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(Extrem wichtig)
Free Music For YouTube Videos & Creators • Uppbeat
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(Extrem wichtig)
Download the best copyright-free music for YouTube, TikTok, streaming, social media, podcasts and more. Create a free account & start downloading for free now.
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Im HTML angegebene Sprache: en
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Meta Tags

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twitter:descriptionDownload the best copyright-free music for YouTube, TikTok, streaming, social media, podcasts and more. Create a free account & start downloading for free now.
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Im Text befindet sich eine Aufzählung, dies deutet auf eine gute Textstruktur hin.
Es wurden 119 Fließtextblöcke auf der Seite gefunden.
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Die Nutzung von Strong- und Bold-Tags ist optimal. Wir empfehlen für diese Webseite die Verwendung von bis zu 62 Tags.
Bilder Optimierung
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Bei 20 Bildern fehlt das Alt-Attribut. Der Inhalt von Alt-Attributen wird von Suchmaschinen auch als Text gewertet und ist wichtig für die Bildersuche.
Soziale Vernetzung
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Zusätzliches Markup
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Es wurde kein zusätzliches Markup gefunden.
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Alle eingebundenen Dateien werden ebenfalls über HTTPS ausgeliefert.


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H1 Überschrift
(Extrem wichtig)
Free music for creators
Die H1-Überschrift ist perfekt.
Einige Überschriftentexte kommen doppelt auf der Seite vor.
Es befinden sich 144 Überschriften auf der Seite. Die Anzahl der Überschriften sollte in einem besseren Verhältnis zum Text stehen.


Überschriften HierarchieInhalt
H1 Free music for creators
H2 No copyright claims. Your favorite beatmakers.
H2 Discover
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H2 Beats
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H2 All Categories
H3 AI Playlist Generator
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H3 Latest Releases
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H3 Gaming
H3 Travel
H3 Educational
H3 B-Roll Essentials - Winter 2024
H3 Winter in Nature
H3 Phonk
H3 AI Innovation
H3 Best of EDM
H3 Lazy Lofi
H3 Best of Piano
H3 Top 30 Creator Sound Effects
H3 Meme Sounds 2024
H3 Je t'aime
H3 Lo-Fi Love
H3 Love Letters
H3 Moments Together
H3 Acoustic Love
H3 Lurvve Moments
H3 Young Love
H3 Lofi Beats
H3 Sunny Beats
H3 Stylish Beats
H3 Hip Hop
H3 Chillhop
H3 Trap
H3 Majestic Beats
H3 Underground Beats
H3 Lazin' Beats
H3 Ambient Beats
H3 Jazzy Beats
H3 NYC Vibe
H3 Vintage Beats
H3 Future Bass
H3 Lush Beats
H3 Late Night Beats
H3 Inspiring
H3 Calm
H3 Happy
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H3 Energizing
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H3 Atmospheric
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H3 Sentimental
H3 Spooky Storytelling
H3 Golden Hour Beats
H3 Cinematic Indie
H3 Aesthetic Vibes
H3 Are We Dreaming?
H3 Kawaii Pop Party
H3 Cinematic Moments
H3 Elevate & Engage
H3 Hyperpop World
H3 Rugged Rock
H3 Killer Hip Hop
H3 Minimal Beats
H3 Positive Energy
H3 Driving The Edit
H3 Breezy Vibes
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2 Links haben keinen Linktext oder nur Inhalt in Alt- und Titelattributen.
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Es befinden sich 7 externe Links auf der Seite.
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/ai-playlist-generatorAI Playlist Generator Find your sound in your words with our text-to-music playlist generator.
IMG-ALT AI Playlist Generator
/browse/trendingTrending Keep your content fresh with our always up-to-date collection of your fellow creators’ most downloaded music and sound effects on Uppbeat.
IMG-ALT Trending
/latest-releasesLatest Releases Show some love to the latest music on Uppbeat, browse our brand new collection of the freshest beats & discover awesome soundtracks before th...
