| Anchor | Skip to main content | | | News | | | Contact | | | Translate | | | IMG-ALT Home A-TITLE Home | | | Living in London |
/living-london/recreation | | Recreation |
/living-london/parks-facilities | | Parks and facilities |
/living-london/garbage-recycling | | Garbage and recycling |
/living-london/community-services | | Community services |
/living-london/building-renova... | | Building and renovating |
/living-london/roads-sidewalks... | | Roads, sidewalks and transportation |
/living-london/water-environment | | Water and environment |
/living-london/our-core-area | | Our Core Area |
/living-london/arts-heritage | | Arts and heritage |
/living-london/anti-racism-ant... | | Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression |
/living-london/maps | | Maps |
/living-london/moving-london | | Moving to London |
/living-london/parking | | Parking |
/living-london/maps | Textduplikat | Maps |
/living-london/garbage-recycli... | | Garbage collection calendar |
/living-london/building-renova... | | Building permits |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Social services and supports |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Child care services |
/living-london/community-servi... | | London Fire Department | | | Government |
/government/council-civic-admi... | | Council and civic administration |
/government/property-taxes-fin... | | Property taxes and finance |
/government/careers-city-london | | Careers with the City of London |
/government/calendar | | Event calendar | | | Newsroom | | | By-laws |
/application/service-london-po... | | Online service portal |
/government/council-civic-admi... | | Council and committee meetings |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Marriage services |
/business-development/official... | | The Official Plan |
/city-london-land-acknowledgement | | City of London Land Acknowledgement |
/business-development | | Business and development |
/business-development/business... | | Business licences |
https://london.bidsandtenders.... | Extern Subdomain | Bids and tenders |
/business-development/planning... | | Development applications |
/business-development/zoning | | Zoning |
/business-development/official... | Textduplikat | The Official Plan |
/business-development/developm... | | Development charges |
/business-development/communit... | | Community improvement and incentives |
/business-development/growth-m... | | Growth Management Implementation Strategy |
/business-development/home-bas... | | Home based businesses |
/business-development/more-homes | | More Homes |
/business-development/municipa... | | Municipal property |
/business-development/procurem... | | Purchasing and Supply |
/business-development/sign-per... | | Sign permit |
/business-development/sponsors... | | Sponsorship and advertising |
/business-development/urban-de... | | Urban design |
https://www.servicelondonbusin... | Extern Subdomain | Service London Business |
/living-london/building-renova... | | Building permit | | Extern Subdomain | London Economic Development Corporation |
/business-development/sponsors... | Textduplikat | Sponsorship and advertising | | Anchor | Menu A-TITLE Menu |
/living-london/garbage-recycling | | Image Waste collection Find your collection schedule, learn about the Green Bin program, and report missed collection. |
/government/council-civic-admi... | | Image Council meetings Find links to Council's schedule, agendas and minutes and stream council meetings. |
/living-london/roads-sidewalks... | | Image Road construction Find current information about construction projects and other city-wide road work impacting you. |
/government/careers-city-london | | Image Careers with the City View current job openings, apply online and learn about working with us. |
/living-london/recreation | | Image Recreation and sport programs View programs and classes, swim and skate schedules and register for programs. | | | Image Parking Learn about our parking rules and regulations, pay tickets online and request enforcement. |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Image Homeless prevention Learn about the Whole of Community System Response plan to save lives. |
/living-london/maps | | Image Maps Find addresses, streets and city places of interest like community centres, libraries, City facilities and more. |
/newsroom/future-network-road-... | | Image Future network of road, transit, cycling and sidewalk projects in London available for public review and input Learn more IMG-ALT The bike lane on Queens Avenue with a person riding a bike down the street. |
/city-london-2024-wrapped | | Image City of London 2024 Wrapped: A Year in Review Learn more IMG-ALT City Hall. |
/contingency-plans-canada-post... | | Image Contingency Plans for Canada Post Work Stoppage Learn more IMG-ALT Aerial footage of the Downtown , Midtown and Old East Village neighbourhoods in London Ontario. |
