Übersicht der SEO Analyse
Externe Faktoren
SEO Score
1,06 s
396,90 kB
Anzahl Links
217 Intern / 9 Extern

To-do Liste mit SEO Optimierungen

Meta-Angaben im HTML

(Extrem wichtig)
Abrasives, Sanding Tools & Polishing Compounds - Mirka - Mirka
Der Titel sollte kürzer als 580 Pixel sein. Er ist insgesamt 583 Pixel lang. Jetzt optimieren
Im Titel werden Worte wiederholt.
(Extrem wichtig)
Abrasives, sanding tools and polishing compounds under the same roof. When it comes to an excellent finish, we have the passion to exceed expectations.
Die Meta-Description hat eine optimale Länge. (955 Pixel von maximal 1000 Pixel Länge)
(Extrem wichtig)
Es gibt keine Probleme beim Zugriff auf die Webseite.
Canonical Link
Der angegebene Canonical Link verweist auf eine andere URL.
(Wenig wichtig)
Im Text erkannte Sprache: en
Im HTML angegebene Sprache: en
Serverstandort: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Die Sprache wird im HTML Code wie folgt angegeben: en
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Wenig wichtig)
Der Alternate Link auf die Seite selbst fehlt.
Weitere Metatags
(Wenig wichtig)
Es gibt keinen rel next Meta Tag auf der Seite.
Es gibt keinen rel prev Meta Tag auf der Seite.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Domain ist keine Subdomain.
Die Länge der Domain ist gut.
Die Domain enthält keine Umlaute.
Seiten URL
(Wenig wichtig)
In der URL wurden keine Parameter entdeckt.
In der URL wurde keine Session ID entdeckt.
Die URL hat nicht zu viele Unterverzeichnisse.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Angaben zur Zeichensatzkodierung (UTF-8) sind fehlerfrei.
(Nice to have)
Die Doctype Angabe HTML 5 ist korrekt angegeben.
Die Doctype Angabe befindet sich an erster Stelle im HTML-Code.
(Nice to have)
Das Favoriten Icon (Favicon) ist korrekt verlinkt.

Meta Tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0
descriptionAbrasives, sanding tools and polishing compounds under the same roof. When it comes to an excellent finish, we have the passion to exceed expectations.
twitter:titleAbrasives, Sanding Tools & Polishing Compounds - Mirka
twitter:descriptionAbrasives, sanding tools and polishing compounds under the same roof. When it comes to an excellent finish, we have the passion to exceed expectations.
og:titleAbrasives, Sanding Tools & Polishing Compounds - Mirka
og:descriptionAbrasives, sanding tools and polishing compounds under the same roof. When it comes to an excellent finish, we have the passion to exceed expectations.

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(Extrem wichtig)
Es befinden sich 2 Text-Duplikate auf der Seite:
  • Duplikat: All Mirka power tools have a standard two-year warranty. Get an additi...
Der Inhalt ist mit 1191 Wörtern in Ordnung.
Der Text besteht zu 25.5% aus Füllwörtern.
Worte aus dem Titel werden im Text wiederholt.
Im Text befindet sich eine Aufzählung, dies deutet auf eine gute Textstruktur hin.
Es wurden 14 Fließtextblöcke auf der Seite gefunden.
Der Text auf der Seite ist optimal.
Es wurden keine Platzhalter Texte bzw. Bilder gefunden.
Die durchschnittliche Satzlänge ist mit 16.15 Wörtern gut.
(Extrem wichtig)
Die Seite hat kein Frameset.
(Wenig wichtig)
Der angegebene Viewport (width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0) ist korrekt.
Mindestens ein Apple-Touch Icon ist definiert.
Bold- und Strongtags
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Nutzung von Strong- und Bold-Tags ist optimal. Wir empfehlen für diese Webseite die Verwendung von bis zu 24 Tags.
Bilder Optimierung
(Wenig wichtig)
Bei 52 Bildern fehlt das Alt-Attribut. Der Inhalt von Alt-Attributen wird von Suchmaschinen auch als Text gewertet und ist wichtig für die Bildersuche.
Soziale Vernetzung
(Nice to have)
Es befinden sich wenige Social-Sharing Möglichkeiten auf der Seite. Mit Plugins zum Teilen kann die Reichweite der Seite in sozialen Netzwerken erhöht werden.
Zusätzliches Markup
(Nice to have)
Es wurde kein zusätzliches Markup gefunden.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Seite verwendet HTTPS um Daten sicher zu übertragen.
Alle eingebundenen Dateien werden ebenfalls über HTTPS ausgeliefert.


