# robots.txt for https://www.ricardo.ch/ User-agent: * # English pages until release Disallow: /en/ Disallow: /en$ # Don't try to index the login page, you will get a Cloudflare challenge Disallow: /de/login Disallow: /fr/login Disallow: /it/login Disallow: /de/regist Disallow: /fr/regist Disallow: /it/regist # After login pages Disallow: /*/bulk/landing Disallow: /*/my-ricardo Disallow: /*/bookkeeping Disallow: /de/profile Disallow: /fr/profile Disallow: /it/profile Disallow: /de/list Disallow: /fr/list Disallow: /it/list # SRP Disallow: /*/s/ # CSRP Disallow:/*/c/*/*/ Disallow: /*/c/*?*,* Disallow: /en/c/*? Allow: /de/c/o/* Allow: /*/c/*? # Sellers Disallow: /*/shop/*/offers/*/ Disallow: /*/shop/*/offers*?page=*& Allow: /*/shop/*/offers?page= Allow: /*/shop/*/offers/?page= Disallow: /*/shop/*/ratings*? # Other params Disallow: /*?*ar= Disallow: /*?*qcn= Disallow: /*?*nextOffset Disallow: /*?*next_offset Disallow: /*?*category= # Supporting files Disallow: /api/browser-statistics/ Disallow: /api/frontend/search-autocomplete Disallow: /api/frontend/notifications Disallow: /api/frontend/categories/category-bar Disallow: /api/mfa/categories Allow: /api/mfa/categories/*/promo-offers Disallow: /api/mfa/notifications Disallow: /api/mfa/user/save-seller-id Disallow: /px/pv Disallow: /api/listing-form Disallow: /marketplace-spa/api/questions Disallow: /marketplace-spa/api/fee Disallow: /marketplace-spa/api/pdp Allow: /marketplace-spa/api/pdp/youtube # Legacy Disallow: /dataservice/ Disallow: /pages/ Disallow: /ajax/ Disallow: /viewitem.aspx Disallow: /*feed.xml Disallow: /online-shop/ Disallow: /shop/ Disallow: /ratings/ Disallow: /pages/*/fr.php Disallow: /auk/ Disallow: /acheter/ Disallow: /kaufen/ Disallow: /zubehoer/ Disallow: */v/ Disallow: */w/ # Disallow cloudflare /cdn-cgi/ endpoint. # See https://developers.cloudflare.com/fundamentals/get-started/reference/cdn-cgi-endpoint/ Disallow: /cdn-cgi/ # Disallow commercial bots we don't like User-agent: psbot User-agent: Yandex User-agent: PetalBot User-agent: Mail.RU_Bot User-agent: MegaIndex User-agent: Baiduspider User-agent: 360Spider User-agent: Yisouspider User-agent: Bytespider User-agent: Sogou web spider User-agent: Sogou inst spider User-agent: proximic User-agent: ADmantX User-agent: Ahrefs User-agent: OnCrawl User-agent: Seekport Crawler User-agent: SEMrushBot User-agent: BLEXBot User-agent: MJ12bot User-agent: ZoomBot User-agent: Linkbot User-agent: GPTBot User-agent: dotbot Disallow: / # User agent names for Google AdsBot can be found here: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/1061943?hl=en User-agent: AdsBot-Google-Mobile User-agent: AdsBot-Google Disallow: /en/ Disallow: /en$ Disallow: /de/login Disallow: /fr/login Disallow: /it/login Disallow: /de/regist Disallow: /fr/regist Disallow: /it/regist Disallow: /*/bulk/landing Disallow: /*/my-ricardo Disallow: /*/bookkeeping Disallow: /de/profile Disallow: /fr/profile Disallow: /it/profile Disallow: /de/list Disallow: /fr/list Disallow: /it/list Disallow: /*/s$ Disallow: /*/s/$ Disallow: /*/s/*? Allow: /*/s/?listing_type=money_guard$ Disallow: /*/shop/*/ Disallow: /*?*sort= Disallow: /*?*ar= Disallow: /*?*qcn= Disallow: /*?*ignore_dominant= Disallow: /*?*nextOffset Disallow: /*?*next_offset Disallow: /*?*category= Disallow: /cdn-cgi/ Disallow: /api/browser-statistics/ Disallow: /api/frontend/search-autocomplete Disallow: /api/frontend/notifications Disallow: /api/frontend/categories Allow: /api/mfa/categories/*/promo-offers Disallow: /px/pv Disallow: /marketplace-spa/api/ Disallow: /api/mfa/ Disallow: /assets/search/ Disallow: /api/listing-form Disallow: /static-assets/marketplace-spa/prod/_next/static/chunks/pages/_app- # Limit criteo crawler to 5 req/sec max as it generates imaginary-wrapper traffic peaks User-agent: CriteoBot/0.1 Crawl-delay: 0.2 # Allow Oracle Data Cloud Crawler User-agent: grapeshot Disallow:
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