/city-london-land-acknowledgement | | Read the City of London's Land Acknowledgement. | | Textduplikat | IMG-ALT Home A-TITLE Home | | | Living In London | | Textduplikat | Government |
/business-development | Textduplikat | Business and development |
/living-london/accessibility | | Accessibility | | Extern Subdomain | Feedback | | | Privacy & Terms of Use | | Textduplikat | Translate |
/city-london-land-acknowledgement | | Land Acknowledgement A-TITLE City of London Land Acknowledgement | | Extern Subdomain | Facebook | | Extern Subdomain | Instagram | | Extern | X | | Extern Subdomain | YouTube |
https://london.us5.list-manage... | Extern Subdomain | Newsletter | | Textduplikat | Living in London |
/living-london/recreation | Textduplikat | Recreation |
/living-london/recreation/prog... | | Programs, courses and registration |
/living-london/recreation/prog... | | Upcoming recreation registration dates |
/living-london/recreation/day-... | | Day camps |
/living-london/recreation/day-... | | Day Camps program registration |
/living-london/recreation/aqua... | | Aquatics |
/living-london/recreation/aqua... | | Aquatic leadership and employment |
/living-london/recreation/aqua... | | Aquatics program registration and drop-in schedule |
/living-london/recreation/aqua... | | Fees and supervision policy |
/living-london/recreation/aqua... | | Pools and spray pads |
/living-london/recreation/aqua... | | Swim programs and lessons |
/living-london/recreation/seni... | | Seniors’ centres and satellites |
/living-london/recreation/recr... | | Recreation rentals |
/living-london/recreation/colu... | | Columbia free trail walking programs |
/living-london/recreation/golf... | | Golf courses |
/living-london/recreation/golf... | | Golf |
/living-london/parks-facilitie... | | Fanshawe Golf Course |
/living-london/parks-facilitie... | | Thames Valley Golf Course |
/living-london/recreation/play... | | Play Your Way Fund |
/living-london/recreation/rzone | | Rzone |
/living-london/recreation/shae... | | Shaedon Sharpe free basketball drop-in program |
/living-london/recreation/skating | | Skating |
/living-london/recreation/skat... | | Last minute ice bookings |
/living-london/recreation/skat... | | Outdoor skating rinks |
/living-london/recreation/skat... | | Skating fees, rules and equipment |
/living-london/recreation/skat... | | Skating program registration |
/living-london/recreation/skat... | | Skating programs and lessons |
/living-london/parks-facilities | Textduplikat | Parks and facilities |
/living-london/parks-facilitie... | | Parks |
/living-london/parks-facilitie... | | Commercial fitness activities in City parks |
/living-london/parks-facilitie... | | Off-leash dog parks |
/living-london/parks-facilitie... | | Paddling in London |
/living-london/parks-facilitie... | | Park construction projects |
/living-london/parks-facilitie... | | Parks in London |
/living-london/parks-facilitie... | | Scattering funeral ashes |
/living-london/parks-facilitie... | | Skateboard parks |
/living-london/parks-facilitie... | | Thames Valley Parkway (TVP) |
/living-london/parks-facilitie... | | Community centres |
/living-london/parks-facilitie... | | Boyle Memorial Community Centre |
/living-london/parks-facilitie... | | Byron Optimist Community Centre |
/living-london/parks-facilitie... | | Carling Heights Optimist Community Centre |
/living-london/parks-facilitie... | | Civic Garden Complex |
/living-london/parks-facilitie... | | Earl Nichols Recreation Centre |
/living-london/parks-facilitie... | | East Lions Community Centre |
/living-london/parks-facilitie... | | Hamilton Road Seniors' Community Centre |
/living-london/parks-facilitie... | | Kinsmen Recreation Centre |
/living-london/parks-facilitie... | | Kiwanis Seniors' Community Centre |
/living-london/parks-facilitie... | | Lambeth Community Centre |
/living-london/parks-facilitie... | | Medway Community Centre |
/living-london/parks-facilitie... | | North London Optimist Community Centre |
/living-london/parks-facilitie... | | South London Community Centre |
/living-london/parks-facilitie... | | Springbank Gardens Community Centre |
/living-london/parks-facilitie... | | Springbank Gardens |
/living-london/parks-facilitie... | | Community Centre, YMCA, and Library |
/living-london/parks-facilitie... | | Stoney Creek Community Centre, YMCA and Library |
/living-london/parks-facilitie... | | Stronach Community Recreation Centre |
/living-london/parks-facilitie... | | Arenas |
/living-london/parks-facilitie... | | Outdoor sporting amenities | | Extern Subdomain | Storybook Gardens |
/living-london/recreation/recr... | Textduplikat | Recreation rentals |
/living-london/parks-facilitie... | | Parks projects |
/living-london/parks-facilitie... | | Commemorative programs |
/living-london/garbage-recycling | Textduplikat | Garbage and recycling |
