Übersicht der SEO Analyse
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SEO Score
1,30 s
76,40 kB
Anzahl Links
235 Intern / 18 Extern

To-do Liste mit SEO Optimierungen

Meta-Angaben im HTML

(Extrem wichtig)
How to Become FedRAMP Authorized | FedRAMP.gov
Im Titel werden Worte wiederholt.
Die Länge des Titels ist optimal. (485 Pixel von maximal 580 Pixel Länge)
(Extrem wichtig)
authorization process; federal agencies; cloud service providers; Joint Authorization Board; JAB; continuous monitoring; partnership establishment; readiness assessment; FedRAMP Connect; security deliverables; full security assessment; JAB authorization process; agency authorization process
Die Meta-Description ist zu lang. (1821 Pixel von maximal 1000 Pixel) Jetzt optimieren
(Extrem wichtig)
Es gibt keine Probleme beim Zugriff auf die Webseite.
Canonical Link
Die Seite hat einen korrekten Canonical Link.
(Wenig wichtig)
Im Text erkannte Sprache: en
Im HTML angegebene Sprache: en
Serverstandort: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Die Sprache wird im HTML Code wie folgt angegeben: en
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Seite nutzt keine Alternate Links.
Weitere Metatags
(Wenig wichtig)
Es gibt keinen rel next Meta Tag auf der Seite.
Es gibt keinen rel prev Meta Tag auf der Seite.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Domain ist keine Subdomain.
Die Länge der Domain ist gut.
Die Domain enthält keine Umlaute.
Seiten URL
(Wenig wichtig)
In der URL wurden keine Parameter entdeckt.
In der URL wurde keine Session ID entdeckt.
Die URL hat nicht zu viele Unterverzeichnisse.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Angaben zur Zeichensatzkodierung (UTF-8) sind fehlerfrei.
(Nice to have)
Die Doctype Angabe HTML 5 ist korrekt angegeben.
Die Doctype Angabe befindet sich an erster Stelle im HTML-Code.
(Nice to have)
Das Favoriten Icon (Favicon) ist korrekt verlinkt.

Meta Tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
descriptionauthorization process; federal agencies; cloud service providers; Joint Authorization Board; JAB; continuous monitoring; partnership establishment; readiness assessment; FedRAMP Connect; security deliverables; full security assessment; JAB authorization process; agency authorization process
twitter:titleHow to Become FedRAMP Authorized | FedRAMP.gov
twitter:descriptionThe Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program, or FedRAMP, is a government-wide program that provides a standardized approach to security assessment
og:titleHow to Become FedRAMP Authorized | FedRAMP.gov
og:descriptionThe Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program, or FedRAMP, is a government-wide program that provides a standardized approach to security assessment

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(Extrem wichtig)
Wörter aus der H1 Überschrift werden nicht im Text der Seite verwendet.
Der Inhalt ist mit 2805 Wörtern in Ordnung.
Der Text besteht zu 13.2% aus Füllwörtern.
Im Text befindet sich eine Aufzählung, dies deutet auf eine gute Textstruktur hin.
Es wurden 5 Fließtextblöcke auf der Seite gefunden.
Es wurden keine Platzhalter Texte bzw. Bilder gefunden.
Es befinden sich keine Duplikate auf der Seite.
Die durchschnittliche Satzlänge ist mit 19.64 Wörtern gut.
(Extrem wichtig)
Die Seite hat kein Frameset.
(Wenig wichtig)
Der angegebene Viewport (width=device-width, initial-scale=1) ist korrekt.
Mindestens ein Apple-Touch Icon ist definiert.
Bold- und Strongtags
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Menge an Tags ist mit 198 sehr hoch. Wir empfehlen für diese Webseite die Verwendung von maximal 56 Tags.
Einige Tags werden wiederholt. z.B.: new post
Bilder Optimierung
(Wenig wichtig)
Bei 9 Bildern fehlt das Alt-Attribut. Der Inhalt von Alt-Attributen wird von Suchmaschinen auch als Text gewertet und ist wichtig für die Bildersuche.
