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(Extrem wichtig)
Candy Mail UK | International Sweet Shop Online
Die Länge des Titels ist optimal. (441 Pixel von maximal 580 Pixel Länge)
Es gibt keine Wortwiederholungen im Titel.
(Extrem wichtig)
Craving sweets from around the globe? Candy Mail offers a vast selection of candies, snacks, and sodas, with quick delivery and great deals on bulk purchases.
Die Meta-Description hat eine optimale Länge. (986 Pixel von maximal 1000 Pixel Länge)
(Extrem wichtig)
Es gibt keine Probleme beim Zugriff auf die Webseite.
Canonical Link
Die Seite hat einen korrekten Canonical Link.
(Wenig wichtig)
Im Text erkannte Sprache: en
Im HTML angegebene Sprache: en
Serverstandort: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Die Sprache wird im HTML Code wie folgt angegeben: en
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Seite nutzt keine Alternate Links.
Weitere Metatags
(Wenig wichtig)
Es gibt keinen rel next Meta Tag auf der Seite.
Es gibt keinen rel prev Meta Tag auf der Seite.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Domain ist keine Subdomain.
Die Länge der Domain ist gut.
Die Domain enthält keine Umlaute.
Seiten URL
(Wenig wichtig)
In der URL wurden keine Parameter entdeckt.
In der URL wurde keine Session ID entdeckt.
Die URL hat nicht zu viele Unterverzeichnisse.
(Wenig wichtig)
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(Nice to have)
Die Doctype Angabe HTML 5 ist korrekt angegeben.
Die Doctype Angabe befindet sich an erster Stelle im HTML-Code.
(Nice to have)
Das Favoriten Icon (Favicon) ist korrekt verlinkt.

Meta Tags

descriptionCraving sweets from around the globe? Candy Mail offers a vast selection of candies, snacks, and sodas, with quick delivery and great deals on bulk purchases.
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no
twitter:titleCandy Mail UK | International Sweet Shop Online
twitter:descriptionCraving sweets from around the globe? Candy Mail offers a vast selection of candies, snacks, and sodas, with quick delivery and great deals on bulk purchases.
og:site_nameCandy Mail UK
og:titleCandy Mail UK | International Sweet Shop Online
og:descriptionCraving sweets from around the globe? Candy Mail offers a vast selection of candies, snacks, and sodas, with quick delivery and great deals on bulk purchases.
og:image:altCandy Mail UK

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Auf der Seite wurden Tippfehler entdeckt:
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Der Inhalt ist mit 938 Wörtern in Ordnung.
Der Text besteht zu 21.7% aus Füllwörtern.
Im Text befindet sich eine Aufzählung, dies deutet auf eine gute Textstruktur hin.
Es wurden 4 Fließtextblöcke auf der Seite gefunden.
Es wurden keine Platzhalter Texte bzw. Bilder gefunden.
Es befinden sich keine Duplikate auf der Seite.
Die durchschnittliche Satzlänge ist mit 18 Wörtern gut.
(Extrem wichtig)
Die Seite hat kein Frameset.
(Wenig wichtig)
Der angegebene Viewport (width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no) ist korrekt.
Mindestens ein Apple-Touch Icon ist definiert.
Bold- und Strongtags
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Nutzung von Strong- und Bold-Tags ist optimal. Wir empfehlen für diese Webseite die Verwendung von bis zu 19 Tags.
Bilder Optimierung
(Wenig wichtig)
Alle gefundenen Bilder haben Alt-Attribute. (Alternativer Bild Text)
Soziale Vernetzung
(Nice to have)
Es befinden sich wenige Social-Sharing Möglichkeiten auf der Seite. Mit Plugins zum Teilen kann die Reichweite der Seite in sozialen Netzwerken erhöht werden.
Zusätzliches Markup
(Nice to have)
Es wurde kein zusätzliches Markup gefunden.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Seite verwendet HTTPS um Daten sicher zu übertragen.
Alle eingebundenen Dateien werden ebenfalls über HTTPS ausgeliefert.