/living-london/garbage-recycli... | | Collection calendar |
/living-london/garbage-recycli... | | Curbside garbage collection |
/living-london/garbage-recycli... | | EnviroDepots |
/living-london/garbage-recycli... | | Green Bin |
/living-london/garbage-recycli... | | Landfill |
/living-london/garbage-recycli... | | Recycling |
/living-london/garbage-recycli... | | Waste disposal fees A-TITLE Waste disposal fees |
/living-london/garbage-recycli... | | Yard waste and composting |
/living-london/community-services | Textduplikat | Community services |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Animal and pet services |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Animal care and control |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Pet Licences |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Spay and neuter programs |
/living-london/community-servi... | | The Catty Shack |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Wildlife in the city |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Bird Friendly Skies |
/living-london/community-servi... | | By-laws and compliance | | Textduplikat | By-laws |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Municipal compliance | | | Penalty Notices |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Property Standards By-law |
/living-london/community-servi... | Textduplikat | Child care services |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Child care fee subsidy program |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Child care supports |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Fire and emergency services |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Camp FFIT (Future Firefighters in Training) A-TITLE Camp FFIT is a week-long program that aims to show young women and gender diverse youth that firefighting is a viable career option. |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Emergency preparedness |
/living-london/community-servi... | Textduplikat | London Fire Department |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Book a fire education presentation |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Common fire hazards |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Fire safety plans |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Fireworks |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Open air burning |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Residential rental licence fire inspections |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Homeless Prevention and Housing |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Affordable housing |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Community Supports |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Community housing |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Coordinated Informed Response |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Coordinated access |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Housing programs and services |
/living-london/community-servi... | | How can I help? |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Street level women at risk |
/living-london/community-servi... | | What is the City Doing About It? |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Whole of Community System Response to Health and Homelessness in London |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Community Partners |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Community Response to Encampments Plan |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Evaluation |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Health and Homelessness Fund for Change |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Hubs Implementation Plan |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Snapshot of Homelessness in London |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Summit Process and Progress |
/living-london/community-servi... | | London Community Grants Program |
/living-london/community-servi... | | City of London Community Grants Administrative Procedures |
/living-london/community-servi... | | City of London Community Grants Evaluation Criteria |
/living-london/community-servi... | | City of London Community Grants Metric Tool |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Marriage and oaths |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Needle bins and syringe recovery |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Neighbourhood programs and funding |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Adopt-a-Park |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Community building resources |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Community gardens |
