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Home - BBC News
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(Extrem wichtig)
Visit BBC News for up-to-the-minute news, breaking news, video, audio and feature stories. BBC News provides trusted World and UK news as well as local and regional perspectives. Also entertainment, business, science, technology and health news.
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descriptionVisit BBC News for up-to-the-minute news, breaking news, video, audio and feature stories. BBC News provides trusted World and UK news as well as local and regional perspectives. Also entertainment, business, science, technology and health news.
twitter:descriptionVisit BBC News for up-to-the-minute news, breaking news, video, audio and feature stories. BBC News provides trusted World and UK news as well as local and regional perspectives. Also entertainment, business, science, technology and health news.
twitter:image:altLogo for BBC News
twitter:titleHome - BBC News
og:descriptionVisit BBC News for up-to-the-minute news, breaking news, video, audio and feature stories. BBC News provides trusted World and UK news as well as local and regional perspectives. Also entertainment, business, science, technology and health news.
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Der Text auf der Seite ist optimal.
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Bilder Optimierung
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Soziale Vernetzung
(Nice to have)
Die Seite ist optimal auf Soziale Netzwerke ausgerichtet.
Zusätzliches Markup
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Es wurde kein zusätzliches Markup gefunden.
(Wenig wichtig)
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Alle eingebundenen Dateien werden ebenfalls über HTTPS ausgeliefert.


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...2f873300-003d-11f0-8c3d-b7dcc7510cb1.pngPutin walking along a white painted corridor with gold stools and curtain in the background.
...538c8580-0005-11f0-8482-95fc1747d814.jpgSir Keir Starmer raises his hand while giving a speech in Hull.
...f11fd520-0034-11f0-b50e-9d086302645f.jpgA woman in blue scrubs walks towards the camera with a face mask on, while a man, with his back to the camera, wheels an elderly person with white hair down a hospital corridor on a bed.
...65859660-002c-11f0-8c3d-b7dcc7510cb1.jpgDonald Trump
...826ea820-0027-11f0-b50e-9d086302645f.pngElianne Andam looking at the camera
...16073320-fda0-11ef-a3b9-977bedcd0ea6.jpgA composite image showing different stages of the 2010 solstice total lunar eclipse. The sequence captures the Moon gradually moving into Earth's shadow, transitioning from a bright full Moon to partial darkness, and finally turning a deep red hue during totality. The background is a black sky.
...320ba280-0012-11f0-b50e-9d086302645f.jpgOut the front of a Tesco express store, with several shoppers strolling passed.
...2c74f250-002f-11f0-a94c-6986d2348378.jpgBaroness Mone and her husband Doug Barrowman wearing evening dress at an event in 2017.
...da2d5260-fda1-11ef-8c03-7dfdbeeb2526.jpgSarah Wynn-Williams - close up photo of an early-middle aged woman, who has long blond-light-brown hair. She is wearing make up and is looking directly at the camera.
...31804380-fff3-11ef-bf5e-e7d005fd4b0b.jpgMike Jeffries, an elderly man with white hair, wearing a dark suit and a white -open-necked shirt, photographed with a long lens outside the federal courthouse in Central Islip, New York, where he was arraigned on charges of sex trafficking and prostitution
...a8517f50-0012-11f0-a59a-8118430caef7.jpgAircraft landing at Guantanamo Bay
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...754be560-002a-11f0-8c3d-b7dcc7510cb1.jpgRussia's President Vladimir Putin and Belarus' President Alexander Lukashenko attend a press conference
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...18a84600-0020-11f0-b50e-9d086302645f.jpgTreated image of President Vladimir Putin visiting an army command centre in the Kursk region of Russia
...8d536a50-003b-11f0-b50e-9d086302645f.jpgA composite image of Tom Bateman and Vladimir Putin with a new text in top corner
...54e2a600-000d-11f0-8c3d-b7dcc7510cb1.jpgWoman wearing a summer dress, outside her car holding wombat in the dark
...a2763920-003c-11f0-a8b1-950887ddc6e5.jpgClose-up shot of Emma Collier, she has shoulder length dark hair
...189da030-0037-11f0-a8b1-950887ddc6e5.jpgMahmoud Khalil speaks behind a gate at a press briefing on 2 June 2024
...09e39310-0023-11f0-a8b1-950887ddc6e5.jpgChris Mason wearing a blue suit talking to a camera in selfie mode
...28fb48d0-0017-11f0-b50e-9d086302645f.jpgA composite image showing Apprentice candidates Dean and Anisa looking at each other
...a433ed80-0022-11f0-a8b1-950887ddc6e5.jpgSara Davies in front of a mic in the Woman's Hour studio, wearing a black and white striped top and with blonde hair.
