Happyhouseplants.co.uk - SEO Check

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255 Intern / 5 Extern

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Meta-Angaben im HTML

(Extrem wichtig)
Happy Houseplants | Shop Low Priced Indoor Plants | Buy Plants Now!
Der Titel sollte kürzer als 580 Pixel sein. Er ist insgesamt 636 Pixel lang. Jetzt optimieren
Im Titel werden Worte wiederholt.
(Extrem wichtig)
Transform your home into a lush green oasis with Happy Houseplants! Discover our wide selection of RHS Chelsea gold winning indoor houseplants, delivered right to your doorstep in the UK. Explore our extensive range of low priced, large and tall plants, low light varieties, rare houseplants, and easy-care plants.
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(Extrem wichtig)
Es gibt keine Probleme beim Zugriff auf die Webseite.
Canonical Link
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Im Text erkannte Sprache: en
Im HTML angegebene Sprache: en
Serverstandort: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Die Sprache wird im HTML Code wie folgt angegeben: en
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Seite nutzt keine Alternate Links.
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Es gibt keinen rel next Meta Tag auf der Seite.
Es gibt keinen rel prev Meta Tag auf der Seite.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Domain ist sehr lang.
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Seiten URL
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Die Doctype Angabe HTML 5 ist korrekt angegeben.
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(Nice to have)
Das Favoriten Icon (Favicon) ist korrekt verlinkt.

Meta Tags

descriptionTransform your home into a lush green oasis with Happy Houseplants! Discover our wide selection of RHS Chelsea gold winning indoor houseplants, delivered right to your doorstep in the UK. Explore our extensive range of low priced, large and tall plants, low light varieties, rare houseplants, and easy-care plants.
twitter:titleHappy Houseplants | Shop Low Priced Indoor Plants | Buy Plants Now!
twitter:descriptionTransform your home into a lush green oasis with Happy Houseplants! Discover our wide selection of RHS Chelsea gold winning indoor houseplants, delivered right to your doorstep in the UK. Explore our extensive range of low priced, large and tall plants, low light varieties, rare houseplants, and easy-care plants.
og:site_nameHappy Houseplants
og:titleHappy Houseplants | Shop Low Priced Indoor Plants | Buy Plants Now!
og:descriptionTransform your home into a lush green oasis with Happy Houseplants! Discover our wide selection of RHS Chelsea gold winning indoor houseplants, delivered right to your doorstep in the UK. Explore our extensive range of low priced, large and tall plants, low light varieties, rare houseplants, and easy-care plants.

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Der Inhalt ist mit 1934 Wörtern in Ordnung.
Der Text besteht zu 28.3% aus Füllwörtern.
Wörter aus der H1 Überschrift werden im Text der Seite verwendet.
Im Text befindet sich eine Aufzählung, dies deutet auf eine gute Textstruktur hin.
Es wurden 18 Fließtextblöcke auf der Seite gefunden.
Es wurden keine Platzhalter Texte bzw. Bilder gefunden.
Es befinden sich keine Duplikate auf der Seite.
Die durchschnittliche Satzlänge ist mit 16.74 Wörtern gut.
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Die Seite hat kein Frameset.
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Der angegebene Viewport (width=device-width,initial-scale=1) ist korrekt.
Bold- und Strongtags
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Die Nutzung von Strong- und Bold-Tags ist optimal. Wir empfehlen für diese Webseite die Verwendung von bis zu 39 Tags.
Bilder Optimierung
(Wenig wichtig)
Bei 3 Bildern fehlt das Alt-Attribut. Der Inhalt von Alt-Attributen wird von Suchmaschinen auch als Text gewertet und ist wichtig für die Bildersuche.
Soziale Vernetzung
(Nice to have)
Es befinden sich wenige Social-Sharing Möglichkeiten auf der Seite. Mit Plugins zum Teilen kann die Reichweite der Seite in sozialen Netzwerken erhöht werden.
Zusätzliches Markup
(Nice to have)
Es wurde kein zusätzliches Markup gefunden.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Seite verwendet HTTPS um Daten sicher zu übertragen.
Alle eingebundenen Dateien werden ebenfalls über HTTPS ausgeliefert.


H1 Überschrift
(Extrem wichtig)
Happy Houseplants Happy Houseplants Happy Houseplants Happy Houseplants Happy Houseplants
Die H1-Überschrift ist perfekt.
Die Überschriftenstruktur ist fehlerfrei.


