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Dr. Music Promotion is the music PR agency with distribution label, booking agency, management department and publisher specialized in Pop, Rock and Metal! True to the motto ‘Medicine for your ears | The all-round carefree service for bands, artists and labels’, we offer a wide spectrum of services in the music industry, and we are established for a long-time experience in the entertainment business and the creative accomplishment of worldwide cross-media PR campaigns since 2006. We cover the whole range of print, online, radio, playlist, TV and tour promotion and offer targeted social advertising campaigns.| Dr. Music Promotion ist die Musikpromotion-Agentur mit Vertriebslabel, Booking-Agentur, Management-Abteilung und Verlag spezialisiert auf Pop, Rock und Metal! Getreu dem Motto ‘Medizin für die Ohren | Der Rundum-Sorglos-Service für Bands, Künstler und Labels’ bieten wir ein breites Spektrum an Dienstleistungen in der Musikindustrie und stehen seit 2006 für langjährige Erfahrung im Entertainment-Business und der kreativen Durchführung von weltweiten crossmedialen PR-Kampagnen. Dabei decken wir den gesamten Bereich der Print-, Online-, Radio-, Playlist-, TV- und Tour-Promotion ab und bieten gezielte Social-Advertising-Kampagnen an.
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descriptionDr. Music Promotion is the music PR agency with distribution label, booking agency, management department and publisher specialized in Pop, Rock and Metal! True to the motto ‘Medicine for your ears | The all-round carefree service for bands, artists and labels’, we offer a wide spectrum of services in the music industry, and we are established for a long-time experience in the entertainment business and the creative accomplishment of worldwide cross-media PR campaigns since 2006. We cover the whole range of print, online, radio, playlist, TV and tour promotion and offer targeted social advertising campaigns.| Dr. Music Promotion ist die Musikpromotion-Agentur mit Vertriebslabel, Booking-Agentur, Management-Abteilung und Verlag spezialisiert auf Pop, Rock und Metal! Getreu dem Motto ‘Medizin für die Ohren | Der Rundum-Sorglos-Service für Bands, Künstler und Labels’ bieten wir ein breites Spektrum an Dienstleistungen in der Musikindustrie und stehen seit 2006 für langjährige Erfahrung im Entertainment-Business und der kreativen Durchführung von weltweiten crossmedialen PR-Kampagnen. Dabei decken wir den gesamten Bereich der Print-, Online-, Radio-, Playlist-, TV- und Tour-Promotion ab und bieten gezielte Social-Advertising-Kampagnen an.
keywordsMusic Promotion, Musikpromotion, Musik Promotion, Dr. Music Promotion, Dr., Music, Musik, Promotion, PR, Music PR, Artist & Label Services, Label Services, Label Service, Labelservices, Labelservice, Label, Plattenfirma, Record Company, Record Label, DIY Label, Musikvertrieb, Vertrieb, Distribution, Music Distribution, Vertriebslabel, Records, Record, Songs, Publishing, Publisher, Verlag, Musikverlag, PR, Agentur, Agency, Künstleragentur, Presse, Bandpromotion, Band PR, Playlist Pitching, Playlist Promotion, Bookingagentur, Booking Agentur, Booking Agency, Metal Booking, Konzertagentur, Homepage, Website, Musikproduktion, Pop, Rock, Metal, Heavy, Heavy Metal, Hard Rock, Hardrock, Punk, Gothic, Powermetal, Power Metal, Progressive, Melodic, Thrash, Alternative, Death, Metalcore, Hardcore, Industrial, Doom, Roll, Avantgarde, Country Music, Marketing, Musik Marketing, Social Media, Social Media Marketing, Retail, Wholesale, Merchandise, Independent, Album, Veröffentlichung, Tonträger, CD, CD Pressung, DVD, Vinyl, Audio, Musikvideo, Video, Germany, Deutschland, Hagen, Dortmund, Bochum, Essen, Köln, NRW
page-topicMusic; Media; Art; Culture
authorMiriam Guigueno, Hagen, Germany, www.dr-music-promotion.de
copyrightMiriam Guigueno & Torsten Wohlgemuth | [email protected]
robotsindex, follow, max-image-preview:large
generatorWordPress 6.5.3
twitter:titleDr. Music Promotion
twitter:descriptionMedicine For Your Ears | The all-round carefree service for bands, artists and labels!

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...hen_ShadesOfYourHeart_Header-286x140.pngDörthe Drothen | Shades Of Your Heart
...3/09/Exilia_5_©GianniCorrado-286x140.jpgExilia | © Gianni Corrado
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...tagram-feed-images/dr.musicpromotion.jpgDr. Music Promotion
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png📢 Dr. Music Promotion | The all-round carefree service for bands, artists and labels! 🎧 Dr. Music Promotion is the music PR agency with distribution label, booking agency, management department and publisher specialized in Pop, Rock and Metal! 🫵🏻 Get in touch and we take care of your record! 🔗 www.dr-music-promotion.de #MusicPromotion #MusicPR #MusicPromo #MusicPromoter #MusicMarketing #Label #MusicLabel #RecordLabel #RecordLabels #DIYLabel #LabelServices #ArtistServices #MusicServices #RecordingStudio #MusicProduction #MusicProducer #MusicDistribution #ContentCreator #SocialMusicMarketing #MusicTips #MusicAdvice #NewMusic #NewMusicAlert #MusicIndustry #MusicScene #Newcomer #Musician #UnsignedBand #UnsignedArtist
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png@exilia_music live at @pitcherrocknrollhq – Sold out! #Exilia #DrMusicBooking #Booking #OnTour #Live #Live2024 #Festival #Tour #Metal #AlternativeMetal #NuMetal #MelodicMetal #ModernMetal #GrooveMetal #FemaleFrontedMetal #FemaleFronted #FemaleMetalSinger #WomenOfMetal #MetalGoddess #MashaMysmane #Unleashed #UnleashedXX #NewAlbum #NewRelease #NewMusic #NewMusicAlert #MusicNews #MusicBlog #MetalBand #MetaNews
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png☄️ We are absolutely thrilled to share that @Fool_The_Masses’ brand-new single “Into The Void” made it onto Spotify’s ‘All New Metal’ playlist! Go and check it out at: https://open.spotify.com/track/5y4Ymk3PCJHKfkdMmmrk14?context=spotify%3Aplaylist%3A37i9dQZF1DX5J7FIl4q56G 🤘🏻 The Industrial Metalcore band’s final intensely grooving single is about the haunting exploration of mortality and the journey into the unknown. 🫵🏻 Stream Fool The Masses’ powerful new single “Into The Void” and watch its captivating music video (https://youtu.be/s—tyaW6_FM?list=PLWEYZURqjsHzdoZpd5ga33VOSsUxZWqi7) – a must-see for every Metalcore fan! If you like “Into The Void”, save it and add it to your playlist, and let us know what you think of the single! Also, prepare for the highly anticipated album release “It’s All Lost” on June 7th, and pre-order your copy now: www.dr-music-promotion.de/?p=24524 🔗 Also, check out the following press release about the new single, including the music video, tour dates and lots more information about FOOL THE MASSES and their upcoming album “It’s All Lost”: https://www.dr-music-promotion.de/?p=24524 #FoolTheMasses #DrMusicRecords #ItsAllLost #IntoTheVoid #IndustrialMetalcore #MetalcoreMusic #Metalcore #MelodicMetalcore #Hardcore #DeathCore #PostHardcore #MetalMusic #Metal #AlternativeMetal #HeavyMetal #DeathMetal #ModernMetal #NewRelease #Album #NewAlbum #NewSingle #NewMusic #NewMusicAlert #ReleaseRadar #NewMusicFriday #MetalcoreBand #SupportTheUnderground #MetalCommunity #SpotifyMetal #Spotify