/living-london/community-servi... | | London Community Gardens Program Guidelines |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Neighbourhood Decision Making |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Neighbourhood Small Events Fund |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Neighbourhood safety |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Neighbourhood-Managed Ice Rinks |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Neighbourhood-Managed Ice Rink Guide |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Outdoor Movie Nights |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Supports for neighbourhood events |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Welcome Bag |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Rental Housing Support |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Information for property owners, landlords, and property managers |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Information for tenants |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Senior supports |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Age Friendly London Network |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Age Friendly London Volunteer Opportunities |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Dearness Home |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Adult Day Program |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Emergency plans |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Long-Term Care |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Recreation and therapy services |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Visitor information |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Volunteer opportunities |
/living-london/recreation/seni... | | Senior recreation |
/living-london/community-servi... | Textduplikat | Social services and supports |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Income Related Transit Pass Program |
/living-london/community-servi... | | Special event support |
/living-london/building-renova... | Textduplikat | Building and renovating |
/living-london/building-renova... | | Additional Residential Units |
/living-london/building-renova... | Textduplikat | Building permits |
/living-london/building-renova... | | Common homeowner projects |
/living-london/building-renova... | | Consultant Resources |
/living-london/building-renova... | | Heritage designations |
/living-london/building-renova... | | Move Permit |
/living-london/building-renova... | | Swimming pool fences |
/living-london/building-renova... | | Work Approval Permits |
/living-london/roads-sidewalks... | Textduplikat | Roads, sidewalks and transportation |
/living-london/roads-sidewalks... | | Cycling, active and green transportation |
/living-london/roads-sidewalks... | | Cargo power-assisted bicycles |
/living-london/roads-sidewalks... | | Carpooling and car sharing |
/living-london/roads-sidewalks... | | Cycling |
/living-london/roads-sidewalks... | | Bike lockers |
/living-london/roads-sidewalks... | | Bike repair stations |
/living-london/roads-sidewalks... | | Cycling Projects |
/living-london/roads-sidewalks... | | Local cycling groups |
/living-london/roads-sidewalks... | | Personal Electric kick-scooters |
/living-london/roads-sidewalks... | | Smart Commute London A-TITLE Smart Commute London |
/living-london/roads-sidewalks... | | Transit |
/projects/downtown-loop | | Downtown Loop |
/projects/east-london-link | | East London Link |
/projects/wellington-gateway | | Wellington Gateway |
/living-london/roads-sidewalks... | | Walking |
/living-london/roads-sidewalks... | | Maintenance and reporting |
/living-london/roads-sidewalks... | | General maintenance |
/living-london/roads-sidewalks... | | Report a road, sidewalk or pathway issue |
/living-london/roads-sidewalks... | | Winter maintenance |
/living-london/roads-sidewalks... | | Mobility Master Plan |
/living-london/roads-sidewalks... | | Request a sidewalk |
/living-london/roads-sidewalks... | | Road construction |
/projects/adelaide-street-nort... | | Adelaide Street Underpass |
/projects/brydges-street | | Brydges Street, Muir Street and Swinyard Street Reconstruction |
/projects/dundas-street-old-ea... | | Dundas Street (Old East Village) Infrastructure Renewal |
/projects/hyde-park-sunningdal... | | Hyde Park and Sunningdale Road Intersection Improvements |
/projects/mornington-storm-man... | | Mornington Pond Expansion |
/projects/oxford-street-wharnc... | | Oxford Street / Wharncliffe Road Intersection Improvements |
/projects/richmond-street-infr... | | Richmond Street Infrastructure Renewal |
/projects/saskatoon-brydgeswav... | | Saskatoon, Brydges and Wavell Cycling Project |
/projects/southdale-road-west-... | | Southdale Road West and Bostwick Road Infrastructure Renewal Project |
/projects/highbury-avenue-weni... | | Wenige Expressway Bridge and Highbury Avenue Bridge Rehabilitation |
