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Platinum Educational Group | skills tracking
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(Extrem wichtig)
Platinum Educational Group is home of Platinum Planner, the online skills and competency tracker, and Platinum Tests, our online testing bank for EMS and Allied Health professions. Platinum Planner provides reliable, online skills tracking and scheduling!
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Meta Tags

descriptionPlatinum Educational Group is home of Platinum Planner, the online skills and competency tracker, and Platinum Tests, our online testing bank for EMS and Allied Health professions. Platinum Planner provides reliable, online skills tracking and scheduling!
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twitter:titlePlatinum Educational Group | skills tracking
twitter:descriptionPlatinum Educational Group is home of Platinum Planner, the online skills and competency tracker, and Platinum Tests, our online testing bank for EMS and Allied Health professions. Platinum Planner provides reliable, online skills tracking and scheduling!
og:titlePlatinum Educational Group | skills tracking
og:descriptionPlatinum Educational Group is home of Platinum Planner, the online skills and competency tracker, and Platinum Tests, our online testing bank for EMS and Allied Health professions. Platinum Planner provides reliable, online skills tracking and scheduling!
og:site_namePlatinum Educational

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Der Inhalt ist mit 341 Wörtern etwas kurz. Eine gute Seite zu einem Thema sollte Text mit etwa 800 Wörtern enthalten.
Der Text besteht zu 29.3% aus Füllwörtern.
Worte aus dem Titel werden im Text wiederholt.
Wörter aus der H1 Überschrift werden im Text der Seite verwendet.
Im Text befindet sich eine Aufzählung, dies deutet auf eine gute Textstruktur hin.
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Es befinden sich keine Duplikate auf der Seite.
Die durchschnittliche Satzlänge ist mit 20.67 Wörtern gut.
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Die Größe des HTML-Dokuments ist mit 1154 kB sehr groß.
Der angegebene Viewport (width=device-width, initial-scale=1) ist korrekt.
Mindestens ein Apple-Touch Icon ist definiert.
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Die Nutzung von Strong- und Bold-Tags ist optimal. Wir empfehlen für diese Webseite die Verwendung von bis zu 7 Tags.
Bilder Optimierung
(Wenig wichtig)
Bei 13 Bildern fehlt das Alt-Attribut. Der Inhalt von Alt-Attributen wird von Suchmaschinen auch als Text gewertet und ist wichtig für die Bildersuche.
Soziale Vernetzung
(Nice to have)
Es befinden sich wenige Social-Sharing Möglichkeiten auf der Seite. Mit Plugins zum Teilen kann die Reichweite der Seite in sozialen Netzwerken erhöht werden.
Zusätzliches Markup
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Es wurde kein zusätzliches Markup gefunden.
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Alle eingebundenen Dateien werden ebenfalls über HTTPS ausgeliefert.