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png🖤 @Fool_The_Masses are soundtracking the inevitable transition into the afterlife with their new sinister Industrial Metalcore single “Into The Void” 🤘🏻 FOOL THE MASSES’ two successful singles “Dream Talker” and “Black Soul” have already impressively paved the way for the dystopian album release “It’s All Lost” in recent months. The Industrial Metalcore band’s final single, the intensely grooving “Into The Void”, now follows as a haunting exploration of mortality and the journey into the unknown. The song expresses a deep sense of acceptance and surrender to the inevitability of death, while the protagonist faces his fate with a mix of despair and longing for redemption. The five-piece band presents its musical definition of Industrial Metalcore, manifesting itself with impressive intensity on the second full-length album released on 06/07/2024 via Dr. Music Records. From the start, an extraordinary puzzle of Hardcore, Metal and Techno was pieced together. Out of this crystallizes the impressively brute sound, featuring thrilling melodies and a red-hot cocktail that sticks in the head. Instead of a drummer, FOOL THE MASSES rely on Dutchman DJ Vornax, who provides the basis with his versatile Electro beats. Furthermore, lead guitarist Lea Karla engages in feisty duels with second guitarist Raphael Moujou. The hard-hitting Metalcore album was produced and mastered at Blackhole Music & Productions, and the apocalyptic artwork was created by Heart Taped Designs. The lyrics of “Into The Void” convey haunting imagery, evoking death’s chilling embrace and depicting the transition from the burdens of life into the shadows, where peace and liberation from earthly suffering may be found. The accompanying morbid music video impressively showcases the corresponding dark scenery: https://youtu.be/s--tyaW6_FM 🎧 “Into The Void” is now available on all digital platforms. With the album “It’s All Lost”, now available for pre-order worldwide as an artfully designed Digipak CD at your favorite record shop, the band is making its mark in the international Metalcore scene: www.dr-music-promotion.de/?p=24524 🔗 www.dr-music-records.de | www.foolthemasses.com
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png🖤 @Fool_The_Masses are soundtracking the inevitable transition into the afterlife with their new sinister Industrial Metalcore single “Into The Void” 🤘🏻 FOOL THE MASSES’ two successful singles “Dream Talker” and “Black Soul” have already impressively paved the way for the dystopian album release “It’s All Lost” in recent months. The Industrial Metalcore band’s final single, the intensely grooving “Into The Void”, now follows as a haunting exploration of mortality and the journey into the unknown. The song expresses a deep sense of acceptance and surrender to the inevitability of death, while the protagonist faces his fate with a mix of despair and longing for redemption. The five-piece band presents its musical definition of Industrial Metalcore, manifesting itself with impressive intensity on the second full-length album released on 06/07/2024 via Dr. Music Records. From the start, an extraordinary puzzle of Hardcore, Metal and Techno was pieced together. Out of this crystallizes the impressively brute sound, featuring thrilling melodies and a red-hot cocktail that sticks in the head. Instead of a drummer, FOOL THE MASSES rely on Dutchman DJ Vornax, who provides the basis with his versatile Electro beats. Furthermore, lead guitarist Lea Karla engages in feisty duels with second guitarist Raphael Moujou. The hard-hitting Metalcore album was produced and mastered at Blackhole Music & Productions, and the apocalyptic artwork was created by Heart Taped Designs. The lyrics of “Into The Void” convey haunting imagery, evoking death’s chilling embrace and depicting the transition from the burdens of life into the shadows, where peace and liberation from earthly suffering may be found. The accompanying morbid music video impressively showcases the corresponding dark scenery: https://youtu.be/s—tyaW6_FM 🎧 “Into The Void” is now available on all digital platforms. With the album “It’s All Lost”, now available for pre-order worldwide as an artfully designed Digipak CD at your favorite record shop, the band is making its mark in the international Metalcore scene: www.dr-music-promotion.de/?p=24524 🔗 www.dr-music-records.de | www.foolthemasses.com
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png🖤 @Fool_The_Masses are soundtracking the inevitable transition into the afterlife with their new sinister Industrial Metalcore single “Into The Void” 🤘🏻 FOOL THE MASSES’ two successful singles “Dream Talker” and “Black Soul” have already impressively paved the way for the dystopian album release “It’s All Lost” in recent months. The Industrial Metalcore band’s final single, the intensely grooving “Into The Void”, now follows as a haunting exploration of mortality and the journey into the unknown. The song expresses a deep sense of acceptance and surrender to the inevitability of death, while the protagonist faces his fate with a mix of despair and longing for redemption. The five-piece band presents its musical definition of Industrial Metalcore, manifesting itself with impressive intensity on the second full-length album released on 06/07/2024 via Dr. Music Records. From the start, an extraordinary puzzle of Hardcore, Metal and Techno was pieced together. Out of this crystallizes the impressively brute sound, featuring thrilling melodies and a red-hot cocktail that sticks in the head. Instead of a drummer, FOOL THE MASSES rely on Dutchman DJ Vornax, who provides the basis with his versatile Electro beats. Furthermore, lead guitarist Lea Karla engages in feisty duels with second guitarist Raphael Moujou. The hard-hitting Metalcore album was produced and mastered at Blackhole Music & Productions, and the apocalyptic artwork was created by Heart Taped Designs. The lyrics of “Into The Void” convey haunting imagery, evoking death’s chilling embrace and depicting the transition from the burdens of life into the shadows, where peace and liberation from earthly suffering may be found. The accompanying morbid music video impressively showcases the corresponding dark scenery: https://youtu.be/s—tyaW6_FM 🎧 “Into The Void” is now available on all digital platforms. With the album “It’s All Lost”, now available for pre-order worldwide as an artfully designed Digipak CD at your favorite record shops, the band is making its mark in the international Metalcore scene: www.dr-music-promotion.de/?p=24524 🔗 www.dr-music-records.de | www.foolthemasses.com
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png🤘🏻 @Fool_The_Masses anounce their new single “Into The Void”, a haunting exploration of mortality and the journey into the unknown for tomorrow. The Industrial Metalcore band will release the intensely grooving song as the final harbinger of the dystopian album “It’s All Lost”, due out on June 7th, 2024, via Dr. Music Records. Of course, the band created another stunning music video for “Into The Void“, so head over to www.youtube.com/@foolthemasses for the official video premiere and activate the notification! 🎙 With the album “It’s All Lost”, now available for pre-order worldwide, the band is making its mark in the international Metalcore scene: www.dr-music-promotion.de/?p=24066 🔗 www.dr-music-records.de | www.foolthemasses.com #FoolTheMasses #DrMusicRecords #ItsAllLost #IntoTheVoid #IndustrialMetalcore #MetalcoreMusic #Metalcore #MelodicMetalcore #Hardcore #DeathCore #PostHardcore #MetalMusic #Metal #HeavyMetal #ExtremeMetal #DeathMetal #ModernMetal #NewRelease #Album #NewAlbum #NewSingle #NewMusic #NewMusicAlert #ReleaseRadar #NewMusicFriday #MetalcoreBand #SupportTheUnderground #MetalCommunity #MusicVideo #MetalMusicVideo
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png🤘🏻 @Fool_The_Masses anounce their new single “Into The Void”, a haunting exploration of mortality and the journey into the unknown, for May 23rd, 2024. The Industrial Metalcore band will release the intensely grooving song as the final harbinger of the dystopian album “It’s All Lost”, due out on June 7th, 2024, via Dr. Music Records. Of course, the band created another stunning music video for “Into The Void“, so head over to www.youtube.com/@foolthemasses for the official video premiere and activate the notification! 🎙 With the album “It’s All Lost”, now available for pre-order worldwide, the band is making its mark in the international Metalcore scene: www.dr-music-promotion.de/?p=24066 🔗 www.dr-music-records.de | www.foolthemasses.com #FoolTheMasses #DrMusicRecords #ItsAllLost #IntoTheVoid #IndustrialMetalcore #MetalcoreMusic #Metalcore #MelodicMetalcore #Hardcore #DeathCore #PostHardcore #MetalMusic #Metal #HeavyMetal #ExtremeMetal #DeathMetal #ModernMetal #NewRelease #Album #NewAlbum #NewSingle #NewMusic #NewMusicAlert #ReleaseRadar #NewMusicFriday #MetalcoreBand #SupportTheUnderground #MetalCommunity #MusicVideo #MetalMusicVideo