/projects/wortley-road | | Wortley Road Reconstruction Project |
/living-london/roads-sidewalks... | | Road safety |
/living-london/roads-sidewalks... | | Area speed limits |
/living-london/roads-sidewalks... | | Mind the green |
/living-london/roads-sidewalks... | | Pedestrian Crossovers |
/living-london/roads-sidewalks... | | Red light cameras |
/living-london/roads-sidewalks... | | Respect the limit |
/living-london/roads-sidewalks... | | Traffic management |
/living-london/roads-sidewalks... | | Intelligent traffic signals |
/living-london/roads-sidewalks... | | Traffic calming |
/living-london/roads-sidewalks... | | Traffic, pedestrian and bicycle signals |
/living-london/water-environment | Textduplikat | Water and environment |
/living-london/water-environme... | | London's climate emergency declaration | | | Climate action at home A-TITLE Climate action at home |
/living-london/water-environme... | | Environmental Guidelines & Strategies |
/living-london/water-environme... | | Environmental assessments |
/projects/adelaide-street-nort... | | Adelaide Street North Environmental Assessment |
/projects/bostwick-road-enviro... | | Bostwick Road Environmental Assessment |
/projects/commissioners-road-w... | | Commissioners Road West Realignment Environmental Assessment |
/projects/dingman-drive-enviro... | | Dingman Drive Environmental Assessment |
/projects/fanshawe-park-road-r... | | Fanshawe Park Road and Richmond Street Intersection Environmental Assessment | | | Gore Road and Hamilton Road Intersection Improvements Environmental Assessment |
/projects/highbury-hamilton-ro... | | Highbury and Hamilton Road Intersection Environmental Assessment | | | Oxford Street West and Gideon Drive Intersection Improvements Environmental Assessment |
/projects/pottersburg-sanitary... | | Pottersburg creek trunk sanitary sewer |
/projects/southdale-road-west-... | | Southdale Road West and Bostwick Road Environmental Assessment |
/projects/southdale-road-west-... | | Southdale Road West and Wickerson Road Environmental Assessment |
/projects/sunningdale-road-env... | | Sunningdale Road Environmental Assessment |
/projects/victoria-bridge-envi... | | Victoria Bridge Environmental Assessment | | | Western Road and Sarnia Road / Philip Aziz Avenue Environmental Assessment |
/projects/wonderland-road-envi... | | Wonderland Road Environmental Assessment |
/living-london/water-environme... | | Environmental programs and initiatives | | | Environmentally significant areas |
/living-london/water-environme... | | Flooding |
/living-london/water-environme... | | Basement flooding grant program |
/living-london/water-environme... | | Sewers and wastewater |
/living-london/water-environme... | | Stormwater |
/living-london/water-environme... | | Trees |
/living-london/water-environme... | | Pest and diseases |
/living-london/water-environme... | | Asian long-horned beetle |
/living-london/water-environme... | | Beech Leaf Disease |
/living-london/water-environme... | | Oak wilt |
/living-london/water-environme... | | Spongy moth (formerly Gypsy moth) |
/living-london/water-environme... | | Spotted lanternfly |
/living-london/water-environme... | | Privately owned trees |
/living-london/water-environme... | | The Graham Arboretum |
/living-london/water-environme... | | Tree Canopy Conservation Program (TCCP) |
/living-london/water-environme... | | Tree maintenance and trimming |
/living-london/water-environme... | | Tree planting and watering |
/living-london/water-environme... | | Tree protection |
/living-london/water-environme... | | Water system |
/living-london/water-environme... | | Your water bill |
/living-london/our-core-area | Textduplikat | Our Core Area |
/living-london/our-core-area/c... | | Core Area supports contact list | | | Core area loans and grants |
/living-london/our-core-area/d... | | Dundas Place |
/dundasplace/building-dundas-p... | | Building Dundas Place |
/living-london/arts-heritage | Textduplikat | Arts and heritage |
/living-london/arts-heritage/arts | | Arts |
/living-london/arts-heritage/h... | | Heritage |
/living-london/anti-racism-ant... | Textduplikat | Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression |
/living-london/anti-racism-ant... | | Anti-Black Racism Action Plan |
/living-london/maps | Textduplikat | Maps |
/living-london/moving-london | Textduplikat | Moving to London |
/living-london/community-servi... | | London Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership |
/living-london/moving-london/l... | | London's Newcomer Strategy |
/living-london/parking | Textduplikat | Parking |
/living-london/parking/accessi... | | Accessible and Veterans' Parking |
/living-london/parking/parking... | | Parking lot information | | Textduplikat | Government |
/government/council-civic-admi... | Textduplikat | Council and civic administration |
/government/council-civic-admi... | | City Council |
