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(Extrem wichtig)
Simply Munich: The Official Travel Guide
Die Länge des Titels ist optimal. (364 Pixel von maximal 580 Pixel Länge)
Es gibt keine Wortwiederholungen im Titel.
(Extrem wichtig)
Sights, art and culture, gastronomy, stores, fantastic surroundings, events ➤ The best tips for your visit to Munich
Die Meta-Description hat eine optimale Länge. (695 Pixel von maximal 1000 Pixel Länge)
(Extrem wichtig)
Es gibt keine Probleme beim Zugriff auf die Webseite.
Canonical Link
Die Seite hat einen korrekten Canonical Link.
(Wenig wichtig)
Im Text erkannte Sprache: en
Im HTML angegebene Sprache: en
Serverstandort: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Die Sprache wird im HTML Code wie folgt angegeben: en
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Weitere Metatags
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Seiten URL
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Die Doctype Angabe HTML 5 ist korrekt angegeben.
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(Nice to have)
Das Favoriten Icon (Favicon) ist korrekt verlinkt.

Meta Tags

descriptionSights, art and culture, gastronomy, stores, fantastic surroundings, events ➤ The best tips for your visit to Munich
keywordsHoliday, Munich, tourism, city trip, Bavaria
twitter:titleSimply Munich: The Official Travel Guide
twitter:descriptionSights, art and culture, gastronomy, stores, fantastic surroundings, events ➤ The best tips for your visit to Munich
og:site_nameSimply Munich: The Official Travel Guide
og:titleSimply Munich: The Official Travel Guide
og:descriptionSights, art and culture, gastronomy, stores, fantastic surroundings, events ➤ The best tips for your visit to Munich

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(Extrem wichtig)
Auf der Seite wurden Tippfehler entdeckt:
  • accomodation => accommodation
Es befinden sich 41 Text-Duplikate auf der Seite:
  • Duplikat 1: Explore the Neue Rathaus on Marienplatz with an official tour guide. A...
  • Duplikat 2: Magistrates, Monachia and magnificent celebrations: explore the Neue R...
  • Duplikat 3: Book a visit to the observation deck of Munich's Frauenkirche and enjo...
  • Duplikat 4: Experience Munich up close: two nights in a hotel of your choice, a br...
  • Duplikat 5: With our new city guide, you can take a relaxed stroll through the mos...
  • Duplikat 6: With our new city guide, you can take a relaxed stroll through the mos...
  • Duplikat 7: Hop on and be whisked away by one of the world's most beautiful stretc...
  • Duplikat 8: During the guided tour of the present-day seat of the Bavarian State M...
  • Duplikat 9: Enjoy this special tour and pedicap ride past all the famous sights of...
  • Duplikat 10: Discover the most famous beer hall in the world with an official guide...
  • Duplikat 11: The city walk for everyone who wants to become acquainted with the mos...
  • Duplikat 12: Experience a brewery tour at Spaten with a look behind the scenes, int...
  • Duplikat 13: The hop-on hop-off city bus tours of Gray Line will let you collect un...
  • Duplikat 14: Experience Bavaria from a completely new perspective at Magic Bavaria,...
  • Duplikat 15: Did you know that Munich was a pioneer of the European graffiti scene?...
  • Duplikat 16: Exclusive and safe: Discover the most beautiful sights and corners of ...
  • Duplikat 17: Bring a piece of Oktoberfest home: Purchase official souvenirs such as...
  • Duplikat 18: 2 nights in your selected hotel and - thanks to the City Pass - free a...
  • Duplikat 19: Give the gift of a special Munich voucher: we also offer vouchers for ...
Der Inhalt ist mit 2430 Wörtern in Ordnung.
Der Text besteht zu 33.7% aus Füllwörtern.
Worte aus dem Titel werden im Text wiederholt.
Im Text befindet sich eine Aufzählung, dies deutet auf eine gute Textstruktur hin.
Es wurden 59 Fließtextblöcke auf der Seite gefunden.
Der Text auf der Seite ist optimal.
Es wurden keine Platzhalter Texte bzw. Bilder gefunden.
Die durchschnittliche Satzlänge ist mit 19.62 Wörtern gut.
(Extrem wichtig)
Die Seite hat kein Frameset.
(Wenig wichtig)
Es werden mehrere viewport Angaben gemacht. Es sollte nur eine geben.