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png💐 @DoertheDrothen’s refreshingly soulful new Jazz Pop single “Shades Of Your Heart” sees the light of day today and spreads spring fever ❤️ Today, singer-songwriter DÖRTHE DROTHEN has succeeded in releasing a very catchy tune with her first single “Shades Of Your Heart”, taken from her upcoming album, that essentially calls for loving every facet of the heart and not being afraid to show them. Where there is sun, there is a shade. Videographer Andy Pilkington (i.a. FM, Visionatica, Uriah Heep) produced a charming lyric video perfectly emphasizing this romantic song’s message while stirring up anticipation for more. On her sophomore album “Enamoured”, due out on 11/08/2024 via Dr. Music Records, the German artist seduces into a world of love and infatuation with a fascinating blend of Pop and Jazz melodies. Each of the ten songs is a melodic testimony to the beauty of being in love. “Enamoured” was created in collaboration with producers Joonas Lorenz and Markus ‘Be’ Brachtendorf at Tonstudio Be and was mastered at Düsseldorf’s Skyline Tonfabrik by Kai Blankenberg, who has already refined the sound of albums by such illustrious greats as Lady Gaga, Kim Wilde and Aura Dione. The musician relied on the renowned graphic designer Thomas Ewerhard (i.a. Liquido, Ray Wilson, Volbeat) for the appealing album and singles artwork. Today’s single release “Shades Of Your Heart” is the perfect introduction to the potpourri of romantic love songs, and the accompanying lyric video shows that the song immediately gets under the skin and that spring fever is in the air: https://youtu.be/vV_3V-8L9Gs 🎧 DÖRTHE DROTHEN’s enchanting new single “Shades Of Your Heart” is now available on all digital platforms! 🎙 With her Jazz Pop album “Enamoured” DÖRTHE DROTHEN enriches contemporary Pop music with a bouquet full of romantic love songs performed with remarkable sensitivity and commitment. Sometimes, the songs sound light and cheerful; sometimes, they are profound and thought-provoking; sometimes, they have a touch of melancholy or a slightly ironic undertone, but they always reach their destination, the hearts of her fans. 🔗 www.dr-music-records.de | www.doerthedrothen.com
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png💐 @DoertheDrothen’s refreshingly soulful new Jazz Pop single “Shades Of Your Heart” sees the light of day today and spreads spring fever ❤️ Today, singer-songwriter DÖRTHE DROTHEN has succeeded in releasing a very catchy tune with her first single “Shades Of Your Heart”, taken from her upcoming album, that essentially calls for loving every facet of the heart and not being afraid to show them. Where there is sun, there is a shade. Videographer Andy Pilkington (i.a. FM, Visionatica, Uriah Heep) produced a charming lyric video perfectly emphasizing this romantic song’s message while stirring up anticipation for more. On her sophomore album “Enamoured”, due out on 11/08/2024 via Dr. Music Records, the German artist seduces into a world of love and infatuation with a fascinating blend of Pop and Jazz melodies. Each of the ten songs is a melodic testimony to the beauty of being in love. “Enamoured” was created in collaboration with producers Joonas Lorenz and Markus ‘Be’ Brachtendorf at Tonstudio Be and was mastered at Düsseldorf’s Skyline Tonfabrik by Kai Blankenberg, who has already refined the sound of albums by such illustrious greats as Lady Gaga, Kim Wilde and Aura Dione. The musician relied on the renowned graphic designer Thomas Ewerhard (i.a. Liquido, Ray Wilson, Volbeat) for the appealing album and singles artwork. Today’s single release “Shades Of Your Heart” is the perfect introduction to the potpourri of romantic love songs, and the accompanying lyric video shows that the song immediately gets under the skin and that spring fever is in the air: https://youtu.be/vV_3V-8L9Gs 🎧 DÖRTHE DROTHEN’s enchanting new single “Shades Of Your Heart” is now available on all digital platforms! 🎙 With her Jazz Pop album “Enamoured” DÖRTHE DROTHEN enriches contemporary Pop music with a bouquet full of romantic love songs performed with remarkable sensitivity and commitment. Sometimes, the songs sound light and cheerful; sometimes, they are profound and thought-provoking; sometimes, they have a touch of melancholy or a slightly ironic undertone, but they always reach their destination, the hearts of her fans. 🔗 www.dr-music-records.de | www.doerthedrothen.com
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png💐 @DoertheDrothen and Dr. Music Records awaken spring fever with the first single release “Shades Of Your Heart” from the upcoming album “Enamoured” full of refreshingly multi-faceted Jazz Pop love songs ❤️ On her sophomore album “Enamoured”, due out on 11/08/2024 via Dr. Music Records, the German artist DÖRTHE DROTHEN seduces into a world of love and infatuation with a fascinating blend of Pop and Jazz melodies. Each of the ten songs is a melodic testimony to the beauty of being in love, and with the first single “Shades Of Your Heart”, which will see the light of day on 05/16/2024, the singer-songwriter has succeeded in creating a very catchy tune that essentially calls for both sides of the heart to be accepted and loved. With her soulful music and unbridled passion, DÖRTHE DROTHEN enraptures her audience and leaves a lasting mark on the landscape of contemporary music. “Enamoured” was created in collaboration with producers Joonas Lorenz and Markus ‘Be’ Brachtendorf at Tonstudio Be and was mastered at Düsseldorf’s Skyline Tonfabrik by Kai Blankenberg, who has already refined the sound of albums by such illustrious greats as Lady Gaga, Kim Wilde and Aura Dione. The musician relied on the renowned graphic designer Thomas Ewerhard (i.a. Liquido, Ray Wilson, Volbeat) for the appealing album and singles artwork. “Shades Of Your Heart” is the perfect introduction to the potpourri of romantic love songs, and the teaser for the lyric video shows that the song immediately gets under the skin and that spring fever is in the air: https://youtu.be/ITKA0muLF8w 🎙 After the release of her debut album “Prologue” in 2020, DÖRTHE DROTHEN refined her songwriting and devoted herself to the present Jazz Pop album “Enamoured”, enriching contemporary Pop music with a bouquet full of romantic love songs performed with remarkable sensitivity and commitment. Sometimes, the songs sound light and cheerful; sometimes, they are profound and thought-provoking; sometimes, they have a touch of melancholy or a slightly ironic undertone, but they always reach their destination, the hearts of her fans. 🔗 www.dr-music-records.de | www.doerthedrothen.com
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png💐 @DoertheDrothen and Dr. Music Records awaken spring fever with the first single release “Shades Of Your Heart” from the upcoming album “Enamoured” full of refreshingly multi-faceted Jazz Pop love songs ❤️ On her sophomore album “Enamoured”, due out on 11/08/2024 via Dr. Music Records, the German artist DÖRTHE DROTHEN seduces into a world of love and infatuation with a fascinating blend of Pop and Jazz melodies. Each of the ten songs is a melodic testimony to the beauty of being in love, and with the first single “Shades Of Your Heart”, which will see the light of day on 05/16/2024, the singer-songwriter has succeeded in creating a very catchy tune that essentially calls for both sides of the heart to be accepted and loved. With her soulful music and unbridled passion, DÖRTHE DROTHEN enraptures her audience and leaves a lasting mark on the landscape of contemporary music. “Enamoured” was created in collaboration with producers Joonas Lorenz and Markus ‘Be’ Brachtendorf at Tonstudio Be and was mastered at Düsseldorf’s Skyline Tonfabrik by Kai Blankenberg, who has already refined the sound of albums by such illustrious greats as Lady Gaga, Kim Wilde and Aura Dione. The musician relied on the renowned graphic designer Thomas Ewerhard (i.a. Liquido, Ray Wilson, Volbeat) for the appealing album and singles artwork. “Shades Of Your Heart” is the perfect introduction to the potpourri of romantic love songs, and the teaser for the lyric video shows that the song immediately gets under the skin and that spring fever is in the air: https://youtu.be/ITKA0muLF8w 🎙 After the release of her debut album “Prologue” in 2020, DÖRTHE DROTHEN refined her songwriting and devoted herself to the present Jazz Pop album “Enamoured”, enriching contemporary Pop music with a bouquet full of romantic love songs performed with remarkable sensitivity and commitment. Sometimes, the songs sound light and cheerful; sometimes, they are profound and thought-provoking; sometimes, they have a touch of melancholy or a slightly ironic undertone, but they always reach their destination, the hearts of her fans. 🔗 www.dr-music-records.de | www.doerthedrothen.com
