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Information and Enterprise Technology News | CIO Dive
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(Extrem wichtig)
CIO Dive provides news and analysis for IT executives. We cover big data, IT strategy, cloud computing, security, mobile technology, infrastructure, software and more.
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Im HTML angegebene Sprache: en-us
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Meta Tags

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descriptionCIO Dive provides news and analysis for IT executives. We cover big data, IT strategy, cloud computing, security, mobile technology, infrastructure, software and more.

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Der Inhalt ist mit 1565 Wörtern in Ordnung.
Der Text besteht zu 28.6% aus Füllwörtern.
Im Text befindet sich eine Aufzählung, dies deutet auf eine gute Textstruktur hin.
Es wurden 32 Fließtextblöcke auf der Seite gefunden.
Es wurden keine Platzhalter Texte bzw. Bilder gefunden.
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Die durchschnittliche Satzlänge ist mit 16.58 Wörtern gut.
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Bilder Optimierung
(Wenig wichtig)
Bei 5 Bildern fehlt das Alt-Attribut. Der Inhalt von Alt-Attributen wird von Suchmaschinen auch als Text gewertet und ist wichtig für die Bildersuche.
Soziale Vernetzung
(Nice to have)
Es befinden sich wenige Social-Sharing Möglichkeiten auf der Seite. Mit Plugins zum Teilen kann die Reichweite der Seite in sozialen Netzwerken erhöht werden.
Zusätzliches Markup
(Nice to have)
Es wurde kein zusätzliches Markup gefunden.
(Wenig wichtig)
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Alle eingebundenen Dateien werden ebenfalls über HTTPS ausgeliefert.


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...0dldHR5SW1hZ2VzLTIwOTQ5Mzc5NjcuanBn.webpNvidia CEO Jensen Huang delivers a keynote address during the Nvidia GTC Artificial Intelligence Conference at SAP Center on March 18, 2024 in San Jose, California
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...HR5SW1hZ2VzLTEyMjk4OTcyMzJfMS5qcGc=.webpThe Salesforce logo is seen at Salesforce Tower on December 1, 2020 in San Francisco, California.
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...0dldHR5SW1hZ2VzLTEwNDQ0ODg4MDQuanBn.webpPwC offices stand in More London Riverside on October 2, 2018 in London, England.
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...0dldHR5SW1hZ2VzLTEyNjQ1MTY4ODIuanBn.webpAbstract black and white monochrome art with surreal funnel.
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...3dmbGFrZV9vZmZpY2VfaW50ZXJpb3IuanBn.webpSnowflake logo on one of the data cloud company's offices.
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...2VzLTIwOTQ4MjcxMzJfT3gzSnozZC5qcGc=.webpNvidia CEO Jensen Huang delivers a keynote address during the Nvidia GTC Artificial Intelligence Conference at SAP Center on March 18, 2024 in San Jose, California.
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...0dldHR5SW1hZ2VzLTE0NDg0Nzk2MjQuanBn.webpan executive in business attire takes a video call. In the laptop before him there are multiple meeting participants
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...0dldHR5SW1hZ2VzLTIxMTQyOTU5OTguanBn.webpExecutives working through an AI training course.
...0dldHR5SW1hZ2VzLTk2OTI0OTEyNi5qcGc=.webpSignage is displayed outside the Broadcom offices on June 7, 2018 in San Jose, California.
...mZpY2VfZXh0ZXJpb3JfTU1RU3ZXei5qcGc=.webpThe lobby inside a Snowflake office building.
...0dldHR5SW1hZ2VzLTIwOTQ5Mzc5NjcuanBn.webpNvidia CEO Jensen Huang delivers a keynote address during the Nvidia GTC Artificial Intelligence Conference at SAP Center on March 18, 2024 in San Jose, California
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H1 Überschrift
(Extrem wichtig)
Don't miss tomorrow's tech industry news
Zu viele H1 Überschriften
Es befinden sich 46 Überschriften auf der Seite. Die Anzahl der Überschriften sollte in einem besseren Verhältnis zum Text stehen.


