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PolitiFact is a fact-checking website that rates the accuracy of claims by elected officials and others on its Truth-O-Meter.
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H1 Überschrift
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Es befinden sich 37 Überschriften auf der Seite. Die Anzahl der Überschriften sollte in einem besseren Verhältnis zum Text stehen.
Einige Überschriften haben keinen Inhalt.


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H3 Were more bills signed into law, vetoed this year than normal in Wisconsin? Here’s our analysis.
H3 The Republican Party wants more poll watchers. Here’s what they can, and can’t, do.
H3 A Donald Trump-Marco Rubio ticket? Here are the obstacles
H3 U.S. presidents can’t cancel or postpone federal elections
H3 What we know about the ‘outside agitators’ being blamed for campus protests
H3 Una orden de silencio no priva a Donald Trump de testificar en corte
H3 Student protesters are calling for divestment from Israel. Here’s what that means.
H3 Fact-checking Trump’s claims about tax cuts, job numbers and inflation in Wisconsin, Michigan
H3 Si aprueban la enmienda del derecho al aborto en Florida, las cortes evaluarán permiso de los padres
H3 Fact-checking claims that George Soros is ‘paying student radicals’ involved in campus protests
H3 Joe Biden
H3 Citizens for Sanity
H3 Jeh Johnson
H3 Francis Suarez
H3 Donald Trump
H3 Michigan GOP legislator posted about ‘illegal invaders’ at Detroit airport. It was Gonzaga’s NCAA Basketball Tournament team
H3 Will the Paris Olympics really be the first gender-equal Games?
H3 James Comer sums up his ‘evidence’ of Biden crimes. It’s scant.
H3 Elon Musk overstates partisan impact of illegal immigration on House apportionment
H3 Baseless conspiracy theories follow Francis Scott Key Bridge vollapse
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5 Links haben keinen Linktext oder nur Inhalt in Alt- und Titelattributen.
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/article/2022/jun/09/political...Subdomain Extremism
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/factchecks/list/?ruling=mostl...Mostly True
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/truth-o-meter/promises/biden-...Biden Promise Tracker
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/article/2018/feb/12/principle...Our Process
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/membership/More Info
/article/2024/may/07/a-donald-...A Trump-Rubio ticket? Here are the obstacles
/personalities/facebook-posts/Facebook posts
A-TITLE Facebook posts
/factchecks/2024/may/03/facebo...Video shows “protesters at Harvard replace American flag with Palestinian flag.”
/personalities/joe-biden/Textduplikat Joe Biden
A-TITLE Joe Biden
/factchecks/2024/may/03/joe-bi...Former President Donald Trump told Time magazine that “states should monitor women’s pregnancies and prosecute those who violate abortion bans.”
/personalities/donald-trump/Textduplikat Donald Trump
A-TITLE Donald Trump
/factchecks/2024/may/03/donald...“I’m not allowed to testify” because of a gag order.
/personalities/kamala-harris/Textduplikat Kamala Harris
A-TITLE Kamala Harris
/factchecks/2024/may/02/kamala...In his Time magazine interview, Donald Trump “said states have the right to monitor pregnant women to enforce these bans, and states have the right to punish...
/personalities/american-fuel-p...American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers
A-TITLE American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers
/factchecks/2024/may/01/americ..."EPA regulators just banned most new gas-powered cars."
/personalities/viral-image/Viral image
A-TITLE Viral image
/factchecks/2024/may/07/viral-...Photo shows “Palestine misspelled on the stairs” of Columbia University.
/personalities/facebook-posts/Textduplikat Facebook posts
A-TITLE Facebook posts
/factchecks/2024/may/07/facebo...“Dr. Sebi’s cousin was sent to life in prison for revealing these gatekept health secrets.”
/personalities/facebook-posts/Textduplikat Facebook posts
A-TITLE Facebook posts
/factchecks/2024/may/07/facebo...Images show Katy Perry at the 2024 Met Gala.
/personalities/facebook-posts/Textduplikat Facebook posts
A-TITLE Facebook posts
/factchecks/2024/may/07/facebo...“The US Women's team has made it clear that they will resign immediately if the Olympic Committee allows Lia Thomas to try out.”
