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0,25 s
556,30 kB
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416 Intern / 52 Extern

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Meta-Angaben im HTML

(Extrem wichtig)
Business News India: Latest Business News Today, Share Market, Economy
Der Titel sollte kürzer als 580 Pixel sein. Er ist insgesamt 685 Pixel lang. Jetzt optimieren
Im Titel werden Worte wiederholt.
(Extrem wichtig)
Business News Today: Get latest business news from India, breaking business news updates, live share market news today, trending business news, stocks, IPO, finance, economy, crypto stories on Business Today.
Die Meta-Description ist zu lang. (1323 Pixel von maximal 1000 Pixel) Jetzt optimieren
(Extrem wichtig)
Es gibt keine Probleme beim Zugriff auf die Webseite.
Canonical Link
Die Seite hat einen korrekten Canonical Link.
(Wenig wichtig)
Im Text erkannte Sprache: en
Im HTML angegebene Sprache: en
In den Meta Daten angegebene Sprache: en
Serverstandort: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Die Sprache wird im HTML Code wie folgt angegeben: en
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Seite nutzt keine Alternate Links.
Weitere Metatags
(Wenig wichtig)
Es gibt keinen rel next Meta Tag auf der Seite.
Es gibt keinen rel prev Meta Tag auf der Seite.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Domain ist keine Subdomain.
Die Länge der Domain ist gut.
Die Domain enthält keine Umlaute.
Seiten URL
(Wenig wichtig)
In der URL wurden keine Parameter entdeckt.
In der URL wurde keine Session ID entdeckt.
Die URL hat nicht zu viele Unterverzeichnisse.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Angaben zur Zeichensatzkodierung (UTF-8) sind fehlerfrei.
(Nice to have)
Die Doctype Angabe HTML 5 ist korrekt angegeben.
Die Doctype Angabe befindet sich an erster Stelle im HTML-Code.
(Nice to have)
Das Favoriten Icon (Favicon) ist korrekt verlinkt.

Meta Tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=5.0
keywordsbusiness news, latest business news, breaking business news, business news today, business today, business news india, economy news, ipo news, share market news, Sensex updates, bse, nse, stock exchange news, stocks news, industry news, corporate news, banking sector news, crypto news, trending business news, financial news
descriptionBusiness News Today: Get latest business news from India, breaking business news updates, live share market news today, trending business news, stocks, IPO, finance, economy, crypto stories on Business Today.
twitter:titleBusiness News India: Latest Business News Today, Share Market, Economy
twitter:site_nameBusiness Today
twitter:descriptionBusiness News Today: Get latest business news from India, breaking business news updates, live share market news today, trending business news, stocks, IPO, finance, economy, crypto stories on Business Today.
og:site_nameBusiness Today
og:titleBusiness News India: Latest Business News Today, Share Market, Economy
og:descriptionBusiness News Today: Get latest business news from India, breaking business news updates, live share market news today, trending business news, stocks, IPO, finance, economy, crypto stories on Business Today.

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(Extrem wichtig)
Der Inhalt ist mit 3244 Wörtern in Ordnung.
Der Text besteht zu 25.5% aus Füllwörtern.
Worte aus dem Titel werden im Text wiederholt.
Wörter aus der H1 Überschrift werden im Text der Seite verwendet.
Im Text befindet sich eine Aufzählung, dies deutet auf eine gute Textstruktur hin.
Es wurden 18 Fließtextblöcke auf der Seite gefunden.
Der Text auf der Seite ist optimal.
Es wurden keine Platzhalter Texte bzw. Bilder gefunden.
Es befinden sich keine Duplikate auf der Seite.
Die durchschnittliche Satzlänge ist mit 23.4 Wörtern gut.
(Extrem wichtig)
Die Seite hat kein Frameset.
(Wenig wichtig)
Es ist kein Apple-Touch Icon angegeben.
Die Größe des HTML-Dokuments ist mit 556.3 kB sehr groß.
Der angegebene Viewport (width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=5.0) ist korrekt.
Bold- und Strongtags
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Nutzung von Strong- und Bold-Tags ist optimal. Wir empfehlen für diese Webseite die Verwendung von bis zu 65 Tags.
Bilder Optimierung
(Wenig wichtig)
Bei 120 Bildern fehlt das Alt-Attribut. Der Inhalt von Alt-Attributen wird von Suchmaschinen auch als Text gewertet und ist wichtig für die Bildersuche.
Soziale Vernetzung
(Nice to have)
Es befinden sich wenige Social-Sharing Möglichkeiten auf der Seite. Mit Plugins zum Teilen kann die Reichweite der Seite in sozialen Netzwerken erhöht werden.
Zusätzliches Markup
(Nice to have)
Es wurde kein zusätzliches Markup gefunden.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Seite verwendet HTTPS um Daten sicher zu übertragen.
Alle eingebundenen Dateien werden ebenfalls über HTTPS ausgeliefert.


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...there-for-19491233-16x9.jpg?size=446:251The RBI also stated that funds in Lenders’ and Borrowers’ Escrow Accounts must not remain there for more than 'T+1' day, where ‘T’ is the date funds are receiThe RBI also stated that funds in Lenders’ and Borrowers’ Escrow Accounts must not remain there for more than 'T+1' day, where ‘T’ is the date funds are recei
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...esstoday/resource/img/default-144x82.jpgNTPC eyes nuclear expansion; scouts for locationsNTPC eyes nuclear expansion; scouts for locations
...esstoday/resource/img/default-144x82.jpgZen Technologies shares are trading higher than the 5 day, 10 day, 20 day, 50 day, 100 day and 200 day moving averagesZen Technologies shares are trading higher than the 5 day, 10 day, 20 day, 50 day, 100 day and 200 day moving averages
...esstoday/resource/img/default-144x82.jpgKamath advises consumers to separate their investment and insurance needs. Kamath advises consumers to separate their investment and insurance needs.
...esstoday/resource/img/default-144x82.jpgIncorporated in March 2021, TruAlt Bioenergy is recognized as India’s largest ethanol producer by installed capacity, with a daily production capacity of 1,400 kilolitres.Incorporated in March 2021, TruAlt Bioenergy is recognized as India’s largest ethanol producer by installed capacity, with a daily production capacity of 1,400 kilolitres.
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...esstoday/resource/img/default-144x82.jpgMurugappa Group's amicable split hits bump as family factions eye profit pieMurugappa Group's amicable split hits bump as family factions eye profit pie
...esstoday/resource/img/default-144x82.jpgLateral entry in government jobs: Mohandas Pai attacks Sitaram Yechury; has this to sayLateral entry in government jobs: Mohandas Pai attacks Sitaram Yechury; has this to say
...esstoday/resource/img/default-144x82.jpgGAIL's stock was up 2.58 per cent at Rs 238.50 today.GAIL's stock was up 2.58 per cent at Rs 238.50 today.
...esstoday/resource/img/default-144x82.jpgMCX, Axis Securities said, has confirmed a breakout above the medium-term consolidation zone between Rs 4,625 and Rs 3,150 levels on the weekly chart with a strong bullish candle.MCX, Axis Securities said, has confirmed a breakout above the medium-term consolidation zone between Rs 4,625 and Rs 3,150 levels on the weekly chart with a strong bullish candle.
...esstoday/resource/img/default-144x82.jpgMaharashtra assembly elections 2024: Thackeray vs Thackeray fight in Worli. Can Aaditya retain stronghold?Maharashtra assembly elections 2024: Thackeray vs Thackeray fight in Worli. Can Aaditya retain stronghold?
...esstoday/resource/img/default-144x82.jpgSiddaramaiah files writ petition against governor's sanction on MUDA scam investigationSiddaramaiah files writ petition against governor's sanction on MUDA scam investigation
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...sstoday/resource/img/default-440x248.jpgJohn Graham, President & CEO of Canadian pension fund CPP InvestmentsJohn Graham, President & CEO of Canadian pension fund CPP Investments
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...nesstoday/resource/img/default-30x30.jpgAnand AdhikariAnand Adhikari
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...sstoday/resource/img/default-361x203.jpgCeigall India shares were last seen up 0.14 per cent at Rs 393.65.Ceigall India shares were last seen up 0.14 per cent at Rs 393.65.
