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/operational/situations | | Situations |
/operational/regions | | Regions |
/operational/operations | | Country operations |
/dashboards/budget-and-expendi... | | Budget and Expenditure |
/dashboards/contributions | | Contributions |
/dashboards/flexible-funding | | Flexible funding |
/flexible-funding-report | | Flexible Funding Report 2023 |
/dashboards/flexible-funding/f... | | Flexible Funding Report 2022 |
/underfunding | | Underfunding |
/spotlight/climate-action | | Climate action |
/spotlight/climate-action/unhc... | | The UNHCR Climate Resilience Fund |
/spotlight/education | | Education |
/spotlight/gender-equality-and... | | Gender equality and gender-based violence |
/spotlight/internal-displacement | | Internal displacement |
/spotlight/statelessness | | Statelessness |
/donor_pages | | Donors |
/donors/donor-ranking | | Donor ranking |
/donor-profiles/?donor=GOV-US | | Donor profiles |
/publications | | Publications |
/global-appeal-2025 | | Global Appeal |
/global-appeal-2025/high-commi... | | High Commissioner's Foreword |
/global-appeal-2025/funding-un... | | Funding UNHCR's programmes |
/global-appeal-2025/impact-areas | | Impact Areas |
/global-appeal-2025/areas-stra... | | Areas of Strategic Focus |
/global-appeal-2025/areas-stra... | | Accountability to Affected People |
/global-appeal-2025/areas-stra... | | Climate Action |
/global-appeal-2025/areas-stra... | Textduplikat | Internal displacement |
/global-appeal-2025/areas-stra... | | Alternatives to dangerous journeys |
/global-appeal-2025/areas-stra... | Textduplikat | Statelessness |
/global-appeal-2025/areas-stra... | | The Global Compact on Refugees |
/global-appeal-2025/areas-stra... | | Working with developement actors |
/global-appeal-2025/outcome-areas | | Outcome Areas |
/global-appeal-2025/outcome-ar... | | 1. Access to territory, registration and documentation |
/global-appeal-2025/outcome-ar... | | 2. Status determination |
/global-appeal-2025/outcome-ar... | | 3. Protection policy and law |
/global-appeal-2025/outcome-ar... | | 4. Gender-based violence |
/global-appeal-2025/outcome-ar... | | 5. Child protection |
/global-appeal-2025/outcome-ar... | | 6. Safety and access to justice |
/global-appeal-2025/outcome-ar... | | 7. Community engagement and women's empowerment |
/global-appeal-2025/outcome-ar... | | 8. Well-being and basic needs |
/global-appeal-2025/outcome-ar... | | 9. Sustainable housing and settlements |
/global-appeal-2025/outcome-ar... | | 10. Healthy lives |
/global-appeal-2025/outcome-ar... | | 11. Education |
/global-appeal-2025/outcome-ar... | | 12. Clean water, sanitation and hygiene |
/global-appeal-2025/outcome-ar... | | 13. Self-reliance, economic inclusion and livelihoods |
/global-appeal-2025/outcome-ar... | | 14. Voluntary repatriation and sustainable reintegration |
/global-appeal-2025/outcome-ar... | | 15. Resettlement and complementary pathways |
/global-appeal-2025/outcome-ar... | | 16. Local integration and other local solutions |
/global-appeal-2025/enabling-a... | | Enabling Areas |
/global-appeal-2025/regional-o... | | Regional overviews |
/global-appeal-2025/situations | Textduplikat | Situations |
/previous-editions-0 | | Previous editions |
/unhcr-pledging-conference-2024 | Subdomain | Pledging Conference |
/global-report-2023 | | Global Report |
/global-report-2023/high-commi... | Textduplikat | High Commissioner's Foreword |
/global-report-2023/funding-un... | Textduplikat | Funding UNHCR's programmes |
/global-report-2023/budget | | Budget |
/global-report-2023/expenditure | | Expenditure |
/global-report-2023/income | | Income |
/global-report-2023/underfunding | Textduplikat | Underfunding |
/global-report-2023/private-se... | | Private sector |
/global-report-2023/national-p... | | National Partners |
/global-report-2023/impact-areas | Textduplikat | Impact Areas |
/global-report-2023/impact-are... | | Protect |
/global-report-2023/impact-are... | | Respond |
/global-report-2023/impact-are... | | Empower |
/global-report-2023/impact-are... | | Solve |
/global-report-2023/impact-are... | | Include |
/global-report-2023/focus-areas | | Focus Areas |
/global-report-2023/focus-area... | Textduplikat | Accountability to Affected People |
/global-report-2023/focus-area... | Textduplikat | Climate action |
/global-report-2023/focus-area... | Textduplikat | Internal displacement |
/global-report-2023/focus-area... | Textduplikat | Statelessness |
/global-report-2023/focus-area... | | Working with Development Partners |
/global-report-2023/outcome-areas | Textduplikat | Outcome Areas |
/global-report-2023/outcome-ar... | Textduplikat | 1. Access to territory, registration and documentation |
/global-report-2023/outcome-ar... | Textduplikat | 2. Status determination |
/global-report-2023/outcome-ar... | Textduplikat | 3. Protection policy and law |