/personalities/facebook-posts/Textduplikat Facebook posts
A-TITLE Facebook posts
/factchecks/2024/may/07/facebo...“Democrats are calling to redesign the American Flag to make it more inclusive” by featuring rainbow colored stripes.
/personalities/facebook-posts/Textduplikat Facebook posts
A-TITLE Facebook posts
/factchecks/2024/may/07/facebo...Video shows a Fox News report about a fight featuring Dr. Mehmet Oz.
/personalities/viral-image/Textduplikat Viral image
A-TITLE Viral image
/factchecks/2024/may/07/viral-...A university professor said on X, “Misgendering a pet can result in serious microsubconscious distress.”
/personalities/facebook-posts/Textduplikat Facebook posts
A-TITLE Facebook posts
/factchecks/2024/may/07/facebo...Video shows Brad Pitt promoting a hair loss product.
/personalities/viral-image/Textduplikat Viral image
A-TITLE Viral image
/factchecks/2024/may/07/viral-...President Joe Biden “can suspend presidential elections ‘if’ a new pandemic hits the U.S.” under Executive Order 14122.
/personalities/facebook-posts/Textduplikat Facebook posts
A-TITLE Facebook posts
/factchecks/2024/may/06/facebo...Video shows a mother encouraging her son “who identifies as a cat to use the litter box at school.”
/factchecks/list/View all
/signup/Neues Fenster Sign Up
/article/2024/may/08/were-more...IMG-ALT Were more bills signed into law, vetoed this year than normal in Wisconsin? Here’s our analysis.
A-TITLE Were more bills signed into law, vetoed this year than normal in Wisconsin? Here’s our analysis.
/article/2024/may/08/were-more...Textduplikat Were more bills signed into law, vetoed this year than normal in Wisconsin? Here’s our analysis.
A-TITLE Were more bills signed into law, vetoed this year than normal in Wisconsin? Here’s our analysis.
/article/2024/may/07/the-repub...IMG-ALT The Republican Party wants more poll watchers. Here’s what they can, and can’t, do.
A-TITLE The Republican Party wants more poll watchers. Here’s what they can, and can’t, do.
/article/2024/may/07/the-repub...Textduplikat The Republican Party wants more poll watchers. Here’s what they can, and can’t, do.
A-TITLE The Republican Party wants more poll watchers. Here’s what they can, and can’t, do.
/article/2024/may/07/a-donald-...IMG-ALT A Donald Trump-Marco Rubio ticket? Here are the obstacles
A-TITLE A Donald Trump-Marco Rubio ticket? Here are the obstacles
/article/2024/may/07/a-donald-...Textduplikat A Donald Trump-Marco Rubio ticket? Here are the obstacles
A-TITLE A Donald Trump-Marco Rubio ticket? Here are the obstacles
/article/2024/may/07/us-presid...IMG-ALT U.S. presidents can’t cancel or postpone federal elections
A-TITLE U.S. presidents can’t cancel or postpone federal elections
/article/2024/may/07/us-presid...Textduplikat U.S. presidents can’t cancel or postpone federal elections
A-TITLE U.S. presidents can’t cancel or postpone federal elections
/article/2024/may/06/what-we-k...IMG-ALT What we know about the ‘outside agitators’ being blamed for campus protests
A-TITLE What we know about the ‘outside agitators’ being blamed for campus protests
/article/2024/may/06/what-we-k...Textduplikat What we know about the ‘outside agitators’ being blamed for campus protests
A-TITLE What we know about the ‘outside agitators’ being blamed for campus protests
/article/2024/may/03/una-orden...IMG-ALT Una orden de silencio no priva a Donald Trump de testificar en corte
A-TITLE Una orden de silencio no priva a Donald Trump de testificar en corte
/article/2024/may/03/una-orden...Textduplikat Una orden de silencio no priva a Donald Trump de testificar en corte
A-TITLE Una orden de silencio no priva a Donald Trump de testificar en corte
/article/2024/may/03/student-p...IMG-ALT Student protesters are calling for divestment from Israel. Here’s what that means.