Überschriften HierarchieInhalt
H1 Happy Houseplants Happy Houseplants Happy Houseplants Happy Houseplants Happy Houseplants
H2 Boxing Day Sale
H2 New Year Plant Sale – Shop Now!
H2 Your Favourite Houseplants
H2 Complimentary Gift Card: A Thoughtful Touch for Every Purchase!
H2 Bold Greens: Houseplants Anyone Will Love
H2 Houseplants: A Touch of Natural Charm
H2 The best Houseplant Blog
H2 Create your desirable, beautiful living space through houseplants
H2 The Top Online London Plant shop for large Indoor Plants & Tall Houseplants!​
H3 Want 10% off your first order?
Einige der Linktexte der internen Links sind zu lang.
Einige der Linktexte wiederholen sich.
7 Links haben keinen Linktext oder nur Inhalt in Alt- und Titelattributen.
Die Anzahl an internen Links ist ok.
Alle internen Links haben keine dynamischen Parameter.
Es befinden sich 5 externe Links auf der Seite.
/Anchor Skip to content
/collections/all-plants-collec...All Our Plants
/collections/easy-careEasy Care Houseplants
/collectionsAll Our Collections
/collections/hanging-plantsHanging Plants
/collections/romantic-and-vale...Romantic and Valentines Plants
/collections/rare-unusualRare Houseplants
/collections/pet-safePet Safe
/collections/air-purifying-plantsAir Purifying Plants
/collections/best-sellingBest Selling
/collections/sale-collectionSale & Specials
/collections/plants-with-potsPlants With Pots
/collections/chelsea-collectionRHS Chelsea Collection
/collections/retro-and-classic...Retro and Classic 1970s Plants
/collections/terrarium-vivariu...Terrarium, Vivarium, and Paludarium
/collections/fathers-day-colle...Father's Day Collection
/collections/mother-s-dayMother’s Day Houseplants
/collections/tropical-indoor-p...Tropical Indoor Plants
/collections/cactus-succulentsCactus & Succulents
/collections/indoor-trees-and-...Indoor Trees and Bonsai
/collections/large-leafed-hous...Large Leafed Plants
/collections/variegated-and-de...Variegated and Decorative Houseplants
/collections/shade-tolerant-in...Shade Tolerant Indoor Plants
/collections/trending-houseplantsTrending Houseplants
/collections/baby-plantsBaby Plants
/collections/mini-cactus-and-potsMini Cactus and Pots
/collections/small-houseplantsSmall Houseplants
/collections/large-tall-housep...Large & Tall Houseplants
/collections/bathroom-plantsBathroom Houseplants
/collections/kitchen-houseplantsKitchen Houseplants
/collections/living-room-plantsLounge Houseplants
/collections/bedroom-plantsBedroom Houseplants
/collections/all-plant-potsAll Pots
/collections/all-plant-potsAll Houseplant Pots
/collections/white-or-neutral-...White & Neutral Plant Pots
/collections/black-and-grey-potsBlack and Grey Plant Pots
/collections/blue-and-green-pl...Blue and Green Plant Pots
/collections/brown-plant-potsBrown Plant Pots
/collections/pink-and-yellow-p...Pink and Yellow Plant Pots
/collections/all-plant-potsTextduplikat All Houseplant Pots
/collections/pots-plantersIndoor Plant Pots
/collections/retro-plant-potsRetro Plant Pots
/collections/elho-plant-potsElho Plant Pots
/collections/7cm-plant-pots7cm Pots
/collections/8cm-tiny-pottery-...7.5cm pots
/collections/9-5cm-plant-pots9.5cm Pots
/collections/11cm-plant-pots11cm Pots
/collections/14cm-plant-pots14cm Pots
/collections/16cm-plant-pots16cm Pots
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/collections/35cm-plant-pots35cm Pots
/collections/40cm-plant-pots40cm Pots
/collections/47cm-plant-pots47cm Pots
/collections/hanging-baskets-9...Hanging Planters
/collections/hanging-baskets-9...Hanging Pots - 9cm and under
/collections/hanging-planters-...Hanging Pots - 14cm and above
/collections/rare-unusualRare Plants
/collections/houseplant-foodPlant Food
/collections/plant-care-productsPlant Care
/products/happyGift Card
/collections/houseplant-gift-s...Houseplants Gift Sets
/collections/fathers-day-colle...Textduplikat Father's Day Collection
/collections/tiny-potteryTiny Pottery
/collections/ceramic-flowersCeramic Flowers
/collections/houseplant-gifts-...Houseplant Gifts Under £20
