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Defense One
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Defense One provides news, analysis, and ideas about the future of national security to defense and industry leaders, innovative decision-makers, and in...
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descriptionDefense One provides news, analysis, and ideas about the future of national security to defense and industry leaders, innovative decision-makers, and in...
sailthru.descriptionDefense One provides news, analysis, and ideas about the future of national security to defense and industry leaders, innovative decision-makers, and informed citizens.
sailthru.titleDefense One
og:site_nameDefense One
og:descriptionDefense One provides news, analysis, and ideas about the future of national security to defense and industry leaders, innovative decision-makers, and informed citizens.
og:titleDefense One

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  • Duplikat: I agree to the use of my personal data by Government Executive Media G...
Der Inhalt ist mit 1408 Wörtern in Ordnung.
Der Text besteht zu 27.2% aus Füllwörtern.
Worte aus dem Titel werden im Text wiederholt.
Im Text befindet sich eine Aufzählung, dies deutet auf eine gute Textstruktur hin.
Es wurden 4 Fließtextblöcke auf der Seite gefunden.
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Die durchschnittliche Satzlänge ist mit 10.1 Wörtern gut.
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Bilder Optimierung
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Soziale Vernetzung
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Alle eingebundenen Dateien werden ebenfalls über HTTPS ausgeliefert.


data:[...] Base64Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
data:[...] Base64Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...22_at_5.24.58PM-1/261x157.png?1713821218An artist's conception of China's H-20 nuclear bomber H-20 shared on China's Weibo social-media platform on March 11, 2024.
...21028_A_FN691_050/261x157.jpg?1713912894Army Capt. Eric Tatum, assigned to the Army Futures Command's Artificial Intelligence Integration Center, conducts field testing with the Inspired Flight 3 Drone during Project Convergence at Fort Irwin, Calif., Oct. 27, 2022.
...Images_1730511257/261x157.jpg?1713860562Russia's President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping shake hands in Beijing on October 18, 2023.
...Images_1136124690/261x157.jpg?1713907145In this 2019 photo, attendees participate in an Augmented Reality demonstration hosted by Raytheon during the 35th Space Symposium in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
...ages_1244064714-1/261x157.jpg?1713193394Estonian Defense Minister Hanno Pevkur speaks to reporters at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., on October 18, 2022.
...tock_1019729218_1/261x157.jpg?1707764126Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...22_at_5.24.58PM-1/261x157.png?1713821218An artist's conception of China's H-20 nuclear bomber H-20 shared on China's Weibo social-media platform on March 11, 2024.
...21028_A_FN691_050/261x157.jpg?1713912894Army Capt. Eric Tatum, assigned to the Army Futures Command's Artificial Intelligence Integration Center, conducts field testing with the Inspired Flight 3 Drone during Project Convergence at Fort Irwin, Calif., Oct. 27, 2022.
...Images_1730511257/261x157.jpg?1713860562Russia's President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping shake hands in Beijing on October 18, 2023.
...Images_1136124690/261x157.jpg?1713907145In this 2019 photo, attendees participate in an Augmented Reality demonstration hosted by Raytheon during the 35th Space Symposium in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
...ages_1244064714-1/261x157.jpg?1713193394Estonian Defense Minister Hanno Pevkur speaks to reporters at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., on October 18, 2022.
...tock_1019729218_1/261x157.jpg?1707764126Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
data:[...] Base64Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
data:[...] Base64A serviceman of the battalion of unmanned attack air systems "Achilles" of the 92nd Separate Assault Brigade prepares the "Vampir" night drone for the operation at a front-line position near the town of Chasiv Yar, Donetsk region, on April 22, 2024.
data:[...] Base64Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
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...a_Pacific_Outlook/292x220.png?1711484769Asia-Pacific Outlook
..._networks_cover-1/292x220.png?1706042407Connect Everything: JADC2 & networks
...analytics_cover-1/292x220.png?1703020682Intel and Analytics


H1 Überschrift
(Extrem wichtig)
The goal of 100K artillery shells per month is back in sight, Army says
Die H1-Überschrift ist perfekt.
Es befinden sich 52 Überschriften auf der Seite. Die Anzahl der Überschriften sollte in einem besseren Verhältnis zum Text stehen.
Einige Überschriften haben keinen Inhalt.


Überschriften HierarchieInhalt
H1 The goal of 100K artillery shells per month is back in sight, Army says
H2 The new supplemental renews the push to boost production sixfold since Russia’s Ukraine invasion.
H2 How will Ukraine spend its new US aid?
H2 The D Brief: Aid heads to Ukraine; Army’s 100K goal; Niger pullout talks; Pentagon test recuses himself; And a bit more.
