- SEO Check

Übersicht der SEO Analyse
Externe Faktoren
SEO Score
2,05 s
235,10 kB
Anzahl Links
273 Intern / 16 Extern

To-do Liste mit SEO Optimierungen

Meta-Angaben im HTML

(Extrem wichtig)
Distance Learning | Leading Online Study | Open Polytechnic NZ
Die Länge des Titels ist optimal. (580 Pixel von maximal 580 Pixel Länge)
Es gibt keine Wortwiederholungen im Titel.
(Extrem wichtig)
Distance Learning with NZ's leading provider of distance and online learning. Certificates to degrees. Make your move and study on your own terms today.
Die Meta-Description hat eine optimale Länge. (949 Pixel von maximal 1000 Pixel Länge)
(Extrem wichtig)
Es gibt keine Probleme beim Zugriff auf die Webseite.
Canonical Link
Der angegebene Canonical Link verweist auf eine andere URL.
(Wenig wichtig)
Im Text erkannte Sprache: en
Im HTML angegebene Sprache: en-nz
Serverstandort: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Die Sprache wird im HTML Code wie folgt angegeben: en-nz
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Seite nutzt keine Alternate Links.
Weitere Metatags
(Wenig wichtig)
Es gibt keinen rel next Meta Tag auf der Seite.
Es gibt keinen rel prev Meta Tag auf der Seite.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Domain ist sehr lang.
Die Domain ist keine Subdomain.
Die Domain enthält keine Umlaute.
Seiten URL
(Wenig wichtig)
In der URL wurden keine Parameter entdeckt.
In der URL wurde keine Session ID entdeckt.
Die URL hat nicht zu viele Unterverzeichnisse.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Angaben zur Zeichensatzkodierung (UTF-8) sind fehlerfrei.
(Nice to have)
Die Doctype Angabe HTML 5 ist korrekt angegeben.
Die Doctype Angabe befindet sich an erster Stelle im HTML-Code.
(Nice to have)
Das Favoriten Icon (Favicon) ist korrekt verlinkt.

Meta Tags

generatorSilverstripe CMS 5.3
descriptionDistance Learning with NZ's leading provider of distance and online learning. Certificates to degrees. Make your move and study on your own terms today.
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0
Content-Typetext/html; charset=UTF-8

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(Extrem wichtig)
Einige Wörter aus dem Seitentitel werden nicht im Text bzw. Inhalt der Seite verwendet
Es befinden sich 6 Text-Duplikate auf der Seite:
  • Duplikat 1: Studying by distance learning is new for many of our learners. Find ou...
  • Duplikat 2: Get information on applying for loans, apply for a scholarship to supp...
  • Duplikat 3: With distance learning you decide how many courses to study at once. G...
Der Inhalt ist mit 1451 Wörtern in Ordnung.
Der Text besteht zu 28.7% aus Füllwörtern.
Im Text befindet sich eine Aufzählung, dies deutet auf eine gute Textstruktur hin.
Es wurden 8 Fließtextblöcke auf der Seite gefunden.
Es wurden keine Platzhalter Texte bzw. Bilder gefunden.
Die durchschnittliche Satzlänge ist mit 16.85 Wörtern gut.
(Extrem wichtig)
Die Seite hat kein Frameset.
(Wenig wichtig)
Es ist kein Apple-Touch Icon angegeben.
Die Webseite lädt 19 Javascript Dateien, dies kann die Ladezeit negativ beeinträchtigen.
Der angegebene Viewport (width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0) ist korrekt.
Bold- und Strongtags
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Nutzung von Strong- und Bold-Tags ist optimal. Wir empfehlen für diese Webseite die Verwendung von bis zu 29 Tags.
Bilder Optimierung
(Wenig wichtig)
Alle gefundenen Bilder haben Alt-Attribute. (Alternativer Bild Text)
Soziale Vernetzung
(Nice to have)
Es befinden sich wenige Social-Sharing Möglichkeiten auf der Seite. Mit Plugins zum Teilen kann die Reichweite der Seite in sozialen Netzwerken erhöht werden.
Zusätzliches Markup
(Nice to have)
Es wurde kein zusätzliches Markup gefunden.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Seite verwendet HTTPS um Daten sicher zu übertragen.
Alle eingebundenen Dateien werden ebenfalls über HTTPS ausgeliefert.


