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Monte-Carlo Gallery | Monte Carlo Gallery / Monte Carlo Galerie
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Located in the heart of Monaco, Monte Carlo Gallery is pleased to offer the finest selection of the most renowned furniture and decorative pieces from Art Deco and mid century time period. Thanks to our expertise and years of experience, we curate the most precious historical pieces, selected for both their historic meaning in the history of design and for their subtle combinations of concept and craftsmanship, shape and function, tradition and innovation. The gallery is dedicated to 20th century Art and Design, mostly from France and Italy.
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descriptionLocated in the heart of Monaco, Monte Carlo Gallery is pleased to offer the finest selection of the most renowned furniture and decorative pieces from Art Deco and mid century time period. Thanks to our expertise and years of experience, we curate the most precious historical pieces, selected for both their historic meaning in the history of design and for their subtle combinations of concept and craftsmanship, shape and function, tradition and innovation. The gallery is dedicated to 20th century Art and Design, mostly from France and Italy.
twitter:titleMonte-Carlo Gallery | Monte Carlo Gallery / Monte Carlo Galerie
twitter:descriptionLocated in the heart of Monaco, Monte Carlo Gallery is pleased to offer the finest selection of the most renowned furniture and decorative pieces from Art Deco and mid century time period. Thanks to our expertise and years of experience, we curate the most precious historical pieces, selected for both their historic meaning in the history of design and for their subtle combinations of concept and craftsmanship, shape and function, tradition and innovation. The gallery is dedicated to 20th century Art and Design, mostly from France and Italy.
og:titleMonte-Carlo Gallery | Monte Carlo Gallery / Monte Carlo Galerie
og:descriptionLocated in the heart of Monaco, Monte Carlo Gallery is pleased to offer the finest selection of the most renowned furniture and decorative pieces from Art Deco and mid century time period. Thanks to our expertise and years of experience, we curate the most precious historical pieces, selected for both their historic meaning in the history of design and for their subtle combinations of concept and craftsmanship, shape and function, tradition and innovation. The gallery is dedicated to 20th century Art and Design, mostly from France and Italy.

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...225/log-7288-modifier-1333x2000-crop.jpgPair of pink Murano glass leaves wall lamps
...c-1704461219/log-7436-1333x2000-crop.jpgTable lamp by Ezio Didone for Arteluce circa 1970 in Murano glass
...c-1704461217/log-7451-1333x2000-crop.jpgCharming Magazine rack in brass design by Gio Ponti circa 1950
...221/log-7369-modifier-1333x2000-crop.jpgImpressive pair of orange Murano glass wall lamps
...218/log-7512-modifier-1333x2000-crop.jpgSputnik ceiling light in brass, lacquered metal and opaline glass
...391-modifier-modifier-1333x2000-crop.jpgImpressive sputnik chandelier in brass and pink Murano glass flowers
...1-1704461221/log-7317-1333x2000-crop.jpgPair of Rostrato glass wall lamps in the style of Barovier & Toso
...223/log-7275-modifier-1333x2000-crop.jpgPair of Murano glass wall lamp
...727-modifier-modifier-1333x2000-crop.jpgPair of Italian wooden armchairs
...8-1705418066/log-6602-1333x2000-crop.jpgTwo pairs of glass and brass wall lamps circa 1950
...16-1721645234/log2685-1333x2000-crop.jpgImportant vase in off white glazed ceramic
...b4-1721650486/log2745-1333x2000-crop.jpgLovely pair of 239/1 wall light design by Gino Sarfatti for Arteluce 1970
...29-1721744059/log3039-1333x2000-crop.jpgPair of impressive brass framed wall mirrors
...13-1721725718/log2916-1333x2000-crop.jpgPalm leaves brass pair of wall lamps