Soziale Vernetzung
(Nice to have)
Es befinden sich wenige Social-Sharing Möglichkeiten auf der Seite. Mit Plugins zum Teilen kann die Reichweite der Seite in sozialen Netzwerken erhöht werden.
Zusätzliches Markup
(Nice to have)
Es wurde kein zusätzliches Markup gefunden.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Seite verwendet HTTPS um Daten sicher zu übertragen.
Alle eingebundenen Dateien werden ebenfalls über HTTPS ausgeliefert.


/assets/img/us_flag_small.pngU.S. flag
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/assets/img/bell-close.svgKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
/assets/img/bell-close.svgKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
/assets/img/search-magnifying-glass.svgKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
/assets/img/partners-cloud.svgKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
/assets/img/partners-agencies.svgKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
/assets/img/partners-assessors.svgKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
/assets/img/agency-process-button.svgFederal Agency Process
/assets/img/agency-process-button.svgFederal Agency Process
/assets/img/agency-readiness-assessment.svgFederal Agency Readiness Assessment
/assets/img/agency-pre-authorization.svgFederal Agency Pre Authorization
/assets/img/agency-security-assessment.svgFederal Agency Full Security Assessment
...ets/img/agency-authorization-process.svgFederal Agency Authorization Process
/assets/img/agency-readiness-assessment.svgFederal Agency Readiness Assessment
/assets/img/agency-pre-authorization.svgFederal Agency Pre Authorization
/assets/img/agency-security-assessment.svgFederal Agency Full Security Assessment
...ets/img/agency-authorization-process.svgFederal Agency Authorization Process
...ets/img/home_process-overview_1280px.svgThere are 2 main paths available to follow as a part of the FedRAMP authorization process. The path a CSP selects depends on their business strategy.
/assets/img/home_process-overview_662px.svgThere are 2 main paths available to follow as a part of the FedRAMP authorization process. The path a CSP selects depends on their business strategy.
/assets/img/home_process-overview_302px.svgThere are 2 main paths available to follow as a part of the FedRAMP authorization process. The path a CSP selects depends on their business strategy.
/assets/img/glance-ready.svgKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
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/assets/img/glance-authorized.svgKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
/assets/img/footer-mail-icon.svgmail to fedramp
/assets/img/FedRAMP_X.svgx icon
/assets/img/FedRAMP-youtube.svgyoutube icon
/assets/img/gsa-reversed-logo.svgGSA logo


H1 Überschrift
(Extrem wichtig)
Securing Cloud Services
Die H1-Überschrift ist perfekt.
Die Überschriftenstruktur ist fehlerfrei.


Überschriften HierarchieInhalt
H1 Securing Cloud Services
H2 For the Federal Government
H2 Information for Our Partners
H2 FedRAMP Authorization Process
H2 FedRAMP at a Glance
H3 Cloud Service Providers
H3 Federal Agencies
H3 Assessors
H4 Connect With Us
H4 Follow Us
H4 Keep Up To Date
Einige der Linktexte wiederholen sich.
Die Anzahl an internen Links ist ok.
Keiner der Linktexte ist zu lang.
Alle internen Links haben keine dynamischen Parameter.
Es befinden sich 18 externe Links auf der Seite.