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H1 Überschrift
(Extrem wichtig)
2+1 years
Zu viele H1 Überschriften
Die H1-Überschrift ist zu kurz (9 Zeichen). Sie sollte mindestens 20 Zeichen lang sein.
Einige Überschriftentexte kommen doppelt auf der Seite vor.
Es befinden sich 119 Überschriften auf der Seite. Die Anzahl der Überschriften sollte in einem besseren Verhältnis zum Text stehen.


Überschriften HierarchieInhalt
H1 2+1 years
H1 Select your location
H1 Login
H1 All-New Abrasive for Wood
H1 Try the new Mirka® Galaxy abrasive
H1 Build your optimal workflow
H1 2+1 years Text-Duplikat
H1 Powers up your sander
H1 Compact, ergonomic, and easy-to-use
H1 At the forefront of innovation
H1 Our dedication
H1 At the core of Mirka’s business
H1 Our mission
H2 Register Your Tool
H2 Asia/Pacific
H2 Europe
H2 North America
H2 South America
H2 Global
H2 Register and repair tools
H2 Mirka partners
H2 New Mirka Ultimax® Ligno
H2 Fast, Dustless Sanding
H2 New Mirka® Modular Trolley
H2 Easy Warranty Registration
H2 Abranet®
H2 Mirka® DEROS
H2 Problem Solvers
H2 Industries
H2 News
H2 Dedicated to the Finish Since 1943
H2 Sustainability
H2 Continuous Improvement
H2 Perform Better with Mirka
H3 Australia
H3 China
H3 India
H3 Japan
H3 Korea
H3 Middle East
H3 Singapore
H3 Thailand
H3 Turkey
H3 Czech Republic
H3 Denmark
H3 Finland
H3 France
H3 Germany
H3 Italy
H3 Norway
H3 Poland
H3 Sweden
H3 Spain
H3 United Kingdom
H3 Netherlands
H3 Belgium
H3 Canada
H3 Mexico
H3 United States
H3 Brazil
H3 Global Site
H3 Global Site Text-Duplikat
H3 The new Ultimax® Ligno is tailored for wood sanding applications. It combines a fast cut with a long life.
H3 Collision Repair
H3 Wood
H3 Construction, Renovation and Interior Finishing
H3 Marine Surface Finishing
H3 Solutions for Automotive Industry
H3 Sanding and Polishing Composite Surfaces
H3 Mobile Screen Refurbishment
H3 Tool Manufacturing
H3 Powertrain
H3 New Mirka® Cafro E-Cup 11 Hybrid Bond Wheel
H3 A completely fossil-free energy solution for Mirka factory
H3 Mirka® AutoChanger: a new level of automation for robotic sanding
H3 Mirka’s new 25M€ investment, first of its kind in the world
H3 Ultimax® Ligno: an all-new Mirka abrasive for woodworking
H3 Events: Mirka at METSTRADE 2023
H3 Mirka to further reduce emissions from production
H3 New addition to Mirka Dust Extractor range: Mirka DE 1125 L
H3 Mirka® PRO Finishing System: An easy and fast solution for spot repair
H3 High performance conditioning belts join Mirka’s range of file belts
H3 New Mirka cutting and grinding wheels for efficient metal work
H3 Mirka extends the Iridium® range to hand-sanding applications
H3 New Mirka® Long File Boards for effective sanding of hulls
H3 Pioneering Surface Finishing for 80 Years
H3 Mirka and the Finnish Industry Jointly Invest 200M € in Net Carbon Negative Solutions
H3 New Facilities to be Constructed in Jeppo for Future Needs
H3 Energy Solutions Minimize CO2 Emissions in New Facilities
H3 Abrasives and Compounds
H3 Power Tools
H3 Dust-Free Sanding
H3 Accessories and Consumables
H3 All Products
H3 Welcome to the global Mirka website
H3 Contact us
H4 Abrasives and Compounds Text-Duplikat
H4 Robotics and Automation
H4 Superabrasives
H4 Power Tools Text-Duplikat
H4 Dust-Free Sanding Text-Duplikat
H4 Accessories and Consumables Text-Duplikat
H4 All Products Text-Duplikat
H4 Top Brands
H4 Industries Text-Duplikat
H4 Applications
H4 Solutions
H4 Downloads
H4 myMirka® App
H4 Warranty Terms
H4 Customer Service
H4 Help Center
H4 Responsibility
H4 Contact Us
H4 About Us
H4 For Media
H4 For Partners
H4 Career
H4 News Text-Duplikat
Einige der Linktexte wiederholen sich.
Die Anzahl an internen Links ist ok.
Keiner der Linktexte ist zu lang.
Alle internen Links haben keine dynamischen Parameter.