IMG-ALT Latest Releases
/browse/collection/hot-on-premiumHot On Premium The hottest, most-impressive, best-loved Premium tracks on Uppbeat!
IMG-ALT Hot On Premium
https://uppbeat.io/zones/gamingGaming Level-up your gaming content with tracks for all types of gamers.
IMG-ALT Gaming
https://uppbeat.io/zones/travelTravel Transport your audience with music inspired by dreamy destinations.
IMG-ALT Travel
/zones/educationalEducational Bring educational content to life with music to suit any subject.
IMG-ALT Educational
/browse/collection/b-roll-esse...B-Roll Essentials - Winter 2024 What's cooler than being cool? Make your winter edits ice cold with a hand-picked selection of the freshest tracks to cut you...
IMG-ALT B-Roll Essentials - Winter 2024
/sfx/collection/winter-in-natureWinter in Nature Bring a winter’s chill to your edits with ferocious blizzards, footsteps in the snow, the soft crackle of fire, and lots more frosty sound e...
IMG-ALT Winter in Nature
/music/category/phonkPhonk Hard-hitting trap-inspired beats to turbocharge your edits.
/browse/collection/ai-innovationAI Innovation Futuristic sounds and glitchy electronica for innovative creators exploring the awesome potential of AI. The perfect synergy of humans and mach...
IMG-ALT AI Innovation
/browse/collection/best-of-edmBest of EDM Glow sticks at the ready! Prepare to bounce with a selection of high-tempo bangers, big-bass drops, and breakneck beats to get your audience ravi...
/browse/collection/lazy-lofiLazy Lofi Blissed-out beats that are so laid-back, they’re horizontal. Emanate easy-going vibes with a relaxed selection of lo-fi grooves and chill-hop beats.
IMG-ALT Lazy Lofi
/browse/collection/best-of-pianoBest of Piano Discover the finest ivory ticklers on Uppbeat with piano tracks to suit all moods! From lively ragtime to sentimental compositions and everythi...
IMG-ALT Best of Piano
/sfx/collection/top-creator-so...Top 30 Creator Sound Effects Drum roll please! Introducing Uppbeat’s best loved and most-used sound effects to accompany everything from your biggest wins to...
IMG-ALT Top 30 Creator Sound Effects
/sfx/collection/meme-sounds-2024Meme Sounds 2024 Cheesy 80s sax licks, tragic Spongebob luau music & many more of our top meme sounds and clips to give your content a sprinkle of silly humo...
IMG-ALT Meme Sounds 2024
/browse/collection/je-taimeJe t'aime Transport yourself to the golden era of romance & the capital city of love with this charming collection of romantic tunes. Midnight in Paris in mu...
IMG-ALT Je t'aime
/browse/collection/lo-fi-loveLo-Fi Love Chilled background beats and Lo-Fi soundtracks to lazy weekends, cosy couch vibes and reminiscing over romantic memories with the one you love.
IMG-ALT Lo-Fi Love
/browse/collection/love-lettersLove Letters Deeply-moving classical compositions featuring piano and strings that shine with all the passion and emotion of finding and falling in love.
IMG-ALT Love Letters
/browse/collection/moments-tog...Moments Together Meaningful moments with the ones you love can feel larger than life, like they’re playing out on the big screen. Your cinematic soundtrack f...
IMG-ALT Moments Together
/browse/collection/acoustic-loveAcoustic Love Folksy love songs and authentic acoustic serenades for those warm and tender times when falling in love is easy, like the most natural thing in...
IMG-ALT Acoustic Love
/sfx/collection/lurvve-momentsLurvve Moments Dim the lights and let’s get silly with some of our favourite love sound effects & music, featuring smooches, sweeping harps & seductive sax l...
IMG-ALT Lurvve Moments
/browse/collection/young-loveYoung Love A fun and vibrant mix of sunny pop and electro beats that captures the make-you-wanna-shout euphoria of young love.