...9462c080-000d-11f0-8c3d-b7dcc7510cb1.jpgLady with red hair standing in Moscow during an interview
...eff4b250-ffd6-11ef-b50e-9d086302645f.jpgBlood moon seen from Melbourne, Australia, 8 November 2022
...cde2a450-000e-11f0-8c3d-b7dcc7510cb1.jpgStephen Graham wearing a black hoodie standing in front of a red background
...021164e0-000b-11f0-8c3d-b7dcc7510cb1.jpgStacey Dooley smiles in a radio studio - she has red hair and wears a red jumper and black headphones
...5f4086c0-ffe6-11ef-a8b1-950887ddc6e5.jpgA poster saying 'Hawk free zone' in a shop window.
...b92fe130-ff64-11ef-a8b1-950887ddc6e5.jpgA drone shot of a road being dug through the green trees of the Amazon rainforest
...dba91dc0-ffe2-11ef-a8b1-950887ddc6e5.jpgA bowl with ashes, a rosary and a palm leaf on a purple background
...73d66300-ff93-11ef-b50e-9d086302645f.jpgPeople holding Philippines flags in front of an ICC prison and holding a sign saying 'stand Duteret'
...7f936b40-fb5e-11ef-b636-c1776c0b9770.pngElianne Andam is on a London Underground train. She is smiling and wearing glasses.
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...becb07b0-0017-11f0-8c3d-b7dcc7510cb1.jpgDoug Ford wearing cap saying 'Canada is not for sale'
...ab84e1f0-fdc2-11ef-8c3d-b7dcc7510cb1.pngA woman with long blonde hair whose face is blurred out is seen on the right hand side of the shot. There are candles burning behind her
...1ac267b0-0005-11f0-b50e-9d086302645f.jpgA man cries at a funeral for one of the victims
...9a6796d0-0027-11f0-a94c-6986d2348378.jpgStedman Pearson performing on stage in 2012 at G-A-Y at Heaven nightclub.
...edfea480-001f-11f0-a8b1-950887ddc6e5.jpgEric Trump visible from the shoulders up. He is wearing a dark blue jacket and a saltire is visible in the background. He has swept back hair and a stubbly beard
...08891680-ffff-11ef-a097-d55f24e930f5.jpgTop of police car lights
...e1ab3950-001a-11f0-a8b1-950887ddc6e5.jpgClose-up of Donatella Versace in a gold dress with an orange backdrop.