Es befinden sich 9 externe Links auf der Seite.
https://www.mirka.com/enAnchor Skip to content
https://www.mirka.com/enIMG-ALT Mirka logo
/en/products/abrasives-and-com...Abrasives and Compounds
/en/products/abrasives-and-com...Polishing Products
/en/products/abrasives-and-com...Cutting and Grinding
/en/products/abrasives-and-com...Other Abrasive Products
/en/know-how/applications/belt...Sanding Belt Range
/en/products/robotics-and-auto...Robotics and Automation
/en/products/robotics-and-auto...Robotic Sanders and Polishers
/en/products/robotics-and-auto...Robotic Accessories
/en/products/robotics-and-auto...Universal Robots Kits
/en/products/robotics-and-auto...Automatic Abrasive Changers
/en/products/superabrasives/su...Superabrasive Wheels
/en/products/superabrasives/mo...Mounted Points
/en/products/power-tools/Power Tools
/en/products/power-tools/wall-...Wall Sanders
/en/products/power-tools/elect...Electric Polishers
/en/products/power-tools/cordl...Cordless Tools
/en/products/power-tools/dust-...Dust Extractors
/en/products/power-tools/pneum...Pneumatic Sanders
/en/products/power-tools/elect...Electric Sanders
/en/products/power-tools/pneum...Pneumatic Polishers
/en/products/power-tools/power...Power Tool Accessories
/en/products/power-tools/spare...Spare Parts for Power Tools
/en/products/power-tools/dust-...Dust Extractor Accessories
/en/products/dust-free-sanding/Dust-Free Sanding
/en/products/dust-free-sanding...Net Abrasives
/en/products/accessories-and-c...Accessories and Consumables
/en/products/accessories-and-c...Backing Pads
/en/products/accessories-and-c...Hand Sanding Tools
/en/products/accessories-and-c...Hoses and Adapters
/en/products/accessories-and-c...Masking and Tapes
/en/products/accessories-and-c...Pad Savers and Interfaces
/en/products/accessories-and-c...Paint Mixing
/en/products/accessories-and-c...Personal Protection
/en/products/accessories-and-c...Polishing Accessories
/en/products/accessories-and-c...Storage and Transport
/en/products/accessories-and-c...Other Accessories and Supplies
/en/products/all-products/All Products
/en/products/top-brands/Top Brands
/en/products/top-brands/ultima...Mirka Ultimax® Ligno
/en/products/top-brands/abranet/Abranet® - The Dust-Free Net Abrasive
/en/products/top-brands/deros/Mirka® DEROS - The Best-In-Class Electric Sander
/en/products/top-brands/galaxy/Mirka® Galaxy High Technology Abrasive
/en/products/top-brands/leros/Mirka® LEROS The Lightest Wall Sander
/en/products/top-brands/modula...Mirka® Modular Trolley
/en/products/top-brands/All top brands
/en/know-how/industries/collis...Collision Repair
/en/know-how/industries/constr...Construction, Renovation and Interior Finishing
/en/know-how/industries/marine...Marine Surface Finishing
/en/know-how/industries/tool-m...Tool Manufacturing
/en/know-how/industries/automo...Automotive Industry
/en/know-how/industries/mobile...Mobile Screen Refurbishment
/en/know-how/industries/gear-m...Gear Manufacturing
/en/know-how/industries/windpo...Wind Power
/en/know-how/applications/pain...Automotive Paint Removal
/en/know-how/applications/soli...Solid Surface Sanding Finishing and Polishing
/en/know-how/applications/wall...Wall and Ceiling Sanding and Preparation
/en/know-how/applications/sand...Gelcoat Sanding and Polishing for Yachts and Boats
/en/know-how/applications/fini...Automotive Finishing and Spot Repair
/en/know-how/applications/roun...Round Tool Manufacturing
/en/know-how/applications/sand...Sanding Flat Wooden Surfaces and Boards
/en/know-how/applications/belt...Belt Sanding
/en/know-how/applications/poli...Automotive Paint Polishing and Finishing
/en/know-how/applications/pain...Automotive Paint Masking
/en/know-how/applications/View all applications
/en/know-how/solutions/dust-fr...Textduplikat Dust-Free Sanding