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...er-4-for-5-209759_1445x.jpg?v=1732095981Fanta Grape Soda 355ml Best Before December 4 for £5 - Candy Mail UK
...er-4-for-5-943722_1445x.jpg?v=1732095981Fanta Berry Soda 355ml Best Before December 4 for £5 - Candy Mail UK
...ese-snacks-560872_1445x.jpg?v=1732098233Triple Pack Japanese Snacks - Candy Mail UK
...timate-mix-521467_1445x.jpg?v=1732097635Pick and Mix Sweets - 1Kg Ultimate Mix - Candy Mail UK
...-candy-60g-947141_1445x.jpg?v=1684356102Charms Fluffy Rainbow Unicorn Cotton Candy 60g - Candy Mail UK
...candy-198g-876896_1445x.jpg?v=1728758841Jolly Rancher Original Hard Candy 198g - Candy Mail UK
...ruits-141g-961736_1445x.jpg?v=1684358018Mike and Ike Original Fruits 141g - Candy Mail UK
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...phoon-141g-144729_1445x.jpg?v=1684358031Mike and Ike Tropical Typhoon 141g - Candy Mail UK
...re-box-99g-943589_1445x.jpg?v=1684359171Sour Patch Kids Theatre Box 99g - Candy Mail UK
...re-box-99g-794781_1445x.jpg?v=1684359180Sour Patch Kids Watermelon Theatre Box 99g - Candy Mail UK
...eddar-187g-879014_1445x.jpg?v=1684358575Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Xtra Cheddar 187g - Candy Mail UK
...14.20.19_1308dcbb_1445x.jpg?v=1730816431Christmas Eve Box
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...9d17-793c38acda42_1445x.jpg?v=1730725052Candy Mail UK
...ion-500ml-851843_1445x.webp?v=1728620333(Pre - Order) IShow Speed USA Prime Hydration 500ml - Candy Mail UK
...tion-500ml-422607_1445x.jpg?v=1731563164(Pre - Order) UFC V2Prime Hydration 500ml - Candy Mail UK
...tion-500ml-342405_1445x.jpg?v=1727942780(Pre - Order) Borussia Dortmund Prime Limited Edition 500ml - Candy Mail UK
...tion-500ml-383061_1445x.jpg?v=1727942780(Pre - Order) Borussia Dortmund Prime Limited Edition 500ml - Candy Mail UK
...ksi-500ml-729321_1445x.webp?v=1718295215(Pre - Order) Barcelona Prime Hydration By Logan Paul x KSI - 500ml - Candy Mail UK
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...i-24g-x24-562907_1445x.webp?v=1732915064Wholesale Snickers Wafer Roll (Dubai) 24g x24 - Candy Mail UK
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...tion-330ml-275159_1445x.jpg?v=1732788296Coca - Cola Oreo Limited Edition 330ml - Candy Mail UK
...er-4-for-5-943722_1445x.jpg?v=1732095981Fanta Berry Soda 355ml Best Before December 4 for £5 - Candy Mail UK
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...12.39.50_1b113c4b_1445x.jpg?v=1730724061500g Sweet Pouches
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...y-mega-box-872228_1445x.jpg?v=1725631665Freeze Dried Mystery Mega Box - Candy Mail UK
...-treat-box-576299_1445x.jpg?v=1731382060Pick and Mix Treat Box - Candy Mail UK
...ry-bundle-634262_1445x.webp?v=1730560182£250+ Mystery Bundle - Candy Mail UK
...taster-box-396199_1445x.jpg?v=1725631666Freeze Dried Mystery Taster Box - Candy Mail UK
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...15.12.49_869ed6a9_1445x.jpg?v=1729782615Candy Mail UK
...12.20.53_01ba9282_1445x.jpg?v=1730809422Drinks of the World
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H1 Überschrift
(Extrem wichtig)
Candy Mail UK
Die H1-Überschrift ist zu kurz (13 Zeichen). Sie sollte mindestens 20 Zeichen lang sein.
Die Überschriftenstruktur ist fehlerfrei.