/global-report-2023/outcome-ar... | Textduplikat | 4. Gender-based violence |
/global-report-2023/outcome-ar... | Textduplikat | 5. Child protection |
/global-report-2023/outcome-ar... | Textduplikat | 6. Safety and access to justice |
/global-report-2023/outcome-ar... | Textduplikat | 7. Community engagement and women's empowerment |
/global-report-2023/outcome-ar... | Textduplikat | 8. Well-being and basic needs |
/global-report-2023/outcome-ar... | Textduplikat | 9. Sustainable housing and settlements |
/global-report-2023/outcome-ar... | Textduplikat | 10. Healthy lives |
/global-report-2023/outcome-ar... | Textduplikat | 11. Education |
/global-report-2023/outcome-ar... | Textduplikat | 12. Clean water, sanitation and hygiene |
/global-report-2023/outcome-ar... | Textduplikat | 13. Self-reliance, economic inclusion and livelihoods |
/global-report-2023/outcome-ar... | | 14 Voluntary repatriation and sustainable reintegration |
/global-report-2023/outcome-ar... | | 15. Resettlement, complementary pathways and family reunification |
/global-report-2023/outcome-ar... | Textduplikat | 16. Local integration and other local solutions |
/global-report-2023/enabling-a... | Textduplikat | Enabling Areas |
/global-report-2023/strategic-... | | Strategic partnerships |
/global-report-2023/regional-o... | Textduplikat | Regional overviews |
/global-report-2023/regional-o... | | Asia and the Pacific |
/global-report-2023/regional-o... | | East and Horn of Africa and the Great Lakes |
/global-report-2023/regional-o... | | Europe |
/global-report-2023/regional-o... | | Middle East and North Africa |
/global-report-2023/regional-o... | | Southern Africa |
/global-report-2023/regional-o... | | The Americas |
/global-report-2023/regional-o... | | West and Central Africa |
/global-report-2023/situations | Textduplikat | Situations |
/global-report-2023/global-ref... | | The Global Refugee Forum |
/previous-editions | Textduplikat | Previous editions |
/global-appeal-2025-executive-... | Neues Fenster Subdomain | Global Appeal 2025 - Executive Summary |
/global-appeal-2025 | Subdomain | Trivialer Linktext Read more |
/global-appeal-2025-executive-... | Subdomain | English |
/global-appeal-2025-executive-... | Subdomain | French |
/global-appeal-2025-executive-... | Neues Fenster Subdomain | People fleeing the conflict in Sudan receive emergency assistance in Adre, Chad, before being relocated away from the border to a site with more suitable con... IMG-ALT people fleeing during a sunset |
/global-funding-overview-2024 | Subdomain | Download the Funding Overview |
/global-report-2023 | Subdomain Textduplikat | Trivialer Linktext Read more |
/global-report-2023-executive-... | Subdomain Textduplikat | English |
/global-report-2023-executive-... | Subdomain Textduplikat | French |
/global-report-2023-executive-... | Subdomain | Spanish |
/document/10011 | Neues Fenster | Syria Situation Crisis - Prioritized Response |
/document/10104 | Neues Fenster | Sudan Situation Appeal |
/document/9893 | Neues Fenster | Global Appeal 2025 - Executive Summary [French] |
/document/9812 | Neues Fenster Textduplikat | Global Appeal 2025 - Executive Summary |
/document/9839 | Neues Fenster | No escape: On the frontlines of Climate Change, Conflict and Forced Displacement |
/document/9561 | Neues Fenster | West and Central Africa: Critical Needs for Displaced and Host Communities Affected by Flooding |
/document/9279 | Neues Fenster | Middle East Situation: Emergency Appeal for Lebanon |
/document/9157 | Neues Fenster | Mpox Emergency: Addressing critical needs of forcibly displaced people in Africa |
/document/8995 | Neues Fenster | Underfunded Report 2024 |
/document/10126 | Neues Fenster | Qatar: Factsheet |
/document/10127 | Neues Fenster | Brazil: Relatório Trimestral População Indígena |
/document/7449 | Neues Fenster | Brazil Funding Update - 2024 |
/document/10125 | Neues Fenster | Chad: Operational Update [French] |
/document/10123 | Neues Fenster | Central African Republic: Sudan Situation Update |
/document/10122 | Neues Fenster | Central African Republic: Sudan Situation Update [French] |
/document/10118 | Neues Fenster | Romania: Annual Overview |
/document/10117 | Neues Fenster | Syria situation: Crisis Regional Flash Update #8 |
/document/10119 | Neues Fenster | Syrian Arab Republic: Response Factsheet |
/?page=1 | | 2 |
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/about-global-focus | | About |
/iati-international-aid-transp... | Subdomain | International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) |
/organigram | Subdomain | Organigram |
http://refugee-funding-tracker... | Extern | Refugee funding tracker |
/unhcr-strategic-directions-20... | | UNHCR Strategic Directions | | Subdomain Textduplikat | IMG-ALT Home A-TITLE Home | | Subdomain Textduplikat | IMG-ALT Home A-TITLE Home |
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(Nice to have)