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Free crochet patterns and tutorials! These crochet patterns are stylish, functional and designed with love. Garments, blankets and accessories plus more!
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...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngThe Echoes Pullover is out now!! 🥳🥳 Comment “pattern” and I’ll send you a direct link to the free pattern! 🩷 👉🏼The free crochet pattern is on my blog! 👉🏼The kit is on @lionbrandyarn 🦁 You get all the yarn you need + a free copy of the PDF digital download of the pattern. You can even customize your color choice! 🚨It’s 25% off today with code 25FEBDP at checkout! 🚨 👉🏼You can get the low cost ad-free printable PDF in my @etsy and Ravelry shops! 👉🏼 I have a full video tutorial on my @youtube channel! If you need a little extra help be sure to check it out! Click the link in my bio or I’ll have all the direct links in my stories along with the giveaway winners! #crochet_pattern #crochetersoftheworld #lionbrand #lionbrandyarn #crochet #crochetgoodness #crochetaddicted #crochetersofinstagram #crochetpattern #crochetdesign #crochetdesigner #yarnaddiction #crochetallthethings #crochetwip #crochetlove #freecrochetpattern #crochettutorial #crochetallday #crochetgeek #yarnaddict #crocheting #crochetinspo #crocheters #crochetersofig #crochetsweater #crochetcardigan #crochetclothes
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngPattern GIVEAWAY!🎉 2 winners will receive The Echoes Pullover crochet pattern PDF + 2 more patterns of their choice from my shops!😍 Winners will be announced in stories with the pattern release tomorrow! HOW TO ENTER: 1. Follow me @evelynandpeter 2. Like this post 3. Comment and tell me if you are team colorful yarn or team neutrals!! 🩷)Then tag as many friends as you want! (Separate comments for the tags, you can tag me if you don’t have any crochet friends on here 😉) Each tag counts as 1 entry! 4. Optional- Share to your stories (don’t forget to tag me so I can see!) #crochet_pattern #crochetersoftheworld #lionbrand #lionbrandyarn #crochet #crochetgoodness #crochetaddicted #crochetersofinstagram #crochetpattern #crochetdesign #crochetdesigner #yarnaddiction #crochetallthethings #crochetwip #crochetlove #freecrochetpattern #crochettutorial #crochetallday #crochetgeek #yarnaddict #crocheting #crochetinspo #crocheters #crochetersofig #crochetsweater #crochetcardigan #crochetclothes
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngPoor Penny can’t catch a break with all this sickness. We just got over influenza A and now she’s home sick again today. 🥴 I guess that means cuddles and crocheting on the couch. Luckily I have this cozy WIP to finish. I’m loving the V sts using this re-make yarn! Soooo soft! The free crochet pattern will be out in March so stay tuned! 💙 @lionbrandyarn Re-make 🧶 #crochet_pattern #crochetersoftheworld #lionbrand #lionbrandyarn #crochet #crochetgoodness #crochetaddicted #crochetersofinstagram #crochetpattern #crochetdesign #crochetdesigner #yarnaddiction #crochetallthethings #crochetwip #crochetlove #freecrochetpattern #crochettutorial #crochetallday #crochetgeek #yarnaddict #crocheting #crochetinspo #crocheters #crochetersofig #crochetsweater #crochetcardigan #crochetclothes
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngAhhh! I’m so excited to release The Echoes Pullover this week!! 🥰 I’ve got back to back releases this month and I’m not mad about it. 🤩 The Echoes Cardigan was a favorite last year so I hope you guys like the pullover just as much. The free pattern will be on my blog eandpcrochet.com in sizes XS-5X this Thursday! The @lionbrandyarn kit will also be available the same day. The @youtube video tutorial is linked in the pattern as well if you need some extra help. Then of course the printable PDF will be in my @etsy and Ravelry shop. Make sure you are subscribed to my newsletter so you don’t miss the release! 🩷🩷🩷 #crochet_pattern #crochetersoftheworld #crochetclothes #lionbrand #lionbrandyarn #crochet #crochetgoodness #crochetaddicted #crochetersofinstagram #crochetpattern #crochetdesign #crochetdesigner #yarnaddiction #crochetallthethings #crochetwip #crochetlove #freecrochetpattern #crochettutorial #crochetallday #crochetgeek #yarnaddict #crocheting #crochetinspo #crocheters #crochetersofig #crochetsweater #crochetcardigan