...ges/svg/oplogo-original.svg?m=1736185360Go to Open Polytechnic home page.
...ges/svg/oplogo-original.svg?m=1736185360Go to Home page.
...n/images/logo-tepukenga.png?m=1736185360Te Pūkenga
...mon/images/logo-nz-govt.png?m=1736185360Te Kāwanatanga o Aotearoa - New Zealand Government
...mon/images/logo-nz-govt.png?m=1736185360Te Kāwanatanga o Aotearoa - New Zealand Government


H1 Überschrift
(Extrem wichtig)
Die H1 Überschrift ist leer
Einige Überschriftentexte kommen doppelt auf der Seite vor.
Einige Überschriften haben keinen Inhalt.


Überschriften HierarchieInhalt
H1 Leere Überschrift
H2 Nau mai, haere mai, welcome.
H2 How we'll support your study
H2 Our Stories
H2 Our Stories Text-Duplikat
H2 Te Pūkenga Update
H3 Make your move
H3 with Aotearoa New Zealand's leader in online and distance learning.
H3 Studying by distance learning
H3 Studying by distance learning Text-Duplikat
H3 Get prepared
H3 Get prepared Text-Duplikat
H3 Loans, scholarships and fees
H3 Loans, scholarships and fees Text-Duplikat
H3 Full or part-time study
H3 Full or part-time study Text-Duplikat
Einige der Linktexte der internen Links sind zu lang.
Die internen Links haben teilweise dynamische Parameter. Alle internen URLs, welche nicht als nofollow markiert sind, sollten keine dynamischen Parameter aufweisen.
Einige der Linktexte wiederholen sich.
4 Links haben keinen Linktext oder nur Inhalt in Alt- und Titelattributen.
Die Anzahl an internen Links ist ok.
Es befinden sich 16 externe Links auf der Seite.
https://myop.openpolytechnic.a...Extern Subdomain MyOP Login
/contact-us/Subdomain Contact us
/Subdomain IMG-ALT Go to Open Polytechnic home page.
A-TITLE Distance Learning | Leading Online Study | Open Polytechnic NZ
/my-enrolment/No courses selected 0
A-TITLE 0 Courses selected
https://myop.openpolytechnic.a...Extern Subdomain Textduplikat MyOP Login
/study-with-us/Study with us Whakakotahi mai
A-TITLE Study with us Whakakotahi mai
/study-with-us/distance-learni...What is distance learning?
A-TITLE What is distance learning?
/study-with-us/study-support-a...Study support and resources
A-TITLE Study support and resources
/study-with-us/fees-and-funding/Fees and funding
A-TITLE Fees and funding
/study-with-us/student-stories/Learner stories
A-TITLE Learner stories
/qualifications-and-courses/Choose courses Kōwhiria ō akomanga
A-TITLE Choose courses Kōwhiria ō akomanga
/how-to-apply/How to apply Tonoa mai
A-TITLE How to apply Tonoa mai
/how-to-apply/how-to-apply/How to apply to enrol
A-TITLE How to apply to enrol
/how-to-apply/course-start-end...Course start, end and withdrawal dates
A-TITLE Course start, end and withdrawal dates
/how-to-apply/recognising-prev...Recognising previous study and experience
A-TITLE Recognising previous study and experience
/how-to-apply/english-language...English language requirements
A-TITLE English language requirements
/how-to-apply/what-documents-y...Providing proof of your identity
A-TITLE Providing proof of your identity
/how-to-apply/terms-and-condit...Terms and conditions of enrolment
A-TITLE Terms and conditions of enrolment
/study-with-us/fees-and-funding/Textduplikat Fees and funding
A-TITLE Fees and funding
/how-to-apply/changing-your-en...Changes to your enrolment
A-TITLE Changes to your enrolment
/how-to-apply/international-an...International and studying from overseas
A-TITLE International and studying from overseas
/about-us/About us Mō mātou
A-TITLE About us Mō mātou
/about-us/about-open-polytechnic/About Open Polytechnic
A-TITLE About Open Polytechnic
/about-us/open-polytechnic-and...Open Polytechnic and Te Pūkenga
A-TITLE Open Polytechnic and Te Pūkenga
https://careers.openpolytechni...Extern Subdomain Jobs at Open Polytechnic
A-TITLE Jobs at Open Polytechnic
/about-us/our-learners/Our learners
A-TITLE Our learners
/about-us/news-publications-an...News, publications and research
A-TITLE News, publications and research
/maori/Ākonga Māori
A-TITLE Ākonga Māori
/maori/what-to-think-about-bef...Hei whaiwhakaaro i mua i tō ako - Some things to think about before you study
A-TITLE Hei whaiwhakaaro i mua i tō ako - Some things to think about before you study
/maori/deciding-what-to-study/Te whakatau he aha hei ako māu - Deciding what to study