...esstoday/resource/img/default-175x98.jpgIncorporated in March 2021, TruAlt Bioenergy is recognized as India’s largest ethanol producer by installed capacity, with a daily production capacity of 1,400 kilolitres.Incorporated in March 2021, TruAlt Bioenergy is recognized as India’s largest ethanol producer by installed capacity, with a daily production capacity of 1,400 kilolitres.
...esstoday/resource/img/default-175x98.jpgGAIL's stock was up 2.58 per cent at Rs 238.50 today.GAIL's stock was up 2.58 per cent at Rs 238.50 today.
...esstoday/resource/img/default-175x98.jpgIpca Labs is a multinational pharma company, which produces theobromine, acetylthiophene, and p-bromotoluene as APIs, said the brokerage firm.Ipca Labs is a multinational pharma company, which produces theobromine, acetylthiophene, and p-bromotoluene as APIs, said the brokerage firm.
...esstoday/resource/img/default-175x98.jpgListed in November 2022, shares of DCX Systems have surged over 130 per cent from its all time low around Rs 145 in March 2023.Listed in November 2022, shares of DCX Systems have surged over 130 per cent from its all time low around Rs 145 in March 2023.
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...esstoday/resource/img/default-175x98.jpgRakshabandhan Gifting Guide For Gadgets in 2024 | Tech TodayRakshabandhan Gifting Guide For Gadgets in 2024 | Tech Today
...esstoday/resource/img/default-175x98.jpgNASA astronaut Sunita Williams and Butch Wilmore NASA astronaut Sunita Williams and Butch Wilmore
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...sstoday/resource/img/default-200x113.jpgKamath advises consumers to separate their investment and insurance needs. Kamath advises consumers to separate their investment and insurance needs.
...esstoday/resource/img/default-130x73.jpgThe RBI also stated that funds in Lenders’ and Borrowers’ Escrow Accounts must not remain there for more than 'T+1' day, where ‘T’ is the date funds are receiThe RBI also stated that funds in Lenders’ and Borrowers’ Escrow Accounts must not remain there for more than 'T+1' day, where ‘T’ is the date funds are recei
...esstoday/resource/img/default-130x73.jpgAn additional benefit of the SCSS is its nomination facility. Account holders can nominate a beneficiary who will receive the benefits in the event of their demise, ensuring that the invested funds are passed on without complications.An additional benefit of the SCSS is its nomination facility. Account holders can nominate a beneficiary who will receive the benefits in the event of their demise, ensuring that the invested funds are passed on without complications.
...esstoday/resource/img/default-130x73.jpgThe department has been tasked with increasing the number of tax return filers by 10% in the current fiscal year, a move aimed at bringing more individuals into the tax net.The department has been tasked with increasing the number of tax return filers by 10% in the current fiscal year, a move aimed at bringing more individuals into the tax net.
...esstoday/resource/img/default-130x73.jpgWith speculation over new issuances in the future, these listed bonds have seen increased demand. With speculation over new issuances in the future, these listed bonds have seen increased demand.
...nesstoday/resource/img/default-30x30.jpgBank of India Flexi Cap Fund Direct GrowthBank of India Flexi Cap Fund Direct Growth
...nesstoday/resource/img/default-30x30.jpgJM Flexicap Fund (Direct) Growth OptionJM Flexicap Fund (Direct) Growth Option
...nesstoday/resource/img/default-30x30.jpgMotilal Oswal Flexicap Fund Direct Plan GrowthMotilal Oswal Flexicap Fund Direct Plan Growth
...nesstoday/resource/img/default-30x30.jpgQuant Flexi Cap Fund Growth Option Direct PlanQuant Flexi Cap Fund Growth Option Direct Plan
...nesstoday/resource/img/default-30x30.jpg360 ONE Flexicap Fund Direct Growth360 ONE Flexicap Fund Direct Growth
...nesstoday/resource/img/default-30x30.jpgInvesco India Flexi Cap Fund Direct GrowthInvesco India Flexi Cap Fund Direct Growth
...nesstoday/resource/img/default-30x30.jpgBank of India Flexi Cap Fund Direct GrowthBank of India Flexi Cap Fund Direct Growth
...nesstoday/resource/img/default-30x30.jpgJM Flexicap Fund (Direct) Growth OptionJM Flexicap Fund (Direct) Growth Option
...nesstoday/resource/img/default-30x30.jpgMotilal Oswal Flexicap Fund Direct Plan GrowthMotilal Oswal Flexicap Fund Direct Plan Growth
...nesstoday/resource/img/default-30x30.jpgQuant Flexi Cap Fund Growth Option Direct PlanQuant Flexi Cap Fund Growth Option Direct Plan
...nesstoday/resource/img/default-30x30.jpg360 ONE Flexicap Fund Direct Growth360 ONE Flexicap Fund Direct Growth
...nesstoday/resource/img/default-30x30.jpgInvesco India Flexi Cap Fund Direct GrowthInvesco India Flexi Cap Fund Direct Growth
...sstoday/resource/img/default-290x163.jpgStree 2 strikes gold at worldwide box office; details hereStree 2 strikes gold at worldwide box office; details here
...sstoday/resource/img/default-290x163.jpgIn the extended weekend, Stree 2 has already trounced its competition.In the extended weekend, Stree 2 has already trounced its competition.
...sstoday/resource/img/default-290x163.jpgStree 2 box office collection day 3: Rajkummar Rao-Shraddha Kapoor's horror comedy is on a rollStree 2 box office collection day 3: Rajkummar Rao-Shraddha Kapoor's horror comedy is on a roll
...sstoday/resource/img/default-290x163.jpgStree 2 is part of Dinesh Vijan’s horror-comedy universe, which began with Stree in 2018 and has since expanded to include films like Roohi, Bhediya, and MunjyaStree 2 is part of Dinesh Vijan’s horror-comedy universe, which began with Stree in 2018 and has since expanded to include films like Roohi, Bhediya, and Munjya. 
...sstoday/resource/img/default-290x163.jpgViewers across India and in over 240 countries will be able to immerse themselves in the world of Kalki 2898 ADViewers across India and in over 240 countries will be able to immerse themselves in the world of Kalki 2898 AD
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...sstoday/resource/img/default-278x156.jpgFormula One F1 - Belgian Grand Prix - Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps, Stavelot, Belgium - July 28, 2024 Mercedes' George Russell celebrates with the trophy on the podium along with Mercedes' Lewis Hamilton REUTERS/Johanna GeronFormula One F1 - Belgian Grand Prix - Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps, Stavelot, Belgium - July 28, 2024 Mercedes' George Russell celebrates with the trophy on the podium along with Mercedes' Lewis Hamilton REUTERS/Johanna Geron
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...sstoday/resource/img/default-267x150.jpgKarnataka CM Siddaramaiah Faces Prosecution Sanction in MUDA Scam Amidst ProtestsKarnataka CM Siddaramaiah Faces Prosecution Sanction in MUDA Scam Amidst Protests
...sstoday/resource/img/default-267x150.jpgRakshabandhan Gifting Guide For Gadgets in 2024 | Tech TodayRakshabandhan Gifting Guide For Gadgets in 2024 | Tech Today
...sstoday/resource/img/default-267x150.jpgGita Gopinath, IMF First Deputy Managing Director On India's Economy, Viksit Bharat And ChallengesGita Gopinath, IMF First Deputy Managing Director On India's Economy, Viksit Bharat And Challenges
...sstoday/resource/img/default-267x150.jpgWhy NBFCs, Industries, & Rural-Focused Sectors Will Shine In FY25? Trideep Bhattacharya ExplainsWhy NBFCs, Industries, & Rural-Focused Sectors Will Shine In FY25? Trideep Bhattacharya Explains
...sstoday/resource/img/default-267x150.jpgClassic Legends Launches BSA Gold Star | Anand Mahindra Reveals The Game-Changing Entry Into BSAClassic Legends Launches BSA Gold Star | Anand Mahindra Reveals The Game-Changing Entry Into BSA
...sstoday/resource/img/default-267x150.jpgIMF's Blueprint: Gita Gopinath On Structural Reforms For India's Growth AmbitionsIMF's Blueprint: Gita Gopinath On Structural Reforms For India's Growth Ambitions
...sstoday/resource/img/default-267x150.jpgIMF Raises India’s Growth Projection To 7% On Strong Consumption Recovery, Says Gita GopinathIMF Raises India’s Growth Projection To 7% On Strong Consumption Recovery, Says Gita Gopinath
...sstoday/resource/img/default-267x150.jpgCandid Chat With 'Multibagger King' Vijay Kedia On How To Make Money In Stock MarketsCandid Chat With 'Multibagger King' Vijay Kedia On How To Make Money In Stock Markets
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...sstoday/resource/img/default-200x113.jpgNTPC eyes nuclear expansion; scouts for locationsNTPC eyes nuclear expansion; scouts for locations
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...esstoday/resource/img/default-130x73.jpgThe Union Cabinet approved three metro rail projects in Karnataka and Maharashtra, in Banglalore and Pune.The Union Cabinet approved three metro rail projects in Karnataka and Maharashtra, in Banglalore and Pune.