Überschriften HierarchieInhalt
H1 Candy Mail UK
H2 Black Friday Deals
H2 Black Friday 2024
H2 Christmas Eve Box
H2 Christmas Candy
H2 Stocking Fillers
H2 500g Sweet Pouches
H2 250g Sweet Pouches
H2 Pick and Mix Gifts
H2 Build a Box of Treats!
H2 Chocolate
H2 Candy
H2 Drinks of the World
H2 Snacks, Chips and Crisps
H2 Cereal & Breakfast
H2 Cookies & Cakes
H2 Asian
H2 Australian
H2 European
H2 Dubai
H2 Canadian
H2 Indian
H3 Join our Mailing List
Einige der Linktexte wiederholen sich.
Die Anzahl an internen Links ist ok.
Keiner der Linktexte ist zu lang.
Alle internen Links haben keine dynamischen Parameter.
Es befinden sich 8 externe Links auf der Seite.
https://candymail.co.uk/IMG-ALT Candy Mail UK
/collections/black-friday-2024BLACK FRIDAY
/collections/new-arrivalsNew Arrivals
/collections/american-christma...American Candy
/collections/christmas-pick-an...Pick and Mix
/collections/novelty-socks-col...Novelty Socks
/collections/pick-and-mixTextduplikat Pick and Mix
/collections/pick-and-mix-swee...500g Mixes
/collections/pick-and-mix-250g250g Mixes
/collections/pick-and-mix-swee...250g Singles
/collections/pick-and-mix-swee...Buckets & Platters
/collections/freeze-dried-candyFreeze Dried Sweets
/collections/build-a-boxAll Products
/collections/american-breakfastAmerican Cereal & Breakfast
/collections/cakes-cookies-top...Cakes, Cookies and Toppings
/collections/chewing-gumChewing Gum
/collections/drinksDrinks & Soda
/collections/freeze-dried-candyFreeze Dried Candy
/collections/performance-snack...Performance Snacks and Drinks
/collections/snacks-chips-and-...Snacks, Chips and Crisps
/collections/vegan-candyVegan Sweets
/products/gift-cardGift Cards
/collections/mystery-boxesMystery Sweet Boxes
/collections/treats-from-japanJapanese Sweets
/collections/buyaustralianswee...Australian Treats
/collections/british-favouritesBritish Favourites
/collections/sweets-from-canadaSweets from Canada
/collections/dubai-import-cand...Dubai Sweet Shop
/collections/european-treatsEuropean Treats
/collections/treats-from-indiaTreats from India
/collections/irish-treatsIrish Treats
/collections/mexican-sweets-shopMexican Treats
/collections/jolly-ranchersJolly Rancher
/collections/lays-crispsLay's Crisps
/collections/monster-energyMonster Energy
/collections/prime-hydration-b...Prime Drinks
/collections/sour-patch-kidsSour Patch Kids
/collections/swedish-fishSwedish Fish
/account/loginLog in
/account/registerCreate account
https://candymail.co.uk/Textduplikat IMG-ALT Candy Mail UK
A-TITLE Log in
https://candymail.co.uk/cartCart £0.00
/collections/black-friday-2024Textduplikat BLACK FRIDAY
/collections/new-arrivalsTextduplikat New Arrivals
/collections/christmas-candyTextduplikat Christmas
/collections/american-christma...Textduplikat American Candy
/collections/christmas-pick-an...Textduplikat Pick and Mix
/collections/giftsTextduplikat Gifts
/collections/novelty-socks-col...Textduplikat Novelty Socks
/collections/prime-hydration-b...Textduplikat !Prime!