A-TITLE Te whakatau he aha hei ako māu - Deciding what to study
/maori/scholarships-for-maori/Whakawhiwhinga ākonga Māori - Scholarships and awards for ākonga Māori
A-TITLE Whakawhiwhinga ākonga Māori - Scholarships and awards for ākonga Māori
/maori/maori-student-support/Te tautoko i te angitū o ngā ākonga Māori - Supporting Māori learner success
A-TITLE Te tautoko i te angitū o ngā ākonga Māori - Supporting Māori learner success
A-TITLE Pasifika
/pasifika/message-from-pule-ma...Message from Pule Ma’ata - Pasifika
A-TITLE Message from Pule Ma’ata - Pasifika
/pasifika/meet-our-kaimahi-pas...Meet our kaimahi Pasifika
A-TITLE Meet our kaimahi Pasifika
/pasifika/pasifika-success/Pasifika success
A-TITLE Pasifika success
/pasifika/pasifika-student-sup...Pasifika learner support
A-TITLE Pasifika learner support
/pasifika/pasifika-scholarships/Scholarships for Pasifika
A-TITLE Scholarships for Pasifika
/current-students/Current learners
A-TITLE Current learners
/current-students/learner-supp...Learner study support
A-TITLE Learner study support
/current-students/open-polytec...Online study tools and services
A-TITLE Online study tools and services
/current-students/manage-your-...Manage your studies
A-TITLE Manage your studies
/current-students/study-tips-a...Study tips and techniques
A-TITLE Study tips and techniques
A-TITLE Assessments
A-TITLE Results
A-TITLE Wellbeing
A-TITLE Graduation
/current-students/student-righ...Learner rights and conduct
A-TITLE Learner rights and conduct
A-TITLE Commercial
/commercial/business-services/Business services
A-TITLE Business services
/commercial/education-services/Education services
A-TITLE Education services
/Subdomain IMG-ALT Go to Home page.
A-TITLE Distance Learning | Leading Online Study | Open Polytechnic NZ
/study-with-us/Study with us
/study-with-us/distance-learni...Textduplikat What is distance learning?
/study-with-us/distance-learni...Studying by distance learning
/study-with-us/distance-learni...Get prepared for study
/study-with-us/distance-learni...How much time will you need?
/study-with-us/distance-learni...About our qualifications
/study-with-us/distance-learni...How to decide what to study
/study-with-us/study-support-a...Textduplikat Study support and resources
/study-with-us/study-support-a...How we'll support your studies
/study-with-us/study-support-a...Online tools and resources
/maori/maori-student-support/Textduplikat Te tautoko i te angitū o ngā ākonga Māori - Supporting Māori learner success
/pasifika/pasifika-student-sup...Textduplikat Pasifika learner support
/current-students/learner-supp...Disability and Access Services
/study-with-us/study-support-a...Access to local campus services
/study-with-us/fees-and-funding/Textduplikat Fees and funding
/study-with-us/fees-and-fundin...Fees free study
/study-with-us/fees-and-fundin...Paying your fees
/study-with-us/fees-and-fundin...Student loans
/study-with-us/fees-and-fundin...Scholarships, awards and financial assistance
/study-with-us/student-stories/Textduplikat Learner stories
/qualifications-and-courses/Choose courses
/how-to-apply/How to apply
/how-to-apply/how-to-apply/Textduplikat How to apply to enrol
/how-to-apply/course-start-end...Textduplikat Course start, end and withdrawal dates
/how-to-apply/recognising-prev...Textduplikat Recognising previous study and experience
/how-to-apply/english-language...Textduplikat English language requirements
/how-to-apply/what-documents-y...Textduplikat Providing proof of your identity
/how-to-apply/terms-and-condit...Textduplikat Terms and conditions of enrolment
/study-with-us/fees-and-funding/Textduplikat Fees and funding
/how-to-apply/changing-your-en...Textduplikat Changes to your enrolment
/how-to-apply/international-an...Textduplikat International and studying from overseas
/about-us/About us
/about-us/about-open-polytechnic/Textduplikat About Open Polytechnic
/about-us/about-open-polytechn...Who we are
/about-us/about-open-polytechn...Changes to benefit Open Polytechnic learners
/about-us/about-open-polytechn...Our people
/about-us/about-open-polytechn...Disclaimer and copyright statement
/about-us/open-polytechnic-and...Textduplikat Open Polytechnic and Te Pūkenga