...esstoday/resource/img/default-130x73.jpgToday’ 52% of GCCs surveyed prioritise access to a deep talent pool as a key decision to choose India as a destinationToday’ 52% of GCCs surveyed prioritise access to a deep talent pool as a key decision to choose India as a destination
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...sstoday/resource/img/default-200x113.jpgMurugappa Group's amicable split hits bump as family factions eye profit pieMurugappa Group's amicable split hits bump as family factions eye profit pie
...esstoday/resource/img/default-130x73.jpgMurthy underscored the sacrifices made by the previous generation, including his own parents, siblings, and teachers, which paved the way for current opportunities. Murthy underscored the sacrifices made by the previous generation, including his own parents, siblings, and teachers, which paved the way for current opportunities.
...esstoday/resource/img/default-130x73.jpgActor MohanlalActor Mohanlal
...esstoday/resource/img/default-130x73.jpgFPIs turn net seller in the month of AugustFPIs turn net seller in the month of August
...esstoday/resource/img/default-130x73.jpgDespite her harsh critique, Kangana did acknowledge that she has met a few writers and directors in the industry who do not fit this mold.Despite her harsh critique, Kangana did acknowledge that she has met a few writers and directors in the industry who do not fit this mold.
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H2 Post-race inspections revealed that Russell's car was 1.5 kilograms under the minimum weight limit and was disqualified
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H2 Ferrari's Charles Leclerc is promoted to third
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H3 India’s F&O frenzy: Who will burst the high-stakes bubble?
H3 NTPC plans to go big on nuclear expansion, scouts for locations in states
H3 Multibagger defence stock gains on patent grant for mine detection system, check details
H3 'If someone ever pitches you ULIP...': Zerodha co-founder Nithin Kamath flags surge in its sales
H3 Bengaluru-based TruAlt Bioenergy files draft papers with Sebi to launch IPO
H3 Murugappa Group’s talks for amicable split hit roadblock; family factions eye profit pie: Report
H3 'Big joke from a party that infiltrated...': Ex-Infosys CFO claps back after Sitaram Yechury calls lateral entry an 'RSS agenda'
H3 GAIL, Vedanta, IEX, Aadhar Housing & Suzlon Energy: What Rudra Murthy of Vachana Investments says on these 5 stocks
H3 4 stocks that can deliver 7-16% returns in next 21-28 days
H3 Worli Assembly Election 2024: MNS entry could challenge Aaditya Thackeray in Sena stronghold
H3 MUDA scam: Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah files writ petition to quash governor’s investigation sanction
H3 'For long-term investors, India presents a great opportunity': CPP Investments CEO John Graham on betting big on India’s growth
H3 Reining in the F&O beast: How can policymakers can make it safer?
H3 India’s F&O frenzy: Who will burst the high-stakes bubble? Text-Duplikat
H3 Hindenburg Research trains its guns on Sebi's Madhabi Puri Buch
H3 Ola Electric, Ceigall India & PNB Housing: Here's what Arun Kejriwal says on these 3 stocks
H3 Bengaluru-based TruAlt Bioenergy files draft papers with Sebi to launch IPO Text-Duplikat
H3 GAIL, Vedanta, IEX, Aadhar Housing & Suzlon Energy: What Rudra Murthy of Vachana Investments says on these 5 stocks Text-Duplikat
H3 ICICI Bank, Ipca Labs, LTTS & Bajaj Consumer: SMC Global shares target prices for these 4 stocks
H3 DCX Systems shares hit upper circuit after order win; analysts see up to 55% upside potential
H3 Vivo V40 with Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 SoC goes on first sale in India: Price, sale offers, specs
H3 Quick commerce giants Blinkit, Swiggy Instamart, Zepto see record sales during Raksha Bandhan
H3 Rakshabandhan Gifting Guide For Gadgets in 2024 | Tech Today
H3 NASA astronaut Sunita Williams stuck in space: ISRO chief S. Somanath says lessons will be taken for upcoming Gaganyaan mission
H3 Disney+ Hotstar content may merge into JioCinema after RIL-Disney deal: Report
H3 'If someone ever pitches you ULIP...': Zerodha co-founder Nithin Kamath flags surge in its sales Text-Duplikat
H3 RBI curb on P2P platforms offering early withdrawal products: What it means and who gets impacted? Text-Duplikat
H3 Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS): Why it works for your retirement; returns, taxes, and how to apply
H3 Hospital bills, weddings, medical college fees & high-end shopping on income tax dept's watchlist
H3 Sovereign Gold Bonds are hotter than ever. What's moving them, buying options, risks, all the details
H3 'Stree 2' worldwide box office collection: Shraddha Kapoor-led film eyes Rs 300 crore after blockbuster weekend 1
H3 'Stree 2' box office collection day 4: Shraddha Kapoor-Rajkummar Rao film inches closer to Rs 200 crore in India
H3 Stree 2 box office collection Day 3: Rajkummar Rao-Shraddha Kapoor film makes Rs 135 cr
H3 Stree 2 box office collection Day 2: Rajkummar Rao-Shraddha Kapoor starrer crosses Rs 100-crore mark
H3 Kalki 2898 AD OTT release: Here’s when and where to watch Prabhas and Deepika Padukone’s blockbuster
H3 George Russell disqualified after weight violation, Lewis Hamilton inherits Formula 1 Belgian Grand Prix win
H3 Earth once had 26 hours in a day, then an explosion changed everything
H3 Looking to get rich fast? This asteroid contains rare elements valued at $100,000 quadrillion, enough to potentially buy entire solar system
H3 'Billion Dollar Plan': How NASA will crash the International Space Station into the Pacific Ocean's infamous graveyard
H3 'How life could end': NASA's Hubble Telescope discovers a terrifying secret about Milky Way's dark fate
H3 NASA's Sunita Williams could 'vaporise to death' if she returns on faulty Boeing Starliner, says former Space System Commander
H3 15 books to read if you want to understand money, stocks and investing
H3 10 self-help books you should be reading to rejig your life
H3 Is Shah Rukh’s OMAD diet right for those over 50? 8 things to know
H3 7 reasons why Logitech G309 LIGHTSPEED Wireless Mouse is your next gaming essential
H3 Glow-up gift guide: Suroskie skincare products your sister will love this Rakhi
H3 Should You Invest In Ola Electric? Chakri Lokapriya Isn't Happy With Its High Valuation
H3 Why Invest In IT Stocks? RedStrawBerry LLP's Chakri Lokapriya Outlines Two Key Reasons
H3 WATCH | Stunning Raksha Bandhan Sand Art At Puri Beach, Odisha
H3 Jammu And Kashmir Voted For Ballot Over Bullet In Lok Sabha Elections: CEC Rajiv Kumar
H3 Gautam Adani, Wife Priti Adani Seek Blessings Of Saibaba At Shirdi Temple
H3 Atal Bihari Vajpayee Punya Tithi | PM Modi Pays Floral Tribute To Former PM Vajpayee
H3 PM Modi: Reforms Focus Not For Editorials, But To Make Country Strong
H3 Will You Buy The New Thar For Rs.12.99 Lakh?
