster Market Focus Daily: Wednesday, February 12, 2025
A-TITLE Market Focus Daily: Wednesday, February 12, 2025
/podcasts/market-focus-daily-t...Neues Fenster Market Focus Daily: Tuesday, February 11, 2025
A-TITLE Market Focus Daily: Tuesday, February 11, 2025
/podcasts/lens-singapore-budge...Neues Fenster Lens on Singapore: Budget 2025 - Expert insights and predictions
A-TITLE Lens on Singapore: Budget 2025 - Expert insights and predictions
/videosNeues Fenster VIDEOS
/newsletter/sign-upNeues Fenster OUR NEWSLETTERS
/newsletter/aseanAsean Business
/newsletter/propertyProperty Insights
/lifestyleNeues Fenster LIFESTYLE
/lifestyle/chinese-lifestyle-b...Neues Fenster IMG-ALT Boloni's first experience centre in Singapore.
/lifestyleNeues Fenster Textduplikat Lifestyle
A-TITLE Lifestyle
/lifestyle/chinese-lifestyle-b...Neues Fenster Chinese lifestyle brands make their mark in Singapore
A-TITLE Chinese lifestyle brands make their mark in Singapore
/lifestyle/style-travel/global...Neues Fenster IMG-ALT Boloni's new experience centre showcases settings ranging from high-end residential bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens, and dining spaces to hospitality-led sp...
/lifestyle/style-travelNeues Fenster Style & Travel
A-TITLE Style & Travel
/lifestyle/style-travel/global...Neues Fenster Of global ambitions, product differentiation and ‘honest pricing’: China’s lifestyle brands aim to conquer the world
A-TITLE Of global ambitions, product differentiation and ‘honest pricing’: China’s lifestyle brands aim to conquer the world
/lifestyle/style-travel/red-ro...Neues Fenster IMG-ALT As non-red roses gain popularity, florists are embracing softer hues to cater to the evolving preferences of Valentine's Day shoppers.
/lifestyle/style-travelNeues Fenster Textduplikat Style & Travel
A-TITLE Style & Travel
/lifestyle/style-travel/red-ro...Neues Fenster Red roses reign, but alternatives are blooming
A-TITLE Red roses reign, but alternatives are blooming
/lifestyle/health-wellness/sav...Neues Fenster IMG-ALT Sound healing is quickly becoming one of the world’s biggest wellness trends – the market was valued at US$1.12b in 2023, and is forecast to more than double...
/lifestyle/health-wellnessNeues Fenster Health & Wellness
A-TITLE Health & Wellness
/lifestyle/health-wellness/sav...Neues Fenster Saved by the bell
A-TITLE Saved by the bell
/lifestyle/style-travel/pranai...Neues Fenster IMG-ALT Siam Motors Group's scion Pranai Phornprapha, CEO of Kaleido Lifestyle, is boldly innovating Thai food and beverages.
/lifestyle/style-travelNeues Fenster Textduplikat Style & Travel
A-TITLE Style & Travel
/lifestyle/style-travel/pranai...Neues Fenster Pranai Phornprapha: Finding ‘soul’ in Thai cuisine
A-TITLE Pranai Phornprapha: Finding ‘soul’ in Thai cuisine
/lifestyle/health-wellness/bry...Neues Fenster IMG-ALT Bryan Lee wants to create a new, East-meets-West wellness hospitality concept in Labrador Park. He wears a brown cashmere wool shirt, dark brown merino wool ...
/lifestyle/health-wellnessNeues Fenster Textduplikat Health & Wellness
A-TITLE Health & Wellness
/lifestyle/health-wellness/bry...Neues Fenster Bryan Lee: Putting faith in Eastern wellness principles
A-TITLE Bryan Lee: Putting faith in Eastern wellness principles
/lifestyle/style-travel/xenia-...Neues Fenster IMG-ALT Xenia Tan and Shawn Thia prove that opposites really do attract.
/lifestyle/style-travelNeues Fenster Textduplikat Style & Travel
A-TITLE Style & Travel
/lifestyle/style-travel/xenia-...Neues Fenster Xenia Tan & Shawn Thia: A yin-yang romance
A-TITLE Xenia Tan & Shawn Thia: A yin-yang romance
/lifestyle/bt-luxe/north-north...Neues Fenster IMG-ALT An iceberg in the Northwest Passage.
