User-agent: ClaudeBot Crawl-delay: 1 User-agent: Pinterestbot Crawl-delay: 1 User-agent: * # Allowed resources Allow: /INTERSHOP/static/WFS/*/*/*/*/css/ Allow: /INTERSHOP/static/WFS/*/*/*/*/js/adobe/ Allow: /INTERSHOP/static/WFS/*/*/*/*/js/vendor/ Allow: /INTERSHOP/static/WFS/*/*/*/*/minifiedJs/ # Block directories Disallow: /api/ Disallow: /apm/ Disallow: /brand/-/ Disallow: /co/ Disallow: /deals/ Disallow: /INTERSHOP/ Disallow: /search/ # Block closed facets Disallow: *_0 # Block parameters Disallow: *?write-review Disallow: /search?* # Filtering parameters handling # Block Google crawl on filtering parameters # Prevent Google crawl (and indexation) on PLPs Disallow: *brand=* Disallow: *brands=* Disallow: *bedType=* Disallow: *bedTypes=* Disallow: *carpetType=* Disallow: *carpetTypes=* Disallow: *category=* Disallow: *color=* Disallow: *colors=* Disallow: *depth=* Disallow: *depths=* Disallow: *depthMax=* Disallow: *depthsMax=* Disallow: *filter=* Disallow: *filters=* Disallow: *function=* Disallow: *functions=* Disallow: *height=* Disallow: *heights=* Disallow: *heightMax=* Disallow: *heightsMax=* Disallow: *length=* Disallow: *lengths=* Disallow: *lengthMax=* Disallow: *lengthsMax=* Disallow: *material=* Disallow: *materials=* Disallow: *onoffswitche=* Disallow: *onoffswitches=* Disallow: *shape=* Disallow: *shapes=* Disallow: *size=* Disallow: *sizes=* Disallow: *spannedPrice=* Disallow: *spannedPrices=* Disallow: *spannedPriceMax=* Disallow: *spannedPricesMax=* Disallow: *width=* Disallow: *widths=* Disallow: *widthMax=* Disallow: *widthsMax=* # Sorting parameters handling # Block Google crawl on sorting parameters Disallow: *sort=* # Tracking parameters handling # Block Google crawl on tracking parameters Disallow: *basketoffer=* Disallow: *CATF* Disallow: *dclid=* Disallow: *extcmp=* Disallow: *fbclid=* Disallow: *gclid=* Disallow: *gclsrc=* Disallow: *intsrc=* Disallow: *LGWCODE=* Disallow: *utm=* # Other parameters handling # Block Google crawl on other parameters Disallow: *energy=* Disallow: *?n=* Disallow: *N=* Disallow: *ns=* Disallow: *Ns=* Disallow: *NS=* Disallow: *nao=* Disallow: *Nao=* Disallow: *selart=* Disallow: *selArt=* # Link to the sitemaps files Sitemap:
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