Übersicht der SEO Analyse
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SEO Score
0,22 s
688,70 kB
Anzahl Links
547 Intern / 3 Extern

To-do Liste mit SEO Optimierungen

Meta-Angaben im HTML

(Extrem wichtig)
SayRUG: Rugs, Furniture & Home Decor | Handcrafted Quality & Style
Der Titel sollte kürzer als 580 Pixel sein. Er ist insgesamt 635 Pixel lang. Jetzt optimieren
Es gibt keine Wortwiederholungen im Titel.
(Extrem wichtig)
Discover luxury rugs, elegant furniture, and stylish home decor at SayRug. Shop handcrafted quality and elevate your home's style with our premium selections.
Die Meta-Description hat eine optimale Länge. (984 Pixel von maximal 1000 Pixel Länge)
(Extrem wichtig)
Es gibt keine Probleme beim Zugriff auf die Webseite.
Canonical Link
Es ist kein Canonical Link angegeben.
(Wenig wichtig)
Im Text erkannte Sprache: en
Im HTML angegebene Sprache: en
Serverstandort: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Die Sprache wird im HTML Code wie folgt angegeben: en
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Seite nutzt keine Alternate Links.
Weitere Metatags
(Wenig wichtig)
Es gibt keinen rel next Meta Tag auf der Seite.
Es gibt keinen rel prev Meta Tag auf der Seite.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Domain ist keine Subdomain.
Die Länge der Domain ist gut.
Die Domain enthält keine Umlaute.
Seiten URL
(Wenig wichtig)
In der URL wurden keine Parameter entdeckt.
In der URL wurde keine Session ID entdeckt.
Die URL hat nicht zu viele Unterverzeichnisse.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Angaben zur Zeichensatzkodierung (UTF-8) sind fehlerfrei.
(Nice to have)
Die Doctype Angabe HTML 5 ist korrekt angegeben.
Die Doctype Angabe befindet sich an erster Stelle im HTML-Code.
(Nice to have)
Das Favoriten Icon (Favicon) ist korrekt verlinkt.

Meta Tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
descriptionDiscover luxury rugs, elegant furniture, and stylish home decor at SayRug. Shop handcrafted quality and elevate your home's style with our premium selections.
twitter:titleSayRUG: Rugs, Furniture & Home Decor | Handcrafted Quality & Style
twitter:descriptionDiscover luxury rugs, elegant furniture, and stylish home decor at SayRug. Shop handcrafted quality and elevate your home's style with our premium selections.
og:descriptionDiscover luxury rugs, elegant furniture, and stylish home decor at SayRug. Shop handcrafted quality and elevate your home's style with our premium selections.
og:titleSayRUG: Rugs, Furniture & Home Decor | Handcrafted Quality & Style

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(Extrem wichtig)
Der Inhalt ist mit 1714 Wörtern in Ordnung.
Der Text besteht zu 16.5% aus Füllwörtern.
Worte aus dem Titel werden im Text wiederholt.
Wörter aus der H1 Überschrift werden im Text der Seite verwendet.
Im Text befindet sich eine Aufzählung, dies deutet auf eine gute Textstruktur hin.
Es wurden 11 Fließtextblöcke auf der Seite gefunden.
Der Text auf der Seite ist optimal.
Es wurden keine Platzhalter Texte bzw. Bilder gefunden.
Es befinden sich keine Duplikate auf der Seite.
Die durchschnittliche Satzlänge ist mit 20.82 Wörtern gut.
(Extrem wichtig)
Die Seite hat kein Frameset.
(Wenig wichtig)
Es ist kein Apple-Touch Icon angegeben.
Die Größe des HTML-Dokuments ist mit 688.7 kB sehr groß.
Der angegebene Viewport (width=device-width, initial-scale=1) ist korrekt.
Bold- und Strongtags
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Nutzung von Strong- und Bold-Tags ist optimal. Wir empfehlen für diese Webseite die Verwendung von bis zu 34 Tags.
Bilder Optimierung
(Wenig wichtig)
Bei 2 Bildern fehlt das Alt-Attribut. Der Inhalt von Alt-Attributen wird von Suchmaschinen auch als Text gewertet und ist wichtig für die Bildersuche.
Soziale Vernetzung
(Nice to have)
Es befinden sich wenige Social-Sharing Möglichkeiten auf der Seite. Mit Plugins zum Teilen kann die Reichweite der Seite in sozialen Netzwerken erhöht werden.
Zusätzliches Markup
(Nice to have)
Es wurde kein zusätzliches Markup gefunden.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Seite verwendet HTTPS um Daten sicher zu übertragen.
Alle eingebundenen Dateien werden ebenfalls über HTTPS ausgeliefert.


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H1 Überschrift
(Extrem wichtig)
Welcome to SayRUG: Discover the World of Exquisite Rugs
Die H1 Überschrift enthält die Phrase Welcome to! Verwende stattdessen wichtige Keywords
Es befinden sich 69 Überschriften auf der Seite. Die Anzahl der Überschriften sollte in einem besseren Verhältnis zum Text stehen.