Überschriften HierarchieInhalt
H1 Don't miss tomorrow's tech industry news
H1 IT job posts rise, unemployment dips in May: CompTIA
H2 Top stories
H2 The Latest
H3 ERP vendors target insights, automated reports in generative AI push
H3 Pressure mounts on Snowflake and its customers as attacks spread
H3 AWS, Udemy launch generative AI leadership training program
H3 IT leaders chafe as VMware costs skyrocket under Broadcom
H3 Norwegian Cruise charts AI adoption course after 15-month AWS migration
H3 Snowflake aims to ease analytics headaches, embeds Nvidia AI in data cloud
H3 Best Buy balances tech and staff investments to boost customer experience
H3 SAP beefs up copilot, trains Joule to assist with ERP migrations
H3 Security concerns mount as businesses deploy AI coding tools
H3 Nvidia unveils new chip as the AI processor war heats up
H3 Most businesses lack a clear AI adoption roadmap: McKinsey
H3 Snowflake customers caught in identity-based attack spree
H3 AI use could lead to a busy work boom, Slack finds
H3 Security chiefs under pressure from boards to downplay cyber risk: study
H3 UK regulators sound the alarm on cloud vendor lock-in
H3 Salesforce hits software sales slump, bets on AI adoption to boost business
H3 Why is the gender pay gap widening in STEM?
H3 Workplace generative AI use soars, but risks linger
H3 PwC plans ChatGPT Enterprise rollout to 100K employees
H3 Enterprises will go all-in on AI PCs by 2026, Gartner predicts
H3 OpenAI forms safety committee as it pushes next model development
H3 Cyberattacks are good for security vendors, and business is booming
H3 JPMorgan ramps up prompt engineering training, AI projects
H3 CIOs tap citizen developers for IT and operational efficiencies
H3 Microsoft president set to testify before Congress on ‘security shortcomings’
H3 Snowflake banks on building modestly sized AI models
H3 AI skills bring higher pay, more interview offers, study says
H3 Nvidia CEO promises to deliver ‘a mound of chips’ as AI development speeds ahead
H3 Enterprises, pressed for time, accelerate AI spending
H3 Ballooning AI budgets expected to face ROI pressure
H3 Get the free newsletter
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Einige der Linktexte der internen Links sind zu lang.
Die internen Links haben teilweise dynamische Parameter. Alle internen URLs, welche nicht als nofollow markiert sind, sollten keine dynamischen Parameter aufweisen.
Einige der Linktexte wiederholen sich.
2 Links haben keinen Linktext oder nur Inhalt in Alt- und Titelattributen.
Die Anzahl an internen Links ist ok.
Es befinden sich zu viele externe Links (28) auf der Seite.
https://www.ciodive.com/Anchor Skip to main content
https://www.industrydive.com/t...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Terms of Use
https://www.industrydive.com/p...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Privacy Policy
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/deep-dive/Deep Dive
/press-release/Press Releases
/signup/?signup_location=headerSign up
/signup/?signup_location=headerTextduplikat Sign up
/topic/IT-Strategy/IT Strategy
/topic/big-data/Big Data
/news/tech-jobs-report-may-IT-...IMG-ALT Two technology workers stand in front of a large server unit
/news/tech-jobs-report-may-IT-...IT job posts rise, unemployment dips in May: CompTIA
/news/tech-jobs-report-may-IT-...Read more ➔
/news/enterprise-resource-plan...ERP vendors target insights, automated reports in generative AI push
/news/snowflake-customers-brea...Pressure mounts on Snowflake and its customers as attacks spread
/news/aws-udemy-generative-ai-...AWS, Udemy launch generative AI leadership training program
/news/broadcom-vmware-lock-in-...IT leaders chafe as VMware costs skyrocket under Broadcom
/news/norwegian-cruise-line-ho...Norwegian Cruise charts AI adoption course after 15-month AWS migration
/news/snowflake-summit-data-cl...IMG-ALT Snowflake CEO Sridhar Ramaswamy delivers a keynote address at Snowflake Summit 2024 on Monday, June 3, 2024 in San Francisco, California.