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngThanks for all the love on The Pine Grove Pullover!! 🥰 In case you missed it, the pattern is now free on my blog in sizes XS-5X! The kit is also available on @lionbrandyarn website. It’s the Buy More Save More sale this weekend so be sure to use one of these codes if you shop! 20% off $30+ usd – code BMSM20 25% off $50+ usd – code BMSM25 30% off $100+ usd – code BMSM30 35% off $200+ usd – code BMSM35 The video tutorial is on my YouTube channel and the pdf is in my Etsy and Ravelry shop! ☺️ I’ll put links in my stories 🩷 #crochet_pattern #crochetersoftheworld #lionbrand #lionbrandyarn #crochet #crochetgoodness #crochetaddicted #crochetersofinstagram #crochetpattern #crochetdesign #crochetdesigner #yarnaddiction #crochetallthethings #crochetwip #crochetlove #freecrochetpattern #crochettutorial #crochetallday #crochetgeek #yarnaddict #crocheting #crochetinspo #crocheters #crochetersofig #crochetsweater #crochetclothes
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngThe Pine Grove Pullover crochet pattern is out now!! 🥳 I hope you guys like it. ☺️ 👉🏼The free crochet pattern is on my blog in sizes XS-5X! 👉🏼The kit is on @lionbrandyarn 🦁 You get all the yarn you need + a free copy of the PDF digital download of the pattern. You can even customize your color choice! 🚨 It’s 30% off today too!! No code needed, just add to cart! 🚨 👉🏼You can get the low cost ad-free printable PDF in my Etsy and Ravelry shops! 👉🏼 I have a full video tutorial on my YouTube channel! If you need a little extra help be sure to check it out! Click the link in my bio or I’ll have all the direct links in my stories along with the giveaway winners! #crochet_pattern #crochetersoftheworld #lionbrand #lionbrandyarn #crochet #crochetgoodness #crochetaddicted #crochetersofinstagram #crochetpattern #crochetdesign #crochetdesigner #yarnaddiction #crochetallthethings #crochetwip #crochetlove #freecrochetpattern #crochettutorial #crochetallday #crochetgeek #yarnaddict #crocheting #crochetinspo #crocheters #crochetersofig #crochetsweater #crochetclothes
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngGIVEAWAY!🎉 2 winners will receive The Pine Grove Pullover crochet pattern PDF + 2 more patterns of their choice from my shops!😍 Winners will be announced in stories with the pattern release! HOW TO ENTER: 1. Follow me @evelynandpeter 2. Like this post 3. Comment and tell me your favorite food (nothing sounds good after the flu and I need ideas 😂)Then tag as many friends as you want! (Separate comments for the tags, you can tag me if you don’t have any crochet friends on here 😉) Each tag counts as 1 entry! 4. Optional- Share to your stories (don’t forget to tag me so I can see!) Ps I’ll tag the name contest winner in my stories!! #crochet_pattern #crochetersoftheworld #lionbrand #lionbrandyarn #crochet #crochetgoodness #crochetaddicted #crochetersofinstagram #crochetpattern #crochetdesign #crochetdesigner #yarnaddiction #crochetallthethings #crochetwip #crochetlove #freecrochetpattern #crochettutorial #crochetallday #crochetgeek #yarnaddict #crocheting #crochetinspo #crocheters #crochetersofig #crochetsweater #crochetclothes #crochetideas