Überschriften HierarchieInhalt
H1 Welcome to SayRUG: Discover the World of Exquisite Rugs
H2 Browse By Color
H2 Rugs
H2 Cowhides
H2 Furniture
H2 Décor
H2 Lighting
H2 Art
H2 Outdoor
H2 Tabletop
H2 Benefits of Shopping at SayRUG
H2 Welcome to SayRug.com
H3 Black & White Flatwoven Belgian Rug
H3 Handmade Luxury Abstract Blue Rug
H3 Shine Wool / Viscose Hand-Knotted Rug
H3 Gold / Grey Hand-Woven Rug
H3 Handwoven Indian Viscose Rug
H3 Pop Art Blue / Green Round Handmade Rug
H3 Flatwoven Vintage Blue Rug
H3 Geometric Wool / Viscose Rug
H3 Champagne Luxury Cowhide
H3 Red Luxury Cowhide
H3 Brown & White Luxury Cowhide
H3 Orange Luxury Cowhide
H3 Jolie Yellow Armchair
H3 Prism Cream Elite Safe
H3 Crest Polished Patina Coffee Table Set
H3 Cocktail Round Yellow Side Table
H3 Leather Desk
H3 Apollo Modern Dining Table
H3 Capanna Exquisite Library S-154
H3 Black & Gold Opulent Sideboard
H3 Green Hand Sculptured Vase
H3 Black & White Exquisite Vase
H3 Navy Handmade Vase
H3 Convex Evolution Mirror
H3 Unique Italian Vase
H3 Prism Gold Watch Winder
H3 Bloom Blue Leather Basket Set
H3 Canoe Unique Leather Desk Box
H3 Eclipse Chandelier
H3 Secret Love Floor Lamp
H3 Fashion Affair Round Chandelier
H3 Modern Large Table Lamp with Bronze Base
H3 Essence Small Green Table Lamp
H3 Round Pendant Light
H3 Modern Small Table Lamp
H3 Grandeur Metal and Glass Table Lamp with Fabric Shade
H3 Moor's Head Gold & White Handmade Sculpture
H3 Octopus Bronze Sculpture
H3 Blue Rose Wall Painting
H3 Bronze Handmade Sculpture
H3 Moon Plus Round Garden Fire Pit
H3 Zero Wood Luxury Outdoor Fire Pit
H3 Zero Texture Luxury Outdoor Fire Pit
H3 Ercole Marble Outdoor Italian Fire Pit
H3 Zero Keramik Luxury Outdoor Fire Pit
H3 Silver-Plated Butter Dish
H3 Silver Oval Vegetable Dish with Lid
H3 Handcrafted Ceramic Plate
H3 Rectangular Silver-Plated Vegetable Dish
H3 Silver-Plated Caviar Bowl with Lid
H3 Villa Pisani Luxury Silver-Plated Pastry Stand
H3 Silver-Plated English Sauce Boat with Tray
H3 Silver-Plated 16-Piece Macarons Tray
H3 About Us
H3 Customer Service
H3 Best offers
H3 Contact Us
Es befinden sich zu viele interne Links (547) auf der Seite.
Einige der Linktexte wiederholen sich.
16 Links haben keinen Linktext oder nur Inhalt in Alt- und Titelattributen.
Keiner der Linktexte ist zu lang.
Alle internen Links haben keine dynamischen Parameter.
Es befinden sich 3 externe Links auf der Seite.
/sale/one-day-sale/One Day Sale
https://sayrug.com/personal/Sign In
https://sayrug.com/personal/Textduplikat Sign In
/personal/orders/My Orders
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/bamboo-silk-rugs/Bamboo Silk
/dining-room-area-rugs/Dining Room
/living-room-area-rugs/Living Room
/office-area-rugs/Home Office
/art-deco-area-rugs/Art Deco
/country-area-rugs/Country Style
/kids-and-teen-area-rugs/Kids & Teen
/modern-contemporary-area-rugs/Modern & Contemporary
/luxury-area-rugs/Designer Rugs
https://sayrug.com/carpets/Wall-to-Wall Carpets
https://sayrug.com/bar-tables/Bar Tables
https://sayrug.com/coffee-tables/Coffee Tables
/drink-trolleys-serving-tables/Drink Trolleys & Serving Tables
/kitchen-dining-tables/Kitchen & Dining Tables
/meeting-tables/Meeting Tables
/nesting-tables/Nesting Tables
/pedestal-tables/Pedestal Tables
https://sayrug.com/side-tables/Side Tables
https://sayrug.com/vanity-tables/Vanity Tables
/writing-desks-and-workstations/Writing Desks & Workstations
https://sayrug.com/bar-cabinets/Bar Cabinets
https://sayrug.com/tv-stands/TV Stands
https://sayrug.com/bar-stools/Bar Stools
/bean-bag-chairs/Bean Bag Chairs
https://sayrug.com/lounge-chairs/Lounge Chairs
https://sayrug.com/office-chairs/Office Chairs
/ottomans-poufs/Ottomans & Poufs
/rocking-chairs/Rocking Chairs
/outdoor-armchairs/Outdoor Armchairs
/outdoor-bar-cabinets/Outdoor Bar Cabinets
