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Research and data to make progress against the world’s largest problems
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descriptionResearch and data to make progress against the world’s largest problems
citation_titleOWID Homepage
citation_journal_titleOur World in Data
citation_journal_abbrevOur World in Data
citation_authorMax Roser
twitter:titleOur World in Data
twitter:descriptionResearch and data to make progress against the world’s largest problems
og:titleOur World in Data
og:descriptionResearch and data to make progress against the world’s largest problems
og:site_nameOur World in Data

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https://ourworldindata.org/media-logos.svgLogos of the publications that have used our content. From left to right: Science, Nature, PNAS, BBC, Financial Times, The New York Times, The Guardian, The Atlantic, and The Washington Post
...ec941-5824-4d88-c91d-6012bd888e00/w=3600Featured image
...811a1-3a67-48ca-3698-613a99e12300/w=1200A line graph with three distinct colored lines representing different data sets over a period. No scale or other text is shown.
...63558-a212-4b19-cce6-6dd51bd28200/w=1200Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...e4eca-4e37-483d-f622-966a7db3fc00/w=3600Featured image
...1bdaf-70c8-4a8a-7140-05c61ebe7d00/w=1817Thumbnail for article '17 key charts to understand the COVID-19 pandemic'
...40bbb-8661-49b7-4d05-d327415b6700/w=1700A line chart showing Japan's birth rate from 1950 to 2023. Highlighted is a sharp dip in 1966, where birth rate drops over 20%, from 18.5 to 14.5 births per 1000 people. In 1967 the line returns back to around 19 births per 1000 people.
...0fdc5-de1b-4ef7-3b83-6520bbc60400/w=3400Bar chart showing milk consumption per person across regions. Europe is the highest, followed by North America. Asia and Africa are both below the global average.
...b833c-56c9-46c5-03bd-a1b08cf43400/w=1700A line graph titled "Regional trends in average years of schooling, 2000 to 2022" shows the average number of years that adults over 25 participated in formal education across different regions. The vertical axis represents years of schooling, ranging from 0 to 8 years, with marked lines at 2, 4, 6, and 8 years. The horizontal axis indicates the years from 2000 to 2022. Four distinct data series are represented by colored lines: - **Latin America and the Caribbean** - **East Asia and the Pacific** - **South Asia** - **Sub-Saharan Africa** A note on the graph emphasizes that both Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia have seen significant improvements in average years of schooling. The data source is indicated as the UNDP, Human Development Report (2024). Four distinct data series are represented by colored lines: - **Latin America and the Caribbean** (purple line) shows a consistent increase, reaching just above 8 years in 2022. - **East Asia and the Pacific** (blue line) gradually rises, reaching around 6 years in 2022. - **South Asia** (red line) increases to slightly below 6 years, reflecting slow growth over the years. - **Sub-Saharan Africa** (green line) shows a gradual increase, with a 50% rise since 2000, adding about 2 years, reaching close to 4 years by 2022. A note on the graph emphasizes that both Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia have seen significant improvements in average years of schooling. The data source is indicated as the UNDP, Human Development Report (2024). The graph is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY).
...ef960-6ab3-4075-f789-b6009c8b7b00/w=1700Since 2010, primary school enrollment in Sub-Saharan Africa has stalled, and is still far behind the levels that North America and Western Europe achieved decades ago
...0da7b-2e71-43ae-9f7b-223262d6f300/w=1700Cancer death rates rise sharply with age. So, as the population grows and ages, we would expect the rate of cancer deaths to rise. If we look at how death rates have changed for people of the same ages, the picture looks different. National data from the United States, which comes from the WHO Mortality Database, is shown in the chart. You can see that the “crude death rate”, which doesn’t adjust for aging, shows a rise and modest decline in cancer death rates since 1950. But the “age-standardized death rate” shows a significant decline since its peak in 1990; it has fallen by one-third. This means that, within the same age groups, people in 2021 had a cancer death rate one-third lower than those in 1990. In other words, at the same ages, people are one-third less likely to die from cancer. This decline results from several factors: better screening and earlier diagnosis, medical advances in cancer treatments, and public health efforts to reduce risk factors, like smoking and exposure to carcinogens.