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngStill over here recovering from the flu. 😷 It has been a rough few days but feeling a bit more alive today. I got absolutely NO crocheting done. I thought I for sure could lay in bed and work on my project but my throbbing eyeballs had other ideas. 😂 Gonna power through and do a tiny bit of computer work today because my Echoes Pullover comes out next week!! 🥳 Hope you guys like it. I absolutely love the Echoes Cardigan and you all did too, so I’m excited to release the pullover version! 🩷 Yarn is @lionbrandyarn mandala #crochet_pattern #crochetersoftheworld #lionbrand #lionbrandyarn #crochet #crochetgoodness #crochetaddicted #crochetersofinstagram #crochetpattern #crochetdesign #crochetdesigner #yarnaddiction #crochetallthethings #crochetwip #crochetlove #freecrochetpattern #crochettutorial #crochetallday #crochetgeek #yarnaddict #crocheting #crochetinspo #crocheters #crochetersofig #crochetsweater #crochetcardigan #crochetclothes #crochetwithme
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngYou know that little tickle you get in the back of your throat before you get sick? That was me all day yesterday and then it hit me by dinner time. It’s been awhile since I’ve felt this sick.🤒🥴 Me and Penny will be in bed the rest of the day. All I can think about is how grateful I am that I did the voiceover for the Echoes Pullover last week. 😅 Im glad you guys like the Fairy Floss Throw. The colors make me so happy and remind me of summer. The pattern is free on my blog and a kit with @lionbrandyarn. Get 30% off the kit with code FEB30DP at checkout. A video tutorial on @youtube and the pdf are in my @etsy & Ravelry shop. I’ll put links in my stories. 🩷 #crochet_pattern #crochetersoftheworld #lionbrand #lionbrandyarn #crochet #crochetgoodness #crochetaddicted #crochetersofinstagram #crochetpattern #crochetdesign #crochetdesigner #yarnaddiction #crochetallthethings #crochetwip #crochetlove #freecrochetpattern #crochettutorial #crochetallday #crochetgeek #yarnaddict #crocheting #crochetinspo #crocheters #crochetersofig #crochetblanket #crochetstitch
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngA quick tutorial for you to save for later. 🩷 The full pattern and tutorial for this design, The Fairy Floss Throw, can be found on my blog! I’ll put a link in my stories. The @lionbrandyarn kit is also on sale today with buy 2 get 1 free on yarns. No code needed. 🥰 I’ve been up since 4am with poor Penny not feeling well so I am tiiiiired. 🥱 Luckily it’s an easy crochet day today so maybe I can rest my eyes for a few later. 😴 #crochet_pattern #crochetersoftheworld #crochetblanket #lionbrand #lionbrandyarn #crochet #crochetgoodness #crochetaddicted #crochetersofinstagram #crochetpattern #crochetdesign #crochetdesigner #yarnaddiction #crochetallthethings #crochetwip #crochetlove #freecrochetpattern #crochettutorial #crochetallday #crochetgeek #yarnaddict #crocheting #crochetinspo #crocheters #crochetersofig #crochetstitch #crochetstitches
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngThe Echoes Pullover is finished! I’m doing some video editing for the tutorial today. My goal is to get the voiceover done while the girls are at school. I do have a house full of 3 loud and crazy dogs this weeks so hopefully they decide to chill for a minute...at the same time. 😅😅 Wish me luck. I haven’t officially started my next project yet so I guess I’m wipless on WIP Wednesday?? What are you guys working on? Yarn is @lionbrandyarn mandala #crochet_pattern #crochetersoftheworld #lionbrand #lionbrandyarn #crochet #crochetgoodness #crochetaddicted #crochetersofinstagram #crochetpattern #crochetdesign #crochetdesigner #yarnaddiction #crochetallthethings #crochetwip #crochetlove #freecrochetpattern #crochettutorial #crochetallday #crochetgeek #yarnaddict #crocheting #crochetinspo #crocheters #crochetersofig #crochetsweater #crochetcardigan #crochetclothes