/outdoor-bar-tables/Outdoor Bar Tables
/outdoor-benches/Outdoor Benches
/outdoor-chairs/Outdoor Chairs
/outdoor-chaises-daybeds/Outdoor Chaises & Daybeds
/outdoor-coffee-tables/Outdoor Coffee Tables
/outdoor-dining-sets/Outdoor Dining Sets
/outdoor-dining-tables/Outdoor Dining Tables
/outdoor-poufs-ottomans/Outdoor Poufs & Ottomans
/outdoor-side-tables/Outdoor Side Tables
https://sayrug.com/outdoor-sofas/Outdoor Sofas
/outdoor-stools/Outdoor Stools
/coat-racks-stands/Coat Racks & Stands
/office-filling-cabinets/Office Filling Cabinets
https://sayrug.com/room-dividers/Room Dividers
https://sayrug.com/decor/Home Décor
/boxes-and-cases/Boxes & Cases
/decorative-baskets/Decorative Baskets
/decorative-boxes/Decorative Boxes
https://sayrug.com/jewelry-boxes/Jewelry Boxes
/candle-holders/Candle Holders
/decorative-cushions/Decorative Cushions
/decorative-objects/Decorative Objects
/decorative-globes/Decorative Globes
/decorative-plates-and-bowls/Decorative Plates & Bowls
/decorative-trays/Decorative Trays
/figurines-and-sculptures/Figurines & Sculptures
/desk-accessories/Desk Accessories
https://sayrug.com/holiday-decor/Holiday Décor
https://sayrug.com/jars-bottles/Jars & Bottles
/magazine-racks/Magazine Racks
https://sayrug.com/floor-mirrors/Floor Mirrors
/tabletop-mirrors/Tabletop Mirrors
https://sayrug.com/wall-mirrors/Wall Mirrors
https://sayrug.com/photo-frames/Photo Frames
/umbrella-holders/Umbrella Holders
https://sayrug.com/wall-decor/Wall Décor
/decorative-panels/Decorative Panels
https://sayrug.com/wall-accents/Wall Accents
https://sayrug.com/floor-lamps/Floor Lamps
https://sayrug.com/flush-mounts/Flush Mounts
/pendant-lights/Pendant Lights
https://sayrug.com/table-lamps/Table Lamps
/wall-lights-and-sconces/Wall Lights & Sconces
/outdoor-lighting/Outdoor Lighting
/outdoor-ceiling-lamps/Outdoor Ceiling Lamps
/outdoor-floor-lamps/Outdoor Floor Lamps
/outdoor-lanterns/Outdoor Lanterns
/outdoor-pendant-lights/Outdoor Pendant Lights
/outdoor-table-lamps/Outdoor Table Lamps
/outdoor-wall-lights/Outdoor Wall Lights
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https://sayrug.com/carpets/Textduplikat Wall-to-Wall Carpets
https://sayrug.com/cowhides/Textduplikat Cowhides
https://sayrug.com/tabletop/Textduplikat Tabletop
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/acrylic-area-rugs/Textduplikat Acrylic
/bamboo-silk-rugs/Textduplikat Bamboo Silk
/cotton-area-rugs/Textduplikat Cotton
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/hemp-area-rugs/Textduplikat Hemp
/cowhide-area-rugs/Textduplikat Hide
/jute-area-rugs/Textduplikat Jute
/polyester-area-rugs/Textduplikat Polyester
/polypropylene-area-rugs/Textduplikat Polypropylene
/silk-area-rugs/Textduplikat Silk
/tencel-area-rugs/Textduplikat Tencel
/viscose-area-rugs/Textduplikat Viscose
/wool-area-rugs/Textduplikat Wool
/irregular-shaped-rugs/Textduplikat Irregular
/oval-area-rugs/Textduplikat Oval
/rectangle-area-rugs/Textduplikat Rectangle
/round-area-rugs/Textduplikat Round
/square-area-rugs/Textduplikat Square
/handmade-area-rugs/Textduplikat Handmade
/machine-made-area-rugs/Textduplikat Machine Made
/art-deco-area-rugs/Textduplikat Art Deco
/boho-area-rugs/Textduplikat Bohemian
/country-area-rugs/Textduplikat Country Style
/kids-and-teen-area-rugs/Textduplikat Kids & Teen
/minimalist-area-rugs/Textduplikat Minimalist
/modern-contemporary-area-rugs/Textduplikat Modern & Contemporary
/oriental-area-rugs/Textduplikat Oriental
/patchwork-area-rugs/Textduplikat Patchwork
/scandinavian-area-rugs/Textduplikat Scandinavian
/vintage-area-rugs/Textduplikat Vintage
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/outdoor-area-rugs/Textduplikat Outdoor
/cheap-affordable-rugs/Textduplikat Affordable
/luxury-area-rugs/Textduplikat Luxury
/beige-area-rugs/Textduplikat Beige
/black-area-rugs/Textduplikat Black