...81-1721727041/log2951-1333x2000-crop.jpgSet of 6 wall lights design by Luigi Caccia Dominioni for Villa Pineda (France)
...40-1721642989/log2654-1333x2000-crop.jpgSet of 8 brass wall lamps designed by Gio Ponti circa 1960
...3c-1721746410/log2994-1333x2000-crop.jpgVery chic brass and murano glass chandelier
...0-1721827010/log-2280-1333x2000-crop.jpgSputnik chandelier in brass, lacquered black metal and opaline glass
...e-1721910923/log-2032-1333x2000-crop.jpgSide table in walnut design Ico Parisi by De Baggis
...3-1721911412/log-2123-1333x2000-crop.jpgBeautiful floor lamp mod 380 design Giuseppe Ostuni & Renato Forti for Oluce
...2-1721914102/log-7414-1333x2000-crop.jpgPendant light in transparent Murano glass
...c-1721915594/log-6491-1333x2000-crop.jpgBrass and glass italian mid century side table
...98-1721921595/log2982-1333x2000-crop.jpgCerf Volant wall lamp by Pierre Guariche
...a-1721922767/log-2332-1333x2000-crop.jpgPendant lights pair in brass and pressed glass circa 1950
...52-1721983783/log3096-1333x2000-crop.jpgLovely wall mirror with shiny brass frame
...e8-1721996585/log2852-1333x2000-crop.jpgIconic Taccia table lamp design by Achille et Pier Giacomo Castiglioni for Flos
...1f-1725616638/log5526-1333x2000-crop.jpgImpressive pendat light in cast bronze designed by Ottavio Cabiati
...13-1724151138/log4900-1333x2000-crop.jpgSet of 4 brass and frosted glass wall lamp circa 1970


H1 Überschrift
(Extrem wichtig)
Monte-Carlo Gallery
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Überschriften HierarchieInhalt
H1 Monte-Carlo Gallery
H2 Shop
H2 Contact
H2 All
H2 Lightning
H2 Seating
H2 Furniture
H2 Object
H2 Shop Text-Duplikat
H2 Contact Text-Duplikat
H3 Lightning Text-Duplikat
H3 Seating Text-Duplikat
H3 Furniture Text-Duplikat
H3 Object Text-Duplikat
H3 Pair of pink Murano glass leaves wall lamps
H3 Table lamp by Ezio Didone for Arteluce circa 1970 in Murano glass
H3 Charming Magazine rack in brass design by Gio Ponti circa 1950
H3 Impressive pair of orange Murano glass wall lamps
H3 Sputnik ceiling light in brass, lacquered metal and opaline glass
H3 Impressive sputnik chandelier in brass and pink Murano glass flowers
H3 Pair of Rostrato glass wall lamps in the style of Barovier & Toso
H3 Pair of Murano glass wall lamp
H3 Pair of Italian wooden armchairs
H3 Two pairs of glass and brass wall lamps circa 1950
H3 Pair of impressive blue and black vases with floral pattern
H3 Pair of Gio Ponti light pink velvet and wooden feet armchairs
H3 Colored mid century wall light
H3 Lovely Italian pendant light in brass and glass
H3 San Siro 3 seaters sofa by Luigi Caccia Dominioni in water green velvet
H3 Important Stilnovo pendant light
H3 Pair of armchairs in oak and rope, french work circa 1950
H3 Pendant light in brass, glass and lacquered metal design by Angelo Lelli circa 50
H3 Charming side, serving table in dark wood De Baggis Studio
H3 Six drawers commode in gold wood by Paolo Buffa
H3 Beautiful table lamp in glass and brass
H3 Set of ten old pharmacy jars from Italy
H3 Set of nice old pharmarcy pots
H3 Pair of italian brass table lamps
H3 Pair of walnut wood night stands attributed to Paolo Buffa
H3 Fontana Arte crystal vase and metal
H3 Stunning pair of table lamps in brass and opaline glass
H3 Rattan triangular table
H3 Very elegant pendant light in brass and off white rice paper, Italian word circa 1950
H3 Pair of french wall lamps in plaster and glass
H3 Very chic Sofa in teinted beech attributed to Paolo Buffa
H3 Elegant pair of wooden night stands with black glass top
H3 Off white tower floor lamp in metal by Jean Perzel
H3 Hand-held mirror in copper by Lorenzo Burchiellaro circa 1970
H3 Important vase in off white glazed ceramic
H3 Lovely pair of 239/1 wall light design by Gino Sarfatti for Arteluce 1970
H3 Pair of impressive brass framed wall mirrors
H3 Palm leaves brass pair of wall lamps
H3 Set of 6 wall lights design by Luigi Caccia Dominioni for Villa Pineda (France)
H3 Set of 8 brass wall lamps designed by Gio Ponti circa 1960