...84826630-ffd5-11ef-b0ce-97fc9731bffd.jpgA woman examines a shoe in a John Lewis store
...ad233180-b550-11ee-bc2f-cb5579b90709.pngBBC News Channel
...872477b0-a685-11ef-a4fe-a3e9a6c5d640.jpgA pair of black over-the-ear headphones against a background of a BBC News graphic
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...b44f1170-fdea-11ef-a8b1-950887ddc6e5.jpgWhat We Do in the Shadows
...a7191150-ff4c-11ef-8c3d-b7dcc7510cb1.jpgHistories Secret Heroes
...7be0eb70-ff4c-11ef-a8b1-950887ddc6e5.jpgStacey Dooley: Meet the Shoplifters
...08ab8420-f813-11ef-8c03-7dfdbeeb2526.jpgAssume Nothing: Killer Dust
...05388ac0-ffe5-11ef-a8b1-950887ddc6e5.jpgStoryville: Eternal Spring
...2e62efb0-febb-11ef-b50e-9d086302645f.jpgThe Willpower Detectives: Shadow World
...f79c1bf0-feba-11ef-a8b1-950887ddc6e5.jpgScotland's Greatest Escape
...eb919a20-0035-11f0-8c3d-b7dcc7510cb1.jpgMan Utd
...85478520-003c-11f0-8c3d-b7dcc7510cb1.jpgRangers and Fenerbahce fans
...c77acdf0-fe69-11ef-b50e-9d086302645f.jpgLuke Littler walks up to the oche
...c9f64160-002e-11f0-b50e-9d086302645f.jpgRachael Blackmore celebrates winning at Cheltenham Festival
...a1d98a20-001f-11f0-a8b1-950887ddc6e5.jpgReferee Szymon Marciniak
...df752e60-0039-11f0-8c3d-b7dcc7510cb1.jpgL-R: Tom Shanklin, Jamie Roberts, Jonathan Davies and Lauren Jenkins
...8a7ed150-ff9d-11ef-b50e-9d086302645f.jpgAtletico Madrid's Julian Alvarez
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H1 Überschrift
(Extrem wichtig)
BBC News
Die H1-Überschrift ist zu kurz (8 Zeichen). Sie sollte mindestens 20 Zeichen lang sein.
Es befinden sich 57 Überschriften auf der Seite. Die Anzahl der Überschriften sollte in einem besseren Verhältnis zum Text stehen.


Überschriften HierarchieInhalt
H1 BBC News
H2 Discover your BBC
H2 Russia-Ukraine conflict
H2 The video playlist
H2 More to Explore
H2 News Daily
H2 Most watched
H2 Also in News
H2 Most read
H2 BBC News app
H2 More news on iPlayer and Sounds
H2 Elsewhere on the BBC
H2 Sport
H3 Live. Putin agrees fighting in Ukraine must end but says any plan must lead to 'enduring peace'
H3 Is Putin ready for a ceasefire or playing for time?
H3 NHS England to be brought under government control in major health overhaul
H3 What does NHS England do? Your questions answered on health reforms
H3 Live. Trump threatens 200% tariff on alcohol from EU countries
H3 Teenager jailed for life for Elianne Andam murder
H3 How to see the 'Blood moon' partial lunar eclipse
H3 Tesco to trial giving away expiring food to shoppers
H3 Michelle Mone and Doug Barrowman accuse Covid inquiry of 'cover-up'
H3 Meta stops ex-director from promoting critical memoir
H3 Abercombie & Fitch must pay for ex-CEO's criminal sex trafficking defence
H3 Migrants held at Guantanamo returned to US, reports say
H3 Peace talks are in parallel universe, say Ukraine front-line troops
H3 Watch: Putin responds to US ceasefire proposal. Video, 00:01:01Watch: Putin responds to US ceasefire proposal
H3 Ukraine war in maps: How control has shifted in three years
H3 What does Putin video tell us about the battle for Kursk? Video, 00:02:23What does Putin video tell us about the battle for Kursk?
H3 There are many angry boys like Elianne's killer, her cousin says
H3 Abolishing NHS England is radical - why do it?
H3 The blunt-speaking Canadian taking his fight with Trump to Washington
H3 'He strangled me without asking' - experts say choking during sex now normal for many
H3 'Killed in front of our eyes': How the Pakistan train hijacking unfolded
H3 Five Star singer Stedman Pearson dies aged 60
H3 Donald Trump's son Eric holds talks with John Swinney
H3 Woman arrested in US for allegedly holding stepson captive for 20 years
H3 Donatella Versace steps down as creative director of fashion house
H3 John Lewis profits jump but no staff bonus again
H3 Watch live on iPlayer
H3 Listen to Live News on Sounds
H3 Is Starmer finally getting to grips with being PM? Audio, 54 minutesIs Starmer finally getting to grips with being PM?