IMG-ALT Young Love
/music/category/lo-fi-beatsLofi Beats A seriously chill collection of laid-back hip hop and mellow beats featuring vintage vibes and downtempo drums. Perfect for easy-going, cool creat...
IMG-ALT Lofi Beats
/music/category/sunny-beatsSunny Beats Bouncy EDM and uplifting electro-pop to bring sunny vibes and brighten up your content. Perfect for jet-setting creators and feel-good footage.
IMG-ALT Sunny Beats
/music/category/stylish-beatsStylish Beats A cool collection of fresh beats and statement sounds to turn up the style and wow your audience. Ideal for creators who want to turn heads.
IMG-ALT Stylish Beats
/music/category/hip-hop-beatsHip Hop The hottest hip hop beats and urban sounds to freshen up your content and bring the vibes. Featuring everything from laid-back chillhop to hard-hitti...
/music/category/chillhopChillhop Embrace that iconic lofi hip hop sound and give your videos an instantly laid-back vibe with the freshest selection of chillhop.
IMG-ALT Chillhop
/music/category/trapTrap Turn up the volume and drop the bass! Presenting a selection of infectious trap beats and future bass basslines to give your videos a dose of attitude.
/music/category/majestic-beatsMajestic Beats Conjure up a feeling of serene wonder with this sublime playlist of majestic beats. Perfectly suited for breezy creators soundtracking beautif...
IMG-ALT Majestic Beats
/music/category/underground-beatsUnderground Beats Gritty beats and the best of underground genres, including trap and future bass. Cool and edgy music for creators that go against the grain.
IMG-ALT Underground Beats
/music/category/lazin-beatsLazin' Beats Easy-going lofi hip hop and lazy beats for breezy afternoons. The coolest soundtracks for creators that radiate chill vibes.
IMG-ALT Lazin' Beats
/music/category/ambient-beatsAmbient Beats Drift away on a bed of our most stylish ambient electronic music. The perfect blissed-out accompaniment for focussed moments and chilled-out co...
IMG-ALT Ambient Beats
/music/category/jazzy-beatsJazzy Beats Sample the stylish fusion of jazz and hip-hop with this effortlessly cool collection of jazzy beats. Chill out and treat your audience to some of...
IMG-ALT Jazzy Beats
/music/category/nyc-vibeNYC Vibe Explore urban jungles to the sound of slick hip hop & stylish lofi beats. Grab your camera and unleash your inner Casey Neistat!
/music/category/vintage-beatsVintage Beats Give your content a sprinkle of vintage charm with this classic collection of jazzy jaunts, retro beats and nostalgic sounds.
IMG-ALT Vintage Beats
/music/category/future-bassFuture Bass Embrace futuristic sounds & hard-hitting beats. A collection of future bass, hardwave & cyberpunk tracks for stylish creators that want to make a...
IMG-ALT Future Bass
/music/category/lush-beatsLush Beats A blissed-out mix of dreamy lofi and tropical beats for when life’s a beach! The ideal accessory for travel content & luxury product unboxings.
IMG-ALT Lush Beats
/music/category/late-night-beatsLate Night Beats Calling all night owls! The freshest EDM and stylish beats to soundtrack late night adventures and cool after-hours content.
IMG-ALT Late Night Beats
/music/category/inspiringInspiring Spine-tingling compositions and rousing melodies to help stir the emotions and inspire audiences. Ideal for aspirational content and positive creat...
IMG-ALT Inspiring
/music/category/calmCalm Chill out with a collection of ambient tracks so laid-back, they’re horizontal. A calming accompaniment for relaxing videos and contemplative content.
/music/category/happyHappy Music to make people smile! Uplifting pop anthems and feel-good indie tracks for fun-loving creators spreading happiness and positivity through their c...
/music/category/dramaticDramatic Get your audience on the edge of their seats with this heart-pounding selection of suspenseful tracks & dramatic music that’ll seriously ramp up the...