https://www.fedramp.gov/Anchor Skip to main content
/2025-01-17-focusing-on-delivery/Focusing on Delivery
/2024-12-20-exploring-new-ways...Exploring new ways to scale FedRAMP
/2024-12-19-fedramp-looking-ba...FedRAMP, Looking Back on 2024, Ahead to 2025
/assets/resources/templates/SS...SSP Appendix M - Integrated Inventory Workbook Template
/assets/resources/templates/SS...SSP Appendix G - Information System Contingency Plan (ISCP) Template
/assets/resources/templates/Fe...FedRAMP Security Assessment Report (SAR) Template
/assets/resources/documents/Ag...Agency Authorization Playbook
/assets/resources/templates/Fe...FedRAMP Continuous Monitoring Deliverables Template
/assets/resources/templates/Fe...Continuous Monitoring Monthly Executive Summary Template
/assets/resources/templates/Fe...FedRAMP SAR Appendix B - Moderate Security Requirements Traceability Matrix Template
/assets/resources/templates/Fe...FedRAMP SAR Appendix B - Low Security Requirements Traceability Matrix Template
/assets/resources/templates/Fe...FedRAMP SAR Appendix B - High Security Requirements Traceability Matrix Template
/assets/resources/documents/3P...3PAO Readiness Assessment Report Guide
/2024-10-15-fedramp-help-center/FedRAMP Help Center
/assets/resources/templates/SS...SSP Appendix A - High FedRAMP Security Controls
/assets/resources/documents/CS...Incident Communications Procedures
/2024-09-27-agile-delivery-pil...FedRAMP Agile Delivery Pilot Update
/2024-09-03-the-missing-piece-...The Missing Piece of Our Modernization Puzzle: The FedRAMP Platform
/2024-08-28-digital-authorizat...Digital Authorization Package Pilot Launch
/2024-08-27-welcoming-a-new-le...Welcoming a New Leader for a New FedRAMP
/2024-08-12-moving-to-one-fedr...Moving to One FedRAMP Authorization: An Update on the JAB Transition
/2024-08-09-strengthening-the-...Strengthening the Use of Cryptography to Secure Federal Cloud Systems
/assets/resources/templates/Fe...FedRAMP Vulnerability Deviation Request Form
/assets/resources/templates/Fe...FedRAMP H-M-L-Li Review Report Template - Rev. 4
/2024-07-30-fedramps-metrics-f...FedRAMP Metrics for Public Comment
/2024-07-26-the-next-phase-of-...The Next Phase of FedRAMP
/2024-07-18-fedramps-roadmap-p...FedRAMP's Roadmap Progress, One Quarter In
/2024-07-11-new-website-launch...New Website Launch: automate.fedramp.gov
/2024-07-10-launch-of-the-fedr...The FedRAMP Agile Delivery Pilot
/2024-06-27-release-of-et-fram...Release of Emerging Technology Prioritization Framework
/2024-06-04-fedramp-governance/FedRAMP Governance
/assets/resources/templates/Fe...FedRAMP Moderate Readiness Assessment Report (RAR) Template
/assets/resources/templates/Fe...FedRAMP High Readiness Assessment Report (RAR) Template
/assets/resources/documents/Ag...FedRAMP Package Access Request Form
/assets/resources/templates/SA...SAR Appendix A - FedRAMP Risk Exposure Table (RET) Template
/assets/resources/templates/Fe...FedRAMP Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M) Template
/2024-03-28-a-new-roadmap-for-...A New Roadmap for FedRAMP
/2024-03-15-rfq-for-grc-soluti...RFQ for GRC Solution Released
/2024-03-04-penetration-test-g...Penetration Test Guidance Public Comment Period
/assets/resources/documents/CS...Annual Assessment Controls Selection Worksheet
/2024-02-16-rev-5-additional-d...Rev. 5 - Additional Documents Released
/assets/resources/templates/SS...SSP Appendix A - Moderate FedRAMP Security Controls
/assets/resources/templates/Fe...FedRAMP Rev. 4 to Rev. 5 Assessment Controls Selection Template
/assets/resources/documents/CS...Vulnerability Scanning Requirements
/assets/resources/documents/CS...CSP Authorization Playbook
/assets/resources/documents/CS...Annual Assessment Guidance
/2024-02-12-supplemental-direc...Supplemental Direction v2 - CISA Emergency Directive 24-01