/collections/houseplants-gifts...Houseplant Gifts Under £30
/collections/luxury-plant-giftsLuxury Plant Gifts
/collections/plants-with-potsTextduplikat Plants With Pots
/collections/houseplant-gift-s...Gifting Plants
/pages/houseplants-hireOffice Plants
/accountLog in
https://www.instagram.com/happ...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Instagram
A-TITLE Happy Houseplants on Instagram
https://www.youtube.com/channe...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain YouTube
A-TITLE Happy Houseplants on YouTube
/IMG-ALT Happy Houseplants
/Textduplikat IMG-ALT Happy Houseplants
/accountTextduplikat Log in
/searchTextduplikat Search
/collections/all-plants-collec...Textduplikat All Our Plants
/collections/easy-careTextduplikat Easy Care Houseplants
/collectionsTextduplikat All Our Collections
/collections/hanging-plantsTextduplikat Hanging Plants
/collections/romantic-and-vale...Textduplikat Romantic and Valentines Plants
/collections/rare-unusualTextduplikat Rare Houseplants
/collections/pet-safeTextduplikat Pet Safe
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/collections/plants-with-potsTextduplikat Plants With Pots
/collections/chelsea-collectionTextduplikat RHS Chelsea Collection
/collections/retro-and-classic...Textduplikat Retro and Classic 1970s Plants
/collections/terrarium-vivariu...Textduplikat Terrarium, Vivarium, and Paludarium
/collections/fathers-day-colle...Textduplikat Father's Day Collection
/collections/mother-s-dayTextduplikat Mother’s Day Houseplants
/collections/tropical-indoor-p...Textduplikat Tropical Indoor Plants
/collections/cactus-succulentsTextduplikat Cactus & Succulents
/collections/indoor-trees-and-...Textduplikat Indoor Trees and Bonsai
/collections/fernsTextduplikat Ferns
/collections/palmsTextduplikat Palms
/collections/large-leafed-hous...Textduplikat Large Leafed Plants
/collections/variegated-and-de...Textduplikat Variegated and Decorative Houseplants
/collections/shade-tolerant-in...Textduplikat Shade Tolerant Indoor Plants
/collections/trending-houseplantsTextduplikat Trending Houseplants
/collections/baby-plantsTextduplikat Baby Plants
/collections/mini-cactus-and-potsTextduplikat Mini Cactus and Pots
/collections/small-houseplantsTextduplikat Small Houseplants
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/collections/bathroom-plantsTextduplikat Bathroom Houseplants
/collections/kitchen-houseplantsTextduplikat Kitchen Houseplants
/collections/living-room-plantsTextduplikat Lounge Houseplants
/collections/bedroom-plantsTextduplikat Bedroom Houseplants
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/collections/all-plant-potsTextduplikat All Pots
/collections/all-plant-potsTextduplikat All Houseplant Pots
/collections/white-or-neutral-...Textduplikat White & Neutral Plant Pots
/collections/black-and-grey-potsTextduplikat Black and Grey Plant Pots
/collections/blue-and-green-pl...Textduplikat Blue and Green Plant Pots
/collections/brown-plant-potsTextduplikat Brown Plant Pots
/collections/pink-and-yellow-p...Textduplikat Pink and Yellow Plant Pots
/collections/all-plant-potsTextduplikat All Houseplant Pots
/collections/pots-plantersTextduplikat Indoor Plant Pots
/collections/retro-plant-potsTextduplikat Retro Plant Pots
/collections/elho-plant-potsTextduplikat Elho Plant Pots
/collections/7cm-plant-potsTextduplikat 7cm Pots
/collections/8cm-tiny-pottery-...Textduplikat 7.5cm pots
/collections/9-5cm-plant-potsTextduplikat 9.5cm Pots
/collections/11cm-plant-potsTextduplikat 11cm Pots
/collections/14cm-plant-potsTextduplikat 14cm Pots
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/collections/35cm-plant-potsTextduplikat 35cm Pots
/collections/40cm-plant-potsTextduplikat 40cm Pots
/collections/47cm-plant-potsTextduplikat 47cm Pots
/collections/hanging-baskets-9...Textduplikat Hanging Planters
/collections/hanging-baskets-9...Textduplikat Hanging Pots - 9cm and under
/collections/hanging-planters-...Textduplikat Hanging Pots - 14cm and above
/collections/rare-unusualTextduplikat Rare Plants