Der angegebene Viewport (width=device-width,initial-scale=1,minimal-ui) ist korrekt.
Mindestens ein Apple-Touch Icon ist definiert.
Bold- und Strongtags
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Nutzung von Strong- und Bold-Tags ist optimal. Wir empfehlen für diese Webseite die Verwendung von bis zu 49 Tags.
Bilder Optimierung
(Wenig wichtig)
Bei 3 Bildern fehlt das Alt-Attribut. Der Inhalt von Alt-Attributen wird von Suchmaschinen auch als Text gewertet und ist wichtig für die Bildersuche.
Soziale Vernetzung
(Nice to have)
Es befinden sich wenige Social-Sharing Möglichkeiten auf der Seite. Mit Plugins zum Teilen kann die Reichweite der Seite in sozialen Netzwerken erhöht werden.
Zusätzliches Markup
(Nice to have)
Es wurde kein zusätzliches Markup gefunden.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Seite verwendet HTTPS um Daten sicher zu übertragen.
Alle eingebundenen Dateien werden ebenfalls über HTTPS ausgeliefert.


...941-1-ger-DE/Winter-Redline-Still008.jpgThe Hofgarten in Winter in Munich
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...ke-dm0079-foto-dominik-morbitzer-web.jpgEvening sun under the Wittelsbacherbrücke in Munich.
...otschafter-mural-foto-frank-stolle-2.jpgThe Munich local love ambassadors have gathered in front of a wall of graffiti for a group photo.
...ung-kisskiss-foto-wassily-erlenbusch.jpgA work of art made of neon tubes shows a mouth and the word KissKiss inside it.
...t-tanz-marktfrauen-foto-werner-boehm.jpgPeople in carnival costumes on an outdoor stage in driving snow.
...foto-bier-und-oktoberfestmuseum-3000.jpgA beer mug and beer barrels in the Bier- und Oktoberfestmuseum in Munich.
.../cb8c5dad103f-muc00020150668103357-2.jpgView of the Junior Suite at the DO&CO Hotel am Marienplatz in Munich.
...frauenkirche-D-2689s-v1-foto-redline.jpgTowers and Alps in Munich
...27075-8-eng-GB/freisteller card pass.pngMünchen Card und München Pass
...3/5/1255348-2-eng-GB/icons-weiss-bus.pngKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
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.../1255537-2-eng-GB/icons-weiss-tasche.pngKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...erme-526748381-istock-foottoo-3000-2.jpgTowers of the Frauenkirche in Munich taken from the air.
...adtfuehrer-foto-frank-stolle-dsf6589.jpgThree copies of the official Munich city guide are slightly stacked on top of each other so that the image of the Frauenkirche remains visible on each one.
...eues-rathaus-9415-fotos-frank-stolle.jpgSmall meeting room of the Neues Rathaus in Munich
...er-foto-Der-Tegernsee-Dietmar-Denger.jpgTegernsee lake in wintertime
...chen-eisbaden-foto-frank-stolle-0264.jpgThree men ice bathing in the Eisbach in winter
...-Corneliusstrasse-2496s-Sigi-Mueller.jpgStreetart in Corneliusstraße in Munich
...af2437-muenchen-rosina_alois_dsf5907.jpgMichelin-starred chef Rosina Ostler wearing a chef's apron in the Alois restaurant at Dallmayr
...ruecke-dm0705-foto-dominik-morbitzer.jpgA cyclist standing at the traffic light at the Reichenbach Bridge in Munich
...-mensch-natur-foto-christian- kasper.jpgA child points to a screen in an exhibition about bees at the Natural History Museum.
...sch Stadtpanorama Muenchen_3000x2000.jpgPanorama of Munich with the Frauenkirche and Theatinerkirche.
...ensengel-21-foto-redline-enterprises.jpgThe Friedensengel - Angle of Peace - in Munich.
.../video_file/Parallaxe Winter 2018 01.mp4
...file/Parallax Video Frauenkirche_neu.mp4


H1 Überschrift
(Extrem wichtig)
Es ist keine H1-Überschrift definiert.
Einige Überschriftentexte kommen doppelt auf der Seite vor.
Die Überschriftenstruktur ist fehlerhaft. Es sollte keine Hierarchie (H1-H6) ausgelassen werden.