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png🗽 @PeterWilson.Official takes a stand for social justice with his moving autobiographical American Rock album “Freedom’s Door” ⚡️ For PETER WILSON, the release of his album “Freedom’s Door” on 04/05/2024 via Dr. Music Records was a very special feat of strength, as its making has been filled with many ups and downs and the songs reflect his life experience. PETER WILSON welcomes his listeners with his unique, energetic Progressive Power Rock and convinces them with his dynamic vocal range, a distinct sensibility for catchy melodies, and compelling lyrics. These are inspired by an eventful time in which the vocalist lost both his parents and became a son’s father. Moreover, while writing and composing the songs, the musician was also influenced by the madness of the pandemic in combination with all the political tensions in the USA and around the rest of the world. For himself, it was a time to dig down deep and bare his soul without fear or regret. “Freedom’s Door” was produced by Nik Chinboukas (i.a. Metal Allegiance, Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Alex Skolnick Trio), mixed by Grammy and Emmy Award-winning engineer Nick Cipriano (i.a. Dream Theater, Twisted Sister, Erasure), and refined by legendary mastering engineer Roger Lian (i.a. Rush, Muse, Slayer, Pantera, Coheed And Cambria). The striking cover artwork for the album and the three singles were created by Thomas Ewerhard, known for his artwork for bands such as Avantasia, Spock’s Beard, and Sons Of Apollo. PETER WILSON’s new American Rock album impresses with its striking vocals, powerful guitar riffs and tight groove paired with authentic real-life stories protesting against social injustice with raised fists. 🎙️ The recordings of the twelve new songs on “Freedom’s Door” were produced in the Spin Recording Studios in Long Island City in NYC, featuring fresh, concentrated energy. Building on his years of fronting one of NYC’s premiere Rock bands, Four Trips Ahead, PETER WILSON’s solo album “Freedom’s Door” is a powerful, daring statement from a vital voice in Modern Hard Rock. Order your copy now: www.dr-music-promotion.de/?p=24137 🔗 www.dr-music-records.de | www.peterwilsonofficial.com
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png🤘🏻 #Metalcore Fans aufgepasst! @Fool_The_Masses sind mit einem fetten Interview im @Orkus_Magazin vertreten und plaudern über ihr am 07.06.2024 über Dr. Music Records erscheinendes Album „It’s All Lost“. Die aktuelle Ausgabe findet ihr am Kiosk eures Vertrauens oder holt es euch im Online-Shop unter www.orkus-shop.de/p/orkus-edition-mai-juni-2024. Schnappt euch also euer Exemplar! 🖤 FOOL THE MASSES veröffentlichten vor Kurzem ihre zweite Single „Black Soul“, eine heavy-doomige Ballade, aus ihrem am 07.06.2024 über Dr. Music Records erscheinenden Album „It’s All Lost“ und sorgten auch mit ihrer ersten Single „Dream Talker“ sowohl auf Spotify als auch auf YouTube für ein erstes Aufhorchen in der Metalcore Szene. Die fünfköpfige Band aus Duisburg präsentiert ihre musikalische Definition des Industrial Metalcore, der sich in beeindruckender Intensität auf dem zweiten Longplayer manifestiert. Von Anfang an fügte sich ein außergewöhnliches Puzzle aus Hardcore, Metal bis hin zu Techno zusammen. Hieraus kristallisiert sich der beeindruckend brachiale Sound, der zudem mit mitreißenden Melodien aufwartet und sich während der zwölf Songs von „It’s All Lost“ als brandheißer Cocktail im Gehörgang festsetzt. Klanglich wechseln sich bei Frontmann Niklas Ratsch und seiner Band cleane Vocals mit Screams und brachialen Shouts ab. Produziert und gemastert wurde das knallharte Metalcore Album im Blackhole Music & Productions Studio und das apokalyptische Artwork stammt aus der Feder von Kamil Wilde von Heart Taped Designs (u. a. Maelfoy, Alexis In Texas, Never Back Down). Mit ihren deutschlandweit erfolgreichen und gleichermaßen furiosen wie schweißtreibenden Live-Shows erfreuen sich FOOL THE MASSES einer stetig wachsenden Fanbase und aus der Energie ihrer Gigs heraus entwickeln die fünf Bandmitglieder ihren Sound gezielt weiter, dessen eingeschlagenen Weg sie mit dem dystopischen Meisterwerk „It’s All Lost“ konsequent fortsetzen. 🎙 Mit dem Album „It’s All Lost“, das ab sofort weltweit vorbestellbar ist, setzt die Band ein deutliches Zeichen in der internationalen Metalcore Szene: www.dr-music-promotion.de/?p=24066 🔗 www.dr-music-records.de | www.foolthemasses.com
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png🗞️ We are still overwhelmed by the many positive press reviews from all over the world for the recently released @VoyagerXband album “Magic” via Dr. Music Records, like this one from the Italian @MetalHammerItalia: »All the songs are mature, expressive and sonically focused. The whole thing is refined with a high-class production underlining the excellent skills of the musicians, especially guitarist Baumgartner, who particularly impressed us with his powerful ‘Rother-ian’ solo on “Don’t Lose The Path”. Highly recommended!« 🚀 For more reviews and further information about VOYAGER-X and their Progressive Metal Album “Magic”, interviews with vocalist Mario Gansen and the lyric and music videos for the three single releases “Janus Face”, “Hypnotize You” and “Walk On The Dead Line”, check out: www.dr-music-promotion.de/?p=23972 🤘🏻 What do you think of the songs, and do you already have one or more favorites? VOYAGER-X and we are eager to hear your reactions to the album and look forward to your comments! #VoyagerX #DrMusicRecords #Magic #MelodicRock #MelodicMetal #ProgressiveMetal #ProgMetal #ProgressiveRock #ProgRock #HardRock #HardNHeavy #Rock #RockMusic #Metal #HeavyMetal #MetalMusic #MetalCommunity #SupportTheUnderground #Metalhead #MetalBand #MetalNews #MetalCollector #MetalRelease #NewRelease #MetalAlbum #NewAlbum #NewMusic #NewMusicAlert #ReleaseRadar #MetalReview
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png@Exilia_Music celebrate the 20th jubilee of their successful album with the “Unleashed XX” tour and announce a special edition with bonus tracks Italian Alternative Metal pioneers EXILIA celebrate the release of the landmark and critically acclaimed masterpiece “Unleashed”, now turning twenty, with a special edition featuring several bonus tracks and an exceptional tour on which primarily the album’s songs are on the setlist alongside other hits. They will also be presenting some songs from their latest album „Heroes And Dust“, which, like “Unleashed XX” and the albums before, was produced by Jörg Umbreit at Principal Studios (i.a. Donots, Broilers, In Extremo). Led by the charismatic and histrionic presence of Masha Mysmane and her powerful, unique soprano voice, the band from the vibrant metropolis of Milan has been embodying the authentic essence of Hardcore in the Alternative Metal genre for two decades, which Rock and Metal fans could impressively convince themselves of during their numerous international tours with Rock stars such as Rammstein, Oomph, In Extremo, Paradise Lost and the U.S. shows as support for Drowning Pool or Buckcherry. EXILIA’s music broke boundaries right from the start, weaving Metal riffs, fast beats, spoken words and poetic profundity with melodies that became unforgettable hymns. The four musicians have carefully crafted their distinctive sound, and they are best known worldwide for their electrifying stage presence and explosive live performances. With the single “I Am God” and its music video, the band paved the way for the release of “Heroes And Dust”, and they made a triumphant return to the stage at the end of the pandemic. EXILIA recently played at major festivals such as Lake Rock, Rock um zu helfen and Sinner Rock and embarked on an extensive headlining European tour. The special edition “Unleashed XX”, featuring several bonus tracks, is now pre-orderable via the band shop at www.exiliamusic.com, where the latest album “Heroes And Dust” and other merchandise items are also on sale. Apart from that, the previous releases are, of course, also available on all major digital platforms!