...b1aa9-94b2-4d5b-57ee-d37eab7cbf00/w=2550Chart showing the average number of cows, pigs, and chickens slaughtered for meat worldwide per second in 2022. It's 10 cows, 47 pigs, and 2400 chickens per second.
...b2c52-97d8-4261-ae5f-7f56cc047400/w=1700Cancer is one of the most common causes of death worldwide. In several countries, it is the most common cause of death. But which cancers cause the most deaths? This map shows the data for men. It presents the most common type of cancer death, based on the cause listed on death certificates, compiled by the WHO Mortality Database. Many countries are not shown as they lack sufficient death registration. Lung cancer is the most common in many countries. In several others, especially in South America, prostate cancer leads. In Iran, stomach cancer, and in Mongolia and Egypt, liver cancer, are the most common. Many of these cancers are preventable. Stomach cancer, for example, has declined almost ten-fold in the last seventy years in the United States thanks to improvements in food safety, hygiene, and antibiotics. Meanwhile, lung cancer death rates have halved since their peak with the fall of smoking.
....org/grapher/exports/child-mortality.svgKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...are-of-population-in-extreme-poverty.svgKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
....org/grapher/exports/life-expectancy.svgKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...pher/exports/co-emissions-per-capita.svgKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...pher/exports/gdp-per-capita-maddison.svgKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...ports/prevalence-of-undernourishment.svgKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...exports/cross-country-literacy-rates.svgKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...opulation-with-access-to-electricity.svgKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
/images/tag-icons/Poverty.svgIcon for topic Poverty
...ns/Population and Demographic Change.svgIcon for topic Population and Demographic Change
/images/tag-icons/Global%20Health.svgIcon for topic Global Health
/images/tag-icons/Energy.svgIcon for topic Energy
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H1 Überschrift
(Extrem wichtig)
Es ist keine H1-Überschrift definiert.
Die Überschriftenstruktur ist fehlerhaft. Es sollte keine Hierarchie (H1-H6) ausgelassen werden.
Es befinden sich 43 Überschriften auf der Seite. Die Anzahl der Überschriften sollte in einem besseren Verhältnis zum Text stehen.


Überschriften HierarchieInhalt
H2 Research and data to make progress against the world’s largest problems.
H2 Our Mission
H2 Featured work
H2 Daily Data Insights
H2 Explore our data
H2 Data explorers
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H2 All our topics
H2 Population and Demographic Change
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H2 Energy and Environment
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H2 Poverty and Economic Development
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H2 Living Conditions, Community, and Wellbeing
H2 Human Rights and Democracy
H2 Violence and War
H3 Japan’s birth rate dropped sharply in 1966, influenced by cultural beliefs
H3 Europeans consume more milk and dairy products than in other regions
H3 People across developing regions are spending far more time in school than 20 years ago
H3 Since 2010, progress in primary school enrollment in Sub-Saharan Africa has stalled
H3 Americans are now one-third less likely to die from cancer at the same ages as Americans in 1990
H3 Every second, 10 cows, 47 pigs, and 2,400 chickens are slaughtered for meat
H3 Which type of cancer kills the most men in each country?
H3 Get Daily Data Insights delivered to your inbox
H3 Under-five mortality rateLong-run estimates combining data from UN & Gapminder
H3 Share of population living in extreme povertyWorld Bank
H3 Life expectancy at birthLong-run estimates collated from multiple sources by Our World in Data
H3 Per capita CO₂ emissionsLong-run estimates from the Global Carbon Budget
H3 GDP per capitaLong-run estimates from the Maddison Project Database
H3 Share of people that are undernourishedFAO
H3 Literacy rateLong-run estimates collated from multiple sources by Our World in Data
H3 Share of the population with access to electricityWorld Bank
H4 What share of children die before their fifth birthday?
H4 What share of the population lives in extreme poverty?
H4 How has people’s life expectancy changed over time?
H4 How have CO₂ emissions per capita changed?
H4 How do average incomes compare between countries around the world?
H4 What share of the population is suffering from hunger?