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...quality_auto/Workshops Website Image.png2024 Workshops Flyer
...uality_auto/Newsletter Website Image.png2024 Smith Award Winners
...ZquKlCpqxAOzEqnvfxyn-NQF5ffA&oe=675663F5Our December 2024 EMS, Nursing, and Allied Health newsletters are now available! If you’re subscribed to them, check your inboxes for our email! Not signed up just yet? Visit the link in our bio to read the latest issues and sign up to get them emailed to you every month! #newsletters #platinumeducationalgroup #ems #nursing #alliedhealth
...ZquKlCpqxAOzEqnvfxyn-NQF5ffA&oe=675663F5Our December 2024 EMS, Nursing, and Allied Health newsletters are now available! If you’re subscribed to them, check your inboxes for our email! Not signed up just yet? Visit the link in our bio to read the latest issues and sign up to get them emailed to you every month! #newsletters #platinumeducationalgroup #ems #nursing #alliedhealth
...XQkDgbwqW-8komute-QMNC0havJg&oe=6756461BWishing you a Happy Thanksgiving from the Platinum Team! We hope it is filled with love, laughter, and gratitude! Today, let’s cherish any blessings in our lives and share kindness with those around us. #Thanksgiving #FamilyAndFriends
...XQkDgbwqW-8komute-QMNC0havJg&oe=6756461BWishing you a Happy Thanksgiving from the Platinum Team! We hope it is filled with love, laughter, and gratitude! Today, let’s cherish any blessings in our lives and share kindness with those around us. #Thanksgiving #FamilyAndFriends
...LiCta4IYGw62NCoU3rnVscvycr0g&oe=67564F73With joy and gratitude, we honor all veterans this Veteran’s Day! Thank you for your bravery, sacrifice, and service to our country. Your courage inspires us all! #verteransday #thankyouvets #gratitute
...LiCta4IYGw62NCoU3rnVscvycr0g&oe=67564F73With joy and gratitude, we honor all veterans this Veteran’s Day! Thank you for your bravery, sacrifice, and service to our country. Your courage inspires us all! #verteransday #thankyouvets #gratitute
...tuDwspRe4kk_3YdER9KrG57OVQRg&oe=675651F1Did you know that people with diabetes are at a higher risk of heart disease? Let’s prioritize our health by staying active, eating nutritious food, monitoring blood sugar levels, and working closely with healthcare providers. Empower yourself today for a healthier tomorrow! #diabetesheartconnection
...tuDwspRe4kk_3YdER9KrG57OVQRg&oe=675651F1Did you know that people with diabetes are at a higher risk of heart disease? Let’s prioritize our health by staying active, eating nutritious food, monitoring blood sugar levels, and working closely with healthcare providers. Empower yourself today for a healthier tomorrow! #diabetesheartconnection
...ukcgtuRNeSuviEbhTP2hhp_3g9pg&oe=67567436During American Society of Radiologic Technologists National Radiologic Technology Week 2024, we're proud to share our collaboration with the Olney Central College Radiography Department! National Radiologic Technology Week® is an annual celebration to recognize the vital work of medical imaging and radiation therapy professionals in patient care and healthcare safety. #NRTW24 #BeSeenASRT #RadiologicTechnology Lisa Rauch and the team at Olney Central College share about their program, approach to education, and student ethos. Take a look into the Radiography Department at Olney and learn how Platinum Educational Group is a vital strategic partner in their students' educational experience. To learn more about Olney Central College, visit https://iecc.edu/occ. To learn more about Platinum Educational Group, visit https://www.platinumed.com/ Video credits: Writer/Director: Virginia Anzengruber Co-Director/Director of Photography: Joshua Tyron Editor: Virginia Anzengruber Colorist: Nick Buwalda Production Assistant: Trisha Wolovlek Production Company: Sidecar Studios https://www.wearesidecar.com/