H3 Starmer Scraps NHS England. Audio, 31 minutesStarmer Scraps NHS England
H3 The nightly lives of four bickering vampires
H3 How a German refugee risked his life to ridicule Hitler
H3 Stacey Dooley explores Britain’s shoplifting epidemic
H3 A story of cover-ups, corporate espionage, and death
H3 The 2002 heist that shook China’s airwaves
H3 The hidden scandal of Power of Attorney
H3 Grado and Judith Ralston hunt for Scotland’s best getaways
H3 Live. Europa League & Conference League: Man Utd, Rangers, Tottenham & Chelsea bid to go through
H3 Live. Europa League: Build-up as Rangers look to complete win over Fenerbahce
H3 Live. Premier League Darts: Build-up to Littler v Humphries in Nottingham
H3 Blackmore wins on Bob Olinger for Cheltenham double
H3 Uefa to discuss penalty rules with lawmakers after Alvarez miss
H3 Live. Scrum V The Warm Up: Can Wales end the gloom against England?
H3 'So unfortunate' - why Alvarez's penalty was ruled out. Video, 00:01:06'So unfortunate' - why Alvarez's penalty was ruled out
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Die internen Links haben teilweise dynamische Parameter. Alle internen URLs, welche nicht als nofollow markiert sind, sollten keine dynamischen Parameter aufweisen.
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/news/live/cgj5w6veqw6tLive. Putin agrees fighting in Ukraine must end but says any plan must lead to 'enduring peace'
/news/articles/cg70y3ydmdnoIs Putin ready for a ceasefire or playing for time?
/news/world/europeTextduplikat Europe
/news/articles/c70w17dj258oNHS England to be brought under government control in major health overhaul
/news/articles/crknrrz7ln6oWhat does NHS England do? Your questions answered on health reforms
/news/live/cx2gprz84rltLive. Trump threatens 200% tariff on alcohol from EU countries
/news/articles/ckg8ly1wr8roTeenager jailed for life for Elianne Andam murder
/news/articles/ckg8jkzlj03oHow to see the 'Blood moon' partial lunar eclipse
/news/science_and_environmentScience & Environment
/news/articles/c2er1m2rlr4oTesco to trial giving away expiring food to shoppers
/news/articles/ce8mr2kz222oMichelle Mone and Doug Barrowman accuse Covid inquiry of 'cover-up'
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/healthTextduplikat Health
/news/articles/cq5zyq0250woMeta stops ex-director from promoting critical memoir
/news/articles/c15q7wnq2j2oAbercombie & Fitch must pay for ex-CEO's criminal sex trafficking defence
/news/world/us_and_canadaUS & Canada
/news/articles/cjw21y5043yoMigrants held at Guantanamo returned to US, reports say
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/worldTextduplikat World
/news/articles/c89yqqd3n53oPeace talks are in parallel universe, say Ukraine front-line troops
/news/world/europeTextduplikat Europe
/news/videos/czedj0r598loWatch: Putin responds to US ceasefire proposal. Video, 00:01:01Watch: Putin responds to US ceasefire proposal
/news/world/europeTextduplikat Europe
/news/world-europe-60506682Ukraine war in maps: How control has shifted in three years
/news/world/europeTextduplikat Europe
/news/videos/cy5n937105poWhat does Putin video tell us about the battle for Kursk? Video, 00:02:23What does Putin video tell us about the battle for Kursk?
/news/bbcverifyBBC Verify
/news/articles/cp3yyveq90joThere are many angry boys like Elianne's killer, her cousin says
/news/england/londonTextduplikat London
/news/articles/c93nvvw1x20oAbolishing NHS England is radical - why do it?
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/healthTextduplikat Health
/news/articles/c7vz0e5pl80oThe blunt-speaking Canadian taking his fight with Trump to Washington
/news/world/us_and_canadaTextduplikat US & Canada
/news/articles/c62zwy0nex0o'He strangled me without asking' - experts say choking during sex now normal for many
/news/articles/cy0d5y9ew24o'Killed in front of our eyes': How the Pakistan train hijacking unfolded
/newsletters/zhp28xsSign up here
/news/videos/cgm149d8lrdoBBC travels out to 'blistered and burnt' oil tanker in North Sea
/news/videos/crlxe8yg33xoWatch moment cargo ship and oil tanker collide in North Sea
/news/videos/cy5n937105poBBC Verify: What does Putin video tell us about the battle for Kursk?