https://www.tepū Subdomain Notice of meetings
https://careers.openpolytechni...Extern Subdomain Textduplikat Jobs at Open Polytechnic
/about-us/our-learners/Textduplikat Our learners
/about-us/our-learners/who-are...Who are our learners?
/about-us/our-learners/our-mao...Our Māori learners
/about-us/our-learners/our-pas...Our Pasifika learners
/about-us/news-publications-an...Textduplikat News, publications and research
/about-us/news-publications-an...Media Contact
/about-us/news-publications-an...First Impressions Survey
/about-us/news-publications-an...Academic research
/maori/Textduplikat Ākonga Māori
/maori/what-to-think-about-bef...Textduplikat Hei whaiwhakaaro i mua i tō ako - Some things to think about before you study
/maori/deciding-what-to-study/Textduplikat Te whakatau he aha hei ako māu - Deciding what to study
/maori/scholarships-for-maori/Textduplikat Whakawhiwhinga ākonga Māori - Scholarships and awards for ākonga Māori
/maori/maori-student-support/Textduplikat Te tautoko i te angitū o ngā ākonga Māori - Supporting Māori learner success
/pasifika/Textduplikat Pasifika
/pasifika/message-from-pule-ma...Textduplikat Message from Pule Ma’ata - Pasifika
/pasifika/meet-our-kaimahi-pas...Textduplikat Meet our kaimahi Pasifika
/pasifika/pasifika-success/Textduplikat Pasifika success
/pasifika/pasifika-student-sup...Textduplikat Pasifika learner support
/pasifika/pasifika-scholarships/Textduplikat Scholarships for Pasifika
/current-students/Textduplikat Current learners
/current-students/learner-supp...Textduplikat Learner study support
/current-students/learner-supp...Getting started with online learning
/current-students/learner-supp...Course and study support
/maori/maori-student-support/Supporting Māori learner success
/pasifika/pasifika-student-sup...Textduplikat Pasifika learner support
/current-students/learner-supp...Textduplikat Disability and Access Services
/current-students/learner-supp...Meet some of our learners
/current-students/learner-supp...Dyslexia and the Dyslexia-Friendly Quality Mark
/current-students/learner-supp...Library & Learning Centre
/current-students/learner-supp...Mental health support
/current-students/learner-supp...Textduplikat Access to local campus services
/current-students/open-polytec...Textduplikat Online study tools and services
/current-students/open-polytec...Using iQualify
/current-students/open-polytec...MyOP learner portal and app download
/current-students/open-polytec...Accessing your learner email and free online Microsoft software
/current-students/open-polytec...Assistive technology tools
/current-students/learner-supp...Textduplikat Library & Learning Centre
/current-students/open-polytec...Helperbird free assistive technology tool
/current-students/open-polytec...eduroam free Wi-Fi
/current-students/manage-your-...Textduplikat Manage your studies
/current-students/manage-your-...How to re-enrol
/how-to-apply/course-start-end...Textduplikat Course start, end and withdrawal dates
/current-students/manage-your-...Withdrawing from your course
/current-students/manage-your-...Withdrawals and course transfers
/how-to-apply/changing-your-en...Textduplikat Changes to your enrolment
/current-students/manage-your-...Learner forms
/current-students/manage-your-...Get your student ID card
/current-students/study-tips-a...Textduplikat Study tips and techniques
/current-students/study-tips-a...Get ready for learning
/current-students/study-tips-a...Get started
/current-students/study-tips-a...Make a plan
/current-students/study-tips-a...Set study goals
/current-students/study-tips-a...Study, research, reading and note taking skills
/current-students/study-tips-a...Reading skills
/current-students/study-tips-a...Active learning
/current-students/study-tips-a...Taking notes
/current-students/study-tips-a...Mind mapping
/current-students/study-tips-a...Evaluating information
/current-students/study-tips-a...Critical thinking for reading and research
/current-students/study-tips-a...Writing assessments
/current-students/study-tips-a...Step-by-step guide to tackling assessments
/current-students/study-tips-a...Assessment types
/current-students/study-tips-a...Plan your assessment
/current-students/study-tips-a...Understand your assessment task