H3 Stunning hexagonal wooden table lamp circa 1970
H3 Very Nice bamboo table lamp circa 1970
H3 Very chic brass and murano glass chandelier
H3 Sputnik chandelier in brass, lacquered black metal and opaline glass
H3 Side table in walnut design Ico Parisi by De Baggis
H3 Beautiful floor lamp mod 380 design Giuseppe Ostuni & Renato Forti for Oluce
H3 Pendant light in transparent Murano glass
H3 Brass and glass italian mid century side table
H3 Six lights floor lamp in laquered metal, brass and opaline glass
H3 Rare table lamp designed by Giuseppe Calanoci circa 1970
H3 Cerf Volant wall lamp by Pierre Guariche
H3 Pendant lights pair in brass and pressed glass circa 1950
H3 Lovely wall mirror with shiny brass frame
H3 Iconic Taccia table lamp design by Achille et Pier Giacomo Castiglioni for Flos
H3 Impressive pendat light in cast bronze designed by Ottavio Cabiati
H3 Set of 4 brass and frosted glass wall lamp circa 1970
H4 Leere Überschrift
H4 Leere Überschrift
H4 Leere Überschrift
H4 Leere Überschrift
H4 Leere Überschrift
H4 Leere Überschrift
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H4 Leere Überschrift
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/shopShop Gallery
A-TITLE All products
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/shopTextduplikat Shop
/contactTextduplikat Contact
/shop/lightningTextduplikat Lightning
A-TITLE Lightning
/shop/seatingTextduplikat Seating
A-TITLE Seating
/shop/furnitureTextduplikat Furniture
A-TITLE Furniture
/shop/objectTextduplikat Object
A-TITLE Object
/shop/pair-of-murano-pink-glas...Pair of pink Murano glass leaves wall lamps Lovely pair of wall lamps. The pink Murano glass brings a subtle and delicate light to the room. The brass struct...
IMG-ALT Pair of pink Murano glass leaves wall lamps
A-TITLE Pair of pink Murano glass leaves wall lamps
/shop/table-lamp-by-ezio-didon...Table lamp by Ezio Didone for Arteluce circa 1970 in Murano glass Beautiful table lamp in Murano glass, designed by Ezio Didone for Arteluce, circa 1970. Sma...
IMG-ALT Table lamp by Ezio Didone for Arteluce circa 1970 in Murano glass
A-TITLE Table lamp by Ezio Didone for Arteluce circa 1970 in Murano glass
/shop/charming-magazine-rack-i...Charming Magazine rack in brass design by Gio Ponti circa 1950 Lovely magazine rack in brass, designed by Gio Ponti, circa 1950. Very good condition. Do not ...
IMG-ALT Charming Magazine rack in brass design by Gio Ponti circa 1950
A-TITLE Charming Magazine rack in brass design by Gio Ponti circa 1950
/shop/impressive-pair-of-orang...Impressive pair of orange Murano glass wall lamps Very decorative pair of orange Murano glass wall lamps. The glasswork is truely remarkable. There are diffe...
IMG-ALT Impressive pair of orange Murano glass wall lamps
A-TITLE Impressive pair of orange Murano glass wall lamps
/shop/spoutnik-chandelier-in-b...Sputnik ceiling light in brass, lacquered metal and opaline glass Sputnik flush mount ceiling light in brass, lacquered metal and opaline glass. The coloured...
IMG-ALT Sputnik ceiling light in brass, lacquered metal and opaline glass
A-TITLE Sputnik ceiling light in brass, lacquered metal and opaline glass
/shop/impressive-spoutnik-chan...Impressive sputnik chandelier in brass and pink Murano glass flowers Impressive brass ceiling pendant with ornamental flowers made of pink Murano glass. The ...
IMG-ALT Impressive sputnik chandelier in brass and pink Murano glass flowers
A-TITLE Impressive sputnik chandelier in brass and pink Murano glass flowers
/shop/pair-of-rostrato-glass-w...Pair of Rostrato glass wall lamps in the style of Barovier & Toso Lovely pair of Rostrato wall lamps in the style of Barovier & Toso. Beautiful and resistant...
IMG-ALT Pair of Rostrato glass wall lamps in the style of Barovier & Toso
A-TITLE Pair of Rostrato glass wall lamps in the style of Barovier & Toso
/shop/pair-of-murano-glass-wal...Pair of Murano glass wall lamp Beautiful pair of wall lights in translucent textured Murano glass. Six textured glass elements on a white laquered metal stru...