/news/videos/cm2nxvppmjpoInfluencer who stole baby wombat criticised by Australian PM
/news/videos/cy0d7xwy6j9oWatch: Charred cargo ship and oil tanker seen from above
/news/articles/c5y9xvg2125oFive Star singer Stedman Pearson dies aged 60
/news/entertainment_and_artsTextduplikat Culture
/news/articles/cvgw118nlkeoDonald Trump's son Eric holds talks with John Swinney
/news/scotland/scotland_politicsScotland Politics
/news/articles/c05m01mp999oWoman arrested in US for allegedly holding stepson captive for 20 years
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/news/articles/c5ym22preydoDonatella Versace steps down as creative director of fashion house
/news/entertainment_and_artsTextduplikat Culture
/news/articles/cedlwg77nv4oJohn Lewis profits jump but no staff bonus again
/news/businessTextduplikat Business
/news/articles/c70w17dj258oNHS England to be axed as role returns to government control
/news/articles/crknrrz7ln6oTextduplikat What does NHS England do? Your questions answered on health reforms
/news/articles/c2er1m2rlr4oTextduplikat Tesco to trial giving away expiring food to shoppers
/news/articles/cq5zyq0250woTextduplikat Meta stops ex-director from promoting critical memoir
/news/articles/ckg8jkzlj03oTextduplikat How to see the 'Blood moon' partial lunar eclipse
/news/articles/ckg8ly1wr8roTextduplikat Teenager jailed for life for Elianne Andam murder
/news/articles/cg70y3ydmdnoTextduplikat Is Putin ready for a ceasefire or playing for time?
/news/articles/cvgw118nlkeoTextduplikat Donald Trump's son Eric holds talks with John Swinney
/news/articles/c7vz0e5pl80oTextduplikat The blunt-speaking Canadian taking his fight with Trump to Washington
/news/articles/c5y9xvg2125oTextduplikat Five Star singer Stedman Pearson dies aged 60
/news/10628994BBC News app
/iplayer/live/bbcnewsWatch live on iPlayer
/sounds/play/live:bbc_sounds_newsListen to Live News on Sounds
/sounds/play/m0028v0sIs Starmer finally getting to grips with being PM? Audio, 54 minutesIs Starmer finally getting to grips with being PM?
/sounds/play/p0kxy3mbStarmer Scraps NHS England. Audio, 31 minutesStarmer Scraps NHS England
/iplayer/episode/m0028x11?at_m...The nightly lives of four bickering vampires
/sounds/play/m0028sxr?at_mid=U...How a German refugee risked his life to ridicule Hitler
/iplayer/episode/m0028vp8?at_m...Stacey Dooley explores Britain’s shoplifting epidemic
/sounds/play/m0028jr1?at_mid=4...A story of cover-ups, corporate espionage, and death
/iplayer/episode/m0028x5k/stor...The 2002 heist that shook China’s airwaves
/sounds/play/m0025vpv?at_mid=v...The hidden scandal of Power of Attorney
/iplayer/episode/m0028ybh/scot...Grado and Judith Ralston hunt for Scotland’s best getaways
https://www.bbc.co.uk/sportTextduplikat Sport
/sport/football/live/c8e76w29lzgtLive. Europa League & Conference League: Man Utd, Rangers, Tottenham & Chelsea bid to go through
/sport/football/europa-leagueEuropa League
/sport/football/live/c14j73l7vlvtLive. Europa League: Build-up as Rangers look to complete win over Fenerbahce
/sport/darts/live/c1m5xd57zy9tLive. Premier League Darts: Build-up to Littler v Humphries in Nottingham
/sport/horse-racing/articles/c...Blackmore wins on Bob Olinger for Cheltenham double
/sport/horse-racingHorse Racing
/sport/football/articles/ce34e...Uefa to discuss penalty rules with lawmakers after Alvarez miss
/sport/football/europeanEuropean Football
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