/black-white-area-rugs/Textduplikat Black & White
/blue-area-rugs/Textduplikat Blue
https://sayrug.com/brown-rugs/Textduplikat Brown
/green-area-rugs/Textduplikat Green
/grey-area-rugs/Textduplikat Grey
/multicolor-area-rugs/Textduplikat Multicolor
/orange-area-rugs/Textduplikat Orange
/pink-area-rugs/Textduplikat Pink
/purple-area-rugs/Textduplikat Purple
https://sayrug.com/red-area-rugs/Textduplikat Red
/turquoise-area-rugs/Textduplikat Turquoise
/white-area-rugs/Textduplikat White
/yellow-area-rugs/Textduplikat Yellow
/bedroom-area-rugs/Textduplikat Bedroom
https://sayrug.com/nursery-rugs/Textduplikat Nursery
/kitchen-area-rugs/Textduplikat Kitchen
/dining-room-area-rugs/Textduplikat Dining Room
/living-room-area-rugs/Textduplikat Living Room
/office-area-rugs/Textduplikat Home Office
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https://sayrug.com/dressers/Textduplikat Dressers
https://sayrug.com/shelves/Textduplikat Shelves
https://sayrug.com/showcases/Textduplikat Showcases
https://sayrug.com/sideboards/Textduplikat Sideboards
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/drink-trolleys-serving-tables/Textduplikat Drink Trolleys & Serving Tables
/kitchen-dining-tables/Textduplikat Kitchen & Dining Tables
/meeting-tables/Textduplikat Meeting Tables
/nesting-tables/Textduplikat Nesting Tables
https://sayrug.com/nightstands/Textduplikat Nightstands
/pedestal-tables/Textduplikat Pedestal Tables
https://sayrug.com/side-tables/Textduplikat Side Tables
https://sayrug.com/vanity-tables/Textduplikat Vanity Tables
/writing-desks-and-workstations/Textduplikat Writing Desks & Workstations
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https://sayrug.com/rugs-on-sale/Kein Text
/collection/vintage-soul-colle...IMG-ALT Vintage Collection
/collection/the-beauty-of-the-...IMG-ALT Loft Rugs
/yellow-gold-mustard-area-rugs/Kein Text
/turquoise-teal-area-rugs/Kein Text
/red-burgundy-maroon-area-rugs/Kein Text
/purple-area-rugs/Kein Text
/pink-area-rugs/Kein Text
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/grey-area-rugs/Kein Text
/green-area-rugs/Kein Text
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/beige-cream-ivory-area-rugs/Kein Text
/black-area-rugs/Kein Text
/white-area-rugs/Kein Text
/black-white-area-rugs/Kein Text
/multicolor-area-rugs/Kein Text
IMG-ALT Black & White Flatwoven Belgian Rug
A-TITLE Black & White Flatwoven Belgian Rug
/item/black-white-flatwoven-be...+ 6 Sizes
A-TITLE Black & White Flatwoven Belgian Rug
/item/black-white-flatwoven-be...Black & White Flatwoven Belgian Rug
A-TITLE Black & White Flatwoven Belgian Rug
/item/handmade-luxury-abstract...-22% Best Selling
IMG-ALT Handmade Luxury Abstract Blue Rug
A-TITLE Handmade Luxury Abstract Blue Rug
/item/handmade-luxury-abstract...Textduplikat + 6 Sizes
A-TITLE Handmade Luxury Abstract Blue Rug
/item/handmade-luxury-abstract...Handmade Luxury Abstract Blue Rug
A-TITLE Handmade Luxury Abstract Blue Rug
IMG-ALT Shine Wool / Viscose Hand-Knotted Rug
A-TITLE Shine Wool / Viscose Hand-Knotted Rug
/item/shine-wool-viscose-hand-...+ 4 Sizes
A-TITLE Shine Wool / Viscose Hand-Knotted Rug
/item/shine-wool-viscose-hand-...Shine Wool / Viscose Hand-Knotted Rug
A-TITLE Shine Wool / Viscose Hand-Knotted Rug
IMG-ALT Gold / Grey Hand-Woven Rug
A-TITLE Gold / Grey Hand-Woven Rug
/item/gold-grey-hand-woven-rug...+ 9 Sizes
A-TITLE Gold / Grey Hand-Woven Rug
/item/gold-grey-hand-woven-rug...Gold / Grey Hand-Woven Rug
A-TITLE Gold / Grey Hand-Woven Rug
IMG-ALT Handwoven Indian Viscose Rug
A-TITLE Handwoven Indian Viscose Rug
/item/handloom-indian-viscose-...+ 2 Sizes
A-TITLE Handwoven Indian Viscose Rug
/item/handloom-indian-viscose-...Handwoven Indian Viscose Rug
A-TITLE Handwoven Indian Viscose Rug
/item/pop-art-blue-green-round...Textduplikat -24%