IMG-ALT Pair of Murano glass wall lamp
A-TITLE Pair of Murano glass wall lamp
/shop/pair-of-italian-wooden-a...Pair of Italian wooden armchairs Nice pair of wooden armchairs made of solid walnut. Original and comfortable shape, good condition. Do not hesitate to conta...
IMG-ALT Pair of Italian wooden armchairs
A-TITLE Pair of Italian wooden armchairs
/shop/two-pairs-of-glass-and-b...Two pairs of glass and brass wall lamps circa 1950 2 pairs of glass and brass italian wall lamps. 2 bulb holders E14 by lamp. Very good condition, beautifull...
IMG-ALT Two pairs of glass and brass wall lamps circa 1950
A-TITLE Two pairs of glass and brass wall lamps circa 1950
/shop/pair-of-impressive-blue-...Pair of impressive blue and black vases with floral pattern Impressive pair of blue and black vases. Beautifully enamelled. Dimensions: Height 58xDiameter 36...
IMG-ALT Pair of impressive blue and black vases with floral pattern
A-TITLE Pair of impressive blue and black vases with floral pattern
/shop/pair-of-gio-ponti-light-...Pair of Gio Ponti light pink velvet and wooden feet armchairs Wonderful pair of armchairs, designed by Gio Ponti. Good condition of the velvet; feet need to ...
IMG-ALT Pair of Gio Ponti light pink velvet and wooden feet armchairs
A-TITLE Pair of Gio Ponti light pink velvet and wooden feet armchairs
/shop/colored-mid-century-wall...Colored mid century wall light Impressive wall light in colored lacquered metal and brass. In the style of Stilnovo. All the shades can be oriented. Good con...
IMG-ALT Colored mid century wall light
A-TITLE Colored mid century wall light
/shop/lovely-italian-pendant-l...Lovely Italian pendant light in brass and glass Poetic pendant light in brass and glass. Very good condition. D 20 x H 120 cm
IMG-ALT Lovely Italian pendant light in brass and glass
A-TITLE Lovely Italian pendant light in brass and glass
/shop/san-siro-3-seaters-sofa-...San Siro 3 seaters sofa by Luigi Caccia Dominioni in water green velvet Stunning San Siro sofa designed by Luigi "Caccia" Domioni in 1967 for Azucena. 3 Seat...
IMG-ALT San Siro 3 seaters sofa by Luigi Caccia Dominioni in water green velvet
A-TITLE San Siro 3 seaters sofa by Luigi Caccia Dominioni in water green velvet
/shop/important-stilnovo-penda...Important Stilnovo pendant light Very large lacquered metal pendant light made by Stilnovo, Italy circa 1960. Beautiful mustard yellow. Stilnovo label on the...
IMG-ALT Important Stilnovo pendant light
A-TITLE Important Stilnovo pendant light
/shop/pair-of-armchairs-in-oak...Pair of armchairs in oak and rope, french work circa 1950 Lovely pair of wooden armchair. Oakwood and natural rope. Good condition. Small restore on one of t...
IMG-ALT Pair of armchairs in oak and rope, french work circa 1950
A-TITLE Pair of armchairs in oak and rope, french work circa 1950
/shop/pendant-light-in-brass-g...Pendant light in brass, glass and lacquered metal design by Angelo Lelli circa 50 Very rare pendant light design by Angelo Lello and produced by Arredoluce c...
IMG-ALT Pendant light in brass, glass and lacquered metal design by Angelo Lelli circa 50
A-TITLE Pendant light in brass, glass and lacquered metal design by Angelo Lelli circa 50
/shop/charming-side-serving-ta...Charming side, serving table in dark wood De Baggis Studio Very elegant side / serving table. Italian work from De Baggis edition. Dark wood like Walnut. 3 f...
IMG-ALT Charming side, serving table in dark wood De Baggis Studio
A-TITLE Charming side, serving table in dark wood De Baggis Studio
/shop/six-drawers-commode-in-g...Six drawers commode in gold wood by Paolo Buffa Important 6 drawers commode designed by Paolo Buffa. Golden oakwood, bronze handles, brass feet. Italian work...
IMG-ALT Six drawers commode in gold wood by Paolo Buffa
A-TITLE Six drawers commode in gold wood by Paolo Buffa
/shop/beautiful-table-lamp-in-...Beautiful table lamp in glass and brass Lovely table lamp in glass and brass. Massive transparent glass and nice patina on the brass. Off white fabric lampsh...