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngI love that the lemon peel stitch is so simple yet gives such beautiful texture. 😍 Super easy for beginners to learn as well! I’m making the Foggy Shores Pullover here which is available free on my blog in sizes XS-5X! The kit is also available on @lionbrandyarn and is 30% off today. The spice color I used is sold out but there are a few neutrals available. I have a video tutorial on my @youtube channel and the printable pdf on @etsy and Ravelry! I’ll put links in my stories! 🥰 #crochet_pattern #crochetersoftheworld #lionbrand #lionbrandyarn #crochet #crochetgoodness #crochetaddicted #crochetersofinstagram #crochetpattern #crochetdesign #crochetdesigner #yarnaddiction #crochetallthethings #crochetwip #crochetlove #freecrochetpattern #crochettutorial #crochetallday #crochetgeek #yarnaddict #crocheting #crochetinspo #crocheters #crochetersofig #crochetsweater #crochetcardigan #crochetwithme #crochetclothes
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngCouldn’t help it and had to work up a few rows in this @lionbrandyarn Re-make yarn! This is my first time trying it out and it’s super soft! 😍 I chose the color Seaspray. 🌊🐟🐳 Have you tried it? I’m still working on my Echoes Pullover though so this will have to wait. I’ve got some filming and seaming on my to-do list today! ☺️ #crochet_pattern #crochetersoftheworld #lionbrand #lionbrandyarn #crochet #crochetgoodness #crochetaddicted #crochetersofinstagram #crochetpattern #crochetdesign #crochetdesigner #yarnaddiction #crochetallthethings #crochetwip #crochetlove #freecrochetpattern #crochettutorial #crochetallday #crochetgeek #yarnaddict #crocheting #crochetinspo #crocheters #crochetersofig #crochetsweater #crochetcardigan #crochetstitches #crochetstitch #crochetwithme
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngThanks for all the cute name ideas on my reel!! Can’t wait to pick, I’ll announce and tag in my stories when I do! ☺️ the pattern will be free on my blog, a @lionbrandyarn kit, video tutorial and a pdf on Etsy and Ravelry! The giveaway will be on the 19th with the pattern release on the 20th! On the schedule today, organizing and uploading tax documents and cleaning the house. 😅😅 #crochet_pattern #crochetersoftheworld #lionbrand #lionbrandyarn #crochet #crochetgoodness #crochetaddicted #crochetersofinstagram #crochetpattern #crochetdesign #crochetdesigner #yarnaddiction #crochetallthethings #crochetwip #crochetlove #freecrochetpattern #crochettutorial #crochetallday #crochetgeek #yarnaddict #crocheting #crochetinspo #crocheters #crochetersofig #crochetsweater #crochetclothes
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngIt’s 30% off mocha colored yarns on the @lionbrandyarn website since the Pantone color of the year is Mocha Mousse! I thought my Poppy Pullover would be the perfect thing to share today for it. I loveeeee working with 24/7 cotton DK yarn. I’m sure you’ll see at least one project from me using it this summer! The Poppy Pullover includes sizes XS-5X and is free on my blog! If you get kit in the Cacao color shown here then it’s 30% off! I also have a video tutorial on @youtube and pdf pattern on @etsy and Ravelry. I’ll put links in my stories! 🤎🤎🤎 #crochet_pattern #crochetersoftheworld #lionbrand #lionbrandyarn #crochet #crochetgoodness #crochetaddicted #crochetersofinstagram #crochetpattern #crochetdesign #crochetdesigner #yarnaddiction #crochetallthethings #crochetwip #crochetlove #freecrochetpattern #crochettutorial #crochetallday #crochetgeek #yarnaddict #crocheting #crochetinspo #crocheters #crochetersofig #crochetsweater #crochetclothes #crochettop
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngMaking good progress on the Echoes Pullover! I love seeing the color differences and how it’s working up compared to the cardigan. 😍 So excited to finish it. The free pattern, @lionbrandyarn kit and video tutorial will be out later this month! 🩷 If you want to make the cardigan, that one is already available! I’ll put a link in my stories to it. 🥰 #crochet_pattern #crochetersoftheworld #lionbrand #lionbrandyarn #crochet #crochetgoodness #crochetaddicted #crochetersofinstagram #crochetpattern #crochetdesign #crochetdesigner #yarnaddiction #crochetallthethings #crochetwip #crochetlove #freecrochetpattern #crochettutorial #crochetallday #crochetgeek #yarnaddict #crocheting #crochetinspo #crocheters #crochetersofig #crochetsweater #crochetcardigan #crochetclothes