/government/council-civic-admi... | | Mayor Josh Morgan |
/government/council-civic-admi... | | State of the City Address 2023 |
/government/council-civic-admi... | Textduplikat | Council and committee meetings |
/committees-and-task-forces | | Committees and task forces |
/government/council-civic-admi... | | Standing committees |
/government/council-civic-admi... | | Advisory committees | | | Diversity, Race Relations & Inclusivity Award |
/government/council-civic-admi... | | Task Forces and Special Committees |
/government/council-civic-admi... | | Boards and Commissions |
/government/council-civic-admi... | | Elections |
/government/council-civic-admi... | | Election Signs |
/government/council-civic-admi... | | Election resources |
/government/council-civic-admi... | | Information for voters |
/government/council-civic-admi... | | Method of voting |
/government/council-civic-admi... | | Municipal election results information |
/government/council-civic-admi... | | Third Party Advertisers |
/government/council-civic-admi... | | Information for candidates |
/government/council-civic-admi... | | Freedom of information requests |
/government/council-civic-admi... | | Master plans and strategies |
/government/council-civic-admi... | | Plans and strategies |
/government/council-civic-admi... | | Strategic Plan |
/government/council-civic-admi... | | The London Plan |
/government/council-civic-admi... | | Open data | | | Public notices |
/government/council-civic-admi... | | Appeal Hearings – City Clerk’s Office |
/government/council-civic-admi... | | Integrity Commissioner and Ontario Ombudsman |
/government/council-civic-admi... | | Our organization |
/government/property-taxes-fin... | Textduplikat | Property taxes and finance |
/government/property-taxes-fin... | | Corporate Asset Management |
/government/property-taxes-fin... | | Financial reports |
/government/property-taxes-fin... | | Municipal budget |
/government/property-taxes-fin... | | 2024-2027 Business Plans |
/government/property-taxes-fin... | | Annual budget update |
/government/property-taxes-fin... | | Multi-year budget |
/government/property-taxes-fin... | | Property tax for business |
/government/property-taxes-fin... | | Property tax installment look-up |
/government/property-taxes-fin... | | Property taxes |
/government/careers-city-london | Textduplikat | Careers with the City of London |
/government/careers-city-londo... | | Perks and benefits |
/government/careers-city-londo... | | Recruitment process |
/government/careers-city-londo... | | Top reasons to work for us |
/government/careers-city-londo... | | Types of employment opportunities |
/government/careers-city-londo... | | Fire services employment |
/government/careers-city-londo... | | Internships |
/government/careers-city-londo... | | Values and commitments |
/government/calendar | Textduplikat | Event calendar | | Textduplikat | Newsroom |
/business-development | Textduplikat | Business and development |
/business-development/business... | Textduplikat | Business licences |
/business-development/business... | | Refreshment vehicles |
/business-development/business... | | Residential rental unit licences |
/business-development/business... | | Short-term accommodation licensing | | | Tow truck and impound yard storage business licensing |
/business-development/business... | | Vehicle for hire licensing |
https://london.bidsandtenders.... | Extern Subdomain Textduplikat | Bids and tenders |
/business-development/planning... | Textduplikat | Development applications |
/business-development/zoning | Textduplikat | Zoning |
/business-development/official... | Textduplikat | The Official Plan |
/business-development/developm... | Textduplikat | Development charges |
/business-development/communit... | Textduplikat | Community improvement and incentives |
/business-development/growth-m... | Textduplikat | Growth Management Implementation Strategy |
/business-development/home-bas... | Textduplikat | Home based businesses |
/business-development/more-homes | Textduplikat | More Homes |
/business-development/municipa... | Textduplikat | Municipal property |
/business-development/municipa... | | City-owned industrial land for sale |
/business-development/municipa... | | Municipal Easements |
/business-development/municipa... | | Privately owned industrial buildings for sale |
/business-development/municipa... | | Privately owned industrial land for sale |
/business-development/municipa... | | Request Use of Municipal Property |
/business-development/procurem... | Textduplikat | Purchasing and Supply |
/business-development/sign-per... | Textduplikat | Sign permit |
/business-development/sponsors... | Textduplikat | Sponsorship and advertising |
/business-development/urban-de... | Textduplikat | Urban design |
/immigration/moving-immigration | | Moving & Immigration |
