Diese Seite ist für den Seobility Bot nicht erreichbar. Unser Bot wird von der Robots.txt Datei ausgeschlossen. Der Seobility Bot crawlt nichts was Seobility oder * ausschließt.
Problematische URL: http://jab.de
#### !!! ################ # For all robots disallow User-agent: * Disallow: / # Block access to specific groups of pages #Disallow: /cart #Disallow: /checkout #Disallow: /my-account # Allow search crawlers to discover the sitemap # #Sitemap: https://www.jab.de/sitemap.xml # Baiduspider # bingbot # Googlebot # Pinterestbot # YandexBot # YandexImages ##################### # For Baiduspider User-agent: YandexImages Allow: / # Block access to specific groups of pages Disallow: /cart Disallow: /checkout Disallow: /my-account Disallow: /sitemap ##################### # For bingbot User-agent: bingbot Allow: / # Block access to specific groups of pages Disallow: /cart Disallow: /checkout Disallow: /my-account Disallow: /sitemap ##################### # For Googlebot User-agent: Googlebot Allow: / # Block access to specific groups of pages Disallow: /cart Disallow: /checkout Disallow: /my-account Disallow: /sitemap ##################### # For Pinterestbot User-agent: Pinterestbot Allow: / # Block access to specific groups of pages Disallow: /cart Disallow: /checkout Disallow: /my-account Disallow: /sitemap ##################### # For YandexBot User-agent: YandexBot Allow: / # Block access to specific groups of pages Disallow: /cart Disallow: /checkout Disallow: /my-account Disallow: /sitemap ##################### # For YandexImages User-agent: YandexImages Allow: / # Block access to specific groups of pages Disallow: /cart Disallow: /checkout Disallow: /my-account Disallow: /sitemap