...ukcgtuRNeSuviEbhTP2hhp_3g9pg&oe=67567436During American Society of Radiologic Technologists National Radiologic Technology Week 2024, we're proud to share our collaboration with the Olney Central College Radiography Department! National Radiologic Technology Week® is an annual celebration to recognize the vital work of medical imaging and radiation therapy professionals in patient care and healthcare safety. #NRTW24 #BeSeenASRT #RadiologicTechnology Lisa Rauch and the team at Olney Central College share about their program, approach to education, and student ethos. Take a look into the Radiography Department at Olney and learn how Platinum Educational Group is a vital strategic partner in their students' educational experience. To learn more about Olney Central College, visit https://iecc.edu/occ. To learn more about Platinum Educational Group, visit https://www.platinumed.com/ Video credits: Writer/Director: Virginia Anzengruber Co-Director/Director of Photography: Joshua Tyron Editor: Virginia Anzengruber Colorist: Nick Buwalda Production Assistant: Trisha Wolovlek Production Company: Sidecar Studios https://www.wearesidecar.com/
...7XZR6FJD-eBbCBhLgD8dj5obq7Zw&oe=67567607Let’s raise awareness for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) this month! It is important to support those affected by this condition and spread knowledge about prevention and management. Together, we can breathe easier. #copdawareness #lunghealth
...7XZR6FJD-eBbCBhLgD8dj5obq7Zw&oe=67567607Let’s raise awareness for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) this month! It is important to support those affected by this condition and spread knowledge about prevention and management. Together, we can breathe easier. #copdawareness #lunghealth
...RH4PO6LjXTmQZNIa0pIBprgUqdzg&oe=67565486Spread the word about the $1500 Gottschalk Award for EMS, Allied Health, and Nursing students! This $1500 scholarship from Platinum Educational Group is available to all EMS, Nursing, and Allied Health students nationwide — no essay required! One $1500 scholarship will be awarded for each category (3 separate scholarship winners in total). Visit the link in our bio for all the information! #platinumedscholarships #futurehealthcareprovider #platinumeducationalgroup #scholarship
...RH4PO6LjXTmQZNIa0pIBprgUqdzg&oe=67565486Spread the word about the $1500 Gottschalk Award for EMS, Allied Health, and Nursing students! This $1500 scholarship from Platinum Educational Group is available to all EMS, Nursing, and Allied Health students nationwide — no essay required! One $1500 scholarship will be awarded for each category (3 separate scholarship winners in total). Visit the link in our bio for all the information! #platinumedscholarships #futurehealthcareprovider #platinumeducationalgroup #scholarship
...Y0QTazjD4hGAAK06U_bNhtgIwE0w&oe=67566648Sending a BIG shoutout to all the Vet Techs during National Veterinary Technician Week! Your dedication to all our animal friends is heroic. Thank you for your compassion, expertise, and tireless efforts to provide top-notch care! Swipe to see photos of the Platinum team from earlier this year at the AVTE Annual Conference with Dr. Temple Grandin! #vettechweek #animalhealth #grateful
...Y0QTazjD4hGAAK06U_bNhtgIwE0w&oe=67566648Sending a BIG shoutout to all the Vet Techs during National Veterinary Technician Week! Your dedication to all our animal friends is heroic. Thank you for your compassion, expertise, and tireless efforts to provide top-notch care! Swipe to see photos of the Platinum team from earlier this year at the AVTE Annual Conference with Dr. Temple Grandin! #vettechweek #animalhealth #grateful
...Got-j5QsnYDIIB-O-B5OV3uh1grw&oe=67564DECA New Workshop has been added to the 2024 UP EMS Eastern Conference in Sault Ste Marie, Michigan on November 1-2, 2024! We look forward to connecting with all the Program Directors, Clinical Coordinators, Providers, and Educators in attendance! This year’s sponsors have curated an epic two-day schedule of workshops, dynamic speaker sessions, and valuable networking hosted at Lake Superior State University! Register Today! #upemseasternconference #platinumeducationalgroup
...Got-j5QsnYDIIB-O-B5OV3uh1grw&oe=67564DECA New Workshop has been added to the 2024 UP EMS Eastern Conference in Sault Ste Marie, Michigan on November 1-2, 2024! We look forward to connecting with all the Program Directors, Clinical Coordinators, Providers, and Educators in attendance! This year’s sponsors have curated an epic two-day schedule of workshops, dynamic speaker sessions, and valuable networking hosted at Lake Superior State University! Register Today! #upemseasternconference #platinumeducationalgroup
