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Middle East Monitor – Latest news from the Middle East and North Africa
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(Extrem wichtig)
Latest news from the Middle East and North Africa
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Alle eingebundenen Dateien werden ebenfalls über HTTPS ausgeliefert.


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H1 Überschrift
(Extrem wichtig)
LIVE UPDATES: Israeli air strike kills 10 family members of Hamas chief Haniyeh, including his sister
Die H1-Überschrift ist perfekt.
Einige Überschriftentexte kommen doppelt auf der Seite vor.
Es befinden sich 66 Überschriften auf der Seite. Die Anzahl der Überschriften sollte in einem besseren Verhältnis zum Text stehen.
Einige Überschriften haben keinen Inhalt.


Überschriften HierarchieInhalt
H1 LIVE UPDATES: Israeli air strike kills 10 family members of Hamas chief Haniyeh, including his sister
H2 Palestine This Week: Israel: 'Human Shielding in Action'
H2 The occupation army is being affected seriously by suicide, low morale and mental illness
H2 Biden calls protest against occupied land sale ‘anti-Semitic’
H2 Trending news
H2 Latest news
H2 US seeking diplomatic deal to prevent Israel-Hezbollah conflict, Pentagon chief says
H2 Germany’s Baerbock slams Israel’s settlement expansion plans, human rights violations
H2 UK: data is key for electoral change, says community group Palitics
H2 Ongoing hostilities in Gaza further fuelling regional instability: UN envoy
H2 Gaza high school students miss final exams as war rages
H2 Israel court ends draft exemptions for ultra-Orthodox Jews
H2 Israel eyes use of Musk's Starlink in event of war with Hezbollah, Calcalist reports
H2 96% of Gazans face extreme levels of hunger: Report
H2 US pier in Gaza may be extended past July, US official says
H2 At least 2,000 medical evacuations from Gaza prevented by Rafah Crossing closure - WHO
H2 Pro-Palestinian protesters blockade Italy Port of Genoa
H2 Arab states' kosher-certified exports to Israel continue amid Gaza genocide
H2 Opinions
H2 The occupation army is being affected seriously by suicide, low morale and mental illness Text-Duplikat
H2 Israel is forcibly disappearing future Palestinian generations
H2 BlackRock: there can be no compromise with evil
H2 Must see
H2 Palestine This Week: Israel: 'Human Shielding in Action' Text-Duplikat
H2 Biden calls protest against occupied land sale ‘anti-Semitic’ Text-Duplikat
H2 Julian Assange released after striking deal with US justice department
H2 German-Israeli soldier cooks in home of displaced Gazan
H2 Aid package flattens displaced family’s tent in Gaza
H2 Palestinian used as ‘human shield’ by Israel speaks from hospital bed
H2 From Newham to Palestine: UK general election 2024
H2 Child to grocer: ‘Don’t sell me Israeli goods again’
H2 Featured Writers
H2 MEMO in conversation
H2 Tracking Israel's lies: MEMO in Conversation with Jennine Khalik
H2 Interviews
H2 ‘In Palestine, the olive cycle gives the rhythm of our cuisine’
H2 Reviews
H2 Expert panel at SOAS discuss accountability for Israel’s Gaza war crimes and Genocide
H2 You've Been Served
H2 Sfeeha (Meat pies)
H2 Leere Überschrift
H2 Leere Überschrift
H3 According to medical sources, at least 10 people of the Haniyeh family were killed in an Israeli airstrike on their home in the Beach refugee camp, western Gaza City.
H3 The Altalena Affair: Is Israel heading towards a civil war?
H3 The UAE is expanding its reckless policies and interventions
H3 Victory for the disposables: The sentencing of the Hindujas
H3 Is Gaza really an ‘unnatural’ land?
H3 Subscribe to our newsletter
H3 Trending Opinions
H3 I fear for the survival of Lebanon
H3 Gaza was the Hajj sacrifice this year
H3 Zionist lobby group labelled 'propaganda' and 'misinformation' source by Wikipedia
H3 The resistance in Jerusalem is an inextinguishable flame
H3 Armed vs. peaceful resistance - What you need to know about Muqawama in Gaza
H3 Humanitarian aid and Israel’s ‘voluntary migration’ scheme
H3 Israel is forcibly disappearing future Palestinian generations Text-Duplikat
H3 The Altalena Affair: Is Israel heading towards a civil war? Text-Duplikat
H3 Is Gaza really an ‘unnatural’ land? Text-Duplikat
H3 Forget ‘Maccies’ and ‘Donnies’ - how about McGenocide? The McDonald's ad that misses the mark
H3 ‘In Palestine, the olive cycle gives the rhythm of our cuisine’ Text-Duplikat
H3 Chile's lawyers ask to investigate contract with the national water company of Israel (Mekorot)
H3 Egyptian bread: fire burning under the ashes
H3 Zionist lobby group labelled 'propaganda' and 'misinformation' source by Wikipedia Text-Duplikat
H3 Financial ransacking of Libya: will it ever end?
H3 If international law does not comply with Israel, then the West will build a new world order
H3 ‘Gaza encampments symbolise a rising tide of global support for Palestinian liberation’
H3 Gaza poses a strategic dilemma for America
H3 Subscribe to our newsletter Text-Duplikat
H3 Leere Überschrift
Einige der Linktexte der internen Links sind zu lang.
Einige der Linktexte wiederholen sich.
58 Links haben keinen Linktext oder nur Inhalt in Alt- und Titelattributen.
Die Anzahl an internen Links ist ok.
Alle internen Links haben keine dynamischen Parameter.
Es befinden sich zu viele externe Links (29) auf der Seite.
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/20240622-gazas-rafah-turned-i...Subdomain Latest Featured LIVE UPDATES: Israeli air strike kills 10 family members of Hamas chief Haniyeh, including his sister According to medical sources, at least ...
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/20240625-the-occupation-army-...Subdomain Kein Text
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A-TITLE Article
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A-TITLE The Altalena Affair: Is Israel heading towards a civil war?
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A-TITLE Israel is forcibly disappearing future Palestinian generations
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A-TITLE EU says delivering meaningful humanitarian aid to Gaza has become impossible
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A-TITLE Texas woman accused of attempting to drown 3-year-old Palestinian-American
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A-TITLE Qatar has banned the US from using its military base against Iran
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A-TITLE Ship off Yemen coast reports explosion nearby, says UKMTO
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/20240622-gazas-rafah-turned-i...Subdomain LIVE UPDATES: Israeli air strike kills 10 family members of Hamas chief Haniyeh, including his sister
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A-TITLE Videos & Photo Stories
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A-TITLE Tracking Israel's lies: MEMO in Conversation with Jennine Khalik
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A-TITLE Article
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A-TITLE I fear for the survival of Lebanon
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A-TITLE University of Damascus student body tortured students amid Syria revolution, report reveals
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