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngName Contest! 💚There’s no green to be found around me so I had to bring my own. 😆 Now that I’m watching this back we might need to come up with some sort of tree or forest related name?! 🤣 This sweater has been ready for a couple of weeks and has just been sitting and waiting patiently to be released. All it needs is name! Leave your ideas in the comments, if I pick your idea the winner gets the PDF pattern plus 2 more patterns of your choice from my shop! Can’t wait to see all the ideas!! ☺️ Yarn is @lionbrandyarn wool ease DK and the pattern, kit and video will be out in 2 weeks! #crochet_pattern #crochetersoftheworld #lionbrand #lionbrandyarn #crochet #crochetgoodness #crochetaddicted #crochetersofinstagram #crochetpattern #crochetdesign #crochetdesigner #yarnaddiction #crochetallthethings #crochetwip #crochetlove #freecrochetpattern #crochettutorial #crochetallday #crochetgeek #yarnaddict #crocheting #crochetinspo #crocheters #crochetersofig #crochetsweater #crochetclothes #crochetwithme
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png1 day off of posting turned into 2, then 3 and before ya know it, it’s Monday. 😅 I did get a bit of crochet time in on my Echoes Pullover. We are back with sickness in the house, this time it’s Charlie who’s first. Hopefully it doesn’t spread to everyone again. 🤒😭 I’ll be hanging out on the couch with her today working on my second sleeve. 😊 Yarn is @lionbrandyarn Mandala 🩷 #crochet_pattern #crochetersoftheworld #lionbrand #lionbrandyarn #crochet #crochetgoodness #crochetaddicted #crochetersofinstagram #crochetpattern #crochetdesign #crochetdesigner #yarnaddiction #crochetallthethings #crochetwip #crochetlove #freecrochetpattern #crochettutorial #crochetallday #crochetgeek #yarnaddict #crocheting #crochetinspo #crocheters #crochetersofig #crochetsweater #crochetcardigan #crochetwithme #crochetstitch
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngIt’s a 30% off sale this weekend on the @lionbrandyarn website!! Use code 30JANLAST at checkout on your fave yarns and kits, including the one seen here, The Kiah Cardigan. One of my favorite makes ever!! 🥰 And of course I have the free pattern on my blog as well if you already have the yarn. I’ll put links in my stories! 🩷 #crochet_pattern #crochetersoftheworld #lionbrand #lionbrandyarn #crochet #crochetgoodness #crochetaddicted #crochetersofinstagram #crochetpattern #crochetdesign #crochetdesigner #yarnaddiction #crochetallthethings #crochetwip #crochetlove #freecrochetpattern #crochettutorial #crochetallday #crochetgeek #yarnaddict #crocheting #crochetinspo #crocheters #crochetersofig #crochetsweater #crochetcardigan #crochetclothes
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngI hope you’re getting lots of crochet time on this wip Wednesday!! This was from a year ago but I’m currently sitting in the same spot today working on my Echoes Pullover. 😆🥰 #crochet_pattern #crochetersoftheworld #crochetwithme #lionbrand #lionbrandyarn #crochet #crochetgoodness #crochetaddicted #crochetersofinstagram #crochetpattern #crochetdesign #crochetdesigner #yarnaddiction #crochetallthethings #crochetwip #crochetlove #freecrochetpattern #crochettutorial #crochetallday #crochetgeek #yarnaddict #crocheting #crochetinspo #crocheters #crochetersofig #crochetsweater
...content/uploads/2023/07/LOGO_STACKED.jpgKein ALT-Attribut angegeben


H1 Überschrift
(Extrem wichtig)
Es ist keine H1-Überschrift definiert.