...ivq_-LyslDj-o1Ou5Xo4w-3LUp3w&oe=675665C7Happy National Pharmacy Technician Day! Your hard work, attention to detail, and dedication to patient care are essential to making all our lives healthier! Thank you for being the backbone of the pharmacy profession! Swipe to see the incredible time the Platinum team had earlier this year in Charleston at the annual PTEC conference! Can’t wait to be back next year celebrating all the phenomenal Pharmacy Technician educators! #pharmacytechday #thankyou
...ivq_-LyslDj-o1Ou5Xo4w-3LUp3w&oe=675665C7Happy National Pharmacy Technician Day! Your hard work, attention to detail, and dedication to patient care are essential to making all our lives healthier! Thank you for being the backbone of the pharmacy profession! Swipe to see the incredible time the Platinum team had earlier this year in Charleston at the annual PTEC conference! Can’t wait to be back next year celebrating all the phenomenal Pharmacy Technician educators! #pharmacytechday #thankyou
...FN1OYn8XK5GuR16fJHNJw5CheJig&oe=67565010Happy National Indigenous People’s Day! Today, we honor the cultures, traditions, and contributions of Indigenous people around the world! Let’s continue to uplift and work towards a future of equality and respect for all. #indigenouspeoplesday
...FN1OYn8XK5GuR16fJHNJw5CheJig&oe=67565010Happy National Indigenous People’s Day! Today, we honor the cultures, traditions, and contributions of Indigenous people around the world! Let’s continue to uplift and work towards a future of equality and respect for all. #indigenouspeoplesday
...DSiWC0AhIIBIrWrygDueAztWBdlQ&oe=67567214Cheers to National Physician Assistant Week! At Platinum, we recognize the incredible work of PAs who play a vital role in healthcare. Thank you for your dedication, compassion, and expertise in providing quality care to patients everywhere! #paweek2024 #healthcareheroes #gratitude #physicianassistant #paweek
...DSiWC0AhIIBIrWrygDueAztWBdlQ&oe=67567214Cheers to National Physician Assistant Week! At Platinum, we recognize the incredible work of PAs who play a vital role in healthcare. Thank you for your dedication, compassion, and expertise in providing quality care to patients everywhere! #paweek2024 #healthcareheroes #gratitude #physicianassistant #paweek
...53t2WBUPSE3tOsUbHe4xDGrrFfWQ&oe=67564978We had a BLAST at this year’s #AccredX2024 Conference! We were honored to be the gold sponsor for the event and hosted a super fun Trivia and Treats night with all the incredible educators in attendance! Thank you so much to all the AccredX organizers and attendees who made this event an absolute smash success! We can’t wait for next year! #edaccred #nbstsa #surgicaltechnology
...53t2WBUPSE3tOsUbHe4xDGrrFfWQ&oe=67564978We had a BLAST at this year’s #AccredX2024 Conference! We were honored to be the gold sponsor for the event and hosted a super fun Trivia and Treats night with all the incredible educators in attendance! Thank you so much to all the AccredX organizers and attendees who made this event an absolute smash success! We can’t wait for next year! #edaccred #nbstsa #surgicaltechnology
...OVH0_n4q0DL8nndIw7bne9mMXoBA&oe=675660E6Our October 2024 EMS, Nursing, and Allied Health newsletters are now available! If you’re subscribed to them, check your inboxes for our email! Not signed up just yet? Visit the link in our bio to read the latest issues and sign up to get them emailed right to you every month! #newsletters #platinumeducationalgroup #ems #nursing #alliedhealth
...OVH0_n4q0DL8nndIw7bne9mMXoBA&oe=675660E6Our October 2024 EMS, Nursing, and Allied Health newsletters are now available! If you’re subscribed to them, check your inboxes for our email! Not signed up just yet? Visit the link in our bio to read the latest issues and sign up to get them emailed right to you every month! #newsletters #platinumeducationalgroup #ems #nursing #alliedhealth
...TKmLmfPAwVRARJahigEf31naXICw&oe=6756603COur sincere thoughts, prayers, and support go to all of those affected by Hurricane Helene. The team at Platinum Educational Group is here to work directly with any of our affected schools to ensure continuity of your programs when you are able to safely return to the classroom.
...TKmLmfPAwVRARJahigEf31naXICw&oe=6756603COur sincere thoughts, prayers, and support go to all of those affected by Hurricane Helene. The team at Platinum Educational Group is here to work directly with any of our affected schools to ensure continuity of your programs when you are able to safely return to the classroom.