/2024-02-01-supplemental-direc...Supplemental Direction v1 - CISA Emergency Directive 24-01
/2024-01-26-fedramps-emerging-...FedRAMP's Emerging Technology Prioritization Framework - Overview and Request for Comment
/2024-01-19-cisa-emergency-dir...CISA Emergency Directive 24-01
/2024-01-17-modernization-auto...Modernization - Automating FedRAMP's Technology
/2023-12-14-fedramp-modernizat...FedRAMP Modernization Overview
/2023-11-30-extended-comment-p...Extended Comment Period on Draft FedRAMP Memo
/2023-11-13-usda-connect-updat...FedRAMP Repository - USDA Connect Update
/2023-11-03-fedramp-policy-mem...FedRAMP Policy Memo Public Engagement Forum with OMB
/2023-10-31-fedramps-role-in-t...FedRAMP's Role In The AI Executive Order
/2023-10-27-omb-fedramp-memo/OMB FedRAMP Memo
/assets/resources/templates/Fe...FedRAMP High, Moderate, Low, LI-SaaS Baseline System Security Plan (SSP)
/2023-09-21-fedramp-repository...FedRAMP Repository - Next Steps
/2023-09-19-a2la-updates-the-r...A2LA Updates the R311
/2023-08-30-rev-5-additional-d...Textduplikat Rev. 5 - Additional Documents Released
/assets/resources/templates/SS...SSP Appendix A - Low FedRAMP Security Controls
/assets/resources/templates/SS...SSP Appendix A - LI-SaaS FedRAMP Security Controls
/assets/resources/documents/Fe...FedRAMP General Document Acceptance Criteria
/assets/resources/documents/Fe...FedRAMP Collaborative ConMon Quick Guide
/assets/resources/documents/CS...Continuous Monitoring Performance Management Guide
/2023-08-01-new-3pao-training-...New 3PAO Training - Obligations and Performance Standards
/2023-07-25-csps-prioritized-t...CSPs Prioritized to Work with the JAB
/2023-07-20-3pao-assessment-te...3PAO Assessment Teams Must Be Qualified
/2023-07-14-fedramp-guidance-f...FedRAMP Guidance for M-21-31 and M-22-09
/2023-07-13-rev5-approach-to-s...The Rev. 5 Approach to SC-8, and Protecting Data-in-Transit
/assets/resources/templates/SS...SSP Appendix J - CIS and CRM Workbook
/2023-06-30-rev-5-additional-d...Textduplikat Rev. 5 - Additional Documents Released
/assets/resources/templates/SS...SSP Appendix Q - Cryptographic Modules Table
/assets/resources/templates/SS...SSP Appendix F - Rules of Behavior (RoB) Template
/assets/resources/templates/Fe...FedRAMP Security Assessment Plan (SAP) Template
/assets/resources/templates/Fe...FedRAMP Laws, Regulations, Standards and Guidance Reference
/assets/resources/templates/Fe...FedRAMP Initial Authorization Package Checklist
/2023-06-28-looking-ahead-fedr...Looking Ahead - FedRAMP PMO Communications Regarding Rev. 5
/2023-06-20-fedramp-marketplac...FedRAMP Marketplace Upgrade
/2023-06-16-fedramp-bod-23-02-...FedRAMP Guidance on BOD 23-02
/2023-06-15-updated-rev-5-osca...Updated Rev. 5 OSCAL Profiles and Resolved Profile Catalogs Have Been Released
/blog/2023-05-30-rev-5-baselin...Rev. 5 Baselines Have Been Approved and Released!
/assets/resources/documents/Fe...FedRAMP Security Controls Baseline
/2023-05-19-gsa-releases-fedra...GSA Releases FedRAMP’s 2023 Customer Survey
/2023-05-12-gsa-administrator-...GSA Administrator Appoints Members to the Federal Secure Cloud Advisory Committee
/2023-04-26-fedramp-authorizat...FedRAMP Authorizations Hit 300 Milestone
/updated-3PAO-obligations-and-...Updated FedRAMP 3PAO Obligations and Performance Standards Document
/assets/resources/documents/3P...3PAO Obligations and Performance Guide
/2023-02-07-csps-prioritized-t...CSPs Prioritized to Work with the JAB and Next FedRAMP Connect Due Date
/blog/2023-01-25-call-fscac-noms/Call for Federal Secure Cloud Advisory Committee Nominations
/blog/2023-01-17-fy22-annual-s...FedRAMP FY22 Annual Survey Recap
/blog/2023-01-11-announces-pas...FedRAMP Announces the Passing of the FedRAMP Authorization Act!