IMG-ALT Pop Art Blue / Green Round Handmade Rug
A-TITLE Pop Art Blue / Green Round Handmade Rug
/item/pop-art-blue-green-round...A-TITLE Pop Art Blue / Green Round Handmade Rug
/item/pop-art-blue-green-round...Textduplikat Pop Art Blue / Green Round Handmade Rug
A-TITLE Pop Art Blue / Green Round Handmade Rug
/item/flatwoven-vintage-blue-r...Textduplikat -22%
IMG-ALT Flatwoven Vintage Blue Rug
A-TITLE Flatwoven Vintage Blue Rug
/item/flatwoven-vintage-blue-r...+ 5 Sizes
A-TITLE Flatwoven Vintage Blue Rug
/item/flatwoven-vintage-blue-r...Flatwoven Vintage Blue Rug
A-TITLE Flatwoven Vintage Blue Rug
/item/geometric-wool-viscose-r...Textduplikat -22%
IMG-ALT Geometric Wool / Viscose Rug
A-TITLE Geometric Wool / Viscose Rug
/item/geometric-wool-viscose-r...A-TITLE Geometric Wool / Viscose Rug
/item/geometric-wool-viscose-r...Textduplikat Geometric Wool / Viscose Rug
A-TITLE Geometric Wool / Viscose Rug
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/item/champagne-luxury-cowhide...-24% New
IMG-ALT Champagne Luxury Cowhide
A-TITLE Champagne Luxury Cowhide
/item/champagne-luxury-cowhide...A-TITLE Champagne Luxury Cowhide
/item/champagne-luxury-cowhide...Textduplikat Champagne Luxury Cowhide
A-TITLE Champagne Luxury Cowhide
/item/red-luxury-cowhide-15598...Textduplikat -24% New
IMG-ALT Red Luxury Cowhide
A-TITLE Red Luxury Cowhide
/item/red-luxury-cowhide-15598...A-TITLE Red Luxury Cowhide
/item/red-luxury-cowhide-15598...Textduplikat Red Luxury Cowhide
A-TITLE Red Luxury Cowhide
/item/brown-white-luxury-cowhi...Textduplikat -24% New
IMG-ALT Brown & White Luxury Cowhide
A-TITLE Brown & White Luxury Cowhide
/item/brown-white-luxury-cowhi...A-TITLE Brown & White Luxury Cowhide
/item/brown-white-luxury-cowhi...Textduplikat Brown & White Luxury Cowhide
A-TITLE Brown & White Luxury Cowhide
/item/orange-luxury-cowhide-15...Textduplikat -24% New
IMG-ALT Orange Luxury Cowhide
A-TITLE Orange Luxury Cowhide
/item/orange-luxury-cowhide-15...A-TITLE Orange Luxury Cowhide
/item/orange-luxury-cowhide-15...Textduplikat Orange Luxury Cowhide
A-TITLE Orange Luxury Cowhide
https://sayrug.com/furniture/Textduplikat Discover
IMG-ALT Jolie Yellow Armchair
A-TITLE Jolie Yellow Armchair
/item/jolie-yellow-armchair-21...A-TITLE Jolie Yellow Armchair
/item/jolie-yellow-armchair-21...Textduplikat Jolie Yellow Armchair
A-TITLE Jolie Yellow Armchair
IMG-ALT Prism Cream Elite Safe
A-TITLE Prism Cream Elite Safe
/item/prism-cream-elite-safe-2...A-TITLE Prism Cream Elite Safe
/item/prism-cream-elite-safe-2...Textduplikat Prism Cream Elite Safe
A-TITLE Prism Cream Elite Safe
/item/crest-polished-patina-ce...Textduplikat -20%
IMG-ALT Crest Polished Patina Coffee Table Set
A-TITLE Crest Polished Patina Coffee Table Set
/item/crest-polished-patina-ce...A-TITLE Crest Polished Patina Coffee Table Set
/item/crest-polished-patina-ce...Textduplikat Crest Polished Patina Coffee Table Set
A-TITLE Crest Polished Patina Coffee Table Set
/item/cocktail-round-yellow-si...Textduplikat 0%
IMG-ALT Cocktail Round Yellow Side Table
A-TITLE Cocktail Round Yellow Side Table
/item/cocktail-round-yellow-si...A-TITLE Cocktail Round Yellow Side Table
/item/cocktail-round-yellow-si...Textduplikat Cocktail Round Yellow Side Table
A-TITLE Cocktail Round Yellow Side Table
IMG-ALT Leather Desk
A-TITLE Leather Desk
/item/leather-desk-212880.htmlA-TITLE Leather Desk
/item/leather-desk-212880.htmlTextduplikat Leather Desk
A-TITLE Leather Desk
/item/apollo-modern-dining-tab...Textduplikat -5%
IMG-ALT Apollo Modern Dining Table
A-TITLE Apollo Modern Dining Table
/item/apollo-modern-dining-tab...A-TITLE Apollo Modern Dining Table
/item/apollo-modern-dining-tab...Textduplikat Apollo Modern Dining Table
A-TITLE Apollo Modern Dining Table
/item/capanna-exquisite-librar...Textduplikat 0%
IMG-ALT Capanna Exquisite Library S-154