H3 Ola Electric Reports First Quarter Earnings Post Listing, Loss Widens Despite Higher Revenue
H3 Setback For Mining Operators: How Is It Linked To SC Ruling?
H3 "I Was Mentally Prepared For Jail Due To My Activism In Politics", Says Manish Sisodia
H3 NTPC plans to go big on nuclear expansion, scouts for locations in states Text-Duplikat
H3 Raksha Bandhan 2024: Are banks closed or open on Monday, August 19?
H3 Karnataka govt halts directive to suspend dealings with SBI, PNB for 15 days
H3 Cabinet meeting: 3 metro projects, 2 new airports facilities approved in Bihar, Bengal
H3 India a lucrative location for GCC establishment: Report
H3 Investment Tips: निवेश का सही मंत्र इस रिटायरमेंट प्लानिंग से बन जायेंगे करोड़पति!
H3 Narayana Murthy ने कहा कि इमरजेंसी काल के बाद नहीं दिया जनसंख्या पर ध्यान
H3 पूर्व सेना प्रमुख जनरल सुंदरराजन पद्मनाभन का चेन्नई में हुआ निधन
H3 पूर्व पीएम Atal Bihari Vajpayee की 6वीं पुण्यतिथि, राष्ट्रपति Droupadi Murmu, PM Modi ने दी श्रद्धांजलि
H3 Covid के बाद अब Mpox (Monkeypox) का क़हर !! WHO ने किया ये......
H3 ओला इलेक्ट्रिक स्टॉक में 16% की तेजी, कंपनी ने इलेक्ट्रिक मोटरसाइकिल सेगमेंट में प्रवेश किया
H3 प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी जाएंगे यूक्रेन, विदेश मंत्रालय ने की पुष्टि, रूसी आक्रमण के बाद यह उनकी पहली यात्रा होगी...!!!
H3 Apple के iPhone रेंज में बड़ा बदलाव: 2025 में आएगा नया iPhone "Air" मॉडल?
H3 Hindustan Zinc के शेयरों में 8% की गिरावट - जानिए क्यों?
H3 Stock Market: शुरुआती कारोबार में सेंसेक्स, निफ्टी में उछाल, आईटी और ऑटो स्टॉक्स में तेजी
H3 Murugappa Group’s talks for amicable split hit roadblock; family factions eye profit pie: Report Text-Duplikat
H3 'Indians have not paid enough attention to...': Narayana Murthy flags one of the biggest risks to country's future
H3 Actor Mohanlal hospitalised in Kochi after breathing issues and fever, advised rest
H3 FPIs turn net sellers; sell shares worth Rs 21,201 crore in Aug
H3 'They’re all about protein shakes and bags': Kangana Ranaut calls Bollywood stars 'stupid, shallow'
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/india-at-100-economy-summit/2024Subdomain Textduplikat IMG-ALT Adani BT 100
A-TITLE Adani BT 100
/banking-economy-summitSubdomain Textduplikat A-TITLE Banking Summit
/bt-golf/2023Subdomain Textduplikat IMG-ALT BT Golf
/pwc-de-risking-the-futureSubdomain Textduplikat A-TITLE PwC
/top-finance-gcc-in-indiaSubdomain Textduplikat BT-TR GCC Listing
/india-at-100-economy-summit/2024Kein Text
/bt-schoolsKein Text
/thoughtworksKein Text
/wef-2024Kein Text
/coindcx-crypto-exchangeKein Text
https://btmostpowerfulwomen.co...Extern Kein Text
/mindrush-2024/best-ceosKein Text
/bt500Kein Text
/accenture-leadership-dialoguesKein Text
/bt-golf/2023Kein Text
/pwc-de-risking-the-futureKein Text
/renewable-energy-summitKein Text
/banking-economy-summitKein Text
/electric-vs-non-electric-vehi...Subdomain Anchor Kein Text
/tech-today-congress-summit-2023Textduplikat IMG-ALT BT tech today
/bt500/wealth-creators-summit-...Textduplikat IMG-ALT BT 500 wealth creators summit
/personal-finance/news/story/r...Subdomain RBI curb on P2P platforms offering early withdrawal products: What it means and who gets impacted?
A-TITLE RBI curb on P2P platforms offering early withdrawal products: What it means and who gets impacted?
/personal-finance/news/story/r...Subdomain IMG-ALT The RBI also stated that funds in Lenders’ and Borrowers’ Escrow Accounts must not remain there for more than 'T+1' day, where ‘T’ is the date funds are recei
A-TITLE RBI curb on P2P platforms offering early withdrawal products: What it means and who gets impacted?
/magazine/cover-story/story/in...Neues Fenster Subdomain A-TITLE India’s F&O frenzy: Who will burst the high-stakes bubble?
/interactiveNeues Fenster Subdomain Immersive
A-TITLE Immersive
/magazine/cover-story/story/in...Neues Fenster Subdomain Textduplikat India’s F&O frenzy: Who will burst the high-stakes bubble?
A-TITLE India’s F&O frenzy: Who will burst the high-stakes bubble?
/industry/energy/story/ntpc-pl...Subdomain IMG-ALT NTPC eyes nuclear expansion; scouts for locations
A-TITLE NTPC plans to go big on nuclear expansion, scouts for locations in states
/industry/energySubdomain Textduplikat Energy
A-TITLE Energy
/industry/energy/story/ntpc-pl...Subdomain NTPC plans to go big on nuclear expansion, scouts for locations in states
A-TITLE NTPC plans to go big on nuclear expansion, scouts for locations in states
/markets/company-stock/story/z...Subdomain IMG-ALT Zen Technologies shares are trading higher than the 5 day, 10 day, 20 day, 50 day, 100 day and 200 day moving averages
A-TITLE Multibagger defence stock gains on patent grant for mine detection system, check details
/markets/company-stockSubdomain Company Stock
A-TITLE Company Stock
/markets/company-stock/story/z...Subdomain Multibagger defence stock gains on patent grant for mine detection system, check details
A-TITLE Multibagger defence stock gains on patent grant for mine detection system, check details
/personal-finance/investment/s...Subdomain IMG-ALT Kamath advises consumers to separate their investment and insurance needs.
A-TITLE 'If someone ever pitches you ULIP...': Zerodha co-founder Nithin Kamath flags surge in its sales
/personal-finance/investmentSubdomain Textduplikat Investment
A-TITLE Investment
/personal-finance/investment/s...Subdomain 'If someone ever pitches you ULIP...': Zerodha co-founder Nithin Kamath flags surge in its sales
A-TITLE 'If someone ever pitches you ULIP...': Zerodha co-founder Nithin Kamath flags surge in its sales
/markets/company-stock/story/b...Subdomain IMG-ALT Incorporated in March 2021, TruAlt Bioenergy is recognized as India’s largest ethanol producer by installed capacity, with a daily production capacity of 1,4...