...Hshu-kVGU_UL4GaiNlRzXknNz_Vg&oe=67566BB9Do you need help with your student loans? Have you submitted for the Gottschalk Award Scholarship yet? This is the second scholarship opportunity within 2024! The winning students in EMS, Nursing, and Allied Health fields will be awarded $1500 to help with education costs – no essay is required for the application! Visit the link in our bio for the full details! #PlatinumEDScholarship and #futurehealthcareprovider
...Hshu-kVGU_UL4GaiNlRzXknNz_Vg&oe=67566BB9Do you need help with your student loans? Have you submitted for the Gottschalk Award Scholarship yet? This is the second scholarship opportunity within 2024! The winning students in EMS, Nursing, and Allied Health fields will be awarded $1500 to help with education costs – no essay is required for the application! Visit the link in our bio for the full details! #PlatinumEDScholarship and #futurehealthcareprovider
...QE7ShqojVxyvrqr8ZcjOfPJL65Aw&oe=6756541DWe are SO EXCITED to be the title sponsor for the 2024 UP EMS Eastern Conference in Sault Ste Marie, Michigan on November 1-2, 2024! We look forward to connecting with all of the Program Directors, Clinical Coordinators, Providers, and Educators in attendance! This year’s sponsors have curated an epic two-day schedule of workshops, dynamic speaker sessions, and valuable networking hosted at Lake Superior State University! #UPEMSEasternConference #PlatinumEducationalGroup
...QE7ShqojVxyvrqr8ZcjOfPJL65Aw&oe=6756541DWe are SO EXCITED to be the title sponsor for the 2024 UP EMS Eastern Conference in Sault Ste Marie, Michigan on November 1-2, 2024! We look forward to connecting with all of the Program Directors, Clinical Coordinators, Providers, and Educators in attendance! This year’s sponsors have curated an epic two-day schedule of workshops, dynamic speaker sessions, and valuable networking hosted at Lake Superior State University! #UPEMSEasternConference #PlatinumEducationalGroup
...w-vg0QUILKagsYD2fPwdpCyQ6k4g&oe=675663CFHappy Surgical Technologists Week from everyone here at Platinum Educational Group and our very own CST -- Emily Runions, our Senior Business Development Manager! #SurgicalTechnologistsWeek #SurgicalTechnology
...w-vg0QUILKagsYD2fPwdpCyQ6k4g&oe=675663CFHappy Surgical Technologists Week from everyone here at Platinum Educational Group and our very own CST -- Emily Runions, our Senior Business Development Manager! #SurgicalTechnologistsWeek #SurgicalTechnology
...ztOVfXkkpB40-19s8c4oGyV06DHg&oe=6756713DOur team is having a great time at the NLN Education Summit. It brings together nurse educators from around the world to explore trending and emerging topics impacting the nursing education profession. It also happens to be Neonatal Nurses Week! Wishing a very happy Neonatal Nurses Day to our remarkable NICU nurses who provide exceptional care to our tiniest patients. @platinumedgroup @nlnursing
...ztOVfXkkpB40-19s8c4oGyV06DHg&oe=6756713DOur team is having a great time at the NLN Education Summit. It brings together nurse educators from around the world to explore trending and emerging topics impacting the nursing education profession. It also happens to be Neonatal Nurses Week! Wishing a very happy Neonatal Nurses Day to our remarkable NICU nurses who provide exceptional care to our tiniest patients. @platinumedgroup @nlnursing
...9T-_UxCKiBScZIQ3D4XyqOQjj5tg&oe=67565B47MINA! We love you right back! We’ve had the best time this week at EMSWorld 2024 connecting with educators, providers, and former Platinum Planner students like Mina! Reach out to us today to see how we can become a partner in education! #PlatinumEducationalGroup #PlatinumEdTestimonial