IMG-ALT Dramatic
/music/category/energizingEnergizing High-intensity beats and adrenaline-pumping soundtracks to energize workout videos and push extreme sports content to the next level.
IMG-ALT Energizing
/music/category/sadSad Somber soundscapes and plaintive piano pieces for sad scenes and tear jerking moments. Who’s cutting onions in here?!
/music/category/darkDark Haunting soundscapes and eerie electronic beats to give your videos an air of suspenseful mystery and intrigue. Let the darkness in!
/music/category/atmosphericAtmospheric Move your audience with neoclassical soundscapes and ambient music that evoke a sense of introspection and contemplation in your videos.
IMG-ALT Atmospheric
/music/category/upliftingUplifting Elevate your content with this collection of the best inspirational indie and uplifting beats. Guaranteed to provide the perfect pick-me-up for you...
IMG-ALT Uplifting
/music/category/aggressiveAggressive Get pumped and up the ante with this collection of hard-hitting aggressive music, with everything from riff-tastic rock through to the biggest EDM...
IMG-ALT Aggressive
/music/category/scaryScary Give your audience goosebumps with suspense-laden string arrangements and creepy electronic sounds. Time to unleash your inner Hitchcock.
/music/category/sentimentalSentimental Deeply-moving and sentimental tracks for touching and meaningful videos. Everything from emotive piano pieces to intimate, moving folk music.
IMG-ALT Sentimental
/playlist/spooky-storytellingMadame Myriad Spooky Storytelling Haunting melodies and eerie cinematic music handpicked by Madame Myriad to add an air of mystery to your creepiest content.
IMG-ALT Madame Myriad
/playlist/golden-hour-beatsSaurav Sinha Golden Hour Beats Sun-flecked lofi beats for breathtaking visuals and stunning scenes. Hand-selected by photographer and self-professed camera g...
IMG-ALT Saurav Sinha
/playlist/cinematic-indieSean Kitching Cinematic Indie Follow in Sean Kitching’s footsteps with the travel filmmaker’s hand-picked selection of indie and electronica. Perfect for pai...
IMG-ALT Sean Kitching
/playlist/aesthetic-vibesBecca Watson Aesthetic Vibes Infuse your lifestyle content with Becca Watson’s favorite cozy beats and lush lofi tracks. Match your aesthetic with the wellne...
IMG-ALT Becca Watson
/playlist/are-we-dreamingSjoerd Wess Are We Dreaming? An ethereal collection of blissful beats and chilled lofi hand-picked by award-winning filmmaker Sjoerd Wess. Perfect for pairin...
IMG-ALT Sjoerd Wess
/playlist/kawaii-pop-party10eegaming Kawaii Pop Party A bright playlist of Japanese-style electro-pop selected by TikToker 10eegaming. The perfect complement for your kawaii content’s...
IMG-ALT 10eegaming
/playlist/cinematic-momentsBrandon Li Cinematic Moments Make your edits epic with Brandon Li’s hand-picked playlist of inspirational scores and cinematic soundscapes to pair with life-...
IMG-ALT Brandon Li
/playlist/elevate-engageDevinSuperTramp Elevate & Engage Larger than life content needs bold music! Check out DevinSuperTramp’s selection of epic scores to give extra oomph to big s...
IMG-ALT DevinSuperTramp
/playlist/hyperpop-worldCG Geek Hyperpop World A colorful collection of bold EDM & electro tracks picked by animation expert CG Geek. Will add upbeat energy to your tech reviews and...
/playlist/rugged-rockStewart & Alina Rugged Rock Mountain-sized riffs and raging rock anthems, hand-selected by husband and wife team Stewart and Alina. Soundtrack your wild adve...
IMG-ALT Stewart & Alina
/playlist/killer-hip-hopWaqas Qazi Killer Hip Hop Big beats and high energy hip hop from the color grading king, Waqas Qazi. All killer, no filler, for creators that want to stand o...
IMG-ALT Waqas Qazi
/playlist/minimal-beatsOliur Minimal Beats Explore fresh electronica and chilled out beats hand-picked by Oliur to complement footage for lifestyle creators, product unboxing and t...