/news/snowflake-summit-data-cl...Snowflake aims to ease analytics headaches, embeds Nvidia AI in data cloud
/topic/cloud/Textduplikat Cloud
/news/best-buy-tech-staff-inve...IMG-ALT A worker assists a man in front of a display of Apple products.
/news/best-buy-tech-staff-inve...Best Buy balances tech and staff investments to boost customer experience
/topic/IT-Strategy/Textduplikat IT Strategy
/news/sap-joule-generative-ai-...IMG-ALT SAP headquarters building in Walldorf, Germany.
/news/sap-joule-generative-ai-...SAP beefs up copilot, trains Joule to assist with ERP migrations
/topic/cloud/Textduplikat Cloud
/news/AI-generated-code-securi...IMG-ALT A group of three software developers converse in an office setting
/news/AI-generated-code-securi...Security concerns mount as businesses deploy AI coding tools
/topic/IT-Strategy/Textduplikat IT Strategy
/news/nvidia-rubin-processor-g...IMG-ALT Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang delivers a keynote address during the Nvidia GTC Artificial Intelligence Conference at SAP Center on March 18, 2024 in San Jose, Cali...
/news/nvidia-rubin-processor-g...Nvidia unveils new chip as the AI processor war heats up
https://www.ciodive.com/topic/ai/AI & Future Tech
/news/enterprise-lack-generati...IMG-ALT Colleagues at business meeting in conference room.
/news/enterprise-lack-generati...Most businesses lack a clear AI adoption roadmap: McKinsey
/topic/IT-Strategy/Textduplikat IT Strategy
/news/snowflake-customer-datab...IMG-ALT Snowflake office building in San Mateo, CA.
/news/snowflake-customer-datab...Snowflake customers caught in identity-based attack spree
/topic/security/Textduplikat Security
/news/productivity-busy-work-A...IMG-ALT Businesspeople walking at modern office.
/news/productivity-busy-work-A...AI use could lead to a busy work boom, Slack finds
https://www.ciodive.com/topic/ai/Textduplikat AI & Future Tech
/news/ciso-pressure-boards-dow...IMG-ALT Silhouette of several business people at a conference room table.
/news/ciso-pressure-boards-dow...Security chiefs under pressure from boards to downplay cyber risk: study
/topic/IT-Strategy/Textduplikat IT Strategy
/news/UK-CMA-cloud-vendor-lock...IMG-ALT The flag of the UK flies in cloudy skies, the Big Ben featured in the foreground.
/news/UK-CMA-cloud-vendor-lock...UK regulators sound the alarm on cloud vendor lock-in
/topic/IT-Strategy/Textduplikat IT Strategy
/news/salesforce-software-sale...IMG-ALT The Salesforce logo is seen at Salesforce Tower on December 1, 2020 in San Francisco, California.
/news/salesforce-software-sale...Salesforce hits software sales slump, bets on AI adoption to boost business
/topic/cloud/Textduplikat Cloud
/news/gender-pay-gap-widening-...IMG-ALT Seven orange statues stand on the Smithsonian Castle grounds.
/news/gender-pay-gap-widening-...Why is the gender pay gap widening in STEM?
/topic/IT-Strategy/Textduplikat IT Strategy
/news/enterprise-generative-ai...IMG-ALT A mock-up AI chatbot service, a digital assistant that utilizes machine learning algorithms to communicate with users in a conversational manner.
/news/enterprise-generative-ai...Workplace generative AI use soars, but risks linger
https://www.ciodive.com/topic/ai/Textduplikat AI & Future Tech
/news/pwc-chatgpt-enterprise-o...IMG-ALT PwC offices stand in More London Riverside on October 2, 2018 in London, England.
/news/pwc-chatgpt-enterprise-o...PwC plans ChatGPT Enterprise rollout to 100K employees
https://www.ciodive.com/topic/ai/Textduplikat AI & Future Tech
/news/AI-PC-enterprise-windows...IMG-ALT a close up of a computer chip implanted on a silicon board
/news/AI-PC-enterprise-windows...Enterprises will go all-in on AI PCs by 2026, Gartner predicts
/topic/IT-Strategy/Textduplikat IT Strategy
/news/openai-safety-security-t...IMG-ALT close up ChatGPT official app icon on screen.
/news/openai-safety-security-t...OpenAI forms safety committee as it pushes next model development
https://www.ciodive.com/topic/ai/Textduplikat AI & Future Tech
/news/attacks-fuel-cyber-busin...IMG-ALT Abstract black and white monochrome art with surreal funnel.