/en/know-how/solutions/robotic...Mirka® Automation - Robotic Sanding and Polishing
/en/know-how/solutions/multifit/Multifit™ - Perforation Technology for Abrasives
/en/know-how/solutions/osp/OSP - Optimized Surface Preparation for Vehicle Repair
/en/know-how/solutions/styro-c...Mirka® STYRO Concept
/en/know-how/solutions/mirka-c...Mirka Cutting and Grinding Wheels
/en/know-how/solutions/persona...Textduplikat Personal Protection
/en/know-how/solutions/remint/Remint™ - Refurbishment of Screens for Smartphones
/en/know-how/solutions/glass-s...Glass Sanding and Polishing Glass
/en/know-how/solutions/electri...Electric Tools vs Pneumatic
/en/know-how/solutions/pro-fin...Mirka® PRO Finishing Solution
/en/know-how/solutions/marine-...Savings calculator for yacht surface finishing process
/en/know-how/solutions/marine-...Save time and money in yacht surface finishing - Download Marine white paper
/en/support/downloads/technica...Technical Documents
/en/support/mymirka-app/myMirka® App
/en/support/warranty-terms/Warranty Terms
/en/support/customer-service/Customer Service
/en/support/help-center/Help Center
/en/support/warranty-terms/Warranty Registration
https://www.shape-ecosystem.com/Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Shaping the Green Transition (SHAPE)
/en/company/responsibility/man...Management Systems
/en/company/contact-us/Contact Us
/en/company/contact-us/our-sub...Our Subsidiaries
/en/company/contact-us/sales-c...Sales & Corporate Management
/en/company/about-us/About Us
/en/company/about-us/award-win...Award-Winning Tools
/en/company/for-media/For Media
/en/company/for-partners/For Partners
/en/company/news/mirka-cafro-e...Mirka® Cafro E-Cup 11
/en/company/news/mirka-factory...A completely fossil-free energy solution for Mirka factory
/en/company/news/mirka-autocha...Mirka® AutoChanger: a new level of automation for robotic sanding
/en/company/news/mirkas-new-25...Mirka’s new 25M€ investment, first of its kind in the world
https://www.mirka.com/enTextduplikat IMG-ALT Mirka logo
https://www.mirka.com/en-AU/au/Subdomain English
https://www.mirka.com/zh/cn/Subdomain 中文
https://www.mirka.com/en-IN/in/Subdomain Textduplikat English
https://www.mirka.com/ja/ja/Subdomain 日本語
https://www.mirka.com/ko/kr/Subdomain 한국말/한국어
https://www.mirka.com/en-ae/Subdomain Textduplikat English
https://www.mirka.com/sg/sg/Subdomain Textduplikat English
https://www.mirka.com/th/th/Subdomain ไทย
https://www.mirka.com/de-de/Subdomain Deutsch
https://www.mirka.com/sv-se/Textduplikat Svenska
https://www.mirka.com/en-gb/Textduplikat English
https://www.mirka.com/nl-beTextduplikat Nederlands
https://www.mirka.com/fr-beTextduplikat Français
https://www.mirka.com/en-caTextduplikat English
https://www.mirka.com/fr-caTextduplikat Français
https://www.mirka.com/es-MX/mx/Subdomain Textduplikat Español
https://www.mirka.com/en-us/Textduplikat English
https://www.mirka.com/pt-BR/br/Subdomain Português
https://www.mirka.com/en/Textduplikat English
https://my.mirka.com/loginExtern Subdomain Login to myMirka
https://partner.mirka.com/Extern Subdomain Login to Partner Portal
https://www.mirka.com/enTextduplikat IMG-ALT Mirka logo
/en/products/top-brands/ultima...Learn more about Ultimax® Ligno
/en/products/top-brands/galaxy/Learn more about Galaxy
/en/products/top-brands/modula...Learn more about the Modular Trolley
/en/support/warranty-terms/Warranty registration
/en/products/top-brands/abranet/Learn more about Mirka Abranet
/en/products/top-brands/deros/Learn more about Mirka® DEROS
/en/products/top-brands/Explore Mirka's Best Sellers
/en/know-how/industries/collis...Textduplikat Collision Repair
/en/know-how/industries/wood/Textduplikat Wood
/en/know-how/industries/constr...Textduplikat Construction, Renovation and Interior Finishing