/playlist/positive-energyJessica Stansberry Positive Energy Calling all creators who refuse to conform! Go out there & do things your way, powered by a bold selection of electro-pop ...
IMG-ALT Jessica Stansberry
/playlist/driving-the-editZach Ramelan Driving The Edit Bring tempo to your edits with this high-energy mix of percussive tracks and big beats, hand-picked by DIY filmmaking master Za...
IMG-ALT Zach Ramelan
/playlist/breezy-vibesPick Up Limes Breezy Vibes Give cookery and health videos a lift with laid back lofi grooves and chilled-out beats that come freshly selected by Sadia from P...
IMG-ALT Pick Up Limes
/playlist/epic-futureIgnace Aleya Epic Future Eye-catching videos deserve show-stopping music! Explore a mix of epic beats & futuristic bangers, hand-selected by visual effects m...
IMG-ALT Ignace Aleya
/playlist/vlogging-in-styleSidney Diongzon Vlogging In Style Check out Sidney Diongzon’s playlist of bouncy beats, laid back hip hop, and summery tracks. Perfect for bringing good-time...
IMG-ALT Sidney Diongzon
/playlist/wedding-selectsMatt WhoisMatt Johnson Wedding Selects Wedding filmmaker extraordinaire Matt Johnson shares an uplifting collection of heartwarming tracks to pair with foota...
IMG-ALT Matt WhoisMatt Johnson
/playlist/cozy-vibesLizzie Peirce Cozy Vibes Mellow beats and laid-back lofi to accompany vlogs, tutorials and adventures on the road, courtesy of photographer & video productio...
IMG-ALT Lizzie Peirce
/playlist/jazzy-chillAnnie Dubé Jazzy Chill Set yourself up for success and create video magic with Annie Dubé’s hand-picked playlist of laid-back jazz-hop beats & chilled-out pi...
IMG-ALT Annie Dubé
/music/category/lightheartedLighthearted An uplifting selection of lighthearted melodies and feel-good beats. For creators that love to share a smile and put a spring in their audience’...
IMG-ALT Lighthearted
/music/category/good-vibesGood Vibes Uplifting bangers and feel-good beats to soundtrack sunny days and add positivity to your content. Good vibes guaranteed!
IMG-ALT Good Vibes
/music/category/modern-backgroundModern Background A stylish collection of upbeat pop hits, cool lofi beats, and cutting-edge electro bangers to keep your content bang on trend.
IMG-ALT Modern Background
/music/category/hypeHype All aboard the hype train! Discover big beats and feel-good melodies to power your content and get your audience pumped up!
/music/category/understatedUnderstated Understated sounds and unassuming beats that complement your content without trying to steal the show. Perfect for voiceovers, podcasts and tutor...
IMG-ALT Understated
/music/category/easygoingEasygoing The mellowest melodies and breeziest tracks that make for the perfect understated background music for creators looking for a chilled-out vibe.
IMG-ALT Easygoing
/music/category/wholesomeWholesome Uplifting indie-folk and authentic acoustic numbers to provide the perfect soundtrack to precious family vlogs and wholesome seasonal content.
IMG-ALT Wholesome
/music/category/gloss-glamGloss & Glam Yas queen! Sassy pop hits and stylish EDM beats to provide the perfect soundtrack for when your content’s on-point.
IMG-ALT Gloss & Glam
/music/category/rockRock Crank up the volume and rock out to riffs, licks and our loudest hits! From sleazy solos to headbanging anthems, give your content a dose of attitude.
/music/category/electronicElectronic Put your hands in the air for energetic EDM, bouncy tropical house, and blissed-out beats. Match your content's tempo, from upbeat action to chill...
IMG-ALT Electronic
/music/category/popPop Get the party started with a jukebox of addictively danceable pop hits! The perfect peppy pick-me-up for unashamedly fun content from high energy creators.