A-TITLE Bengaluru-based TruAlt Bioenergy files draft papers with Sebi to launch IPO
/markets/company-stockSubdomain Textduplikat Company Stock
A-TITLE Company Stock
/markets/company-stock/story/b...Subdomain Bengaluru-based TruAlt Bioenergy files draft papers with Sebi to launch IPO
A-TITLE Bengaluru-based TruAlt Bioenergy files draft papers with Sebi to launch IPO
IMG-ALT bt tv
/latest/corporate/story/muruga...Subdomain IMG-ALT Murugappa Group's amicable split hits bump as family factions eye profit pie
A-TITLE Murugappa Group’s talks for amicable split hit roadblock; family factions eye profit pie: Report
/latest/corporateSubdomain Corporate
A-TITLE Corporate
/latest/corporate/story/muruga...Subdomain Murugappa Group’s talks for amicable split hit roadblock; family factions eye profit pie: Report
A-TITLE Murugappa Group’s talks for amicable split hit roadblock; family factions eye profit pie: Report
/india/story/big-joke-from-a-p...Subdomain IMG-ALT Lateral entry in government jobs: Mohandas Pai attacks Sitaram Yechury; has this to say
A-TITLE 'Big joke from a party that infiltrated...': Ex-Infosys CFO claps back after Sitaram Yechury calls lateral entry an 'RSS agenda'
/indiaSubdomain Textduplikat India
/india/story/big-joke-from-a-p...Subdomain 'Big joke from a party that infiltrated...': Ex-Infosys CFO claps back after Sitaram Yechury calls lateral entry an 'RSS agenda'
A-TITLE 'Big joke from a party that infiltrated...': Ex-Infosys CFO claps back after Sitaram Yechury calls lateral entry an 'RSS agenda'
/markets/company-stock/story/g...Subdomain IMG-ALT GAIL's stock was up 2.58 per cent at Rs 238.50 today.
A-TITLE GAIL, Vedanta, IEX, Aadhar Housing & Suzlon Energy: What Rudra Murthy of Vachana Investments says on these 5 stocks
/markets/company-stockSubdomain Textduplikat Company Stock
A-TITLE Company Stock
/markets/company-stock/story/g...Subdomain GAIL, Vedanta, IEX, Aadhar Housing & Suzlon Energy: What Rudra Murthy of Vachana Investments says on these 5 stocks
A-TITLE GAIL, Vedanta, IEX, Aadhar Housing & Suzlon Energy: What Rudra Murthy of Vachana Investments says on these 5 stocks
/markets/stocks/story/4-stocks...Subdomain IMG-ALT MCX, Axis Securities said, has confirmed a breakout above the medium-term consolidation zone between Rs 4,625 and Rs 3,150 levels on the weekly chart with a ...
A-TITLE 4 stocks that can deliver 7-16% returns in next 21-28 days
/markets/stocksSubdomain Stocks
A-TITLE Stocks
/markets/stocks/story/4-stocks...Subdomain 4 stocks that can deliver 7-16% returns in next 21-28 days
A-TITLE 4 stocks that can deliver 7-16% returns in next 21-28 days
/elections/story/maharashtra-a...Subdomain IMG-ALT Maharashtra assembly elections 2024: Thackeray vs Thackeray fight in Worli. Can Aaditya retain stronghold?
A-TITLE Worli Assembly Election 2024: MNS entry could challenge Aaditya Thackeray in Sena stronghold
/electionsSubdomain Election 2024
A-TITLE Election 2024
/elections/story/maharashtra-a...Subdomain Worli Assembly Election 2024: MNS entry could challenge Aaditya Thackeray in Sena stronghold
A-TITLE Worli Assembly Election 2024: MNS entry could challenge Aaditya Thackeray in Sena stronghold
/india/story/muda-scam-karnata...Subdomain IMG-ALT Siddaramaiah files writ petition against governor's sanction on MUDA scam investigation
A-TITLE MUDA scam: Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah files writ petition to quash governor’s investigation sanction
/indiaSubdomain Textduplikat India
/india/story/muda-scam-karnata...Subdomain MUDA scam: Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah files writ petition to quash governor’s investigation sanction
A-TITLE MUDA scam: Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah files writ petition to quash governor’s investigation sanction
https://www.businesstoday.in/newsview more
/magazineSubdomain A-TITLE From The Magazine
/interactive/Subdomain Textduplikat Immersive
/magazine/deep-diveSubdomain Textduplikat Deep Dive
/opinion/vantage-pointSubdomain Vantage Point
/magazine/interviewSubdomain Textduplikat Interview
/magazine/interviewSubdomain Textduplikat Interview
A-TITLE Interview
/author/anand-adhikariNeues Fenster Subdomain Anand Adhikari
A-TITLE Anand Adhikari
/magazine/interview/story/for-...Subdomain 'For long-term investors, India presents a great opportunity': CPP Investments CEO John Graham on betting big on India’s growth
A-TITLE 'For long-term investors, India presents a great opportunity': CPP Investments CEO John Graham on betting big on India’s growth
/magazine/interview/story/for-...Subdomain IMG-ALT John Graham, President & CEO of Canadian pension fund CPP Investments
A-TITLE 'For long-term investors, India presents a great opportunity': CPP Investments CEO John Graham on betting big on India’s growth
/magazine/editors-note/story/r...Subdomain Reining in the F&O beast: How can policymakers can make it safer?
A-TITLE Reining in the F&O beast: How can policymakers can make it safer?
/author/sourav-majumdarNeues Fenster Subdomain by Sourav Majumdar
IMG-ALT Sourav Majumdar
A-TITLE Sourav Majumdar
/magazine/cover-story/story/in...Subdomain Textduplikat India’s F&O frenzy: Who will burst the high-stakes bubble?
A-TITLE India’s F&O frenzy: Who will burst the high-stakes bubble?
/author/anand-adhikariNeues Fenster Subdomain by Anand Adhikari
IMG-ALT Anand Adhikari
A-TITLE Anand Adhikari
/magazine/the-buzz/story/hinde...Subdomain Hindenburg Research trains its guns on Sebi's Madhabi Puri Buch
A-TITLE Hindenburg Research trains its guns on Sebi's Madhabi Puri Buch
/author/anand-adhikariNeues Fenster Subdomain Textduplikat by Anand Adhikari
IMG-ALT Anand Adhikari
A-TITLE Anand Adhikari
/magazineSubdomain Textduplikat view more
A-TITLE From The Magazine
/magazine/issue/2024-09-01Subdomain A-TITLE 2024-09-01
/magazine/issue/2024-09-01Subdomain Can the F&O Beast be Tamed? Fueled by soaring stock indices that are consistently reaching new highs, a surge of retail investors is flocking to the Futures ...
A-TITLE 2024-09-01
https://subscriptions.intoday....Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain SUBSCRIBE NOW
/magazine/issue/2024-08-18Subdomain A-TITLE 2024-08-18
/magazine/issue/2024-08-18Subdomain The Cement Stakes The Narendra Modi-led NDA government has a sharp focus on infrastructure creation, and cement is a sector that is now being keenly watched....
A-TITLE 2024-08-18
https://subscriptions.intoday....Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Textduplikat SUBSCRIBE NOW
/magazine/issue/2024-08-04Subdomain A-TITLE 2024-08-04
/magazine/issue/2024-08-04Subdomain Face-Off The latest high-stakes boardroom drama centers on the clash between the Burman family of Dabur and the board of the ₹6,300-crore financial services ...
A-TITLE 2024-08-04
https://subscriptions.intoday....Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Textduplikat SUBSCRIBE NOW
/magazine/issue/2024-07-21Subdomain A-TITLE 2024-07-21
/magazine/issue/2024-07-21Subdomain Patanjali's New Formula Patanjali's growth has faced hurdles, including setbacks in the edible oils business due to price fluctuations and supply issues, kee...
A-TITLE 2024-07-21
https://subscriptions.intoday....Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Textduplikat SUBSCRIBE NOW
/magazine/issue/2024-07-07Subdomain A-TITLE 2024-07-07
/magazine/issue/2024-07-07Subdomain Consumption Conundrum The FMCG sector, often seen as a barometer of the consumption economy, is grappling with stress in the mass-consumption and rural segme...