H2 Anduril, General Atomics win more USAF money to develop robot wingmen
H2 Prepositioned stocks will get new aid to Ukraine quickly, top US officer says
H2 Finally, Generative AI for Government
H2 The D Brief: Aid bill heads to Biden; UK also boosts funding; How will Kyiv use it?; Foreign-policy poll; And a bit more.
H2 The Army is trying to identify all the obstacles to adopting AI in 100 days
H2 RTX moves away from competing as a prime for space contracts
H2 Using a Zero Trust, Cloud-Based Tactical Network to Protect our Tactical Edge
H2 Russia exploits Western vacuum in Africa’s Sahel
H2 The D Brief: Israel’s next move; Floating-pier progress; China’s stealth bomber; Asia’s climate threat; And a bit more.
H2 Human-rights violations rising in several countries, State Department says
H2 Voices
H2 Controversial surveillance program gets 2-year extension
H2 Doctors prefer Pentagon's old health-records system to its new one
H2 China’s new stealth bomber ‘nowhere near as good’ as US’s, intel official says
H2 Deal will allow military spouses to telework from overseas
H2 Australia got a new sub drone far faster than the US Navy could have, company says
H2 The D Brief: House OKs aid; Likely stateside impact; US to withdraw from Niger; AI-powered dogfight; And a bit more.
H2 House passes long-awaited aid for Ukraine, Israel, Indo-Pacific
H2 An AI took on a human pilot in a DARPA-sponsored dogfight
H2 Army SOF's new drone course teaches gamer and maker skills
H2 Today's D Brief: Explosions over Iran; What’s in the House aid bills; Army’s deepfakes; New ‘reusable’ rocket idea; And a bit more.
H2 ULA has an ambitious plan to ‘reuse’ Vulcan rocket: keep it in space
H2 How Army special operators use deepfakes and drones to train for information warfare
H2 Global defense spending jumped in 2023
H3 It’s a fraught question amid Russian gains, uncertain long-term U.S. support, and Kyiv’s eventual need to end the war.
H3 Leere Überschrift
H3 But the giants they beat out are welcome to pitch self-developed drones for production contracts.
H3 Aircraft are likely “already flying” material toward the beleaguered country, senior official says.
H3 While blocking access to platforms like ChatGPT might shield government data from public AI models, it doesn't provide a proactive, secure alternative for agency employees.
H3 Leere Überschrift
H3 Launched in March, the effort is looking at poisoned datasets, adversarial attacks, Trojans, and more.
H3 COO: “We've got some other strengths in some of the key components that go in the prime satellites and buses.”
H3 Learn more about how Zscaler Government Cloud can be your zero trust cloud solution.
H3 Niger’s rejection of democratic ties coincides starkly with its embrace of Russian military assistance since the July 2023 military coup.
H3 Leere Überschrift
H3 Russian-occupied Ukraine was home to some of the worst abuses, according to new report.
H3 The AI revolution is already here
H3 When will the Pentagon listen on blast injuries?
H3 The Islamic State’s Afghanistan-based affiliate is emerging as a global menace
H3 Authoritarians are playing to win. America can’t if we don’t show up.
H3 Biden signed a law that extends Section 702 authorities into 2026—and lacks proposed limits on intelligence agencies' right to gather and search Americans' communications.
H3 User satisfaction "increased minimally" last year for MHS Genesis, the electronic-records system installed under a 2015 contract, a GAO survey found.
H3 U.S. could win a war with China today, but would suffer heavy losses, the official told reporters.
H3 An agreement between the departments of Defense and State aims to ease unemployment among the spouses of servicemembers—and increase military families' quality of life.
H3 Anduril says its Ghost Shark proves that UUVs can be designed and built quickly.
H3 Leere Überschrift
H3 Two months after the Senate acted, the lower house responds to an increasingly desperate Kyiv.
H3 Last September's tests are informing the Air Force’s effort to build autonomous drones.
H3 By graduation, the students will know how to build their own drones and teach foreign partners on tactics.
H3 Leere Überschrift
H3 The heavy-lift rocket’s upper stage might extend its service as a tug or defender.
H3 One soldier helped create a voice-cloning program using off-the-shelf AI.
H3 Security crises drove year-over-year growth to its highest level in a decade.
Einige der Linktexte der internen Links sind zu lang.
Die internen Links haben teilweise dynamische Parameter. Alle internen URLs, welche nicht als nofollow markiert sind, sollten keine dynamischen Parameter aufweisen.
Einige der Linktexte wiederholen sich.
26 Links haben keinen Linktext oder nur Inhalt in Alt- und Titelattributen.
Die Anzahl an internen Links ist ok.
Es befinden sich zu viele externe Links (31) auf der Seite.