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png🤘🏻 Was hat eigentlich Metal mit Satanismus zu tun? Diese und weitere Fragen zum kommenden @Fool_The_Masses Album „It’s All Lost“ beantworten Raphael und Lea im @TimeForMetal @LeiseWarGestern Podcast. 🔥 Checkt die Folge bei Spotify oder auch bei allen anderen Plattformen aus: https://time-for-metal.eu/podcast 🖤 FOOL THE MASSES veröffentlichten vor Kurzem ihre zweite Single „Black Soul“, eine heavy-doomige Ballade, aus ihrem am 07.06.2024 über Dr. Music Records erscheinenden Album „It’s All Lost“ und sorgten auch mit ihrer ersten Single „Dream Talker“ sowohl auf Spotify als auch auf YouTube für ein erstes Aufhorchen in der Metalcore Szene. Die fünfköpfige Band aus Duisburg präsentiert ihre musikalische Definition des Industrial Metalcore, der sich in beeindruckender Intensität auf dem zweiten Longplayer manifestiert. Von Anfang an fügte sich ein außergewöhnliches Puzzle aus Hardcore, Metal bis hin zu Techno zusammen. Hieraus kristallisiert sich der beeindruckend brachiale Sound, der zudem mit mitreißenden Melodien aufwartet und sich während der zwölf Songs von „It’s All Lost“ als brandheißer Cocktail im Gehörgang festsetzt. Klanglich wechseln sich bei Frontmann Niklas Ratsch und seiner Band cleane Vocals mit Screams und brachialen Shouts ab. Produziert und gemastert wurde das knallharte Metalcore Album im Blackhole Music & Productions Studio von Bassist Lucas Grünke und das apokalyptische Artwork stammt aus der Feder von Kamil Wilde von Heart Taped Designs (u. a. Maelfoy, Alexis In Texas, Never Back Down). Mit ihren deutschlandweit erfolgreichen und gleichermaßen furiosen wie schweißtreibenden Live-Shows erfreuen sich FOOL THE MASSES einer stetig wachsenden Fanbase und aus der Energie ihrer Gigs heraus entwickeln die fünf Bandmitglieder ihren Sound gezielt weiter, dessen eingeschlagenen Weg sie mit dem dystopischen Meisterwerk „It’s All Lost“ konsequent fortsetzen. 🎙 Mit dem Album „It’s All Lost“, das ab sofort weltweit vorbestellbar ist, setzt die Band ein deutliches Zeichen in der internationalen Metalcore Szene: www.dr-music-promotion.de/?p=24066 🔗 www.dr-music-records.de | www.foolthemasses.com
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png🗽 @PeterWilson.Official takes a stand for social justice with his moving autobiographical American Rock album “Freedom’s Door” ⚡️ For PETER WILSON, the release of his album “Freedom’s Door” on 04/05/2024, via Dr. Music Records was a very special feat of strength, as its making has been filled with many ups and downs and the songs reflect his life experience. PETER WILSON welcomes his listeners with his unique, energetic Progressive Power Rock and convinces them with his dynamic vocal range, a distinct sensibility for catchy melodies, and compelling lyrics. These are inspired by an eventful time in which the vocalist lost both his parents and became a son’s father. Moreover, while writing and composing the songs, the musician was also influenced by the madness of the pandemic in combination with all the political tensions in the USA and around the rest of the world. For himself, it was a time to dig down deep and bare his soul without fear or regret. “Freedom’s Door” was produced by Nik Chinboukas (i.a. Metal Allegiance, Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Alex Skolnick Trio), mixed by Grammy and Emmy Award-winning engineer Nick Cipriano (i.a. Dream Theater, Twisted Sister, Erasure), and refined by legendary mastering engineer Roger Lian (i.a. Rush, Muse, Slayer, Pantera, Coheed And Cambria). The striking cover artwork for the album and the three singles were created by Thomas Ewerhard, known for his artwork for bands such as Avantasia, Spock’s Beard, and Sons Of Apollo. PETER WILSON’s new American Rock album impresses with its striking vocals, powerful guitar riffs and tight groove paired with authentic real-life stories protesting against social injustice with raised fists. 🎙️ The recordings of the twelve new songs on “Freedom’s Door” were produced in the Spin Recording Studios in Long Island City in NYC, featuring fresh, concentrated energy. Building on his years of fronting one of NYC’s premiere Rock bands, Four Trips Ahead, PETER WILSON’s solo album “Freedom’s Door” is a powerful, daring statement from a vital voice in Modern Hard Rock. Order your copy now: www.dr-music-promotion.de/?p=24137 🔗 www.dr-music-records.de | www.peterwilsonofficial.com
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png🗽 @PeterWilson.Official releases his moving autobiographical American Rock album “Freedom’s Door” and takes a stand for social justice ⚡️ For PETER WILSON, today’s release of his album “Freedom’s Door” via Dr. Music Records is an impressive feat of strength, as its making has been filled with many ups and downs, and the songs reflect his life experience. PETER WILSON welcomes his listeners with his unique, energetic Progressive Power Rock and convinces them with his dynamic vocal range, a distinct sensibility for catchy melodies, and compelling lyrics. These are inspired by an eventful time in which the vocalist lost both his parents and became a son’s father. Moreover, while writing and composing the songs, the musician was also influenced by the madness of the pandemic in combination with all the political tensions in the USA and around the rest of the world. For himself, it was a time to dig down deep and bare his soul without fear or regret. “Freedom’s Door” was produced by Nik Chinboukas (i.a. Metal Allegiance, Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Alex Skolnick Trio), mixed by Grammy and Emmy Award-winning engineer Nick Cipriano (i.a. Dream Theater, Twisted Sister, Erasure), and refined by legendary mastering engineer Roger Lian (i.a. Rush, Muse, Slayer, Pantera, Coheed And Cambria). The striking cover artwork for the album and the three singles were created in collaboration with Thomas Ewerhard, known for his artwork for bands such as Avantasia, Spock’s Beard, and Sons Of Apollo. PETER WILSON’s new American Rock album impresses with its striking vocals, powerful guitar riffs and tight groove paired with authentic real-life stories protesting against social injustice with raised fists. 🎙️ The recordings of the twelve new songs on “Freedom’s Door” were produced in the Spin Recording Studios in Long Island City in NYC, featuring fresh, concentrated energy. Building on his years of fronting one of NYC’s premiere Rock bands, Four Trips Ahead, PETER WILSON’s solo album “Freedom’s Door” is a powerful, daring statement from a vital voice in Modern Hard Rock. Order your copy now: www.dr-music-promotion.de/?p=24137 🔗 www.dr-music-records.de | www.peterwilsonofficial.com