IMG-ALT Beautiful table lamp in glass and brass
A-TITLE Beautiful table lamp in glass and brass
/shop/set-of-ten-old-pharmacy-...Set of ten old pharmacy jars from Italy Very decorative set of 10 old pharmacy jars from Italy (Sicily) from the XIX century. Some have blue inscriptions, so...
IMG-ALT Set of ten old pharmacy jars from Italy
A-TITLE Set of ten old pharmacy jars from Italy
/shop/set-of-9-old-pharmarcy-potsSet of nice old pharmarcy pots Remarquable set of 9 old pharmacy pot from Italy. White cream with blue handwriting. D 22 x H 42cm Italy, XIX century Good con...
IMG-ALT Set of nice old pharmarcy pots
A-TITLE Set of nice old pharmarcy pots
/shop/pair-of-italian-brass-ta...Pair of italian brass table lamps Pair of table lamp in brass. Plug in with italian plug. The plugs could be modify. D 27 x H 48cm Italian work circa 1960 Go...
IMG-ALT Pair of italian brass table lamps
A-TITLE Pair of italian brass table lamps
/shop/pair-of-walnut-wood-nigh...Pair of walnut wood night stands attributed to Paolo Buffa Pair of night stands in walnut attributed to Paolo Buffa. 1 drawer each and a self on the bottom. ...
IMG-ALT Pair of walnut wood night stands attributed to Paolo Buffa
A-TITLE Pair of walnut wood night stands attributed to Paolo Buffa
/shop/fontana-arte-crystal-vas...Fontana Arte crystal vase and metal How chic is this vase? Lovely Fontana Arte production of the 60's. Blue mirrored glass and a piece of metal ready to hold...
IMG-ALT Fontana Arte crystal vase and metal
A-TITLE Fontana Arte crystal vase and metal
/shop/stunning-pair-of-table-l...Stunning pair of table lamps in brass and opaline glass Stunning pair of table lamps in brass and opaline. 3 feet structure. Italian work circa 1950 Italian ...
IMG-ALT Stunning pair of table lamps in brass and opaline glass
A-TITLE Stunning pair of table lamps in brass and opaline glass
/shop/rattan-triangular-tableRattan triangular table Lovely rattan triangular side table. Nice nails works on the top. Geometrical pattern. In the style of Gabriella Crespi. Each side L ...
IMG-ALT Rattan triangular table
A-TITLE Rattan triangular table
/shop/very-elegant-pendant-lig...Very elegant pendant light in brass and off white rice paper, Italian word circa 1950 Elegant brass work for this pendant light. Off white paper for the lamp...
IMG-ALT Very elegant pendant light in brass and off white rice paper, Italian word circa 1950
A-TITLE Very elegant pendant light in brass and off white rice paper, Italian word circa 1950
/shop/pair-of-french-wall-lamp...Pair of french wall lamps in plaster and glass Lovely pair of plaster and glass wall lamps. French work circa 1940. Good condition, minor scratches. MCG49 Mo...
IMG-ALT Pair of french wall lamps in plaster and glass
A-TITLE Pair of french wall lamps in plaster and glass
/shop/very-chic-sofa-in-teinte...Very chic Sofa in teinted beech attributed to Paolo Buffa Very chic wooden Sofa attributed to Paolo Buffa. 3 seat with Pierre Frey Collobrières fabric uphols...
IMG-ALT Very chic Sofa in teinted beech attributed to Paolo Buffa
A-TITLE Very chic Sofa in teinted beech attributed to Paolo Buffa
/shop/elegant-pair-of-wooden-n...Elegant pair of wooden night stands with black glass top Light and legant pair of night stands, bedside in clear wood and black glass table top. Stripes patt...
IMG-ALT Elegant pair of wooden night stands with black glass top
A-TITLE Elegant pair of wooden night stands with black glass top
/shop/off-white-tower-floor-la...Off white tower floor lamp in metal by Jean Perzel Minimalist tower flower lamp in off white lacquered metal with brass designed and produced by Jean Perzel ...
IMG-ALT Off white tower floor lamp in metal by Jean Perzel
A-TITLE Off white tower floor lamp in metal by Jean Perzel
/shop/hand-held-mirror-in-copp...Hand-held mirror in copper by Lorenzo Burchiellaro circa 1970 Lovely hand-held mirror in copper with colorated mirror glass made by the italian artist Lorenz...