...9T-_UxCKiBScZIQ3D4XyqOQjj5tg&oe=67565B47MINA! We love you right back! We’ve had the best time this week at EMSWorld 2024 connecting with educators, providers, and former Platinum Planner students like Mina! Reach out to us today to see how we can become a partner in education! #PlatinumEducationalGroup #PlatinumEdTestimonial
...fV3V8OtksBXiVIEdyIKwBsnno26g&oe=67565593We’re thrilled to be here at the EMS World Expo, representing our company with a booth! It’s a fantastic opportunity to connect, and meet so many incredible professionals. If you’re attending, stop by, we’d love to chat. #platinumeducationalgroup #emsworldexpo
...fV3V8OtksBXiVIEdyIKwBsnno26g&oe=67565593We’re thrilled to be here at the EMS World Expo, representing our company with a booth! It’s a fantastic opportunity to connect, and meet so many incredible professionals. If you’re attending, stop by, we’d love to chat. #platinumeducationalgroup #emsworldexpo
...5kGqMXMUQv8FiRdbS9ejS64ebANg&oe=67564816Our September 2024 EMS, Nursing, and Allied Health newsletters are now available! If you’re subscribed to them, check your inboxes for our email! Not signed up just yet? Visit the link in our bio to read the latest issues and sign up to get them emailed right to you every month! #newsletters #platinumeducationalgroup #ems #nursing #alliedhealth
...5kGqMXMUQv8FiRdbS9ejS64ebANg&oe=67564816Our September 2024 EMS, Nursing, and Allied Health newsletters are now available! If you’re subscribed to them, check your inboxes for our email! Not signed up just yet? Visit the link in our bio to read the latest issues and sign up to get them emailed right to you every month! #newsletters #platinumeducationalgroup #ems #nursing #alliedhealth
...OO4ozn8tZAy-rfMJdoedfgrNE6Fg&oe=6756781EPlatinum Educational Group is offering another scholarship opportunity for the first time ever in 2024! We are excited to offer the $1500 Gottschalk Award! Our scholarship initiative aims to support students pursuing education in Emergency Medical Services (EMS), Nursing, and Allied Health fields by providing financial assistance for their studies. (3 separate scholarship winners in total) To be eligible for a Platinum Educational Group Gottschalk Award Scholarship, students must meet the following criteria: EMS Programs, Nursing Programs, Allied Health programs including anesthesia technician, dental assistant, dental hygiene, diagnostic medical sonographers, medical assistant, medical lab technologists, occupational therapy assistant, ophthalmic medical technician, patient care technician, pharmacy technician, phlebotomy, radiography/radiological technology, respiratory care/therapy, surgical assistant, surgical technology, veterinary technician and more. Provide a copy of your student ID or proof of attendance (only if selected as an awardee). How to apply for our Scholarship? Post a selfie or photo to any of your social media platforms. Your post MUST INCLUDE the hashtags #platinumedscholarships and #futurehealthcareprovider . Click the link in our bio to fill out the form via ScholarshipOwl.com. Lastly, upload your public POST link (NOT YOUR PROFILE LINK) on the ScholarshipOwl.com form, along with the application and waiver release form, and you will be entered into our scholarship drawing! The submission deadline is January 1, 2025, by 11:59 PM EST. NO EXCEPTIONS! All scholarships will be chosen and recorded via a random drawing using www.random.org and publicly announced on January 5, 2025. Awardees will be notified by email and/or phone.