A-TITLE Student protesters are calling for divestment from Israel. Here’s what that means.
/article/2024/may/03/student-p...Textduplikat Student protesters are calling for divestment from Israel. Here’s what that means.
A-TITLE Student protesters are calling for divestment from Israel. Here’s what that means.
/article/2024/may/02/fact-chec...IMG-ALT Fact-checking Trump’s claims about tax cuts, job numbers and inflation in Wisconsin, Michigan
A-TITLE Fact-checking Trump’s claims about tax cuts, job numbers and inflation in Wisconsin, Michigan
/article/2024/may/02/fact-chec...Textduplikat Fact-checking Trump’s claims about tax cuts, job numbers and inflation in Wisconsin, Michigan
A-TITLE Fact-checking Trump’s claims about tax cuts, job numbers and inflation in Wisconsin, Michigan
/article/2024/may/02/si-aprueb...IMG-ALT Si aprueban la enmienda del derecho al aborto en Florida, las cortes evaluarán permiso de los padres
A-TITLE Si aprueban la enmienda del derecho al aborto en Florida, las cortes evaluarán permiso de los padres
/article/2024/may/02/si-aprueb...Textduplikat Si aprueban la enmienda del derecho al aborto en Florida, las cortes evaluarán permiso de los padres
A-TITLE Si aprueban la enmienda del derecho al aborto en Florida, las cortes evaluarán permiso de los padres
/article/2024/may/02/fact-chec...IMG-ALT Fact-checking claims that George Soros is ‘paying student radicals’ involved in campus protests
A-TITLE Fact-checking claims that George Soros is ‘paying student radicals’ involved in campus protests
/article/2024/may/02/fact-chec...Textduplikat Fact-checking claims that George Soros is ‘paying student radicals’ involved in campus protests
A-TITLE Fact-checking claims that George Soros is ‘paying student radicals’ involved in campus protests
/article/list/Textduplikat View all
/personalities/joe-biden/Textduplikat Joe Biden
A-TITLE Biden administration continues to make progress on student loan forgiveness promise
/truth-o-meter/promises/biden-...Forgive student loan debt from public colleges and universities
/personalities/joe-biden/Textduplikat Joe Biden
A-TITLE New firearm license rule expands background checks, but in a limited way
/truth-o-meter/promises/biden-...Require background checks for all gun sales
/personalities/joe-biden/Textduplikat Joe Biden
A-TITLE An end to the Afghanistan War, but continued fighting against Iranian proxies
/truth-o-meter/promises/biden-...End wars in Afghanistan and the Middle East
/personalities/joe-biden/Textduplikat Joe Biden
A-TITLE PRO Act has stalled, but administration is shaping policy through NLRB
/truth-o-meter/promises/biden-...Make union organizing easier for workers
/personalities/joe-biden/Textduplikat Joe Biden
A-TITLE Biden opposes cuts to Social Security, but tax plan unlikely to advance
/truth-o-meter/promises/biden-...Put Social Security on a path to long-run solvency
/personalities/facebook-posts/Textduplikat Facebook posts
A-TITLE Facebook posts
/factchecks/2024/may/03/facebo...Textduplikat Video shows “protesters at Harvard replace American flag with Palestinian flag.”
/personalities/joe-biden/Textduplikat Joe Biden
A-TITLE Joe Biden
/factchecks/2024/may/03/joe-bi...Textduplikat Former President Donald Trump told Time magazine that “states should monitor women’s pregnancies and prosecute those who violate abortion bans.”
/personalities/donald-trump/Textduplikat Donald Trump
A-TITLE Donald Trump
/factchecks/2024/may/03/donald...Textduplikat “I’m not allowed to testify” because of a gag order.
/personalities/kamala-harris/Textduplikat Kamala Harris
A-TITLE Kamala Harris
/factchecks/2024/may/02/kamala...Textduplikat In his Time magazine interview, Donald Trump “said states have the right to monitor pregnant women to enforce these bans, and states have the right to punish...
/personalities/american-fuel-p...Textduplikat American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers
A-TITLE American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers
/factchecks/2024/may/01/americ...Textduplikat "EPA regulators just banned most new gas-powered cars."
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