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png🗽 @PeterWilson.Official releases his moving autobiographical American Rock album “Freedom’s Door” and takes a stand for social justice ⚡️ For PETER WILSON, today’s release of his album “Freedom’s Door” via Dr. Music Records is an impressive feat of strength, as its making has been filled with many ups and downs, and the songs reflect his life experience. PETER WILSON welcomes his listeners with his unique, energetic Progressive Power Rock and convinces them with his dynamic vocal range, a distinct sensibility for catchy melodies, and compelling lyrics. These are inspired by an eventful time in which the vocalist lost both his parents and became a son’s father. Moreover, while writing and composing the songs, the musician was also influenced by the madness of the pandemic in combination with all the political tensions in the USA and around the rest of the world. For himself, it was a time to dig down deep and bare his soul without fear or regret. “Freedom’s Door” was produced by Nik Chinboukas (i.a. Metal Allegiance, Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Alex Skolnick Trio), mixed by Grammy and Emmy Award-winning engineer Nick Cipriano (i.a. Dream Theater, Twisted Sister, Erasure), and refined by legendary mastering engineer Roger Lian (i.a. Rush, Muse, Slayer, Pantera, Coheed And Cambria). The striking cover artwork for the album and the three singles were created in collaboration with Thomas Ewerhard, known for his artwork for bands such as Avantasia, Spock’s Beard, and Sons Of Apollo. PETER WILSON’s new American Rock album impresses with its striking vocals, powerful guitar riffs and tight groove paired with authentic real-life stories protesting against social injustice with raised fists. 🎙️ The recordings of the twelve new songs on “Freedom’s Door” were produced in the Spin Recording Studios in Long Island City in NYC, featuring fresh, concentrated energy. Building on his years of fronting one of NYC’s premiere Rock bands, Four Trips Ahead, PETER WILSON’s solo album “Freedom’s Door” is a powerful, daring statement from a vital voice in Modern Hard Rock. Order your copy now: www.dr-music-promotion.de/?p=24137 🔗 www.dr-music-records.de | www.peterwilsonofficial.com
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png🖤 @Fool_The_Masses release their new melancholic Metalcore single “Black Soul” exploring remorse and reckoning for past deeds 🤘🏻 After FOOL THE MASSES caused quite a stir in the Metalcore scene a few weeks ago with the release of “Dream Talker”, the band is now following up with the second single taken from their album “It’s All Lost”, due out on 06/07/2024, via Dr. Music Records. “Black Soul”, thus the heavy-doomy ballad’s title, is about remorse and reckoning for past deeds. The track paints a vivid picture of a soul plagued by guilt, unable to escape the consequences of its actions, reminding us how important it is to make decisions you can be proud of and to live with a clear conscience. FOOL THE MASSES wraps this melancholic theme in a dark, sluggish sound, carried by the clear voice of Niklas Ratsch and skilfully staged in the accompanying epic music video, produced by Mike Fiße of CTG Studios. From the start, an extraordinary puzzle of Hardcore, Metal and Techno was pieced together. The hard-hitting Metalcore album was produced and mastered at Blackhole Music & Productions Studio by bassist Lucas Grünke, and the apocalyptic artwork was created by Kamil Wilde of Heart Taped Designs (i.a. Maelfoy, Alexis In Texas, Never Back Down). FOOL THE MASSES are enjoying a steadily growing fan base with their successful live shows throughout Germany, both furious and sweat-inducing, and the five band members are using their gigs’ energy to refine their sound further, which they consistently pursue with their dystopian masterpiece “It’s All Lost”. Until then, the new doomy Industrial Metalcore epic “Black Soul” and its music video with powerful shots from a desecrated church is a perfect further harbinger for the upcoming album: https://youtu.be/MDIf3NTSL_o 🎧 Get captivated by the profound melancholy and powerful energy of FOOL THE MASSES’ new single “Black Soul”, available now on all digital platforms! 🎙 With the album “It’s All Lost”, now available for pre-order worldwide, the band is making its mark in the international Metalcore scene: www.dr-music-promotion.de/?p=24066 🔗 www.dr-music-records.de | www.foolthemasses.com
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png🖤 @Fool_The_Masses release their new melancholic Metalcore single “Black Soul” exploring remorse and reckoning for past deeds 🤘🏻 After FOOL THE MASSES caused quite a stir in the Metalcore scene a few weeks ago with the release of “Dream Talker”, the band is now following up with the second single taken from their album “It’s All Lost”, due out on 06/07/2024, via Dr. Music Records. “Black Soul”, thus the heavy-doomy ballad’s title, is about remorse and reckoning for past deeds. The track paints a vivid picture of a soul plagued by guilt, unable to escape the consequences of its actions, reminding us how important it is to make decisions you can be proud of and to live with a clear conscience. FOOL THE MASSES wraps this melancholic theme in a dark, sluggish sound, carried by the clear voice of Niklas Ratsch and skilfully staged in the accompanying epic music video, produced by Mike Fiße of CTG Studios. From the start, an extraordinary puzzle of Hardcore, Metal and Techno was pieced together. The hard-hitting Metalcore album was produced and mastered at Blackhole Music & Productions Studio by bassist Lucas Grünke, and the apocalyptic artwork was created by Kamil Wilde of Heart Taped Designs (i.a. Maelfoy, Alexis In Texas, Never Back Down). FOOL THE MASSES are enjoying a steadily growing fan base with their successful live shows throughout Germany, both furious and sweat-inducing, and the five band members are using their gigs’ energy to refine their sound further, which they consistently pursue with their dystopian masterpiece “It’s All Lost”. Until then, the new doomy Industrial Metalcore epic “Black Soul” and its music video with powerful shots from a desecrated church is a perfect further harbinger for the upcoming album: https://youtu.be/MDIf3NTSL_o 🎧 Get captivated by the profound melancholy and powerful energy of FOOL THE MASSES’ new single “Black Soul”, available now on all digital platforms! 🎙 With the album “It’s All Lost”, now available for pre-order worldwide, the band is making its mark in the international Metalcore scene: www.dr-music-promotion.de/?p=24066 🔗 www.dr-music-records.de | www.foolthemasses.com
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png🖤 @Fool_The_Masses announce the release of the second single for tomorrow with the heavy doomy ballad “Black Soul” taken from their album “It’s All Lost”, due out on June 7, 2024, via Dr. Music Records. For more information on the single and the accompanying music video, which premieres on April 28 at 12:00 noon, check back here. Until then, warm up with the music video for the first single “Dream Talker” (https://youtu.be/ZBwvecF9H7A?list=PLWEYZURqjsHzdoZpd5ga33VOSsUxZWqi7), with which FOOL THE MASSES have already provided a deep insight into the psyche of a nightmare-plagued man and get captivated by the deep melancholy and powerful energy hinted in the following teaser for the single “Black Soul”: https://youtu.be/wYo0en_nmHw?list=PLWEYZURqjsHzehfBdvlqCFQjLYDxPMgFT 🔗 For more information about FOOL THE MASSES and their furious soundscape and the latest dates for their sweat-inducing live shows, either head to www.dr-music-promotion.de or target the band’s website at www.foolthemasses.com and their active social media profiles at www.facebook.com/foolthemasses, www.instagram.com/fool_the_masses, www.twitter.com/foolthemasses, www.tiktok.com/@foolthemasses and www.youtube.com/@foolthemasses. #FoolTheMasses #DrMusicRecords #ItsAllLost #BlackSoul #IndustrialMetalcore #MetalcoreMusic #Metalcore #MelodicMetalcore #Hardcore #DeathCore #PostHardcore #MetalMusic #Metal #HeavyMetal #ExtremeMetal #DeathMetal #ModernMetal #MetalBallad #NewRelease #Album #NewAlbum #NewSingle #NewMusic #NewMusicAlert #ReleaseRadar #NewMusicFriday #MetalcoreBand #SupportTheUnderground #MetalCommunity #Metalhead