/en/know-how/industries/marine...Textduplikat Marine Surface Finishing
/en/know-how/industries/automo...Solutions for Automotive Industry
/en/know-how/industries/compos...Sanding and Polishing Composite Surfaces
/en/know-how/industries/mobile...Textduplikat Mobile Screen Refurbishment
/en/know-how/industries/tool-m...Textduplikat Tool Manufacturing
/en/know-how/industries/powert...Textduplikat Powertrain
/en/company/news/mirka-cafro-e...New Mirka® Cafro E-Cup 11 Hybrid Bond Wheel
/en/company/news/mirka-factory...Textduplikat A completely fossil-free energy solution for Mirka factory
/en/company/news/mirka-autocha...Textduplikat Mirka® AutoChanger: a new level of automation for robotic sanding
/en/company/news/mirkas-new-25...Textduplikat Mirka’s new 25M€ investment, first of its kind in the world
/en/company/news/new-mirka-ult...Ultimax® Ligno: an all-new Mirka abrasive for woodworking
/en/company/news/mirka-metstra...Events: Mirka at METSTRADE 2023
/en/company/news/mirka-to-furt...Mirka to further reduce emissions from production
/en/company/news/mirka-de-1125-l/New addition to Mirka Dust Extractor range: Mirka DE 1125 L
/en/company/news/mirka-pro-fin...Mirka® PRO Finishing System: An easy and fast solution for spot repair
/en/company/news/surface-condi...High performance conditioning belts join Mirka’s range of file belts
/en/company/news/new-mirka-cut...New Mirka cutting and grinding wheels for efficient metal work
/en/company/news/iridium-hand-...Mirka extends the Iridium® range to hand-sanding applications
/en/company/news/new-mirka-lon...New Mirka® Long File Boards for effective sanding of hulls
/en/company/news/pioneering-su...Pioneering Surface Finishing for 80 Years
/en/company/news/mirka-invests...Mirka and the Finnish Industry Jointly Invest 200M € in Net Carbon Negative Solutions
/en/company/news/new-facilitie...New Facilities to be Constructed in Jeppo for Future Needs
/en/company/news/energy-soluti...Energy Solutions Minimize CO2 Emissions in New Facilities
/en/company/about-us/Learn more about us
/en/company/responsibility/sus...Learn more about our work for sustainability
/en/know-how/solutions/Learn more about our solutions
/en/products/abrasives-and-com...Textduplikat Abrasives and Compounds
/en/products/power-tools/Textduplikat Power Tools
/en/products/dust-free-sanding/Textduplikat Dust-Free Sanding
/en/products/accessories-and-c...Textduplikat Accessories and Consumables
/en/products/all-products/Textduplikat All Products
https://www.mirka.com/enSubdomain Anchor local mirka.com website
/en/support/help-center/contac...Please get in touch
/en/products/power-tools/Textduplikat Power Tools
/en/products/dust-free-sanding/Textduplikat Dust-Free Sanding
/en/products/abrasives-and-com...Textduplikat Abrasives and Compounds
/en/products/accessories-and-c...Textduplikat Accessories and Consumables
/en/products/superabrasives/Textduplikat Superabrasives
/en/products/top-brands/Textduplikat Top Brands
/en/know-how/industries/Textduplikat Industries
/en/know-how/applications/Textduplikat Applications
/en/know-how/solutions/Textduplikat Solutions
/en/support/downloads/Textduplikat Downloads
/en/support/warranty-terms/Textduplikat Warranty Terms
/en/support/customer-service/Textduplikat Customer Service
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Abrasives, Sanding Tools & Polishing Compounds - Mirka - Mirka
Abrasives, sanding tools and polishing compounds under the same roof. When it comes to an excellent finish, we have the passion to exceed expectations.

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Sanding Polishing68%Check
Sanding Tools68%Check
sanding tools polishing compounds67%Check
tools polishing compounds66%Check

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