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/government/news/royal-route-a... | | Royal route around England takes next step |
/government/news/strategy-brea... | | Strategy breaks ground on biodiversity net gain and nature growth |
/government/news/birds-of-a-fe... | | Birds of a feather - restoring habitats for seabirds |
/government/news/nature-is-the... | | “Nature is the national wealth service”: Natural England Chair calls for new approach in major report |
/government/news/have-your-say... | | Have your say about new Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty |
/government/news/uk-councils-i... | | UK Councils invited to join and shape new initiative to improve access to nature and green space for millions of urban residents |
/guidance/mirror-agreements-fo... | | Mirror agreements for Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier |
/government/publications/fundi... | | Funding and grants for agroforestry |
/guidance/camping-and-caravann... | | Social clubs: get an exemption to camp without a licence |
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/countryside-stewardship-grant... | | BN11: Planting new hedges |
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/government/news/government-st... | | Government steps in to save historic rights of way from being lost to the nation |
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/government/statistics/the-chi... | | The Children’s People and Nature Survey for England: 2024 update |
/government/statistics/the-peo... | | The People and Nature Surveys for England: Data tables and publications from Adults' survey year 4 (April 2023 - March 2024) |
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/government/consultations/open... | | Open access restriction at Stanbury Moor (3): how to comment |
/government/consultations/open... | | Open access restriction at Angram Moor (3): how to comment |
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/government/publications/natur... | | Natural England register of board members' interests |
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(Nice to have)