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png🤘🏻 FOOL THE MASSES announce the release of the second single this Thursday with the heavy doomy ballad “Black Soul” taken from their album “It’s All Lost”, due out on June 7, 2024, via Dr. Music Records. For more information on the single and the accompanying music video, which premieres on April 28 at 12:00 noon, check back here. Until then, warm up with the music video for the first single “Dream Talker” (https://youtu.be/ZBwvecF9H7A), with which FOOL THE MASSES have already provided a deep insight into the psyche of a nightmare-plagued man and get captivated by the deep melancholy and powerful energy hinted in the following teaser for the single “Black Soul”! 🔗 For more information about FOOL THE MASSES and their furious soundscape and the latest dates for their sweat-inducing live shows, either head to www.dr-music-promotion.de or target the band’s website at www.foolthemasses.com and their active social media profiles at www.facebook.com/foolthemasses, www.instagram.com/fool_the_masses, www.twitter.com/foolthemasses, www.tiktok.com/@foolthemasses and www.youtube.com/@foolthemasses. #FoolTheMasses #DrMusicRecords #ItsAllLost #BlackSoul #IndustrialMetalcore #MetalcoreMusic #Metalcore #MelodicMetalcore #Hardcore #DeathCore #PostHardcore #MetalMusic #Metal #HeavyMetal #ExtremeMetal #DeathMetal #ModernMetal #MetalBallad #NewRelease #Album #NewAlbum #NewSingle #NewMusic #NewMusicAlert #ReleaseRadar #NewMusicFriday #MetalcoreBand #SupportTheUnderground #MetalCommunity #Metalhead
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png🗞️ This Friday, @VoyagerXBand released their long-awaited album “Magic” via Dr. Music Records, and now the South German band has finally catapulted their music into the present. Proof of this are also the numerous positive press reviews from around the world, of which we have collected a few for you at www.dr-music-promotion.de/?p=23972 and on top of that you can find interviews with the band in some of the current magazines and webzines. What do you think of the songs, and do you already have one or more favorites? VOYAGER-X and we are eager to hear your reactions to the album and look forward to your comments on the songs and also on the music videos for the three single releases “Janus Face” about madness-driving nightmares, the media-critical “Hypnotize You” and “Walk On The Dead Line”, inspired by a true story about innocent people sentenced to death. 🚀 With its magical blend of Progressive Metal, Melodic Rock and Hard Rock, the album “Magic” ignites a virtuoso musical firework show, and while listening to the nine songs remastered by Romin Katzer, the listener literally floats back to a time when musical virtuosity and vocal artistry still harmonized perfectly, and bands such as Van Halen, Survivor, Marillion and Saga dominated the charts. VOYAGER-X skillfully built the bridge from Classic Bombast and Artrock to more modern sounds with their sophisticated Rock music and between 1987 and 1997, they belonged at the top of the emerging Rock scene around Nuremberg and Southern Germany. Actually, the album “Magic” was supposed to have been released in 1997, but shortly after the recording of the songs in Deckelmann Studio in Zirndorf, Germany, the musicians decided to put their band. After reuniting in 2019 the musicians now see themselves as entertainers with a particular claim, taking their audience on a journey through their own Rock history with their varied program. 🤘🏻 Friends of great Melodic Rock in the style of Queensrÿche, Fates Warning, or Savatage can now finally enjoy the extraordinary album “Magic”, now available worldwide as a digifile CD at all record dealers and major digital platforms! 🔗 www.dr-music-records.de | www.voyager-x.de
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H6 FOOL THE MASSES veröffentlichen ihre finale Single „Into The Void“ aus dem kommenden Album „It’s All Lost“
H6 DÖRTHE DROTHEN veröffentlicht mit „Shades Of Your Heart“ ersten Vorboten aus dem kommenden Jazz-Pop Album „Enamoured“
H6 DÖRTHE DROTHEN und Dr. Music Records besiegeln die Zusammenarbeit für die Veröffentlichung des Albums „Enamoured“ voller erfrischend facettenreicher Jazz-Pop Liebeslieder
H6 EXILIA kündigen ihre „Unleashed XX“-Tour und eine Special Edition mit Bonustracks zum 20-jährigen Jubiläum ihres Erfolgsalbums an
H6 Four Trips Ahead Sänger PETER WILSON veröffentlicht sein Soloalbum „Freedom’s Door“ mit dem er sich für soziale Gerechtigkeit einsetzt
H6 FOOL THE MASSES: Neue melancholische Metalcore Single „Black Soul“ aus dem kommenden Album „It’s All Lost“ jetzt überall erhältlich!
H6 VOYAGER-X feiern heute die Veröffentlichung ihres lang erwarteten Progressive Metal Album „Magic“ über Dr. Music Records
H6 PETER WILSON veröffentlicht mit „Sunshine“ seine dritte Single vom kommenden Modern Hardrock Album „Freedom’s Door“ in der er ein Beziehungsende in jungen Jahren verarbeitet
H6 VOYAGER-X erzählen mit der dritten Single „Walk On The Dead Line“ aus ihrem kommenden Album „Magic“ die Geschichte eines zu Unrecht zum Tode Verurteilten
H6 FOOL THE MASSES schicken mit der Single „Dream Talker“ den ersten finsteren Vorboten aus ihrem kommenden zweiten Album „It’s All Lost“
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https://www.dr-music-promotion...Extern Subdomain FOOL THE MASSES veröffentlichen ihre finale Single „Into The Void“ aus dem kommenden Album „It’s All Lost“
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https://www.dr-music-promotion...Extern Subdomain DÖRTHE DROTHEN veröffentlicht mit „Shades Of Your Heart“ ersten Vorboten aus dem kommenden Jazz-Pop Album „Enamoured“
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https://www.dr-music-promotion...Extern Subdomain DÖRTHE DROTHEN und Dr. Music Records besiegeln die Zusammenarbeit für die Veröffentlichung des Albums „Enamoured“ voller erfrischend facettenreicher Jazz-Pop...
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https://www.dr-music-promotion...Extern Subdomain EXILIA kündigen ihre „Unleashed XX“-Tour und eine Special Edition mit Bonustracks zum 20-jährigen Jubiläum ihres Erfolgsalbums an
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https://www.dr-music-promotion...Extern Subdomain Four Trips Ahead Sänger PETER WILSON veröffentlicht sein Soloalbum „Freedom’s Door“ mit dem er sich für soziale Gerechtigkeit einsetzt
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https://www.dr-music-promotion...Extern Subdomain PETER WILSON veröffentlicht mit „Sunshine“ seine dritte Single vom kommenden Modern Hardrock Album „Freedom’s Door“ in der er ein Beziehungsende in jungen Ja...