A-TITLE Capanna Exquisite Library S-154
/item/capanna-exquisite-librar...A-TITLE Capanna Exquisite Library S-154
/item/capanna-exquisite-librar...Textduplikat Capanna Exquisite Library S-154
A-TITLE Capanna Exquisite Library S-154
/item/black-gold-opulent-sideb...Textduplikat -20%
IMG-ALT Black & Gold Opulent Sideboard
A-TITLE Black & Gold Opulent Sideboard
/item/black-gold-opulent-sideb...A-TITLE Black & Gold Opulent Sideboard
/item/black-gold-opulent-sideb...Textduplikat Black & Gold Opulent Sideboard
A-TITLE Black & Gold Opulent Sideboard
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/item/green-hand-sculptured-va...Textduplikat 0%
IMG-ALT Green Hand Sculptured Vase
A-TITLE Green Hand Sculptured Vase
/item/green-hand-sculptured-va...A-TITLE Green Hand Sculptured Vase
/item/green-hand-sculptured-va...Textduplikat Green Hand Sculptured Vase
A-TITLE Green Hand Sculptured Vase
/item/black-white-exquisite-va...Textduplikat 0%
IMG-ALT Black & White Exquisite Vase
A-TITLE Black & White Exquisite Vase
/item/black-white-exquisite-va...A-TITLE Black & White Exquisite Vase
/item/black-white-exquisite-va...Textduplikat Black & White Exquisite Vase
A-TITLE Black & White Exquisite Vase
/item/navy-handmade-vase-21784...Textduplikat 0%
IMG-ALT Navy Handmade Vase
A-TITLE Navy Handmade Vase
/item/navy-handmade-vase-21784...A-TITLE Navy Handmade Vase
/item/navy-handmade-vase-21784...Textduplikat Navy Handmade Vase
A-TITLE Navy Handmade Vase
/item/convex-evolution-mirror-...Textduplikat -20%
IMG-ALT Convex Evolution Mirror
A-TITLE Convex Evolution Mirror
/item/convex-evolution-mirror-...A-TITLE Convex Evolution Mirror
/item/convex-evolution-mirror-...Textduplikat Convex Evolution Mirror
A-TITLE Convex Evolution Mirror
/item/unique-italian-vase-2177...Textduplikat 0%
IMG-ALT Unique Italian Vase
A-TITLE Unique Italian Vase
/item/unique-italian-vase-2177...A-TITLE Unique Italian Vase
/item/unique-italian-vase-2177...Textduplikat Unique Italian Vase
A-TITLE Unique Italian Vase
/item/prism-gold-watch-winder-...Textduplikat -20%
IMG-ALT Prism Gold Watch Winder
A-TITLE Prism Gold Watch Winder
/item/prism-gold-watch-winder-...A-TITLE Prism Gold Watch Winder
/item/prism-gold-watch-winder-...Textduplikat Prism Gold Watch Winder
A-TITLE Prism Gold Watch Winder
/item/bloom-blue-leather-baske...Textduplikat 0%
IMG-ALT Bloom Blue Leather Basket Set
A-TITLE Bloom Blue Leather Basket Set
/item/bloom-blue-leather-baske...A-TITLE Bloom Blue Leather Basket Set
/item/bloom-blue-leather-baske...Textduplikat Bloom Blue Leather Basket Set
A-TITLE Bloom Blue Leather Basket Set
/item/canoe-unique-leather-des...Textduplikat 0%
IMG-ALT Canoe Unique Leather Desk Box
A-TITLE Canoe Unique Leather Desk Box
/item/canoe-unique-leather-des...A-TITLE Canoe Unique Leather Desk Box
/item/canoe-unique-leather-des...Textduplikat Canoe Unique Leather Desk Box
A-TITLE Canoe Unique Leather Desk Box
https://sayrug.com/lighting/Textduplikat Discover
/item/eclipse-chandelier-21256...Textduplikat -5%
IMG-ALT Eclipse Chandelier
A-TITLE Eclipse Chandelier
/item/eclipse-chandelier-21256...+ 3 Sizes
A-TITLE Eclipse Chandelier
/item/eclipse-chandelier-21256...Eclipse Chandelier
A-TITLE Eclipse Chandelier
/item/secret-love-floor-lamp-2...Textduplikat -5%
IMG-ALT Secret Love Floor Lamp
A-TITLE Secret Love Floor Lamp
/item/secret-love-floor-lamp-2...A-TITLE Secret Love Floor Lamp
/item/secret-love-floor-lamp-2...Textduplikat Secret Love Floor Lamp
A-TITLE Secret Love Floor Lamp
/item/fashion-affair-round-cha...Textduplikat -5%
IMG-ALT Fashion Affair Round Chandelier
A-TITLE Fashion Affair Round Chandelier
/item/fashion-affair-round-cha...A-TITLE Fashion Affair Round Chandelier
/item/fashion-affair-round-cha...Textduplikat Fashion Affair Round Chandelier
A-TITLE Fashion Affair Round Chandelier