Es befinden sich 55 Überschriften auf der Seite. Die Anzahl der Überschriften sollte in einem besseren Verhältnis zum Text stehen.


Überschriften HierarchieInhalt
H3 Winter in Munich
H3 Local Love Munich
H3 New Town Hall Tour
H3 Frauenkirche: Visit of the South Tower
H3 City trip incl. Munich Card and Tower Ascent
H3 Official Munich City Guide
H3 Romantic Road: Rothenburg and Harburg
H3 Justizpalast Tour
H3 Dream castles Neuschwanstein & Linderhof
H3 Visit of the Law Library: Juristische Bibliothek
H3 Pedicab tour through the old town and nature
H3 Hofbräuhaus Tour
H3 Old Town Tour
H3 Spaten Brewery Tour
H3 Hop-On Hop-Off city bus tours Gray Line
H3 Magic Bavaria Experience Museum
H3 Street Art-Tour
H3 Private guided tour through Munich's Old Town
H3 Vouchers
H3 Berchtesgaden area and Eagle's Nest
H3 Salzburg and the Lake District
H3 Viktualienmarkt Tasting Tour
H3 Oktoberfest Shop
H3 Discovery trip incl. City Pass
H3 Neighbourhood Ambassadors Munich
H3 Hungry for art
H3 Crazy Fasching season
H3 Munich beer culture
H3 Overview: Hotels in Munich
H3 City trip incl. Munich Card and Tower Ascent Text-Duplikat
H3 Frauenkirche: Visit of the South Tower Text-Duplikat
H3 Official Munich City Guide Text-Duplikat
H3 New Town Hall Tour Text-Duplikat
H3 New Town Hall Tour Text-Duplikat
H3 Guided Tours
H3 City Tours
H3 Excursions
H3 Experiences
H3 Travel Packages
H3 Accomodation
H3 Vouchers Text-Duplikat
H3 Highlights
H3 Eight great winter excursions
H3 Ice bathing in Munich
H3 Graffiti and street art in Munich
H3 Joining Rosina Ostler for a Rice Salad
H3 Getting aroung in Munich
H3 Great activities for families
H3 Event calendar
H3 The most important sights in Munich at a glance
H4 Book now!
H4 Order now!
H5 Map
H5 Around me
H5 Find your hotel now
Einige der Linktexte der internen Links sind zu lang.
Die internen Links haben teilweise dynamische Parameter. Alle internen URLs, welche nicht als nofollow markiert sind, sollten keine dynamischen Parameter aufweisen.
Einige der Linktexte wiederholen sich.
9 Links haben keinen Linktext oder nur Inhalt in Alt- und Titelattributen.
Es gibt 1 Links mit einem trivialem Linktext.
Die Anzahl an internen Links ist ok.
Es befinden sich 20 externe Links auf der Seite.
https://www.munich.travel/ensimply Munich
/en/munich-in-all-weathers-the...Subdomain Kein Text
/en/webcam/Kein Text
/en/booking/basketKein Text
/en/munich-in-all-weathers-the...Subdomain Kein Text
https://www.muenchen.travel/Extern Subdomain DE
https://www.munich.travel/itSubdomain IT
https://www.munich.travel/esSubdomain ES
https://www.munich.travel/frSubdomain FR
https://www.munich.travel/polSubdomain POL
/en/categories/discover/urban-...Local Love
/en/categories/discover/urban-...Local Love ambassador
/en/categories/discover/urban-...Urban & Districts
/en/categories/discover/eat-drinkEat & Drink
/en/categories/discover/eat-dr...Beer Culture
/en/categories/discover/eat-dr...Bavarian Cuisine
/en/categories/discover/eat-dr...Beer Gardens
/en/categories/discover/eat-dr...Fine Dining
/en/categories/discover/eat-dr...Bars & Clubs
/en/categories/discover/eat-dr...Munich Recipes
/en/categories/discover/arts-c...Arts & Culture
/en/categories/discover/arts-c...Street Art
/en/categories/discover/shoppi...Shopping & Design
/en/categories/discover/market...Markets & Festivals
/en/categories/discover/sports...Sports & Leisure
/en/categories/discover/sports...Cycling Tours
/en/categories/discover/urban-...City Walks
/en/categories/discover/lakes-...Lakes & Mountains
/en/categories/plan/attractionsTop Attractions
/en/pois/urban-districts/new-t...Neues Rathaus
/en/pois/sports-leisure/englis...English Garden
/en/categories/plan/attractionsAll Top Attractions
/en/categories/plan/event-cale...Event Calendar
/en/categories/plan/things-to-doMunich tips ...