Die Überschriftenstruktur ist fehlerhaft. Es sollte keine Hierarchie (H1-H6) ausgelassen werden.
Es befinden sich 36 Überschriften auf der Seite. Die Anzahl der Überschriften sollte in einem besseren Verhältnis zum Text stehen.


Überschriften HierarchieInhalt
H2 The Echoes Pullover Crochet Pattern
H2 The Pine Grove Pullover Crochet Pattern
H2 The Adagio Throw Crochet Pattern
H2 The Arpeggio Set Crochet Pattern
H2 The Maeve Pullover Crochet Pattern
H2 The Echoes Cardigan Crochet Pattern
H2 The Starlight View Throw Crochet Pattern
H2 The Fall Fable Pullover Crochet Pattern
H2 The Maeve Cardigan Crochet Pattern
H2 The Sunrise Surf Throw Crochet Pattern
H3 The Echoes Cardigan was one of my top patterns of 2024! I knew that I wanted to make a pullover version of it this year and I’m so glad I had time to sneak it in this winter! The Echoes Pullover is...
H3 I thought about using a different Mandala color for the Echoes Pullover crochet pattern but there is just something about the “warlock” color that draws me in! I ended up going with the same color ...
H3 I was so excited to try out the new Wool-Ease DK yarn from Lion Brand recently! I new immediately that I had to make a sweater for myself. I fell in love with this beautiful green color and The Pin...
H3 The Pine Grove Pullover crochet pattern is worked up in separate panels. The front and back are made bottom up and the sleeves are top down to the cuff. You can easily adjust the length of your swe...
H3 Am I really posting my first crochet pattern of 2025?! That is just crazy to me! I am so grateful to have you all here with me at the start of the new year. 🙂 First up, The Adagio Throw crochet pat...
H3 When I like the stitch/stitches of one of my previous designs I like to try and use it in multiple other patterns. First was the Echoes Cardigan which was one of my top patterns this past fall. I k...
H3 A little bit about the blanket- It’s worked from the bottom up. You will be switching yarn colors every 2 rows. However, you do NOT need to cut that yarn. We will be creating small floats on the le...
H3 I can’t believe i’m releasing my final crochet pattern of 2024 today! Where did the year go? The Arpeggio Set crochet pattern will be my last pattern release until 2025.
H3 This was such a fun year of crochet for me. I hope you enjoyed some of my patterns and will continue to do so in 2025! Thank you guys so much for all the support you have shown. I am truly grateful...
H3 The Arpeggio Set crochet pattern uses the same stitches as my Echoes Cardigan. The Echoes Cardigan was a big hit and one of my best patterns of the year. While I was working it up I noticed on some...
H3 As soon as The Maeve Cardigan was out in the world I knew I had to make it’s sister design, The Maeve Pullover. The Maeve Cardigan was a fan favorite so I hope you guys love the pullover just as mu...
H3 I used Heartland yarn for the Pullover, just as I did the cardigan. The same beautiful stitches are used throughout the sweater. A ribbed collar is around the neckline of the sweater to further mat...
H3 If you plan on purchasing yarn, be sure to check out the Lion Brand kit. It’s a good deal since it includes the printable PDF pattern plus they frequently go on sale. Subscribe to my newsletter to ...
H3 Every once in a while you make a crochet design that just works up perfectly how you envisioned it. That was definitely the case for The Echoes Cardigan crochet pattern. I was a little nervous to m...
H3 I made no adjustments to the yarn colors as I worked it up. No cutting the yarn and only joining when It was time to bring in a new skein. I just let it work up naturally! I think that’s part of th...
