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Vessel Art Project
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Vessel is a nomadic curatorial organisation and agency invested in supporting artistic and curatorial practices that are situated, responsive and research-led. Driven by a biographical and epistemological belonging to the South – the Southern Europe and Mediterranean regions in particular – we are interested in how social and ecological imagination can be enhanced in order to critically engage with the sets of conditions and infrastructures that sustain contemporary cultural practices. Vessel has devoted great attention to the definition and development of socially-engaged art practice and contributed internationally by way of the application of socially-engaged tools and methods in contemporary curatorial practice, always from a perspective ‘other’ than the mainstream. Vessel’s practice – embedded in an ongoing act of hosting and being hosted – manifests itself through public programming, commissioning and writing. In the last 10 years Vessel has participated and contributed to shaping an understanding of curatorial practice epistemologically connected to a locale (or locality) though not by default based within it. Vessel's core curatorial team includes: Co-founders and directors: Viviana Checchia, Anna Santomauro Public Programme Producer: Benedetta d’Ettorre Website: Design: Mark Bohle; Coding: Jaume Ferrete
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Vessel is a nomadic curatorial organisation and agency invested in supporting artistic and curatorial practices that are situated, responsive and research-led.
Driven by a biographical and epistemological belonging to the South – the Southern Europe and Mediterranean regions in particular – we are interested in how social and ecological imagination can be enhanced in order to critically engage with the sets of conditions and infrastructures that sustain contemporary cultural practices.
Vessel has devoted great attention to the definition and development of socially-engaged art practice and contributed internationally by way of the application of socially-engaged tools and methods in contemporary curatorial practice, always from a perspective ‘other’ than the mainstream.
Vessel’s practice – embedded in an ongoing act of hosting and being hosted – manifests itself through public programming, commissioning and writing. In the last 10 years Vessel has participated and contributed to shaping an understanding of curatorial practice epistemologically connected to a locale (or locality) though not by default based within it.
Vessel's core curatorial team includes:
Co-founders and directors: Viviana Checchia, Anna Santomauro
Public Programme Producer: Benedetta d’Ettorre
Design: Mark Bohle; Coding: Jaume Ferrete
Vessel is a nomadic curatorial organisation and agency invested in supporting artistic and curatorial practices that are situated, responsive and research-led.
Driven by a biographical and epistemological belonging to the South – the Southern Europe and Mediterranean regions in particular – we are interested in how social and ecological imagination can be enhanced in order to critically engage with the sets of conditions and infrastructures that sustain contemporary cultural practices.
Vessel has devoted great attention to the definition and development of socially-engaged art practice and contributed internationally by way of the application of socially-engaged tools and methods in contemporary curatorial practice, always from a perspective ‘other’ than the mainstream.
Vessel’s practice – embedded in an ongoing act of hosting and being hosted – manifests itself through public programming, commissioning and writing. In the last 10 years Vessel has participated and contributed to shaping an understanding of curatorial practice epistemologically connected to a locale (or locality) though not by default based within it.
Vessel's core curatorial team includes:
Co-founders and directors: Viviana Checchia, Anna Santomauro
Public Programme Producer: Benedetta d’Ettorre
Design: Mark Bohle; Coding: Jaume Ferrete
Vessel Art Project
Vessel Art Project
Vessel is a nomadic curatorial organisation and agency invested in supporting artistic and curatorial practices that are situated, responsive and research-led.
Driven by a biographical and epistemological belonging to the South – the Southern Europe and Mediterranean regions in particular – we are interested in how social and ecological imagination can be enhanced in order to critically engage with the sets of conditions and infrastructures that sustain contemporary cultural practices.
Vessel has devoted great attention to the definition and development of socially-engaged art practice and contributed internationally by way of the application of socially-engaged tools and methods in contemporary curatorial practice, always from a perspective ‘other’ than the mainstream.
Vessel’s practice – embedded in an ongoing act of hosting and being hosted – manifests itself through public programming, commissioning and writing. In the last 10 years Vessel has participated and contributed to shaping an understanding of curatorial practice epistemologically connected to a locale (or locality) though not by default based within it.
Vessel's core curatorial team includes:
Co-founders and directors: Viviana Checchia, Anna Santomauro
Public Programme Producer: Benedetta d’Ettorre
Design: Mark Bohle; Coding: Jaume Ferrete
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Seitenqualität 38% der Punkte
(Extrem wichtig)
Die Wortzahl ist mit 88 Worten viel zu gering. Die Textlänge sollte mindestens 250 Wörter betragen.
Einige Wörter aus dem Seitentitel werden nicht im Text bzw. Inhalt der Seite verwendet
Es wurden nur 1 Fließtextblöcke auf der Seite gefunden.
Der Text besteht zu 42% aus Füllwörtern.
Es wurden keine Platzhalter Texte bzw. Bilder gefunden.
Es befinden sich keine Duplikate auf der Seite.
Die durchschnittliche Satzlänge ist mit 23 Wörtern gut.
Es befinden sich wenige Social-Sharing Möglichkeiten auf der Seite. Mit Plugins zum Teilen kann die Reichweite der Seite in sozialen Netzwerken erhöht werden.
Vessel is a nomadic curatorial organisation and agency invested in supporting artistic and curatorial practices that are situated, responsive and research-led. Driven by a biographical and epistemological belonging to the South – the Southern Europe and Mediterranean regions in particular – we are interested in how social and ecological imagination can be enhanced in order to critically engage with the sets of conditions and infrastructures that sustain contemporary cultural practices. Vessel has devoted great attention to the definition and development of socially-engaged art practice and contributed internationally by way of the application of socially-engaged tools and methods in contemporary curatorial practice, always from a perspective ‘other’ than the mainstream. Vessel’s practice – embedded in an ongoing act of hosting and being hosted – manifests itself through public programming, commissioning and writing. In the last 10 years Vessel has participated and contributed to sha...
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