IMG-ALT Hand-held mirror in copper by Lorenzo Burchiellaro circa 1970
A-TITLE Hand-held mirror in copper by Lorenzo Burchiellaro circa 1970
/shop/important-vase-in-off-wh...Important vase in off white glazed ceramic Important vase in off white glazed ceramic. Good condition. Italy circa 1960 D 34 x H 36cm More information upon r...
IMG-ALT Important vase in off white glazed ceramic
A-TITLE Important vase in off white glazed ceramic
/shop/lovely-pair-of-wall-ligh...Lovely pair of 239/1 wall light design by Gino Sarfatti for Arteluce 1970 Lovely pair of wall lamps mod 239/1 designed by Gino Sarfatti for Arteluce 1970. Va...
IMG-ALT Lovely pair of 239/1 wall light design by Gino Sarfatti for Arteluce 1970
A-TITLE Lovely pair of 239/1 wall light design by Gino Sarfatti for Arteluce 1970
/shop/pair-of-impressive-brass...Pair of impressive brass framed wall mirrors Stunning pair of impression free form mirrors with brass framed. Back in wood. L 97 x H 97 cm. Italian work circ...
IMG-ALT Pair of impressive brass framed wall mirrors
A-TITLE Pair of impressive brass framed wall mirrors
/shop/palm-leaves-brass-pair-o...Palm leaves brass pair of wall lamps Lovely pair of wall lamp in brass with palm leaves decor. 2 bulbs holder by lamp. Probably an italian work. Nice patina,...
IMG-ALT Palm leaves brass pair of wall lamps
A-TITLE Palm leaves brass pair of wall lamps
/shop/set-of-6-wall-lights-des...Set of 6 wall lights design by Luigi Caccia Dominioni for Villa Pineda (France) Very rare set of 6 outdoor wall lamp design by Luigi Caccia Dominioni for the...
IMG-ALT Set of 6 wall lights design by Luigi Caccia Dominioni for Villa Pineda (France)
A-TITLE Set of 6 wall lights design by Luigi Caccia Dominioni for Villa Pineda (France)
/shop/set-of-8-brass-wall-lamp...Set of 8 brass wall lamps designed by Gio Ponti circa 1960 Wonderfull set of 8 wall lamps in satinated brass design by Gio Ponti for Candle edition circa 196...
IMG-ALT Set of 8 brass wall lamps designed by Gio Ponti circa 1960
A-TITLE Set of 8 brass wall lamps designed by Gio Ponti circa 1960
/shop/stunning-hexagonal-woode...Stunning hexagonal wooden table lamp circa 1970 Very decorative table lamp with massive wood foot. One screw bulb holder. Lampshade doesn't include. Italian ...
IMG-ALT Stunning hexagonal wooden table lamp circa 1970
A-TITLE Stunning hexagonal wooden table lamp circa 1970
/shop/very-nice-bamboo-table-l...Very Nice bamboo table lamp circa 1970 Very Nice Bambou table lamp. Foot in patinated brass, lampshade in rattan. Italy Circa 1970. D 35 x H 83cm Dbase 25 x ...
IMG-ALT Very Nice bamboo table lamp circa 1970
A-TITLE Very Nice bamboo table lamp circa 1970
/shop/very-chic-brass-and-mura...Very chic brass and murano glass chandelier Impressive pendant light in brass and murano glass. 6 bulb holders. Good condition. Italian work from the fifties...
IMG-ALT Very chic brass and murano glass chandelier
A-TITLE Very chic brass and murano glass chandelier
/shop/sputnik-chandelier-in-br...Sputnik chandelier in brass, lacquered black metal and opaline glass Sputnik chandelier in brass, black lacquered metal and opaline glass 9 lights Lovely bra...
IMG-ALT Sputnik chandelier in brass, lacquered black metal and opaline glass
A-TITLE Sputnik chandelier in brass, lacquered black metal and opaline glass
/shop/side-table-in-walnut-des...Side table in walnut design Ico Parisi by De Baggis Lovely side table in solid walnut Design by Ico Parisi for De Baggis studio in Italy. Circa 1950 Details ...
IMG-ALT Side table in walnut design Ico Parisi by De Baggis
A-TITLE Side table in walnut design Ico Parisi by De Baggis
/shop/beautiful-floor-lamp-mod...Beautiful floor lamp mod 380 design Giuseppe Ostuni & Renato Forti for Oluce Elegant floor lamp in brass and black varnished metal design by Guiseppe Ostuni ...