/music/category/acousticAcoustic Stripped-back acoustic gems for creators looking to give content an intimate feel. Featuring softly-strummed folk, uplifting indie, and moving Ameri...
IMG-ALT Acoustic
/music/category/ambientAmbient Meditative tracks and tranquil soundscapes to help your audience unwind. A calming collection of music for relaxing content.
IMG-ALT Ambient
/music/category/funkyFunky Calling all cool cats! Get down to groovy beats and retro disco treats that are guaranteed to have your content dripping with funky vibes.
/music/category/classicalClassical Evocative classical compositions to add a touch of timeless elegance to your content. Featuring everything from soaring strings to delicate piano p...
IMG-ALT Classical
/music/category/jazzyJazzy From bold Great Gatsby party vibes through to the mellow sophistication of lofi, delve into a smooth selection of jazz to give your videos instant cool.
/music/category/percussionPercussion Feel the beat of the drum and tap your feet to the top percussive music on Uppbeat. Infectious and stylish, these tracks will add energy to fast-c...
IMG-ALT Percussion
/music/category/indieIndie Celebrate originality with this eclectic indie playlist of authentic and highly entertaining playlist that's perfect for content that dances to its own...
/music/category/americanaAmericana A collection of classic Americana to evoke life on the open road and provide the soundtrack to your own Thelma & Louise-style adventures.
IMG-ALT Americana
/music/category/vlogVlog Channel your inner Casey Neistat with a selection of the freshest lofi and chillhop to match with eye-catching footage and creative editing.
/music/category/travelTravel Set off on a voyage of discovery with stunning beats for sandy beaches, funky music for in-flight selfies and lush lofi for stylish city breaks.
IMG-ALT Travel
/music/category/businessBusiness Aspirational indie & electro that show you mean business, whether you’re entering the Shark Tank or simply looking to showcase your awesome product.
IMG-ALT Business
/music/category/gamingGaming A pumped-up mix of rock, EDM and retro anthems for epic quests, defeating baddies and saving the world. Grab your controller and create next level con...
IMG-ALT Gaming
/music/category/kidsKids Funbeats, uplifting folk and good-time pop music that’ll have kids bouncing off the walls! A light-hearted playlist for family-friendly content.
/music/category/technologyTechnology Embrace the future with forward-facing electro bangers and inspirational cinematic music to pair with the latest gadgets, innovations and brand ne...
IMG-ALT Technology
/music/category/commentaryCommentary Complement your musings with this understated collection of tracks, perfect for podcasts, reviews and pop-culture musings. Engaging enough to capt...
IMG-ALT Commentary
/music/category/health-and-fit...Health & Fitness Whip your videos into shape with a high-energy playlist of workout-ready jams, stylish beats for healthy recipes, and rock anthems to push y...
IMG-ALT Health & Fitness
/music/category/how-to-and-tut...How-To & Tutorial Easygoing background music for tutorials and how-to videos. Upbeat electro and stylish hip hop to complement your step-by-step guides and d...
IMG-ALT How-To & Tutorial
/music/category/product-reviewProduct Review Bring your unboxing videos to life with this engaging and highly-original mix of electronic music, pop and understated hip-hop beats.
IMG-ALT Product Review
/music/category/spirit-and-wel...Spirit & Wellbeing Immerse yourself in the calming ambience of these lush and atmospheric tracks and infuse your wellness journey with an aura of peace and i...
IMG-ALT Spirit & Wellbeing
/music/category/epicEpic Make your audience feel like they’re in a Michael Bay movie with this mind-blowing collection of action-packed soundtracks and epic trailer music.
/music/category/cinematic-soun...Cinematic Soundbeds Dramatic compositions for when you want to give your content that big-screen feel. Perfect for drone footage and travel vlogs from jaw-dr...
IMG-ALT Cinematic Soundbeds
/music/category/empoweringEmpowering A motivational mix of big beats, loud riffs, and uplifting cinematic music that'll make your audience feel like they can take on the world!