...OO4ozn8tZAy-rfMJdoedfgrNE6Fg&oe=6756781EPlatinum Educational Group is offering another scholarship opportunity for the first time ever in 2024! We are excited to offer the $1500 Gottschalk Award! Our scholarship initiative aims to support students pursuing education in Emergency Medical Services (EMS), Nursing, and Allied Health fields by providing financial assistance for their studies. (3 separate scholarship winners in total) To be eligible for a Platinum Educational Group Gottschalk Award Scholarship, students must meet the following criteria: EMS Programs, Nursing Programs, Allied Health programs including anesthesia technician, dental assistant, dental hygiene, diagnostic medical sonographers, medical assistant, medical lab technologists, occupational therapy assistant, ophthalmic medical technician, patient care technician, pharmacy technician, phlebotomy, radiography/radiological technology, respiratory care/therapy, surgical assistant, surgical technology, veterinary technician and more. Provide a copy of your student ID or proof of attendance (only if selected as an awardee). How to apply for our Scholarship? Post a selfie or photo to any of your social media platforms. Your post MUST INCLUDE the hashtags #platinumedscholarships and #futurehealthcareprovider . Click the link in our bio to fill out the form via ScholarshipOwl.com. Lastly, upload your public POST link (NOT YOUR PROFILE LINK) on the ScholarshipOwl.com form, along with the application and waiver release form, and you will be entered into our scholarship drawing! The submission deadline is January 1, 2025, by 11:59 PM EST. NO EXCEPTIONS! All scholarships will be chosen and recorded via a random drawing using www.random.org and publicly announced on January 5, 2025. Awardees will be notified by email and/or phone.
...nph9cZ9X6wS_m5OGfGl8kM-8OMUg&oe=67565035Save the Date for the UP EMS Eastern Conference! Platinum Educational Group is proud to be the title sponsor of this incredible educator conference, November 1-2, 2024 at Lake Superior State University! Stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks! #UPEMSEasternConference2024
...nph9cZ9X6wS_m5OGfGl8kM-8OMUg&oe=67565035Save the Date for the UP EMS Eastern Conference! Platinum Educational Group is proud to be the title sponsor of this incredible educator conference, November 1-2, 2024 at Lake Superior State University! Stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks! #UPEMSEasternConference2024
...X1teegw9fjziBwRYIXu__jf2jz3Q&oe=675677C2We had a phenomenal time at this year’s NAEMSE Annual Educator’s Conference! We hosted a super fun Trivia and Treats Educator Appreciation Night, and our winners walked away with an Apple iPad, AirPods, and a Taste of Pittsburgh gift basket! We love attending this conference every year and are so grateful to be long-term partners with the amazing folks at NAEMSE! See you all in 2025! #PlatinumEd #naemse2024 #conference #ems
...X1teegw9fjziBwRYIXu__jf2jz3Q&oe=675677C2We had a phenomenal time at this year’s NAEMSE Annual Educator’s Conference! We hosted a super fun Trivia and Treats Educator Appreciation Night, and our winners walked away with an Apple iPad, AirPods, and a Taste of Pittsburgh gift basket! We love attending this conference every year and are so grateful to be long-term partners with the amazing folks at NAEMSE! See you all in 2025! #PlatinumEd #naemse2024 #conference #ems
...R4lJXaAmoMABx0AFUNrv99MrauHQ&oe=67565E27We are thrilled to have hosted a highly successful Trivia Night at the 2024 NAEMSE Symposium, and we are proud of the positive impact it had on all participants. Congrats to all our winners ⭐️ #platinumeducationalgroup @naemsepgh
...R4lJXaAmoMABx0AFUNrv99MrauHQ&oe=67565E27We are thrilled to have hosted a highly successful Trivia Night at the 2024 NAEMSE Symposium, and we are proud of the positive impact it had on all participants. Congrats to all our winners ⭐️ #platinumeducationalgroup @naemsepgh
...TPXVHDKHo7Cb0VZLUzNroJd8LHnA&oe=675665D2Less than 6 weeks to go! Register today! Our next educator workshop is next month in Dallas, Texas! Earn 12 CE credits, enjoy a complimentary lunch on Day 1, and learn valuable Kinesthetic Teaching techniques for the classroom – all for just $199! Visit the link in our bio to register TODAY!