/en/topics/things-to-do/the-mo...for Families
/en/topics/things-to-do/20-tip...for Lovers
/en/topics/things-to-do/rains-...for rainy Days
/en/topics/things-to-do/top-ti...for LGBTQ*
/en/categories/discover/urban-...from Guides
/en/categories/plan/things-to-...from Influencers
/en/categories/plan/things-to-...Tourist Information
/en/categories/plan/things-to-...Sustainable Munich
http://www.muenchen-tourismus-...Extern Subdomain Accessible for All
/en/categories/plan/groups/gui...Group Tours
/en/categories/plan/groups/tou...Tours & Excursions
https://tportal.tomas.travel/m...Extern Subdomain Hotels for Groups
/en/categories/book/guided-toursGuided Tours ...
/en/categories/book/guided-toursfor Individual Guests
/en/categories/plan/groups/gui...for Groups
/en/categories/book/city-tourCity Tours
/en/topics/guestcards/munich-c...Guest Cards
/en/offers/booking/munich-cardMunich Card
/en/offers/booking/munich-city...Munich City Pass
https://www.oktoberfest-shop.e...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Oktoberfest Shop
/en/booking/accommodation/sear...Subdomain Hotels
/en/categories/book/packagesTravel Packages
/en/topics/b2b/muenchen-tourismusAbout us
/en/topics/b2b/media-relationsMedia Relations
/en/topics/b2b/news/film-and-p...Film and Photo Service
/en/topics/b2b/travel-tradeTravel Trade
/en/convention-list-munich?cat...Subdomain Textduplikat Event Calendar
/en/topics/b2b/news/tips-for-t...Itinerary Samples
/en/topics/convention-bureau/n...Hotel Openings
/en/categories/book/guided-toursGuided Tours
/en/topics/guestcards/munich-c...Munich Card & City Pass
/en/categories/b2b/convention-...Convention Bureau
/en/topics/convention-bureau/c...Textduplikat About us
/en/topics/convention-bureau/m...MICE Destination
/en/topics/convention-bureau/e...Event Planning
/en/conferences-conventions-an...Congress Calendar
/en/topics/b2b/data-facts-and-...Market Research
https://www.muenchen.travel/Extern Subdomain Deutsch
https://www.munich.travel/enSubdomain English
https://www.munich.travel/itSubdomain Italiano
https://www.munich.travel/esSubdomain Español
https://www.munich.travel/frSubdomain Français
https://www.munich.travel/polSubdomain Polski
/en/booking/basketKein Text
/en/munich-in-all-weathers-the...Subdomain 5°C
/en/webcam/Kein Text
/en/categories/discover/urban-...Munich's Seasons Winter in Munich Some suggestions for winter in Munich.
/en/categories/plan/attractionsTop Sights
IMG-ALT Redirect to column page
/en/categories/book/guided-toursTextduplikat Guided Tours
IMG-ALT Redirect to column page
IMG-ALT Redirect to column page
IMG-ALT Redirect to column page
/en/booking/accommodation/sear...Subdomain Textduplikat Hotels
IMG-ALT Redirect to column page
IMG-ALT Redirect to column page
/en/categories/book/city-tourTextduplikat City Tours
IMG-ALT Redirect to column page
IMG-ALT Redirect to column page
/en/categories/discover/urban-...Textduplikat Local Love
A-TITLE Local Love
/en/categories/discover/urban-...Urban & Districts Local Love Munich Munich's districts are diverse, contrasting and worth exploring. Immerse yourself!
/en/categories/discover/urban-...Textduplikat Discover
/en/offersBook now!
A-TITLE Book now!
/en/offers/booking/guided-tour...New Town Hall Tour Explore the Neue Rathaus on Marienplatz with an official City of Munich tour guide. A visit of the famous law library is also included! Bo...
/en/offers/booking/guided-tour...Book now
/en/offers/booking/visit-tower...Frauenkirche: Visit of the South Tower Book a visit to the observation deck of Munich's Frauenkirche and enjoy a 360-degree panoramic view of the city. Book ...