IMG-ALT Empowering
/music/category/profoundProfound Elevate your content with inspiring cinematic sounds and haunting melodies designed to tug at the heartstrings and leave audiences awestruck.
IMG-ALT Profound
/music/category/magnificentMagnificent Stirring cinematic sounds, dramatic classical compositions, and uplifting electronic music to evoke a sense of wonder in your audience.
IMG-ALT Magnificent
/music/category/montageMontage Whether it's your wedding day or a fitness transformation video, perfect your montage with our handpicked lofi hip hop, electro and rock to cut foota...
IMG-ALT Montage
/music/category/fast-cutFast-Cut High octane electro and pumped-up beats to kickstart your edits! A stylish playlist to pair with epic montages and fast-cut videos.
IMG-ALT Fast-Cut
/music/category/timelapseTimelapse Elevate your edits with soaring electro & upbeat pop. Perfect partner for timelapse footage, like capturing the night sky or the ebb and flow of ci...
IMG-ALT Timelapse
/music/category/aerialAerial Inspiring cinematic music and uplifting beats to give aerial montages and drone footage lift-off. The sky’s the limit for stylish travel content and b...
IMG-ALT Aerial
/music/category/trippyTrippy Send your audience down a rabbit hole with this off-kilter selection of weird & wonky beats, including quirky electro and hip-hop for experimental vid...
IMG-ALT Trippy
/music/category/slow-moSlow-Mo Ambient electro and uplifting cinematic music to pair with stunning slow mo footage. Take it frame by frame and allow the action to take center stage.
/music/category/bokehBokeh Enhance your bokeh with our high-end picks of lofi and jazzhop tracks, perfect for enriching the dreamy aesthetic and ambience of your footage.
/music/category/stop-motionStop Motion Bring your stop-motion creations to life with this playful and imaginative collection of tracks, designed to mirror the meticulous craft and whim...
IMG-ALT Stop Motion
/music/category/silly-energySilly Energy Heaps of mischievous vintage melodies and playful funky beats for slapstick moments and dramedy content. Giggles, guffaws and comedy gold guaran...
IMG-ALT Silly Energy
/music/category/ironic-dramaticIronic Dramatic Take a leaf out of Airrack’s book and use this hilarious collection of epicly-funny music to ramp up the ironic drama and intensity of your c...
IMG-ALT Ironic Dramatic
/music/category/cutenessCute Step into a world bursting with bubbly melodies, light-hearted tunes and gentle rhythms to add a sweet touch to adorable animations, cute vlogs and ligh...
/music/category/quirkyQuirky A fun and quirky collection of whimsical melodies and unconventional tracks to pair with playful content and easy videos.
IMG-ALT Quirky
/music/category/gentlemans-juk...Gentleman's Jukebox Roll up, roll up for the quirkiest selection of gypsy jazz, vintage swing and other old-timey gems on Uppbeat. Perfect for adding charact...
IMG-ALT Gentleman's Jukebox
/music/category/retro-parodyRetro Parody Get groovy with a deliciously nostalgic blend of jazzy tracks and playful music to help transport your content back to a funkier, funnier era th...
IMG-ALT Retro Parody
/music/category/up-to-mischiefUp To Mischief Whether you're working on comedic sketches, lighthearted vlogs or anything that's meant ot tickle the funny bone, dive into this mischievous m...
IMG-ALT Up To Mischief
/music/category/dramedyDramedy Toe the line between humor and drama with this highly-original playlist for playful creators looking to tease their audience and teeter between laugh...
IMG-ALT Dramedy
/music/category/ironic-sadIronic Sad Somber tones and melancholic melodies for when you want to flip the script and inject a dose of ironic humor into your content.
IMG-ALT Ironic Sad
/music/category/retro/retro-synthRetro Synth
/music/category/gaming/8-bit8 Bit
/music/category/hip-hop-beatsHip Hop
/music/category/funny/cartoon-...Cartoon Background
/music/category/documentary/na...Nature documentary
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