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/topic/middle-east/?oref=d1-na...Middle East
/topic/air-force/?oref=d1-nav-...Textduplikat Air Force
/business/2024/04/goal-100k-ar...Kein Text
/business/2024/04/goal-100k-ar...Kein Text
/business?oref=d1-homepage-top...Textduplikat Business
/business/2024/04/goal-100k-ar...The goal of 100K artillery shells per month is back in sight, Army says
/business/2024/04/goal-100k-ar...The new supplemental renews the push to boost production sixfold since Russia’s Ukraine invasion.
/threats/2024/04/china-bomber/...China’s new stealth bomber ‘nowhere near as good’ as US’s, intel official says
IMG-ALT An artist's conception of China's H-20 nuclear bomber H-20 shared on China's Weibo social-media platform on March 11, 2024.
/defense-systems/2024/04/armys...The Army is trying to identify all the obstacles to adopting AI in 100 days
IMG-ALT Army Capt. Eric Tatum, assigned to the Army Futures Command's Artificial Intelligence Integration Center, conducts field testing with the Inspired Flight 3 D...
/threats/2024/04/human-rights-...Human-rights violations rising in several countries, State Department says
IMG-ALT Russia's President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping shake hands in Beijing on October 18, 2023.
/business/2024/04/rtx-moves-aw...RTX moves away from competing as a prime for space contracts
IMG-ALT In this 2019 photo, attendees participate in an Augmented Reality demonstration hosted by Raytheon during the 35th Space Symposium in Colorado Springs, Color...
/threats/2024/04/europe-alread...Europe is already planning for what happens if Ukraine loses. It’s ugly
IMG-ALT Estonian Defense Minister Hanno Pevkur speaks to reporters at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., on October 18, 2022.
/sponsors/2024/02/tradecraft-t...Neues Fenster Subdomain sponsor content Tradecraft transformed: Leveraging Peraton’s strategic edge in intelligence operations
/threats/2024/04/china-bomber/...Textduplikat China’s new stealth bomber ‘nowhere near as good’ as US’s, intel official says
IMG-ALT An artist's conception of China's H-20 nuclear bomber H-20 shared on China's Weibo social-media platform on March 11, 2024.
/defense-systems/2024/04/armys...Textduplikat The Army is trying to identify all the obstacles to adopting AI in 100 days
IMG-ALT Army Capt. Eric Tatum, assigned to the Army Futures Command's Artificial Intelligence Integration Center, conducts field testing with the Inspired Flight 3 D...
/threats/2024/04/human-rights-...Textduplikat Human-rights violations rising in several countries, State Department says
IMG-ALT Russia's President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping shake hands in Beijing on October 18, 2023.
/business/2024/04/rtx-moves-aw...Textduplikat RTX moves away from competing as a prime for space contracts
IMG-ALT In this 2019 photo, attendees participate in an Augmented Reality demonstration hosted by Raytheon during the 35th Space Symposium in Colorado Springs, Color...
/threats/2024/04/europe-alread...Textduplikat Europe is already planning for what happens if Ukraine loses. It’s ugly
IMG-ALT Estonian Defense Minister Hanno Pevkur speaks to reporters at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., on October 18, 2022.
/sponsors/2024/02/tradecraft-t...Neues Fenster Subdomain Textduplikat sponsor content Tradecraft transformed: Leveraging Peraton’s strategic edge in intelligence operations
/policy/2024/04/how-will-ukrai...IMG-ALT A serviceman of the battalion of unmanned attack air systems "Achilles" of the 92nd Separate Assault Brigade prepares the "Vampir" night drone for the operat...
https://www.defenseone.com/policyTextduplikat Policy
/policy/2024/04/how-will-ukrai...How will Ukraine spend its new US aid?
/threatsTextduplikat Threats
/threats/2024/04/the-d-brief-a...The D Brief: Aid heads to Ukraine; Army’s 100K goal; Niger pullout talks; Pentagon test recuses himself; And a bit more.
/businessTextduplikat Business
/business/2024/04/anduril-gene...Anduril, General Atomics win more USAF money to develop robot wingmen
https://www.defenseone.com/policyTextduplikat Policy
/policy/2024/04/prepositioned-...Prepositioned stocks will get new aid to Ukraine quickly, top US officer says
https://www.govexec.com/sponso...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Kein Text
https://www.govexec.com/sponso...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Finally, Generative AI for Government
/threats/2024/04/the-d-brief-a...Kein Text
/threatsTextduplikat Threats
/threats/2024/04/the-d-brief-a...The D Brief: Aid bill heads to Biden; UK also boosts funding; How will Kyiv use it?; Foreign-policy poll; And a bit more.