A-TITLE 2024-07-07
https://subscriptions.intoday....Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Textduplikat SUBSCRIBE NOW
/marketsSubdomain A-TITLE MARKET TODAY
/marketsSubdomain Just In
/markets/trending-stocksSubdomain Textduplikat Trending Stocks
/markets/ipo-cornerSubdomain Textduplikat IPO Corner
/cryptoSubdomain Crypto Corner
/commoditiesSubdomain Textduplikat Commodities
/markets/global-marketsSubdomain Global Markets
/markets/company-stockSubdomain Textduplikat Company Stock
A-TITLE Company Stock
/markets/company-stock/story/o...Subdomain IMG-ALT Ceigall India shares were last seen up 0.14 per cent at Rs 393.65.
A-TITLE Ola Electric, Ceigall India & PNB Housing: Here's what Arun Kejriwal says on these 3 stocks
/markets/company-stock/story/o...Subdomain Ola Electric, Ceigall India & PNB Housing: Here's what Arun Kejriwal says on these 3 stocks
A-TITLE Ola Electric, Ceigall India & PNB Housing: Here's what Arun Kejriwal says on these 3 stocks
/markets/company-stock/story/b...Subdomain Textduplikat IMG-ALT Incorporated in March 2021, TruAlt Bioenergy is recognized as India’s largest ethanol producer by installed capacity, with a daily production capacity of 1,4...
A-TITLE Bengaluru-based TruAlt Bioenergy files draft papers with Sebi to launch IPO
/markets/company-stock/story/b...Subdomain Textduplikat Bengaluru-based TruAlt Bioenergy files draft papers with Sebi to launch IPO
A-TITLE Bengaluru-based TruAlt Bioenergy files draft papers with Sebi to launch IPO
/markets/company-stock/story/g...Subdomain Textduplikat IMG-ALT GAIL's stock was up 2.58 per cent at Rs 238.50 today.
A-TITLE GAIL, Vedanta, IEX, Aadhar Housing & Suzlon Energy: What Rudra Murthy of Vachana Investments says on these 5 stocks
/markets/company-stock/story/g...Subdomain Textduplikat GAIL, Vedanta, IEX, Aadhar Housing & Suzlon Energy: What Rudra Murthy of Vachana Investments says on these 5 stocks
A-TITLE GAIL, Vedanta, IEX, Aadhar Housing & Suzlon Energy: What Rudra Murthy of Vachana Investments says on these 5 stocks
/markets/company-stock/story/i...Subdomain IMG-ALT Ipca Labs is a multinational pharma company, which produces theobromine, acetylthiophene, and p-bromotoluene as APIs, said the brokerage firm.
A-TITLE ICICI Bank, Ipca Labs, LTTS & Bajaj Consumer: SMC Global shares target prices for these 4 stocks
/markets/company-stock/story/i...Subdomain ICICI Bank, Ipca Labs, LTTS & Bajaj Consumer: SMC Global shares target prices for these 4 stocks
A-TITLE ICICI Bank, Ipca Labs, LTTS & Bajaj Consumer: SMC Global shares target prices for these 4 stocks
/markets/company-stock/story/d...Subdomain IMG-ALT Listed in November 2022, shares of DCX Systems have surged over 130 per cent from its all time low around Rs 145 in March 2023.
A-TITLE DCX Systems shares hit upper circuit after order win; analysts see up to 55% upside potential
/markets/company-stock/story/d...Subdomain DCX Systems shares hit upper circuit after order win; analysts see up to 55% upside potential
A-TITLE DCX Systems shares hit upper circuit after order win; analysts see up to 55% upside potential
/marketsSubdomain Textduplikat view more
/stocks/hindalco-industries-lt...Subdomain Hindalco Industries Ltd ₹636.5 24.7 (3.89%) 9510274
/stocks/bharat-petroleum-corpo...Subdomain Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd ₹337.8 11.3 (3.4%) 17875728
/stocks/shriram-finance-ltd-sh...Subdomain Shriram Finance Ltd ₹3028 94.1 (3.16%) 1818434
/stocks/tata-steel-ltd-tataste...Subdomain Tata Steel Ltd ₹150.85 4.44 (2.97%) 62889770
/stocks/lti-mindtree-ltd-ltim-...Subdomain LTIMindtree Ltd ₹5567.95 112.35 (2.02%) 281113
/stocks/coal-india-ltd-coalind...Subdomain Coal India Ltd ₹513.8 9.7 (1.89%) 10737456
/tech-todaySubdomain Textduplikat IMG-ALT Tech Today
A-TITLE Tech Today
/tech-today/unboxing-reviewsSubdomain UnboxToday
/tech-today/enterprise-techSubdomain TechDeck
/tech-today/explainersSubdomain AuthenTech
/technology/newsSubdomain News
/technology/news/story/vivo-v4...Subdomain IMG-ALT Vivo V40
A-TITLE Vivo V40 with Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 SoC goes on first sale in India: Price, sale offers, specs
/technology/news/story/vivo-v4...Subdomain Vivo V40 with Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 SoC goes on first sale in India: Price, sale offers, specs
A-TITLE Vivo V40 with Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 SoC goes on first sale in India: Price, sale offers, specs
/technology/news/story/quick-c...Subdomain A-TITLE Quick commerce giants Blinkit, Swiggy Instamart, Zepto see record sales during Raksha Bandhan
/technology/news/story/quick-c...Subdomain Textduplikat Quick commerce giants Blinkit, Swiggy Instamart, Zepto see record sales during Raksha Bandhan
A-TITLE Quick commerce giants Blinkit, Swiggy Instamart, Zepto see record sales during Raksha Bandhan
/tech-today/video/rakshabandha...Subdomain IMG-ALT Rakshabandhan Gifting Guide For Gadgets in 2024 | Tech Today
A-TITLE Rakshabandhan Gifting Guide For Gadgets in 2024 | Tech Today
/tech-today/video/rakshabandha...Subdomain Textduplikat Rakshabandhan Gifting Guide For Gadgets in 2024 | Tech Today
A-TITLE Rakshabandhan Gifting Guide For Gadgets in 2024 | Tech Today
/technology/news/story/nasa-as...Subdomain IMG-ALT NASA astronaut Sunita Williams and Butch Wilmore
A-TITLE NASA astronaut Sunita Williams stuck in space: ISRO chief S. Somanath says lessons will be taken for upcoming Gaganyaan mission
/technology/news/story/nasa-as...Subdomain NASA astronaut Sunita Williams stuck in space: ISRO chief S. Somanath says lessons will be taken for upcoming Gaganyaan mission
A-TITLE NASA astronaut Sunita Williams stuck in space: ISRO chief S. Somanath says lessons will be taken for upcoming Gaganyaan mission
/technology/news/story/disney-...Subdomain IMG-ALT JioCinema-Disney Hotstar merger
A-TITLE Disney+ Hotstar content may merge into JioCinema after RIL-Disney deal: Report
/technology/news/story/disney-...Subdomain Disney+ Hotstar content may merge into JioCinema after RIL-Disney deal: Report
A-TITLE Disney+ Hotstar content may merge into JioCinema after RIL-Disney deal: Report
/tech-todaySubdomain Textduplikat view more
A-TITLE Tech Today
/personal-financeSubdomain A-TITLE MONEY TODAY
/mutual-fundsSubdomain Textduplikat Mutual Funds
/personal-finance/investmentSubdomain Textduplikat Investment
/personal-finance/insuranceSubdomain Textduplikat Insurance
/personal-finance/retirement-p...Subdomain Retirement Planning
/personal-finance/taxSubdomain Textduplikat Tax
/personal-finance/real-estateSubdomain Textduplikat Real Estate
/personal-finance/investmentSubdomain Textduplikat Investment
A-TITLE Investment
/personal-finance/investment/s...Subdomain Textduplikat IMG-ALT Kamath advises consumers to separate their investment and insurance needs.
A-TITLE 'If someone ever pitches you ULIP...': Zerodha co-founder Nithin Kamath flags surge in its sales
/personal-finance/investment/s...Subdomain Textduplikat 'If someone ever pitches you ULIP...': Zerodha co-founder Nithin Kamath flags surge in its sales
A-TITLE 'If someone ever pitches you ULIP...': Zerodha co-founder Nithin Kamath flags surge in its sales
/personal-finance/news/story/r...Subdomain Textduplikat RBI curb on P2P platforms offering early withdrawal products: What it means and who gets impacted?