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IMG-ALT 📢 Dr. Music Promotion | The all-round carefree service for bands, artists and labels! 🎧 Dr. Music Promotion is the music PR agency with distribution label, b...
https://www.instagram.com/reel...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain @exilia_music live at @pitcherrocknrollhq – Sold
IMG-ALT @exilia_music live at @pitcherrocknrollhq – Sold out! #Exilia #DrMusicBooking #Booking #OnTour #Live #Live2024 #Festival #Tour #Metal #AlternativeMetal #NuMe...
https://www.instagram.com/p/C7...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain ☄️ We are absolutely thrilled to share that @F
IMG-ALT ☄️ We are absolutely thrilled to share that @Fool_The_Masses’ brand-new single “Into The Void” made it onto Spotify’s ‘All New Metal’ playlist! Go and check ...
https://www.instagram.com/reel...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain 🖤 @Fool_The_Masses are soundtracking the inevit
IMG-ALT 🖤 @Fool_The_Masses are soundtracking the inevitable transition into the afterlife with their new sinister Industrial Metalcore single “Into The Void” 🤘🏻 FOOL...
https://www.instagram.com/p/C7...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain Textduplikat 🖤 @Fool_The_Masses are soundtracking the inevit
IMG-ALT 🖤 @Fool_The_Masses are soundtracking the inevitable transition into the afterlife with their new sinister Industrial Metalcore single “Into The Void” 🤘🏻 FOOL...
https://www.instagram.com/p/C7...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain Textduplikat 🖤 @Fool_The_Masses are soundtracking the inevit
IMG-ALT 🖤 @Fool_The_Masses are soundtracking the inevitable transition into the afterlife with their new sinister Industrial Metalcore single “Into The Void” 🤘🏻 FOOL...
https://www.instagram.com/reel...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain 🤘🏻 @Fool_The_Masses anounce their new single
IMG-ALT 🤘🏻 @Fool_The_Masses anounce their new single “Into The Void”, a haunting exploration of mortality and the journey into the unknown for tomorrow. The Industri...
https://www.instagram.com/p/C7...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain Textduplikat 🤘🏻 @Fool_The_Masses anounce their new single
IMG-ALT 🤘🏻 @Fool_The_Masses anounce their new single “Into The Void”, a haunting exploration of mortality and the journey into the unknown, for May 23rd, 2024. The I...
https://www.instagram.com/reel...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain 💐 @DoertheDrothen’s refreshingly soulful new
IMG-ALT 💐 @DoertheDrothen’s refreshingly soulful new Jazz Pop single “Shades Of Your Heart” sees the light of day today and spreads spring fever ❤️ Today, singer-son...
https://www.instagram.com/p/C7...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain Textduplikat 💐 @DoertheDrothen’s refreshingly soulful new
IMG-ALT 💐 @DoertheDrothen’s refreshingly soulful new Jazz Pop single “Shades Of Your Heart” sees the light of day today and spreads spring fever ❤️ Today, singer-son...
https://www.instagram.com/reel...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain 💐 @DoertheDrothen and Dr. Music Records awaken
IMG-ALT 💐 @DoertheDrothen and Dr. Music Records awaken spring fever with the first single release “Shades Of Your Heart” from the upcoming album “Enamoured” full of ...
https://www.instagram.com/p/C6...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain Textduplikat 💐 @DoertheDrothen and Dr. Music Records awaken
IMG-ALT 💐 @DoertheDrothen and Dr. Music Records awaken spring fever with the first single release “Shades Of Your Heart” from the upcoming album “Enamoured” full of ...
https://www.instagram.com/reel...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain 🗽 @PeterWilson.Official takes a stand for socia
IMG-ALT 🗽 @PeterWilson.Official takes a stand for social justice with his moving autobiographical American Rock album “Freedom’s Door” ⚡️ For PETER WILSON, the relea...
https://www.instagram.com/p/C6...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain 🤘🏻 #Metalcore Fans aufgepasst! @Fool_The_Mas
IMG-ALT 🤘🏻 #Metalcore Fans aufgepasst! @Fool_The_Masses sind mit einem fetten Interview im @Orkus_Magazin vertreten und plaudern über ihr am 07.06.2024 über Dr. Musi...
https://www.instagram.com/p/C6...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain 🗞️ We are still overwhelmed by the many posit
IMG-ALT 🗞️ We are still overwhelmed by the many positive press reviews from all over the world for the recently released @VoyagerXband album “Magic” via Dr. Music Re...
https://www.instagram.com/p/C5...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain @Exilia_Music celebrate the 20th jubilee of their
IMG-ALT @Exilia_Music celebrate the 20th jubilee of their successful album with the “Unleashed XX” tour and announce a special edition with bonus tracks Italian Alte...
https://www.instagram.com/p/C5...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain 🤘🏻 Was hat eigentlich Metal mit Satanismus z
IMG-ALT 🤘🏻 Was hat eigentlich Metal mit Satanismus zu tun? Diese und weitere Fragen zum kommenden @Fool_The_Masses Album „It’s All Lost“ beantworten Raphael und Lea ...
https://www.instagram.com/reel...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain Textduplikat 🗽 @PeterWilson.Official takes a stand for socia
IMG-ALT 🗽 @PeterWilson.Official takes a stand for social justice with his moving autobiographical American Rock album “Freedom’s Door” ⚡️ For PETER WILSON, the relea...
https://www.instagram.com/reel...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain 🗽 @PeterWilson.Official releases his moving aut
IMG-ALT 🗽 @PeterWilson.Official releases his moving autobiographical American Rock album “Freedom’s Door” and takes a stand for social justice ⚡️ For PETER WILSON, t...
https://www.instagram.com/p/C5...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain Textduplikat 🗽 @PeterWilson.Official releases his moving aut
IMG-ALT 🗽 @PeterWilson.Official releases his moving autobiographical American Rock album “Freedom’s Door” and takes a stand for social justice ⚡️ For PETER WILSON, t...
https://www.instagram.com/reel...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain 🖤 @Fool_The_Masses release their new melancholi
IMG-ALT 🖤 @Fool_The_Masses release their new melancholic Metalcore single “Black Soul” exploring remorse and reckoning for past deeds 🤘🏻 After FOOL THE MASSES caused...
https://www.instagram.com/p/C5...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain Textduplikat 🖤 @Fool_The_Masses release their new melancholi
IMG-ALT 🖤 @Fool_The_Masses release their new melancholic Metalcore single “Black Soul” exploring remorse and reckoning for past deeds 🤘🏻 After FOOL THE MASSES caused...
https://www.instagram.com/p/C5...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain 🖤 @Fool_The_Masses announce the release of the
IMG-ALT 🖤 @Fool_The_Masses announce the release of the second single for tomorrow with the heavy doomy ballad “Black Soul” taken from their album “It’s All Lost”, du...
https://www.instagram.com/reel...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain 🤘🏻 FOOL THE MASSES announce the release of t
IMG-ALT 🤘🏻 FOOL THE MASSES announce the release of the second single this Thursday with the heavy doomy ballad “Black Soul” taken from their album “It’s All Lost”, d...
https://www.instagram.com/p/C4...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain 🗞️ This Friday, @VoyagerXBand released their
IMG-ALT 🗞️ This Friday, @VoyagerXBand released their long-awaited album “Magic” via Dr. Music Records, and now the South German band has finally catapulted their mus...
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Dr. Music Promotion - Medicine For Your Ears | The all-round carefr...
Dr. Music Promotion is the music PR agency with distribution label, booking agency, management department and publisher specialized in Pop, Rock and Metal! True to the motto ‘Medicine for your ears | The all-round carefree service for bands, artists and labels’, we offer a wide spectrum of services in the music industry, and we are established for a long-time experience in the entertainment business and the creative accomplishment of worldwide cross-media PR campaigns since 2006. We cover the whole range of print, online, radio, playlist, TV and tour promotion and offer targeted social advertising campaigns.| Dr. Music Promotion ist die Musikpromotion-Agentur mit Vertriebslabel, Booking-Agentur, Management-Abteilung und Verlag spezialisiert auf Pop, Rock und Metal! Getreu dem Motto ‘Medizin für die Ohren | Der Rundum-Sorglos-Service für Bands, Künstler und Labels’ bieten wir ein breites Spektrum an Dienstleistungen in der Musikindustrie und stehen seit 2006 für langjährige Erfahrung...

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Music Records63%Check

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