H3 There is something just so magical about combining 2 different yarns together to create something new! It’s one of my favorite ways to make blankets. I think The Starlight View Throw crochet patter...
H3 I took a super bulky weight (respun thick & quick) plus a worsted weight (landscapes breeze) and combined them by weaving the landscapes yarn and carrying it throughout! This was SO much fun to do....
H3 You’ll be using an offset double crochet V-St throughout the entirety of the blanket. The part that makes it so special is carrying the second yarn along while you go. There is a very specific way ...
H3 There’s just something about stripes and fall that go together... at least I think so! 🙂 I knew I wanted to make some sort of striped sweater this season and that’s how we ended up with The Fall Fa...
H3 I went back and fourth with deciding what kind of neckline to do and i’m so glad I went with a simple V-neck! I also went back and fourth with what colors I wanted to use. I was soooo close to usin...
H3 I’m so excited to announce The Maeve And Marigold Make Along! I designed The Maeve Cardigan (crochet) and Meghan of “MeghanMakesDo” designed The Marigold Cardigan (knit)! If you follow us on Instag...
H3 Have you ever participated in a crochet or knit along? If not, here is a little rundown on how it all works. For this MAL we wanted something more laid back and simple. Below is the MAL schedule wh...
H3 There is just something special about Mandala Ombre yarn. The beautiful color combos definitely call to me. I’ve been eyeing a couple of the colors this year and knew I needed to create a blanket w...
H3 I wanted something with a simple stitch repeat but also wanted amazing texture. Nothing too crazy because the yarn already elevates the blanket and does all the talking! Working up these rows using...
H3 I had just the right amount of yarn left to add on a little bit of a fancy side border as well. I played around with different waves to add to the edge until I settled on a nice repeat for the leng...
H3 evelynandpeter
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/the-fall-fable-pullover-croch...Subdomain The Fall Fable Pullover Crochet Pattern
/2024/10/10/Subdomain posted on : October 10, 2024
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/the-sunrise-surf-throw-croche...Subdomain The Sunrise Surf Throw Crochet Pattern
/2024/08/22/Subdomain posted on : August 22, 2024
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IMG-ALT Rachel✌🏼Crochet
A-TITLE @evelynandpeter
https://www.instagram.com/reel...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain The Echoes Pullover is out now!! 🥳🥳 Comment
IMG-ALT The Echoes Pullover is out now!! 🥳🥳 Comment “pattern” and I’ll send you a direct link to the free pattern! 🩷 👉🏼The free crochet pattern is on my blog! 👉🏼The ...
https://www.instagram.com/reel...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain Pattern GIVEAWAY!🎉 2 winners will receive The E
IMG-ALT Pattern GIVEAWAY!🎉 2 winners will receive The Echoes Pullover crochet pattern PDF + 2 more patterns of their choice from my shops!😍 Winners will be announced...
https://www.instagram.com/reel...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain Poor Penny can’t catch a break with all this sic
IMG-ALT Poor Penny can’t catch a break with all this sickness. We just got over influenza A and now she’s home sick again today. 🥴 I guess that means cuddles and cro...
https://www.instagram.com/p/DG...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain Ahhh! I’m so excited to release The Echoes Pullo
IMG-ALT Ahhh! I’m so excited to release The Echoes Pullover this week!! 🥰 I’ve got back to back releases this month and I’m not mad about it. 🤩 The Echoes Cardigan w...
https://www.instagram.com/p/DG...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain Thanks for all the love on The Pine Grove Pullover
IMG-ALT Thanks for all the love on The Pine Grove Pullover!! 🥰 In case you missed it, the pattern is now free on my blog in sizes XS-5X! The kit is also available on...