/collections/houseplant-foodTextduplikat Plant Food
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/collections/houseplant-gift-s...Textduplikat Houseplants Gift Sets
/collections/fathers-day-colle...Textduplikat Father's Day Collection
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/collections/ceramic-flowersTextduplikat Ceramic Flowers
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/collections/houseplants-gifts...Textduplikat Houseplant Gifts Under £30
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/pages/greenprintTextduplikat Greenprint
/collections/sale-collectionTextduplikat Sale
/collections/chelsea-collection🏅 RHS Chelsea Gold Winner 🏅
/collections/boxing-day-indoor...Shop Deals
/collections/boxing-day-indoor...View all
/collections/boxing-day-indoor...Anthurium Clarinervium (Giant Laceleaf Plant) Regular price £22.99 Sale price£15.99 Save £7.00
/collections/boxing-day-indoor...Senecio Radicans (Senecio, String of Bananas, String of Beans) Regular price £17.99 Sale price£13.99 Save £4.00
/collections/boxing-day-indoor...Syngonium Mottled | Mojito Regular price £15.99 Sale price£11.99 Save £4.00
/collections/boxing-day-indoor...Weeping Fig Tree - Ficus Benjamina Regular price £99.99 Sale pricefrom £89.99 Save £10.00
/collections/boxing-day-indoor...Epipremnum Cebu Blue (Cebu Blue Pothos, Epipremnum pinnatum) Regular price £16.99 Sale price£9.99 Save £7.00
/collections/boxing-day-indoor...View all 46 products
/collections/trending-houseplantsTextduplikat View all
/collections/trending-housepla...Pink Tradescantia Nanouk | Wandering Dude | Fantasy Venice £7.99
/collections/trending-housepla...String of Turtles (Peperomia prostrata, turtles on a string) £13.99
/collections/trending-housepla...Scindapsus pictus Argyraeus - Satin Pothos £19.99
/collections/trending-housepla...Begonia Begonia Maculata | Polka Dot Begonia | Clown Begonia Regular price £19.99 Sale price£14.99 Save £5.00
/collections/trending-housepla...Oxalis Triangularis (Purple Shamrock, False Shamrock) Regular price £14.99 Sale price£10.99 Save £4.00
/collections/trending-houseplantsView all 268 products
/collections/fathers-day-colle...Textduplikat View all
/collections/fathers-day-colle...Chamaedorea Elegans (Parlour Palm) £19.99
/collections/fathers-day-colle...Monstera Deliciosa (Swiss Cheese Plant) Regular price £24.99 Sale pricefrom £21.99 Save £3.00
/collections/fathers-day-colle...Ficus Retusa (Ginseng Bonsai Tree) from £16.99
/collections/fathers-day-colle...Happy Houseplant eGift Card from £20.00
/collections/fathers-day-colle...Scindapsus Pictus & Hanging Basket £29.99
/collections/fathers-day-colle...View all 104 products
/collections/giftingTextduplikat View all
/collections/gifting/products/...Stephanotis floribunda (Madagascar Jasmine) Regular price £19.99 Sale price£16.99 Save £3.00
/collections/gifting/products/...Syngonium Podophyllum 'Red Heart’ & Brussels Pot £19.99
/collections/gifting/products/...Plant Food & Tropical Dew Spray Gift Set £24.99
/collections/gifting/products/...Peace Lily & Lisbon Planter £19.99
/collections/gifting/products/...Baby Mexican Fortune Tree or Pachira Aquatica & Vibes Pot £24.99
/collections/giftingView all 109 products
/collections/all-plants-collec...Shop PLANTS
/collections/all-plants-collec...Kein Text
/collections/rare-unusualKein Text
/collections/rare-unusualKein Text
/collections/rare-unusualSHOP NOW
/collections/pet-safeTextduplikat SHOP NOW
/collections/pet-safeKein Text
/collections/pet-safeKein Text
/collections/all-plants-collec...Our tropical indoor houseplants for sale
A-TITLE All Plants Collection
/pages/houseplants-hireindoor houseplant project
A-TITLE Houseplant Hire
/collections/candlesscented candles
A-TITLE Candles
/collections/houseplant-care-p...houseplant food.
A-TITLE Houseplant Care Products Delivered
/collectionsshop collections
/collectionsKein Text
/collections/bedroom-plantsplants for Bedrooms
A-TITLE Bedroom Plants
A-TITLE Kitchen Houseplants
/collections/living-room-plantsLiving Rooms
A-TITLE Living Room Plants