IMG-ALT Beautiful floor lamp mod 380 design Giuseppe Ostuni & Renato Forti for Oluce
A-TITLE Beautiful floor lamp mod 380 design Giuseppe Ostuni & Renato Forti for Oluce
/shop/pendant-light-in-transpa...Pendant light in transparent Murano glass Lovely pendant light in Murano transparent glass. Off white lacquered metal structure Chrome hardware 6 bulbs holde...
IMG-ALT Pendant light in transparent Murano glass
A-TITLE Pendant light in transparent Murano glass
/shop/brass-and-glass-italian-...Brass and glass italian mid century side table Lovely side table in glass and brass. 3 feet with arrow decor. Top in transparent glass. Very good condition. ...
IMG-ALT Brass and glass italian mid century side table
A-TITLE Brass and glass italian mid century side table
/shop/six-lights-floor-lamp-in...Six lights floor lamp in laquered metal, brass and opaline glass Sculptural floor lamp in black lacquered metal, brass and opaline glass. 6 lights White marb...
IMG-ALT Six lights floor lamp in laquered metal, brass and opaline glass
A-TITLE Six lights floor lamp in laquered metal, brass and opaline glass
/shop/rare-table-lamp-designed...Rare table lamp designed by Giuseppe Calanoci circa 1970 Rare table lamp in bronze, plexiglass and wood designed by Giuseppe Calonaci. Italy circa 1970 EU pl...
IMG-ALT Rare table lamp designed by Giuseppe Calanoci circa 1970
A-TITLE Rare table lamp designed by Giuseppe Calanoci circa 1970
/shop/cerf-volant-wall-lamp-by...Cerf Volant wall lamp by Pierre Guariche Iconic " Cerf-volant" wall lamp designed by Pierre Guariche for Diderot edition circa 1950. Very rare condition for ...
IMG-ALT Cerf Volant wall lamp by Pierre Guariche
A-TITLE Cerf Volant wall lamp by Pierre Guariche
/shop/pendant-lights-pair-in-b...Pendant lights pair in brass and pressed glass circa 1950 Nice pair of pendant light in brass and pressed glass. Lovely patina on the brass. Italian work cir...
IMG-ALT Pendant lights pair in brass and pressed glass circa 1950
A-TITLE Pendant lights pair in brass and pressed glass circa 1950
/shop/lovely-wall-mirror-with-...Lovely wall mirror with shiny brass frame Lovely small mirror with a shiny brass frame. Original shape, nice patina. Probably an italian work. Circa 1950. L ...
IMG-ALT Lovely wall mirror with shiny brass frame
A-TITLE Lovely wall mirror with shiny brass frame
/shop/iconic-taccia-table-lamp...Iconic Taccia table lamp design by Achille et Pier Giacomo Castiglioni for Flos Iconic TACCIA table lamp designed by Achille et Pier Giacomo Castiglioni for ...
IMG-ALT Iconic Taccia table lamp design by Achille et Pier Giacomo Castiglioni for Flos
A-TITLE Iconic Taccia table lamp design by Achille et Pier Giacomo Castiglioni for Flos
/shop/impressive-pendat-light-...Impressive pendat light in cast bronze designed by Ottavio Cabiati Impression and heavy pendant light in cast bronze designed by Ottavio Cabiati. Opaline gla...
IMG-ALT Impressive pendat light in cast bronze designed by Ottavio Cabiati
A-TITLE Impressive pendat light in cast bronze designed by Ottavio Cabiati
/shop/set-of-4-brass-and-frost...Set of 4 brass and frosted glass wall lamp circa 1970 Very elegant set of 4 wall lamp in brass and frosted glass. Italian work circa 1960 Very good condition...
IMG-ALT Set of 4 brass and frosted glass wall lamp circa 1970
A-TITLE Set of 4 brass and frosted glass wall lamp circa 1970


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Monte-Carlo Gallery | Monte Carlo Gallery / Monte Carlo Galerie
Located in the heart of Monaco, Monte Carlo Gallery is pleased to offer the finest selection of the most renowned furniture and decorative pieces from Art Deco and mid century time period. Thanks to our expertise and years of experience, we curate the most precious historical pieces, selected for both their historic meaning in the history of design and for their subtle combinations of concept and craftsmanship, shape and function, tradition and innovation. The gallery is dedicated to 20th century Art and Design, mostly from France and Italy.

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