/collections/bundlesTextduplikat Bundles
/collections/pick-and-mixTextduplikat Pick and Mix
/collections/pick-and-mix-swee...Textduplikat 500g Mixes
/collections/pick-and-mix-250gTextduplikat 250g Mixes
/collections/pick-and-mix-swee...Textduplikat 250g Singles
/collections/pick-and-mix-swee...Textduplikat Buckets & Platters
/collections/freeze-dried-candyTextduplikat Freeze Dried Sweets
/collections/build-a-boxTextduplikat All Products
/collections/american-breakfastTextduplikat American Cereal & Breakfast
/collections/cakes-cookies-top...Textduplikat Cakes, Cookies and Toppings
/collections/candyTextduplikat Candy
/collections/chewing-gumTextduplikat Chewing Gum
/collections/chocolateTextduplikat Chocolate
/collections/drinksTextduplikat Drinks & Soda
/collections/freeze-dried-candyTextduplikat Freeze Dried Candy
/collections/performance-snack...Textduplikat Performance Snacks and Drinks
/collections/picklesTextduplikat Pickles
/collections/snacks-chips-and-...Textduplikat Snacks, Chips and Crisps
/collections/vegan-candyTextduplikat Vegan Sweets
/products/gift-cardTextduplikat Gift Cards
/collections/mystery-boxesTextduplikat Mystery Sweet Boxes
/collections/treats-from-japanTextduplikat Japanese Sweets
/collections/buyaustralianswee...Textduplikat Australian Treats
/collections/british-favouritesTextduplikat British Favourites
/collections/sweets-from-canadaTextduplikat Sweets from Canada
/collections/dubai-import-cand...Textduplikat Dubai Sweet Shop
/collections/european-treatsTextduplikat European Treats
/collections/treats-from-indiaTextduplikat Treats from India
/collections/irish-treatsTextduplikat Irish Treats
/collections/mexican-sweets-shopTextduplikat Mexican Treats
/collections/cheetosTextduplikat Cheetos
/collections/hariboTextduplikat Haribo
/collections/hersheysTextduplikat Hershey's
/collections/jolly-ranchersTextduplikat Jolly Rancher
/collections/kitkatTextduplikat KitKat
/collections/lays-crispsTextduplikat Lay's Crisps
/collections/monster-energyTextduplikat Monster Energy
/collections/prime-hydration-b...Textduplikat Prime Drinks
/collections/reesesTextduplikat Reese's
/collections/sour-patch-kidsTextduplikat Sour Patch Kids
/collections/swedish-fishTextduplikat Swedish Fish
/collections/takisTextduplikat Takis
/collections/twizzlersTextduplikat Twizzlers
https://candymail.co.uk/Textduplikat IMG-ALT Candy Mail UK
https://candymail.co.uk/cartTextduplikat Cart £0.00
https://candymail.co.uk/searchTextduplikat Search
/collections/black-friday-2024Textduplikat IMG-ALT Candy Mail UK
/collections/black-friday-bund...IMG-ALT Fanta Grape Soda 355ml Best Before December 4 for £5 - Candy Mail UK
A-TITLE Fanta Grape Soda 355ml Best Before December 4 for £5
/collections/black-friday-bund...Fanta Grape Soda 355ml Best Before December 4 for £5
/collections/black-friday-bund...£5.00 Regular price£7.96 -£2.96 ( / )
/collections/black-friday-bund...IMG-ALT Fanta Berry Soda 355ml Best Before December 4 for £5 - Candy Mail UK
A-TITLE Fanta Berry Soda 355ml Best Before December 4 for £5
/collections/black-friday-bund...Fanta Berry Soda 355ml Best Before December 4 for £5
/collections/black-friday-bund...Textduplikat £5.00 Regular price£7.96 -£2.96 ( / )
/collections/black-friday-bund...IMG-ALT Triple Pack Japanese Snacks - Candy Mail UK
A-TITLE Triple Pack Japanese Snacks
/collections/black-friday-bund...Triple Pack Japanese Snacks
/collections/black-friday-bund...£5.00 Regular price£7.49 -£2.49 ( / )