/lifestyle/bt-luxeNeues Fenster BT Luxe
/lifestyle/bt-luxe/north-north...Neues Fenster North by Northwest: Journey to the Arctic
A-TITLE North by Northwest: Journey to the Arctic
/lifestyle/food-drink/tottori-...Neues Fenster IMG-ALT A distant view of Tottori Sand Dunes.
/lifestyle/food-drinkNeues Fenster Food & Drink
A-TITLE Food & Drink
/lifestyle/food-drink/tottori-...Neues Fenster Tottori: Crabs, sand and nature’s bounty
A-TITLE Tottori: Crabs, sand and nature’s bounty
/lifestyle/health-wellness/sav...Neues Fenster Textduplikat IMG-ALT Sound healing is quickly becoming one of the world’s biggest wellness trends – the market was valued at US$1.12b in 2023, and is forecast to more than double...
/lifestyle/health-wellnessNeues Fenster Textduplikat Health & Wellness
A-TITLE Health & Wellness
/lifestyle/health-wellness/sav...Neues Fenster Textduplikat Saved by the bell
A-TITLE Saved by the bell
/lifestyle/style-travel/pranai...Neues Fenster Textduplikat IMG-ALT Siam Motors Group's scion Pranai Phornprapha, CEO of Kaleido Lifestyle, is boldly innovating Thai food and beverages.
/lifestyle/style-travelNeues Fenster Textduplikat Style & Travel
A-TITLE Style & Travel
/lifestyle/style-travel/pranai...Neues Fenster Textduplikat Pranai Phornprapha: Finding ‘soul’ in Thai cuisine
A-TITLE Pranai Phornprapha: Finding ‘soul’ in Thai cuisine
/lifestyle/health-wellness/bry...Neues Fenster Textduplikat IMG-ALT Bryan Lee wants to create a new, East-meets-West wellness hospitality concept in Labrador Park. He wears a brown cashmere wool shirt, dark brown merino wool ...
/lifestyle/health-wellnessNeues Fenster Textduplikat Health & Wellness
A-TITLE Health & Wellness
/lifestyle/health-wellness/bry...Neues Fenster Textduplikat Bryan Lee: Putting faith in Eastern wellness principles
A-TITLE Bryan Lee: Putting faith in Eastern wellness principles
/lifestyle/style-travel/xenia-...Neues Fenster Textduplikat IMG-ALT Xenia Tan and Shawn Thia prove that opposites really do attract.
/lifestyle/style-travelNeues Fenster Textduplikat Style & Travel
A-TITLE Style & Travel
/lifestyle/style-travel/xenia-...Neues Fenster Textduplikat Xenia Tan & Shawn Thia: A yin-yang romance
A-TITLE Xenia Tan & Shawn Thia: A yin-yang romance
/lifestyle/bt-luxe/north-north...Neues Fenster Textduplikat IMG-ALT An iceberg in the Northwest Passage.
/lifestyle/bt-luxeNeues Fenster Textduplikat BT Luxe
/lifestyle/bt-luxe/north-north...Neues Fenster Textduplikat North by Northwest: Journey to the Arctic
A-TITLE North by Northwest: Journey to the Arctic
/lifestyle/food-drink/tottori-...Neues Fenster Textduplikat IMG-ALT A distant view of Tottori Sand Dunes.
/lifestyle/food-drinkNeues Fenster Textduplikat Food & Drink
A-TITLE Food & Drink
/lifestyle/food-drink/tottori-...Neues Fenster Textduplikat Tottori: Crabs, sand and nature’s bounty
A-TITLE Tottori: Crabs, sand and nature’s bounty
/lifestyle/health-wellness/sav...Neues Fenster Textduplikat IMG-ALT Sound healing is quickly becoming one of the world’s biggest wellness trends – the market was valued at US$1.12b in 2023, and is forecast to more than double...
/lifestyle/health-wellnessNeues Fenster Textduplikat Health & Wellness
A-TITLE Health & Wellness
/lifestyle/health-wellness/sav...Neues Fenster Textduplikat Saved by the bell
A-TITLE Saved by the bell
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/companies-markets/capital-mar...Textduplikat Capital Markets & Currencies
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