/blog/2022-12-22-crypto-module...Status of Crypto Modules in Historical Status
/blog/2022-11-29-engaging-fedr...Engaging with FedRAMP - PART 3, The SAR Debrief
/blog/2022-11-16-engaging-fedr...Engaging with FedRAMP - PART 2, The Kickoff Meeting
/blog/2022-11-09-engaging-fedr...Engaging with FedRAMP - PART 1, The Intake Process
/blog/2022-10-27-a-look-back-a...A Look Back at Fiscal Year 2022
/blog/2022-10-25-csp-prioritiz...CSP Prioritized to Work with the JAB and Next FedRAMP Connect Due Date
/blog/2022-09-22-fedramp-agenc...FedRAMP Agency Liaisons
/blog/2022-09-14-public-commen...FedRAMP Announces Public Comment Period for Authorization Boundary Guidance
/blog/2022-09-01-fedramp-relea...FedRAMP Releases Updated Brand Guide
/assets/resources/documents/Fe...Branding Guidance
/blog/2022-08-18-fedramp-launc...FedRAMP Launches OSCAL Developer Data Bites Series
/blog/2022-08-10-fedramp-relea...FedRAMP Releases the FY22 Annual Survey
/assets/resources/documents/Re...Reusing Authorizations for Cloud Products Quick Guide
/2022-07-19-pmo-releases-subne...PMO Releases Subnetting White Paper
/2022-07-05-penetration-test-g...Penetration Test Guidance Updates
/assets/resources/documents/CS...Penetration Test Guidance
/2022-06-28-update-poam-template/Update to the Plan of Actions and Milestones Template
/2022-06-23-cisa-updated-tra/CISA Releases Updated Cloud Security Technical Reference Architecture
/assets/resources/documents/Fe...Subnets White Paper
/2022-06-01-csp-prioritized-wo...Textduplikat CSPs Prioritized to Work with the JAB and Next FedRAMP Connect Due Date
/2022-05-19-first-oscal-system...FedRAMP Receives First OSCAL System Security Plan
/2022-04-27-rev5-transition-up...FedRAMP Rev. 5 Transition Update
/2022-03-16-responsibilities-a...Responsibilities of CSPs and 3PAOs for FedRAMP Annual Assessment
/2022-03-08-fedramp-bod-22-01-...FedRAMP BOD 22-01 Guidance
/2022-03-02-prepares-for-zero-...FedRAMP Prepares for 'Zero Trust' Stance
/2022-02-15-threat-based-metho...FedRAMP Updates the Threat-Based Methodology to Authorizations
/assets/resources/documents/Th...Threat-Based Risk Profiling Methodology White Paper
/2022-01-27-fy21-annual-survey...FedRAMP FY21 Annual Survey Recap
/2022-01-19-FedRAMP-Connect-Bu...FedRAMP Connect Business Case Deadline Extended
/2022-01-18-FedRAMP-Releases-U...FedRAMP Releases Updated CSP Authorization Playbook
/2022-01-04-updated-rar-templa...Readiness Assessment Report (RAR) Templates and Guide Updates for 3PAOs
/2021-12-21-FedRAMP-Publishes-...FedRAMP Publishes Draft Rev. 5 Baselines
/blog/2021-12-08/FedRAMP-Turns...FedRAMP Turns 10!
/blog/2021-12-07/A2LA-Updates-...A2LA Updates the R346 Regarding Remote Baltimore Cyber Range Assessments
/2021-12-02-container-scanning/Unique Vulnerability Counts with Container Scanning
/assets/resources/documents/CS...Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M) Template Completion Guide
/blog/2021-11-09-a-look-back-a...A Look Back at Fiscal Year 2021
/2021-11-02-csps-prioritized/CSPs Prioritized to Work with the JAB and the Next FedRAMP Connect Due Date
/blog/2021-10-28-Updated-Marke...FedRAMP Releases Updated Marketplace Designations Document for CSPs
/blog/2021-10-20-Updated-Agenc...FedRAMP Releases Updated Agency Authorization Playbook
/blog/2021-09-22/ATO-Letter-Su...The Importance of ATO Letter Submission
/blog/2021-08-24/FedRAMP-Updat...FedRAMP Updates CSP SSP (200A) Training
/blog/2021-08-12/FedRAMP-Relea...FedRAMP Releases OSCAL Validations
/blog/2021-08-10/FY-21-FedRAMP...FedRAMP Releases the FY21 Annual Survey!