H4 When has literacy become a widespread skill?
H4 Where do people lack access to even the most basic electricity supply?
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/antibiotics-livestockArticle · 11 min read Large amounts of antibiotics are used in livestock, but several countries have shown this doesn’t have to be the case Overuse is a risk...
IMG-ALT Featured image
/breaking-the-malthusian-trapFrom our classics Breaking out of the Malthusian trap: How pandemics allow us to understand why our ancestors were stuck in poverty The Industrial Revolution...
IMG-ALT A line graph with three distinct colored lines representing different data sets over a period. No scale or other text is shown.
/us-airline-travelArticle · 4 min read US airlines have transported passengers for more than two light-years since the last plane crash Sometimes, the most important news is w...
/billions-people-suffer-anemia...Article · 10 min read Billions of people suffer from anemia, but there are cheap ways to reduce this In some countries, most children and pregnant women are ...
IMG-ALT Featured image
/key-charts-understand-covid-p...Article · 16 min read 17 key charts to understand the COVID-19 pandemic The pandemic has resulted in over twenty million deaths. In this article, we review t...
IMG-ALT Thumbnail for article '17 key charts to understand the COVID-19 pandemic'
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/data-insightsSee all Daily Data Insights
/data-insightsToday Japan’s birth rate dropped sharply in 1966, influenced by cultural beliefs Demographic trends, such as births and deaths, can be influenced by many fac...
IMG-ALT A line chart showing Japan's birth rate from 1950 to 2023. Highlighted is a sharp dip in 1966, where birth rate drops over 20%, from 18.5 to 14.5 births per ...
/data-insightsYesterday Europeans consume more milk and dairy products than in other regions On average, Europeans consume more dairy products than people in other regions...
IMG-ALT Bar chart showing milk consumption per person across regions. Europe is the highest, followed by North America. Asia and Africa are both below the global ave...
/data-insightsDecember 11 People across developing regions are spending far more time in school than 20 years ago In 2000, adults in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa had,...
IMG-ALT A line graph titled "Regional trends in average years of schooling, 2000 to 2022" shows the average number of years that adults over 25 participated in forma...
/data-insightsDecember 10 Since 2010, progress in primary school enrollment in Sub-Saharan Africa has stalled Over the past two centuries, the global share of children enr...
IMG-ALT Since 2010, primary school enrollment in Sub-Saharan Africa has stalled, and is still far behind the levels that North America and Western Europe achieved de...
/data-insightsDecember 09 Americans are now one-third less likely to die from cancer at the same ages as Americans in 1990 How has the risk of dying from cancer changed in...
IMG-ALT Cancer death rates rise sharply with age. So, as the population grows and ages, we would expect the rate of cancer deaths to rise. If we look at how death ra...
/data-insightsDecember 06 Every second, 10 cows, 47 pigs, and 2,400 chickens are slaughtered for meat Around the world, 10 cows, 47 pigs, and 2,400 chickens get killed for...
IMG-ALT Chart showing the average number of cows, pigs, and chickens slaughtered for meat worldwide per second in 2022. It's 10 cows, 47 pigs, and 2400 chickens per ...
/data-insightsDecember 05 Which type of cancer kills the most men in each country? Cancer is one of the most common causes of death worldwide. In several countries, it is ...
IMG-ALT Cancer is one of the most common causes of death worldwide. In several countries, it is the most common cause of death. But which cancers cause the most deat...