/current-students/study-tips-a...Writing skills
/current-students/study-tips-a...Formatting and presenting assessments
/current-students/assessments/Assessments information
/current-students/learner-supp...Get help with academic writing and research skills
/current-students/study-tips-a...Referencing and plagiarism
/current-students/study-tips-a...How to reference
/current-students/study-tips-a...Exam study
/current-students/study-tips-a...Preparing for exams
/current-students/study-tips-a...Types of exam questions
/current-students/study-tips-a...Planning your time for an exam
/current-students/exams/Information for sitting exams
/current-students/study-tips-a...Research ethics for doing research projects
/current-students/assessments/Textduplikat Assessments
/current-students/assessments/...Writing and submitting assessments
/current-students/assessments/...Assessment extensions and Special Consideration
/current-students/assessments/...Submitting your work in te reo Māori
/current-students/assessments/...Grading scales
/current-students/assessments/...Academic Integrity
/current-students/study-tips-a...Assessment writing
/current-students/study-tips-a...Textduplikat Referencing
/current-students/assessments/...Word limits and word count guidelines
/current-students/assessments/...Using AI - Artificial Intelligence services
/current-students/exams/Textduplikat Exams
/current-students/exams/exam-d...Exam dates and venue information
/current-students/exams/exam-m...Exam admittance information and permitted materials
/current-students/exams/inform...Information for exam day
/current-students/exams/sittin...Sitting exams from overseas
/current-students/exams/gettin...Getting assistance with exams
/current-students/exams/online...Online exams
/current-students/exams/grades...Exam reconsiderations, resits and the return of exam papers
/current-students/exams/aegrot...Aegrotat consideration
/current-students/exams/gettin...Getting your final results
/current-students/study-tips-a...Subdomain Textduplikat Exam study
/current-students/results/Textduplikat Results
/current-students/wellbeing/Textduplikat Wellbeing
/current-students/wellbeing/ne...Te whare tapa whā
/current-students/wellbeing/th...The Fonofale model of health
/current-students/wellbeing/ta...Taha tinana – physical wellbeing
/current-students/wellbeing/ta...Taha hinengaro – mental wellbeing
/current-students/wellbeing/ta...Taha whānau – family, community and social wellbeing
/current-students/wellbeing/ta...Taha wairua – spiritual wellbeing
/current-students/learner-supp...Free mental health support
/current-students/wellbeing/ra...Rainbow learner support
/current-students/graduation/Textduplikat Graduation
/current-students/graduation/a...Applying to graduate
/current-students/graduation/a...Attending a graduation ceremony
/current-students/graduation/g...Academic transcripts
/current-students/graduation/g...Graduation Live Stream
/current-students/student-righ...Textduplikat Learner rights and conduct
/current-students/student-righ...Tertiary and International Learners Code of Practice
/current-students/student-righ...Complaints and concerns
/commercial/Textduplikat Commercial
/commercial/business-services/Textduplikat Business services
/commercial/business-services/...Learning Engine LMS
/commercial/business-services/...CPD and training services
/commercial/business-services/...Digital design, video, animation and software development
/commercial/education-services...Instructional design
/commercial/education-services/Textduplikat Education services
/commercial/education-services...Textduplikat Instructional design
/commercial/education-services...Content licensing
/commercial/business-services/...Digital design, video and animation
/commercial/business-services/...Textduplikat Learning Engine LMS
/contact-usTextduplikat Contact us
/study-with-us/student-stories...Subdomain Meet Sam Johnstone, Bachelor of Business (Management) graduate
/study-with-us/student-stories...Subdomain Meet Olivia de Rooy, New Zealand Diploma in Construction (Level 6) (Quantity Surveying) graduate
/study-with-us/student-stories...Subdomain Meet Jeremy Bernstein, New Zealand Certificate in Financial Services (Level 5) graduate