/blog/2021-07-20-FedRAMP-Relea...FedRAMP Releases Updated OSCAL Template & Tools
/blog/2021-07-14-Public-Commen...Requesting Public Comment on FedRAMP Authorization Boundary Guidance
/assets/resources/documents/CS...FedRAMP Authorization Boundary Guidance
/blog/2021-06-30-A2LA-Updates-...Textduplikat A2LA Updates the R311
/blog/2021-06-08-NISTs-OSCAL-1...FedRAMP Announces NIST’s OSCAL 1.0.0 Release
/blog/2021-05-20-SA-4_IR-3_Upd...An Update to FedRAMP’s Low, Moderate, and High Baseline SA-4 Controls and IR-3 High Baseline
/blog/2021-05-11-Remote-Testin...Remote Testing of Datacenters
/2021-05-06-Rev5-Update/Rev5 Transition Update
/2021-04-27-Connect-Business-C...Textduplikat FedRAMP Connect Business Case Deadline Extended
/2021-04-15-Incident-Communica...Release of FedRAMP Incident Communications Procedures
/2021-03-30-CentOS-Linux-End-o...JAB Guidance on CentOS Linux End of Life
/2021-03-24-youtube-channel/FedRAMP Launches YouTube Channel
/2021-03-16-Vulnerability-Scan...Vulnerability Scanning Requirements for Containers
/assets/resources/documents/Vu...Textduplikat Vulnerability Scanning Requirements for Containers
/2021-02-16-new-fedrampgov/The New FedRAMP.gov
/2021-02-10-threat-based-metho...FedRAMP Explores a Threat-Based Methodology to Authorizations
/2021-01-27-csps-prioritized/Textduplikat CSPs Prioritized to Work with the JAB and Next FedRAMP Connect Due Date
/assets/resources/documents/CS...Timeliness and Accuracy of Testing Requirements
/fedramp-hosts-a-3pao-interact...FedRAMP Hosts a 3PAO Interact Week
/FedRAMP-NIST-Rev5-Transition-...FedRAMP’s NIST Rev5 Transition Plan
/csps-prioritized-to-work-with...Textduplikat CSPs Prioritized to Work with the JAB and Next FedRAMP Connect Due Date
/fedramp-reaches-200-authoriza...FedRAMP Reaches 200 Authorizations
/updated-3PAO-obligations-and-...Updated 3PAO Obligations and Performance Standards document
/additional-fedramp-oscal-reso...Additional FedRAMP OSCAL Resources and Templates
/vulnerability-scanning-requir...Requesting Public Comment on Vulnerability Scanning Requirements for the Deployment and Use of Containers
/take-the-fy20-annual-survey/Please Take the FY20 FedRAMP Annual Survey!
/an-update-to-fedramps-high-ba...An Update to FedRAMP’s High Baseline SA-9(5) Control
/fedramp-announces-document-an...FedRAMP Announces Document and Template Updates
/fedramp-announces-agency-liai...FedRAMP Announces Agency Liaison Program
/using-the-fedramp-oscal-resou...Using the FedRAMP OSCAL Resources and Templates
/how-agencies-can-reuse-a-fedr...Do Once, Use Many - How Agencies Can Reuse a FedRAMP Authorization
/jab-prioritized-csps-and-fedr...JAB Prioritized CSPs and FedRAMP Connect Updates
/FedRAMP-lessons-learned-for-s...FedRAMP Lessons Learned for Small Businesses
/FedRAMP-looks-back-on-a-succe...FedRAMP Looks Back on a Successful FY2019
/FedRAMP-moves-to-automate-the...FedRAMP Moves to Automate the Authorization Process
/A-Successful-FedRAMP-Startup-...A Successful FedRAMP Startup & Small Business Meetup in San Francisco
/FedRAMP-Connect-Results-and-N...FedRAMP Connect Results and Next Round of Connect Open Until September 13th
/FedRAMP-Heads-West-to-Host-Sm...FedRAMP Heads to San Francisco to Host Small Business & Startup Meetup
/Please-Take-the-FY19-FedRAMP-...Please Take the FY19 FedRAMP Annual Survey!