/collections/black-friday-bund...IMG-ALT Pick and Mix Sweets - 1Kg Ultimate Mix - Candy Mail UK
A-TITLE Pick and Mix Sweets - 1Kg Ultimate Mix
/collections/black-friday-bund...Pick and Mix Sweets - 1Kg Ultimate Mix
/collections/black-friday-bund...£7.99 Regular price£11.99 -£4.00 ( / )
/collections/black-friday-bundlesView all
/collections/black-friday-2024...IMG-ALT Charms Fluffy Rainbow Unicorn Cotton Candy 60g - Candy Mail UK
A-TITLE Charms Fluffy Rainbow Unicorn Cotton Candy 60g
/collections/black-friday-2024...Charms Fluffy Rainbow Unicorn Cotton Candy 60g
/collections/black-friday-2024...£2.39 Regular price£2.99 -£0.60 ( / )
/collections/black-friday-2024...IMG-ALT Jolly Rancher Original Hard Candy 198g - Candy Mail UK
A-TITLE Jolly Rancher Original Hard Candy 198g
/collections/black-friday-2024...Jolly Rancher Original Hard Candy 198g
/collections/black-friday-2024...£3.99 Regular price£4.99 -£1.00 ( / )
/collections/black-friday-2024...IMG-ALT Mike and Ike Original Fruits 141g - Candy Mail UK
A-TITLE Mike and Ike Original Fruits 120g
/collections/black-friday-2024...Mike and Ike Original Fruits 120g
/collections/black-friday-2024...Textduplikat £2.39 Regular price£2.99 -£0.60 ( / )
/collections/black-friday-2024...IMG-ALT Mike and Ike Berry Blast 141g - Candy Mail UK
A-TITLE Mike and Ike Berry Blast 120g
/collections/black-friday-2024...Mike and Ike Berry Blast 120g
/collections/black-friday-2024...Textduplikat £2.39 Regular price£2.99 -£0.60 ( / )
/collections/black-friday-2024...IMG-ALT Mike and Ike Tropical Typhoon 141g - Candy Mail UK
A-TITLE Mike and Ike Tropical Typhoon 120g
/collections/black-friday-2024...Mike and Ike Tropical Typhoon 120g
/collections/black-friday-2024...Textduplikat £2.39 Regular price£2.99 -£0.60 ( / )
/collections/black-friday-2024...IMG-ALT Sour Patch Kids Theatre Box 99g - Candy Mail UK
A-TITLE Sour Patch Kids Theatre Box 99g
/collections/black-friday-2024...Sour Patch Kids Theatre Box 99g
/collections/black-friday-2024...Textduplikat £2.39 Regular price£2.99 -£0.60 ( / )
/collections/black-friday-2024...IMG-ALT Sour Patch Kids Watermelon Theatre Box 99g - Candy Mail UK
A-TITLE Sour Patch Kids Watermelon Theatre Box 99g
/collections/black-friday-2024...Sour Patch Kids Watermelon Theatre Box 99g
/collections/black-friday-2024...Textduplikat £2.39 Regular price£2.99 -£0.60 ( / )
/collections/black-friday-2024...IMG-ALT Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Xtra Cheddar 187g - Candy Mail UK
A-TITLE Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Xtra Cheddar 187g
/collections/black-friday-2024...Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Xtra Cheddar 187g
/collections/black-friday-2024...£4.79 Regular price£5.99 -£1.20 ( / )
/collections/black-friday-2024Textduplikat View all
/collections/christmas-eve-can...IMG-ALT Christmas Eve Box
/collections/christmas-eve-can...Textduplikat Christmas Eve Box
/collections/christmas-eve-can...Shop Now
/collections/christmas-candyIMG-ALT Christmas Candy
/collections/christmas-candyTextduplikat Christmas Candy
/collections/christmas-candyTextduplikat Shop Now
/collections/giftsIMG-ALT Stocking Fillers
/collections/giftsTextduplikat Stocking Fillers
/collections/giftsTextduplikat Shop Now
/collections/prime-hydration-b...Textduplikat IMG-ALT Candy Mail UK
/collections/prime-hydration-b...IMG-ALT (Pre - Order) IShow Speed USA Prime Hydration 500ml - Candy Mail UK
A-TITLE IShow Speed USA Prime Hydration 500ml