IMG-ALT The RBI also stated that funds in Lenders’ and Borrowers’ Escrow Accounts must not remain there for more than 'T+1' day, where ‘T’ is the date funds are recei
A-TITLE RBI curb on P2P platforms offering early withdrawal products: What it means and who gets impacted?
/personal-finance/retirement-p...Subdomain Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS): Why it works for your retirement; returns, taxes, and how to apply
IMG-ALT An additional benefit of the SCSS is its nomination facility. Account holders can nominate a beneficiary who will receive the benefits in the event of their ...
A-TITLE Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS): Why it works for your retirement; returns, taxes, and how to apply
/personal-finance/news/story/h...Subdomain Hospital bills, weddings, medical college fees & high-end shopping on income tax dept's watchlist
IMG-ALT The department has been tasked with increasing the number of tax return filers by 10% in the current fiscal year, a move aimed at bringing more individuals i...
A-TITLE Hospital bills, weddings, medical college fees & high-end shopping on income tax dept's watchlist
/personal-finance/investment/s...Subdomain Sovereign Gold Bonds are hotter than ever. What's moving them, buying options, risks, all the details
IMG-ALT With speculation over new issuances in the future, these listed bonds have seen increased demand.
A-TITLE Sovereign Gold Bonds are hotter than ever. What's moving them, buying options, risks, all the details
/personal-financeSubdomain Textduplikat view more
/mutual-funds/best-mfSubdomain BEST MUTUAL FUNDS
/mutual-funds/bank-of-india-fl...Subdomain Bank of India Flexi Cap Fund Direct Growth
IMG-ALT Bank of India Flexi Cap Fund Direct Growth
/mutual-funds/jm-flexicap-fund...Subdomain JM Flexicap Fund (Direct) Growth Option
IMG-ALT JM Flexicap Fund (Direct) Growth Option
/mutual-funds/motilal-oswal-fl...Subdomain Motilal Oswal Flexicap Fund Direct Plan Growth
IMG-ALT Motilal Oswal Flexicap Fund Direct Plan Growth
/mutual-funds/quant-flexi-cap-...Subdomain Quant Flexi Cap Fund Growth Option Direct Plan
IMG-ALT Quant Flexi Cap Fund Growth Option Direct Plan
/mutual-funds/360-one-flexicap...Subdomain 360 ONE Flexicap Fund Direct Growth
IMG-ALT 360 ONE Flexicap Fund Direct Growth
/mutual-funds/invesco-india-fl...Subdomain Invesco India Flexi Cap Fund Direct Growth
IMG-ALT Invesco India Flexi Cap Fund Direct Growth
/mutual-funds/bank-of-india-fl...Subdomain Textduplikat Bank of India Flexi Cap Fund Direct Growth
IMG-ALT Bank of India Flexi Cap Fund Direct Growth
/mutual-funds/jm-flexicap-fund...Subdomain Textduplikat JM Flexicap Fund (Direct) Growth Option
IMG-ALT JM Flexicap Fund (Direct) Growth Option
/mutual-funds/motilal-oswal-fl...Subdomain Textduplikat Motilal Oswal Flexicap Fund Direct Plan Growth
IMG-ALT Motilal Oswal Flexicap Fund Direct Plan Growth
/mutual-funds/quant-flexi-cap-...Subdomain Textduplikat Quant Flexi Cap Fund Growth Option Direct Plan
IMG-ALT Quant Flexi Cap Fund Growth Option Direct Plan
/mutual-funds/360-one-flexicap...Subdomain Textduplikat 360 ONE Flexicap Fund Direct Growth
IMG-ALT 360 ONE Flexicap Fund Direct Growth
/mutual-funds/invesco-india-fl...Subdomain Textduplikat Invesco India Flexi Cap Fund Direct Growth
IMG-ALT Invesco India Flexi Cap Fund Direct Growth
/mutual-funds/best-mfNeues Fenster Subdomain Textduplikat view more
/trendingSubdomain trending
/trending/box-office/story/str...Subdomain 'Stree 2' worldwide box office collection: Shraddha Kapoor-led film eyes Rs 300 crore after blockbuster weekend 1
IMG-ALT Stree 2 strikes gold at worldwide box office; details here
A-TITLE 'Stree 2' worldwide box office collection: Shraddha Kapoor-led film eyes Rs 300 crore after blockbuster weekend 1
/trending/box-office/story/str...Subdomain 'Stree 2' box office collection day 4: Shraddha Kapoor-Rajkummar Rao film inches closer to Rs 200 crore in India
IMG-ALT In the extended weekend, Stree 2 has already trounced its competition.
A-TITLE 'Stree 2' box office collection day 4: Shraddha Kapoor-Rajkummar Rao film inches closer to Rs 200 crore in India
/trending/box-office/story/str...Subdomain Stree 2 box office collection Day 3: Rajkummar Rao-Shraddha Kapoor film makes Rs 135 cr
IMG-ALT Stree 2 box office collection day 3: Rajkummar Rao-Shraddha Kapoor's horror comedy is on a roll
A-TITLE Stree 2 box office collection Day 3: Rajkummar Rao-Shraddha Kapoor film makes Rs 135 cr
/trending/box-office/story/str...Subdomain Stree 2 box office collection Day 2: Rajkummar Rao-Shraddha Kapoor starrer crosses Rs 100-crore mark
IMG-ALT Stree 2 is part of Dinesh Vijan’s horror-comedy universe, which began with Stree in 2018 and has since expanded to include films like Roohi, Bhediya, and Mun...
A-TITLE Stree 2 box office collection Day 2: Rajkummar Rao-Shraddha Kapoor starrer crosses Rs 100-crore mark
/trending/box-office/story/kal...Subdomain Kalki 2898 AD OTT release: Here’s when and where to watch Prabhas and Deepika Padukone’s blockbuster
IMG-ALT Viewers across India and in over 240 countries will be able to immerse themselves in the world of Kalki 2898 AD
A-TITLE Kalki 2898 AD OTT release: Here’s when and where to watch Prabhas and Deepika Padukone’s blockbuster
/trendingSubdomain Textduplikat view more
/tools-and-calculators/sip-cal...Neues Fenster Subdomain IMG-ALT banner
/shortsSubdomain A-TITLE BT Shorts story
/technology/news/story/george-...Subdomain IMG-ALT Formula One F1 - Belgian Grand Prix - Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps, Stavelot, Belgium - July 28, 2024 Mercedes' George Russell celebrates with the trophy on ...
