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/dunhuang-zui-hou-shi-li-xie-s... | | 敦煌 醉後失禮謝書 Dunhuang Drunk Apology Letter Translation |
/lu-you-you-shan-xi-cun-transl... | | 陸游 遊山西村 translation: Roaming in Mountain West Villages, by Lu You |
/bai-juyi-ziwen-heihua-manyan-... | | 白居易 自問 (黑花滿眼絲滿頭) translation: Self Questioning, by Bai Juyi |
/li-bai-gu-feng-tao-hua-kai-do... | | 李白 古風 桃花開東園 translation: Antiquity: Peach Blossom Blooming in the East Garden, by Li Bai |
/zhang-jie-fen-shu-keng-book-b... | | 章碣 焚書坑 translation: The Book Burning Pit, By Zhang Jie |
/duolingo-japanese-fandom-voca... | | Duolingo Fandom Japanese vocab CSV extractor bookmark |
/china/classical/three-kingdom... | | 三國演義 董賊潛懷廢立圖 translation: "The Traitor Dong Zhuo Secretly Harbours a Deposition Plan", from Romance of the Three Kingdoms |
/china/classical/japan-china-c... | | 山川异域 风月同天: Japan sends aid packages to China with a Classical Chinese poem |
/china/classical/qiwu-qian-chu... | | 023 綦毋潛 春泛若耶溪 translation: Spring Drifting on Ruoye Creek, by Qiwu Qian |
/china/classical/li-bai-sima-j... | | 163 李白 司馬將軍歌 translation: Sima General Song, by Li Bai |
/china/classical/liu-changqing... | | 196 劉長卿 長沙過賈誼宅 translation: In Changsha, Passing by Jia Yi's Residence |
/china/classical/han-yu-ye-hen... | | 068 韓愈 謁衡嶽廟遂宿嶽寺題門樓 translation: An Inscription on the Gatehouse after Paying Respects at the Mt Heng Shrine and Lodging at the Mountain Temple, by Hán Yù |
/china/classical/li-bai-zao-fa... | | 李白 早發白帝城 translation: Setting Off Early from Baidi City, by Li Bai (下江陵) |
/china/classical/li-bai-laolao... | | 李白 勞勞亭 translation: Pavilion of Misery, by Li Bai |
/china/mandarin/shijian-dou-qu... | | 《时间都去哪儿了》 lyrics translation: Where Has the Time Gone? |
/china/written/chinese-charact... | | A "Chinese" puzzle sent to me by a reader: 冊月水三 了口臼尺 山月了 七口... |
/china/written/tuttle-reading-... | | Book review: Tuttle Reading and Writing Chinese |
/china/classical/li-bai-gong-z... | | '李白 宮中行樂詞 一 translation: Lyrics for Wandering in the Palace I, by Li Bai (小小生金屋)' |
/china/mandarin/chinese-learni... | | My favourite Chinese learning tools |
/china/main-chinese-language/ | | What is the main Chinese language? What is Standard Chinese? |
/china/best-android-chinese-in... | | The best Android Chinese input method: Google Pinyin Input (谷歌拼音输入法) |
/china/classical/li-bai-yuan-b... | | 李白 遠別離 translation: Distant Parting, by Li Bai |
/china/written/wang-zengqi-weiba/ | | 汪曾祺 尾巴 translation: Tail, by Wang Zengqi (小说三篇) |
/china/classical/li-qingzhao-z... | | '李清照 醉花陰 translation: (Lyrics for the Tune of) Drunk in Blossom Shade, by Li Qingzhao' |
/china/classical/wang-wei-ku-r... | | 王維 苦熱行 translation: Ballad of Suffering from the Heat, by Wang Wei |
/thanks-kensio-software-wordpr... | | Thanks to Kensio Software for the Wordpress and Web development of EAS |
/site/wordpress-cjk-languages-... | | Convenient mark-up for CJK languages in Wordpress (HTML + CSS) |
/china/mac-type-chinese-quotat... | | How to type Chinese quotation marks on Mac OS (「」, 『』 and 《》 ) |
/china/how-to-get-a-chinese-name/ | | How to get a Chinese name |
/china/classical/wang-wei-chou... | | '王維 酬虞部蘇員外過藍田別業不見留之作 translation: Composed in Reply to Secretary Su of the Board of Concern, Who Passed By Lantian Residence But Did Not Stay, by Wang Wei' |
/china/classical/wang-wei-song... | | '王維 送元二使安西 translation: Seeing Off Yuan Er on His Mission to Anxi, by Wang Wei' |
/china/classical/wang-wei-xiny... | | 王維 辛夷塢 translation: Magnolia Wall, by Wang Wei (輞川集) |
/china/classical/wang-wei-yi-hu/ | | 王維 欹湖 translation: Yi Lake, by Wang Wei (輞川集) |
/china/classical/wang-wei-luan... | | 王維 欒家瀨 translation: Luan Family Rapids, by Wang Wei (輞川集) |
/china/classical/sunzi-bingfa-... | | 孫子 兵法 始計 translation: Laying Plans, The Art of War, by Sun Zi |
/china/amazon-chinese-ebooks/ | | Amazon China: the best source of Chinese ebooks ever? |
/study/east-asian-language-uni... | | Questions about studying an East Asian language at university |
/china/mandarin/chinese-listen... | | How to improve your Chinese listening in the early stages (reader question) |
/china/chinese-time-format-cod... | | Chinese time format for coding: %Y年%m月%e日 %A %I:%M %p |
/china/classical/liu-zongyuan-... | | 柳宗元 江雪 translation: River Snow, by Liu Zongyuan (Jiang Xue) |
/china/classical/shijing-bai-z... | | 詩經 柏舟 translation: Cypress Boat, from the Classic of Poetry |
/china/classical/wang-wei-xian... | | 王維 相思 translation: Yearning, by Wang Wei |
/china/classical/li-yu-yinghua... | | '李煜 謝新恩 · 櫻花落盡階前月 translation: Cherry Blossom Completely Falls Before the Steps Under the Moon, by Li Yu (Gratitude for New Favour)' |
/china/wang-meng-liu-binyan-di... | | 'My undergraduate dissertation: Changing Trajectories of Wang Meng and Liu Binyan' |
/china/classical/meng-jiao-you... | | 孟郊 遊子吟 (Yóuzǐ Yín) translation: Song of the Wanderer, by Meng Jiao |
/china/classical/nv-yue-ji-min... | | 女曰雞鳴 translation: The Wife Says the Rooster Crows (Classic of Poetry 詩經) |
/china/classical/li-shangyin-y... | | 李商隱 夜雨寄北 translation: Sent North in Night Rain, by Li Shangyin |
/china/classical/ouyang-xiu-hu... | | 歐陽脩 畫船載酒西湖好 translation: A Painted Boat Carrying Wine, by Ouyang Xiu (采桑子) |
/china/classical/ouyang-xiu-pi... | | 歐陽脩 平生為愛西湖好 translation: All One's Life One has Loved It, by Ouyang Xiu (采桑子)' |
/china/classical/du-mu-zeng-bi... | | 杜牧 贈別 其二 translation: Parting II, by Du Mu | | | «« | | | 1 |
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(Nice to have)