/item/modern-large-table-lamp-...Textduplikat -5%
IMG-ALT Modern Large Table Lamp with Bronze Base
A-TITLE Modern Large Table Lamp with Bronze Base
/item/modern-large-table-lamp-...A-TITLE Modern Large Table Lamp with Bronze Base
/item/modern-large-table-lamp-...Textduplikat Modern Large Table Lamp with Bronze Base
A-TITLE Modern Large Table Lamp with Bronze Base
/item/essence-small-green-tabl...Textduplikat -20%
IMG-ALT Essence Small Green Table Lamp
A-TITLE Essence Small Green Table Lamp
/item/essence-small-green-tabl...A-TITLE Essence Small Green Table Lamp
/item/essence-small-green-tabl...Textduplikat Essence Small Green Table Lamp
A-TITLE Essence Small Green Table Lamp
/item/round-pendant-light-2125...Textduplikat -5%
IMG-ALT Round Pendant Light
A-TITLE Round Pendant Light
/item/round-pendant-light-2125...A-TITLE Round Pendant Light
/item/round-pendant-light-2125...Textduplikat Round Pendant Light
A-TITLE Round Pendant Light
/item/modern-small-table-lamp-...-5% New
IMG-ALT Modern Small Table Lamp
A-TITLE Modern Small Table Lamp
/item/modern-small-table-lamp-...A-TITLE Modern Small Table Lamp
/item/modern-small-table-lamp-...Textduplikat Modern Small Table Lamp
A-TITLE Modern Small Table Lamp
/item/grandeur_metal_and_glass...Textduplikat -5%
IMG-ALT Grandeur Metal and Glass Table Lamp with Fabric Shade
A-TITLE Grandeur Metal and Glass Table Lamp with Fabric Shade
/item/grandeur_metal_and_glass...A-TITLE Grandeur Metal and Glass Table Lamp with Fabric Shade
/item/grandeur_metal_and_glass...Textduplikat Grandeur Metal and Glass Table Lamp with Fabric Shade
A-TITLE Grandeur Metal and Glass Table Lamp with Fabric Shade
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/item/moor-s-head-gold-white-h...Textduplikat 0%
IMG-ALT Moor's Head Gold & White Handmade Sculpture
A-TITLE Moor's Head Gold & White Handmade Sculpture
/item/moor-s-head-gold-white-h...A-TITLE Moor's Head Gold & White Handmade Sculpture
/item/moor-s-head-gold-white-h...Textduplikat Moor's Head Gold & White Handmade Sculpture
A-TITLE Moor's Head Gold & White Handmade Sculpture
/item/octopus-bronze-sculpture...0% New
IMG-ALT Octopus Bronze Sculpture
A-TITLE Octopus Bronze Sculpture
/item/octopus-bronze-sculpture...A-TITLE Octopus Bronze Sculpture
/item/octopus-bronze-sculpture...Textduplikat Octopus Bronze Sculpture
A-TITLE Octopus Bronze Sculpture
/item/blue-rose-wall-painting-...Textduplikat -5% New
IMG-ALT Blue Rose Wall Painting
A-TITLE Blue Rose Wall Painting
/item/blue-rose-wall-painting-...A-TITLE Blue Rose Wall Painting
/item/blue-rose-wall-painting-...Textduplikat Blue Rose Wall Painting
A-TITLE Blue Rose Wall Painting
/item/bronze-handmade-sculptur...Textduplikat 0%
IMG-ALT Bronze Handmade Sculpture
A-TITLE Bronze Handmade Sculpture
/item/bronze-handmade-sculptur...A-TITLE Bronze Handmade Sculpture
/item/bronze-handmade-sculptur...Textduplikat Bronze Handmade Sculpture
A-TITLE Bronze Handmade Sculpture
https://sayrug.com/outdoor/Textduplikat Discover
/item/moon-plus-round-garden-f...-15% New
IMG-ALT Moon Plus Round Garden Fire Pit
A-TITLE Moon Plus Round Garden Fire Pit
/item/moon-plus-round-garden-f...+ 2 Options
A-TITLE Moon Plus Round Garden Fire Pit
/item/moon-plus-round-garden-f...Moon Plus Round Garden Fire Pit
A-TITLE Moon Plus Round Garden Fire Pit
/item/zero-wood-luxury-outdoor...Textduplikat -15% New
IMG-ALT Zero Wood Luxury Outdoor Fire Pit
A-TITLE Zero Wood Luxury Outdoor Fire Pit
/item/zero-wood-luxury-outdoor...+ 2 Options + 3 Sizes
A-TITLE Zero Wood Luxury Outdoor Fire Pit
/item/zero-wood-luxury-outdoor...Zero Wood Luxury Outdoor Fire Pit
A-TITLE Zero Wood Luxury Outdoor Fire Pit
/item/zero-texture-luxury-outd...Textduplikat -15% New
IMG-ALT Zero Texture Luxury Outdoor Fire Pit
A-TITLE Zero Texture Luxury Outdoor Fire Pit