/news/attacks-fuel-cyber-busin...Cyberattacks are good for security vendors, and business is booming
/topic/IT-Strategy/Textduplikat IT Strategy
/news/jpmorgan-chase-ai-traini...IMG-ALT Two people walk past a Chase bank branch.
/news/jpmorgan-chase-ai-traini...JPMorgan ramps up prompt engineering training, AI projects
/topic/cloud/Textduplikat Cloud
/news/citizen-developers-busin...IMG-ALT two software developers sit side by side in an office setting
/news/citizen-developers-busin...CIOs tap citizen developers for IT and operational efficiencies
/topic/IT-Strategy/Textduplikat IT Strategy
/news/microsoft-brad-smith-con...IMG-ALT Microsoft logo is seen in the background.
/news/microsoft-brad-smith-con...Microsoft president set to testify before Congress on ‘security shortcomings’
/topic/IT-Strategy/Textduplikat IT Strategy
/news/snowflake-data-cloud-gen...IMG-ALT Snowflake logo on one of the data cloud company's offices.
/news/snowflake-data-cloud-gen...Snowflake banks on building modestly sized AI models
/topic/cloud/Textduplikat Cloud
/news/employers-offer-intervie...IMG-ALT A businessman and young woman meeting for a job interview, full length, seen through glass wall
/news/employers-offer-intervie...AI skills bring higher pay, more interview offers, study says
https://www.ciodive.com/topic/ai/Textduplikat AI & Future Tech
/news/nvidia-gpu-processors-ai...IMG-ALT Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang delivers a keynote address during the Nvidia GTC Artificial Intelligence Conference at SAP Center on March 18, 2024 in San Jose, Cali...
/news/nvidia-gpu-processors-ai...Nvidia CEO promises to deliver ‘a mound of chips’ as AI development speeds ahead
/topic/cloud/Textduplikat Cloud
/news/enterprise-ai-tech-stack...Kein Text
/news/enterprise-ai-tech-stack...Enterprises, pressed for time, accelerate AI spending
https://www.ciodive.com/topic/ai/Textduplikat AI & Future Tech
/news/ballooning-AI-budgets-ro...IMG-ALT an executive in business attire takes a video call. In the laptop before him there are multiple meeting participants
/news/ballooning-AI-budgets-ro...Ballooning AI budgets expected to face ROI pressure
/topic/IT-Strategy/Textduplikat IT Strategy
https://www.ciodive.com/?page=2More stories
IMG-ALT next icon
https://www.industrydive.com/t...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Textduplikat Terms of Use
https://www.industrydive.com/p...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Textduplikat Privacy Policy
/news/aws-udemy-generative-ai-...IMG-ALT Executives working through an AI training course.
/news/aws-udemy-generative-ai-...Textduplikat AWS, Udemy launch generative AI leadership training program
/news/broadcom-vmware-lock-in-...IMG-ALT Signage is displayed outside the Broadcom offices on June 7, 2018 in San Jose, California.
/news/broadcom-vmware-lock-in-...Textduplikat IT leaders chafe as VMware costs skyrocket under Broadcom
/news/snowflake-customers-brea...IMG-ALT The lobby inside a Snowflake office building.
/news/snowflake-customers-brea...Textduplikat Pressure mounts on Snowflake and its customers as attacks spread
/news/nvidia-rubin-processor-g...Textduplikat IMG-ALT Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang delivers a keynote address during the Nvidia GTC Artificial Intelligence Conference at SAP Center on March 18, 2024 in San Jose, Cali...
/news/nvidia-rubin-processor-g...Textduplikat Nvidia unveils new chip as the AI processor war heats up
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# NOTE: Allow is a non-standard directive for robots.txt. It is allowed by Google bots. See https://developers.google.com/search/reference/robots_txt#allow

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# https://developers.google.com/search/reference/robots_txt#order-of-precedence-for-user-agents
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Disallow: /

User-agent: amazon-kendra # Amazon Kendra Web Crawler
Disallow: /


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