/FedRAMPs-Ideation-Challenge/FedRAMP Launches Ideation Challenge
/FedRAMP-Marketplace-Guidance-...FedRAMP Marketplace Guidance Released
/assets/resources/templates/Fe...FedRAMP ATO Letter Template
/Get-to-Know-Fedramps-Program0...Get to Know FedRAMP's Program Manager of Security Operations
/Meet-FedRAMPs-Customer-Succes...Meet FedRAMP's Customer Success Manager
/Best-Practices-for-Multi-Agen...Best Practices for Multi-Agency Continuous Monitoring
/reviewing-the-sar-best-practi...Reviewing the SAR - Best Practices for 3PAOs, Agencies, and Cloud Service Providers
/fedramp-updates-3pao-requirem...FedRAMP Updates 3PAO Requirements
/assets/resources/templates/Fe...FedRAMP Significant Change Form Template
/assets/resources/templates/Fe...FedRAMP New Cloud Service Offering (CSO) or Feature Onboarding Request Template
/assets/resources/documents/CS...Significant Change Policies and Procedures
/annual-assessment-guidance/Textduplikat Annual Assessment Guidance
/assets/resources/documents/CS...Continuous Monitoring Strategy Guide
/assets/resources/documents/CS...Guide for Determining Eligibility and Requirements for the Use of Sampling for Vulnerability Scans
/assets/resources/documents/CS...Automated Vulnerability Risk Adjustment Framework Guidance
/impact-of-fedramp-for-small-b...Impact of FedRAMP for Small Businesses
/understanding-baselines-and-i...Understanding Baselines and Impact Levels in FedRAMP
/assets/resources/documents/CS...CSP JAB P-ATO Roles and Responsibilities
/assets/resources/documents/Fe...FedRAMP Policy Memo
https://www.fedramp.gov/Subdomain IMG-ALT FedRAMP.gov
/updates/jab/JAB Transition
/updates/rfcs/Requests for Comment
/updates/policy-and-guidance/Policy & Guidance Changes
/updates/pilots/FedRAMP Pilots
/updates/platform/The FedRAMP Platform
/program-basics/Program Basics
/agency-authorization/Agency Authorization
/cloud-service-providers/Cloud Service Providers
/federal-agencies/Federal Agencies
/documents-templates/Documents & Templates
https://help.fedramp.gov/hc/en-usNeues Fenster Extern Subdomain Help Center
/rev5-transition/Rev. 5 Transition
https://www.fedramp.gov/team/Meet the Team
https://marketplace.fedramp.gov/Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Marketplace
https://automate.fedramp.gov/Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Dev Hub
/program-basics/Learn Program Basics
https://www.fedramp.gov/Anchor Meet The Process
/cloud-service-providers/Start Process
/federal-agencies/Learn How
/assessors/Review Steps
/agency-authorization/IMG-ALT Federal Agency Process
/agency-authorization/Textduplikat IMG-ALT Federal Agency Process
/agency-authorization/IMG-ALT Federal Agency Readiness Assessment
/agency-authorization/IMG-ALT Federal Agency Pre Authorization
/agency-authorization/IMG-ALT Federal Agency Full Security Assessment
/agency-authorization/IMG-ALT Federal Agency Authorization Process
/agency-authorization/Textduplikat IMG-ALT Federal Agency Readiness Assessment
/agency-authorization/Textduplikat IMG-ALT Federal Agency Pre Authorization
/agency-authorization/Textduplikat IMG-ALT Federal Agency Full Security Assessment
/agency-authorization/Textduplikat IMG-ALT Federal Agency Authorization Process
/agency-authorization/Readiness Assessment
/agency-authorization/Full Security Assessment
/agency-authorization/Agency Authorization Process
/assets/resources/documents/Fe...Neues Fenster FedRAMP Brand Guide
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How to Become FedRAMP Authorized | FedRAMP.gov
authorization process; federal agencies; cloud service providers; Joint Authorization Board; JAB; continuous monitoring; partnership establishment; readiness assessment; FedRAMP Connect; security deliverables; full security assessment; JAB authorization process; agency authorization process

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FedRAMP Authorization71%Check
FedRAMP Security69%Check
FedRAMP Connect69%Check
Cloud Service66%Check
FedRAMP Authorized65%Check
Update FedRAMP64%Check
FedRAMP Security Assessment63%Check

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