/defense-systems/2024/04/armys...Kein Text
/defense-systemsDefense Systems
/defense-systems/2024/04/armys...Textduplikat The Army is trying to identify all the obstacles to adopting AI in 100 days
https://twitter.com/DefenseOne/Neues Fenster Extern Kein Text
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/rss/all/Neues Fenster Kein Text
/business/2024/04/rtx-moves-aw...Kein Text
/businessTextduplikat Business
/business/2024/04/rtx-moves-aw...Textduplikat RTX moves away from competing as a prime for space contracts
https://www.govexec.com/assets...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Kein Text
https://www.govexec.com/assets...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Using a Zero Trust, Cloud-Based Tactical Network to Protect our Tactical Edge
/threats/2024/04/russia-exploi...Kein Text
/threatsTextduplikat Threats
/threats/2024/04/russia-exploi...Russia exploits Western vacuum in Africa’s Sahel
/threats/2024/04/the-d-brief-a...Kein Text
/threatsTextduplikat Threats
/threats/2024/04/the-d-brief-a...The D Brief: Israel’s next move; Floating-pier progress; China’s stealth bomber; Asia’s climate threat; And a bit more.
/threats/2024/04/human-rights-...Kein Text
/threatsTextduplikat Threats
/threats/2024/04/human-rights-...Textduplikat Human-rights violations rising in several countries, State Department says
/voices/peter-w-singer/6764/Peter W. Singer
/ideas/2024/04/ai-revolution-a...The AI revolution is already here
/voices/samantha-mcbirney/26080/Samantha McBirney
/ideas/2024/03/when-will-penta...When will the Pentagon listen on blast injuries?
/voices/javed-ali/16544/Javed Ali
/ideas/2024/03/islamic-states-...The Islamic State’s Afghanistan-based affiliate is emerging as a global menace
/voices/philip-breedlove/22910/Philip Breedlove
/ideas/2024/03/authoritarians-...Authoritarians are playing to win. America can’t if we don’t show up.
/ideas/2024/04/defense-one-rad...Sponsored The state of the Army Listen Now
/topic/podcast/?oref=d1-rail-p...Past Episodes
https://events.defenseone.com/...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Live Event | Ritz-Carlton, Pentagon City Defense One: Tech Summit June 18, 8:00 am, ET
/ideas/2023/05/d1-2023-geoint-...GEOINT Conference Wire 3: NRO on AI, DHS on Change Detection For Disasters
/policy/2024/04/biden-signs-ex...Kein Text
https://www.defenseone.com/policyTextduplikat Policy
/policy/2024/04/biden-signs-ex...Controversial surveillance program gets 2-year extension
/defense-systems/2024/04/dods-...Kein Text
/defense-systemsTextduplikat Defense Systems
/defense-systems/2024/04/dods-...Doctors prefer Pentagon's old health-records system to its new one
/threats/2024/04/china-bomber/...Kein Text
/threatsTextduplikat Threats
/threats/2024/04/china-bomber/...Textduplikat China’s new stealth bomber ‘nowhere near as good’ as US’s, intel official says
/policy/2024/04/state-defense-...Kein Text
https://www.defenseone.com/policyTextduplikat Policy
/policy/2024/04/state-defense-...Deal will allow military spouses to telework from overseas
/technology/2024/04/australia-...Kein Text
/technologyTextduplikat Science & Tech
/technology/2024/04/australia-...Australia got a new sub drone far faster than the US Navy could have, company says
/threats/2024/04/the-d-brief-a...Kein Text
/threatsTextduplikat Threats
/threats/2024/04/the-d-brief-a...The D Brief: House OKs aid; Likely stateside impact; US to withdraw from Niger; AI-powered dogfight; And a bit more.
/policy/2024/04/house-passes-l...Kein Text
https://www.defenseone.com/policyTextduplikat Policy
/policy/2024/04/house-passes-l...House passes long-awaited aid for Ukraine, Israel, Indo-Pacific
/technology/2024/04/man-vs-mac...Kein Text
/technologyTextduplikat Science & Tech
/technology/2024/04/man-vs-mac...An AI took on a human pilot in a DARPA-sponsored dogfight
/technology/2024/04/army-sof-u...Kein Text
/technologyTextduplikat Science & Tech
/technology/2024/04/army-sof-u...Army SOF's new drone course teaches gamer and maker skills
/threats/2024/04/the-d-brief-a...Kein Text
/threatsTextduplikat Threats
/threats/2024/04/the-d-brief-a...Today's D Brief: Explosions over Iran; What’s in the House aid bills; Army’s deepfakes; New ‘reusable’ rocket idea; And a bit more.
/business/2024/04/ula-has-ambi...Kein Text
/businessTextduplikat Business
/business/2024/04/ula-has-ambi...ULA has an ambitious plan to ‘reuse’ Vulcan rocket: keep it in space
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