/immigration/moving-immigratio... | | London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership |
/immigration/moving-immigratio... | | Membership and agendas |
/immigration/moving-immigratio... | | Initiatives |
/immigration/moving-immigratio... | | Get involved |
/immigration/moving-immigratio... | | Refugees and asylum seekers |
/immigration/moving-immigratio... | | Community resources |
/immigration/moving-immigratio... | | Before You Come to Canada |
/immigration/moving-immigratio... | | Arrival Checklist |
/immigration/moving-immigratio... | | After You Arrive |
/immigration/moving-immigratio... | | Settlement Services |
/immigration/moving-immigratio... | | Child Care |
/immigration/moving-immigratio... | | Finding Housing |
/immigration/moving-immigratio... | | Medical Services |
/immigration/moving-immigratio... | | Obtaining a Driver’s License |
/immigration/moving-immigratio... | | Opening a Bank Account |
/immigration/moving-immigratio... | | School Support and Registration |
/immigration/moving-immigratio... | | Setting Up Utilities |
/immigration/moving-immigratio... | | French Language Resources |
/immigration/work | | Work |
/immigration/work/employment-s... | | Employment Support |
/immigration/work/job-opportun... | | Job Opportunities |
/immigration/work/obtaining-so... | | Obtaining a SIN |
/immigration/work/start-busine... | | Starting A Business |
/immigration/work/work-permits... | | Work Permits |
/immigration/work/resources-em... | | Resources for Employers |
/immigration/study | | Study |
/immigration/study/children-yo... | | Children and Youth Education |
/immigration/study/transferrin... | | Transferring Credits & Certification |
/immigration/study/adult-educa... | | Adult Education |
/immigration/community-support | | Community Support |
/immigration/community-support... | | Newcomer Strategy |
/immigration/community-support... | | Emergency Shelters |
/immigration/community-support... | | Financial Assistance |
/immigration/living-london-ont... | | Life in London, Ontario |
/immigration/life-london/about... | | About London |
/immigration/life-london-ontar... | | About Middlesex County |
/immigration/life-london-ontar... | | Arts & Culture |
/immigration/life-london/cultu... | | Community & Religion |
/immigration/life-london/econo... | | Economy |
/immigration/life-london/legal... | | Legal |
/immigration/life-london/sport... | | Sports |
/immigration/life-london-ontar... | | Transportation |
/storybookgardens/general-admi... | | General admission |
/storybookgardens/rides-attrac... | | Rides and attractions |
/storybookgardens/signature-ev... | | Signature events |
/storybookgardens/calendar | | Calendar |
/storybookgardens/rentals-book... | | Rentals and bookings |
/stoptolerhating/about-stop-to... | | About Stop Tolerhating |
/stoptolerhating/experienced-hate | | Experienced hate? |
/stoptolerhating/experienced-h... | | Report hate and access crisis helplines |
/stoptolerhating/experienced-h... | | Resources for 2SLGBTQIA+ Londoners |
/stoptolerhating/experienced-h... | | Resources for Black Londoners |
/stoptolerhating/experienced-h... | | Resources for Muslim Londoners |
/stoptolerhating/experienced-h... | | Resources for Indigenous Londoners |
/stoptolerhating/experienced-h... | | Resources for Jewish Londoners |
/stoptolerhating/experienced-h... | | Resources for Londoners with Disabilities |
/stoptolerhating/experienced-h... | | Resources for East Asian Londoners |
/stoptolerhating/take-action-a... | | Take action against hate |
/stoptolerhating/take-action-a... | | Allyship: The responsibility of privilege |
/stoptolerhating/take-action-a... | | From observation to action: Standing up against injustice |
/stoptolerhating/take-action-a... | | Anti-hate toolkit |
/stoptolerhating/take-action-a... | | Key concepts |
/stoptolerhating/take-action-a... | | Commit to learning |
/stoptolerhating/take-action-a... | | Resources in French |
/stoptolerhating/spread-word | | Spread the word |
/lresnetwork/job-seekers | | Job Seekers |
/lresnetwork/employers | | Employers |
/lresnetwork/service-providers | | Service Providers |
/lresnetwork/service-providers... | | City of London |
/lresnetwork/service-providers... | | County of Middlesex |
/lresnetwork/service-providers... | | St. Thomas-County of Elgin |
/lresnetwork/service-providers... | | County of Oxford |
/lresnetwork/service-providers... | | Government of Ontario |
/lresnetwork/helpful-resources | | Helpful Resources |
/lresnetwork/helpful-resources... | | Career Planning |
/lresnetwork/helpful-resources... | | Interview Skills |
/lresnetwork/helpful-resources... | | Goal Setting |
/lresnetwork/helpful-resources... | Textduplikat | Child Care |
/lresnetwork/helpful-resources... | Textduplikat | Transportation |
/lresnetwork/helpful-resources... | | Events, Workshops & Training |
/lresnetwork/about-us | | About Us |
(Nice to have)