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/products/sfpro03991-tweed-dre... | | IMG-ALT 2-in-1 effect Tweed Dress with satin |
/products/sfpro03991-tweed-dre... | Textduplikat | 2-in-1 effect Tweed Dress with satin |
/products/sfpro03543-2-in-1-mi... | | IMG-ALT 2-In-1 Midi Dress |
/products/sfpro03543-2-in-1-mi... | Textduplikat | 2-In-1 Midi Dress |
/products/shpbl01042-aviator-c... | | IMG-ALT Aviator Cotton |
/products/shpbl01042-aviator-c... | Textduplikat | Aviator Cotton | | | Cart (0) |
/pages/free-shipping-easy-returns | | Free shipping over AED999 | | Extern Subdomain | Track your order |
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/pages/evelyne-ilan-chetrite | | The sandro brand |
/pages/sandro-responsibility-c... | | Our commitments |
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/pages/evelyne-ilan-chetrite | | Artistic directors |
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/pages/fall-winter-campaign-2024 | | Fall-winter 24 campaign |
/pages/spring-summer-2024 | | Spring-summer 24 campaign |
/pages/spring-summer-2024-look... | | Spring-summer 24 lookbook | | Subdomain | EN | | Textduplikat | Cart |
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/collections/men-all-shoes | Textduplikat | ALL SHOES |
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/pages/sandro-responsibility-c... | Subdomain Anchor Textduplikat | Our community actions |
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/pages/fall-winter-campaign-2024 | Textduplikat | Fall-winter 24 campaign |
/pages/spring-summer-2024 | Textduplikat | Spring-summer 24 campaign |
/pages/spring-summer-2024-look... | Textduplikat | Spring-summer 24 lookbook | | Subdomain | Preferences UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / EN | | Anchor | Forgot your password? |
/collections/sale-woman | | END OF SEASON SALE 30% - 50% OFF NEW LINES ADDED Woman IMG-ALT |
/collections/sale-man | Textduplikat | MAN IMG-ALT |
/collections/all-sale | | IMG-ALT |
/collections/womens-clothing-sale | | WOMEN |
/collections/mens-clothing-sale | Textduplikat | MAN |
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/collections/sandro-fall-layering | | fall layering MAN IMG-ALT |
/collections/gifts-for-her | | GIFTS FOR HER DISCOVER IMG-ALT |
/collections/mens-clothing-sale | | GIFTS FOR HIM DISCOVER IMG-ALT |
/pages/sandro-responsibility-c... | | discover |
/pages/store-locator | Textduplikat | discover |
/pages/fall-winter-campaign-2024 | Textduplikat | discover |
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/pages/store-locator | | Our stores |
/pages/sandro-responsibility-c... | | Our commitment |
/pages/fall-winter-campaign-2024 | | Fall-Winter Collection |
/pages/evelyne-ilan-chetrite | | Evelyne & Ilan Chetrite |
/pages/workshop | | Workshop |
/pages/care-guide | | Care Guide |
/pages/the-brand-sandro | | The brand Sandro | | Extern Subdomain | Careers |
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/collections/woman-all-shoes | Textduplikat | SHOES |
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/collections/gifts-for-her | Textduplikat | GIFTS |
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/collections/gifts-for-him | Textduplikat | GIFTS | | Extern Subdomain | Facebook | | Extern Subdomain | Instagram | | Extern Subdomain | Pinterest | | Extern Subdomain | Spotify | | Extern Subdomain | TikTok |
/policies/refund-policy | Textduplikat | Refund policy |
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/policies/contact-information | | Contact information | | Extern Subdomain | AUSTRALIA | | Extern Subdomain | CANADA | | Extern Subdomain | CHINA – 中国大陆 | | Extern | REPUBLIC OF KOREA | | Extern | EGYPT | | Extern Subdomain | SPAIN | | Extern Subdomain | UNITED STATES | | Extern Subdomain | EUROPE | | Extern Subdomain | FRANCE | | Extern Subdomain | GERMANY | | Extern Subdomain | HONG KONG / MACAU – 香港 / 澳門特別行政區 | | Extern Subdomain | IRELAND | | Extern Subdomain | ITALY | | Extern Subdomain | MEXICO | | Extern Subdomain | NETHERLANDS | | Extern Subdomain | UNITED KINGDOM | | Extern | SAUDI ARABIA | | Extern Subdomain | SINGAPORE | | Extern Subdomain | SWITZERLAND | | Extern Subdomain | TAIWAN – 台灣地區 | | Extern Subdomain | TÜRKIYE | | Extern | UKRAINE | | Extern Subdomain | VIETNAM | | Textduplikat | |
(Nice to have)