/en/offers/booking/visit-tower...Textduplikat Book now
/en/packages/3-days-city-trip-...City trip incl. Munich Card and Tower Ascent Experience Munich up close: two nights in a hotel of your choice, a breathtaking view from the tower of the New ...
/en/packages/3-days-city-trip-...Textduplikat Book now
/en/offers/booking/official-mu...Official Munich City Guide With our new city guide, you can take a relaxed stroll through the most beautiful neighbourhoods and discover insider tips from ou...
/en/offers/booking/official-mu...Order now
/en/offers/booking/day-trip-ro...Romantic Road: Rothenburg and Harburg Hop on and be whisked away by one of the world's most beautiful stretches of street: the Romantic Road to Rothenburg an...
/en/offers/booking/day-trip-ro...Textduplikat Book now
https://www.munich.travel/enAnchor Justizpalast Tour During the guided tour of the present-day seat of the Bavarian State Ministry of Justice, you will learn everything about the history and s...
/en/offers/booking/day-trip-dr...Dream castles Neuschwanstein & Linderhof Immerse yourself in the world of the fairytale king! Book now for 72 €!
/en/offers/booking/day-trip-dr...Textduplikat Book now
/en/offers/booking/visit-of-th...Visit of the Law Library: Juristische Bibliothek Impressive architecture and unique ambience: discover the Law Library in the New Town Hall. Book now from 12 €
/en/offers/booking/visit-of-th...Textduplikat Book now
/en/offers/booking/pedicab-tou...Pedicab tour through the old town and nature Enjoy this special tour and pedicap ride past all the famous sights of Munich's old town and into the Englischer...
/en/offers/booking/pedicab-tou...Textduplikat Book now
/en/offers/booking/hofbraeuhau...Hofbräuhaus Tour Discover the most famous beer hall in the world with an official guide of the city of Munich and enjoy a fresh Mass of beer afterward! Book ...
/en/offers/booking/hofbraeuhau...Textduplikat Book now
/en/offers/booking/old-town-tourOld Town Tour The city walk for everyone who wants to become acquainted with the most beautiful parts of Munich's city centre. Book now for 20 €!
/en/offers/booking/old-town-tourTextduplikat Book now
/en/offers/booking/spaten-brew...Spaten Brewery Tour Experience a brewery tour at Spaten with a look behind the scenes, interesting facts about the company history and beer tasting in the br...
/en/offers/booking/spaten-brew...Textduplikat Book now
/en/offers/booking/hop-on-hop-...Hop-On Hop-Off city bus tours Gray Line The hop-on hop-off city bus tours of Gray Line will let you collect unforgettable impressions of Munich. Book now fro...
/en/offers/booking/hop-on-hop-...Textduplikat Book now
/en/offers/booking/magic-bavar...Magic Bavaria Experience Museum Experience Bavaria from a completely new perspective at Magic Bavaria, Munich's first upside-down adventure museum! Book now ...
/en/offers/booking/magic-bavar...Textduplikat Book now
https://www.munich.travel/enAnchor Book now! Street Art-Tour Did you know that Munich was a pioneer of the European graffiti scene? Discover different art up close in the city with our street ...
/en/offers/booking/private-gui...Private guided tour through Munich's Old Town Exclusive and safe: Discover the most beautiful sights and corners of Munich's city centre with your official p...
/en/offers/booking/private-gui...Textduplikat Book now
/en/offers/booking/vouchers-fo...Vouchers Buy now vouchers for your visit in Munich. The ideal gift! Guided tours, guest cards and more... Buy vouchers from 7 €
/en/offers/booking/vouchers-fo...Textduplikat Book now
/en/offers/booking/day-trip-be...Berchtesgaden area and Eagle's Nest The day trip takes you along the Alpine Road to Berchtesgaden area with its dreamlike scenery. Book now from 65 €!
/en/offers/booking/day-trip-be...Textduplikat Book now
/en/offers/booking/day-trip-sa...Salzburg and the Lake District Visit the birthplace of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and relax on the journey to beautiful Lake Wolfgang. Book now from 58 €
/en/offers/booking/day-trip-sa...Textduplikat Book now
/en/offers/booking/viktualienm...Viktualienmarkt Tasting Tour Discover the most delicious delicacies of the city and learn all kinds of interesting facts about Munich's most famous food mark...