/collections/small-houseplantssmall plants
A-TITLE Small Houseplants
/collections/easy-careNeues Fenster Subdomain low-maintenance
A-TITLE https://www.happyhouseplants.co.uk/collections/easy-care
/collections/pots-plantersNeues Fenster Subdomain small plant pots, perfect for every taste.
A-TITLE https://www.happyhouseplants.co.uk/collections/pots-planters
/products/the-plant-rescuer-boxThe Plantrescuer rescue box
A-TITLE The Plant Rescuer Box
/blogs/houseplant-blog/can-hou...Neues Fenster Subdomain more here
A-TITLE https://www.happyhouseplants.co.uk/blogs/houseplant-blog/can-houseplants-save-the-planet
/blogs/houseplant-blogTextduplikat View all
/blogs/houseplant-blog/explori...IMG-ALT Exploring the Natural Wonders of Aquatic Habitats: An Interview with Juliana Leroy
/blogs/houseplant-blog/explori...Textduplikat Exploring the Natural Wonders of Aquatic Habitats: An Interview with Juliana Leroy
/blogs/houseplant-blog/sowing-...IMG-ALT Sowing Strength in Uncertain Times: How the HTA Supports British Horticulture Through Brexit and Beyond
/blogs/houseplant-blog/sowing-...Textduplikat Sowing Strength in Uncertain Times: How the HTA Supports British Horticulture Through Brexit and Beyond
/blogs/houseplant-blog/connect...IMG-ALT Connecting to Nature: An Inspiring Conversation with Tai Strietman on Biotopes, Aquatic Habitats, and Bringing Ecosystems Home
/blogs/houseplant-blog/connect...Textduplikat Connecting to Nature: An Inspiring Conversation with Tai Strietman on Biotopes, Aquatic Habitats, and Bringing Ecosystems Home
/collections/large-tall-housep...large plants
A-TITLE Large & Tall Houseplants
/collections/small-houseplantsTextduplikat small plants
A-TITLE Small Houseplants
/collections/baby-plantsbaby plants
A-TITLE Baby Plants
/collections/plants-with-potshouse plant gift
A-TITLE Gifting - Plants with Pots
/collections/office-plant-bund...plants for your office
A-TITLE Office Plant bundles & Indoor Houseplants for offices
/collections/all-plants-collec...indoor plants
A-TITLE All Plants Collection
/products/maranta-fantasy-mara...variegated houseplants
A-TITLE Maranta Fantasy | Maranta leuconeura 'Grey' (Prayer plant)
/collections/small-houseplantssmall houseplants
A-TITLE Small Houseplants
/collections/large-tall-housep...Textduplikat large plants
A-TITLE Large & Tall Houseplants
/collections/hanging-plantsplants for the windowsill
A-TITLE Hanging Plants
/collections/cactus-succulentssucculents and cactus
A-TITLE Cactus & Succulents
A-TITLE Monstera Deliciosa & Baby Monstera Adansonii set
A-TITLE Baby Tradescantia Nanouk| Pink Tradescantia Nanouk | Wandering Dude| Fantasy Venice | Baby Plant
/collections/baby-plantsTextduplikat baby plants
A-TITLE Baby Plants
/collections/small-houseplantsNeues Fenster Textduplikat small plants
A-TITLE Small Houseplants
/collections/large-tall-housep...Textduplikat large plants
A-TITLE Large & Tall Houseplants
/collections/luxury-plant-giftshouseplants gifts delivered.
A-TITLE Luxury Plant Gifts
/collections/rare-unusualTextduplikat Rare Plants
/pages/houseplants-hireTextduplikat Office Plants
/blogs/houseplant-blogTextduplikat Blog
/pages/greenprintTextduplikat Greenprint
/collections/sale-collectionTextduplikat Sale
/pages/contact-happy-houseplantsContact Us
/pages/about-happy-houseplantsAbout Us
/pages/delivery-area-for-happy...Shipping and Returns Policy
/pages/houseplants-hireHouseplant Hire and Corporate Services
/blogs/houseplant-blogHouseplant Blog
/pages/our-terms-of-use-return...Terms of Service
/pages/happy-houseplants-chari...Who We Support
/pages/rhs-chelsea-2022-gold-m...RHS Chelsea 2022
https://www.instagram.com/happ...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Textduplikat Instagram
A-TITLE Happy Houseplants on Instagram
https://www.youtube.com/channe...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Textduplikat YouTube
A-TITLE Happy Houseplants on YouTube
https://www.shopify.com/?utm_c...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain Kein Text


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