/study-with-us/student-stories...Subdomain Meet Anehera Otimi, Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood Education) graduate
A-TITLE Accounting
/qualifications-and-courses/co...Built Environment and Trades
A-TITLE Built Environment and Trades
/qualifications-and-courses/bu...Business and Management
A-TITLE Business and Management
A-TITLE Communication
A-TITLE Design
/qualifications-and-courses/ea...Early Childhood Education
A-TITLE Early Childhood Education
A-TITLE Education
A-TITLE Engineering
A-TITLE Environment
/qualifications-and-courses/fi...Financial Services
A-TITLE Financial Services
/qualifications-and-courses/fo...Foundation and Bridging
A-TITLE Foundation and Bridging
/qualifications-and-courses/he...Health, Wellbeing and Community Services
A-TITLE Health, Wellbeing and Community Services
A-TITLE Horticulture
/qualifications-and-courses/in...Information and Communication Technology
A-TITLE Information and Communication Technology
/qualifications-and-courses/in...Library and Information Studies
A-TITLE Library and Information Studies
A-TITLE Pharmacy
A-TITLE Psychology
/qualifications-and-courses/re...Real Estate
A-TITLE Real Estate
/qualifications-and-courses/so...Social Work
A-TITLE Social Work
/qualifications-and-courses/te...Te Reo Māori
A-TITLE Te Reo Māori
/qualifications-and-courses/See all subjects
/study-with-us/distance-learni...Subdomain Studying by distance learning Studying by distance learning is new for many of our learners. Find out how you will study when you choose the flexibility of d...
/study-with-us/distance-learni...Subdomain Kein Text
/study-with-us/distance-learni...Subdomain Get prepared Tips for what to consider to help make sure online distance learning will work for you.
/study-with-us/distance-learni...Subdomain Kein Text
/study-with-us/fees-and-funding/Subdomain Loans, scholarships and fees Get information on applying for loans, apply for a scholarship to support your studies or check out the fee free study options.
/study-with-us/fees-and-funding/Subdomain Kein Text
/study-with-us/deciding-what-t...Subdomain Full or part-time study With distance learning you decide how many courses to study at once. Get some tips for what to think about if you are deciding to stu...
/study-with-us/deciding-what-t...Subdomain Kein Text
/study-with-us/study-support-a...Subdomain How we'll support your study
/study-with-us/study-support-a...Subdomain Learn more
A-TITLE Find out more
/study-with-us/student-stories...Teaching and caring for tamariki Rangikihia Kalman Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood Education)
/study-with-us/student-stories...Building confidence one step at a time Miriama Okesene Bachelor of Applied Science (Psychology), New Zealand Diploma in Psychology (Level 5)
/study-with-us/student-stories...Bachelor of Business graduate’s flame burns bright for management Sam Johnstone Bachelor of Business (Management)
/study-with-us/student-stories...Psychology degree adds to leadership skills Rebecca Lambert-Lane Bachelor of Applied Science (Psychology)
/study-with-us/student-stories/See all stories
/about-us/news-publications-an...Textduplikat Learn more
A-TITLE Learn more
/contact-usSubdomain Textduplikat Contact us
/study-with-us/Textduplikat Study with us
/qualifications-and-courses/Textduplikat Choose courses
/how-to-apply/Textduplikat How to apply
/about-us/Textduplikat About us
/maori/Textduplikat Ākonga Māori
/current-students/Textduplikat Current learners
/pasifika/Textduplikat Pasifika
/commercial/Textduplikat Commercial Fenster Extern Subdomain Kein Text Fenster Extern Subdomain Kein Text Fenster Extern Subdomain Kein Text Fenster Extern Subdomain Kein Text
https://myop.openpolytechnic.a...Extern Subdomain Textduplikat MyOP Login
A-TITLE Go to Sitemap page.
https://tepū Fenster Extern IMG-ALT Te Pūkenga
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dateTue, 14 Jan 2025 21:34:19 GMT
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Distance Learning with NZ's leading provider of distance and online learning. Certificates to degrees. Make your move and study on your own terms today.

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