/en/offers/booking/viktualienm...Textduplikat Book now
https://shop.oktoberfest.de/en/Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Order now! Oktoberfest Shop Bring a piece of Oktoberfest home: Purchase official souvenirs such as the Wiesn poster or the Oktoberfest beer stein in the offi...
https://shop.oktoberfest.de/en/Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Textduplikat Order now
/en/packages/munich-for-explor...Discovery trip incl. City Pass 2 nights in your selected hotel and - thanks to the City Pass - free admission to 45 museums, sights and attractions: our trav...
/en/packages/munich-for-explor...Textduplikat Book now
/en/categories/discover/urban-...Textduplikat Local Love
A-TITLE Local Love
/en/categories/discover/urban-...IMG-ALT The Munich local love ambassadors have gathered in front of a wall of graffiti for a group photo.
/en/categories/discover/urban-...Local Love Neighbourhood Ambassadors Munich Immerse yourself in the colorful variety of Munich's neighborhoods, and be guided by the inspiring recommendation...
/en/categories/discover/urban-...Textduplikat Discover
/en/categories/discover/arts-c...Textduplikat Arts & Culture
A-TITLE Arts & Culture
/en/topics/arts-culture/exhibi...IMG-ALT A work of art made of neon tubes shows a mouth and the word KissKiss inside it.
/en/topics/arts-culture/exhibi...A sneak preview of Munich's 2025 gallery exhibitions Hungry for art From the Old Masters to the new young things: Munich's museums showcase art from all bran...
/en/topics/arts-culture/exhibi...Textduplikat Discover
/en/categories/discover/market...Textduplikat Markets & Festivals
A-TITLE Markets & Festivals
/en/topics/markets-festivals/m...IMG-ALT People in carnival costumes on an outdoor stage in driving snow.
/en/topics/markets-festivals/m...Fasching Carnival in Munich 2025 Crazy Fasching season Fasching, the Carnival season in Germany, is a time of joy, costumes, and lively celebrations. Munich ...
/en/topics/markets-festivals/m...Textduplikat Discover
/en/categories/discover/eat-drinkTextduplikat Eat & Drink
A-TITLE Eat & Drink
/en/categories/discover/eat-dr...IMG-ALT A beer mug and beer barrels in the Bier- und Oktoberfestmuseum in Munich.
/en/categories/discover/eat-dr...Experience Munich beer Munich beer culture Discover Munich's traditional and craft beer breweries, the Beer and Oktoberfest Museum and experience exciting br...
/en/categories/discover/eat-dr...Trivialer Linktext
/en/accomodationTextduplikat Hotels
A-TITLE Hotels
/en/booking/accommodation/sear...Neues Fenster Subdomain IMG-ALT View of the Junior Suite at the DO&CO Hotel am Marienplatz in Munich.
/en/booking/accommodation/sear...Neues Fenster Subdomain Book now! Overview: Hotels in Munich Find your perfect accommodation in Munich: from affordable hotels and guesthouses to 5-star hotels with glamorous luxury.
/en/booking/accommodation/sear...Neues Fenster Subdomain Textduplikat Book now
/en/categories/book/packagesTextduplikat Travel Packages
A-TITLE Travel Packages
/en/packages/3-days-city-trip-...Travel Packages City trip incl. Munich Card and Tower Ascent Experience Munich up close: two nights in a hotel of your choice, a breathtaking view from the t...
/en/packages/3-days-city-trip-...Textduplikat Book now
/en/topics/guestcards/munich-c...IMG-ALT München Card und München Pass
/en/topics/guestcards/munich-c...Munich Card & City Pass Discover Munich in a relaxed and uncomplicated way: discounts for the diverse range of art, culture and leisure activities with our g...
/en/topics/guestcards/munich-c...Book now from 5,90 Euro
/en/topics/guestcards/munich-c...Kein Text
/en/topics/guestcards/munich-c...Kein Text
/en/topics/guestcards/munich-c...Kein Text
/en/topics/guestcards/munich-c...Free Public transport
/en/topics/guestcards/munich-c...Reduced or included!
/en/topics/guestcards/munich-c...Buy now
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/en/offers/booking/visit-tower...Book now for 7,50 €!
IMG-ALT Towers of the Frauenkirche in Munich taken from the air.