/item/zero-texture-luxury-outd...+ 3 Options + 3 Sizes
A-TITLE Zero Texture Luxury Outdoor Fire Pit
/item/zero-texture-luxury-outd...Zero Texture Luxury Outdoor Fire Pit
A-TITLE Zero Texture Luxury Outdoor Fire Pit
/item/ercole-marble-outdoor-it...Textduplikat -15% New
IMG-ALT Ercole Marble Outdoor Italian Fire Pit
A-TITLE Ercole Marble Outdoor Italian Fire Pit
/item/ercole-marble-outdoor-it...+ 2 Options + 4 Sizes
A-TITLE Ercole Marble Outdoor Italian Fire Pit
/item/ercole-marble-outdoor-it...Ercole Marble Outdoor Italian Fire Pit
A-TITLE Ercole Marble Outdoor Italian Fire Pit
/item/zero-keramik-luxury-outd...Textduplikat -15% New
IMG-ALT Zero Keramik Luxury Outdoor Fire Pit
A-TITLE Zero Keramik Luxury Outdoor Fire Pit
/item/zero-keramik-luxury-outd...+ 4 Options + 3 Sizes
A-TITLE Zero Keramik Luxury Outdoor Fire Pit
/item/zero-keramik-luxury-outd...Zero Keramik Luxury Outdoor Fire Pit
A-TITLE Zero Keramik Luxury Outdoor Fire Pit
https://sayrug.com/tabletop/Textduplikat Discover
/item/silver-plated-butter-dis...Textduplikat -24% New
IMG-ALT Silver-Plated Butter Dish
A-TITLE Silver-Plated Butter Dish
/item/silver-plated-butter-dis...A-TITLE Silver-Plated Butter Dish
/item/silver-plated-butter-dis...Textduplikat Silver-Plated Butter Dish
A-TITLE Silver-Plated Butter Dish
/item/silver-oval-vegetable-di...Textduplikat -24%
IMG-ALT Silver Oval Vegetable Dish with Lid
A-TITLE Silver Oval Vegetable Dish with Lid
/item/silver-oval-vegetable-di...Textduplikat + 2 Sizes
A-TITLE Silver Oval Vegetable Dish with Lid
/item/silver-oval-vegetable-di...Silver Oval Vegetable Dish with Lid
A-TITLE Silver Oval Vegetable Dish with Lid
/item/handcrafted-ceramic-plat...Textduplikat 0%
IMG-ALT Handcrafted Ceramic Plate
A-TITLE Handcrafted Ceramic Plate
/item/handcrafted-ceramic-plat...A-TITLE Handcrafted Ceramic Plate
/item/handcrafted-ceramic-plat...Textduplikat Handcrafted Ceramic Plate
A-TITLE Handcrafted Ceramic Plate
/item/rectangular-silver-plate...Textduplikat -24%
IMG-ALT Rectangular Silver-Plated Vegetable Dish
A-TITLE Rectangular Silver-Plated Vegetable Dish
/item/rectangular-silver-plate...Textduplikat + 2 Options
A-TITLE Rectangular Silver-Plated Vegetable Dish
/item/rectangular-silver-plate...Rectangular Silver-Plated Vegetable Dish
A-TITLE Rectangular Silver-Plated Vegetable Dish
/item/silver-plated-caviar-bow...Textduplikat -24% New
IMG-ALT Silver-Plated Caviar Bowl with Lid
A-TITLE Silver-Plated Caviar Bowl with Lid
/item/silver-plated-caviar-bow...A-TITLE Silver-Plated Caviar Bowl with Lid
/item/silver-plated-caviar-bow...Textduplikat Silver-Plated Caviar Bowl with Lid
A-TITLE Silver-Plated Caviar Bowl with Lid
/item/villa-pisani-luxury-silv...Textduplikat -24% New
IMG-ALT Villa Pisani Luxury Silver-Plated Pastry Stand
A-TITLE Villa Pisani Luxury Silver-Plated Pastry Stand
/item/villa-pisani-luxury-silv...A-TITLE Villa Pisani Luxury Silver-Plated Pastry Stand
/item/villa-pisani-luxury-silv...Textduplikat Villa Pisani Luxury Silver-Plated Pastry Stand
A-TITLE Villa Pisani Luxury Silver-Plated Pastry Stand
/item/silver-plated-english-sa...-24% Best Selling
IMG-ALT Silver-Plated English Sauce Boat with Tray
A-TITLE Silver-Plated English Sauce Boat with Tray
/item/silver-plated-english-sa...A-TITLE Silver-Plated English Sauce Boat with Tray
/item/silver-plated-english-sa...Textduplikat Silver-Plated English Sauce Boat with Tray
A-TITLE Silver-Plated English Sauce Boat with Tray
/item/silver-plated-16-piece-m...Textduplikat -24%
IMG-ALT Silver-Plated 16-Piece Macarons Tray
A-TITLE Silver-Plated 16-Piece Macarons Tray
/item/silver-plated-16-piece-m...A-TITLE Silver-Plated 16-Piece Macarons Tray
/item/silver-plated-16-piece-m...Textduplikat Silver-Plated 16-Piece Macarons Tray
A-TITLE Silver-Plated 16-Piece Macarons Tray
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