/collections/prime-hydration-b...IShow Speed USA Prime Hydration 500ml
/collections/prime-hydration-b...£9.99 Regular price£12.99 -£3.00 ( / )
/collections/prime-hydration-b...IMG-ALT (Pre - Order) UFC V2Prime Hydration 500ml - Candy Mail UK
A-TITLE UFC V2Prime Hydration 500ml
/collections/prime-hydration-b...UFC V2Prime Hydration 500ml
/collections/prime-hydration-b...£4.99 ( / )
/collections/prime-hydration-b...IMG-ALT (Pre - Order) Borussia Dortmund Prime Limited Edition 500ml - Candy Mail UK
A-TITLE Borussia Dortmund Prime Limited Edition 500ml
/collections/prime-hydration-b...Borussia Dortmund Prime Limited Edition 500ml
/collections/prime-hydration-b...Textduplikat £9.99 Regular price£12.99 -£3.00 ( / )
/collections/prime-hydration-b...IMG-ALT (Pre - Order) Barcelona Prime Hydration By Logan Paul x KSI - 500ml - Candy Mail UK
A-TITLE Barcelona Prime Hydration By Logan Paul x KSI- 500ml
/collections/prime-hydration-b...Barcelona Prime Hydration By Logan Paul x KSI- 500ml
/collections/prime-hydration-b...£4.99 Regular price£24.99 -£20.00 ( / )
/collections/prime-hydration-b...Textduplikat View all
/collections/new-arrivalsTextduplikat IMG-ALT Candy Mail UK
/collections/new-arrivals/prod...IMG-ALT Wholesale Snickers Wafer Roll (Dubai) 24g x24 - Candy Mail UK
A-TITLE Wholesale Snickers Wafer Roll (Dubai) 24g x24
/collections/new-arrivals/prod...Wholesale Snickers Wafer Roll (Dubai) 24g x24
/collections/new-arrivals/prod...£29.99 ( / )
/collections/new-arrivals/prod...IMG-ALT Snickers Wafer Roll (Dubai) 24g - Candy Mail UK
A-TITLE Snickers Wafer Roll (Dubai) 24g
/collections/new-arrivals/prod...Snickers Wafer Roll (Dubai) 24g
/collections/new-arrivals/prod...£1.50 ( / )
/collections/new-arrivals/prod...IMG-ALT Coca - Cola Oreo Limited Edition 330ml - Candy Mail UK
A-TITLE Coca-Cola Oreo Limited Edition 330ml
/collections/new-arrivals/prod...Coca-Cola Oreo Limited Edition 330ml
/collections/new-arrivals/prod...£1.99 ( / )
/collections/new-arrivals/prod...Textduplikat IMG-ALT Fanta Berry Soda 355ml Best Before December 4 for £5 - Candy Mail UK
A-TITLE Fanta Berry Soda 355ml Best Before December 4 for £5
/collections/new-arrivals/prod...Textduplikat Fanta Berry Soda 355ml Best Before December 4 for £5
/collections/new-arrivals/prod...Textduplikat £5.00 Regular price£7.96 -£2.96 ( / )
/collections/new-arrivalsTextduplikat View all
/collections/pick-and-mixTextduplikat IMG-ALT Candy Mail UK
/collections/pick-and-mix-swee...IMG-ALT 500g Sweet Pouches
/collections/pick-and-mix-swee...Textduplikat 500g Sweet Pouches
/collections/pick-and-mix-swee...Textduplikat Shop Now
/collections/pick-and-mix-swee...IMG-ALT 250g Sweet Pouches
/collections/pick-and-mix-swee...Textduplikat 250g Sweet Pouches
/collections/pick-and-mix-swee...Textduplikat Shop Now
/collections/pick-and-mix-swee...IMG-ALT Pick and Mix Gifts
/collections/pick-and-mix-swee...Textduplikat Pick and Mix Gifts
/collections/pick-and-mix-swee...Textduplikat Shop Now
/collections/mystery-boxes/pro...IMG-ALT Freeze Dried Mystery Mega Box - Candy Mail UK
A-TITLE Freeze Dried Mystery Mega Box
/collections/mystery-boxes/pro...Freeze Dried Mystery Mega Box
/collections/mystery-boxes/pro...£39.99 ( / )
/collections/mystery-boxes/pro...IMG-ALT Pick and Mix Treat Box - Candy Mail UK
A-TITLE Pick and Mix Treat Box
/collections/mystery-boxes/pro...Pick and Mix Treat Box
/collections/mystery-boxes/pro...£15.00 ( / )
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