/en/offers/booking/visit-tower...simply high up Frauenkirche: Visit of the South Tower Book a visit to the observation deck of Munich's Frauenkirche and enjoy a 360-degree panoramic view of ...
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/en/offers/booking/official-mu...Order now for 8,90€ incl. shipping!
IMG-ALT Three copies of the official Munich city guide are slightly stacked on top of each other so that the image of the Frauenkirche remains visible on each one.
/en/offers/booking/official-mu...Order now Official Munich City Guide With our new city guide, you can take a relaxed stroll through the most beautiful neighbourhoods and discover insider ti...
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/en/categories/book/guided-toursTextduplikat Guided Tours
A-TITLE Guided Tours
/en/offers/booking/guided-tour...Book now from 25 €
IMG-ALT Small meeting room of the Neues Rathaus in Munich
/en/offers/booking/guided-tour...Guided Tours New Town Hall Tour New Town Hall Tour Explore the Neue Rathaus on Marienplatz with an official tour guide. A visit of the famous law library is ...
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/en/booking/accommodation/sear...Neues Fenster Subdomain Accomodation
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/en/offers/booking/vouchers-fo...Vouchers Give the gift of a special Munich voucher: we also offer vouchers for all our guided tours. Here you can book unique Munich experiences directly onl...
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/en/categories/book/our-highli...Textduplikat Highlights
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/en/categories/discover/lakes-...Textduplikat Lakes & Mountains
A-TITLE Lakes & Mountains
/en/topics/lakes-mountains/win...Munich's environs: Tips for the cold season Eight great winter excursions From snow-covered Neuschwanstein Castle to the icy Partnachklamm gorge: eight excur...
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/en/categories/discover/sports...Textduplikat Sports & Leisure
A-TITLE Sports & Leisure
/en/topics/sports-leisure/give...IMG-ALT Three men ice bathing in the Eisbach in winter
/en/topics/sports-leisure/give...Self-experiment: Winter swimming Ice bathing in Munich Winter swimming enjoying surprising popularity, our author joined the lads from Munich Hot Springs to ...
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/en/categories/discover/arts-c...Textduplikat Arts & Culture
A-TITLE Arts & Culture
/en/topics/arts-culture/graffi...IMG-ALT Streetart in Corneliusstraße in Munich
/en/topics/arts-culture/graffi...Urban art Graffiti and street art in Munich Believe it or not, Munich was a pioneer of the German graffiti scene. From a juicy punishment for the first whole...
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/en/categories/discover/eat-drinkTextduplikat Eat & Drink
A-TITLE Eat & Drink
/en/topics/eat-drink/dallmayr-...IMG-ALT Michelin-starred chef Rosina Ostler wearing a chef's apron in the Alois restaurant at Dallmayr
/en/topics/eat-drink/dallmayr-...Lunch break with a star chef: Restaurant Alois Joining Rosina Ostler for a Rice Salad Rosina Ostler from Alois is the only two-star chef in Munich. She has n...
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/en/categories/discover/urban-...Textduplikat Urban & Districts
A-TITLE Urban & Districts
/en/topics/urban-districts/get...IMG-ALT A cyclist standing at the traffic light at the Reichenbach Bridge in Munich
/en/topics/urban-districts/get...The best way to get around Munich Getting aroung in Munich Bike, car, e-scooter, bus, S-Bahn or on foot? We have collected the most important tips and inform...
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/en/categories/plan/things-to-doMunich Guides
A-TITLE Munich Guides
/en/topics/things-to-do/the-mo...IMG-ALT A child points to a screen in an exhibition about bees at the Natural History Museum.
/en/topics/things-to-do/the-mo...Munich Guides Great activities for families Munich is one of the most popular destinations with children. These are our suggestions for families at any time ...
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/en/categories/plan/event-cale...Event calendar
A-TITLE Event calendar
/en/categories/plan/event-cale...IMG-ALT Panorama of Munich with the Frauenkirche and Theatinerkirche.
/en/categories/plan/event-cale...Tips for every month Event calendar Find things to do in Munich by month with our special event calendar. See Munich's top events.
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A-TITLE Top Attractions
/en/categories/plan/attractionsAttractions The most important sights in Munich at a glance Places in Munich that you should definitely visit at least once!
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Simply Munich: The Official Travel Guide
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