A-TITLE George Russell disqualified after weight violation, Lewis Hamilton inherits Formula 1 Belgian Grand Prix win
/technology/news/story/george-...Subdomain George Russell disqualified after weight violation, Lewis Hamilton inherits Formula 1 Belgian Grand Prix win
A-TITLE George Russell disqualified after weight violation, Lewis Hamilton inherits Formula 1 Belgian Grand Prix win
/technology/news/story/george-...Subdomain read story
A-TITLE George Russell disqualified after weight violation, Lewis Hamilton inherits Formula 1 Belgian Grand Prix win
/shortsview all bt shorts
/visualstoriesSubdomain VISUAL STORIES
A-TITLE Visual Stories
/visualstories/news/earth-once...Subdomain Earth once had 26 hours in a day, then an explosion changed everything
/visualstories/news/looking-to...Subdomain Looking to get rich fast? This asteroid contains rare elements valued at $100,000 quadrillion, enough to potentially buy entire solar system
/visualstories/news/billion-do...Subdomain 'Billion Dollar Plan': How NASA will crash the International Space Station into the Pacific Ocean's infamous graveyard
/visualstories/news/how-life-c...Subdomain 'How life could end': NASA's Hubble Telescope discovers a terrifying secret about Milky Way's dark fate
/visualstories/news/nasas-suni...Subdomain NASA's Sunita Williams could 'vaporise to death' if she returns on faulty Boeing Starliner, says former Space System Commander
/visualstories/personal-financ...Subdomain 15 books to read if you want to understand money, stocks and investing
/visualstories/lifestyle/10-se...Subdomain 10 self-help books you should be reading to rejig your life
/visualstories/lifestyle/is-sh...Subdomain Is Shah Rukh’s OMAD diet right for those over 50? 8 things to know
/visualstories/technology/7-re...Subdomain 7 reasons why Logitech G309 LIGHTSPEED Wireless Mouse is your next gaming essential
/visualstories/lifestyle/glow-...Subdomain Glow-up gift guide: Suroskie skincare products your sister will love this Rakhi
/visualstoriesSubdomain View more
A-TITLE Visual Stories
/magazine/issue/2024-09-01Subdomain Textduplikat A-TITLE 2024-09-01
/magazine/issue/2024-08-18Subdomain Textduplikat A-TITLE 2024-08-18
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/bt-tv/short-video/should-you-...Subdomain A-TITLE Should You Invest In Ola Electric? Chakri Lokapriya Isn't Happy With Its High Valuation
/bt-tv/short-video/should-you-...Subdomain Textduplikat Should You Invest In Ola Electric? Chakri Lokapriya Isn't Happy With Its High Valuation
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/bt-tv/short-video/jammu-and-k...Subdomain Textduplikat Jammu And Kashmir Voted For Ballot Over Bullet In Lok Sabha Elections: CEC Rajiv Kumar
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A-TITLE Ola Electric Reports First Quarter Earnings Post Listing, Loss Widens Despite Higher Revenue
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/bt-tv/short-video/i-was-menta...Subdomain Textduplikat "I Was Mentally Prepared For Jail Due To My Activism In Politics", Says Manish Sisodia
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/bt-tv/video/karnataka-cm-sidd...Subdomain 5:40 Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah Faces Prosecution Sanction in MUDA Scam Amidst Protests
IMG-ALT Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah Faces Prosecution Sanction in MUDA Scam Amidst Protests
A-TITLE Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah Faces Prosecution Sanction in MUDA Scam Amidst Protests
/tech-today/video/rakshabandha...Subdomain 4:11 Rakshabandhan Gifting Guide For Gadgets in 2024 | Tech Today
IMG-ALT Rakshabandhan Gifting Guide For Gadgets in 2024 | Tech Today
A-TITLE Rakshabandhan Gifting Guide For Gadgets in 2024 | Tech Today
/bt-tv/video/gita-gopinath-imf...Subdomain 16:29 Gita Gopinath, IMF First Deputy Managing Director On India's Economy, Viksit Bharat And Challenges
IMG-ALT Gita Gopinath, IMF First Deputy Managing Director On India's Economy, Viksit Bharat And Challenges
A-TITLE Gita Gopinath, IMF First Deputy Managing Director On India's Economy, Viksit Bharat And Challenges
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IMG-ALT IMF Raises India’s Growth Projection To 7% On Strong Consumption Recovery, Says Gita Gopinath
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IMG-ALT The issue has sparked a political battle between the Congress-led Karnataka government and the opposition BJP
A-TITLE Karnataka govt halts directive to suspend dealings with SBI, PNB for 15 days
/industry/top-story/story/cabi...Subdomain Cabinet meeting: 3 metro projects, 2 new airports facilities approved in Bihar, Bengal
IMG-ALT The Union Cabinet approved three metro rail projects in Karnataka and Maharashtra, in Banglalore and Pune.
A-TITLE Cabinet meeting: 3 metro projects, 2 new airports facilities approved in Bihar, Bengal
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IMG-ALT Today’ 52% of GCCs surveyed prioritise access to a deep talent pool as a key decision to choose India as a destination
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A-TITLE Investment Tips: निवेश का सही मंत्र इस रिटायरमेंट प्लानिंग से बन जायेंगे करोड़पति!
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A-TITLE Narayana Murthy ने कहा कि इमरजेंसी काल के बाद नहीं दिया जनसंख्या पर ध्यान
https://bazaar.businesstoday.i...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain पूर्व सेना प्रमुख जनरल सुंदरराजन पद्मनाभन का चेन्नई में हुआ निधन
A-TITLE पूर्व सेना प्रमुख जनरल सुंदरराजन पद्मनाभन का चेन्नई में हुआ निधन
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A-TITLE पूर्व पीएम Atal Bihari Vajpayee की 6वीं पुण्यतिथि, राष्ट्रपति Droupadi Murmu, PM Modi ने दी श्रद्धांजलि
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A-TITLE Covid के बाद अब Mpox (Monkeypox) का क़हर !! WHO ने किया ये……
https://bazaar.businesstoday.i...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain ओला इलेक्ट्रिक स्टॉक में 16% की तेजी, कंपनी ने इलेक्ट्रिक मोटरसाइकिल सेगमेंट में प्रवेश किया
A-TITLE ओला इलेक्ट्रिक स्टॉक में 16% की तेजी, कंपनी ने इलेक्ट्रिक मोटरसाइकिल सेगमेंट में प्रवेश किया
https://bazaar.businesstoday.i...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी जाएंगे यूक्रेन, विदेश मंत्रालय ने की पुष्टि, रूसी आक्रमण के बाद यह उनकी पहली यात्रा होगी...!!!
A-TITLE प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी जाएंगे यूक्रेन, विदेश मंत्रालय ने की पुष्टि, रूसी आक्रमण के बाद यह उनकी पहली यात्रा होगी…!!!
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A-TITLE Apple के iPhone रेंज में बड़ा बदलाव: 2025 में आएगा नया iPhone "Air" मॉडल?
https://bazaar.businesstoday.i...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Hindustan Zinc के शेयरों में 8% की गिरावट - जानिए क्यों?
A-TITLE Hindustan Zinc के शेयरों में 8% की गिरावट - जानिए क्यों?
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A-TITLE Stock Market: शुरुआती कारोबार में सेंसेक्स, निफ्टी में उछाल, आईटी और ऑटो स्टॉक्स में तेजी
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/latest/corporate/story/muruga...Subdomain Textduplikat IMG-ALT Murugappa Group's amicable split hits bump as family factions eye profit pie
A-TITLE Murugappa Group’s talks for amicable split hit roadblock; family factions eye profit pie: Report
/latest/corporate/story/muruga...Subdomain Textduplikat Murugappa Group’s talks for amicable split hit roadblock; family factions eye profit pie: Report
A-TITLE Murugappa Group’s talks for amicable split hit roadblock; family factions eye profit pie: Report
/latest/economy/story/indians-...Subdomain 'Indians have not paid enough attention to...': Narayana Murthy flags one of the biggest risks to country's future
IMG-ALT Murthy underscored the sacrifices made by the previous generation, including his own parents, siblings, and teachers, which paved the way for current opportu...
A-TITLE 'Indians have not paid enough attention to...': Narayana Murthy flags one of the biggest risks to country's future
/latest/trends/story/actor-moh...Subdomain Actor Mohanlal hospitalised in Kochi after breathing issues and fever, advised rest
IMG-ALT Actor Mohanlal
A-TITLE Actor Mohanlal hospitalised in Kochi after breathing issues and fever, advised rest
/latest/economy/story/fpis-tur...Subdomain FPIs turn net sellers; sell shares worth Rs 21,201 crore in Aug
IMG-ALT FPIs turn net seller in the month of August
A-TITLE FPIs turn net sellers; sell shares worth Rs 21,201 crore in Aug
/latest/trends/story/theyre-al...Subdomain 'They’re all about protein shakes and bags': Kangana Ranaut calls Bollywood stars 'stupid, shallow'
IMG-ALT Despite her harsh critique, Kangana did acknowledge that she has met a few writers and directors in the industry who do not fit this mold.
A-TITLE 'They’re all about protein shakes and bags': Kangana Ranaut calls Bollywood stars 'stupid, shallow'
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