https://www.instagram.com/reel...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain The Pine Grove Pullover crochet pattern is out now
IMG-ALT The Pine Grove Pullover crochet pattern is out now!! 🥳 I hope you guys like it. ☺️ 👉🏼The free crochet pattern is on my blog in sizes XS-5X! 👉🏼The kit is on @...
https://www.instagram.com/reel...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain GIVEAWAY!🎉 2 winners will receive The Pine Grov
IMG-ALT GIVEAWAY!🎉 2 winners will receive The Pine Grove Pullover crochet pattern PDF + 2 more patterns of their choice from my shops!😍 Winners will be announced in ...
https://www.instagram.com/reel...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain Still over here recovering from the flu. 😷 It h
IMG-ALT Still over here recovering from the flu. 😷 It has been a rough few days but feeling a bit more alive today. I got absolutely NO crocheting done. I thought I ...
https://www.instagram.com/reel...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain You know that little tickle you get in the back of
IMG-ALT You know that little tickle you get in the back of your throat before you get sick? That was me all day yesterday and then it hit me by dinner time. It’s bee...
https://www.instagram.com/reel...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain A quick tutorial for you to save for later. 🩷
IMG-ALT A quick tutorial for you to save for later. 🩷 The full pattern and tutorial for this design, The Fairy Floss Throw, can be found on my blog! I’ll put a link ...
https://www.instagram.com/reel...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain The Echoes Pullover is finished! I’m doing some
IMG-ALT The Echoes Pullover is finished! I’m doing some video editing for the tutorial today. My goal is to get the voiceover done while the girls are at school. I d...
https://www.instagram.com/reel...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain I love that the lemon peel stitch is so simple yet
IMG-ALT I love that the lemon peel stitch is so simple yet gives such beautiful texture. 😍 Super easy for beginners to learn as well! I’m making the Foggy Shores Pul...
https://www.instagram.com/reel...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain Couldn’t help it and had to work up a few rows i
IMG-ALT Couldn’t help it and had to work up a few rows in this @lionbrandyarn Re-make yarn! This is my first time trying it out and it’s super soft! 😍 I chose the co...
https://www.instagram.com/p/DF...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain Thanks for all the cute name ideas on my reel!! Ca
IMG-ALT Thanks for all the cute name ideas on my reel!! Can’t wait to pick, I’ll announce and tag in my stories when I do! ☺️ the pattern will be free on my blog, a ...
https://www.instagram.com/reel...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain It’s 30% off mocha colored yarns on the @lionbra
IMG-ALT It’s 30% off mocha colored yarns on the @lionbrandyarn website since the Pantone color of the year is Mocha Mousse! I thought my Poppy Pullover would be the ...
https://www.instagram.com/p/DF...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain Making good progress on the Echoes Pullover! I lov
IMG-ALT Making good progress on the Echoes Pullover! I love seeing the color differences and how it’s working up compared to the cardigan. 😍 So excited to finish it....
https://www.instagram.com/reel...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain Name Contest! 💚There’s no green to be found a
IMG-ALT Name Contest! 💚There’s no green to be found around me so I had to bring my own. 😆 Now that I’m watching this back we might need to come up with some sort of ...
https://www.instagram.com/reel...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain 1 day off of posting turned into 2, then 3 and bef
IMG-ALT 1 day off of posting turned into 2, then 3 and before ya know it, it’s Monday. 😅 I did get a bit of crochet time in on my Echoes Pullover. We are back with s...
https://www.instagram.com/reel...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain It’s a 30% off sale this weekend on the @lionbra
IMG-ALT It’s a 30% off sale this weekend on the @lionbrandyarn website!! Use code 30JANLAST at checkout on your fave yarns and kits, including the one seen here, The...
https://www.instagram.com/reel...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain I hope you’re getting lots of crochet time on th
IMG-ALT I hope you’re getting lots of crochet time on this wip Wednesday!! This was from a year ago but I’m currently sitting in the same spot today working on my Ec...
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Evelyn And Peter Crochet - Crochet Patterns and Tutorials
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