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/much-better-awful-can-be-betterNeues Fenster extremely common
/child-mortality-big-problem-i...Neues Fenster is possible
/financing-healthcareNeues Fenster good healthcare
/hunger-and-undernourishmentNeues Fenster good nutrition
/clean-water-sanitationNeues Fenster clean water and sanitation
/maternal-mortalityNeues Fenster maternal health
/economic-growthNeues Fenster living standards
/child-mortalityNeues Fenster child mortality
/grapher/child-mortality?time=...Explore and learn more about this data
/grapher/child-mortality?time=...Neues Fenster Click to open interactive version
/grapher/child-mortality?time=...Textduplikat Explore and learn more about this data
/grapher/share-of-population-i...Share of population living in extreme povertyWorld Bank
/extreme-poverty-in-briefNeues Fenster the majority
/what-is-economic-growthNeues Fenster makes it possible
/grapher/share-of-population-i...Textduplikat Explore and learn more about this data
/grapher/share-of-population-i...Neues Fenster Textduplikat Click to open interactive version
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/grapher/life-expectancyLife expectancy at birthLong-run estimates collated from multiple sources by Our World in Data
/life-expectancy-globallyNeues Fenster around the world
/its-not-just-about-child-mort...Neues Fenster at all ages
/coronavirusNeues Fenster COVID-19 pandemic
/grapher/life-expectancyTextduplikat Explore and learn more about this data
/grapher/life-expectancyNeues Fenster Textduplikat Click to open interactive version
/grapher/life-expectancyTextduplikat Explore and learn more about this data
/grapher/co-emissions-per-capi...Per capita CO₂ emissionsLong-run estimates from the Global Carbon Budget
/co2-and-greenhouse-gas-emissionsNeues Fenster greenhouse gas
/explorers/climate-changeclimate change
/explorers/co2?facet=none&coun...Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data Explorer
/grapher/co-emissions-per-capi...Textduplikat Explore and learn more about this data
/grapher/co-emissions-per-capi...Neues Fenster Textduplikat Click to open interactive version
/grapher/co-emissions-per-capi...Textduplikat Explore and learn more about this data
/grapher/gdp-per-capita-maddisonGDP per capitaLong-run estimates from the Maddison Project Database
/what-is-economic-growthNeues Fenster average income
/extreme-history-methodsNeues Fenster were poor
/economic-growthNeues Fenster economic growth
/breaking-the-malthusian-trapNeues Fenster to leave
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/grapher/gdp-per-capita-maddisonNeues Fenster Textduplikat Click to open interactive version
/grapher/gdp-per-capita-maddisonTextduplikat Explore and learn more about this data
/grapher/prevalence-of-underno...Share of people that are undernourishedFAO
/hunger-and-undernourishmentNeues Fenster Hunger
/faminesNeues Fenster famines
/grapher/prevalence-of-underno...Textduplikat Explore and learn more about this data
/grapher/prevalence-of-underno...Neues Fenster Textduplikat Click to open interactive version
/grapher/prevalence-of-underno...Textduplikat Explore and learn more about this data
/grapher/cross-country-literac...Literacy rateLong-run estimates collated from multiple sources by Our World in Data
/better-learningNeues Fenster it remains
/how-is-literacy-measuredNeues Fenster we investigated
/grapher/cross-country-literac...Textduplikat Explore and learn more about this data
/grapher/cross-country-literac...Neues Fenster Textduplikat Click to open interactive version
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/grapher/share-of-the-populati...Share of the population with access to electricityWorld Bank
/light-at-nightNeues Fenster Light at night
/grapher/mobile-cellular-subsc...mobile phones
/grapher/technology-adoption-b...household appliances
/definition-electricity-accessNeues Fenster most basic
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/grapher/share-of-the-populati...Neues Fenster Textduplikat Click to open interactive version
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/child-mortalityChild and Infant Mortality
/health-metaGlobal Health
/causes-of-deathTextduplikat Causes of Death
/child-mortalityTextduplikat Child and Infant Mortality
/burden-of-diseaseBurden of Disease
/life-expectancyTextduplikat Life Expectancy
/mental-healthMental Health
/cardiovascular-diseasesCardiovascular Diseases
/maternal-mortalityMaternal Mortality
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/outdoor-air-pollutionOutdoor Air Pollution
/indoor-air-pollutionIndoor Air Pollution
/lead-pollutionLead Pollution
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/illicit-drug-useOpioids, Cocaine, Cannabis, and Other Illicit Drugs
/coronavirusCoronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19)
/diarrheal-diseasesDiarrheal Diseases
/neglected-tropical-diseasesNeglected Tropical Diseases
/eradication-of-diseasesEradication of Diseases
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/co2-and-greenhouse-gas-emissionsCO₂ and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
/air-pollutionTextduplikat Air Pollution
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/water-accessTextduplikat Clean Water
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