...TPXVHDKHo7Cb0VZLUzNroJd8LHnA&oe=675665D2Less than 6 weeks to go! Register today! Our next educator workshop is next month in Dallas, Texas! Earn 12 CE credits, enjoy a complimentary lunch on Day 1, and learn valuable Kinesthetic Teaching techniques for the classroom – all for just $199! Visit the link in our bio to register TODAY!
...3NK-xQugKtjNo-eDHAQO9CqMu3DQ&oe=67564784Our August 2024 EMS, Nursing, and Allied Health newsletters are out NOW! If you’re subscribed to them, check your inboxes for our email! Not signed up just yet? Visit the link in our bio to read the latest issues and sign up to get them emailed right to you every month! #newsletters #platinumeducationalgroup #ems #nursing #alliedhealth
...3NK-xQugKtjNo-eDHAQO9CqMu3DQ&oe=67564784Our August 2024 EMS, Nursing, and Allied Health newsletters are out NOW! If you’re subscribed to them, check your inboxes for our email! Not signed up just yet? Visit the link in our bio to read the latest issues and sign up to get them emailed right to you every month! #newsletters #platinumeducationalgroup #ems #nursing #alliedhealth
...KIJNKfJizL-WwpllLKeMQfU_QA4w&oe=67565863Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...KIJNKfJizL-WwpllLKeMQfU_QA4w&oe=67565863Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...tccmsD3icj03EsbldRvGbwVTeP1Q&oe=67564F1CKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...tccmsD3icj03EsbldRvGbwVTeP1Q&oe=67564F1CKein ALT-Attribut angegeben


H1 Überschrift
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Überschriften HierarchieInhalt
H2 Follow us on Instagram
H3 Platinum created AccredAssist® to help college program directors organize and manage the information necessary online for accreditation reporting, including self-study reports, annual report data, ...
H3 Platinum has been committed to empowering students pursuing careers in EMS, Nursing, and Allied Health since its founding. The Platinum Scholarship Program made its debut in 2015 with an EMS-focuse...
H3 The Platinum Workshops have been thoughtfully developed to provide comprehensive support for educators, their programs, and their students, aiming to foster in-depth knowledge, practical skills, an...
H4 About Platinum Our Promises Workshops Scholarships Job Opportunities Allies in Education Newsletters Contact Sales Privacy Policy Product Pricing Site Status Resources
H6 Platinum Planner EMSTesting Platinum Tests Platinum Tests for Students
H6 Allied Health
H6 EMS & Fire
H6 Nursing
H6 AccredAssist® Platinum Planner Mobile App Platinum Attendance Tracking Platinum Group Testing Platinum Secure Testing
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/allied-healthSubdomain ALLIED HEALTH
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/accredassistSubdomain IMG-ALT accredassist
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/platinum-plannerSubdomain Platinum Planner
/scholarshipsSubdomain PLATINUM SCHOLARSHIPS
/workshopsSubdomain PLATINUM WORKSHOPS
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/contact-salesSubdomain Contact Sales
/privacy-policySubdomain Privacy Policy
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/blog/categories/podcastsSubdomain Resources
/platinum-plannerSubdomain Textduplikat Platinum Planner
/emstestingSubdomain Textduplikat EMSTesting
/testingSubdomain Textduplikat Platinum Tests
/testingSubdomain Platinum Tests for Students
/allied-healthSubdomain Allied Health
/ems-fireSubdomain EMS & Fire
/nursingSubdomain Nursing
/accredassistSubdomain AccredAssist®
/platinum-plannerSubdomain Platinum Planner Mobile App
/testingSubdomain Platinum Attendance Tracking
/emstestingSubdomain Platinum Group Testing
/testingSubdomain Platinum Secure Testing
https://platinumed.zendesk.com/Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain platinumed.zendesk.com
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Platinum Educational Group | skills tracking
Platinum Educational Group is home of Platinum Planner, the online skills and competency tracker, and Platinum Tests, our online testing bank for EMS and Allied Health professions. Platinum Planner provides reliable, online skills tracking and scheduling!

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